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LIVE WEBINAR with The Functional Fitness Fellas

LIVE WEBINAR with The Functional Fitness Fellas

LIVE WEBINAR with The Functional Fitness Fellas  (915) 613-5303

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Join us for a LIVE WEBINAR with the Functional Fitness Fellas. We discuss the mechanics of functional movement and how it applies to working out and other body factors.

Functional Medicine* and Integrative Wellness require doctors to engage in further education outside of their core training and scope of practice.

Functional medicine requires doctors to continue their education and re-evaluate how they treat patients, including clinical decision thinking. Functional medicine stems from the basis and clinical application of understanding whole body wellness and the interconnection between organ systems and their processes.

Functional Fitness Fellas Alex Jimenez and Ryan Welage are both NCAA collegiate level champions. Not only do they have a close relationship with nutrition and fitness, but they understand the biochemistry level of it as well. In addition, Alex Jimenez and Ryan Welage are both medical students at the National University of Health Science studying to be naturopaths and chiropractors.

Join us for this live webinar event where we sit down with the Functional Fitness Fellas to discuss topics such as:

?? Nutrition & Fitness
?? Healthy Food
?? Mindset Programs
?? Wellness Exercises
?? And More!

The Functional Fitness Fellas are here to educate, enlighten, and work towards preventing disease by caring for the human body through nutrition, exercise, and overall wellness.

This webinar is led by Dr. Alexander Jimenez, who has advanced functional medicine, neurophysiology, and clinical applications.

*Additional Education: M.S.A.C.P – Licensed in Texas & New Mexico. Scope of Practice Governed and Determined by State License & State Board Rules & Regulations.

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US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866
Webinar ID: 989 8718 5284
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Balance Hormones Naturally

Balance Hormones Naturally

Keeping hormones in balance can be a tough challenge. There are many individuals with hormonal imbalances and they don’t even know it. Despite�tests for abnormal thyroid function, they don’t always acknowledge a thyroid that isn�t functioning properly. The same can be said for the adrenals. When they are overtaxed, the imbalance that follows can be quite challenging. There are top-quality natural remedies for hormonal imbalance.  

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Balance Hormones Naturally El Paso, Texas

How to tell

Under-producing glands will have some symptoms that are different from glands that are over-producing. But there are some symptoms that are shared across the board. If you notice that you experience several of these symptoms, it could point to a hormonal imbalance:
  • Aches and pain in the muscles
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion and lack of mental clarity
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Migraines
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Swelling
  • Weight loss or gain without doing anything new/different
A chiropractor, naturopath, or specialist can help you determine if you have a hormonal imbalance. Medical doctors often prescribe medications, but in most cases, the imbalance can be corrected with a natural treatment. These treatments are highly beneficial in treating hormonal imbalances. They can be done separately or combined.  

Herbs & Oils

There are several herbs and essential oils that work wonders when it comes to balancing hormones. Ashwagandha is at the top of the list for treating overactive or sluggish thyroid as well as overtaxed adrenals. It’s available as a tablet, capsule, in powder form, or as a liquid. Mixing � to � teaspoons of powder into some milk with honey and drinking it just before bed can help sleep, calm stress and balance the hormones. Various oils like clary sage, lavender, and sandalwood help reduce stress and promote wellbeing. Hormonal balance comes as a natural result. Put 3 to 5 drops in a diffuser and breathe in.   11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Food Sensitivities and Gut Health El Paso, TX.

Nutritional Balance

Hormonal imbalance can often be the result of stress, whether emotional stress from everyday life or physical stress from poor habits like not getting the proper amount of sleep and not maintaining a proper diet. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are vital for heart health, vibrant skin and hormonal balance. Other nutrients include vitamin D, B complex, and magnesium. If not getting enough in the foods you eat, then consider supplements. Give the body a great boost by taking probiotics and reaping the healing properties of bone broth. Bone broth is available in powder or liquid or you can make your own. There is intense nutrition in broth so incorporating it into your diet is a very wise decision.

Natural Balance

Chiropractic is a powerful treatment for hormonal imbalance. It focuses on the heart of factors that cause the body to go out of balance and treats the problem at the root. It can relieve stress in the body and reduce and eliminate pain, which can contribute to hormonal imbalances. It is considered one of the best natural treatments for hormonal imbalance because it brings the body back into balance. The whole-body approach that chiropractic offers means that you get recommendations on:
  • Healthy diet
  • Exercise
  • Lifestyle changes
All of these work together to balance your body and balance hormones for a healthier, happier you.

