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Footwear for Back Pain Relief: Choosing the Right Shoes

Footwear for Back Pain Relief: Choosing the Right Shoes

Footwear can cause lower back pain and problems for some individuals. Can understanding the connection between footwear and back problems help individuals find the right shoes to maintain back health and relieve pain?

Footwear for Back Pain Relief: Choosing the Right Shoes

Footwear Back Pain

The back provides the strength for physical activities. Back pain affects daily life and can have various causes. Unhealthy posture, walking, twisting, turning, bending, and reaching can contribute to back problems that result in pain. According to the CDC, 39% of adults report living with back pain (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Improper footwear can also contribute to back pain. Selecting footwear carefully can help bring pain relief and help maintain spinal health. Individuals can enjoy less pain and manage symptoms by choosing shoes that maintain spinal alignment and protect the feet from blunt impact.

Understanding the Back Pain-Footwear Connection

Improper footwear could be the cause of lower back pain. What impacts the bones at the bottom of the neuromusculoskeletal system radiates upward and affects the spine and back muscles. What footwear is used travels upward, impacting gait, posture, spinal alignment, and more. When back problems originate from the feet, these are biomechanical issues. Biomechanics means how the bones, joints, and muscles work together and how changes in external forces impact the body.


When the feet impact the ground, they are the first extremities to absorb shock for the rest of the body. Individuals will start to walk differently if they have a problem or change in their feet. Wearing shoes with improper support can increase the wear and tear on the muscles and joints, leading to awkward and unnatural movement. For example, consider the difference between standing on tiptoes in high heels and the natural flat-footed state. Well-cushioned shoes help absorb impact and lessen pain sensations. The pressures on each of the joints shift balance, which causes instability problems with less pressure on some and more on others. This creates an imbalance that leads to pain and joint conditions.


Maintaining a healthy posture is another factor in preventing or alleviating back pain. With the right footwear, the body can maintain a healthier stance and the right curvature throughout the spine, and it helps distribute the weight evenly. This results in decreased stress on ligaments, muscles, and joints. (Harvard Health Publishing. 2014) It’s recommended to see an orthopedist to get to the root of an individual’s condition. For some, a herniated disc, sciatica, automobile collision, fall, unhealthy ergonomics, or a combination, as well as other underlying issues, may be contributing to their back pain.

Shoe Types and Their Impact on The Back

How various shoes impact posture, potentially causing or relieving back pain.

High Heels

High heels can definitely contribute to back pain. They change body posture, causing a domino effect on the spine. The body’s weight is shifted to increase pressure on the balls of the feet, and the spine’s alignment becomes altered. High heels also affect how the ankles, knees, and hips move when walking, balance, and how the back muscles operate, all of which can worsen back pain.

Flat Shoes

Flat shoes may not be the best choice for spinal health. If they lack arch support, they can cause the foot to roll inward, known as pronation. This can contribute to misalignment, which can strain the knees, hips, and lower back. However, they can be a decent choice if they provide arch support. When wearing flat shoes with healthy support, the weight is distributed evenly on the feet and the spine. This helps maintain correct posture, which can help prevent and/or alleviate back pain.

Sneakers, Tennis, and Athletic Shoes

Sneakers, tennis, and athletic shoes can relieve back pain with thorough cushioning and support. Choosing the right ones involves determining the activity that will be done in them. There are tennis, running, basketball, pickleball, skating shoes, and more. Research what features will be needed for the sport or activity. This could include:

  • Heel cups
  • Insole cushioning
  • Wide base
  • Other features to meet individual foot needs.

It is recommended that athletic shoes be changed every 300 to 500 miles of walking or running or with any signs of unevenness when placed on a flat surface, as worn-out soles and degraded materials can increase the risk of injury and back pain. (American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, 2024).  If a certain pair puts the legs, hips, or ankles into an unnatural position or impedes regular movement, it may be time to replace them.

