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Fine-Tune Your Walking Exercise: Increase Duration or Intensity!

Fine-Tune Your Walking Exercise: Increase Duration or Intensity!

For individuals who have decided to start exercising for fitness and health, walking is a great place to start. Can planning a walking exercise schedule help individuals maintain a fitness routine and improve endurance and speed quicker?

Fine-Tune Your Walking Exercise: Increase Duration or Intensity!

Walking Exercise Planning Schedule

While any amount of walking benefits health, individuals can increase the benefits by walking more per week or by increasing the pace. Brisk walking for 30 minutes per day, totaling 150 minutes per week, is recommended by health experts to decrease risks for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other conditions. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2022)

  • Individuals with ongoing health conditions should talk to their doctor before starting any new exercise program.
  • Beginners are encouraged to focus on using proper walking posture and technique to steadily improve strength and endurance.
  • The increased duration or intensity can help if weight loss is a goal.
  • Improving diet is also necessary for the best results.
  • Individuals can build healthy walking habits by tracking walks.



  • Individuals can walk outdoors, indoors, or on a treadmill.
  • Wear proper athletic shoes and clothing.
  • Check walking posture.
  • Walk at an easy pace for a couple of minutes before picking up speed.

First Week

An example of what a walking exercise schedule can look like, but it’s advised to consult a professional trainer to develop a personalized fitness plan.

  • Start with a 15-minute walk at an easy pace.
  • Walk five days the first week.
  • Building a healthy habit is the goal, so consistency is important.
  • Spread out rest days, like making days 3 and 6 rest days.
  • Weekly goal – 60 to 75 minutes

Second Week

  • Add five minutes, so the walk time increases gradually.
    Or, individuals can extend more on some days, followed by a rest day.
  • Weekly goal – 80 to 100 minutes

Third Week

  • Add five more minutes with each session, so the walk increases to 25 minutes.
  • Weekly goal – 100 to 125 minutes

Fourth Week

  • Add another five minutes to increase the walk to 30 minutes.
  • Weekly goal – 120 to 150 minutes

Individuals who find any week to be difficult are suggested to repeat that week instead of adding time until they are able to progress naturally. Once able to walk for 30 minutes at a time comfortably, individuals are ready for a variety of different walking exercise workouts to add intensity and endurance. A weekly walking plan can include:

  • Longer walks
  • Higher-intensity walks
  • Speed-building walks

Beginner Walking Speed

An individual’s objective should be brisk walking to achieve a moderate-intensity workout. This is the intensity that is associated with the most health benefits.

Brisk walking should feel like:

  • Breathing is heavier than normal.
  • Able to carry a full conversation while walking.
  • Not out of breath. (Siti Ruzita Mahmod et al., 2018)
  • If the speed is slower and the heart rate is lower during the initial weeks, this is normal.
  1. The first goal is to walk for 30 to 60 minutes a day without injury.
  2. Adding speed and intensity gradually.
  3. Staying consistent in regularly walking before trying to walk faster and longer.
  4. Using proper walking posture and arm motion will help in faster walking.
  5. To reduce the risk of injury, gradually increase the length of the walk or pace, only changing one component at a time.

Individuals may consider joining a walking group or club to have others to walk with and an incentive to maintain regular walking.

Home Exercises for Pain Relief


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Need? Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Measuring Physical Activity Intensity. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Target Heart Rate and Estimated Maximum Heart Rate. Retrieved from

Mahmod, S. R., Narayanan, L. T., & Supriyanto, E. (2018). Effects of incremental cardiorespiratory exercise on the speech rate and the estimated exercise intensity using the counting talk test. Journal of physical therapy science, 30(7), 933–937.

Fiber and Gut Health: El Paso Back Clinic

Fiber and Gut Health: El Paso Back Clinic

Not getting enough fiber in one’s diet can lead to fiber deficiency. Fiber helps support gut and microbiome health. Individuals not getting enough fiber may experience irregular bowel movements, constipation, blood sugar fluctuations, not feeling full/satisfied after eating, or rising cholesterol levels. About 100 trillion microorganisms in the gut are integral to maintaining a healthy immune system. Fiber is the food these microorganisms eat that helps them to do their job. Without the proper amount, the immune system’s health may also be compromised.

Fiber and Gut Health: EP's Chiropractic Functional TeamFiber and Gut Health

Fiber and gut health benefits include regulating the body’s sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check, helping to maintain a healthy weight, its ability to prevent or relieve constipation, reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

  • Dietary fiber, or roughage, is the part of plant foods the body can’t digest or absorb.
  • It passes through the stomach, small intestine, and colon and out of the body.
  • It is found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.
  • Soluble and insoluble forms are important to overall health.


Soluble Fiber

  • This type dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance.
  • It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.
  • It is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, and barley.

Insoluble Fiber

  • This type of fiber promotes the movement of material through the digestive system.
  • It increases stool bulk, benefiting individuals who struggle with constipation or irregular stools.
  • Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans, and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans, and potatoes, are good sources.


