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The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting | Nutrition Specialist

The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting | Nutrition Specialist

Though the truth has a tendency to get distorted by time, diet and exercise tendencies have origins in science. Benefits are exaggerated. Hazards are downplayed. Meanwhile science takes a back seat to marketing.


An individual need not look any farther than the emerging tendency of intermittent fasting for a prime illustration. Advocates for taking breaks from eating, for up to 24 hours a week, tout it as a safe and effective method for improving health and wellness. That message has been reaching more and more ears as of late.


“Right now, we are in a vital juncture for fasting,” states Brad Pilon, an expert on occasional fasting and author of the novel Eat Stop Eat. “It’s becoming extremely popular.”


Intermittent Fasting: Know the Facts


Such may become so popular, in fact, that it’s moving into trend territory, indicates Pilon. And if something becomes a fad, only for a short period although intensely popular, several problems normally ensue. For one, he states, nutrition experts and many doctors have a tendency toward dismissing fads from hand. So clients and their patients, while shielded from the claims of dieting evangelists that are overzealous, can lose out on the advantages of fasting right.


Yet another concern is that promoters of intermittent fasting will, perhaps unintentionally, encourage extreme behaviour, such as bingeing. This is reflected in the photos accompanying many recent new articles on “the fast diet” or even the “5:2 diet.” Often, they portray people eating loads of high-calorie, high-fat foods, like hamburgers, french fries and cake. The implication being that if you fast two days a week, you are able to consume a lot during the remaining five days.


Not so, say more moderate proponents of fasting. Their take on intermittent fasting: eat sensibly the majority of the time, eat nothing for a protracted period every now and then, gratify only on occasion (maybe once a week, state, on a predetermined “cheat day”). There is study, they assert, to back up the health benefits of wisely.


There is indeed a large body of research to support the health benefits of fasting, although most of it has been conducted on animals, not humans. Still, the results have been promising. Fasting has been shown to improve biomarkers of illness, decrease stress and preserve memory and learning function, based on Mark Mattson, senior investigator at the National Institute on Aging, part of the US National Institutes of Health. Mattson has investigated the health advantages of intermittent fasting on the cardiovascular system and brain in rodents, also has known for “well-controlled human studies” in people “across a assortment of body mass indexes” (J Nutr Biochem 2005;16:129–37).


There are several theories about why fasting offers physiological advantages, says Mattson. “The one which we have researched a great deal, and designed experiments to examine, is the hypothesis that during the fasting period, cells are under a mild strain,” he states. “And they respond to the stress adaptively by enhancing their ability to deal with additional stressors and, possibly, to resist illness.”


Although the term “stress” is frequently used in a negative sense, taxing the body and mind has benefits. Consider exercise, which stresses, in particular, muscles and the cardiovascular system. So long as you give the body time to recover, it will grow stronger. “There is considerable similarity between how cells react to the pressure of exercise and how cells react to intermittent fasting,” says Mattson.


Additional Research: Intermittent Fasting


Mattson has contributed to several additional research on intermittent fasting and caloric restriction. In one, obese adults with moderate asthma consumed only 20% of their normal calorie intake on alternative days (Free Radical Bio Med 2007;42:665–74). Participants that stuck to the diet lost 8 percent of their initial body weight over eight months. They also found a decrease in markers of oxidative stress and inflammation, and improvement of several indicators and asthma-related symptoms.


In another study, Mattson and colleagues researched the effects of intermittent and continuous energy limitation on weight loss and various biomarkers (such as conditions such as breast cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease) among young obese woman (Int rheumatoid arthritis 2011;35:714–27). They discovered for improving weight loss, insulin sensitivity and other wellness biomarkers that restriction was as effective as continuous restriction.


Mattson has also investigated the protective benefits of fasting to neurons. Should youn’t eat for 10 – 16 hours, then your body will go for energy, and fatty acids called ketones will probably be released into the bloodstream. It has been demonstrated to protect memory and learning says disease processes in the mind, as well as Mattson.


But maybe it isn’t so much that the fasting that creates health benefits, per se, because the consequent overall reduction in calorie intake (if, in other words, you don’t overeat on nonfasting days, which could cause a caloric surplus rather than a deficit). That seems, at least, to be true in slowing diseases like cancer in mice, according to Dr. Stephen Freedland, associate professor of urology and pathology at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.


“Caloric restriction, undernutrition without malnutrition, is the only experimental approach consistently shown to prolong survival in animal models,” Freedland and colleagues stated in a study on the effects of intermittent fasting on prostate cancer growth in mice (Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 2010; 13:350–5). From the study, mice fasted twice weekly for 24 hours, but were otherwise permitted to eat at liberty. During days, the mice overate. They did not lose weight. Intermittent fasting using compensatory overeating “did not enhance mouse success nor did it delay prostrate tumor growth,” the study concluded.


To improve health, the aim should be to shed weight by reducing the entire amount of calories consumed, indicates Freedland, rather than focusing on if those calories are consumed. “If you [do not] eat two days every week, and restrict what you eat another five days, you will lose weight. It is one approach to losing weight,” he says. “I am not sure it works any better than trimming down marginally seven days each week.”


People should also be skeptical of books written for wide audiences that describe the science behind fasting or another health trend, ” he says. One purpose of writing a novel for the consumer market, after all, would be to sell as many copies as you can. Authors tend to present evidence, while ignoring the facts and their impact. “It has a whole lot of spin when you compose a book.”


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Intermittent Fasting May Increase Quality of Life | Scientific Specialist

Intermittent Fasting May Increase Quality of Life | Scientific Specialist

Studies have demonstrated that reducing typical calorie consumption, usually by 30 to 40 percent, extends life span by a third or more in many animals, including fruit flies, nematodes and rodents. But the jury remains out, when it comes to calorie restriction in primates and individuals.


Although some studies have suggested that primates that eat less live longer, research concluded that restriction does not extend average life span in some species of monkeys. A section of the data confirms the idea that limiting food intake reduces the dangers of diseases common in older age and lengthens the period of life spent in good health, even if the research concludes that restriction does not help people live longer.


If only one could claim those advantages without being hungry all the time. In recent years researchers have concentrated on a strategy known as intermittent fasting as a promising option to continuous calorie restriction.


