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Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Do you feel:

  • Hungry in an hour or two after eating?
  • Unexplained weight gain?
  • Hormonal imbalances?
  • An overall sense of bloating?
  • A sense of fullness during and after meals?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then try considering intermittent fasting.

Since becoming popular in recent years, intermittent fasting is a dietary approach that lots of individuals have been using in their healthy lifestyle. During the time of the hunter-gatherer society, people have used this method for centuries as a way of survival. Studies have been shown that people used it for medicinal purposes throughout history as a medicinal remedy. Ancient Rome, Greek and Chinese civilizations used intermittent fasting in their daily lives. Fasting has even been used for spiritual reasons in certain religions, like Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity as individuals use it as a way to reflect on themselves and be closer to their deities.

What is Fasting?

Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Fasting is where a person does not consume food or beverages at least for twelve hours during the day. When a person starts fasting, they will notice that their metabolism and their hormones will change in their bodies. There is upcoming research that intermittent fasting can promote amazing health benefits to the body. The health benefits that intermittent fasting provides are weight loss, protective effects in the brain, decreased inflammation and improving blood glucose and insulin levels in the body.

The Different Methods

There are other methods of fasting that involves fasting from food for several days or weeks. With these different methods, they involve a shorter period that is between 16 to 24 hours. Several types of intermittent fasting are determined by the feeding window duration (when to eat the food) and the fasting window (when to avoid the food). Here are some of the other methods of fasting, which includes:

  • Time-restricted feeding (TRF): This type of fasting has a feeding window period from 4 to 12 hours. For the remainder of the day, water is the only thing that is allowed to be consumed. The common variation to eat this type of fasting is 16/8. This means that a person has to fast at least 16 hours every day.
  • Early time-restricted feeding (eTRF): This is a different variety of time-restricted fasting that is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. After the 6 hours are up, the rest of the day is made up of this fasting period.
  • Alternate day fasting (ADF): This type of fasting involves a person eating one day and the next day they completely fast. They alternate between eating and fasting each day to get the benefits.
  • Period fasting (cycling fasting): This type of fasting involves one or two days fasting per week and for the fifth or sixth days of eating as much as a person desire. The variety of period fasting can be a 5:2 or a 6:1.
  • Modified fasting: This type of fasting has some methods of intermittent fasting that are similar to alternate-day fasting, but this fasting can be modified for anyone. A person can consume very-low-calorie substances during the fasting window period.

How Does It Work?

Intermittent fasting is the result of changes in the body as the hormone patterns and energy metabolism are being affected. Once a person finishes consuming food, the contents are being broken down and transforming into nutrients, so it can be absorbed into the digestive tract. What happens is that the carbohydrates are broken down and turn into glucose and absorb into the bloodstream, distributing it into the body’s tissue as the essential source of energy. The insulin hormone then helps regulate the blood glucose levels by signaling cells to take the sugars from the blood and turning into fuel for the body to function properly.

With intermittent fasting, a person is done with a meal and their glucose levels are depleted from the body. For the energy to meet its requirements the body has to break down the glycogen that is found in the liver and skeletal muscles causing gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis is when the liver produces glucose sugars from non-carbohydrate sources in the body. Then once the insulin levels are low after 18 hours of fasting, a process called lipolysis begins. What lipolysis does is that the body begins to break down the fat components into free fatty acids. When there is a low quantity of glucose for the body to consume for energy, the body itself with start using fatty acids and ketones for energy. Ketosis is a metabolic state where liver cells start to help fatty acids breakdown and converting them into ketone acetoacetate and beta-hydro butyrate.

The muscle cells and neuron cells use these ketones to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the main carrier for energy. Research has stated that the usage and availability of fatty acids combined with ketones as an energy replacement for glucose are beneficial for vital body tissues. This includes the heart, the liver, the pancreas, and the brain.

The four metabolic states are induced by fasting are referred to as the fast-fed cycle, and they are:

  • The fed state
  • The post-absorptive state
  • The fasting state
  • The starvation state

The physiological effect of intermittent fasting can also be achieved by following a ketogenic diet, which is very high fat and low carbohydrate diet. This diet’s purpose is to shift the body’s metabolic state into ketosis.

The Benefits of Fasting

There are tons of research that have demonstrated how intermittent fasting has a wide variety of health benefits, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Type 2 diabetes prevention and management
  • Improved cardiometabolic risk factors
  • Cellular cleansing
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Neuroprotection

Studies have been shown that several proposed mechanisms are responsible for these health effects of intermittent fasting and have proven to be beneficial to a person’s lifestyle.


Intermittent fasting has been practiced for centuries and has gain popularity in recent years. It involves abstaining from consuming foods for at least 12 consecutive hours by turning the fat cells into energy for the body to function. The health benefits that intermittent fasting provides is beneficial for an individual who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some products help provide support to the gastrointestinal system as well as making sure that sugar metabolism is at a healthy level for the body to function.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Dhillon, Kiranjit K. �Biochemistry, Ketogenesis.� StatPearls [Internet]., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 21 Apr. 2019,

Hue, Louis, and Heinrich Taegtmeyer. �The Randle Cycle Revisited: a New Head for an Old Hat.� American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, American Physiological Society, Sept. 2009,

Stockman, Mary-Catherine, et al. �Intermittent Fasting: Is the Wait Worth the Weight?� Current Obesity Reports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2018,

Zubrzycki, A, et al. �The Role of Low-Calorie Diets and Intermittent Fasting in the Treatment of Obesity and Type-2 Diabetes.� Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology: an Official Journal of the Polish Physiological Society, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2018,





What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

In today’s busy world individuals need a little help when it comes to letting go of bad/negative behaviors and adopting/embracing positive behaviors to sustain optimal health and lifestyle. This is where a health coach�comes in.