Healthy Bowel Movements

  • Dietary fiber increases stool weight and thickness and makes it soft.
  • Fiber helps to solidify the stool by absorbing water and adding bulk.
  • A thicker stool is easier to pass, decreasing the potential for constipation and other problems.

Maintains Bowel Health

  • A high-fiber diet can lower the risk of developing hemorrhoids and small pouches in the colon/diverticular disease.
  • Studies have also found that a high-fiber diet can help lower the risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Some fiber gets fermented in the colon.
  • Researchers are looking at how this can help prevent diseases of the colon.

Lowers Cholesterol

  • Soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed, and oat bran can help lower blood cholesterol levels by lowering low-density lipoprotein or unhealthy cholesterol levels.
  • Studies also have shown that high-fiber foods can help reduce blood pressure and inflammation.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

  • In individuals with diabetes, fiber, particularly soluble fiber, can slow the absorption of sugar and improve blood sugar levels.
  • A healthy nutrition plan that includes insoluble fiber can help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Helps Achieve Healthy Weight

  • High-fiber foods can be more filling than low-fiber foods, helping individuals eat less and stay satisfied.
  • High-fiber foods can also take longer to eat and are less energy dense, meaning they have fewer calories.

Getting More Fiber

Ideas for adding more fiber to meals and snacks:

Fiber to Start The Day

  • Choose a high-fiber breakfast cereal with five or more grams of fiber per serving.
  • Choose cereals with whole grain, bran, or fiber in the name.
  • Add a few tablespoons of unprocessed wheat bran to the cereal.

Add Whole Grains

  • Try to make at least half of the grains eaten whole grains.
  • Look for bread that lists whole wheat, whole-wheat flour, or another whole grain as the first ingredient, with at least 2 grams of dietary fiber per serving.
  • Experiment with whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, wild rice, barley, and bulgur wheat.

Baked Foods

  • Substitute whole-grain flour for half or all white flour when baking.
  • Add crushed bran cereal, unprocessed wheat bran, or uncooked oatmeal to muffins, cakes, and cookies.


  • Beans, peas, and lentils are recommended sources.
  • Add kidney beans to soups or salads.
  • Make nachos with refried black beans, fresh vegetables, whole-wheat tortilla chips, and healthy salsa.

Fruit and Vegetables

  • Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and vitamins and minerals.
  • Try to eat a favorite fruit daily.

Healthy Snacks

  • Fresh fruits, raw vegetables, low-fat popcorn, and whole-grain crackers are healthy choices.
  • Try for a handful of nuts or dried fruits; however, be aware that nuts and dried fruits can be high in calories.


High-fiber foods are beneficial for the body’s health.

  • Adding too much fiber can promote intestinal gas, abdominal bloating, and cramping.
  • Increase fiber gradually over a few weeks.
  • This allows the natural bacteria in the digestive system to make adjustments.
  • Maintain hydration, as fiber works best when it absorbs water.

Individuals not sure how to incorporate more fiber can consult a nutritionist and health coach to help begin the process.

Gut Dysfunction


Anderson, James W et al. “Health benefits of dietary fiber.” Nutrition Reviews vol. 67,4 (2009): 188-205. doi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x

Cronin, Peter, et al. “Dietary Fiber Modulates the Gut Microbiota.” Nutrients vol. 13,5 1655. 13 May. 2021, doi:10.3390/nu13051655

Fuller, Stacey, et al. “New Horizons for the Study of Dietary Fiber and Health: A Review.” Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands) vol. 71,1 (2016): 1-12. doi:10.1007/s11130-016-0529-6

Gill, Samantha K et al. “Dietary fiber in gastrointestinal health and disease.” Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology vol. 18,2 (2021): 101-116. doi:10.1038/s41575-020-00375-4

Kinesiology, Kinesio, KT, Elastic Tape For Back Pain

Kinesiology, Kinesio, KT, Elastic Tape For Back Pain

We see it on all types of athletes nowadays. They are wearing tape that looks like it’s for an injury. It is for injuries, but it can also be used as a preventative measure to avoid injuries. It is known as Kinesiology, Kinesio, KT, and elastic tape. It reduces swelling, increases mobility, and expedites recovery. It can be beneficial with back soreness/pain.

Kinesiology, Kinesio, KT, Elastic Tape For Back Pain


When it comes to Kinesio tape for back pain, medical professionals reported the tape is most effective when incorporated with other pain treatments. A study found that taping various areas of the body safely relieved knee pain and reduced the need for pharmacological treatment for knee osteoarthritis. It is applied to the body to support a joint, improve circulation, or provide proprioception feedback to the brain. The tape can help increase awareness of a specific painful area, reminding the individual to maintain proper posture and not move in a way that causes pain. Online videos can teach how to tape a particular area of the body. Examples include:

Each joint and muscle requires various tapings or different patterns and directions. Applying the tape to body areas that an individual can reach and access, like the knee and ankle, can be simple. But it can be a challenge to apply it to the shoulder or back. This is when a physical therapist, chiropractor, medical clinician, partner, family member, or friend can help with the application. Kinesiology tape is designed to adhere for an average of three to four days, even when bathing.