Intermittent fasting, including everything from regular multi-day fasts to skipping a meal or 2 on particular days of the week, may encourage a number of the identical health benefits that uninterrupted calorie restriction promises. The idea of intermittent fasting is palatable to people since somebody does not need to renounce the joys of eating. Studies suggest that rodents live as long as rats eating foods every moment consuming fewer calories overall than they would normally.


In a 2003 mouse analysis controlled by Mark Mattson, head of the National Institute on Aging’s neuroscience lab, mice that fasted regularly were healthier by some measures than mice subjected to constant calorie limitation; they had reduced levels of glucose and insulin in their blood, by way of instance, which signified increased sensitivity to insulin and a reduced risk of diabetes.


The First Fasts


Religions have long claimed that fasting is good for the soul, but its bodily benefits weren’t widely known until the early 1900s, when doctors began recommending it to treat different disorders, such as diabetes, obesity and epilepsy.


Associated research on calorie restriction took off in the 1930’s, following Cornell University nutritionist Clive McCay found that rats exposed to stringent daily dieting in an early age lived longer and were less likely to develop cancer and other ailments as they elderly, compared with animals that ate at will. Research on calorie restriction and periodic fasting intersected in 1945, when University of Chicago scientists reported that alternate-day feeding extended the life span of rats as much as exercising in McCay experiments. Additionally, intermittent fasting “appears to delay the development of the disorders that cause death,” that the Chicago researchers wrote.


Within the upcoming decades study into anti-aging diets took a backseat to more powerful clinical advances, like the continued development of antibiotics and coronary artery bypass operation. However, researchers also have resisted the idea that intermittent fasting lowers the risks of degenerative brain diseases in later life. Mattson and his colleagues have shown that fasting protects neurons from several types of harmful stress, at least in rodents. Among the earliest studies demonstrated that alternate-day feeding made the rats’ brains as they age, that induce damage akin to the kind cells endure. In follow-up rodent research, his team discovered that fasting slows cognitive decline in mice genetically engineered to mimic the signs of Alzheimer’s, suppresses motor deficits in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease and protects against stroke damage. The 55-year-old researcher, who has a Ph.D. in biology although not a medical degree, has written or co-authored over 700 posts.


Mattson believes that intermittent fasting functions in part as a kind of moderate stress that continually revs up mobile defenses against molecular damage. For instance, occasional fasting increases the degrees of “chaperone proteins,” which forbid the incorrect assembly of other molecules at the cell. Additionally, fasting mice have greater degrees of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that prevents nervous nerves from dying. Low levels of BDNF are linked to Alzheimer’s, although it is still unclear whether these findings reflect cause and effect. Fasting also ramps up a sort of system in cells which eliminates damaged molecules, autophagy, including ones that have been tied to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases.


One of intermittent fasting’s major effects seems to be raising the body’s responsiveness to insulin, the hormone which regulates blood glucose. Sensitivity to insulin accompanies and obesity has been associated with diabetes and heart failure; people and long-lived animals tend to have unusually low insulinbecause their cells are more sensitive to the endocrine and therefore require less of it. A recent study in the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif., revealed that mice that feasted on fatty foods for 2 hours each day and subsequently fasted for the remainder of each day did not become obese or show dangerously high insulin levels.


The idea that periodic fasting may offer some of the same health benefits as continuous calorie restriction–and allows for a few feasting while shedding down–has persuaded an increasing number of people to attempt it, says Steve Mount, a University of Maryland genetics professor who has moderated a Yahoo discussion group on intermittent fasting for more than seven decades. Intermittent fasting “isn’t a panacea–it’s always hard to lose weight,” adds Mount, who has fasted three days per week since 2004. “But the concept [that it activates the identical signaling pathways in cells as calorie restriction] makes sense.”


Further Research Still Needed


Despite the increasing excitement for intermittent fasting, scientists have conducted several powerful clinical trials, and its long term effects in people remain unclear. Still, a 1956 Spanish study sheds some light, states Louisiana-based physician James B. Johnson, who co-authored a 2006 evaluation of the research’s results. In the study, 60 men and women fasted and feasted on alternate days for 3 years. The 60 participants spent at the infirmary, and six died. Meanwhile, the 60 nonfasting seniors racked up 219 days that were infirmary, and 13 died.


In 2007 Johnson, Mattson and their colleagues published a clinical research demonstrating a quick, significant alleviation of asthma symptoms and various indications of inflammation in nine overweight asthmatics who near-fasted another day for 2 weeks.


Detracting from these promising results, however, the literature on intermittent fasting also includes several red flags. A 2011 study in rats suggests that long-term intermittent fasting raises tissue levels and blood sugar of compounds that may damage cells. In a 2010 study stiff heart tissue, which subsequently hastens the ability of the organ to pump blood was developed by occasionally fasting rats.


And a few weight-loss experts are skeptical about fasting, mentioning its hunger pangs and the possible hazards of compensatory gorging. Truly, the latest primate study on calorie restriction–the one that failed to extend life span–underscores the need for caution when altering the way people eat.


However, from an evolutionary perspective, three meals a day is a peculiar modern invention. Volatility in our ancestors’ food supplies brought on fasting–not to mention starvation and malnutrition. Yet Mattson considers that pressures that are such selected for genes that brain areas involved in learning and memory, which increased the likelihood of finding food and surviving. Intermittent fasting may be both smartening and a wise way, if he’s correct.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Intermittent Fasting: When and What to Eat | El Paso Specialist

Intermittent Fasting: When and What to Eat | El Paso Specialist

For the majority of individuals, fasting all day and then having a good evening meal is the best strategy for a fast day. A small calorie allowance on fast times is of 500-600 calories. A single 500 calorie meal can be very substantial, but you may be able to possess mini-meals if you try to spread the calories more than dinner, lunch and breakfast.


Most men and women find that eating just a small amount only cures the hunger pangs for a brief time and actually makes them hungrier for the rest of the day, therefore it is generally best to avoid snacking on fast days and spare your calories until you can have a full healthy meal.


In addition to being easier for many people, waiting to eat before is also more effective for weight loss, as you will have fasted for longer. A survey inquired into the factors that influence weight loss on the 5:2 diet has proven this. The analysis of our survey questionnaire discovered that fasting for over 20 hours on a fast day led to a greater weight loss than fasting for less than 16 hours. There are lots of possible scientific explanations for why this could be.


Some snacks you may find hit a bit of a low point at about 4 pm. A drink or a snack that is small may be the answer. In case you have problems with not sleeping well on a fast day, saving some calories may be the solution.