More adults in the United States have a chronic disease and around thirty percent have two or more.

Many healthcare professionals do not know how to counsel patients on healthy living and, if they do, the information is limited to very basic knowledge like exercise and eat healthily. With this type of info and not a lot of enthusiasm, patients are not going to listen or make lasting changes.

Many providers do not listen to what’s going on and just tell patients what to do, instead of discussing the best options they have for their health. People being told what to do are not likely to listen or act upon the recommendations.

A health coach creates a custom getting healthy plan with you that fits your life, gets you going, sets up a strategy for the challenges and sees you through! This is what a health coach does.

Health coaching Involves

  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Continued Support

This allows individuals to make meaningful behavior changes that will last forever.

Coaching centers on:

  1. Thorough conversation
  2. Listening
  3. Clinical Intervention
  4. Strategies

These are aimed to actively engage patients in positive behavior change.

Health coaches take on patients wherever they are in their health. An individual can be healthy and just want some advice to individuals that are extremely unhealthy with weight issues, chronic illness, disease or all of the above.

The point is to help individuals learn self-management techniques. The coach teaches, motivates and strategizes with the individual to make educated/informed decisions that will turn into regular healthy habits.

Coaching comes in the form of:

  • Setting�goals that are achievable�
  • A Patient’s Values
  • Strengths
  • Motivation
  • Encouraging the patient

This is how healthy attitudes and behaviors are developed.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.


The Health Journey Begins

The patient’s health history is taken into account. Then the coach asks:

  1. Where they want to be in their health
  2. What Values they hold close
  3. What Goals they have in mind
  4. The plan is Created
  5. Progress is Tracked
  6. Challenges are met
  7. The long-term plan is Created

Patients oftentimes do not know where they are from a health perspective and might not be sure how to explain. This is where health coaches and their training can breakdown any questions/issues a patient may have.

A health coach will look at where a patient is healthwise based on:

  • Emotional factors
  • Environmental factors
  • Financial factors
  • Psychological factors
  • Physical factors
  • Recreational factors
  • Spiritual factors
  • Social factors

This health inventory is for the patient to reflect on where they are in their health and where they want to be.

Patients are welcome and encouraged to ask questions about the plan, make changes, reset goals, etc.

Motivating the Patient

Motivation can come in various forms. As people learn in various ways, so too are the motivational strategies to get patients to exercise the positive behavior outlined in their treatment plan. Some ways coaches motivate are:

  • They collaborate with patients and don’t approach the plan with an all-knowing mindset.
  • Understand the motivation of the individual to change.

Motivational Principles:

  • Empathy
  • Discrepancy
  • Support patient’s ability

Six stages of behavioral change:

  • Precontemplation – Patients do not see any problems and do not consider their behavior as negative, and do not see the problems their behavior is causing.
  • Contemplation – Patients start to think about healthy behaviors.
  • Preparation/Determination�– Patients are ready to take action toward behavior change and believe the new behavior will lead to a healthy life.
  • Action�– Change begins and the intention is to keep going.
  • Maintenance – Behavior change has been for more than six months and continuing on the right track.
  • Termination�– Negative behaviors are eliminated.

There are different strategies to get through each stage and on to the next until the positive behavior is achieved.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

Helping the patient find the coaching plan that is right for them.

Patients are helped by figuring out what they want to change about their health based on what they see and
the most important changes for them. There is no correct answer, as it is different for everyone.

Understanding Your Values

Coaches encourage the patient to identify their values, and what is most important for each individual.

These include:

  • Family
  • Friendship
  • Health
  • Love

Values begin early in childhood and become reevaluated as life goes on, and can change.

Clarity is important to help the patient build self-awareness to make intelligent decisions and staying balanced.

A coach might ask questions like:

  • What made you choose the unhealthy product versus the healthy version?
  • How much stress do you think you have to deal with on a daily basis?
  • Do you make time for yourself?

For some, identifying negative behavior can help, as the patient grows and realizes how their health is changing, their values start to change.

This information helps to create a plan of action along with steps to help the patient’s decision making.

While working with the patient to determine goals and create steps, tools and methods are created help to ensure the patient understands their role in getting healthy.

Asking Questions

Coaches ask patients what they know and what they would like to know?�There are no incorrect questions, aks away, as the more an individual knows, as well as the more that the coach knows about the patient, the better the treatment plan will be.


If the patient doesn�t understand, the process is repeated until the patient is able to explain the treatment plan back to the coach so everything is clear.

This technique is recognized by various associations, including the:

  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • American Hospital Association

Primary Areas of Improvement

Before setting goals the patients go over the primary areas of their life that they want to improve/change.

These primary areas may be very similar to the patient�s values.

Examples include:

  • Health
  • Family
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Recreation
  • Social Relationships

Once a patient has identified what they would like to focus on, brainstorming sessions are put into action, as to what they want to change or improve for each primary area.

They are then broken down into smaller goals in the creation of the main plan of action.

As the patient moves forward they are more motivated and encouraged to take on bigger challenges.


Couple making a healthy smoothie


Patients understand what areas of their life they want to improve/change.

With the primary areas known, the patient begins the challenge of changing their current unhealthy status to healthy.

Areas to consider:

  • What exactly do I want to achieve?
  • How will I achieve this goal?
  • Timeframe to achieve this goal?
  • Why is this goal important to me?
  • Where to go to next once the goal is achieved?


