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Weight Loss

Back Clinic Weight Loss. People who are overweight or obese and are suffering from back pain may not realize that their excess weight contributes to their back pain. It is a known fact that overweight people are at risk for back pain, joint pain, and muscle strain. Not only is back pain an issue, but other symptoms of obese or overweight people may include fatigue, difficulty breathing, and/or shortness of breath during short periods of physical activity. When this happens, people begin to avoid physical activity, which leads to pain and various other unhealthy conditions.

Dr. Jimenez brings the PUSH-as-Rx System, which is a program designed by a strength-agility coach and physiology doctor with a combined 40 years of experience. The program is the multidisciplinary study of reactive agility, body mechanics, and extreme motion dynamics at its core.

A clear quantitative picture of body dynamics emerges through continuous and detailed assessments of the clients in motion and under directly supervised stress loads. This system with continual dynamic adjustments has helped many of our patients in their weight loss. Plus, they become faster and stronger. Results demonstrate clear improved agility and speed no matter the age. Along with physical training, Dr. Jimenez and the trainers offer nutritional advice.

Functional Neurology: What You Need to Know About Obesity and Depression

Functional Neurology: What You Need to Know About Obesity and Depression

Doctors understand that people with depression can experience weight gain and over time, it may eventually lead to obesity if left untreated. Depression is also associated with poor eating habits, overeating, and a more sedentary lifestyle. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 43 percent of people with depression have excess weight or obesity. In a 2002 research study, scientists found that children with depression had an increased risk of suffering from obesity. In the following article, we will discuss what you need to know about obesity and depression. �

Understanding Obesity and Depression

Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, are associated with obesity. A 2010 research study found that about 55 percent of people with obesity had an increased risk of developing depression and other mental health issues compared to “healthy” people. Moreover, obesity can also cause a variety of other health issues, including joint pain, hypertension, and diabetes, among others. Anxiety, by way of instance, can also ultimately cause depression and obesity. Scientists believe that stress can make people turn to food as a coping mechanism. This can eventually lead to excess weight gain and obesity. �


Scientists were once hesitant to connect obesity and depression, however, further evidence from numerous research studies has demonstrated that excess weight or obesity can cause a variety of mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Many doctors utilize a multi-pronged treatment approach to help improve a patient’s mental and physical health. Scientists still don’t quite understand how obesity is closely associated with depression but it is clear that there’s a connection between obesity and depression. Furthermore, research studies demonstrated that mental health issues may also cause obesity. �


The Connection Between Obesity and Depression

Obesity and depression, as well as any other mental health issues, are can also cause a variety of other health issues if left untreated, including chronic pain, coronary heart disease, hypertension, sleep problems, and diabetes. Fortunately, all of these health issues can be properly diagnosed, treated, and prevented by following a proper treatment program. Treating the underlying source of a patient’s depression, by way of instance, may help restore their energy in order to help them participate in exercise and physical activities. Engaging in exercise and physical activities may, in turn, help patients lose weight. �


Dietary and lifestyle modifications can also be utilized to help treat a variety of mental and physical health issues, including obesity and depression. It’s essential to seek immediate medical attention from qualified and experienced doctors who can help guide patients in the right direction. If you’ve ever experienced any of the following red-flags, symptoms, or side-effects, including loss of all interest in regular activities that you used to enjoy, an inability to get up from bed or leave your house, abnormal sleep patterns, feeling tired or fatigued, and weight gain, talk to your doctor about what you can do. �


Dealing with Obesity and Depression

A strategic treatment plan for obesity and depression can ultimately be different, however, several methods and techniques can also help improve the underlying source of the other health issue. You can reduce your risk of developing obesity and depression by following proper nutritional or dietary guidelines and engaging in exercise or physical activities. Participating in exercise or physical activities is a great way to naturally help boost endorphins as well as neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin that help boost and balance mood, ultimately helping you lose weight and feel better. �


Research studies demonstrated that engaging in exercise or physical activities at least once per week can have a considerable effect on symptoms of depression. Doctors also understand that when you have depression, finding the motivation to participate in exercise or physical activities can be challenging. Doctors recommend taking small steps, such as engaging in 10 minutes of exercise or physical activities every day, may help people get in the habit of participating in exercise or physical activities. Talk to your doctor about the right amount of exercise or physical activity that you should do. �


Talking to a therapist or psychologist is a well-known treatment approach for a variety of mental and physical health issues. From anxiety and depression to excess weight and obesity, a therapist or psychiatrist can help you process the emotional factors that may be causing the underlying source of your health issues. They can also help you embrace changes that will help you improve your quality of life. Following a strategic treatment plan and always being honest with your healthcare professional may ultimately help improve obesity and depression as well as any symptoms, side-effects, and complications. �


Obesity and depression are well-known health issues that need long-term care and attention. It�s essential to talk to your doctor regardless of whether you�re following your strategic treatment plan. Being honest about what you are and aren�t doing is the only way for your doctor to understand and help with your underlying health issues. Your doctor is your best resource for information and they�ll work with you to find the best treatment for your needs, help you create a healthier lifestyle, and hold you accountable for the changes you seek. People with obesity and depression can ultimately restore their wellness. �


Dr. Alex Jimenez Insights Image

Research studies demonstrated that obesity is associated with mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Doctors understand that people with depression can experience weight gain and over time, it may eventually lead to obesity if left untreated. Depression is also associated with poor eating habits, overeating, and a more sedentary lifestyle. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 43 percent of people with depression have excess weight or obesity. In a 2002 research study, scientists found that children with depression had an increased risk of suffering from obesity. In the following article, we will discuss what you need to know about obesity and depression, including the connection between obesity and depression as well as dealing with these mental and physical health issues, among others. Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight


Doctors understand that people with depression can experience weight gain and over time, it may eventually lead to obesity if left untreated. Depression is also associated with poor eating habits, overeating, and a more sedentary lifestyle. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 43 percent of people with depression have excess weight or obesity. In a 2002 research study, scientists found that children with depression had an increased risk of suffering from obesity. In the article above, we will ultimately discuss what you need to know about obesity and depression. �


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.�


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �



  • Holland, Kimberly. �Are Obesity and Depression Related? And 9 Other FAQs.� Healthline, Healthline Media, 11 May 2018,



