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Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Experiencing foot pain, there’s no doubt you checked out your foot to make sure it’s not injured or hurting from�improper fitting shoes, corns, plantar fasciitis, etc. This may seem counterintuitive, but you may want to check the condition of the�lumbar spine (lower back)?� Most foot problems are caused from issues with the foot itself, but you might be surprised to find that pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause intense foot pain.

foot pain el paso tx.Sciatic Nerve Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

foot pain el paso tx.The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and consists of five nerves that come together at the lower spine and then extend all the way down the back of the legs into the toes. If the lumbar spine is compressed, it presses on the sciatic nerve, thus causing radiating pain down the leg and sometimes all the way into the big toe. Foot pain without leg pain is often due to an issue located within the foot. However, it is possible that the foot pain could be the only symptom of sciatica.

Sciatica can be caused by lumbar spine disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. There are various types of sciatica, which present differently according to which spinal disc is affected. If the L5 disc is compressed, Foot Drop can occur. This refers to the heavy, weak feeling that makes flexing the foot almost impossible. Foot Drop usually results in pain radiating down along the outside of the leg, crossing over the foot and into the big toe. If the S1 nerve root is affected, the pain is likely on the sole of the foot. An accurate diagnosis is first priority in order to address the pain correctly and properly.

What To Do About The Foot Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

Addressing the root of the problem is most important. Nearly three million people a year suffer from sciatic pain along with other dysfunctions. An experienced chiropractor or physician will demonstrate exercises to help lengthen and stretch the spine. This along with massage, acupuncture, and medication are all helpful in the management of sciatic pain. The foot pain will be addressed by a doctor or chiropractor who will to tell which treatment is most effective for the situation.

Treatment for foot pain varies depending on the condition/injury. Treatment can go from rest and ice to physical therapy, chiropractic and in severe cases surgery. Reflexology can provide relief, as well as, stretching exercises. Over the counter pain medication is often used. If the pain is too intense that it prevents sleep, a physician may prescribe non-addictive pain medication. Wear shoes with good arch supports, and if pain persists, see a podiatrist for special orthotic shoe inserts. Insurance often covers orthotics.

Further Considerations


Don�t forget that most pain in the body is caused from inflammation and can be helped with anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle stressors. Concentrate on eating whole, unprocessed foods. Stay away from sugar, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and white flour. Make sure to drink enough water every day, and get eight hours of sleep. This is one of the most effective ways to address inflammation. Bring the body back into balance.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Chronic Pain & Treatments

Common Back Pain Myths Debunked in El Paso, TX

Common Back Pain Myths Debunked in El Paso, TX

Back pain can affect 8 out of 10 people throughout their lifetime. Because it’s become such a common complaint over many generations, it’s not uncommon for the average person to turn to self-care remedies in order to find immediate relief for their symptoms without the need to seek medical attention. As a result, many myths about back pain and its treatments have developed over the years. Neel Anand, MD discusses several of the most common myths regarding the symptoms, causes and treatments of back pain. Dr. Anand is the Director of Orthopedic Spine Surgery at the Cedars-Sinai Institute for Spinal Disorders in Los Angeles. Below are seven of the most prevalent myths which have been debunked by healthcare professional Neel Anand, MD. We will then discuss debunked chiropractic care myths regarding back pain.


Sitting Up Straight


Every time your mother told you to sit up straight, she wasn’t wrong about how hunching over could be bad for your back, however, sitting up straight can certainly have its own health issues. Sitting up straight for an extended period of time, with no break and in a position which doesn’t feel quite natural for your body, can alternatively cause strain on your spine. An improper posture can eventually lead to spinal misalignment, or subluxation, which may then cause back pain. If you work in an office for 8 hours each day, maintaining a proper posture can be difficult. To provide your body with the proper support it needs in an office work setting, make sure to keep your feet resting flat on the ground while maintaining your chair at a height where your knees are at a 9-degree angle. Also, make sure that you stand up and stretch several times a day or simply take some time to go for a walk several times a day in order to keep your muscles from becoming stiff and/or shortened. Proper posture is important for managing back pain, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.