When the patient is ready, the coach will assist in developing:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

SMART goals that allow for structure and trackability and create clear milestones for the individual.



Once a health coach understands where the patient wants to go, the next phase is planning.

Patients help in creating their treatment plan.

This plan is an agreement between the patient and the health coach that describes the behavior change that the patient wants to make, how they’re going to go about it, and their commitment to the final result.

Example of goals a patient will follow to lose weight:

  • Try new fruits and vegetables
  • Find creative ways to incorporate exercise at work.
  • Stay hydrated by keeping a water bottle and refilling it every two hours.
  • Cooking healthy meals at first twice a week then three times and so on.
  • Walking after meals.

These small tasks make it easier for the patient to see their progress.

The coach will check with the patient regularly to make sure they are sticking to the plan.


Health Coach


Goal Progress

Health coaches can ensure a patient has consistent motivational support by creating a follow-up plan that works in conjunction with their primary treatment plan.

Follow-up care may include schedules for physical exams or tests, referrals, and recommendations to keep positive behavior development.

Coaches and patients work together to create realistic goals for the future.

As the patient progresses, the health coach may make additional recommendations or work with the patient to adjust their plan or making sure the patient knows where to turn to if they have questions.

Continued Support

Once goals are being achieved it is important to have support to continue the positive behavior. Traditional sources of support include:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Colleagues
  • Community

Patients may not always have access to external support, coaches also teach the patients how to find positive support in various activities around town that can help patients and their overall health.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic & Functional Wellness clinic we have the best-rated team of health practitioners to get you to your best optimal health.


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Fred Foreman is a basketball coach who depends on his overall health and wellness to be able to engage in his everyday responsibilities. As a result, coach Foreman started the 6 Day Detox Program, designed to help renew and enhance the human body’s cleansing and detoxification capabilities.


NCBI Resources

Good health is built on diet and exercise. The goal is to continually improve by maintaining healthy habits that develop more healthy behaviors. You do not have to do anything drastic. You will have an easier time making changes if you start small and gradually shift towards a lifestyle that is best for you. A health coach can get you operating and performing at the highest level!


Functional Neurology: Brain Fog and Anxiety

Functional Neurology: Brain Fog and Anxiety

How high is your stress level? How often do you feel overwhelmed? Anxiety is a well-known health issue that is, unfortunately, often misunderstood, especially when it manifests other misunderstood symptoms like brain fog. � Brain fog is commonly associated with reduced thinking and processing while anxiety is frequently associated with racing thoughts that can make people overly cautious as well as worries that can keep people awake, wired, and restless. How does anxiety cause brain fog? The purpose of the following article is to understand brain fog associated with anxiety. �


How Does Brain Fog with Anxiety Happen?

Brain fog is a symptom rather than a single health issue. It�s described as the sensation that your brain isn’t functioning properly. Anxiety involves symptoms of overthinking, excessive worrying, imagining negative outcomes, and fear. � Brain fog and anxiety happens because the symptoms of one health issue can ultimately cause the symptoms of the other health issue and vice versa. This can also worsen both conditions. Brain fog and anxiety can cause an infinite loop. �


  1. Anxiety involves �what-ifs,� ruminations, and negative thinking
  2. This can then lead to mental exhaustion or fatigue
  3. Fatigue can also develop brain fog
  4. Brain fog can in turn increase anxiety because it feels frightening, worrisome
  5. Increased anxiety causes this cycle to repeat, seemingly endlessly


Brain fog associated with anxiety may vary from person to person. Several people will experience it often while others will experience it less frequently. It can also come and go quickly, or it can ultimately last for days, weeks, and even months. � Evaluating the symptoms and the causes of brain fog and anxiety will provide insights that can be used for treatment. �


Symptoms of Brain Fog with Anxiety

Brain fog and anxiety share a common symptom, frequently referred to as fatigue or tiredness. Brain fog, anxiety, and fatigue are well-known symptoms that are often connected. However, fatigue is believed to be at the heart of brain fog and anxiety. � Anxiety appears to take control of our entire brain and aggravates thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Living in a state of constant anxiety is exhausting. Moreover, anxiety can cause sleeping problems. Fatigue can lead directly to brain fog. � Common symptoms of brain fog, anxiety, and fatigue can ultimately include: �


  • Difficulty concentrating and focusing
  • Muddled, unclear thoughts
  • Short-term memory problems
  • Difficulty reasoning logically
  • Trouble processing, storing, and retrieving information
  • Living in a fog that makes grasping comments, instructions, and conversations challenging
  • The vague sense that you just feel �off� but can�t do anything about it


Causes of Brain Fog with Anxiety

The brain fog that occurs with anxiety can have several causes, including: �


  • The�symptoms of anxiety, as previously discussed above
  • The brain�s mental, physical, and emotional response to anxiety
  • Stress as well as stress hormones and other substances or chemicals.