Neurotransmitter Assessment Form


The following Neurotransmitter Assessment Form can be filled out and presented to Dr. Alex Jimenez. The following symptoms listed on this form are not intended to be utilized as a diagnosis of any type of disease, condition, or any other type of health issue. �



Additional Topic Discussion: Chronic Pain

Sudden pain is a natural response of the nervous system which helps to demonstrate possible injury. By way of instance, pain signals travel from an injured region through the nerves and spinal cord to the brain. Pain is generally less severe as the injury heals, however, chronic pain is different than the average type of pain. With chronic pain, the human body will continue sending pain signals to the brain, regardless if the injury has healed. Chronic pain can last for several weeks to even several years. Chronic pain can tremendously affect a patient’s mobility and it can reduce flexibility, strength, and endurance. �




Neural Zoomer Plus for Neurological Disease

Neural Zoomer Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate neurological diseases. The Neural ZoomerTM Plus is an array of neurological autoantibodies which offers specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus is designed to assess an individual�s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens with connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus aims to reduce neurological conditions by empowering patients and physicians with a vital resource for early risk detection and an enhanced focus on personalized primary prevention. �


Food Sensitivity for the IgG & IgA Immune Response

Food Sensitivity Zoomer | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate health issues associated with a variety of food sensitivities and intolerances. The Food Sensitivity ZoomerTM is an array of 180 commonly consumed food antigens that offers very specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. This panel measures an individual�s IgG and IgA sensitivity to food antigens. Being able to test IgA antibodies provides additional information to foods that may be causing mucosal damage. Additionally, this test is ideal for patients who might be suffering from delayed reactions to certain foods. Utilizing an antibody-based food sensitivity test can help prioritize the necessary foods to eliminate and create a customized diet plan around the patient�s specific needs. �


Gut Zoomer for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Gut Zoomer | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate gut health associated with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). The Vibrant Gut ZoomerTM offers a report that includes dietary recommendations and other natural supplementation like prebiotics, probiotics, and polyphenols. The gut microbiome is mainly found in the large intestine and it has more than 1000 species of bacteria that play a fundamental role in the human body, from shaping the immune system and affecting the metabolism of nutrients to strengthening the intestinal mucosal barrier (gut-barrier). It is essential to understand how the number of bacteria that symbiotically live in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract influences gut health because imbalances in the gut microbiome may ultimately lead to gastrointestinal (GI) tract symptoms, skin conditions, autoimmune disorders, immune system imbalances, and multiple inflammatory disorders. �


Dunwoody Labs: Comprehensive Stool with Parasitology | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

GI-MAP: GI Microbial Assay Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Formulas for Methylation Support

Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX

XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.

Proudly,�Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.

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If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic�Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

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Modern Integrated Medicine

The National University of Health Sciences is an institution that offers a variety of rewarding professions to attendees. Students can practice their passion for helping other people achieve overall health and wellness through the institution’s mission. The National University of Health Sciences prepares students to become leaders in the forefront of modern integrated medicine, including chiropractic care. Students have an opportunity to gain unparalleled experience at the National University of Health Sciences to help restore the natural integrity of the patient and define the future of modern integrated medicine. �



Losing Weight is Hard

Losing Weight is Hard

Do you feel:

  • Unexplained weight gain?
  • Excessive belching, burping, or bloating?
  • Hungry an hour or two after eating?
  • Hormone imbalances?
  • Poor bowel function?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then you might have experienced some trouble losing weight.

Trying to lose weight is harder than it looks. While the secret of losing weight is more accessible said than done, people are always trying to live healthier lives by exercising and eating right. Some people can maintain a healthy weight throughout their lives effortlessly; however, for others, it is a struggle that starts from when they were a kid, and it gets harder when they start growing up. There have been books on how to lose weight, and people gaining weight when they are middle-aged, it is shown around their mid-section of their bodies. Although when a person is trying to lose weight due to health reasons or wanting to get better, it can be a long, arduous journey.

There are many reasons why individuals are having trouble losing weight. It might be due to being older and that the body changes along with getting older as well. Here are some of the reasons why it is difficult to lose weight, the older a person gets.

Losing Muscle Mass

When a person age, their metabolism changes with them. When they are younger, their metabolism can make a person exercise with high intensity. As they get older, their metabolism changes, and they will slow down a bit when they are exercising. Not only that, but a person can lose their muscle mass when they reach the age of 30.

Studies have shown that the amount of lean muscle mass can naturally decline 3 to 8 percent per decade when a person hits 30, and it will be much harder when they are at the age of 60. This is due to sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a condition that is characterized by losing skeletal muscle mass and functioning. This condition is progressive, and some of the risk factors include age, gender, and the level of physical activity a person is doing. Since the strength and muscle mass decline in older adults mostly, it can lead to acute and chronic diseases that can harm the body.


There is a way to combat muscle loss for anyone that wants to have lean muscles and to lose weight, is to add weight training to their exercise regime. Research shows that lifting weights is perfect for anyone to make sure that the body stays toned and muscular while also preventing a metabolic slowdown. Since male and females bodies are different, doing weight lifting will help the muscles look lean and toned for females, while for males, their muscles look more prominent and bulker, depending on the weights they are using and how many reps they are doing.

Getting Overly Stressed

As we get older, the more stress we can get. Stress is made up of the hormone cortisol, which is released into the body. It can also be in two categories, which are short term and long term. With short term stress, it is effortless to manage since a person can be worried about a project for school, getting a job interview, or worrying about the little things, the cortisol hormone is short term and can be easily managed.


When it is long-term stress, it can lead to chronic illnesses if it is in a person for far too long. The pressures of work, having too many obligations, or stressing out due to deadlines for projects are bad for a person to have since the cortisol levels are building up in the body. Even having a sedentary job can cause the body to develop stress and weight gain.

There are ways to reduce stress in the body like finding hobbies to enjoy, exercising, always help the body release the tension that is pent up, even having a self-care day can do many wonders to a person and their body. Trying to de-stress the body is excellent and beneficial to anyone because being stress-free is essential for losing weight.

Major Lifestyle Changes

When it comes to significant lifestyle changes, it can be any one of these changes that can cause a person to gain weight. It does not always happen from the inside, but it can happen to people when they enter their thirties. Some changes can include starting a family, trying to find time out of a hectic schedule, distractions, or homework. Whatever the reasons are, these lifestyle changes require much attention. When that happens, then the pounds start to creep in, causing weight gain.

