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Pulled Muscle Treatment: Tips to Get You Back in Motion

Pulled Muscle Treatment: Tips to Get You Back in Motion

When individuals experience a neuromusculoskeletal injury strain, can following basic pulled muscle treatment protocols help in healing and a full recovery?

Pulled Muscle Treatment

Pulled Muscle Treatment

A pulled muscle or muscle strain occurs when a muscle is stretched beyond its ability resulting in discomfort symptoms and mobility issues. Microscopic tears can occur within the muscle fibers potentially worsening the injury. This type of injury usually causes mild to severe pain, bruising, and immobility, and nerve injuries can develop as well. Common muscle strains include:

  • Pulled hamstrings
  • Groin strains
  • Pulled abdominal muscles
  • Calf strains

Pulled muscle treatment requires patience to promote proper healing and restoration of optimal function.

  • Individuals need to focus on the different stages of healing.
  • Gradually increase activity levels as the body allows to prevent stiffness and atrophy which can cause complications.


The usual symptoms of this type of injury include:

  • Pain
  • Limited mobility
  • Muscle spasms
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Often individuals will feel a sudden grabbing or tearing sensation and are then unable to continue the activity.


Muscle strain injuries are graded by severity: (Hospital for Special Surgery. 2019)

Grade I

  • Mild discomfort.
  • Often there is no disability.
  • Usually does not limit activity.

Grade II

  • Moderate discomfort
  • Can limit the ability to perform certain activities.
  • May have moderate swelling and bruising.

Grade III

  • Severe injury that can cause significant pain.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Swelling.
  • Significant bruising.

Basic Treatment Protocols

Most pulled muscle strain injuries heal with simple treatment. Following the right steps can ensure an expedited recovery. In the early stages after the injury, there is a balance between doing too much or not enough. The amount of activity an individual will be able to do, and the time required for recovery depends on the severity of the injury. Here are some guidelines in the right direction.


  • Rest is recommended for the early recovery stage.
  • Depending on the severity of the injury this could last from one to five days.
  • Immobilization is usually not necessary, and not moving at all can lead to muscle and joint stiffness.
  • This can be harmful and interfere with mobility. (Joel M. Kary. 2010)
  • If immobilization is necessary, like using a splint or cast, careful supervision should be monitored by a healthcare provider.

Cold Therapy

  • Cold therapy should begin as soon as possible after sustaining a pulled muscle.
  • The therapy/ice helps reduce swelling, bleeding, and pain. (Gerard A Malanga, Ning Yan, Jill Stark. 2015)
  • Cold therapy applications can be done frequently, but should not exceed 15 minutes at a time.


  • Stretching is important to relax the muscles and for pre-mobilization.
  • Muscles that maintain flexibility help prevent further injury.


  • The injury and the rest period can decrease the strength of the muscle.
  • It is important to rebuild strength before returning to physical activities.
  • Strengthened muscles help prevent re-injury.

Increased Activity to Prevent Muscle Fatigue

Properly Warming Up

  • Warming up before taking on physical activities will help loosen the muscles and prevent injuries.
  • Beginning work or exercise with stiff muscles can lead to an increased chance of strain.
  • Studies have shown that temperature can influence the stiffness of a muscle. (K. W. Ranatunga. 2018)
  • Maintaining body and muscle warmth helps prevent injury and re-injury.

Injuries and Chiropractic: The Road To Recovery


Hospital for Special Surgery, Muscle Strain: What You Need to Know About Pulled Muscles.

Kary J. M. (2010). Diagnosis and management of quadriceps strains and contusions. Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine, 3(1-4), 26–31.

Malanga, G. A., Yan, N., & Stark, J. (2015). Mechanisms and efficacy of heat and cold therapies for musculoskeletal injury. Postgraduate medicine, 127(1), 57–65.

Mair, S. D., Seaber, A. V., Glisson, R. R., & Garrett, W. E., Jr (1996). The role of fatigue in susceptibility to acute muscle strain injury. The American journal of sports medicine, 24(2), 137–143.