Understanding the cause of brain fog with anxiety can increase awareness of why these health issues can develop. � The brain�s own reaction to anxiety can also make it feel tired and foggy. The fight-or-flight response is an automatic fear response. The brain reacts in response to an extreme stressor to prepare to either stay and fight or run away to safety. �


  • Activity in the cortex, the area of rational thinking, decreases, which leads to the inability to think properly
  • Activity in the hippocampus, the area responsible for learning and memory, is suppressed, causing confusion
  • Activity in the amygdala accelerates to keep you hypervigilant and ready to leap before you look


The brain also controls the production of hormones in reaction to stress and anxiety. Cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine travel through the brain and the body to keep you alert and ready for action but when these hormones are triggered for too long or in quantities that are too high, they overwhelm and exhaust the brain, causing brain fog. �


Treatment for Brain Fog and Anxiety

The best treatment for brain fog associated with anxiety is to treat it at its source. It’s essential to understand the symptoms of both brain fog and anxiety as well as take steps to reduce other symptoms like fatigue. Furthermore, know what is causing your symptoms so you can ultimately make positive changes to reduce them or even eliminate them, including: �


  • Develop stress management strategies
  • Take measures to increase the amount and quality of sleep
  • Address your anxiety, either with a therapist or other qualified healthcare professional
  • Listen to your body and brain; participate and engage in exercise, yoga, mindfulness, and meditation


� Brain fog and anxiety can be difficult. But by actively working on them, you can reduce both and promote overall well-being. �


El Paso Chiropractor Staff and Doctor

Anxiety can commonly cause a variety of symptoms, including brain fog. Although it may seem like brain fog and anxiety are two separate as well as different health issues, they are frequently connected. Both anxiety and brain fog can cause concentration, focus, and memory problems, and stress is considered to be one of the most well-known causes of brain fog associated with anxiety. Treatment for anxiety and brain fog often involves treating the underlying source of the health issues. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Neurotransmitter Assessment Form


The following Neurotransmitter Assessment Form can be filled out and presented to Dr. Alex Jimenez. Symptoms listed on this form are not intended to be utilized as a diagnosis of any type of disease, condition, or any other type of health issue. �



In honor of Governor Abbott’s proclamation, October is Chiropractic Health Month. Learn more about the proposal. �


How high is your stress level? How often do you feel overwhelmed? Anxiety is a well-known health issue that is, unfortunately, often misunderstood, especially when it manifests other misunderstood symptoms like brain fog. � Brain fog is commonly associated with reduced thinking and processing while anxiety is frequently associated with racing thoughts that can make people overly cautious as well as worries that can keep people awake, wired, and restless. How does anxiety cause brain fog? The purpose of the following article is to understand brain fog associated with anxiety. �


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �



Additional Topic Discussion: Chronic Pain

Sudden pain is a natural response of the nervous system which helps to demonstrate possible injury. By way of instance, pain signals travel from an injured region through the nerves and spinal cord to the brain. Pain is generally less severe as the injury heals, however, chronic pain is different than the average type of pain. With chronic pain, the human body will continue sending pain signals to the brain, regardless if the injury has healed. Chronic pain can last for several weeks to even several years. Chronic pain can tremendously affect a patient’s mobility and it can reduce flexibility, strength, and endurance.




Neural Zoomer Plus for Neurological Disease

Neural Zoomer Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate neurological diseases. The Neural ZoomerTM Plus is an array of neurological autoantibodies which offers specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus is designed to assess an individual�s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens with connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus aims to reduce neurological conditions by empowering patients and physicians with a vital resource for early risk detection and an enhanced focus on personalized primary prevention. �

Formulas for Methylation Support

Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX


XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.


Proudly,�Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.


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If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic�Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

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The 4Rs Program

The 4Rs Program

Do you feel:

  • Like you have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis, or Leaky Gut Syndrome?
  • Excessive belching, burping, or bloating?
  • Abnormal distention after certain probiotics or natural supplements?
  • Suspicion of nutritional malabsorption?
  • Do digestive problems subside with relaxation?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then you might be experiencing gut problems and might have to try the 4R Program.

Food sensitivities, rheumatoid arthritis, and anxiety have been associated with impaired gastrointestinal permeability. These various conditions can happen from many factors that can impact the digestive tract. If left untreated it can potentially be the result of dysfunction of the intestinal permeability barrier, causing inflammation, and severe health conditions that the gut can develop. The 4R program is used to restore a healthy gut in the body and involves four steps. They are: remove, replace, reinoculated, and repair.

Intestinal Permeability

The intestinal permeability helps protects the body and makes sure that harmful bacteria do not enter the gut. It protects the body from potential environmental factors that can be harmful and are entering through the digestive tract. It can be either toxin, pathogenic microorganisms, and other antigens that can harm the digestive tract causing problems. The intestinal lining is consisting of a layer of epithelial cells that are separated by tight junctions. In a healthy gut, the tight junction regulates the intestinal permeability by selectively allowing substances to enter and travel across the intestinal barrier and preventing harmful factors from being absorbed.

blog picture of doctor and elderly patient speak

Certain environmental factors can damage the tight junction, and the result is that it can increase the intestinal permeability, which causes intestinal hyperpermeability or leaky gut in the body. Contributing factors can increase intestinal permeability like an excessive amount of saturated fats and alcohol, deficiencies in nutrients, chronic stress, and infectious diseases.

With an increased intestinal permeability in the gut, it can enable antigens to cross the gut mucosa and enter the bloodstream causing an immune response and inflammation to the body. There are certain gastrointestinal conditions that are associated with intestinal hyperpermeability and if left untreated it can trigger certain autoimmune conditions that can cause harm to the body.

4Rs Program

The 4Rs is a program that healthcare professionals advise their patients to use when they are addressing disruptive digestive issues and help support gut healing.