Medical Condition


Sometimes when a person gains weight, it is due to a medical condition they might have, and it makes it harder for them to lose weight as well. These medical conditions include PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), sleep apnea, and hypothyroidism. When these conditions affect the targeted body systems, it can cause many health problems to the body by causing it to dysfunction.


“There are many reasons why losing weight is hard for anyone. There is a wide variety of reasons like eating junk foods, not getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, or a hectic lifestyle. If we take the time to change one thing to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then the weight will slowly but surely go away.” -Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Losing weight is hard for anyone, and it can be easy for some while difficult for others. Since everyone has a different body structure, trying to lose weight is one of the more laborious tasks if an individual has problems trying to shed off the weight. By changing some of the habits that are causing the weight gain, it may be beneficial to not only the person but to their body. Some products can help the body’s metabolism and support the function of sugars and amino acids that help support even the gastrointestinal lining, the endocrine system, and help maintain the blood sugar levels.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Dray, Tammy. �Why Is It Harder to Lose Weight as You Get Older?� LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group, 2019,

Gunnars, Kris. �20 Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight.� Healthline, 20 Aug. 2018,

Lawler, Moira. �5 Reasons It’s Harder to Lose Weight With Age.�, 27 June, 2019,

Santilli, Valter, et al. �Clinical Definition of Sarcopenia.� Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism: the Official Journal of the Italian Society of Osteoporosis, Mineral Metabolism, and Skeletal Diseases, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Sept. 2014,

Walston, Jeremy D. �Sarcopenia in Older Adults.� Current Opinion in Rheumatology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Nov. 2012,





Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Do you feel:

  • Hungry in an hour or two after eating?
  • Unexplained weight gain?
  • Hormonal imbalances?
  • An overall sense of bloating?
  • A sense of fullness during and after meals?

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then try considering intermittent fasting.

Since becoming popular in recent years, intermittent fasting is a dietary approach that lots of individuals have been using in their healthy lifestyle. During the time of the hunter-gatherer society, people have used this method for centuries as a way of survival. Studies have been shown that people used it for medicinal purposes throughout history as a medicinal remedy. Ancient Rome, Greek and Chinese civilizations used intermittent fasting in their daily lives. Fasting has even been used for spiritual reasons in certain religions, like Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity as individuals use it as a way to reflect on themselves and be closer to their deities.

What is Fasting?

Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Fasting is where a person does not consume food or beverages at least for twelve hours during the day. When a person starts fasting, they will notice that their metabolism and their hormones will change in their bodies. There is upcoming research that intermittent fasting can promote amazing health benefits to the body. The health benefits that intermittent fasting provides are weight loss, protective effects in the brain, decreased inflammation and improving blood glucose and insulin levels in the body.

The Different Methods

There are other methods of fasting that involves fasting from food for several days or weeks. With these different methods, they involve a shorter period that is between 16 to 24 hours. Several types of intermittent fasting are determined by the feeding window duration (when to eat the food) and the fasting window (when to avoid the food). Here are some of the other methods of fasting, which includes:

  • Time-restricted feeding (TRF): This type of fasting has a feeding window period from 4 to 12 hours. For the remainder of the day, water is the only thing that is allowed to be consumed. The common variation to eat this type of fasting is 16/8. This means that a person has to fast at least 16 hours every day.
  • Early time-restricted feeding (eTRF): This is a different variety of time-restricted fasting that is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. After the 6 hours are up, the rest of the day is made up of this fasting period.
  • Alternate day fasting (ADF): This type of fasting involves a person eating one day and the next day they completely fast. They alternate between eating and fasting each day to get the benefits.
  • Period fasting (cycling fasting): This type of fasting involves one or two days fasting per week and for the fifth or sixth days of eating as much as a person desire. The variety of period fasting can be a 5:2 or a 6:1.
  • Modified fasting: This type of fasting has some methods of intermittent fasting that are similar to alternate-day fasting, but this fasting can be modified for anyone. A person can consume very-low-calorie substances during the fasting window period.

How Does It Work?

Intermittent fasting is the result of changes in the body as the hormone patterns and energy metabolism are being affected. Once a person finishes consuming food, the contents are being broken down and transforming into nutrients, so it can be absorbed into the digestive tract. What happens is that the carbohydrates are broken down and turn into glucose and absorb into the bloodstream, distributing it into the body’s tissue as the essential source of energy. The insulin hormone then helps regulate the blood glucose levels by signaling cells to take the sugars from the blood and turning into fuel for the body to function properly.

With intermittent fasting, a person is done with a meal and their glucose levels are depleted from the body. For the energy to meet its requirements the body has to break down the glycogen that is found in the liver and skeletal muscles causing gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis is when the liver produces glucose sugars from non-carbohydrate sources in the body. Then once the insulin levels are low after 18 hours of fasting, a process called lipolysis begins. What lipolysis does is that the body begins to break down the fat components into free fatty acids. When there is a low quantity of glucose for the body to consume for energy, the body itself with start using fatty acids and ketones for energy. Ketosis is a metabolic state where liver cells start to help fatty acids breakdown and converting them into ketone acetoacetate and beta-hydro butyrate.

The muscle cells and neuron cells use these ketones to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the main carrier for energy. Research has stated that the usage and availability of fatty acids combined with ketones as an energy replacement for glucose are beneficial for vital body tissues. This includes the heart, the liver, the pancreas, and the brain.

The four metabolic states are induced by fasting are referred to as the fast-fed cycle, and they are:

  • The fed state
  • The post-absorptive state
  • The fasting state
  • The starvation state

The physiological effect of intermittent fasting can also be achieved by following a ketogenic diet, which is very high fat and low carbohydrate diet. This diet’s purpose is to shift the body’s metabolic state into ketosis.

The Benefits of Fasting

There are tons of research that have demonstrated how intermittent fasting has a wide variety of health benefits, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Type 2 diabetes prevention and management
  • Improved cardiometabolic risk factors
  • Cellular cleansing
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Neuroprotection

Studies have been shown that several proposed mechanisms are responsible for these health effects of intermittent fasting and have proven to be beneficial to a person’s lifestyle.