Choosing the Right Shoes

The ideal solution for choosing shoe wear is to get a gait analysis and a review of how you walk and run. Various healthcare professionals may offer this service to tailor each individual’s search for the right shoes for back pain. In gait analysis, individuals are asked to run and walk, sometimes on camera, while a professional notes physical tendencies, like when the foot hits the ground and whether it rolls inward or outward. This provides data on affected posture, movement, pain levels, how much arch support is needed, and what type to wear to help prevent back pain. Once the analysis is complete, it will guide you on what to look for, such as what level of arch support, heel height, or material is best for you.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic specializes in progressive, cutting-edge therapies and functional rehabilitation procedures focused on clinical physiology, total health, practical strength training, and complete conditioning. We focus on restoring normal body functions after trauma and soft tissue injuries. We use Specialized Chiropractic Protocols, Wellness Programs, Functional and integrative Nutrition, Agility and mobility Fitness Training, and Rehabilitation Systems for all ages. Our programs are natural and use the body’s ability to achieve specific measured goals rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, unwanted surgeries, or addictive drugs. We have teamed up with the city’s premier doctors, therapists, and trainers to provide high-quality treatments that empower our patients to maintain the healthiest way of living and live a functional life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, and less pain.

Benefits of Using Custom Foot Orthotics


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Back, lower limb, and upper limb pain among U.S. adults, 2019. Retrieved from

Harvard Health Publishing. (2014). Posture and back health. Harvard Health Education.

American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine. Ayne Furman, D. F., AAPSM. (2024). How do I know when it is time to replace my athletic shoes?

Ergonomics & Corrective Posture Tips

Ergonomics & Corrective Posture Tips

6 Tweaks For Posture & See What Happens To Back Pain

Your Guide for Getting Rid of Pain With Super-Easy Posture-Tweaking Moves

A lot of us have aches and pains that have become so much a part of our daily lives that we�ve learned to live with them (if not accept them). The problem is that all these small aches and pains, such as lower back and neck issues, are derived from posture mistakes.

We�re NOT pointing any fingers here; we all make posture mistakes on a daily basis without even realizing it. Sure, an Epsom Salt Bath Soak might clear up the problem temporarily, but if you keep on making the same posture mistake, guess who�ll be knocking on your door again soon?

In this post, we�ll be highlighting some common posture mistakes, and then we�ll be giving you tips on how to fix those mistakes. We�ll even throw in some advice on how to posture-check yourself, just to help keep you on the right track. All of our recommendations take 30 seconds or less, and we�re kind of sure that you�ll find them as useful as we do.

6 Common Posture Problems (& How To Fix Them!)


blog illustration of lady and young girl with incorrect posture then proper posture

1. Not Sitting Up in a Chair

Most of us slouch in our chairs, which is why most of us experience some form of lower back pain during one stage or another of our lives.

How to Fix It

Make sure you sit up properly in your chair. Make sure you do exercises that strengthen the back and core muscles, which will further support your posture while sitting in a chair.

2. Standing With Your Butt Outwards

People that have a pronounced curve in their lower backs and folks that tend to stand with their bottom stuck out may develop (or already suffer from) hyper-lordosis.

This posture problem looks like a classic picture of Donald Duck. Conditions such as pregnancy and carrying too much belly fat exacerbate this problem.

How to Fix It

Make sure you do thigh stretches and hip flexor exercises � you can also do some core training, as well as exercises that strengthen the buttocks.

It�s crucial that you learn to stand upright, almost as if having a string tied to your head which pulls you upward. This will help get rid of your back pain.

3. Having Your Back Flat While Standing

Folks that tuck their pelvises in and straighten out their lower backs (instead of having a naturally curved posture) tend to stoop forward while standing.

This increases their chances of developing back pains that extend all the way from their upper to their lower backs. They�ll also have a hard time standing around for extended periods of time.

How to Fix It


Core strengthening exercises along with those that focus on strengthening the buttocks, neck, back, and shoulder muscles should be done to help correct this very common posture problem.