Removing the Problem

The first step in the 4Rs program is to remove harmful pathogens and inflammation triggers that are associated with increased intestinal permeability. Triggers like stress and chronic alcohol consumption can do much harm to an individual’s body. So targeting these harmful factors from the body is to treat it with medication, antibiotics, supplements, and the removal of inflammatory foods from the diet is advised, including:

  • – Alcohol
  • – Gluten
  • – Food additives
  • – Starches
  • – Certain fatty acids
  • – Certain foods that a person is sensitive to

Replacing the Nutrients

The second step of the 4Rs program is to replace the nutrients that are causing the gut problems through inflammation. Certain nutrients can help reducing inflammation in the gut while making sure that the digestive tract is being supported. There are some anti-inflammatory foods that are nutritious. These include:

  • – High-fiber foods
  • – Omega-3s
  • – Olive oil
  • – Mushrooms
  • – Anti-inflammatory herbs

There are certain supplements can be used to support digestive function by assisting and absorbing the nutrients to promote a healthy gut. What the digestive enzymes do is that they assist in helping to break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the gut. This will help benefit individuals that have an impaired digestive tract, food intolerances, or having celiac disease. Supplements like bile acid supplements can help assist in nutrient absorption by merging lipids together. Studies have stated that bile acids have been used to treat the liver, gallbladder, and bile duct while preventing gallstone formation after bariatric surgery.

Reinoculated The Gut

The third step is of the 4rs program to reinoculated the gut microbe with beneficial bacteria to promote a healthy gut function. Studies have been shown that probiotic supplements have been used to improve the gut by restoring beneficial bacteria. With these supplements, they provide the gut an enhancement by secreting anti-inflammatory substances into the body, help support the immune system, altering the body’s microbial composition, and reducing the intestinal permeability in the gut system.

Since probiotics are found in fermented foods and are considered as a transient since they are not persistent in the gastrointestinal tract and are beneficial. Surprisingly, they still have an impact on human health due to influencing the gut by producing vitamins and anti-microbial compounds, thus providing diversity and gut function.

Repairing the Gut

The last step of the 4Rs program is to repair the gut. This step involves repairing the intestinal lining of the gut with specific nutrients and herbs. These herbs and supplements can help decrease intestinal permeability and inflammation in the body. Some of these herbs and supplements include:

  • – Aloe vera
  • – Chios mastic gum
  • – DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated licorice)
  • – Marshmallow root
  • – L-glutamine
  • – Omega-3s
  • � Polyphenols
  • – Vitamin D
  • – Zinc


Since many factors can adversely affect the digestive system in a harmful way and can be the contributor to several health conditions. The main goal of the 4Rs program is to minimize these factors that are harming the gut and reducing inflammation and increased intestinal permeability. When the patient is being introduced to the beneficial factors that the 4Rs provide, it can lead to a healthy, healed gut. Some products are here to help support the gastrointestinal system by supporting the intestines, improving the sugar metabolism, and targeting the amino acids that are intended to support the intestines.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


De Santis, Stefania, et al. �Nutritional Keys for Intestinal Barrier Modulation.� Frontiers in Immunology, Frontiers Media S.A., 7 Dec. 2015,

Ianiro, Gianluca, et al. �Digestive Enzyme Supplementation in Gastrointestinal Diseases.� Current Drug Metabolism, Bentham Science Publishers, 2016,

Mu, Qinghui, et al. �Leaky Gut As a Danger Signal for Autoimmune Diseases.� Frontiers, Frontiers, 5 May 2017,

Rezac, Shannon, et al. �Fermented Foods as a Dietary Source of Live Organisms.� Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers Media S.A., 24 Aug. 2018,

Sander, Guy R., et al. �Rapid Disruption of Intestinal Barrier Function by Gliadin Involves Altered Expression of Apical Junctional Proteins.� FEBS Press, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 8 Aug. 2005,

Sartor, R Balfour. �Therapeutic Manipulation of the Enteric Microflora in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Antibiotics, Probiotics, and Prebiotics.� Gastroenterology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2004,



Functional Neurology: Understanding Brain Fog and Head Pain

Functional Neurology: Understanding Brain Fog and Head Pain

How often do you feel you have something that must be done? How often do you have difficulty concentrating before eating? Do you suffer from headaches and/or migraines? Head pain is commonly characterized by a variety of symptoms, including pain and discomfort, photophobia or light sensitivity, dizziness, lethargy, and mood changes. However, one of the most common symptoms of head pain is brain fog, which also causes its own variety of symptoms. In the following article, we will discuss brain fog associated with head pain and pressure as well as the common cause of brain fog and headache/migraine. �
Many patients will commonly visit healthcare professionals reporting mild or moderate head pain and pressure as well as a variety of other symptoms, such as brain fog, fatigue, and even vision problems, among others.� The patients frequently experience a “constant cloud” over their brain and they generally never have a clear head or mental clarity. Many patients will commonly report numerous other symptoms, including poor short-term memory, detachment from reality, sharp pain and discomfort in the head, and ringing in the ears. Many others report anxiety, caused or worsened by the symptoms. �

Brain Fog and Head Pain

The first approach towards characterizing brain fog associated with head pain is to make sure it’s not caused by a secondary headache or a headache with an identifiable cause. Several types of head pain are more severe than others, such as giant cell arteritis or inflammation of the arteries that run along the temples, raised blood pressure or hypertension,�brain hemorrhage, brain infections like encephalitis, increased pressure in the fluid of the brain or raised intracranial pressure, and brain tumors. Less severe types of head pain include�carbon monoxide poisoning, taking too many painkillers or medication-overuse headache, disorders of the joints of the jaw or temporomandibular joint disorders, dental problems, and sinus infections or sinusitis. Below, we will discuss several of the most common causes of brain fog associated with head pain.