Utilizing the Firmest Mattress


People who suffer from back pain may experience worsening pain and discomfort if they switch their current mattress for one of the firmer choices. A mattress that is too firm can place unnecessary amounts of stress on an individual’s shoulders and hips. Conversely, a mattress that is too soft can lack the support necessary to allow proper movement.�In both circumstances, the individual can suffer a misalignment in their spine from improper sleeping posture. Improper sleeping posture caused by an improper mattress can cause back pain. Research studies have also demonstrated that a good mattress can be just as helpful to prevent further health issues.


Exercise and the Spine


A poll from the North American Spine Society revealed that one of the biggest misconceptions regarding back pain involves exercise. Of course, if you have a sedentary lifestyle and decide to participate in strenuous physical activity, you’re bound to experience some type of injury which could result in back pain, however, an individual who properly engages in the appropriate amount of exercise their body can sustain will experience countless benefits towards their spinal health. You can prevent symptoms of bak pain by preparing your body for the shock of everyday movements with stretching and warm-up exercises in order to help wake up your muscles. Take a cue from professional athletes that engage in stretching and warm up routines during their daily routine to avoid injury on the field. Strengthening your core and back muscles can also help you avoid injuries which could cause back pain. Exercises focused on cardio as well as strengthening your stomach and back muscles can help improve overall health and wellness.


Degeneration Associated with Age


Back pain is not an unavoidable side-effect that comes with age and certainly, getting older does not mean life has to become debilitating. While the degeneration of the structures of the body is a natural and even a normal process that comes with age, remaining physically active by participating in regular exercise and physical activity can help keep our bodies strong, flexible and mobile.��There are many fitness alternatives, including yoga, Pilates and T�ai Chi as well as other treatment options ranging from acupuncture to physical therapy, which can help improve symptoms of back pain which may be caused by the wear-and-tear of the body. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean that you simply have to live with aches and pains.


Back Pain without a Cause


You’ll often hear back pain sufferers claim that their symptoms started without a cause or that they simply began on their own. In almost all cases, however, individuals who suffer back pain may have caused their own symptoms without them even realizing it. From improperly lifting a heavy object and twisting your back incorrectly to overdoing a workout, poor posture and even weight gain, back pain can be the result of many different factors. All of these circumstances can place too much pressure on the spine, leading to these seemingly “out of nowhere” symptoms of back pain. While most cases of back pain may improve on their own, a persistent case of back pain that is left untreated for an extended period of time may lead to some very serious health issues. Therefore, if you experience back pain without an apparent cause, make sure to seek immediate medical attention to properly diagnose the source of your symptoms and begin the proper treatment for it.


Heat and its Effects


There aren’t many things as relaxing as sinking yourself into a wonderful hot bath, however, after injuring your back, doing so may make your situation worse. While heat therapy might be beneficial for some types of injuries and/or conditions to help relax and loosen the tissues as well as to stimulate blood flow to the affected area, applying heat to some of these can increase inflammation, worsening your symptoms of back pain. Instead, many healthcare professionals recommend the use of ice therapy for back pain because it can help decrease pain, swelling, inflammation and muscle spasms or cramping. Doctors recommend applying ice to the affected area for 20 minutes at a time to reduce painful symptoms. Play it safe and check with a healthcare professionals for the best recommended treatment for your specific source of back pain.


Back Pain Treatment Methods


Many individuals who suffer from back pain will avoid seeing a doctor entirely out of fear of surgery. But, as a matter of fact, although most people experience back pain at some point throughout their lifetimes, the majority of them are able to find relief from their symptoms without the need for invasive treatment procedures. Commonly utilized treatment methods for back pain include over-the-counter drugs and/or medications or lifestyle modifications like exercise and physical activity. Other alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care and physical therapy, are common treatment options for many individuals with back pain. Only when a healthcare professional has determined that no other treatment method has been effective towards the improvement of your symptoms is it when surgery may be recommended for you and even then, many patients will often seek a second opinion from another healthcare professional. Furthermore, patients who may require surgery to relieve their back pain generally suffer from more severe injuries and/or conditions. Whether you understand the source of your back pain or not, fear of surgery should never keep you from seeking medical attention. But if you prefer a much more natural approach, chiropractic care may be the best treatment option for you.