Back Pain Treatment


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Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Can irritable bowel syndrome cause back pain? Is there some relation, what are the treatment options, and can those therapies help with the aches, soreness, and overall discomfort? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is not life-threatening but is definitely life-changing with the gas, bloating, abdominal pain and changes in bathroom habits. Many with IBS develop symptoms outside of the stomach. The most common is back pain. Here�s what to know.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Back Pain El Paso, Texas  

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disorder that affects the lower part of the digestive tract. The common symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. There could be some combination of the two. Individuals also experience cramping, gas and bloating. Symptoms can be mild or severe and come and go. Sometimes there are no symptoms at all. Around 10-20% of adults have IBS, and women are twice as likely to develop the syndrome. It’s usually diagnosed in people under 50, and if a family has a history of IBS, this increases the chances of also having it. The exact cause of IBS is still unknown, but it is believed to involve the way the brain interacts with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Anxiety
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Certain foods
These can trigger or worsen symptoms. There is no single test to diagnose IBS. Doctors rely on medical history, physical exams and ruling out other illnesses. No cure exists for IBS but there is a variety of treatments that can help relieve symptoms. Many experience anxiety along with job, school and relationship disruptions, all that can begin to lower quality of life.  

IBS and Back Pain

Individuals can develop extraintestinal symptoms or symptoms involving other areas of the body. This includes:
  • Sleep problems
  • Headaches
  • Urination problems
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Back pain
Backaches and pain are common with irritable bowel syndrome. Studies have shown it affects 28-81 percent of individuals with the syndrome. Some believe that it is what is known as referred pain that originates elsewhere in the body and is felt in the back. Gastrointestinal symptoms like gas and bloating have been linked to back pain. Other health conditions associated with back pain can also present at the same time. Interstitial cystitis is a chronic illness that causes bladder pressure and pain, and also cause fibromyalgia. 3 in 10 individuals with irritable bowel syndrome check-off the criteria for fibromyalgia. Rheumatoid arthritis is another condition.


Treatment is different for everyone. There are treatment options available. The best approach is usually a mix of these strategies. Treating the irritable bowel syndrome could also help ease back pain. Surgery is not needed for IBS-related back pain, as well as long-term painkillers. Speak with a healthcare provider to find the right combination for you.

Treatments include:

Dietary changes: There is no specific diet for IBS but your doctor could recommend changing fiber intake or keeping a food diary to pinpoint foods that trigger symptoms. Limiting citrus, carbonated drinks, and foods that contain carbohydrates linked to gastrointestinal troubles. These include:
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Legumes/beans
Stress reduction: People who experience high levels of stress can feel pain more intensely, whether gastrointestinal or back pain. Deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can help ease tensions. Exercise can also help like yoga, tai chi, walking, swimming, jogging, and biking are often recommended. Therapy: Some individuals can benefit by speaking with a mental health professional. Studies have found that cognitive-behavioral therapy that shows you how to recognize and change stress response can be especially valuable for dealing with IBS and back pain. Medication: Depending on the symptoms and underlying cause of the irritable bowel syndrome medication can help. Antidepressants are used to ease the pain for some patients, while anti-diarrheal loperamide is for reducing diarrhea in others. Discuss any medication you take with a doctor. Functional medicine/Complementary health: Many find relief with alternative therapies. Hypnosis, for example, has been linked to improved gastrointestinal symptoms, lower levels of anxiety and other benefits. Probiotics/supplements: Supplements are believed to help balance out beneficial gut bacteria. There is also evidence that probiotics can help relieve certain IBS symptoms. Ask your doctor if probiotics could help. If you have irritable bowel syndrome along with back pain, get in touch with a healthcare provider. They can help you learn what is causing the uncomfortableness, test for other conditions and set up a treatment plan. The faster you reach out, the faster you can start to feel better.