Causes of Brain Fog and Head Pain

Researchers and healthcare professionals have offered their own hypotheses for why brain fog occurs with head pain, based on their own knowledge and experiences. They believe that brain fog and head pain occur due to epilepsy, overactive parathyroid glands or hyperparathyroidism, overactive thyroid gland or thyrotoxicosis, and brain circulation problems. Researchers and healthcare professionals also suggest it could be due to a vitamin B12 deficiency. Fortunately, the utilization of CT and MRI brain scans, heart tracing, EEG and blood tests, can be utilized to rule out many of these health issues.


Moreover, several health issues require specific tests and evaluations. These include tests for lupus or an inflammatory disorder, magnesium deficiency, zinc deficiency,�Lyme disease or an infection resulting from a tick bite, and postural tachycardia syndrome or an increase in heart rate on standing. Many researchers and healthcare professionals also recommend a detailed examination and investigation of a misalignment or subluxation of the neck or cervical spine. �


If all these tests and evaluations return as normal, then the next approach towards characterizing brain fog associated with head pain is to make sure it’s not caused by a primary headache or a headache without an underlying secondary cause. Primary headaches are diagnosed in 9 out of 10 cases of head pain and pressure. The most common types of primary headaches include tension-type headache,�migraine, and daily persistent headache. Diagnosis depends on the pattern of symptoms as well as examinations and investigations to rule out underlying causes. Although there are specific treatment options for several primary headaches like migraines, in many instances, treatment is frequently a matter of trial and error. �


Furthermore, despite the best efforts of researchers and healthcare professionals as well as comprehensive examinations and investigations, many people who suffer from brain fog associated with head pain and pressure are still left without any explanation for their symptoms. Researchers and healthcare professionals have a name even for this type of brain fog-related head pain known as medically unexplained symptoms or MUS. This ultimately means exactly what reads as: no one is denying that the person has the symptoms, but doctors have been unable to find a medical condition to explain them. �


Several people with MUS undoubtedly do have stress, anxiety, and even depression whether as a result of the symptoms or as a cause of the symptoms. Researchers and healthcare professionals recommend continuing to pursue psychological support if you have brain fog and head pain, as this may help to relieve a potential cause as well as helping to cope with the symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy�would be ideal for this purpose, as would�mindful awareness, a technique that would arm people with a way of deflecting their mind away from their troubling symptoms, improving overall well-being. �


El Paso Chiropractor Staff and Doctor

Brain fog can make people feel as if they’re not able to focus or concentrate accordingly and it’s commonly accompanied by head pain, fatigue and even vision problems. While brain fog is a symptom rather than a single health issue, it can be a cause or be caused by other underlying health issues. Head pain and pressure can have a variety of symptoms on its own but head pain-related brain fog has a whole different variety of symptoms. Understanding brain fog associated with head pain and pressure as well as what you can do about the symptoms can help manage brain fog symptoms and promote overall brain health and wellness. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Neurotransmitter Assessment Form


The following Neurotransmitter Assessment Form can be filled out and presented to Dr. Alex Jimenez. Symptoms listed on this form are not intended to be utilized as a diagnosis of any type of disease, condition, or any other type of health issue. �



In honor of Governor Abbott’s proclamation, October is Chiropractic Health Month. Learn more about the proposal. �


How often do you feel you have something that must be done? How often do you have difficulty concentrating before eating? Do you suffer from headaches and/or migraines? Head pain is commonly characterized by a variety of symptoms, including pain and discomfort, photophobia or light sensitivity, dizziness, lethargy, and mood changes. However, one of the most common symptoms of head pain is brain fog, which also causes its own variety of symptoms. In the following article, we will discuss brain fog associated with head pain and pressure as well as the common cause of brain fog and headache/migraine. �


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �



Additional Topic Discussion: Chronic Pain

Sudden pain is a natural response of the nervous system which helps to demonstrate possible injury. By way of instance, pain signals travel from an injured region through the nerves and spinal cord to the brain. Pain is generally less severe as the injury heals, however, chronic pain is different than the average type of pain. With chronic pain, the human body will continue sending pain signals to the brain, regardless if the injury has healed. Chronic pain can last for several weeks to even several years. Chronic pain can tremendously affect a patient’s mobility and it can reduce flexibility, strength, and endurance.




Neural Zoomer Plus for Neurological Disease

Neural Zoomer Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate neurological diseases. The Neural ZoomerTM Plus is an array of neurological autoantibodies which offers specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus is designed to assess an individual�s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens with connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus aims to reduce neurological conditions by empowering patients and physicians with a vital resource for early risk detection and an enhanced focus on personalized primary prevention. �


Formulas for Methylation Support

Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX


XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.


Proudly,�Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.


Please call our office in order for us to assign a doctor consultation for immediate access.


If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic�Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

xymogen el paso, tx


For your convenience and review of the XYMOGEN products please review the following link. *XYMOGEN-Catalog-Download


* All of the above XYMOGEN policies remain strictly in force.



Functional Neurology: Migraine and Brain Fog

Functional Neurology: Migraine and Brain Fog

How often do you feel you have something that must be done? How often do you have difficulty concentrating before eating? Do you suffer from migraines and/or headaches?�A migraine headache is commonly characterized by a variety of symptoms, including pain and discomfort, photophobia or light sensitivity, dizziness, lethargy, and mood changes. However, one of the most common symptoms of migraine headaches is brain fog, which also causes its own variety of symptoms. In the following article, we will discuss brain fog associated with migraines and offer several simple tips to help manage migraine brain fog. �


What is Migraine Brain Fog?

