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A Guide to Food Substitutions: Making Healthy Choices

A Guide to Food Substitutions: Making Healthy Choices

“For individuals looking to improve their quality of life, can substituting healthy meal ingredients be a simple step toward better health?”

Food Substitutions

Food Substitutions

Eating well does not mean having to give up favorite foods. Part of the enjoyment of home cooking is putting one’s own style on each dish. Individuals soon discover they prefer healthy food substitutions to the original high-fat, high-sugar, or high-sodium ingredients. Healthy swaps can be introduced gradually to allow the taste buds to adapt. It is possible to reduce:

  • Calories
  • Unhealthy fats
  • Sodium
  • Refined sugars

Simply making smart swaps that replace some ingredients with more beneficial ones.

Ingredients for Healthier Meals

Recipes are the sum of their parts. A dish made with multiple ingredients adds its own nutrition for healthy or unhealthy. Ingredients high in calories, saturated fat, added sugars, and/or sodium can make a dish less nutritious. By making strategic food substitutions, individuals can transform a high-calorie, high-fat, sugary dish into something more nutritious. When done regularly this adjustment leads to long-term healthy behavior changes. Making small adjustments leads to improvements in weight management, heart health, and risk of chronic diseases.

Substituting Unhealthy Fats and Oils

  1. Instead of baking with butter, try using applesauce, mashed avocados, or mashed bananas.
  2. These plant-based alternatives don’t overload the body with saturated fat.
  3. Try using half butter and half an alternative to cut calories and fats.
  4. For cooking, try sautéing, roasting, or pan-frying in olive or avocado oil.
  5. Both contain healthy monounsaturated fats.
  6. These oils can be used for dipping bread with dinner or for a quick snack.
  7. Fresh herbs or a dash of balsamic vinegar can add flavor.

Refined Sugars

Enjoying sweets can be healthy, but the objective is to be mindful of how much-refined sugar is consumed. Sweet flavors send signals to the reward centers in the brain, increasing positive associations with sugar. However, eating high amounts of sugar can lead to:

Try to control how much sugar goes in.

  1. Consider incrementally scaling back on sugar in baked goods by adding three-fourths or half of the sugar.
  2. Try using fresh fruit as a natural sweetener.
  3. Mashed dates add caramel-like flavor without spiking blood sugar like white sugar.
  4. Maple syrup is another alternative.
  5. Experiment with options and combinations to keep refined sugars to a minimum.
  6. For soda or other sweetened beverages, consider going half with sparkling water and soda or juice.
  7. Sweeten water with fruit by steeping it in an infusion pitcher or bottle.


Salt is another common excess in an individual diet. Sodium contributes to high rates of elevated blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

  • The CDC offers tips on how reducing sodium can improve health. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2018)
  • An array of other herbs and spices can amplify the flavor of meals.
  • Purchase or create various flavor blends.
  • For example, cumin, chili powder, oregano, and red pepper flakes can spice up a dish or a blend of thyme, paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder can add savory notes.
  • A study found that adding lemon juice to recipes could reduce sodium content and add tanginess. (Sunkist Growers. 2014)

Whole Grains

Individuals don’t have to choose brown rice or whole wheat pasta for every meal but try to select whole grains half of the time. Food substitutions that can help achieve the halfway point include:

  • Popcorn or whole wheat crackers instead of refined flour crackers.
  • Whole wheat pizza crust instead of regular crust.
  • Substitute brown rice for white in stir-fries or casseroles.
  • Oatmeal instead of refined grain cereal.
  • Whole wheat pasta for spaghetti and meatballs or other pasta dishes.
  • Quinoa as a side dish instead of white rice or couscous.

More whole grains equals more fiber and B vitamins to help sustain energy, prevent blood sugar spikes, and promote digestive health. Eating more whole grains has been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease (Caleigh M Sawicki, et al. 2021) and a lower risk of colon cancer. (Glenn A. Gaesser. 2020)

Finding the right combination of each of these substitutions takes time. Go slow and taste often to see how each substitution affects a recipe’s taste and texture.