Chronic Pain Care


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Best Office Chairs for Back Pain

Best Office Chairs for Back Pain

While we have this time at home, working, teaching, we might be realizing that the chairs we are using are great for kicking back or sitting only for a short while. It could be time for a proper office chair with back support for those with back pain, as well as to help prevent poor posture conditions that can generate back pain. Here are a few of the top picks for back pain. Experts offer guidance on how to purchase an ergonomic office chair. Author of the book Wellness by Design�is a consumer guide to optimizing your home for physical and mental health. Hopefully, this will aid you as you navigate chairs for back pain. 11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Best Office Chairs for Back and Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Posture Importance

One way proper posture is gained is by walking with a book on your head. That won’t be necessary, as good office chairs that offer back support lend themselves to healthy posture, which helps back pain. Studies confirm that improved ergonomics greatly decreases back pain. Proper posture keeps your body positioned to minimize stress on the muscles, joints, ligaments. Sitting the wrong way for a long time drains you and can cause fatigue, back pain or aching neck after a long day.    

What to Look For

When it comes to chairs for back pain you want the best ergonomic office chair for your home. Keep an eye out for these key elements.


This is important, as our bodies are all different and require different settings for optimal posture. A chair should have adjustments for the seat, arms and back. The more adjustability the chair offers in terms of height and angle, the more it can be customized to your body.

Rolls Easy

A chair that rolls easily is one essential component for back pain support and prevention. Easily rolling allows you to stay close to your work, move around the work area comfortably, and optimal visibility. Be sure the construction of the casters is heavy-duty and that it will roll on your floor’s surfaces.   11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Best Office Chairs for Back and Back Pain El Paso, Texas


Durability goes a long way. Established brands with a reputation for high quality shows their confidence in the chair�s ability to serve you long-term. It might be a bit expensive but it�s an investment in health and productivity. The United States Department of Labor offers a how-to guide to create the best ergonomics set up for you. Their guide includes the backrest, seat, armrests and the chair base. Chairs for back pain are focused on the overall comfort of the individual. The right chair helps position your body so that you don’t activate trigger points and lets you roll smoothly so that you�re consistently working in a more ergonomic fashion.  

Best Budget

The best chair for a budget was the Zipcode Design Bret Ergonomic Mesh Task Chair, which runs about $159.99 depending on where you shop. This office chair checks off many ergonomic guidelines set by the Department of Labor and is price friendly. The chair has a five-legged sturdybase, casters that move easily and a backrest that follows the natural curve of the spine.   11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Best Office Chairs for Back and Back Pain El Paso, Texas  

Best Mid-Range

The best mid-range model is the Tempur-Pedic TP9000 Mesh Task Chair, $318.99. The Tempur-Pedic company that makes mattresses have created an office chair that helps the body. It is created with memory foam has straightforward levers that allow you to adjust the armrests and seat easily. Easy-to-clean material is another benefit when working from home.


Best High-end Option

The best high-end model is the Herman Miller Aeron Chair, $1,395. This one is priced pretty high because of its plush ergonomic features. Think of chairs for back pain as an investment for your health and high quality of life. This is a cult-favorite chair that was designed 20 years ago and has sold over 7 million. It is completely customizable, from the chair size, level of back support, preferred tilt and seat angle, custom armrests and custom casters made for your floor type.    

Honorable Mention

An honorable mention is the Humanscale� Freedom Task Swivel Desk Chair, $1,049. This is a sleek cutting-edge office chair for back pain. The seat relies on body weight and physics for its ergonomic superiority and checks off the Department of Labor�s recommendations for optimal office chairs. It has adjustable arms, independent-adjustable seat and more.  

Low Back Pain Care


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Mental Health Professionals Can Help with Fibromyalgia

Mental Health Professionals Can Help with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia pain is not just physical. Around 30% of individuals experience depression, anxiety, or some form of mood disturbance/swing. Fibromyalgia is still being researched if it causes these conditions or vice versa, but what is clear is that when the mental state gives in to the physical pain, your pain gets worse and worse. A doctor may recommend a:
  • Counselor
  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Mental Health Professionals Can Help with Fibromyalgia El Paso, Texas Symptoms are varied and impact an individual’s life in ways that go beyond physical pain. Fatigue alone can be enough to alter lifestyle in a negative way, which affects mood. Taking control of symptoms usually means taking a multi-disciplinary approach that includes:
  • Medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Psychology
Mental and emotional therapy could be a part of a treatment plan.  

Depression and Anxiety Difference

Depression and anxiety are sometimes put in the same category. Symptoms can include depression and anxiety occur at the same time but they are not synonymous disorders. Depression is characterized by chronic sadness. Individuals handle depression, their own way. Some cry or lash out in anger/frustration. Some days are spent in bed, other days/nights are spent eating excessively, as a response to the pain. The most important thing is recognizing the change in behavior. Talk to your doctor or a therapist. Anxiety is known for feelings of panic, fear, and excessive worry. Individuals feel their heart is racing that can get confused with a heart problem.  