Several people experience migraine-associated brain fog before the severe headaches occur, although it most commonly occurs after the migraines have passed. As a matter of fact, a research study demonstrated that almost 70 percent of people with migraines experience brain fog, which can last from a few hours to several days or more. This percentage may be even higher as symptoms of confusion and difficulty focusing or concentrating are also frequently reported, all of which can suggest the presence of post-migraine brain fog. According to researchers, migraine brain fog can include symptoms such as: �


  • forgetfulness or short-term memory loss
  • loss of sense of direction
  • inability to complete everyday tasks and activities
  • a brain that feels as if it “doesn’t function properly”
  • feeling as though you’re having to think through a fog


Migraine headache brain fog can make it difficult to participate and engage in daily tasks and activities. Cooking, which requires focus and concentration as well as multiple steps, may feel nearly impossible to do with this health issue. People who suffer from migraines may also feel that driving is downright dangerous, especially if their brain fog is accompanied by a lack of sense of direction. To others, people experiencing migraine brain fog may ultimately appear to be half-asleep. �


What Does Brain Fog Really Feel Like?

Many people have experienced moments where they walk into a room only to find out that they can no longer remember why they even walked into the room. Migraine patients, however, experience these symptoms much more frequently and much more severely. They may often find themselves forgetting what they are doing or where they are going, they become easily distracted, or completely lose track of their purpose. Migraine patients have described migraine-associated brain fog as a feeling of disconnection, trouble making complete sentences or thoughts, or simply as a heaviness or numbing of the mind. � Several people have characterized it as �feeling dumb.� However, the simple fact is that even the most intelligent individual can feel as though their brain has been reduced to little more than mush with migraine brain fog. This can ultimately also cause feelings of guilt over the lack of productivity and it is often aggravated due to challenges accurately explaining the symptoms of the post-migraine brain fog. It is fundamental for both healthcare professionals and patients to be able to recognize that these symptoms are still associated with migraine headaches, even though the pain may have subsided. �


Tips for Managing Migraine Brain Fog

Following a migraine headache, it may be necessary to return to everyday tasks and activities, in spite of the brain fog, including going to school or back to work, taking care of one�s family. The tips below will help ease migraine brain fog. �


Write Things Down

Keep a planner, utilize a smartphone, or stick post-its in relevant areas so that you’ll be able to see them later. Lists to track tasks or activities will help give you the confidence you need to know that you are not missing any important to-do items. �


Be as Organized as Possible

When your environment is organized, it becomes easier for you to find the things that you are looking for to keep moving forward with regular tasks and activities. Several specific organization strategies can include the following, such as: �


  • Utilizing clearly labeled basket organizers on your desk
  • Utilizing a filing system that is easy for both you and others to understand
  • Writing checklists of what you need to accomplish, including grabbing your keys, phone, and wallet, if necessary
  • Placing medicines into boxes with times and dates so that you will know whether or not you have taken them


Ask for Help if Needed

This is one of the most vital parts of managing migraine brain fog. You can’t always do everything yourself. If you need help, don’t be afraid to seek help from a healthcare professional. Be honest about your needs to achieve migraine brain fog relief. �


El Paso Chiropractor Staff and Doctor

Brain fog can make people feel as if they’re not able to focus or concentrate accordingly and it’s commonly accompanied by fatigue and even migraine headaches. While brain fog is a symptoms rather than a single health issue, it can also have a variety of causes. Migraine headaches can have a variety of symptoms on their own but migraine-associated brain have has a whole different variety of symptoms. Understanding migraine brain fog and what you can do about the symptoms can help manage migraine brain fog symptoms and promote overall brain health and wellness. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Neurotransmitter Assessment Form


The following Neurotransmitter Assessment Form can be filled out and presented to Dr. Alex Jimenez. Symptoms listed on this form are not intended to be utilized as a diagnosis of any type of disease, condition, or any other type of health issue. �



In honor of Governor Abbott’s proclamation, October is Chiropractic Health Month. Learn more about the proposal. �


How often do you feel you have something that must be done? How often do you have difficulty concentrating before eating? Do you suffer from migraines and/or headaches? A migraine headache is commonly characterized by a variety of symptoms, including pain and discomfort, photophobia or light sensitivity, dizziness, lethargy, and mood changes. However, one of the most common symptoms of migraine headaches is brain fog, which also causes its own variety of symptoms. In the article above, we discussed brain fog associated with migraines and offered several simple tips to help manage migraine brain fog. � The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �



Additional Topic Discussion: Chronic Pain

Sudden pain is a natural response of the nervous system which helps to demonstrate possible injury. By way of instance, pain signals travel from an injured region through the nerves and spinal cord to the brain. Pain is generally less severe as the injury heals, however, chronic pain is different than the average type of pain. With chronic pain, the human body will continue sending pain signals to the brain, regardless if the injury has healed. Chronic pain can last for several weeks to even several years. Chronic pain can tremendously affect a patient’s mobility and it can reduce flexibility, strength, and endurance.




Neural Zoomer Plus for Neurological Disease

Neural Zoomer Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate neurological diseases. The Neural ZoomerTM Plus is an array of neurological autoantibodies which offers specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus is designed to assess an individual�s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens with connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus aims to reduce neurological conditions by empowering patients and physicians with a vital resource for early risk detection and an enhanced focus on personalized primary prevention. �


Formulas for Methylation Support

Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX


XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.


Proudly,�Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.


Please call our office in order for us to assign a doctor consultation for immediate access.


If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic�Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

xymogen el paso, tx

� For your convenience and review of the XYMOGEN products please review the following link. *XYMOGEN-Catalog-Download


* All of the above XYMOGEN policies remain strictly in force.