Chiropractic Care Myths Debunked


Just as there’s many myths regarding what works and what doesn’t when it comes to back pain, there’s also several myths regarding the use of alternative treatment options for your symptoms. As with any other medical procedure, there are many misconceptions out there about what chiropractic care can do for your health issues, when in fact, chiropractic care can be tremendously beneficial for your back pain. However, it is best to have these misunderstandings cleared up once and for all. If you’re considering chiropractic care for your back pain, below we will discuss several of the most common chiropractic care misconceptions and myths which have been debunked through various research studies.


If you suffer from back pain and have considered visiting a chiropractor, you might have heard the myth that chiropractors are not real healthcare providers and that they do not have any medical training. As the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) and the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) have made it clear before, a doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, receives graduate degrees from Doctor of Chiropractic programs plus they also complete residency programs afterwards to complete their studies. In total, chiropractors spend a minimum of eight years in higher education, including four years as part of their chiropractic college education.


Given that chiropractic care commonly utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations for the treatment of various spinal health issues, a common myth is that this type of treatment isn’t safe. The truth is that chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option for neck and back pain. A qualified and experienced chiropractor utilizes careful precision when using chiropractic treatment methods on a patient. Moreover, a doctor of chiropractic will first make sure to properly diagnose the source of a patient’s back pain symptoms in order to determine which type of treatment method will be best for them. In addition, you may have heard that chiropractic care is only effective for back pain. Research studies have demonstrated that chiropractic care can be helpful for a variety of health issues, including neck pain, headaches and even migraines. Also, individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis can also find pain relief with chiropractic care.� Approximately 35 percent of people who receive chiropractic care are seeking back pain relief, whereas the remaining 65 percent visit a chiropractor to seek relief from neck pain, arm pain, leg pain and head pain.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

When it comes to back pain, chiropractic care is one of the most popular alternative treatment options people will turn to for relief of their symptoms. Several myths and misconceptions about chiropractic care often turn people away from receiving the proper treatment they deserve, when in fact, chiropractic care can help treat a variety of injuries and/or conditions, including back pain. As a chiropractor in practice, I have helped restore the original health and wellness of many of my patients, giving them back their quality of life. Research studies have debunked these myth, demonstrating that chiropractic care is a safe and effective alternative treatment option because it allows the human body to naturally heal itself through the proper alignment of the spine.


In conclusion,�if you are suffering from back pain, or any other spinal health issue for that matter, chiropractic care can safely and effectively help improve your symptoms. Chiropractic care is a well-known alternative treatment option which focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a variety of injuries and/or conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, among other treatment methods, a chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, can help tremendously reduce your symptoms, however, it is essential for you to choose a qualified and experienced chiropractor. Dr. Alex Jimenez is a chiropractor dedicated to enhancing the overall health and wellness of his patients by restoring the original integrity of their spine as well as providing them with the pain relief they deserve. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Back Pain


According to statistics, approximately 80% of people will experience symptoms of back pain at least once throughout their lifetimes. Back pain is a common complaint which can result due to a variety of injuries and/or conditions. Often times, the natural degeneration of the spine with age can cause back pain. Herniated discs occur when the soft, gel-like center of an intervertebral disc pushes through a tear in its surrounding, outer ring of cartilage, compressing and irritating the nerve roots. Disc herniations most commonly occur along the lower back, or lumbar spine, but they may also occur along the cervical spine, or neck. The impingement of the nerves found in the low back due to injury and/or an aggravated condition can lead to symptoms of sciatica.