Boost Metabolism


Zong, G., Li, Y., Wanders, A. J., Alssema, M., Zock, P. L., Willett, W. C., Hu, F. B., & Sun, Q. (2016). Intake of individual saturated fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease in US men and women: two prospective longitudinal cohort studies. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 355, i5796.

American Heart Association. Saturated fat.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Different dietary fat, different risk of mortality.

Faruque, S., Tong, J., Lacmanovic, V., Agbonghae, C., Minaya, D. M., & Czaja, K. (2019). The Dose Makes the Poison: Sugar and Obesity in the United States – a Review. Polish journal of food and nutrition sciences, 69(3), 219–233.

Harvard Health Publishing. The sweet danger of sugar.

American Heart Association. How much sugar is too much?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How to Reduce Sodium Intake.

Sunkist Growers. Sunkist Growers and Chefs from Johnson & Wales University Release New S’alternative® Research.

Sawicki, C. M., Jacques, P. F., Lichtenstein, A. H., Rogers, G. T., Ma, J., Saltzman, E., & McKeown, N. M. (2021). Whole- and Refined-Grain Consumption and Longitudinal Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in the Framingham Offspring Cohort. The Journal of nutrition, 151(9), 2790–2799.

Gaesser G. A. (2020). Whole Grains, Refined Grains, and Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses of Observational Studies. Nutrients, 12(12), 3756.

Daily Ways To Stay Active: El Paso Back Clinic

Daily Ways To Stay Active: El Paso Back Clinic

Learning how to stay active with busy lives and schedules takes practice. There are daily ways to incorporate physical movement into the everyday routine and shed sedentary habits in favor of more active ones resulting in improved overall health, elevated mood, and better energy levels. Regular movement lowers body weight and reduces the risk of medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and arthritis. And regularly incorporating small physical activities throughout the day can make the exercise more fun and not like a chore that begins to become second nature.

Daily Ways To Stay Active: EP's Chiropractic Functional Clinic

Daily Ways To Stay Active

Like most individuals, much time is spent sitting in the car, workstation/desk, or couch. Research has found that maintaining physical activity can reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer.


Everyone is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all daily or weekly movement plan. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults ages 18 to 64 get around 150 minutes of moderate-intensity weekly exercise combined with functional strength training. This can seem like a lot, but still, some activity is better than none. Wherever an individual is in physical fitness, it is never too late to make incremental adjustments and rebuild health one step at a time.

  • Brisk walking is an example of moderate-intensity exercise.
  • Individuals with busy schedules can break up their daily movement into smaller chunks.
  • 5 or 10 minutes here and there add up to significant health benefits.

Start With Stretching

  • A quick morning stretch of 10 minutes can help limber up the muscles, get circulation pumping, and reduce stress.
  • A study found that a regular 10-minute stretching plan helped reduce anxiety and physical pain and increase flexibility.

Stand Up and Walking Around More

  • Standing up every 20-30 minutes at home or work is recommended during seated activities.
  • Walking and thinking increases creative output.
  • Mobility gets the blood pumping and increases caloric output.
  • With regular practice, individuals learn to feel their muscles tensing from too much sitting and know it’s time to get up and move.
  • One way to stand and move is to pace the room during a phone call.

Take the Long Way

  • Take the stairs or park farther from the store to increase walking steps.
  • Physical activity in small bursts creates a mindset of an added challenge.
  •  Choosing to go the long way does make a difference and can significantly affect other areas of life.

Move to Music

  • Research shows that music has amazing effects on physical activity.
  • It distracts from pain and fatigue.
  • It increases endurance.
  • Makes physical activity and exercise feel like less of an effort.
  • Playing moving music around the office, if possible/headphones and house can get the body naturally moving more.