You make the rules here: should fasting daily does not suit you, don’t feel you need to follow this advice. You may discover that you would rather eat a small breakfast, skip lunch and then have dinner. Or maybe you prefer to skip breakfast, have dinner and a lunch. Or possibly a big lunch and a fast day snack suits you best. Together with the fasting way of eating, whatever works best for you is the best response.


Period your eating window: if you’re following an eating window intermittent fasting method, for example 16:8, you already understand when you need to eat: throughout your eating window. But, you do have to choose when that window should start and finish. Theoretically, if you’re currently following the 16:8 plan your window could open at 4 pm and complete your last meal at midnight. However, it may be wise to not leave it. The reason is that our bodies are intended to go at the end of the day into repair and rest mode: eating late in the day interferes with the rhythms of our own bodies’ hormones and might affect our health. It’s not known if fat loss slows or influences our health in different ways but until we understand more, it’s probably better to attempt and avoid eating late at night. This allows your body to digest your meal and start the process of preparing for the night-time repair period. However, as always, it works for you and should you need to eat afterwards or prefer, then you should do.


What to Eat on a Fast Day?


How can you make the most of your calorie allowance on a fast day?


1) Choose higher protein meals, which allow you to feel full for longer. As protein is high in calories you cannot have a huge amount to your 500 calories however make protein your source of carbs.


2) Fill up your plate with low calorie vegetables: they fill your belly, taste good and do you good. Steam them, oven-roast with a tsp of oil, or stir-fry and add some spices or flavourings to make a filling meal that is delicious. Or have them raw into a salad that is big.


3) Maintain carbohydrates to a minimal: they are packed with calories and make you feel hungry again quickly. Examples of carbohydrate-containing foods to avoid are: potatoes, sweet potato, pasrsnips, rice, pasta, bread, some fruits (bananas, grapes, melon, prunes, raisins, dates and other dried fruits), breakfast cereals, fruit juice, corn-on-the-cob/sweetcorn and anything including sugar, honey or other syrups.


4) Don’t be afraid of fat: although fat is high in calories, it allows you to feel complete. Small amounts of fat in your fast day food should be included as well.


Though the suggested calorie allowance of 500 calories for girls; 600 calories for guys is not so stringent that it really matters if you go over or below the allowance by a little, you will have to weigh or measure at least the high-calorie ingredients in your recipes and also workout the calorie content.


How to Eat on Non-Fast Days?


On non-fast times you are free to eat whatever you like. Though, of course, when you want to lose weight, perhaps not as much as you fancy. And, strange though it may seem, your appetite will be probably reduced by the fast days rather than increasing it. You will find you are not particularly hungry about the day after a fast. There’s no need to consume a lot if you don’t feel like it! It is fine to wait until you are hungry before consuming on a non-fast day.


Your tastes can change so that you no longer feel cravings for sweet, sugary foods. You may understand hunger better and find you snack less and can wait for supper times without worrying about when it will be time for you to eat.


These kinds of changes won’t happen immediately. Your desire on days may vary greatly. You may find that you have non-fast days when you are hungry and eat a lot. Many people experience this in the early days. Do not worry if this happens, only concentrate on sticking with the fasts. Following 6 weeks of fasting, you aren’t losing any weight, and if you are still having issues with overeating, consider changing your strategy that is fasting or to make changes.


You should plan to eat normally on non-fast days. Intermittent fasting’s pleasure is that you can spend the majority of your time feeling free of anxiety about food, while controlling your weight and residing in a wholesome way. Some people restrict their calories in their non-fast times in an effort to speed up weight reduction. While this may work in the short term, it’s probably not such a fantastic idea in the long run. If you do not have your days of normal eating you will probably feel deprived of your favorite foods and create ‘diet exhaustion’.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Different Intermittent Fasting Methods | Nutrition Chiropractor

Different Intermittent Fasting Methods | Nutrition Chiropractor

Below, you�ll find the five most popular methods and the basics of how they work. Keep in mind, intermittent fasting isn�t for everyone. Those with health conditions of any kind should check with their doctor before changing up their usual routine. Note that personal goals and lifestyle are key factors to consider when choosing a fasting method.




Best for: Dedicated gym-goers who want to lose body fat and build muscle.


The Way It Works: Fast�for 14 (girls) and 16 (men) hours every day, and then “feed” for the remaining eight to ten hours. During the period, no calories are consumed by you. But, calorie-free sweeteners black coffee, diet pop and sugar-free gum are allowed. (A dab of milk into your coffee won’t hurt, either.) Practitioners will find it most easy to fast throughout the night and to the morning. After waking up they usually break the fast roughly six hours after waking up. Maintaining a consistent window time is vital, although this schedule is flexible to any individual’s lifestyle. Hormones in the body get thrown out of whack and make sticking into the program harder, otherwise, Berkhan states.


What and when you eat during the feeding window additionally depends on when you workout. On days you exercise, carbohydrates are more significant than fat. On rest days, fat consumption ought to be higher. Protein intake should be fairly high daily, though it will vary based on targets, sex, age, body fat and activity levels. Irrespective of your program, whole foods should constitute the vast majority of your calorie intake. But whenever there is not time for a meal, then a protein shake or meal replacement bar is adequate (in moderation).


Advantages: For many, the highlight of this program is that on many days, meal frequency is irrelevant. You can really eat whenever you need to inside the eight-hour “feeding” period. Nevertheless, the majority of men and women wind breaking it up to three meals simpler to adhere to (because we are usually already programmed to eat this way).


Disadvantages: Although there is flexibility in when you eat, Leangains has pretty specific instructions for what to eat, especially in connection with when you are exercising. The rigorous nutrition plan and scheduling foods can make the program a little harder to adhere to.


Eat Stop Eat


Best for: Healthy eaters searching for an extra boost.


The Way It Works:�Fast for 24 hours a couple of times each week. Throughout the 24 hour fast, which founder Brad Pilon prefers to call a “24 break out of eating,” no food is consumed, but you can drink carbonated drinks. You then return to eating after the fast is over. “Act like you didn’t fast,” Pilon says. “Some people today need to complete the fast at a usual mealtime with a big meal, while others are OK ending the fast with a day snack. Time it however works best for you, and fix your time as your program changes,” he states.


The main rationale? Without restricting what you are able to eat according to Eat Stop Eat, Eating this way may reduce calorie consumption. It’s essential to note that regular workouts and resistance training, are important for succeeding with this strategy if weight loss or improved body composition are the goals.