Intermittent fasting has been practiced for centuries and has gain popularity in recent years. It involves abstaining from consuming foods for at least 12 consecutive hours by turning the fat cells into energy for the body to function. The health benefits that intermittent fasting provides is beneficial for an individual who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some products help provide support to the gastrointestinal system as well as making sure that sugar metabolism is at a healthy level for the body to function.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.


Dhillon, Kiranjit K. �Biochemistry, Ketogenesis.� StatPearls [Internet]., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 21 Apr. 2019,

Hue, Louis, and Heinrich Taegtmeyer. �The Randle Cycle Revisited: a New Head for an Old Hat.� American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, American Physiological Society, Sept. 2009,

Stockman, Mary-Catherine, et al. �Intermittent Fasting: Is the Wait Worth the Weight?� Current Obesity Reports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2018,

Zubrzycki, A, et al. �The Role of Low-Calorie Diets and Intermittent Fasting in the Treatment of Obesity and Type-2 Diabetes.� Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology: an Official Journal of the Polish Physiological Society, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2018,





What Every Chiropractic Patient Ought To Know About Losing Weight

What Every Chiropractic Patient Ought To Know About Losing Weight

A large portion of the patients that seek out chiropractic care are suffering from some form of back pain. While chiropractic adjustments and associated therapies can do a lot to ease back pain symptoms and aid in healing, lifestyle changes are also quite important �, particularly weight loss. Excess weight puts increased pressure on the spine, especially the lower back. The more chiropractic patients can near their ideal weight, the easier it becomes to treat and often eliminate the back pain.

The Importance Of Weight Loss

Research shows that obesity makes back pain highly probable.

Research has shown that excess weight and obesity do increase the risk of suffering from low back pain. A meta-analysis of the research on obesity and low back pain found that overweight and obese individuals were most likely to seek care for low back pain, including chronic back pain.

The components of the spine can wear down.

The spine is strong, but it is also delicate. The vertebrae are linked and supported by soft tissues, like discs, ligaments, and tendons.

These soft tissues make it possible to move, flex, twist and turn in a variety of ways, allowing your body to be quite mobile. But these soft tissues are prone to wear and tear.

Even a healthy body will experience wear and tear as it ages. When you add extra weight, though, you increase the wear and tear � and become more susceptible to injuries.

Extra body weight increases damage.

If you have ever carried an object for an extended period of time, like a bag of groceries up and down stairs or a jug of liquid across a parking lot, you know how it can wear you down. While you may feel fine at first, the longer you go, the more tired you become.

Extra body weight is something you carry around with you everywhere you go.

  • Across the parking lot.
  • Up the stairs.
  • Even sitting in a chair.

The structural components of your body, including your joints and the muscles that support them, are constantly forced to handle the extra pressure.

All the extra pressure transfers force through your joints, including your spine. Over time, the force will do damage. Discs will wear out faster, which can lead to degenerative disc disease and back pain.

Injuries become more severe.

The extra weight makes every accident and injury more damaging. Slipping and catching yourself, which may have been okay before, could now pull or tear muscles and tendons. Every time you are in an accident, your body will have a harder time maintaining safe alignment.

11860 Vista Del Sol, What Every Chiropractic Patient Ought To Know About Losing Weight El Paso, TX.

Common Injuries Caused by Excess Weight

1. Herniation

A herniated disc occurs when the tough outer layer of the disc is torn, allowing the soft inner layer to protrude. The protrusion can put pressure on nerves in the spine.

2. Pulled tissues.

Excess weight makes it more likely that you will pull or tear muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

3. Back pain

The lower back, or lumbar spine, is the part of the spine where most of the pressure is placed from excess weight. That is why low back pain is the most common form of injury we treat in overweight patients.

Losing Weight Helps

Every pound you lose is one less pound your body must carry. The closer you get to your optimal weight, the easier it will be for your body to support your spine. When you get chiropractic adjustments, they will be more likely to remain in place. A healthy weight makes chiropractic care more effective.

If you are suffering from back pain and excess weight, please contact us. Our chiropractic team can help you in your weight loss journey, and we can treat your pain in a way that is both effective and non-invasive.

El Paso Back Clinic Chiropractic Playlist

Fasting and Chronic Pain

Fasting and Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a common health issue which affects many people in the United States. While several medical conditions, such as fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome, can cause chronic pain, it may also develop due to a variety of other health issues. Research studies have found that widespread inflammation is the leading cause of chronic pain. Inflammation is a natural defense mechanism to injury, illness, or infection. But, if the inflammatory process continues for too long, it can become problematic.

Inflammation signals the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue as well as to protect itself against bacteria and viruses. As mentioned above, however, chronic inflammation can cause a variety of health issues, including chronic pain symptoms. Healthy lifestyle modifications can help manage chronic pain, but first, let’s understand the common causes of chronic pain.

What is Acute Inflammation?

Acute inflammation, by way of instance, occurs following an injury or something as simple as a sore throat. It is a natural response with adverse effects, meaning it works locally in the region where the health issue is found. The common signs of acute inflammation include swelling, redness, warmth, pain and loss of function, as stated by the National Library of Medicine. When acute inflammation develops, the blood vessels dilate causing blood flow to increase, and white blood cells in the injured region promote recovery.

During severe inflammation, compounds called cytokines are released by the damaged tissue. The cytokines act as “emergency signals” which bring on the human body’s own immune cells, as well as hormones and numerous nutrients to repair the health issue. Additionally, hormone-like substances, known as prostaglandins, cause blood clots to heal damaged tissue, and these may also trigger fever and pain as part of the inflammatory procedure. As the damage or injury recovers, the inflammation subsides.

What is Chronic Inflammation?

Unlike acute inflammation, chronic inflammation has long-term effects. Chronic inflammation, also known as persistent inflammation, produces low-levels of inflammation throughout the human body, as demonstrated by an increase in immune system markers located in blood and cell tissues. Chronic inflammation may also cause the progression of various diseases and conditions. Elevated levels of inflammation may sometimes trigger even if there is no injury, illness, or infection, which may also cause the immune system to react.

As a result, the human body’s immune system could begin attacking healthy cells, tissues, or organs. Researchers are still trying to understand the consequences of chronic inflammation in the human body and the mechanisms involved in this natural defense process. By way of instance, chronic inflammation has been associated with a variety of health issues, such as heart disease, and stroke.