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Cervical Pain Treatment Chiropractic Care In El Paso, TX. | Video

Cervical Pain Treatment Chiropractic Care In El Paso, TX. | Video

Sandra Rubio discusses the symptoms, causes and treatments of neck pain. Headaches, migraines, dizziness, confusion and weakness in the upper extremities are some of the most common symptoms associated with neck pain. Trauma from an injury, such as that from an automobile accident or a sports injury, or an aggravated condition due to improper posture can commonly cause neck pain and other symptoms. Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, among other chiropractic treatment methods like deep-tissue massage, to restore the alignment of the cervical spine and improve neck pain. Chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez is the non surgical choice for improving overall health and wellness.

Cervical Pain Treatment

Neck pain is a common health issue, with approximately two-thirds of the population being affected by neck pain at any time throughout their lives. Neck pain originating in the cervical spine, or upper spine, can be caused by numerous other spinal health issues. Neck pain can result due to the pinching of the nerves emanating from the vertebrae, or because of muscular tightness in both the upper spine and the neck. Joint disruption in the neck can generate a variety of other common symptoms, including headache, or head pain, and migraines, as does joint disturbance in the back. Neck pain affects about 5 percent of the global population as of 2010, according to statistics.

cervical pain el paso tx.If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Neck Pain Treatment

Common Causes of Mechanical Back Pain in El Paso, TX

Common Causes of Mechanical Back Pain in El Paso, TX

Are you experiencing back pain right now? The impact may seem identical, although it can be characterized as a dull throb or a sharp pain. Your life may have already been negatively affected as a result of your back pain. Some estimates show that 80 percent of people may experience the distress of back pain at any point in their life. And from an employer’s perspective, more than 25 percent of those working adults missed a period at work in the previous few months following back pain. Back pain can be aggravating. The pain and discomfort might only last a few days or a couple weeks, however, it may often become a chronic health issue if left untreated for an extended period of time, impacting the lives of the average person as well as that of athletes alike.


Typically, back pain originates from a mechanical problem caused by the regular wear-and-tear of the spine and associated to the aging process of the human body. Daily usage, or the average movement during the course of the day, can take a toll on the structure and function of the spine, discs, and the joints. Sprains and strains, skeletal irregularities, or being involved in an auto accident can also cause the degeneration of the spine but the end results are exactly the same. While anyone can experience back pain, there are some factors that can raise the risk, including age, fitness level, pregnancy and weight gain, occupational risk factors with physically demanding tasks, preexisting mental health difficulties and even overloaded backpacks carried by school children.


Fortunately, relief can be achieved by chiropractic care. Experts estimate it that roughly 22 million Americans visit their chiropractor each year and 35 percent of these patients are seeing their chiropractor to get a remedy for their back pain, recurring neck pain, headaches and numbness or tingling in their arms and legs.


Chiropractic Care Helps Back Pain


Chiropractic care involves the manipulation of the spine with varying levels of pressure exerted through a treatment method intended to restore the health of the human body. The hope is the proper alignment of the spine, adjusted during a process known as a spinal adjustment, to allow the body to heal itself, without forcing the individual to switch to surgical interventions or the use of drugs and/or medication. Patients can expect a thorough evaluation with a comprehensive questionnaire, followed by a physical examination. Lab tests and diagnostic instruments might be used to diagnose the source of back pain.


Spinal manipulation or adjustments take place on densely padded treatment tables which places the patients lying down, which allow the chiropractor to apply the necessary pressure. It is during these spinal adjustments that patients can experience the benign “popping” or “crackling” sound often associated with chiropractic care. A chiropractor might also utilize ultrasound therapy electrical stimulation and massage therapy to treat patients. Chiropractors might additionally suggest nutritional advice, such as the usage of vitamins, as well as recommend a few exercises to enhance the patient’s strength, flexibility and movement in order to help speed up the recovery process.


Chiropractic care is a well-known alternative treatment option for pain back. Some patients feel immediate relief following treatment, although a couple of people may experience mild aching or soreness. Before seeking a diagnosis for your back pain pain, however, it may be important for you to first understand several of the common causes of back pain. Having an understanding of the types of injuries and/or conditions which could be the source of your symptoms could help you and the chiropractor arrange the best type of treatment for your specific cause of back pain. Below are six of the most common causes of mechanical back pain.