Advantages: While 24 hours might seem like a long time to go without meals, the great news is that this program is elastic. You do not need to go all-or-nothing at the start. The first day, go without food and gradually increase fasting period over time to assist your body’s adjustment. Pilon suggests beginning the fast when you are busy, and about a day in which you don’t have any eating duties (such as a work lunch or happy hour).


Another perk? There aren’t any “forbidden foods,” and no counting calories, weighing food or restricting your diet, which makes it a bit easier to follow. That said, this isn’t a free-for-all. “You still have to eat just like a grown-up,” Pilon says. It’s all about moderation: You can eat anything you want, but maybe not as much of it. (A piece of birthday cake is OK, he says, however, the entire cake is not.)


Disadvantages: Going 24 hours without any calories could be too difficult for some, particularly initially. A lot of people struggle with moving extended amounts of time with no food, citing annoying symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or feeling cranky or anxious (though these side effects can dimish over time). The fasting period may also make it more tempting to binge after a fast. This is easily fixed… but it requires a lot of self-control, and that many people today lack.


Warrior Diet


Best for: People who enjoy following rules. The devoted.


The Way It Works: Warriors-in-training can anticipate to fast for approximately 20 hours every day and eat one big meal every evening. When you eat that meal and everything else you eat is also key for this method. The doctrine here is based on feeding the body the nutrition it requires in sync with circadian rhythms and that our species are “nocturnal eaters, essentially programmed for nighttime eating.”


The fasting period of the Warrior Diet is really more about “undereating.” If desired throughout the 20-hour fast, you can eat several servings of raw fruit or veggies, fresh juice, and a couple of portions of protein. This is supposed to maximize the Sympathetic Nervous System’s “fight or flight” response, which is intended to boost endurance, boost energy, and stimulate fat burning.


The four-hour eating window, which Hofmekler describes as the “overeating” phase, is at nighttime in order to maximize the Parasympathetic Nervous System’s ability to help the body recuperate, promoting calm, relaxation and nourishment, while also permits the body to utilize the nutrients absorbed for repair and growth. Eating at night might also help hormones be produced by the body and burn fat based on Hofmekler. The order in which you eat food groups things is important as well. Hofmelker claims to begin with veggies, fat and protein. Only if you’re still hungry, you can tack on a few carbs, after completing those groups.


Advantages: Many have gravitated toward this diet because the “fasting” period still allows you to consume a few tiny snacks, which may make it easier to get through. As the methodology explains (and also the “success stories” section of this Warrior Diet website supports), many professionals also report increased energy levels and fat reduction.


Disadvantages: Although it’s great to eat a few snacks rather than go without any food for 20-plus hours, the guidelines to what you need to consume (and when) can be tough to follow long-term. Meal program and the schedule may interfere with social gatherings. Furthermore, eating one meal during the night, while following instructions of what to eat, and in what order, can be rough. It’s particularly hard for people who prefer not to eat big meals late in the day.


Fat Loss Forever


Best for: Gym goers that love cheat days.


The Way It Works: Not completely happy with the IF diets listed previously? This technique takes the best areas of the Warrior Diet, Eat Stop Eat and Leangains, and combines it all into a single strategy. In addition you get one cheat day every week, followed by a 36-hour fast (that might not be so easy for some). After that, the remainder of the seven-day cycle is divided up between the various protocols that were previously discussed.


Romaniello and Go suggest saving the maximum fasts for your busiest days, letting you focus on becoming productive. The plan also includes training programs (with weightlifting and free weights) to assist participants achieve maximum fat loss in the easiest way possible.


Advantages: According to the founders, whilst everybody is technically fasting every day, during the hours when we are not eating, most of us do so haphazardly, making it harder to reap the benefits. Fat Loss Forever provides a seven-day program for fasting where the body can get used to this timetable and reap the maximum benefit in the fasting intervals so that . (Plus, you get a complete cheat day. And who does not love that?)


Disadvantages: On the flip side, in case you have difficulty handling cheat times the healthy way, this method might not be for you. Additionally, also the schedule varies from day to day and since the program is specific, this technique can be somewhat confusing to follow. (However, the program will not come with a calendar, imagining the way to fast and exercise every day, which may make it simpler.)


Alternate-Day Diet or Alternate-Day Fasting


Best for: Disciplined dieters with a specific weight goal.


The Way It Works: This one’s simple: Eat very little one day, and eat like normal the next. On the low carb days, that means one fifth of your usual calorie intake. Using 2,000 or 2,500 calories (for both women and men, respectively) as a direct, “fasting” (or “down”) day ought to be 400 to 500 calories. Followers can use this tool to figure out how many calories to eat on “low-calorie” days.


To make “down” days simpler to stick to, Johnson recommends opting for meal replacement shakes. They’re fortified with nourishment and you can sip them rather than divide into meals. But, meal replacement shakes should just be utilized during the initial two weeks of the diet, then, you ought to begin eating actual food on “down” days. The next day, eat just like normal. Rinse and repeat! (Note: If working out is a part of your routine, you may find it harder to hit the gym on the reduced calorie days. It may be smart to keep any workouts on these times on the tamer side, or conserve sweat sessions to your typical calorie days.)


Advantages: This method is all about weight reduction, so if that’s your main goal, this can be you to have a better look at. Individuals who cut calories see a reduction of approximately two and a half pounds per week.


Disadvantages: While the method is rather simple to follow, it can be simple to binge on the “normal” day. The very best way to stay on course is planning your meals. Then you’re not caught in the drive-through or all-you-can-eat buffet with a stomach.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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The Function of Intermittent Fasting on the Body | Nutrition Specialist

The Function of Intermittent Fasting on the Body | Nutrition Specialist

Intermittent fasting is one of the most ancient secrets of health and wellness. Because it’s been practiced throughout all history. Intermittent fasting is considered a secret because this habit had been long forgotten.


But now, many people are re-discovering this dietary intervention. It may carry advantages if it is done correctly, including: reversal of type two diabetes, weight reduction, greater energy and many other things. In this beginner’s guide you can learn the function of intermittent fasting on the body.


How Does Intermittent Fasting Work?


At its very core, fasting simply allows the body to burn off extra body fat. It is necessary to realize that this is ordinary for humans and people have evolved to avoid negative health consequences from it. Body fat is merely food energy that’s been stored away. If you do not consume food, your body will simply “eat” its own fat for energy.