House Tasks

  • Cleaning the house and doing chores from a fitness perspective can be a refreshing way to get the work done and work out.
  • This could be washing dishes after dinner, using the whole body
  • Vacuuming the house can work the muscles and elevate the heart rate.
  • A 150-pound person can burn serious calories from a full hour of cleaning and chores.
  • Added mental health benefits from the work reduce anxiety, depression, and negative mood.

Get Up When Commercials Come On

  • Get up and move during commercial breaks.
  • But with streaming services, commercials aren’t the same.
  • When watching shows or movies without built-in commercials, make a habit of getting up.
  • For shows or movies with no commercials, pause and take a quick stretch, do a quick round of jumping jacks, or walk to the other end of the house or twice in an apartment and back.
  • A brief break is not an actual workout, but it will get the heart pumping more than staying sedentary.
  • The more you do it, the more natural it will become.

Military Training and Chiropractic Care


Habay, Jelle, et al. “Interindividual Variability in Mental Fatigue-Related Impairments in Endurance Performance: A Systematic Review and Multiple Meta-regression.” Sports medicine – open vol. 9,1 14. 20 Feb. 2023, doi:10.1186/s40798-023-00559-7

Hotta, Kazuki, et al. “Daily muscle stretching enhances blood flow, endothelial function, capillarity, vascular volume and connectivity in aged skeletal muscle.” The Journal of Physiology vol. 596,10 (2018): 1903-1917. doi:10.1113/JP275459

Kruse, Nicholas T, and Barry W Scheuermann. “Cardiovascular Responses to Skeletal Muscle Stretching: “Stretching” the Truth or a New Exercise Paradigm for Cardiovascular Medicine?.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 47,12 (2017): 2507-2520. doi:10.1007/s40279-017-0768-1

Maltese, Paolo Enrico et al. “Molecular foundations of chiropractic therapy.” Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis vol. 90,10-S 93-102. 30 Sep. 2019, doi:10.23750/abm.v90i10-S.8768

Ma, Peng, et al. “Daily sedentary time and its association with risk for colorectal cancer in adults: A dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.” Medicine vol. 96,22 (2017): e7049. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000007049

Rangul, Vegar, et al. “The associations of sitting time and physical activity on total and site-specific cancer incidence: Results from the HUNT study, Norway.” PloS one vol. 13,10 e0206015. 23 Oct. 2018, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206015

Shen, Dong, et al. “Sedentary behavior and incident cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective studies.” PloS one vol. 9,8 e105709. 25 Aug. 2014, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105709

Family Health: El Paso Back Clinic

Family Health: El Paso Back Clinic

This time of year brings plenty of changes to normal day-to-day activities. We eat more and move less. But it is possible to stay on track while still enjoying the holiday festivities. The key is to balance healthy choices, stay aware of stressors, make a plan for staying healthy and get the whole family involved. The CDC recommends focusing on four areas to maintain family health: physical activity, nutritional habits, sleep, and screen time.

Family Health: EP's Chiropractic Functional TeamFamily Health

Striking a balance between being active and having fun will help to create a more enjoyable and relaxing holiday experience.

Get The Whole Family Moving

  • Physical activity develops stronger muscles and bones, improves heart health, increases blood circulation, and lowers body fat.
  • Children ages 3 to 5 years should be active throughout the day.
  • Children ages 6 to 17 need at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.
  • Look for ways to blend fun and physical activity as a family.
  • If you can get outside, play games like basketball or touch football, walk the dog, or take a nature walk.
  • Inside, have a family dance party, play video games that require movement, and encourage everyone to move around and stretch out.


Everyone has go-to foods, treats, and drinks they enjoy during the holidays. Restricting or avoiding these pleasures completely isn’t good, as it can lead to binge eating.

  • Eat mindfully and in moderation.
  • Making healthy eating a family effort helps everyone reach and keep a healthy weight and sets a healthy example.
  • Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat and fat-free dairy products.
  • Check labels and follow nutrition guidelines.
  • Drink plenty of water and real fruit juices instead of sugary drinks.