Causes of Mechanical Back Pain


The most common causes of back and neck pain are mechanical, meaning they may manifest due to the movements of the spine. The mechanical parts of the spine include the tendons, ligaments, muscles, intervertebral discs and the facet joints. The most frequent region for mechanical back pain is the lumbar spine, or the lower back. This area of the spine�disperse and absorb the majority of the human body’s weight during active and static movement. Static means the body is stationary (eg, standing) although not actively moving (eg, walking). Meanwhile, the neck, or the cervical spine, is the most mobile region of the spinal column. Here, the spine supports the weight of the head. The diversity of motion includes nodding, bending forward, backward, and side to side movements.


However, even if the body isn’t moving, parts of the body continue to support the spine. There are also mechanical forces, such as gravity, pressure, compression and stress, which can still affect the spine. Below are six of the most common causes of mechanical back pain.


Back or Neck Sprain and Strain


A back or neck sprain occurs when a ligament of the spine, or a complex group of strong tissues that hold the bones of the spine together, is overstretched or torn as a result of trauma from an injury. In contrast, neck or back strain involves the over-stretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon attachment due to an injury. Because a sprain or strain can affect any of the complex structures in the spine, finding the exact source of the patient’s symptoms may be challenging without the proper equipment. If you sprain or strain your back (or neck), the delicate tissues are hurt and respond by swelling, thus causing pain and discomfort. Muscles that are affected may go into spasm which can also be painful. Stiffness is another symptom that may make movement difficult.


Disc Herniation


Intervertebral discs divide the drum-shaped vertebral bodies of the spine. Each disc is carefully anchored into place by endplates; a fibrous connective tissue that makes up each intervertebral disc. Intervertebral discs are made of fibrocartilage and allow a small amount of movement at each vertebral segment (2 vertebrae and one disk). The disc’s outer ring, known as the annulus fibrosis, protects the internal workings centre of the disc, known as the nucleus pulposus. Disc herniation occurs when the gel-like substance breaks through the outer ring, often causing nerve compression, inflammation, irritation, and pain. Pain may radiate or travel down to an arm or leg, depending on the region of the spine where the herniation occurred. Weakness, numbness, and tingling sensations can accompany pain and discomfort associated with the herniation of the discs. In addition, an intervertebral disc may rupture in various directions: front (anterior), back (posterior), and/or side (lateral), causing stress against the complex structures of the spine.


Vertebral Compression Fracture (VCF)


A vertebral compression fracture occurs when force from an impact causes the vertebrae of the spine to collapse. Trauma (eg, fall) is a common cause of vertebral compression fracture, though VCF is often related to osteoporosis, a weight loss reduction of bone mineral density and strength. A VCF can also occur during bending forwards or lifting. These fractures usually result in sudden and severe back pain.


Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS)


Spinal stenosis in the lower back, or lumbar spine, develops when the nerve root passageways and/or the spinal canal become narrow. As a matter of fact, the term stenosis means “narrow”. When complex structures of the spine, such as the nerve roots, are compressed as a result of the narrowing of the spinal canal, the dominating symptoms includes pain and discomfort which radiates into one or both legs, a commonly known collection of symptoms referred to as sciatica. Lumbar spinal stenosis, or LSS, prevalently affects adults and may be related to hormonal changes which cause tissue or bone to develop into neural pathways, compressing the spinal cord canal.


Spinal Osteoarthritis (Spondylosis)


Spondylosis is a medical term used to define degenerative spinal osteoarthritis; frequent in older adults. Similar to other kinds of arthritis, spondylosis can affect the facet joints, causing symptoms of swelling, stiffness, pain in the back. It might develop in the neck, known as cervical spondylosis, mid back, known as thoracic spondylosis, and in the lower back, known as lumbar spondylosis. Spondylosis can consist of other degenerative changes that can often lead to disc herniation and spinal stenosis.