Life is all about balance. The good and the bad. The yin and the yang. The same is applicable to fasting and ingestion. Fasting, after all, is simply the flip side of eating. If you aren’t eating, you’re fasting. Here is how it works:


Once we eat, more food energy is consumed than can immediately be used. Some of the energy must be stored away for later usage. Insulin is the hormone involved with the storage of food energy.



Insulin rises when we consume food, helping to keep the excess energy in two separate ways. Sugars can be connected into chains, called glycogen and stored in the liver. There is limited storage space; and the liver starts to turn the glucose into fat, after that is achieved. This procedure is called De-Novo Lipogenesis.


A number of the newly created fat is stored in the liver, but most of it is exported into additional fat deposits within the body. Even though this is a complex procedure, there is no limitation to the total amount of fat which can be created. Therefore, two complementary food energy storage systems exist within our own bodies. One is readily accessible but with limited storage area (glycogen), and the other is more challenging to access but has infinite storage area (body fat).



The method goes in reverse when we don’t eat (fasting). Insulin levels fall, signaling the body to start burning stored energy as no more is coming through food. Blood glucose falls, so the body has to pull sugar to burn for energy.


Glycogen is the most readily accessible energy resource. It’s broken down to give energy to the cells. This provides enough energy to power the body for 24-36 hours. After that, your system will begin breaking down fat for energy.


So, the body just really exists in two states, the fed (insulin high) condition and the fasted (insulin reduced) state. Either we are storing food energy, or it is burning food energy. It is one or another. Then there is not any weight gain if fasting and eating become more balanced.


If we start eating the moment we roll out of bed, and do not stop until we go to sleep, we spend almost all our time at the fed state. As time passes, we will gain weight. We have not allowed our body some time.


The Function of Intermittent Fasting on the Body | Nutrition Specialist


To restore balance or to lose weight, we simply need to boost the quantity of time we burn food energy (fasting). Essentially, fasting enables the body to use its energy that is stored. After all, that is what it is there for. The important thing to realize is that there isn’t anything wrong with that. That’s how our bodies are designed. That’s what cat, dogs, lions and bears do. That’s what humans do.


If you are constantly eating, as is frequently advocated, then your body will simply utilize the incoming food energy rather than burn the body fat. It’ll be only stored by you. It will be saved by your own body for a while when there’s nothing to consume. You lack equilibrium. You lack fasting.


Fasting is Not Starvation


Fasting differs from starvation in a crucial way. Control. Starvation is the involuntary lack of food. It’s neither deliberate nor controlled. Fasting, on the other hand, is the voluntary withholding of food for health spiritual, or other factors.


Food is readily accessible, but you opt not to eat it. This could be for any time period, from a couple of hours up to days or even weeks. You will begin a fast and it may be ended by you at will. You may start or stop a fast for any reason or no reason at all.


Fasting has no typical length, as it’s merely the lack of ingestion. Anytime that you aren’t eating, you are fasting. As an instance, you may fast a period of approximately 12-14 hours, between breakfast and dinner the next day. In that sense, fasting ought to be thought of as a part of life.


Fasting is but a part of regular, normal life. It is possibly the oldest and most powerful dietary intervention imaginable. Yet somehow we have forgotten its power and discounted its potential.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Fasting: Pros and Cons for Weight Loss

Fasting: Pros and Cons for Weight Loss

Proponents of intermittent fasting contend that this popular way to lose weight is better than conventional dieting. But this type of diet isn’t necessarily best for everyone, a top expert says.

“Fasting is currently one of the newest diet fads and, while there are studies showing benefits, there are also potential downsides,” Dr. Kent Holtorf tells Newsmax Health.

A recent University of Illinois at Chicago study finds intermittent, or alternate-day fasting, was equal in results to calorie counting when it came to weight loss, along with keeping off the excess pounds.

The study, which followed 100 obese people for a year, found that those who engaged in intermittent fasting lost 6 percent of their body weight, while those who ate a calorie-restricted diet lost 5.3 percent, not a statistically significant difference, the researchers say in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Holtorf is the Los Angeles-based medical director of the Holtorf Medical Group and a founder and director of the nonprofit National Academy of Hypothyroidism. He also has appeared as a medical expert on several TV shows, including “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” and “ABC News.”

Here are excerpts from his recent interview with Newsmax Health.

Q: What exactly is intermittent fasting?

A: The idea is to intermittently significantly reduce calories in a strategic way to reduce overall caloric intake instead of eating less per day. One common method is called the 5:2 diet, which involves significant caloric restriction two non-consecutive days per week while eating normally the other five days.

Q: How did this type of diet catch on?

A:  Several studies were published showing that severe periodic calorie reduction had been shown to have many benefits including changing gene expression and stimulating cell repair, reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes, improving cholesterol, lowering the risk of cholesterol levels, reducing heart disease and cancer risk and even extending lifespan.

Q: What do you think of intermittent fasting for weight loss?

A: There is a large amount of research supporting the safety and efficacy of intermittent fasting. If an individual fasts for a designated period of time, weight loss is to be expected as caloric intake has been reduced; however, research finds fasting offers long-term benefits including reduction of inflammation and improvement in mood. For example, a randomized, clinical trial of 71 people who followed intermittent fasting for three months lost an average of 5.7 pounds while the weight of the control group, which didn’t alter their eating habits, lost no weight. Those in the fasting group saw a reduction in blood pressure, body fat, and waist size.

Q: What effect does intermittent fasting have on mood?

A: Going without food for 10-16 hours causes the body to release fatty acids known as ketones. According to Mark Mattson, a senior investigator for the National Institute of Aging, who has done extensive investigation on the health benefits of intermittent fasting, ketones have been shown to protect memory and learning function as well as slow disease processes in the brain. Ketones are also shown to boost the body’s formation of particular stress reducing neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and GABA, which helps you stay calm under stress and have fewer cravings.

Q: What are the drawbacks of using this type of diet for weight loss?

A: While it can be a way to jumpstart weight loss and have health benefits, studies also show that it can permanently reduce metabolism (calories burned per day). The metabolism may not go back to normal when normal eating is resumed unless steps are taken to prevent or reverse the drop in metabolism. Thus, fasting or so-called “yo-yo dieting” can contribute to long-term weight gain, wiping out the short-term health benefits of fasting.