Ranatunga K. W. (2018). Temperature Effects on Force and Actin⁻Myosin Interaction in Muscle: A Look Back on Some Experimental Findings. International journal of molecular sciences, 19(5), 1538.

Facet Joint Syndrome and Chiropractic Relief El Paso, Texas

Facet Joint Syndrome and Chiropractic Relief El Paso, Texas

Facet joint syndrome also called facet joint sprain is a common cause of back pain. The joint/s in our bodies connect two or more bones and their primary function is to promote motion. In the spine, the joints connecting each vertebra are known as facet joints. Like any other joint, each facet joints� job is to generate healthy movement and provide stability for each motion segment.

The disc/s function as spacers that support motion between the vertebral bodies. This creates a tri-relationship between the intervertebral disc and the facet joints. Degeneration or damage/injury to one affects the other. The effects of aging and/or traumatic injury can damage the facet joints and is the leading cause of back pain known as facet joint syndrome.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Facet Joint Syndrome and Chiropractic Relief El Paso, Texas


There are a variety of treatments that are used, but the most mainstream involves pain medication which can have undesirable side effects and can lead to addiction. Chiropractic is a proven, reliable treatment for pain relief and discomfort of facet joint syndrome. It restores mobility and flexibility while providing pain relief. Individuals notice significant alleviation from the pain and inflammation with chiropractic and is often recommended to those with the condition.


Facet joint syndrome

The joints are located at the back of the spine. At each level, there are two joints, one on each side of the spine. The facet joints are enclosed in a capsule. The capsule contains synovial fluid and the surface is covered with hyaline cartilage. These joints are constructed in this fashion because of their role in the body. This role is to control excessive or extensive movement, which includes hyperextension and rotation. This helps to stabilize the spine.

Facet joint syndrome happens when there is an injury or damage to the joints. There are a variety of causes, but basically, it is a sprain that is brought on by excessive movement. This damages the joint capsule and results in inflammation, swelling, and pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Facet Joint Syndrome and Chiropractic Relief El Paso, Texas


The pain triggers a protective mechanism in the spine called a reactive muscle spasm which causes difficulty moving comfortably and severe, sudden pain. It is difficult to sit and rest because of its integral function of supporting the body. Severe sprains can take weeks to heal, normally 2 to 6 weeks. The�daily pain and lack of mobility make everyday activities difficult and a normal lifestyle almost impossible.

Chiropractic/Physical Therapy

Chiropractic is a proven, effective treatment for facet syndrome.� A chiropractor will conduct a physical exam, discuss medical history, and send you for diagnostic tests like x-rays and MRIs. Once they have a clear picture of the condition and a facet joint syndrome diagnosis has been confirmed, they will discuss a recommended course of treatment that can include:


They recommend exercises�specificto the condition that helps relieve the pain while strengthening the muscles in the back.

Poor Posture

Posture is extremely important for spinal health and general wellness.

A chiropractor will help you achieve a proper, healthy posture along with exercises to do at home to maintain posture and retrain your body.


Heat wraps, hot showers or ice packs and cold pads can be recommended to help control pain and swelling.


Depending on job type, you may be advised to take frequent breaks if you sit all day or shorten your commute. Certain activities won�t be do-able for some time until your back heals.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 126 Anatomy of Chronic Pain and Chiropractic Alleviation El Paso, Texas

Spinal manipulation

Spinal manipulation is the most standard chiropractic treatment. A chiropractor may include other treatments/therapies depending on the specific condition and lifestyle.

Chiropractic is a safe, effective, non-invasive, and drug-free way to treat facet joint syndrome, relieve back pain, and help you regain mobility. Talk to your chiropractor about treatment options. Our uplifting southwest community surrounded by its infinite beauty is a fantastic place to live and enjoy our families; it is, therefore, our mission to help each of our patients to live,�to�love,�to�matter�and�to�thrivepain-free�in this beautiful special place.


Facet Joint Syndrome Treatment


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