4. Leaning on the Right or Left Leg

While it might feel super comfy, leaning on either one of your legs while standing is a habit that could be causing you a lot of pain.

That�s because instead of using your buttocks or core muscle groups to keep you up, you�re relying on your hip and your lower back, and putting too much strain on this area causes pain.

How to Fix It

The best way to fix this common problem is to focus on the idea of distributing your weight on both of your legs as you stand. You can try exercises such as bridges and plank poses to help strengthen your muscles and get rid of any posture-related pains which you may be experiencing.

5. The Common Hunchback

Most of us know this posture problem as �the phone pose.� It�s the pose we all seem to adopt when we�re glued to our smartphones, putting a strain on our necks and backs while we check what�s new.

This leads to problems such as a rounded upper back, causing severe pain in the upper back and the shoulders.

How to Fix It

Make sure you�re doing a lot of exercises that�ll strengthen your shoulders, neck, and, of course, your upper back.

6. The Chin-Out Pose

Another name for this posture problem is the �PC screen stare.� You�ve all seen it, heck you may even be doing it right this moment! We�re talking about the people who sit too low beneath their PC screens and stick their chins out to compensate.

How to Fix It

Your sitting habits will have to be addressed and corrected if you want to get rid of the back pain that comes paired with the chin-out posture problem. Make sure you�re adjusting your seat height, and focus on keeping your head straight and upright while using the computer.
Final Thoughts

In our modern world, it�s pretty hard not to fall victim to one of these common posture pitfalls and the pain associated with them. The good news is that now you know what these common mistakes are, and how they can quickly and easily be corrected.

We hope that this post has been helpful in guiding you through the process of alleviating the pains that derive from poor posture, and that you�re a little more aware of where, why, and how to avoid these innocent yet painful mistakes.

Tips for Improving Posture and Ergonomics

blog picture of office with three office workers


Over time, poor posture may be caused by habits from everyday activities such as sitting in office chairs, staring at the computer, cradling a cell phone, carrying a purse over same shoulder, driving, prolonged standing, caring for small children, or even sleeping.

Read more: Office Chair, Posture, and Driving Ergonomics

Poor posture can easily become second nature, causing and aggravating episodes of back and neck pain and damaging spinal structures. Fortunately, the main factors affecting posture and ergonomics are completely within one’s ability to control and are not difficult to change.

See: How Poor Posture Causes Neck Pain

The following guidelines suggest several ways to improve posture and ergonomics, especially for people who work sitting in an office chair for most of the day.

Identify The Warning Signs Of Back Pain Caused by Poor Ergonomics & Posture

Back pain may be the result of poor ergonomics and posture if the back pain is worse at certain times of day or week (such as after a long day of sitting in an office chair in front of a computer, but not during the weekends); pain that starts in the neck and moves downwards into the upper back, lower back, and extremities; pain that goes away after switching positions; sudden back pain that is experienced with a new job, a new office chair, or a new car; and/or back pain that comes and goes for months.

See Good Posture Helps Reduce Back Pain

Keep The Body In Alignment While Sitting & While Standing

When standing, distribute body weight evenly to the front, back, and sides of the feet. While sitting in an office chair, take advantage of the chair’s features. Sit up straight and align the ears, shoulders, and hips in one vertical line. Any prolonged sitting position, even a good one, can be tiring. Shifting forward to the edge of the seat with a straight back can alternate with sitting back against the support of the office chair to ease the work of back muscles.

See Office Chair: How to Reduce Back Pain?

Some people benefit from a naturally balanced posture that is achieved by sitting on a balance ball; in this posture the pelvis is rocked gently forward increasing the lumbar curve which naturally shifts the shoulders back (similar to sitting on the edge of a chair seat).

Also be aware of and avoid unbalanced postures such as crossing legs unevenly while sitting, leaning to one side, hunching the shoulders forward, or tilting the head.