Q: Are there any groups for which this may be a particular problem?

A: This is shown to be more of an issue for women because women’s bodies appear to perceive fasting as more of a threat of starvation and respond by lowering metabolism to survive the perceived famine. This is especially true if a woman has any signs of low thyroid, including low body temperature, depression, cold intolerance, PMS, cold extremities or suffers with fatigue.

Q: So is there any one best diet out there for everyone?

A:  Studies show that most diets are successful short-term but most suffer from equal long-term failure. But thyroid evaluation and optimization, if low, can increase the likelihood of successful weight loss whether via fasting or other diet plan.

The Ketogenic Diet & Athletes: An Interview With Ben Greenfield

The Ketogenic Diet & Athletes: An Interview With Ben Greenfield

Conventional knowledge wants us to believe that athletes must eat a high carb diet in order to function at optimum levels. While many people believe this, nothing could be further from the truth. Ben Greenfield conducted extensive tests on himself to prove that it is possible to be a fat burning athlete, and that being a high carb athlete should be a thing of the past.

Ben�s analysis was very detailed and impressive: he had blood work, biopsies, urine and stool samples taken before the study began. He then walked on the treadmill for three hours and retook the blood work, biopsies the urine, and the stool samples, then analyzed the data. The study was called The Faster Study, and the data is available via PDF for those interested in looking at his findings and Ben�s write-up on the experience can be found here.


The Faster Study

When I asked Ben why he did the study, he said it was for his own selfish reasons. He said he was training for an Ironman triathlon at the time and wanted to go faster or at least maintain his speed for longer periods without experiencing the deleterious effects that chronically elevated blood sugar�can cause. He also wanted to avoid the potentially unsettling effects that carbohydrates fermenting in your gut can cause.

Ben also had another incentive: he was diagnosed as having a 17% higher than normal risk for Type 2 diabetes. As a result, he needed to figure out a way to complete an Ironman triathlon without going the traditional route of fueling with gels, bars, and energy drinks.

I can attest that his theory works because I tried it myself: while on an 18 hour intermittent fast, I went on a 3 hour bike ride. By the time I got home, it was 22 or 23 hours before I�d eaten one bite of food, and to everyone�s surprise, I didn�t bonk. Everyone on the ride that day was a seasoned athlete and eating constantly. I was the only one not eating, yet had plenty of energy, even after 20 hours without food. Ben proved that in a laboratory and I successfully tested his hypothesis in a real life situation.

The Faster Diet

In preparation for his experiment, Ben followed a diet of 80 to 90% fat and 5 to 10% carbohydrates. His protein intake would vary depending on the day�s activities. For example, protein intake would be approximately 20% on days he�d run or do weight training. On average, the majority of his diet was fat based. He jokingly said he was banned from Italian restaurants during this time.

While on his high fat/low carb diet, Ben did two ironman triathlons that year (Ironman Canada and Ironman Hawaii.) He stresses that that a low carbohydrate diet does not mean a zero carbohydrate diet. Using Ironman triathlon as an example, participants may be out competing for ten or more hours. When passing someone the on the bike, a person may go from their normal race pace of 250 watts up to 400 watts for a few moments. This surge of energy being exerted can cause a pretty significant glycolytic shift, resulting in the body needing to burn through a high amount of carbohydrates.

Ben took in about a quarter of the amount of carbohydrates that he�d normally consume during the actual event, along with ample amounts of easy to digest proteins, amino acids, easy to digest fats, and medium chain triglycerides. After his triathlon season was completed, Ben added exogenous ketones�to his diet in powder form to increase ketone levels. Ben admitted that he finds the ketones extremely beneficial and says he wish he�d known about them while training for previous triathlons. Personally, I have experimented with exogenous ketones in my own fat burning regime, after learning more about how they work during my interview with Dominic D�Agostino (watch the interview here.)

Study Findings

During that triathlon season, Ben conducted quite a few studies, with a few standing out in particular. In this test, a microbiome analysis was conducted to see how the gut differs between someone who follows a high-carbohydrate diet and someone who follows a high-fat diet.

Fat biopsies were taken both before and after exercise to see to see if his actual fat tissue make-up was any different. Tests were also conducted to see if there was any difference in the ability of his muscles to store carbohydrate and how quickly the muscle would burn through carbohydrates. A resting metabolic test was conducted, which is an analysis of how much fat and carbohydrate is burned at rest. And another measurement was taken to determine how many carbohydrates, fats, and calories are burned during exercise.

What makes these tests interesting is even though most physiology textbooks claim that the average person will burn about 1.0 grams of fat per minute during exercise, the athletes who followed a ketogenic or low-carbohydrate diet for close to 12 month were experiencing fat oxidation values of closer to 1.5 to 1.8 grams of fat per minute. This is significantly higher than what experts expected.

Not only is there a glycogen sparing effect that�s occurring, but there�s also some pretty significant health implications: fewer free radicals are being created, there is less fermentation in the gut, and fluctuations in blood sugar are noticeably reduced.

Initially, there was some confusion pertaining to this study because it was called � The Faster Study.� Critics would say Ben wasn�t going any faster on the high fat/low carb diet than those on the high carb diet. What they neglected to understand was the purpose of the study wasn�t to go faster than those on high carb diets. Instead, the goal was to maintain similar speeds while limiting (and possibly eliminating) the chronic fluctuations and elevations of blood sugar.

Ben�s thought process behind the study was simple: If he could go just as fast by eliminating sugars, why not do it? If he slowed down or felt his energy levels being depleted, he�d be forced to ask himself the following questions as an endurance athlete:

  • What kind of balance did he want between health and performance?
  • How many years of his life was he willing to sacrifice in exchange for going just a little bit faster?
  • How much pressure was he willing to put on his joints?
  • How much gut distress�was he willing to endure?
  • As it turns out, Ben could go just as fast on a carbohydrate-limited diet.

Go Just as Fast, Live Longer

While people are focused on getting faster, the ultimate goal should be to go just as fast and live longer doing it. Unfortunately, many high-carb athletes have a wide assortment of health problems, which can range from joint problems to life threatening emergencies such as heart attacks. Many of them are dying prematurely and don�t realize a contributing factor to their ailments is the high carb diet they had been following for years. Ironically, many athletes are thin but show evidence of degenerative disease indicating years of inflammation and oxidative stress�caused by repeated glucose and insulin spikes. We know this damage is oxidative, is harmful to the cells, and causes premature aging.