Maintain Healthy Sleep

  • Sleep is essential for optimal brain and body health.
  • Healthy sleep helps prevent Type 2 diabetes, injuries, and weight gain.
  • Improves mood, concentration, and performance.
  • Individuals tend to eat more and be less active when not getting enough sleep.
  • Children 6 years old to 12 need between 9 and 12 hours of sleep a night.
  • Teens need 8 to 10 hours.

Limit screen time

  • Sedentary activities combined with too much screen time can lead to weight gain, sleep problems, and affected mental health.
  • Limiting phone, computer, and TV usage maintains mind and body health and generates more time for family activities.
  • Turn off electronic devices an hour before bed.

Modeling healthy behaviors and making small lifestyle changes can lead to lifelong healthy habits.

Chiropractic Functional Medicine

Chiropractic functional medicine can improve the body’s neuromusculoskeletal system and enhance overall health. Chiropractic and massage therapies:

  • Increase circulation
  • Facilitate detoxification
  • Balance the distribution of hormones and nutrients
  • Regulate the heart’s rhythm
  • Soothe the nervous system
  • Increase mobility
  • Decreased pain
  • Increase flexibility
  • Serve as a supportive treatment to other kinds of therapeutic care.

Holiday Games


Physical Activity Facts

Preventing Childhood Obesity: 4 Things Families Can Do,

Screen Time vs. Lean Time Infographic,

Tips to Help Children Maintain a Healthy Weight,

Managing Holiday Eating: El Paso Back Clinic

Managing Holiday Eating: El Paso Back Clinic

The holidays are a wonderful time to gather with family and friends and celebrate. However, it can be a time of overindulgence and overeating. Managing holiday eating habits is achievable by having options to help you make better choices so you can indulge and enjoy the festive food and drinks without overdoing it. Here are a few techniques to be successful.

Managing Holiday Eating: Chiropractic Functional Nutrition Clinic

Managing Holiday Eating

Many individuals overeat during the holidays. It’s understandable as the holiday season means letting loose, relaxing with friends and family, and enjoying the moment are major factors in overeating as auto-pilot is engaged. The next thing you know, the plate is clean, and more food is being added. It’s all about maintaining a healthy balance. Here are a few ways to manage holiday eating.

Practice Mindful Eating

  • Don’t just start devouring the food.
  • Try to spend a few moments tasting the food.
  • Slow down and chew the food slowly.
  • Savor every bite.

Doing this will help to cut down on how much food you’re consuming while truly enjoying the meal.

Prioritize sleep

  • Before the busy season begins, get enough sleep.
  • Getting the proper rest will make it easier to manage holiday stress and avoid unhealthy indulgences.

Eating Triggers

  • Stress, too many cocktails, and easy access to various foods can make individuals overeat.
  • Plan how to handle eating triggers.
  • For example, make a small plate and don’t return for seconds.

Pay Attention To The Foods and How Much

  • It’s easy to get distracted and lose track while you’re busy and socializing.
  • Distraction can cause you to eat more than you realize.

Eat and Drink Slow

  • Have what you want, but in moderation, and consume slowly.
  • Pay attention to your body signals. You could be full before the plate is clean.

Seasonal Treats

  • These can be special foods that you don’t get every day, so enjoy them.
  • But try to maintain moderation or alternate with something healthy.

Constantly Drink Water In Between

  • Take a drink of water in between bites and beverages.
  • A stomach with water can curb hunger.
  • Plenty of water helps with digestion and heartburn issues.

Moderate Alcoholic and Sugary Drinks

  • Too many holiday sweet drinks and alcoholic beverages add empty calories.
  • Try to go with the healthiest option or reduce sugar and alcohol.
  • Have one drink, then a glass of water or healthy juice, etc.

Don’t Go To The Dinner/Party Hungry

Super Foods

Adding superfoods to your holiday nutrition plan to help balance food indulgences. These are foods with high levels of vitamins and nutrients, dietary fiber that helps reduce cholesterol, and antioxidants that fight free radicals. 