Image demonstrating the different grades of spondylolisthesis.


If one vertebral body slips forward over the vertebra underneath, it is characterized as spondylolisthesis. Spondylolisthesis may occur in the neck, however, the lower back or lumbar spine is most commonly affected by this type of condition. The diagnosis and identification of the severity of a patient’s spondylolisthesis includes determining the degree of the vertebrae’s movement. Grade 1 means the vertebra has shifted forward by about 25 percent where Grade 5 refers to a complete slip of the vertebra, known as spondyloptosis. Grade 5 might be caused by a fracture of the bone that helps stabilize the placement of the vertebrae. Aside from pain and discomfort, severe muscle spasms and sciatic-type symptoms may develop.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Although back pain is one of the most common complaints frequently treated in the medical field today, properly treating it may often be difficult because the source of the symptoms may be due to a variety of spinal health issues, including sprains and strains as well as spinal disc herniation and spinal stenosis. Chiropractic care is a popular, alternative treatment option commonly utilized to diagnose, treat and prevent a variety of injuries and/or conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. After a thorough medical evaluation is performed by a chiropractor, the back pain specialist may use spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to carefully restore the original alignment of the spine. By correcting spinal misalignments, or subluxations, a chiropractor can release the tension and pressure being placed agains the spine, allowing the human body to naturally heal itself without the need for surgical interventions and drugs and/or medications. Visit a chiropractic care office to discuss the treatment options for your specific type of back pain.


In conclusion,�back pain can occur as a result of a variety of injuries and/or conditions. However, mechanical back pain, caused by the movement of the spine, has been referred to as the most common cause of back pain and spine health issues. Understanding the type of injuries and/or conditions discussed above can help you and the healthcare professional determine the best type of treatment for your specific health problems. Chiropractic care is a well-known alternative treatment option commonly utilized to help treat back pain symptoms, among other types of health issues.�The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Back Pain


According to statistics, approximately 80% of people will experience symptoms of back pain at least once throughout their lifetimes. Back pain is a common complaint which can result due to a variety of injuries and/or conditions. Often times, the natural degeneration of the spine with age can cause back pain. Herniated discs occur when the soft, gel-like center of an intervertebral disc pushes through a tear in its surrounding, outer ring of cartilage, compressing and irritating the nerve roots. Disc herniations most commonly occur along the lower back, or lumbar spine, but they may also occur along the cervical spine, or neck. The impingement of the nerves found in the low back due to injury and/or an aggravated condition can lead to symptoms of sciatica.

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MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA: El Paso, Tx | Athletes

Chiropractic Treatment For Neck Pain | El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic Treatment For Neck Pain | El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic treatment is a nonsurgical option that can help reduce neck pain and related symptoms. Below are some of the different types of neck (cervical) conditions that Doctors of Chiropractic (DC’s) treat:

Chiropractors also use manual therapies to treat neck pain:

  • Cervical intervertebral disc injuries that don�t require surgery
  • Cervical sprain injuries
  • Degenerative joint syndrome of the neck (eg, facet joints)
  • Facet joint sprain
  • Whiplash

Chiropractic Diagnosis: Neck Pain

A chiropractor evaluates the spine as a whole because other regions of the neck (cervical), mid back (thoracic) and low back (lumbar) can be affected as well. Along with treating the spine as a whole, chiropractic medicine treats the entire person and not just a specific symptom/s. Chiropractors may educate on nutrition, stress management, and lifestyle goals in addition to treating neck pain.

A chiropractor will do a thorough examination to diagnose the specific cause of the neck pain before deciding on which approach/technique to use.

They will determine any areas of restricted movement and will look at a walking cycle along with posture and spinal alignment. Doing these things can help the chiropractor understand the body’s mechanics.

In addition to the physical exam, a chiropractor will want to go over past medical history, and they may order imaging tests (eg, an x-ray or MRI) to help them diagnose the exact cause of the neck pain.

All these steps in the diagnostic process will give a chiropractor more information about the neck pain, which will help the� chiropractor create a customized treatment plan for the individual patient.