One theory suggests that when inflammation remains in the blood vessels, it can encourage the accumulation of plaque. According to the American Heart Association, or the AHA, if the immune system identifies plaque as a foreign invader, the white blood cells can attempt to wall off the plaque found in the blood flowing through the arteries. This can create a blood clot which may block the blood flow to the heart or brain, causing it to become unstable and rupture. Cancer is another health issue associated with chronic inflammation. Furthermore, according to the National Cancer Institute, DNA damage can also be caused by chronic inflammation.

Persistent, low-grade inflammation frequently doesn’t have any symptoms, but healthcare professionals can check for a C-reactive protein, or CRP, known as lipoic acid, a marker for inflammation found in the blood. Elevated levels of CRP are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Elevated CRP levels may be found in chronic disorders like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

In the case of other chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia, the nervous system over-reacts to specific stimulation, however, it’s inflammation which causes chronic pain symptoms. Subjectively, it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between the chronic pain caused by an oversensitive nervous system and the chronic pain caused by widespread inflammation. Apart from searching for clues in the bloodstream, a person’s nutrition, lifestyle habits, and environmental exposures, can also promote chronic inflammation.

Dr Jimenez White Coat

Inflammation is the immune system’s natural defense mechanism against injury, illness, or infection. While this inflammatory response can help heal and repair tissues, chronic, widespread inflammation can cause a variety of health issues, including chronic pain symptoms. A balanced nutrition, including a variety of diets and fasting, can help reduce inflammation. Fasting, also known as caloric restriction, promotes cell apoptosis and mitochondrial recovery. The fasting mimicking diet, which is a part of the longevity diet plan, is a dietary program which “tricks” the human body into a fasting state to experience the benefits of traditional fasting. Before following any of the diets described in this article, make sure to consult a doctor.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

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Nutrition, Diets, Fasting and Chronic Pain

Anti-inflammatory diets mainly consist of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, and fats. The Mediterranean diet plan, by way of instance, is an anti-inflammatory diet which promotes eating moderate amounts of nuts, ingesting very little meat, and drinking wine. Anti-inflammatory food parts, such as omega-3 fatty acids, protect the human body against the damage brought on by inflammation.

An anti-inflammatory diet also involves staying away from foods which could promote inflammation. It is ideal to decrease the amount of foods you eat which are high in trans and saturated fats, such as meats. Additionally, an anti-inflammatory diet limits the consumption of refined carbohydrates and foods, such as bread and rice. These also promote cutting back on the utilization of margarine and oils that are packed with omega-6 fatty acids, such as sunflower, safflower and corn oils.

Fasting, or caloric restriction, has long been known to decrease oxidative stress and slow down the mechanisms of aging in various organisms. The effects of fasting involve programmed cell death, or apoptosis, transcription, mobile energy efficiency, mitochondrial biogenesis, antioxidant mechanisms, and circadian rhythm. Fasting also contributes to mitochondrial autophagy, known as mitophagy, where genes in the mitochondria are stimulated to undergo apoptosis, which promotes mitochondrial recovery.

Intermittent fasting can help you fight inflammation, improve digestion, and boost your longevity. The human body is designed to be able to survive for extended periods of time without food. Research studies have demonstrated that intermittent fasting can have positive changes in the overall composition of your gut microbiota. Moreover, intermittent fasting can reduce insulin resistance while increasing the immune system response. Finally, intermittent fasting can promote the production of a substance, known as ?-hydroxybutyrate, that blocks a portion of the immune system involved in inflammatory ailments as well as substantially reducing the production of inflammatory markers, such as cytokines and the C-reactive protein, or CRP, previously mentioned above.

The Longevity Diet Plan, presented in the book by Dr. Valter Longo, eliminates the consumption of processed foods which can cause inflammation, promoting well-being and longevity. This unique dietary program, unlike most traditional diets, doesn’t promote weight loss. Although you may experience weight reduction, the emphasis of this unique dietary program is on eating healthier. The Longevity Diet Plan has been demonstrated to help activate stem cell-based renewal, reduce abdominal fat, and prevent age-related bone and muscle loss, as well as build resistance to developing cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and cancer.


The fasting mimicking diet, or FMD, allows you to experience the benefits of traditional fasting without depriving your body of food. The main difference of the FMD is that instead of completely eliminating all food for several days or even weeks, you only restrict your calorie intake for five days out of the month. The FMD can be practiced once a month to help promote overall health and wellness.

While anyone can follow the FMD on their own, the ProLon� fasting mimicking diet offers a 5-day meal program which has been individually packed and labeled for each day, that serves the foods you need for the FMD in precise quantities and combinations. The meal program is made up of ready-to-eat or easy-to-prepare, plant-based foods, including bars, soups, snacks, supplements, a drink concentrate, and teas. Before starting the ProLon� fasting mimicking diet, 5-day meal program, or any of the lifestyle modifications described above, please make sure to talk to a healthcare professional to find out which chronic pain treatment is right for you.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, spinal health issues, and functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topic Discussion: Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. Your spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.

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XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.

Proudly, Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.

Please call our office in order for us to assign a doctor consultation for immediate access.

If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

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* All the above XYMOGEN policies remain strictly in force.


What is the Longevity Diet Plan?

What is the Longevity Diet Plan?

Adhering to a specific diet to maintain proper nutrition can sometimes make eating stressful. Natural lifestyle modifications are the key to changing your eating habits and this can help you live a longer, healthier life. The Longevity Diet Plan, created by Dr. Valter Longo, is a selection of practical eating guidelines which focuses on changing your eating patterns to achieve overall health and wellness.

The Rules of The Longevity Diet Plan

By merely following the nutritional tips below, you can overhaul your current diet plan and start eating healthier without all the stress of a traditional diet. The Longevity Diet Plan eliminates the consumption of processed foods that can cause a variety of health issues and boosts the consumption of nutrients that promote longevity. This unique dietary program shares the results of approximately 25 years of research studies all on a simple solution which can help people experience overall well-being through proper nutrition.

However, unlike most traditional diets, the Longevity Diet Plan doesn’t promote weight loss. Although you may experience weight reduction, the emphasis of this unique dietary program is on eating healthier. The Longevity Diet Plan has been demonstrated to help you activate stem cell-based renewal, lose weight and reduce abdominal fat, prevent age-related bone and muscle loss, build resistance to developing cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as extend longevity. Below, we will summarize the 8 most common nutritional tips of the Longevity Diet Plan which can ultimately help make your life longer and healthier.