The Attack of Allergies

The Attack of Allergies

Do you have:

  • Itchy watery eyes?
  • Unexplained itchy skin?
  • Aches, pains, and swelling throughout the body?
  • Unpredictable food reaction?
  • Redden skin, especially in the palms?

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, then you might be experiencing an allergy attack in your body.

The Rise of Allergies

The rise of allergies has not gone unnoticed amongst the young and the old. The allergy disease has affected over 30% of individuals in many communities, particularly young children, have underscored the need for effective prevention strategies in their early lives. Some individuals will blame the increase in toxin exposure while others blame the food, but mostly everyone will admit that the answers to how the allergy disease comes from are still unclear. Whether it be food, environmental factors, or skin allergies, the common denominator that causes the allergies to develop is in the immune system, especially in its inflammatory department.

The body�s immune system is linked to the entire body microbiome, and it also resides in the gastrointestinal tract. It has been said that the health and function of the immune system are directly associated with the diversity as well as the health of the microbiome. So it is reasonable to consider the microbiome when healthcare professionals are seeking to solve the allergy enigma.

Types of Allergic Reactions

With most allergy reactions, they are manifested in either the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, or the skin. It is not a surprise that these organ systems are also where the body’s microbiome is the most heavily concentrated. A variety of bacterial species make their homes in these organ systems since these three organ systems represent the primary portals of entry for these pathogens.

It is logically that the microbiome of the body is so heavily concentrated as it functions as the first line of defense against invading pathogens and antigens. When there is a weak microbiome, or it lacks biodiversity, it will become a weak defense system, and the immune system is required to “pick up the slack” by identifying and protecting the body against these foreign invaders, which includes the common allergens that a person can get.

Skin Allergies


Skin allergies are where the skin becomes red, bumpy, and itchy rashes to become irritating, painful, and embarrassing for some people. Rashes can be caused by many factors, including exposure to certain plants, an allergic reaction to specific medication or food, or by illnesses like measles or chickenpox. Eczema, hives, and contact dermatitis are the three types of skin rashes. Eczema and hives are the two most common types of skin rashes and are related to allergies.

  • Eczema: Also known as atopic dermatitis, can affect between 10 to 20 percent of children and 1 to 3 percent of adults. People with eczema will experience dry, red, irritated, and itchy skin. When it is infected, the skin may have small fluid-filled bumps that can ooze clear or yellowish liquid. Anyone with eczema can often have a family history of allergies.
  • Hives: Also known as urticaria, this skin rash is raised, red bumps or welts that appear on the body. Hives can cause two conditions, and they are acute urticaria and chronic urticaria. Acute urticaria is most commonly caused by exposure to an allergen or by an infection, while the causes of chronic urticaria are still mostly unknown.
  • Contact dermatitis: This skin rash is a reaction that appears when the skin comes in contact with an irritant or an allergen. Soaps, laundry products, shampoos, Excessive exposure to water, or the sun are some of the factors that can cause contact dermatitis. The symptoms can include rashes, blisters, itching, and burning.

Food Allergies

Anyone with a food allergy has an immune system that reacts to specific proteins found in food. Their immune system starts attacking these compounds as if they were harmful pathogens like a bacterium or a virus. Food allergies can affect 250 million to 550 million people in developed and developing countries.

Food allergies

The symptoms can range from mild to severe and can affect individuals differently. The most common signs and symptoms of an individual’s experience include:

  • The skin may become itchy or blotchy
  • Lips and face might swell
  • Tingling in the mouth
  • Burning sensation on the lips and mouth
  • Wheezing
  • Runny nose

Studies have found out that many people who think they have a food allergy may have a food intolerance. These two are entirely different because food intolerances do not involve the IgE antibodies, and the symptoms may be immediate, delayed, or similar to food allergies. Food intolerances occur due to proteins, chemicals, and other factors that can compromise the intestinal permeability. While food allergies mean that even a small amount of food is going to trigger the immune system, causing an allergic reaction.

Seasonal Allergies

Person with Allergies

Seasonal allergies are one of the most common allergic reactions that people get. About 8 percent of Americans experience it, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, and it is commonly known as hay fever. Hay fever occurs when the immune system overreacts to outdoor allergens like pollen, weeds, cut grasses, and wind-pollinated plants.� Seasonal allergies are less common in the winter; however, it is possible to experience allergic rhinitis year-round, depending on where the individual lives and on the allergy triggers they may have.

Symptoms of seasonal allergies can range from mild to severe, including:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Water and itchy eyes
  • Itchy throat
  • Ear congestion
  • Postnasal drainage


Allergies are a disease that attacks the immune system and can be triggered by many factors, whether it be from food, environmental factors, or the toxins that a person is exposed to. There are ways to lower the allergy symptoms through medicine or foods that have prebiotics and probiotic nutrients that can reduce the reactions. Some products can help support the immune system and can offer nutrients to the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic support.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Brosseau, Carole, et al. �Prebiotics: Mechanisms and Preventive Effects in Allergy.� Nutrients, MDPI, 8 Aug. 2019,

Kerr, Michael. �Seasonal Allergies: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.� Healthline, 7 May, 2018,

Molinari, Giuliano, et al. �Respiratory Allergies: a General Overview of Remedies, Delivery Systems, and the Need to Progress.� ISRN Allergy, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 12 Mar. 2014,

Newman, Tim. �Food Allergies: Symptoms, Treatments, and Causes.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 17 July 2017,

Team, DFH. �Attack Allergies with Prebiotics.� Designs for health, 24 Oct. 2019,

Unknown, Unknown. �Skin Allergies: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.� ACAAI Public Website, 2019,