There are many studies with research illustrating how endurance sports increase oxidation and aging, but I believe as more research is done this belief will change. Studies by Ben and others show that a fat-adapted endurance athlete does not have the same levels of oxidative stress as high carb endurance athletes. At age 50, I have 8% body fat and can exercise for hours without ingesting carbohydrates because, like Ben, I�m very efficient at fat burning.

I firmly believe Ben�s study proves that people who are efficient at fat burning can burn well over one gram of fat per minute of exercise, whereas before it was believed one gram (or less) was a more realistic number. It should be noted that in order to burn that much fat, a person has to be fat adapted. It�s impossible to accomplish this level of fat burning on a high-carbohydrate diet (read more on how to get fat-adapted here: Part 1 and Part 2.)

Fat Adaption: A trick to Accelerate the Process

Becoming an efficient fat burner takes time. Many of the athletes that Ben coaches have been on a high fat diet for twelve months or more. While the greatest benefits aren�t felt for several months, a person can experience lower blood sugar levels and less oxidation within a few short weeks of starting a high fat diet. However, in order to achieve the mitochondrial density necessary for producing a lot of ATP on a high-fat diet while exercising, a person will need to follow a high-fat diet for at least a year.

It can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years for a person to become fully efficient at burning fat. While some may balk at how long it can take, it�s not long when compared to the time it may take to become proficient in a sport, learning to play a musical instrument, or getting a college degree.

Adjusting to a high fat diet takes time and patience. To accelerate the process, one can choose to eat within a compressed time window, a strategy known as intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasts can range from 14-24 hours with just liquids being consumed. Intermittent fasting can be a challenge for beginners as the body begins to adapt, but becomes easier with each subsequent fast. I intermittent fast daily and must say it�s been the great contributor to my overall cellular health.

Some side effects beginners may experience while intermittent fasting the first few times may include the following

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Lack of focus
  • Bad breath
  • Lethargy
  • Joint pain
  • Minor depression

These side effects are normal as the body eliminates various toxins. Drinking pure water�helps to alleviate some side effects and quickly remove them from the body via urination. Staying focused on the long term is key when embarking on these changes.

Occasionally, I will receive emails from my clients or the doctors of my clients, telling me they are keto-adapted, but they�re not burning fat, they don�t notice any significant changes in their bodies, and they haven�t lost any weight. I explain how this is normal, and the body has to adjust. It takes time for the body to realize it is not starving and that it can begin to burn its own fat for energy. Using my wife as an example, it was almost a year before she was able to use her fat storage for energy. Now, she�s an efficient fat burner and finds it much easier to stay lean.

Not All Fat is the Same

An important aspect of being efficient at fat burning is the type of high fat diet you follow. A plant-rich, ketogenic diet not only limits oxidation and free radical production, but it also causes an increase in stable energy sources due to high fiber content. Having high levels of plant-based chlorophylls in the bloodstream also has the potential to increase ATP production beyond what we fully understand in nutrition science.

Ben encounters many people who follow the Bulletproof Coffee type of approach:

  • Three cups of coffee with grass-fed butter and MCT oil during the day
  • Coconut milk with some coconut flakes and some chocolate stevia
  • Fatty grass-fed steak for dinner
  • Macadamia nuts for a snack

The problem with this type of diet is there�s very little plant matter eaten, and plants are an integral part of a healthy high fat diet.

Ben Greenfield�s Diet

Ben eats an astonishing 20 to 25 servings of plants per day. He has an enormous backyard garden and eats kale, butter lettuce, bok choy, mustard greens, cilantro, parsley, and tomatoes daily. He says these foods do not count towards his total daily carbohydrate intake, and that eating a high-fat diet does not mean that you�re not eating plants. It�s the opposite. �I eat a lot of plants, a lot of fiber, and it makes a night-and-day difference.�

In order to get 20-25 servings Ben eats huge salads and drinks nutrient dense smoothies. He�ll drink one or two large smoothies a day, using a powerful blender that blends everything from the pit of an avocado to an entire bunch of kale. A sample smoothie includes the following ingredients:

  • Six to eight different plants (both wild plants and herbs)
  • Traditional plants like cucumbers or avocados
  • Coconut milk
  • Good fats
  • Seeds
  • Nuts

Lunch. Lunch is a salad in an enormous bowl filled exclusively with vegetables. Ben will spend 30 to 60 minutes chewing each bite 20 to 25 times and �eating lunch like a cow while I go through emails and things like that during lunch.

Dinner. Another big salad.

Snack. Snacks are normally smaller versions of the smoothie�he had for breakfast.

He stresses that his salads are extremely large and he prefers thicker smoothies: �If you were to see the size of my salads and the size of my smoothies, you would be shocked. You�d think I would be morbidly obese, but if you dig in and you look at it, it�s really just mostly plant volume. That�s generally what I do, salads and smoothies. I make them so thick I need to eat them with a spoon because I really like to chew my food. Yeah, I�m a smoothie and a salad guy.�

He goes on to say �When I look over the blood and bile markers of people following a high-fat diet, a lot of times I see really high triglycerides and really low HDL, which is often what you�ll see in someone who is eating a ton of animal fats without many plants or without much fiber. I�ll see a lot of CO2 and really low chloride levels, an indicator of a net acidic state, and a lot of biomarkers that aren�t necessarily favorable and that can be a result of a high-fat diet done improperly. I think that�s one important thing to bear in mind, too, is that you don�t want to necessarily eschew plant intake and vegetable intake; you just want to ensure that those are accompanied primarily by healthy fats and oils rather than accompanied by high amounts of protein and starches.�

When it comes to good fats, Ben prefers the following:

  • Full-fat coconut milk
  • Avocados and avocado oil
  • Olives
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Bone broth
  • MCT oil (during exercise)
  • Coconut oil (added to smoothies)

Animal fats are eaten sparingly. He�ll eat a grass-fed steak and wild fish a couple of times a week. He also likes pemmican, which comes in a tube that he can snack on while flying or if he needs a quick snack on the go.

When Ben was a bodybuilder, he would aim for 200 grams of protein per day but now only consumes between 100 to 120 grams. Currently, he weighs about 180 pounds and consumes between 0.5 and .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. He feels this is the amount is sufficient to avoid any loss of muscle.