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The Longevity Diet Plan is a unique dietary program designed by Dr. Valter Longo to promote overall health, wellness, and longevity. Through simple lifestyle modifications, people can change their eating habits and take advantage of the many health benefits of this dietary program. By following a pescatarian diet and following the ProLon� Fasting Mimicking Diet, among the other nutritional tips described below, people can live longer and healthier lives. Traditional diets can often be difficult and stressful to follow, however, the Longevity Diet Plan is a practical and unique dietary program which can be suitable for many people.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

8 Nutritional Tips of the Longevity Diet Plan

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Follow a Pescatarian Diet

As a part of the Longevity Diet Plan, follow a pescatarian diet, which is almost 100 percent plant and fish-based. Also, make sure to limit fish consumption to two or three servings every week, avoiding fish with higher mercury content, such as tuna, swordfish, mackerel, and halibut. If you’re over 65 and you begin to experience reduced muscle mass, strength, and fat, add more fish into your diet alongside other animal-based foods, including eggs and specific cheeses, such as feta or pecorino, and yogurt made from goat’s milk.

Don’t Eat Too Much Protein

According to the Longevity Diet Plan, we should eat 0.31 to 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body fat every day. If you weigh 130lbs, you should eat about 40 to 47 grams of protein per day, or an equivalent of 1.5 filets of salmon, 1 cup of chickpeas or 2 1/2 cups of lentils, of which 30 grams should be consumed in one meal. If you weigh 200 to 220lbs, you should eat about 60 to 70 grams of protein per day, or an equivalent of two fillets of salmon, 3 1/2 cups of lentils or 1 1/2 cups of chickpeas. Protein consumption should be increased after age 65. For the majority of us, a 10 to 20 percent increase, or 5 to 10 grams more each day, is enough. Finally, the Longevity Diet is free of animal proteins like red meat, white meat, and poultry, with the exception of animal proteins in fish. This unique dietary program instead is comparatively high in vegetable proteins like legumes and nuts to optimize health and wellness.

Increase Good Fats and Complex Carbohydrates

As a part of the Longevity Diet Plan, you should eat higher amounts of polyunsaturated fats, such as those found in salmon, almonds, walnuts, and olive oil, while you should eat lower amounts of saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fats. Likewise, as a part of the Longevity Diet Plan, you should also eat complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole wheat bread, legumes, and vegetables. Make sure to limit eating pasta, rice, bread, fruit, and fruit juices, which can be converted to sugars by the time they reach your gut.

Take Dietary Supplements

The human body needs proteins, essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins, minerals, and even sugars to function correctly. Whenever your intake of certain nutrients becomes too low, the repair, replacement, and defense methods of the human body can slow down or stop, allowing fungi, bacteria, and viruses to cause damage which can lead to a variety of health issues. Take vitamin and mineral dietary supplements, especially for omega-3, as recommended by your healthcare professional.

Eat Various Foods from your Ancestry

To take in all of the necessary nutrients you need, you have to eat a wide variety of foods, but it’s best to choose foods that were common on your parents’, grandparents’, and great-grandparents’ table. By way of instance, in many northern European countries where milk has been generally consumed, lactose intolerance is relatively rare, whereas lactose intolerance is quite common in southern European and Asian countries, where milk was not historically part of the conventional diet of adults. If a person of Japanese ancestry residing in the United States suddenly decides to begin drinking milk, which was probably rarely served in their grandparents’ dining table, they will probably start feeling sick. The most common problems in these cases are intolerances or autoimmunities, such as the response to gluten-rich foods like bread and pasta seen in people with celiac disease. Although further evidence is needed, it is possible that food intolerances could be related to many autoimmune disorders, including diabetes, colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

Eat Two Meals a Day and a Snack

According to the Longevity Diet Plan, it is ideal to eat breakfast and one major meal plus a nourishing low-calorie, low-sugar snack every day. While for some people it may be recommended to eat three meals and a snack every day. Many nutritional guidelines recommend that we should eat five to six meals every day. When people are advised to eat frequently, it can often become difficult for them to regulate their calorie intake. Over the last twenty years, approximately 70 percent of the population in the United States is considered to be overweight or obese. It’s much more difficult to overeat on the Longevity Diet Plan if you eat only two and a half meals every day. It would take massive portions of legumes, vegetables, and fish to reach the amount that would lead to weight gain. The high nourishment of the meals, plus the amount of the meal, sends a signal to your stomach and your brain that you have had enough food. This one major meal system may sometimes have to be broken down into two meals to avoid digestion issues. Adults and older people prone to weight loss should eat three meals a day. For people trying to lose weight as well as for people who are overweight or obese, the best nutritional advice would be to eat breakfast daily; have dinner or lunch, but not both, and substitute for the missed meal with one snack containing fewer than 100 calories and no more than 3 to 5 g of sugar. Which meal you skip depends upon your lifestyle, however, it’s not recommended to skip breakfast due to its adverse health issues. The benefit of skipping lunch is more free time and energy. But, there is a drawback for eating a large dinner, particularly for people who suffer from acid reflux or sleeping problems. The drawback for skipping dinner, however, is that it may eliminate the social meal of their day.

Eat Within a 12-Hour Window Every Day

Another common eating habit adopted by many centenarians is time-restricted eating or limiting all meals and snacks within a 12-hour window every day. The efficiency of this method was demonstrated in both human and animal research studies. Generally, you would eat breakfast at 8 a.m. and then eat dinner by 8 p.m.. A briefer eating window of ten hours or less can be even better for weight loss, but it’s considerably harder to maintain and it might increase the risk of developing side effects, such as gallstones and even potentially increasing the chance of developing cardiovascular disease. You should not eat three to four hours before sleeping.

Follow the ProLon� Fasting Mimicking Diet

Healthy people under the age of 65 should follow the ProLon� Fasting Mimicking Diet, 5-day meal program at least twice every year. The FMD is one of the key principles promoted by the Longevity Diet Plan. The fasting mimicking diet offers the same health benefits of fasting without actually fasting. By eating 800 to 1,100 calories in precise quantities and combinations of foods which have been individually packed and labeled for each day, you can “trick” the human body into a fasting state. Through various research studies, Dr. Valter Longo discovered that by depriving the body of food in this manner, our cells begin breaking down and regenerating our internal tissues, through a process known as autophagy, killing and replacing, or regenerating, damaged cells. Additionally, fasting can reverse various health issues, destroy cancer cells and significantly reduce the possibility of developing Alzheimer’s disease.