A chiropractor will rule out neck pain conditions that require surgery. If they believe surgery is the best treatment for the neck pain, then the patient will be referred to a spine surgeon.

Chiropractic Treatment: Neck Pain

chiropractic treatment el paso, tx.A chiropractor may use a combination of spinal manipulation, manual therapy, and other techniques as part of the treatment plan.

Spinal Manipulation Techniques Used:

  • Flexion-Distraction Technique:�Gentle hands-on spinal manipulation that involves a pumping action on the intervertebral disc rather than direct force.
  • Instrument Assisted Manipulation:�Uses hand-held instruments, which allow the chiropractor to apply force without thrusting into the spine.
  • Specific Spinal Manipulation:�Restores joint movement with a gentle thrusting technique.

Chiropractors also use manual therapies to treat neck pain.

  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy: uses special instruments to diagnose and treat muscle tension.
  • Manual Joint Stretching/Resistance Techniques:�Helps reduce neck pain/symptoms.
  • Therapeutic Massage:�Helps relax tense muscles.
  • Trigger Point Therapy is used to relieve tight, painful points on a muscle.

Other therapies used to ease neck pain symptoms.

  • Inferential Electrical Stimulation:�Is a low frequency electrical current used to stimulate neck muscles.
  • Ultrasound:�Sound waves travel into the muscle tissues to help stiffness and pain in the neck.

Therapeutic Exercises:�Helps improve overall range of motion in the neck and prevent neck pain from progressing.

The treatments listed are examples of possible chiropractic treatment for neck pain; The actual treatment plan will depend on the diagnosis. A chiropractor will thoroughly explain the treatment options available along with the actual customized treatment for the individual patient.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Neck Pain Care & Treatments

Improve Posture With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.

Improve Posture With Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.

Improve Posture: Your mother always told you to stand up straight � and she was right. Good posture is very important. It is good for your health, your mood, and even how you are perceived by others. Good posture can help you stave off age related conditions and allow your vital organs plenty of room to do their job correctly.

Improve Posture With Chiropractic

A Word About Posture

Sometimes though things can happen that impact your posture. Maybe you sustain an injury and your body compensates by listing to one side or you hunch over in an effort to relieve the pain. Other times you may slouch in an effort to make yourself �invisible� in a crowd. Then there are those who just don�t give good posture its due and slouch because they simply don�t feel like standing up straight.

Whatever the case, poor posture can lead to back pain, headaches, increased risk of injury, decreased flexibility, and diminished mobility. It can actually cause you to age much faster. The good news is, in most cases even those with very poor posture can turn it around and stand a little taller. Chiropractic care has shown to help many people regain their youthful, straight, healthy posture that they�ve lost.

Postural Conditions That Chiropractic Care Can Help

improve posture el paso tx.

There are certain postural conditions that chiropractic care is particularly helpful is alleviating, including:

  • Hip or pelvis unleveling
  • Scoliosis
  • Damage to the low back, mid back, and neck that affects its normal curvature
  • Forward head posture (often associated with using mobile devices)
  • Kyphosis or hunchback

Chiropractic Treatment For Posture Problems

When you first visit your chiropractor, he or she will sit down with you and discuss the problems you are having, what your complaints are, when the problem started, and events that may have contributed to the problem. They will take a thorough medical history and observe the way you sit, walk, bend, and move.

Your chiropractor may request x-rays and will assess the alignment of your spine. You may also be asked to have neurological or orthopedic testing done to ensure that there is no underlying condition or injury that is causing your problem.

You will be asked to stand straight and the doctor will take measurements to determine if there is any visible deviation from your optimum posture. He or she will ask you to move and bend while they test your range of motion, mobility and flexibility as well as your muscle strength and length.

A Prescription For Perfect Posture

improve posture el paso tx.

Once your assessments are complete your chiropractor will discuss treatment options with you. He or she will walk you through the adjustments that will be done and other types of therapies they recommend. You will talk about the best course of action to relieve any pain that you are experiencing as well as get your spine back into alignment and improve your posture.