Ben says he has excellent colonic health. Since he started the high fat diet four years ago, he doesn�t have the fermentation, gas, bloating, or constant gas that many endurance athletes have. He also believes the high fat diet offers a lower risk for things like small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and fermentation in the gut.

Diet Variation

In addition to eating a variety of plant based foods, an important eating concept that I have written about is something I like to call �diet variation,� which is basically emulating what our ancestors have done: They were forced into different diet variations seasonally, and in some instances, weekly.

When we look at the Hunza people as an example, they were relying mostly on plant food in the summers to survive. During the cold winter months, vegetables and fruits were scarce or nonexistent, and as a result, they were forced to eat higher-fat foods (meats and animal fats). Over time we can see a pattern: there would be long stretches where their diet consisted mostly of vegetables (summer,) then extended periods of time where their diet was mainly meat products (winter.) This type of seasonal eating created a variation in their diet they had little control over. Today, we have the ability to vary our diet at all times, which can work for us and against us.

I go into ketosis every summer and eat more good fats and protein than I do in the winter, when I eat more healthy carbs. Like Ben, I�m very fat adapted, yet still able to stay in ketosis while eating a lot of plants in my diet. I intermittent fast in the morning and by the afternoon I�m burning high ketones.

One of the popular diet trends these days is the Paleo Diet, where a person is instructed to eat large amounts of protein. Quite frankly, I am not a fan of this diet. I have read many studies on high-protein diets and feel they are not healthy. Eating too much protein can cause weight gain, extra body fat, increased stress on the kidneys, dehydration and other health issues.

If you include the dangers of eating grain fed beef instead of the healthier grass fed beef, we can clearly see how the Paleo Diet could be a recipe for disaster. I tell people as a general rule, eating protein that is equivalent to half your body weight (considering that you�re not morbidly obese) is usually safe and practical. Athletes like Ben (and those who do a lot of strenuous physical exercise) can consume more protein than the average person and utilize it safely. These individuals may require 0.7 to 0.8 grams of protein per day, while the average person only needs .55 grams per day.


Ben goes on a 24 hour fast once a month, just to �clean things out a little bit.� He will start the fast Saturday at lunchtime end it at lunchtime on Sunday. Or, he�ll skip dinner on Saturday night and won�t eat again until dinner on Sunday. He�ll drink water, coffee�and tea primarily during the fast, and kombucha on occasion. He also goes on a 12-16-hour intermittent fast daily. The majority of the fast is overnight where he�ll finish dinner around 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. and eat breakfast sometime 9 and 10:30 a.m. During the daily fast, Ben will perform a few low-level exercises in the morning: yoga, foam rolling, or mobility work are exercises of choice.

In addition to daily intermittent fasting, Ben believes a likely factor that helps him to stay lean and maintain a low body fat percentage is taking cold showers. He likes to do one of the following daily:

  • Fast, perform a low intensity exercises then take cold shower or�
  • Fast, sit in a sauna for a few minutes, followed immediately with a cold shower.

Ben�s Exercise Regimen

Ben is active all day, but in an unconventional way:

I generally am active all day long. Today, while I�m writing, doing consults, and reading emails, I�ll walk somewhere in the range of three to five miles at a low intensity like I am right now. When I get up in the morning, I�ll generally spend 20 to 30 minutes doing some deep-tissue work and some mobility work, some foam roller, and some band work for traction on my joints. By the time I get to the end of the day, I�ve been mildly physically active for six to eight hours at just very low-level intensity.

�At the end of the day, I�ll throw in 30 to 60 minutes of a hard workout. That might be a tennis match. It might be kickboxing or jujitsu. It might be some kind of an obstacle course workout with sandbags, and kettlebells, and things like that. It might be a swim. It varies quite a bit, but generally it�s 30 to 60 minutes of something hard in the afternoon to the early evening, then up until that point, low-level physical activity all day long. It�s just tough to quantify because I�m always moving. As far as a formal workout, it comes out to about 30 to 60 minutes a day. We�re talking about a workout where the average heart rate is very close to maximum heart rate, so like a puke-fest style workout. That�s pretty draining from an energy standpoint. Generally, for me to do daily�exceeding 16-hour fasts daily�that gets tough.

What�s Next For Ben?

Ben is an outdoorsman and wants to experiment with living on the land:

I�d like to look into more of an ancestral application, a more practical application. I would like to look a little bit more into persistence hunting, something closer to where I live where I�d be going after elk or moose or something like that, preferably in the snow where tracking is a little bit easier, but seeing if it�s doable.

�A five to eight day hunt is realistically what you�re looking at with a bow, or with a spear, or with a close-range weapon, and seeing if it�s possible to actually go and get your own food in the absence of food, just to begin to get people thinking about the state that we live in, the culture that we live in where food is just constantly readily available. What would happen if we didn�t have food but we had to figure out a way to feed ourselves?

Ben also shares the outdoor life with his children: One day week in the summers, they can only eat the plants they find outside in the garden until dinner. As part of their childhood, he wants them to learn how to take care of themselves. They can use the stove and the blender, stuff like that, but they can�t use ingredients from the pantry, or from the refrigerator. It�s all based on plants.

While many people may think this way of thinking and living is extreme, Ben believes more people can benefit from it if they stay open minded and give it a try:

I would like to get people more aware of that type of practice because it really goes quite handily with the things that we�ve talked about�fasting and ketosis, and denial of modern food sources and starches and instead just learning how to take care of yourself. I think that there�s a lot of lessons to be had from a health and survival standpoint, and so plant foraging, spreading our message, as well as the potential of seeing the persistence hunting in the absence of any significant sources of calories, to be able to take what allows one to, say, do an Ironman Triathlon with very little calorie intake and then turn that into a more practical level like going out and getting your own meat and stuff. Again, without carrying a bunch of power-bars out with you, I think that�d be a cool little adventure to embark upon.

A Life of Fitness

Ben believes fitness is a lifestyle, and everyone can incorporate fitness into their daily activities:

  • If you work in a traditional office setting, put a kettlebell underneath your desk.
  • Get one of these stools that you lean back on rather than sitting down.
  • Every time that you go to the bathroom have a rule that you�ve got to do 50 air squats.

Start to work in those little things throughout the day. You�d be surprise at how fit you can stay and how prepared you can be for a big event without necessarily neglecting your family, your friends, hobbies, or work.�

Ben Greenfield is an inspiration. His research on high fat diets is sure to revolutionize the way athletes view diet and endurance exercise as a whole.