  • Vitamin A – Protects against infections and promotes eye and skin health.
  • Vitamin C – Helps heal wounds and aids in iron absorption.
  • Vitamin K – Supports healthy digestion and blood clotting.

Superfoods include dark leafy greens, nuts, fruits, dark chocolate, olive oil, and oily/fatty fish. Here are a few superfoods you can enjoy:

Sweet Potatoes

  • Rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, and potassium.


  • They are high in fiber and protein, magnesium, and potassium.


  • High in fiber and vitamin A.


  • Rich in flavonoids and tannins are a healthy source of folate, potassium, and vitamin K.


  • Contain antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • Low in calories.
  • High in vitamins A, C, and K, manganese, potassium, and fiber.

Winter Squash

  • High in fiber and a great source of vitamin A and carotenoids.


  • Provide fiber, vitamin C, folate, and manganese.

From the Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Team, have a happy, safe, and healthy Thanksgiving!

Functional Nutrition


Seven tips for reining in holiday overeating

Brown, Tanya, et al. “Have a Food-Safe Holiday Season.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics vol. 117,11 (2017): 1722-1723. doi:10.1016/j.jand.2017.08.123

Díaz-Zavala, Rolando G et al. “Effect of the Holiday Season on Weight Gain: A Narrative Review.” Journal of obesity vol. 2017 (2017): 2085136. doi:10.1155/2017/2085136

Get Your Superfood Nutrition for Good Health

Healthline, 2019; Ruled by Food? 5 Strategies to Break the Cycle of Overeating

Healthline, 2019; 23 Simple Things You Can Do to Stop Overeating

Lobo, V et al. “Free radicals, antioxidants, and functional foods: Impact on human health.” Pharmacognosy reviews vol. 4,8 (2010): 118-26. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.70902

What Is a Superfood, Anyway?

Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique

Improving posture can be challenging. Poor posture is often the source of various musculoskeletal issues like chronic pain throughout the body. Poor posture can be so ingrained in the brain that it becomes an unconscious positioning reflex that feels right but could be worsening spinal, hip, and leg problems. The Alexander Technique could be a treatment option that could help long-term.

Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique

The approach focuses on learning mind-body awareness. It is an educational process to teach individuals to become aware of their body positioning and change unhealthy posture/movement habits into healthy ones. The objective is learning to utilize sufficient levels of muscle tension for everyday activities, like sitting, standing up, and walking in a healthy way to maintain optimal health of the musculoskeletal system.

  • The theory is that less tension minimizes wear and tear on the muscles and structures of the spine vulnerable to compression.
  • The fundamental goal of the Alexander Technique is to undo all the unhealthy tension habits to decompress the spine and retrain the mind and body to approach movement and body positioning in a new and healthy way.


The technique can be done in a class setting or one-on-one teaching because everyone’s postural and movement habits are unique. A teacher helps identify the tension-inducing postures and educates the individual on how to correct them. Human touch is an integral part of the Alexander Technique. Using their hands gently to adjust the individual to a proper upright position, a teacher helps release pressure from the head, neck, shoulders, and upper back. The individual learns to release the tension throughout their body. The Alexander Technique is a type of hands-on therapy; it is not manipulation or massage. It uses a light touch with no risk of injury to the spine, allowing anyone to participate. However, individuals must be willing to participate/engage in the process to get the benefits. Most individuals can tell if it’s right for them during the first lesson. A typical program teaches:

  • Comfortably sitting up straight.
  • Reducing overuse of superficial musculature.
  • Increasing proprioceptive awareness.
  • Staying alert to the body’s warning of tension and compression.

Tension Build Up

Individuals usually don’t even realize they’re constantly placing pressure on their spine from unhealthy postural habits, building up muscular tension they never knew they created. For example, unhealthy neck position habits include:

  • Pushing the head forward
  • Slumping over
  • Pinning the shoulders back
  • These postures generate/build pressure and tension that radiates outward and down to the large muscles of the spine.
  • Habitual downward pressure can pull and change the spine’s shape, leading to degenerative forms of spinal deformity in severe cases.
  • When the tension is released, the neck and body begin to stand upright comfortably, without pulling down or pulling back.