With the Longevity Diet Plan presented in the book by Dr. Valter Longo, you’ll eat better, feel better and, although it’s not designed as a weight loss plan, you may even shed a few pounds. You’re not going to have to consider complex food rules and make difficult choices with this unique dietary program. Once you get the hang of these lifestyle modifications, you’ll be able to improve your overall health and wellness as well as your longevity. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, spinal health issues, and functional medicine topics. To further discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topic Discussion: Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. Your spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.

Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX

XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.

Proudly, Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.

Please call our office in order for us to assign a doctor consultation for immediate access.

If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

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For your convenience and review of the XYMOGEN products please review the following link.*XYMOGEN-Catalog-Download

* All the above XYMOGEN policies remain strictly in force.


The Function Of Ketones In Ketosis

The Function Of Ketones In Ketosis

Ketosis is a natural procedure the human body goes through on a regular basis. This method provides the cells with energy from ketones if sugar isn’t readily available. A moderate degree of ketosis occurs when we skip a meal or two, do not consume many carbohydrates throughout the day or exercise for an extended amount of time. When there is an increased demand for energy and carbohydrates are not immediately available to meet that need, the human body will subsequently�begin to raise its ketone levels.

If carbohydrates continue to be limited for a considerable amount of time, ketone levels may increase further. These deeper degrees of ketosis provide many favorable effects throughout the entire body. These benefits can be taken advantage of by following the ketogenic diet. However, the majority of people are seldom in ketosis since the human body prefers to utilize sugar, or glucose, as its principal fuel supply. Below, we will discuss ketosis, ketones, and how these procedures work together to keep the cells healthy.

How Nutrients are Converted into Energy

The human body processes several kinds of nutrients to produce the energy it requires. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can be converted to energy in order to fuel various metabolic processes. If you consume high-carbohydrate foods or excessive amounts of protein, your cells will break these down into a simple sugar called glucose. This occurs because sugar provides the cells with the fastest source of ATP, which one of the main energy molecules required to fuel virtually every system within the human body.

By way of instance, more ATP means more cell energy and more calories result in more ATP. As a matter of fact, each calorie consumed from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats may be utilized to maximize ATP levels. The human body consumes a lot of these nutrients to maintain the proper function of all its structures. If you consume more than sufficient food, nevertheless, there’ll be too much sugar which your�system does not need. But, considering this, what does the human body do with all this excess sugar? Instead of eliminating excess calories which the body does not need, it will store them as fat where it can be used later once the cells require energy.

The human body stores energy in two ways:

  • Glycogenesis. Through this procedure, excess glucose is converted into glycogen, or the stored form of glucose,�which is stored in the liver and muscles. Researchers estimate that the entire human body stores about 2000 calories in the shape of muscle and liver glycogen. This generally means that glycogen levels will be used within 6 to 24 hours if no additional calories are consumed. An alternate system of energy storage may help sustain the human body when glycogen levels are reduced: lipogenesis.
  • Lipogenesis. When there are sufficient amounts of glycogen in the muscles and liver, any excess glucose is converted into fats and stores through a procedure called lipogenesis. Compared to our limited glycogen stores, our fat stores are almost infinite. These supply us with the capability to sustain ourselves for weeks to even months without enough food being available.

When food is limited and the intake of nutrients like carbohydrates are restricted, glycogenesis and lipogenesis is no longer active. Rather, these procedures are replaced with glycogenolysis and lipolysis which free�energy from glycogen and fat stores throughout the human body. However, something unexpected occurs when the cells no longer have stored sugar,�fat or glycogen. Fat will continue to be used as fuel but an alternate fuel source known as ketones is produced as well. Because of this, the process of ketosis occurs.

Why Does Ketosis Occur?

When you don’t have any access to foods, such as when you’re sleeping, fasting, or following the ketogenic diet, then the human body will convert some of its stored fat into exceptionally efficient energy molecules known as ketones. Ketones are synthesized following the entire breakdown of fats into fatty acids and glycerol, where we can thank our cell’s capacity to change metabolic pathways for this. Although fatty acids and glycerol are turned into fuel throughout the entire body, they’re not utilized as energy by brain cells.

Because these nutrients are converted into energy too slowly to support the function of the brain, sugar is still considered to be the principal source of fuel for the brain. This process also helps us understand why we create ketones. Without an alternate energy supply, the brain would be exceedingly vulnerable if we don’t consume enough calories. Our muscles would be broken down instantly and converted into sugar to feed our hungry brains. Without ketones, the human race would have most probably been extinct.

Dr Jimenez White Coat
Low-carbohydrate modified ketogenic diets have been demonstrated to have many health benefits, including weight loss and the increased ability to help fight diabetes. These type of diets have a remarkable way of providing energy for the brain. Research studies have discovered that entering ketosis has the ability to reduce insulin levels, freeing fat from fat cells. Researchers have also shown that the ketogenic diet can have a significant metabolic advantage, which leads to more calories burned than with any other diet. Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

The Way Ketones are Produced

The human body breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol which may be utilized for fuel in the cells directly but not by the brain. To fulfill the requirements of the brain, the fatty acids from fats and glycerol go through the liver where they’re then converted into glucose, or sugar, and ketones. Glycerol undergoes a process called gluconeogenesis, which transforms it into glucose, where fatty acids are converted to ketone bodies through a procedure called ketogenesis. As a consequence of ketogenesis, a ketone body called acetoacetate is generated. Acetoacetate is then converted to two different types of ketone bodies:

  • Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). After being keto-adapted for several weeks, the cells will start to convert acetoacetate into BHB because it’s a more efficient source of fuel where it destroys an extra chemical reaction which provides more energy to the cell compared to acetoacetate. Research studies have demonstrated that the human body and brain favor utilizing BHB and acetoacetate for energy because the cells can utilize it 70 percent better than they can sugar or glucose.
  • Acetone.�This substance can occasionally be metabolized into glucose, however, it is largely eliminated as waste. This is what specifically provides the distinctly�smelling breath which many ketogenic dieters have�learned to understand.