Kinesio taping for low back pain with help should be done in a shortened muscle position, meaning the person helping should apply the tape while the person experiencing back pain stands up straight. The taping can be two stripes going up and down, or it can be done with strips fanning out towards the buttocks. This gives support to the spine/back muscles and decreases pain.

Recovery and Prevention

Recovery from a spine condition or injury prevention, kinesiology tape can be used without any risk. It can help reduce pain, improve circulation, and provide muscle support. For a minor sprain or strain, the tape could help on its own. But for an individual experiencing severe back pain, it is recommended to seek professional medical care along with a stretching and strengthening regimen. The tape is recommended to be used as part of a complete treatment plan.

Body Composition

Five-Day Training Plan

The idea of training five times a week can be pretty intimidating. This is not about pushing yourself to your breaking point Monday through Friday. The objective of working out this frequently is about exercising normally, not like a professional athlete. That’s why many individuals divide up the areas they work out each day. Particular attention is given to one muscle group or system, letting the others rest and recover. This workout strategy is called a split and is favored by the bodybuilding community. Five-day splits are utilized to target different major muscle group/s every day. A standard training plan includes:


  • Back
  • Biceps


  • Chest
  • Triceps



  • Legs
  • Lower Back


  • Biceps
  • Triceps

This is just one of the many programs that trainers, athletes, and fitness individuals have developed. Some individuals replace shoulders day with cardio; some do abs every day; it depends on what fitness goal the individual is going for.


Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. (April 2016) “Kinesio taping for chronic low back pain: A systematic review”

Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease. (August 2019) “The effectiveness of Kinesio Taping® for pain management in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial”

What are the potential benefits for back pain?: Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. (June 2015) “Low Back Pain in Athletes”

Your Daily Routine Should Incorporate Walking El Paso, TX.

Your Daily Routine Should Incorporate Walking El Paso, TX.

Whether you are walking around the house, to the store or to the mailbox, you know how to walk. Taking a walk is one of the most basic things a human can do. What you may not realize is that you are doing something that is fundamental for health. Walking is one of the single best exercises you can do. This is why you can expect your chiropractor to suggest that your daily routine should incorporate walking.

  • Cardiovascular health
  • Better mood
  • Weight loss

Walking does so much! If it was a pill, everyone would be taking it.

Walking Benefits

When you come to the chiropractor, chances are you are seeking help for a condition that is painful and/or uncomfortable. Back pain, leg pain, neck pain, etc. You may also make regular visits to the chiropractor for your overall health, as scheduled adjustments can help you feel better over the long-term.

Hearing your chiropractor recommend walking can be surprising, especially when you are expecting an adjustment or some other immediate type of care (don’t worry, you can still get your adjustment.) But there are reasons for the recommendation, reasons that fit perfectly into the goals of chiropractic care. These include:

1. It will help you lose weight.

Every extra pound you carry puts exponential pressure on your joints, including your back. Your chiropractor wants you to lose weight to protect your joints and minimize your pain and chance of injury.

Just 30 minutes a day of walking is enough to steadily shed pounds. Start with a 20-minute walk a day and gradually increase your time. Ideally, you should get 10,000 steps a day for fitness (a pedometer is helpful for measuring your steps.)

2. It will improve your mood.

Commercial products and pharmaceuticals are constantly offered to the public as mood lifters, and some of them may work�but most carry significant side effects. Walking will also improve your mood, and its main side effect is weight loss.

Studies have demonstrated that walking lowers feelings of anger and hostility. Walking is recommended for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the condition that tends to show up as the days get darker and shorter.

Walking can also be helpful after an upsetting situation. If you take a walk, you will probably find you feel a little calmer and more in control when you return.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste.128 Your Daily Routine Should Incorporate Walking El Paso, TX.

A father walking with his dog and his son in the suburbs

3. It will lower your risk of chronic disease.

There have been several studies that have shown walking can reduce the risk of chronic disease. One study found that people who walked five days a week for 30 minutes or more had a 30% less chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Other studies have shown it reduces blood pressure and most likely reduces the risk of having a stroke.

4. It improves digestion.

Having regular, predictable digestion makes life easier and more enjoyable. There are plenty of ways that people try to improve their digestion�ranging from a cup of coffee in the morning to fiber supplements. Walking is another way you can become more regular. The movement of walking aids in digestion, so much so that people who have gone through abdominal surgery are required to walk because of its positive effects on digestion.

What Walking Does to Your Body

Check out this video and discover exactly what happens to your body when you walk:

Your Partner For The Best Health

If you have questions about walking or any other lifestyle changes that can improve your health, please contact us and schedule an appointment. Our chiropractic team is here to help you enjoy optimal health!