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Re-Energize From Lack of Energy and Fatigue With Bio-Chiropractic

Re-Energize From Lack of Energy and Fatigue With Bio-Chiropractic

Re-energize from a lack of energy and fatigue with Bio-chiropractic. Millions of individuals struggle to get through the day or night depending on work/school schedules because of deficient energy levels that result in fatigue. Unfortunately, many begin taking over the counter or prescription medication, drinking coffee or highly caffeinated/energy beverages, or taking days off to catch up on rest. There is a wide range of high-sugar and caffeine energy products to help with fatigue. But, research has shown how overconsumption of these products can contribute and/or cause:

  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • When a tired body takes in caffeinated energy, it is only for a temporary energy boost.
  • Energy products can mask the fatigue causation. This could be a disease, a type of condition, or an overlapping of causes.


Re-Energize From Lack of Energy and Fatigue With Bio-Chiropractic

Nervous System

The nervous system is the body’s life energy source. It is responsible for facilitating millions of functions that occur throughout the body every day. These include:

What often happens is that:

  • Poor posture
  • Accidents
  • Injuries
  • Birth trauma
  • Shifts the spine out of alignment, placing added pressure on the delicate nerves in the neck and back. 

The compression causes nerve interference that disrupts optimal nerve energy flow from reaching the organs. This leads to:

  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Organ dysfunction
  • Eventually disease


Bio-Chiropractic is a scientific and researched based form of musculoskeletal corrective care. It aims to unblock nerve interference through the proper realignment of the spine, returning it to its proper curvature. As a result, many individuals under chiropractic care report immediate relief from neck or back pain, along with a vibrant, energized feeling, and with time their overall health improves.

Body Composition Feedback


Malnutrition can be defined as a deficiency, excess, or imbalance in an individual’s intake of energy and nutrients. Protein-energy deficiency is a common form of malnutrition. It is a health condition that can have immediate/negative effects on body composition. This deficiency causes damage to skeletal muscle mass as the body progresses into starvation mode, breaking down its own protein stored in the muscles for fuel.

Micronutrient deficiency is a lack of nutrients like minerals and vitamins. These support important functions like cell regeneration, the immune system, and eyesight. Common examples are iron and/or calcium deficiencies. Micronutrient deficiency has the greatest impact on the body’s physiological functions/processes. They can occur at the same time that protein-energy deficiency is happening overlapping each other. Nutritional deficiencies can impact processes like:


Berkson, D L. “Osteoarthritis, chiropractic, and nutrition: osteoarthritis considered as a natural part of a three-stage subluxation complex: its reversibility: its relevance and treatability by chiropractic and nutritional correlates.” Medical hypotheses vol. 36,4 (1991): 356-67. doi:10.1016/0306-9877(91)90010-v

Jensen, Gordon L et al. “Recognizing malnutrition in adults: definitions and characteristics, screening, assessment, and team approach.” JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition vol. 37,6 (2013): 802-7. doi:10.1177/0148607113492338

Oakley, Paul A et al. “Restoring lumbar lordosis: a systematic review of controlled trials utilizing Chiropractic Bio Physics® (CBP®) non-surgical approach to increasing lumbar lordosis in the treatment of low back disorders.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 32,9 (2020): 601-610. doi:10.1589/jpts.32.601