Frederick Matthias Alexander

Developed the technique in the 1890s to help his muscle tension problems affecting his acting career. When performing, he would stiffen his neck and pull his head back and up, building tension that caused him to tighten his throat and lose his voice. He did not know he was doing this until he performed in front of a mirror and saw his awkward positioning. He realized this and retrained himself to pose naturally, stay relaxed, and be aware of any tension building in the muscles to release it immediately. Alexander Technique educators/practitioners practice all over the world. The American Society for the Alexander Technique or AmSAT website has a Find A Teacher Tool that connects individuals to AmSAT-approved teachers.

Body Composition

Practicing Mindfulness

Developing a mindfulness practice can help identify triggers of negative behavior or thoughts. Just like diet and exercise, practicing mindfulness is unique to everyone. It is recommended to try different things like:

  • Journaling is another way to tune into oneself. Grab a pen and paper, a computer, tablet, or phone, and take a few minutes to write every day.
  • Write one thing that makes you happy.
  • One thing you want to improve.
  • One goal you want to accomplish that day or that week.

Mindful music listening can help reduce stress by allowing the individual to focus their attention when their mind is going in all directions.

  • Instead of turning to the news or email when waking up, grab a cup of coffee or tea and listen to a favorite podcast or music.
  • Put the phone away and listen to your mind and self.

Try to meditate in the morning when waking up. This helps set the day’s goals/plans. Goal-setting mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress levels and anxiety. However, if the morning is not possible then at night before bed can be used to reflect on the day’s activities, what went well, what didn’t, how to improve something, whatever the case, the point is to make time for yourself to reflect, set goals, and develop a plan to achieve those goals.


Becker, Jordan J et al. “Preliminary evidence for feasibility, efficacy, and mechanisms of Alexander technique group classes for chronic neck pain.” Complementary therapies in medicine vol. 39 (2018): 80-86. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2018.05.012

Cacciatore et al., Improvement in automatic postural coordination following Alexander technique lessons in a person with low back pain. Physical Therapy Journal, 2005; 85:565-578. Accessed January 5, 2011

Chin, Brian et al. “Psychological mechanisms driving stress resilience in mindfulness training: A randomized controlled trial.” Health psychology: official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association vol. 38,8 (2019): 759-768. doi:10.1037/hea0000763

Little P, Lewith G, Webley F, et al. Randomised controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain. The BMJ. 2008;337:a884. doi:

Paolucci, Teresa et al. “Chronic low back pain and postural rehabilitation exercise: a literature review.” Journal of pain research vol. 12 95-107. December 20 2018, doi:10.2147/JPR.S171729

Chronic Pain and Nutritional Habits

Chronic Pain and Nutritional Habits

Low-back, neck, shoulder, hip, leg, and foot pain are all causes of everyday discomfort and a bad mood. Chronic pain exacerbates the discomfort and bad mood times 10. Chiropractic treatment can help realign the spine and alleviate the pain. However, to maintain pain relief, individuals need to make healthy lifestyle adjustments. One of the most important adjustments is eating habits. Those dealing with chronic pain may not realize their diet is contributing to the pain.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we have a combined team of chiropractors, physical therapists, a health coach, and a nutritionist to help educate, develop, and support a personalized treatment plan on spinal health, posture, physical activity/exercise, balance, and eating habits.

Chronic Pain and Nutritional Habits

Salt, Sugar, and Fat Affects the Body

A sedentary lifestyle is a significant contributor to chronic pain, but unhealthy eating habits also play a role. Poor diet adds weight to the body. This stresses the body’s biomechanical structure. It also aggravates inflammation. Too much salt, sugar, and fats ingested through processed foods, fast food, and unhealthy habits affect the body’s regulating systems. They can affect everything from the nervous system, nerves, proper circulation, even the limbic system. The inflammation and stress generate and exacerbate chronic pain symptoms.