Fibromyalgia Depression Connection

To understand how fibromyalgia relates to depression and anxiety, and see the difference between depression and anxiety, here are some symptoms.   11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Mental Health Professionals Can Help with Fibromyalgia El Paso, Texas   The symbols show symptoms most associated with the disorder. However, it’s possible to experience less sleep than normal if you have depression, but the more common symptom is sleeping more than usual.    

Finding a Mental Health Professional

Professionals include:
  • Licensed professional counselors (PCs)
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
These professionals are trained to diagnose and treat mental/emotional issues. Your doctor can help in figuring out which is best for you.
  • Licensed professional counselors require a master’s degree in counseling and are approved to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders.
  • Psychologists are considered as a separate group of non-physician mental health professionals. They have a doctorate and are approved to treat emotional problems using therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  • Psychiatrists are medical doctors that are licensed to prescribe medications to help depression and anxiety, along with several mental disorders.
Adding the impact this disorder has on a person’s mental and emotional state can seriously damage their quality of life. Recognizing when the pain is not just physical is difficult. Therefore setting up a telemedicine/video conference with a mental health professional could help in dealing with the mental stresses that come with fibromyalgia. Even for those that don’t require medication seeing a mental health professional can be highly beneficial. You can openly talk about experiences having to do with fibromyalgia, how it affects your family, etc,� which is therapeutic in itself. Do not hesitate to seek the help of a mental health professional. The focus is to help you feel better, become educated on ways to help yourself and improved quality of life.

Peripheral Neuropathy Causes & Symptoms


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Cervical Steroid Injections For Neck Pain

Cervical Steroid Injections For Neck Pain

Steroid injections into the cervical spine can help with�radiatingneck pain. Neck pain affects people all over the world. Although it is not as common as back pain, neck pain can really take a toll on a person�s quality of life and ability to work.� This comes in the form of:
  • Sleep problems
  • Radiating/Spreading pain
  • Mental health issues and more
Much like back pain neck pain can be hard to treat effectively without identifying the root cause known as the pain generator. If natural treatments like chiropractic aren’t working then injections could be the next phase.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Cervical Steroid Injections for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas

Injections can help with:

  • Identifying the source/root cause of the pain as a diagnostic
  • Treats the pain as a therapeutic
The most commonly used are cervical epidural steroid injections, medial branch blocks (MBBs), and facet joint injections. Learn about what they are, what they treat, and the scientific research behind their risks and benefits.

Cervical Epidural Steroid

The phrase cervical epidural steroid injection:
  • Injection means that medicine is delivered through a needle.
  • Cervical means the cervical spine, which is the neck.
  • Epidural means the dura or outer layer of the soft tissue that encases the spinal cord, nerve roots, and cerebrospinal fluid. Epidural means the medicine goes into the space around the dura.
Spine specialists use image guidance with a contrast dye called fluoroscopy ensuring the medicine gets delivered to the proper area.  

2 Types

The needle enters the space through a transforaminal approach or interlaminar approach. Words like epidural just refer to where the needle goes. These injections also called nerve root blocks, are performed by entering the epidural space through the opening where the nerve roots branch out. This space is known as the intervertebral foramen. When it is called a selective nerve root block, this is for cases where multiple nerve roots are being compressed and the injection is being used in a diagnostic purpose to identify which nerve is the pain generator. The needle in an interlaminar epidural injection goes through the opening that exists between two adjacent vertebrae.   11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Cervical Steroid Injections for Neck Pain El Paso, Texas


Cervical epidural steroid injections may be appropriate for someone who has severe neck pain with:
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Altered sensation in the arm, shoulder, or between the shoulder blades
Cervical epidural steroid injections are reserved as a second-line treatment for individuals that have neck pain that does not stop for more than 4 weeks despite conservative treatment like physical therapy, chiropractic, or medical pain management using NSAIDs or acetaminophen. The source of the pain is usually what determines if injections are appropriate. With a patient�s:
  • Past medical and surgical history
  • Pain history
  • Physical exam findings
  • Imaging Results like CT computed tomography scan, MRI magnetic resonance imaging or a nerve test like an EMG�electromyography test all can help in finding the source of the pain.
If a spine specialist thinks the nerve compression was brought on by a disc herniation, spondylolisthesis or the shifting of vertebral levels, scarring, or arthritic conditions is causing the pain, then an injection may be appropriate. If the pain comes from an infection or cancer, then this treatment is unlikely to be recommended.  