Over time, the human body will release less surplus ketone bodies, or acetone, and, should you utilize keto sticks to monitor your degree of ketosis, you might believe it’s slowing down. As the brain burns off BHB as fuel, the cells attempt to present the brain with as much effective energy as they can. This is why long-term low-carbohydrate users won’t show profound levels of ketosis in their urine tests. As a matter of fact, long-term keto dieters can endure around 50 percent of their basal energy demands and 70 percent of their brain’s energy demands from ketones. Therefore, you shouldn’t allow the urine tests to fool you.

The Significance of Gluconeogenesis

Regardless of how�keto-adapted the human body may become, the cells will still require glucose to function properly. To satisfy the energy demands of the human mind and body which can’t be fulfilled by ketones, the liver will initiate�a process called gluconeogenesis. Amino acids in proteins and lactate in the muscles may also be transformed into glucose.

By converting amino acids, glycerol, and lactate into glucose, the liver can satisfy the glucose demands of the human body and brain during times of fasting and carbohydrate limitation. That is the reason why there’s not any crucial requirement for carbohydrates to be included in our diet. The liver will, generally, make sure to have sufficient sugar in the blood for your own cells to survive.

It’s important to remember, however, that certain variables, such as eating too much protein, may get in the way of ketosis and boost the demand for gluconeogenesis. Insulin levels and ketone production are closely connected. Protein sources, which are generally consumed on the ketogenic diet, can also increase insulin levels. In response to a rise in insulin levels, ketogenesis is downregulated, which raises the demand for gluconeogenesis to generate more sugar.

This is the reason why eating too much protein may impair your ability to enter ketosis. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you ought to limit your protein intake either. By restricting protein intake, your muscle cells will be employed to generate the sugar your body and brain demand for fuel. With proper guidance, you can consum the perfect quantity of protein your body needs to maintain muscle mass and fulfill your glucose needs when you’re on the road to ketosis.

Recognizing the Path to Ketosis

Almost all of our understanding behind ketosis originates from research studies on people who have fasted from all foods, not only from ketogenic dieters. However, we could make many inferences concerning the ketogenic diet out of what the researchers discovered from the research studies on fasting. First, let us look at the phases the body goes through during fasting:

Stage 1 – The glycogen depletion phase – 6 to 24 hours of fasting

In this phase, most energy is produced by glycogen. During this time, hormone levels begin to change, causing increases in gluconeogenesis and fat burning, however, ketone generation isn’t active yet.

Stage 2 – The gluconeogenic stage – 2 to 10 days of fasting

In this phase, glycogen is totally depleted and gluconeogenesis supplies the cells with energy. Ketones begin to be generated�at reduced levels. You will notice you have keto breath and are urinating more frequently due to greater acetone levels in your blood. The timeframe for this phase is so extensive (two to ten days) since it is dependent upon who is fasting. By way of instance, healthy men and obese people have a tendency to remain in the gluconeogenic phase for extended periods of time compared to healthy women.

Stage 3 – The ketogenic stage – after 2 days of fasting or more

This phase is characterized by a decrease in protein breakdown for energy through an increase in fat and ketone usage. At this phase, you will surely be in ketosis. Every individual can�enter this point at various rates based on lifestyle and genetic variables, their physical activity levels, and the number of times they fasted and/or restricted carbohydrates before. Whether you’re following the ketogenic diet or fasting, you may go through these phases, but this doesn’t guarantee the same benefits fasting as you do from the keto diet.

Ketogenic Diet Ketosis vs Starvation Ketosis

The ketosis which you experience on the ketogenic diet is considered to be a lot safer and healthier compared to the ketosis you get to when fasting. During the time you’re fasting, the human body doesn’t have any food resources, therefore it begins converting the protein from your muscles into sugar. This induces rapid muscle reduction.

The ketogenic diet, on the other hand, provides us with the healthiest and safest way to experience the advantages of ketosis. Limiting carbohydrates while keeping sufficient caloric intake from protein and fat permits the ketogenic procedure to sustain muscle tissue by employing ketosis and the ketone bodies we generate for fuel without having to utilize valuable muscle mass. Many research studies have discovered that ketones can also have an array of beneficial effects throughout the entire body too.

Ketoacidosis: The Bad Side of Ketosis

Ketoacidosis is a potentially lethal condition which occurs when excessive ketones accumulate in the blood. Some healthcare professionals may advise against increasing your ketone levels with the ketogenic diet because they fear you could enter ketoacidosis. The practice of ketosis is closely governed by the liver, and also the entire body infrequently generates more ketones then it requires for fuel. That is the reason why the ketogenic diet has been referred to as a safe and effective way to enter ketosis.

Ketoacidosis, on the other hand, is more likely to occur in type 1 and type 2 diabetics who don’t have their glucose under control. The mix of insulin deficiency and higher glucose levels, which are generally found in people with diabetes, produce a vicious cycle which causes ketones to build up in the blood. By limiting carbohydrates, nevertheless, healthy people and patients with diabetes may continue to keep their glucose under control and also experience the advantages of utilizing ketones for fuel.

Putting It All Together

Ketogenesis takes fatty acids from stored fat and transforms it into ketones. The ketones are subsequently released into the bloodstream. The procedure where the body burns off ketones for fuel is known as ketosis. However, not all cells can utilize ketones as fuel. Some cells will always utilize glucose to function accordingly. To satisfy the energy requirements which can’t be fulfilled by ketones, your liver utilizes a process called gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis is the procedure where the liver converts glycerol from fatty acids, amino acids from proteins, and lactate from muscles,�into glucose. Collectively, ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis produce the ketones and glucose which fulfill all the body’s energy demands when food is not available or when carbohydrates�are limited.

Though ketones are well-known for being an alternate fuel supply, they supply us with several unique advantages too. The best and safest way to receive all the advantages of ketosis is by simply adhering to the ketogenic diet. In that way, you won’t encounter the chance of losing valuable muscle mass or inducing the potentially lethal condition of ketoacidosis. But, the ketogenic diet is somewhat more nuanced than a lot of men and women think. It is not just about restricting carbohydrates, it’s about making sure sufficient fat, protein, and overall calorie intake are consumed, which are ultimately vital.�The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal health issues. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topic Discussion:�Acute Back Pain

Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief. �

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