Get Up & Move

As muscles tire, slouching, slumping, and other poor postures become more likely; this in turn puts extra pressure on the neck and back. In order to maintain a relaxed yet supported posture, change positions frequently. One way is to take a break from sitting in an office chair every half hour for two minutes in order to stretch, stand, or walk.

For further reading: Exercise and Back Pain

Use Posture-Friendly Props & Ergonomic Office Chairs When Sitting


blog picture of young man sitting at desk with ergonomic chair and proper posture


Supportive ergonomic “props” can help to take the strain and load off of the spine.�Ergonomic office chairs or chairs with an adjustable back support can be used at work.

  • Footrests, portable lumbar back supports, or even a towel or small pillow can be used while sitting in an office chair, on soft furniture and while driving.
  • Using purses, bags, and backpacks that are designed to minimize back strain can also influence good posture.
  • Proper corrective eyewear, positioning computer screens to your natural, resting eye position can also help to avoid leaning or straining the neck with the head tilted forward.

Increase Awareness Of Posture & Ergonomics In Everyday Settings

Becoming aware of posture and ergonomics at work, at home, and at play is a vital step towards instilling good posture and ergonomic techniques. This includes making conscious connections between episodes of back pain and specific situations where poor posture or ergonomics may be the root cause of the pain.

Building on the prior page, the following five points highlight important ways to improve posture in the workplace, helping to reduce back and neck pain and stiffness.

Exercise To Help Prevent Injury & Promote Good Posture

Regular exercise such as walking, swimming, or bicycling will help the body stay aerobically conditioned, while specific strengthening exercises will help the muscles surrounding the back to stay strong. These benefits of exercise promote good posture, which will, in turn, further help to condition muscles and prevent injury.

There are also specific exercises that will help maintain good posture. In particular, a balance of core muscle and back muscle strength is essential to help support the upper body and maintain good posture.

See Exercise and Back Pain

Wear Supportive Footwear When Standing

Avoid regularly wearing high-heeled shoes, which can affect the body�s center of gravity and induce compensatory alignment of the entire body, thus negatively affecting back support and posture.

When standing for long periods of time, propping a leg up on a foot rest, wearing supportive shoe orthotics, or placing a rubber mat on the floor can improve comfort.

See Walking Shoes for Exercise Walking

Remember Good Posture & Ergonomics When In Motion

Simply walking, lifting heavy materials, holding a telephone, and typing are all moving activities that require attention to ergonomics and posture. It is important to maintain good posture even while moving to avoid injury, walking tall with shoulders back for example.

Back injuries are especially common while twisting and/or lifting and often occur because of awkward movement and control of the upper body weight alone.

See Manual Material Handling to Prevent Back Injury

Create A Ergonomic Physical Environment & Workspace

It does require a small investment of time to personalize the workspace, home, and car, but the payoff will be well worth it. Undue strain will be placed on the structures of the spine unless the office chair, desk, keyboard, and computer screen, etc. are correctly positioned.

It’s much easier and less time consuming to correct everyday ergonomics and minimize back or neck pain than to add doctor visits and corrective therapies for debilitating pain conditions.

See Office Chair: Choosing the Right Ergonomic Office Chair

Avoid Overprotecting Posture

Remember that it is important to maintain an overall relaxed posture. Avoid restricting movements by clenching muscles or adopting an unnatural, stiff posture. For individuals who already have some back or neck pain, it’s a natural tendency to limit movements to avoid provoking increased pain.

However, unless there is a fracture or other serious problem, the structures in the spine are designed for movement and any limitation in motion over a long period of time creates more pain and a downward cycle of less motion and more pain.

See How Poor Posture Causes Neck Pain

The above changes are relatively easy to make and will pay off in terms of a healthier spine and less pain and stiffness over time.

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Aches and pains have become a part of our daily lives that we�ve learned to live with them (if not accept them). The problem is that all these small aches and pains, such as lower back and neck issues, are derived from posture mistakes.�For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at�915-850-0900