Changing unhealthy eating habits is up to the individual.

Individuals can be advised to cut back or cut out unhealthy diet choices; however, it is easier said than done. A doctor, health coach, and nutritionist have no control over what individuals do when they leave the clinic. Individuals themselves can have little control over their own eating habits. Many have an addiction to unhealthy food, which is a disease in itself. To help change poor eating habits, individuals need to be educated on how their eating habits affect the total body and mental health.

Nutrition Discussion

Chronic pain associated with inflammation linked to a poor diet is the first step in the diagnosis and developing an optimal treatment plan. It could be as simple as informing an individual that eating cheeseburgers are causing the inflammation that is hurting their back. However, there is more to it, but individuals are more inclined to avoid the foods causing the inflammation upon hearing a full explanation. Targeting specific foods is the first step in alleviating pain.

The temptation is always there, especially when stress comes into the picture. This is why it is important to have ready-to-go adjustments/alternatives that keep the individual eating healthy, despite the chaos going on around them. A treatment plan will include quick alternatives that can happen in stages. An example could be:

  • Having one cheeseburger and not two.
  • Having a burger without cheese.
  • Eating a burger without the buns.
  • Switching to a plant-based burger.
  • There are many options to be explored to improve eating habits in small steps.

Willpower also has to be addressed in a controlled and supportive setting. This is where the whole team comes in. Many individuals’ eating habits are part of who they and adjusting them can be an uphill challenge. To educate on:

  • Methods of accountability
  • Keeping a journal
  • Having the family or friends eat healthy with them
  • These are techniques and methods to increase willpower to make healthy changes.

Body Composition

Foods Can Support Body Detoxing

The proper foods can support the body in detoxifying toxins and counter the negative effects like brain fog, neurodegenerative disorders, and chronic pain. The foods help to:

  • Neutralize oxidative stress
  • Lower inflammation
  • Increase immunity
  • Strengthen the musculoskeletal system
  • Foods and nutrients that detoxify can be a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Bjørklund, Geir et al. “Insights on Nutrients as Analgesics in Chronic Pain.” Current medicinal chemistry vol. 27,37 (2020): 6407-6423. doi:10.2174/0929867326666190712172015

Elma, Ömer et al. “Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain, and Nutrition: Where Are We and Where Are We Heading?.” PM & R: the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation vol. 12,12 (2020): 1268-1278. doi:10.1002/pmrj.12346

Gómez-Pinilla, Fernando. “Brain foods: the effects of nutrients on brain function.” Nature reviews. Neuroscience vol. 9,7 (2008): 568-78. doi:10.1038/nrn2421

Remote Working/School and Learning/Forming Spine-Healthy Habits

Remote Working/School and Learning/Forming Spine-Healthy Habits

Remote working and learning have changed the way we operate, but too much sitting and no physical activity is the perfect set up for back pain. Here are a few tips for spine friendly remote working and learning. Spine-health is just as important working or learning remotely, if not more so because it is easy to fall into bad posture habits that will affect the spine. Poor home working/learning habits can cause upper and lower back pain that could become chronic. Individuals become too comfortable making the home working environment a damaging experience on spinal health. For chiropractors, the pandemic brought an influx of individuals of all ages with upper, middle, and lower back pain. This was caused by poor posture when video conferencing on the couch, slouching at the table and sitting for way too long, and never getting up and moving around.  
Children tend to present with pain and aches on the side of the spine versus pain directly centered. This is from side slouching, often when staring at the computer monitor. Adults, especially over 40 complained of pain and stiffness in the upper and lower back. Herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica risks increase as bad habits continue and do not improve. However, this can all be helped with a little exercise, work/school space optimization, and forming healthy work and schooling from home habits.  