Your chiropractor will also likely talk to you about stretching exercises and things you can do at home in between appointments. They may discuss sleep positions, diet, work area adjustments, exercise, and weight loss. Chiropractic is a whole body treatment, addressing lifestyle changes that affect the entire body and getting it into optimal working order as a whole.

If you have poor posture you can change it, even if you are an older adult � or a senior. Often simple chiropractic adjustments can help improve posture within just a few sessions. Once your body is in alignment you will feel more energetic, healthier, and happier. Your body is an intricate machine and when one part isn�t functioning as it should, it affects all the other parts. Chiropractic can turn that around, helping your body function more effectively so you feel better.

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Suffer From Migraine Headaches How Chiropractic Helps | El Paso, TX.

Suffer From Migraine Headaches How Chiropractic Helps | El Paso, TX.

Suffer Migraines: If you�ve ever had a migraine you know that it�s more than just a headache. The debilitating pain can be accompanied by nausea and other symptoms � and it�s more common than you may think. Research shows that in every four American households, one person is a migraine sufferer. In fact, 12 percent of the U.S. population suffers from migraines, including children. This means migraines affect more people that asthma and diabetes combined.

It is estimated that 18 percent of women suffer from migraines while 6 percent of men are migraine sufferers. It most commonly affects people who are between the ages of 25 and 55, but even young children have been diagnosed. Migraines can stop you in your tracks, but there are treatments that can help. Chiropractic care has been shown to help ease the pain, intensity, and frequency of migraines.

Suffer From Migraines

What Is A Migraine?

Migraines are vicious headaches that can last several minutes to several hours or even days. It is characterized by intense pulsing or a throbbing sensation that is typically confined to one area of the head. It is often accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and extreme sensitivity to sound and light. The pain can be so severe that you can barely function. Many people find themselves confined to bed in a darkened room, waiting for it to pass.

Many times migraine sufferers report experiencing an aura, or sensory warning symptoms, such as strange smells, blind spots, flashes of light, or tingling in your leg or arm. They also tend to run in families. If one parent is a migraine sufferer the child has a 40 percent chance of having migraines as well. If both parents get migraines that chance jumps to 90 percent. It is the 8th most debilitating illness on a global scale.

For the most part, doctors do not know much about what causes migraines. However, there are some things that have been identified as migraine triggers:

  • Hormonal changes � at certain times during the month, women experience fluctuations in estrogen which can trigger migraines
  • Oral contraceptives � medications that change or replace hormones can make headaches worse
  • Certain foods � processed foods, MSG, salty foods, aged cheeses
  • Fasting or skipping meals
  • Aspartame
  • Alcohol
  • Stress
  • Sensory overstimulation
  • Dehydration
  • Intense physical exertion
  • Too much or too little sleep
  • Medications

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Migraine Sufferers

Many doctors believe that headaches and migraines may be caused by a spine that is out of alignment. When your spine is misaligned your entire body suffers. It can irritate the nerves that run from the brain to the spine causing a headache. Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve the pain of migraines. In fact, many people report a distinct difference after just one session.

A Doctor of Chiropractic will align your spine and work with you to create a wellness plan that includes lifestyle changes and diet. Making changes to your sleep patterns and eliminating certain foods from your diet can help prevent migraines. By creating a whole body wellness program, you and your chiropractor can not only help prevent your migraines, but other health conditions as well.

Your chiropractor may also recommend that you keep a journal to help you pinpoint your own unique migraine triggers. You will record the foods you eat, environmental factors that may affect you, stressors, and sleep patterns, as well as when you have migraines, how long they last, and their severity. By tracking these things, you can determine what may be causing your migraines and make adjustments to your lifestyle, thus preventing them. Incorporating chiropractic care as part of your whole body maintenance, as well as migraine prevention, can help you stave off these headaches so you can get on with your life.

If you or a loved one suffers from migraine headaches, make sure you give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic is here to help!

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Migraine Treatment & Recovery