Potential Benefits

The effects of injections are different for everyone, because of the variables:
  • The Duration of symptoms
  • The Cause of symptoms
  • Any Additional treatment
More than 50% will have at least 50% improvement in their pain for around 4 weeks. Then there are individuals that experience relief, up to 6 months. There are no significant differences in outcomes between the transforaminal and interlaminar approaches. Overall alleviation from the pain is enhanced/improved when the injections are combined with a full-on treatment plan that includes physical therapy/chiropractic and pain medications.   11860 Vista Del Sol Dr #128, What To Know About Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) El Paso, Texas

Possible Risks

Common complications associated with injections are usually minor and temporary. These are:
  • Headache/s
  • Facial flushes
  • Light Headedness
  • Rash
  • Pain increase
  • Extended Numbness
Major complications are rare, but they can happen. These include�infection, paralysis, stroke, and death. However, this happens in less than 1% of individuals undergoing this treatment. These complications are thought to happen from direct spinal cord penetration of the needle, bleeding into the spinal canal, or the medicine inadvertently getting injected into the blood vessels. Surgical groups and facilities have strict guidelines to limit these complications. This treatment is commonly used, and when done correctly can be a powerful tool in the treatment of persistent, severe neck pain. Everyone is different so if you are considering a cervical epidural spinal injection find a qualified spine specialist or consult with a chiropractor to find out if injections are necessary.

Neck Pain Treatment


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Information on Popular Back Pain Products

Information on Popular Back Pain Products

There are a variety of products and gadgets that claim to provide quick fast acting back pain relief. Here is a little information about which deliver and hold up to their claims. Back pain stops us in our tracks and we want relief fast. Other than taking pain meds, most of us want a way to achieve natural relief. That’s where back pain products and gadgets come into the picture. For the most part, a lot of the gadgets online, even expensive ones don�t necessarily provide the back pain relief that most of us are expecting. This means they don’t remove the pain completely and life goes back to normal. These are made for temporarily relieving pain when symptoms present and through consistent use to strengthen, lengthen,� and stretch out the sore muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc, in a preventative fashion. 11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Information on Popular Back Pain Products El Paso, Texas   We are not knocking these products/gadgets, as we use these ourselves. But remember these are tools that are made to help out with back pain conditions, just like the tools chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists utilize in their practices. That being said this article is to help you make wise decisions about which back pain gadgets can help.

Posture Training/Trainers

    These are wearable sensors that vibrate when you begin to slouch, sway forward, hunch over, etc. The pain-relief claims that slouching puts a strain on your spine and that improving posture will help prevent strain and pain. While this is true what the experts thought about this product was that, while it does help maintain proper posture it is not meant to relieve immediate pain, but rather to re-train your body in maintaining good posture. Therefore pass on this product if your goal is back pain relief. Slouching places added stress on�the lower back that leads to strains and back pain. These devices can be helpful, just be aware to not hold yourself in an abnormal position causing more problems. If poor posture contributes to your back pain, try these:
  • Exercise, specifically movements that strengthen the core
  • Wear comfortable shoes with low heels
  • Foot orthotics
  • Balance make sure your head is not too forward
Dr. Jimenez adds that if you exhibit constant poor posture, consult a spine doctor or chiropractor to see if it is a structural issue.  

Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation

  11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Information on Popular Back Pain Products El Paso, Texas   The QUELL�TENS transcutaneous electrical stimulation is a new brand unit that is worn on the calf. The pain-relief claims that it sends out safe electrical pulses that trigger the body’s natural pain relief response. The QUELL can help and is just like most other TENS units. These units activate opioid nerve receptors, which is one of the reasons they provide pain relief. You can get them for under $50 at drug stores and online. Instead of being applied directly to the sore areas,�it’s worn on the calf and operates on the same TENS principle.� The cost currently is around $300. However, with any TENS unit, be aware that there can be a�relief tolerance that builds up and eventually might not work anymore. TENS units work well, but they�re best used in a physical therapist�s/chiropractic clinic because individuals can become habitually used to them.  