Stretching Out

When working/schooling remotely, there�s a tendency to be more sedentary. Individuals need to learn to take time to stretch out and keep the body limber. It is easy to use breaks to scroll through social media or binge on movies, videos, etc. This can still be accomplished, but stretch out and move around while taking breaks. An exercise program of stretching daily during the workday and endurance training twice a week will help reduce back pain and increase flexion. Results vary for everyone and the type of stretching exercises they are performing.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Remote Working/School and Learning/Forming Spine-Healthy Habits

Core Exercises

Core exercises are a perfect way to work out muscle stress and back pain resulting from poor posture. Slumped over a computer can place significant stress on the trapezius muscle causing the muscle to knot up and tighten. The trapezius muscle is crucial to neck and shoulder movement and helps stabilize the shoulder blades.  

Trapezius stretch with band

  • Holding an elastic band between the hands, place the band at the back of the skull.
  • Slowly tilt the head back to its full range of motion as the resistance is felt.
  • Return the head back to the neutral position maintaining alignment with the spine.
  • Repeat ten times

Shoulder shrugs

  • Choose 2 items of equal weight such as 2 books, 2 quarts of water, or 2 hand weights, and hold one item in each hand.
  • Position keeping hands near your sides
  • Slowly raise up and shrug your shoulders for several seconds
  • Gently release shoulder shrug and bring back arms to neutral
  • Repeat for 10 reps


Proper posture is a learned process that requires practice. Using a mirror to check posture can help maintain proper posture while seated when working/schooling. Self-assessing posture correctly is important and viewing oneself in a mirror is an easy way to figure out what adjustments are needed. Questions to ask oneself while self-assessing include:
  • Is the head far too forward?
  • Is there slouching?
  • Are the shoulders curling/rounding around the body?
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Remote Working/School and Learning/Forming Spine-Healthy Habits

Posture tips when seated:

  • Keep the feet flat on the floor or on a footrest
  • If in the habit of crossing ankles and knees change position often
  • Position the back against the chair. If the spine does not align with the chair use a cushion or backrest
  • Position knees at hip height or a little lower
  • Maintain some space between the back of the knees and the chair�s edge
  • Look straight ahead but make sure the neck is comfortable
  • Position forearms parallel to the floor
  • Maintain relaxed shoulders

Adjust the Light

When lighting is not optimal there can be a tendency to strain forward in various positions. This can cause excessive stress and inflammation to the upper spine area. Natural ambient lighting is recommended. In general, the lighting set-up should be adjusted to easily see the screen without causing glare or any type of discomfort to the eyes.

Take a Walk

A daily routine that will support spine health is to take walk breaks every half hour for a few minutes. If every half hour is not doable then take a 5 or 10-minute break to walk around and stretch every hour. It is important not to remain seated for too long. Remember the body was meant to move and be active.  

Optimization Work Station

Using ergonomic office furniture for home use can help prevent the development of unhealthy posture along with the development of further musculoskeletal issues. Laptops are great for their portability and ability to work-from-anywhere. However, actually placing them on your lap and working on them for too long will cause back and neck strain. It is difficult to position the keyboard and screen for maintaining a proper line of sight and hand position. The most spine-healthy way to work on a laptop is to position the screen at eye level with the keyboard level with slightly extended hands. A recommended long-term solution is using a screen and keyboard that can be adjusted. One type of computer set up is an iPad positioned at eye-level with a stand and a wireless external keyboard/mouse on a table or desk. A lot of money does not have to be spent on the setup. Books or boxes laying around the house can be used to prop up the screen to the proper height. The goal is when working/schooling remotely is to ensure the body is not hunched over, bent, or straining forward and to maintain proper posture with optimal spinal alignment. There are unique spinal health challenges when working/learning remotely. However, they can be avoided with a little planning and small adjustments. Taking time to stretch, do a little exercise, walk around the house, have adequate lighting, and making some ergonomic desk, chair, and computer changes that will help maintain a healthy spine.

Back Pain Rehabilitation


Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico*
Moretti A, Menna F, Aulicino M, Paoletta M, Liguori S, Iolascon G. Characterization of Home Working Population during COVID-19 Emergency: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.�Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(17):6284. Published 2020 Aug 28. doi:10.3390/ijerph17176284