Percussive Massager/s

This is a handheld massager that generates pulses of deep pressure along with strong vibrations to loosen and release tight areas. The pain-relief claims that it is similar to a deep tissue massage. These work and do help ease pain symptoms, but are not like a real therapeutic massage. There is limited research on these products but most state that percussive/vibrating massage tools, that can cost hundreds of dollars, could be a little better than a traditional massage for relieving muscle soreness. This has yet to be determined. High-force massagers could exacerbate or cause further/new injury/s other than muscle soreness when used by untrained individuals. However, in a professional clinic setting research suggests that high vibration applied to the back is an effective physical therapy for low-back pain.  

Low-Level Laser Therapy

  Pain Management and Relief with Laser Therapy   Low-intensity light therapy is used in treating neuropathy pain. The principal is that it triggers biochemical changes in the cells. The pain-relief claims that it reduces inflammation alleviates pain and promotes healing. There is not a great deal of evidence that it helps back pain, but that is only because there is not enough research yet. It doesn�t mean you won�t benefit from it. Laser therapy, which is sometimes utilized in physical therapy and chiropractic clinics, can provide relief for a range of conditions, and this includes back pain.  

Simple Massage Tools

    These consist of foam rollers, lacrosse balls, wraps, massage pads, and handheld muscle rollers. The pain-relief claims that they provide mini-massages for sore muscles. These work and can help when used correctly. These products do not have a great deal of published material on the benefits of these tools. But physical therapists have recommended using these tools along with professional chiropractic/physical therapy. These low-tech massage tools can make your back feel better. They are effective for muscle spasms, are gentle to the soft tissues and improve blood flow circulation with very little risk of tissue damage. Exercise balls can be included in exercise programs that function in extension and flexion postures. Sitting on them to safely engage and strengthen the core muscles is an added benefit and they are great for maintaining proper posture.

LLT Laser Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy


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Sciatica – LIVE WEBINAR � (915) 613-5303 Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: for a live webinar where we discuss symptoms, what factors impact inflammation, and how it ties into sciatica. Please click this URL to register: Join us for a live webinar where we discuss symptoms, what factors impact inflammation, and how it ties into sciatica. Functional Medicine* and Integrative Wellness requires Doctors to engage in further education outside of their core training and within their scope of practice. Functional medicine requires doctors to continue their education and re-evaluate how they treat patients, including clinical decision thinking. Functional medicine stems from the basis and clinical application of understanding �whole body� wellness and the interconnection between organ systems and their processes. Sciatica Pain Treatment: It begins in the lower back and extends through the buttocks down the back of each leg to the thighs and feet. The most common symptom is leg pain. However, the condition has a number of lesser-known symptoms. ?? Difficulty moving the foot or leg/knee pain that worsens while sitting. ?? Hip pain ?? Leg tingling or burning ?? Reduced back pain ?? Weakness or numbness Classic sciatic pain starts in the low back and buttocks. It affects one leg traveling down the back of the thigh, past the knee, and sometimes into the calf and foot. The pain feels worse in the leg than in the back. It can range from a mild ache to severe burning or a shooting pain. Numbness or tingling i.e. �pins & needles� can occur in your leg and foot. This usually is not a concern unless you have weakness in your leg muscles or foot drop. Sitting usually causes the most pain because of the weight this position puts onto the discs. Activities, such as bending or twisting, worsen the pain, whereas lying down tends to bring relief. Running or walking may actually feel better than sitting or standing for too long. To learn more about sciatica, inflammation and the role they both play with each other as well as autoimmunity join us for a live webinar. Sciatica and inflammation are both extremely complicated but can be explained in a way that brings individuals clarity and understanding. This webinar is led by Dr. Alexander Jimenez, who has advanced training in functional medicine, neurophysiology, and clinical applications. *Additional Education: M.S.A.C.P – Licensed in Texas & New Mexico. Scope of Practice Governed and Determined by State License & State Board Rules & Regulations.h extremely complicated but can be explained in a way that brings individuals clarity. Or join by phone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 436 2866 International numbers available:
Spring Cleaning, the Spine and Back Pain

Spring Cleaning, the Spine and Back Pain

As we have transitioned to the spring season, especially with everything going on, most of us are taking on a DIY project or two along with spring cleaning around the house. You definitely want to avoid back pain and for sure back injury at any cost. The aim is to balance spring cleaning and spine safety while performing out-of-the-ordinary chores. Here is a little what to do’s and don’ts.

Spring Cleaning

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Spring Cleaning, the Spine and Back Pain El Paso, Texas

What to do

  • Stand up straight and learn to practice proper posture. Stand in a way where your back is less prone to injury.
  • No matter what task you are performing, keep your spine in line and constantly check on how you’re standing, reaching and lifting.
  • Lift with your legs, not with your back. Avoid bending at the waist and straightening out, this is a bad habit and could be a set up for injury. You could slip a disc, tear a muscle, or sustain other injuries to the spine. No matter what you’re lifting, bend your knees and keep your back straight to avoid injury.
  • Maintain healthy body weight. While cleaning up the house, consider cleaning out the pantry and refrigerator. Carrying too much weight puts added and possibly dangerous pressure on the spine. This could mean that the added weight pulls your spine in all directions because of weak back/core muscles trying to keep the structure in line. Losing excess weight can help ease tension on the back and improve overall health.�
  • Strengthen the core muscles. Incorporate core-strengthening exercises into your day. With strong abdominal and back muscles, the core supports your spine, keeping it aligned and healthy.
  • Get plenty of calcium-rich foods, like low-fat milk and cheese, almonds, black beans, and broccoli. Give your refrigerator a makeover with better foods for spine health. The spine needs healthy muscles to support it. Strong bones mean less risk of a spinal fracture if you suffer a slip and fall accident.

What not to do

  • Clear the air and stop smoking. Not only is smoking bad for the heart and lungs, but it is also bad for the spine. Nicotine decreases the discs ability to absorb nutrients to maintain the spine’s proper function. Weakening the vertebrae increases the risk of a herniated disc or other spine injury/s. Nicotine interferes with the healing process, meaning that recovery time is slower.
  • Over exert yourself. Taking on too much or trying to power through without proper breaks can lead to injury, as well as other health problems.
  • Over-reaching. Trying to clean that out of reach spot overstrains your back, and can definitely lead to injury/strain/sprain.
  • Use improper equipment. Using the wrong equipment/tool can be dangerous and raises the chance of injury.
  • Don’t take on large projects without warming up and stretching. When the body’s spine muscles are not used to certain physical activities they can spasm and lead to sprain/strain and back pain.
  • Don’t put your body in awkward positions when cleaning, etc. Change your posture frequently to keep all the spinal muscles moving and active. If an awkward position presents, stop and find a comfortable position to work from, ensuring spine safety.

Back Pain

All of these words can be used to describe back pain.
  • Achy
  • Dull
  • Excruciating
  • Sharp
  • Throbbing
Back pain is a common occurrence and when spring cleaning, if not using proper form and making wise decisions it can exacerbate the pain or create new injuries. The American Chiropractic Association says that back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide.  


Back pain usually heals on its own. A few days of over-the-counter pain meds, ice, and rest bring the back/spine to normal.�For those that have to deal with the pain after a few weeks’ might want to opt for other solutions. This is true for individuals who experience repeated flare-ups, or chronic lower back pain.�One of the best options is chiropractic. Chiropractic doesn’t focus only on the symptoms but helps kick in the body’s natural healing abilities. Chiropractors understand the:
  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Discs
  • Nerves
They are able to determine the reason for the pain. Once diagnosed they can create a customized treatment plan that can range from compresses, spinal manipulation and exercises that helps heal the area and reduce the pain.  

Medication-free solution

The natural healing, restorative approach that chiropractic treatment offers instead of pain meds, which just dull the pain is one of the primary reasons individuals flock to chiropractic. Each individual’s treatment varies according to Spine-Universe. As treatment progresses spinal alignment begins to balance the rest of the body and helps correct the issue causing the pain. Spinal manipulation improves mobility and function.

Chiropractic for back pain

Patients who experience lower back pain obviously never want to deal with it again, but�it can flare up periodically. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, roughly 20% of those who suffer from low back pain will eventually deal with it chronically. This can cause frustration, especially when it affects mobility. Those who choose chiropractic are privy to treatment that:
  • Reduces pain
  • Increases healing
  • Shortens downtime
  • Lessens chances of recurrence
If over the counter medication and ice packs haven’t worked, it could be time to make an appointment with a licensed chiropractor. Spring is a great time to introduce yourself to new activities to keep you and your family busy and healthy. With some preparation and attention to detail spring cleaning can be productive and safe.

Lower Back Pain



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