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Clinic Wellness Team. A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep, and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall, the definition is as follows.

It is a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyles both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. It is positive and affirms that what we do is, in fact, correct.

It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective.

Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, personal self-care, and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’s message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware of our collection of articles, blogs, and videos.

The Importance of a Healing Diet After Food Poisoning

The Importance of a Healing Diet After Food Poisoning

Can knowing which foods to eat help individuals recovering from food poisoning restore gut health?

The Importance of a Healing Diet After Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning and Restoring Gut Health

Food poisoning can be life-threatening. Fortunately, most cases are mild and short-lived and last only a few hours to a few days (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2024). But even mild cases can wreak havoc on the gut, causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Researchers have found that bacterial infections, like food poisoning, can cause changes in gut bacteria. (Clara Belzer et al., 2014) Eating foods that promote gut healing after food poisoning may help the body recover and feel better faster.

Foods to Eat

After food poisoning symptoms have resolved, one may feel that returning to the usual diet is fine. However, the gut has endured quite an experience, and even though acute symptoms have subsided, individuals may still benefit from foods and drinks that are easier on the stomach. Recommended foods and beverages after food poisoning include: (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. 2019)

  • Gatorade
  • Pedialyte
  • Water
  • Herbal tea
  • Chicken broth
  • Jello
  • Applesauce
  • Crackers
  • Toast
  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Bananas
  • Potatoes

Hydration after food poisoning is crucial. Individuals should add other nutritious and hydrating foods, like chicken noodle soup, which helps because of its nutrients and fluid content. The diarrhea and vomiting that accompany the illness can leave the body severely dehydrated. Rehydrating beverages help the body replace lost electrolytes and sodium. Once the body is rehydrated and can hold down bland foods, slowly introduce foods from a regular diet. When resuming the usual diet after rehydration, eating small meals frequently, every three to four hours, is recommended instead of eating a large breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal daily. (Andi L. Shane et al., 2017) When choosing Gatorade or Pedialyte, remember that Gatorade is a sports-rehydrating drink with more sugar, which could irritate an inflamed stomach. Pedialyte is designed for rehydrating during and after illness and has less sugar, making it a better option. (Ronald J Maughan et al., 2016)

When Food Poisoning Is Active Foods To Avoid

During food poisoning, individuals typically do not feel like eating at all. However, to avoid worsening the illness, Individuals are recommended to avoid the following while actively ill (Ohio State University. 2019)

  • Caffeinated drinks and alcohol can further dehydrate.
  • Greasy foods and high-fiber foods are hard to digest.
  • Foods and beverages high in sugar can cause the body to produce high glucose levels and weaken the immune system. (Navid Shomali et al., 2021)

Recovery Time and Resuming Regular Diet

Food poisoning doesn’t last long, and most uncomplicated cases are resolved within a few hours or days. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2024) Symptoms depend on the type of bacteria. Individuals may become ill within minutes of consuming contaminated food up to two weeks later. For example, Staphylococcus aureus bacteria generally cause symptoms almost immediately. On the other hand, listeria may take up to a couple of weeks to cause symptoms. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2024) Individuals can resume their usual diet once symptoms are gone, the body is thoroughly hydrated and can hold down bland foods. (Andi L. Shane et al., 2017)

Recommended Gut Foods Post Stomach Virus

Gut-healthy foods can help restore the gut microbiome or all the living microorganisms in the digestive system. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for immune system functioning. (Emanuele Rinninella et al., 2019) Stomach viruses can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. (Chanel A. Mosby et al., 2022) Eating certain foods may help restore the gut balance. Prebiotics, or indigestible plant fibers, can help break down in the small intestines and allow the beneficial bacteria to grow. Prebiotic foods include: (Dorna Davani-Davari et al., 2019)

  • Beans
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Peas
  • Honey
  • Milk
  • Banana
  • Wheat, barley, rye
  • Garlic
  • Soybean
  • Seaweed

In addition, probiotics, which are live bacteria, may help increase the number of healthy bacteria in the gut. Probiotic foods include: (Harvard Medical School, 2023)

  • Pickles
  • Sourdough bread
  • Kombucha
  • Sauerkraut
  • Yogurt
  • Miso
  • Kefir
  • Kimchi
  • Tempeh

Probiotics can also be taken as a supplement and come in tablets, capsules, powders, and liquids. Because they contain live bacteria, they need to be refrigerated. Healthcare providers sometimes recommend taking probiotics when recovering from a stomach infection. (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2018) Individuals should consult their healthcare provider to see whether this option is safe and healthy.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic, we treat injuries and chronic pain syndromes by developing personalized treatment plans and specialized clinical services focused on injuries and the complete recovery process. If other treatment is needed, individuals will be referred to a clinic or physician best suited to their injury, condition, and/or ailment.

Learning About Food Substitutions


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024). Food poisoning symptoms. Retrieved from

Belzer, C., Gerber, G. K., Roeselers, G., Delaney, M., DuBois, A., Liu, Q., Belavusava, V., Yeliseyev, V., Houseman, A., Onderdonk, A., Cavanaugh, C., & Bry, L. (2014). Dynamics of the microbiota in response to host infection. PloS one, 9(7), e95534.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2019). Eating, diet, & nutrition for food poisoning. Retrieved from

Shane, A. L., Mody, R. K., Crump, J. A., Tarr, P. I., Steiner, T. S., Kotloff, K., Langley, J. M., Wanke, C., Warren, C. A., Cheng, A. C., Cantey, J., & Pickering, L. K. (2017). 2017 Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Infectious Diarrhea. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 65(12), e45–e80.

Maughan, R. J., Watson, P., Cordery, P. A., Walsh, N. P., Oliver, S. J., Dolci, A., Rodriguez-Sanchez, N., & Galloway, S. D. (2016). A randomized trial to assess the potential of different beverages to affect hydration status: development of a beverage hydration index. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 103(3), 717–723.

Ohio State University. Kacie Vavrek, M., RD, CSSD Ohio State University. (2019). Foods to avoid when you have the flu.

Shomali, N., Mahmoudi, J., Mahmoodpoor, A., Zamiri, R. E., Akbari, M., Xu, H., & Shotorbani, S. S. (2021). Harmful effects of high amounts of glucose on the immune system: An updated review. Biotechnology and applied biochemistry, 68(2), 404–410.

Rinninella, E., Raoul, P., Cintoni, M., Franceschi, F., Miggiano, G. A. D., Gasbarrini, A., & Mele, M. C. (2019). What is the Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition? A Changing Ecosystem across Age, Environment, Diet, and Diseases. Microorganisms, 7(1), 14.

Mosby, C. A., Bhar, S., Phillips, M. B., Edelmann, M. J., & Jones, M. K. (2022). Interaction with mammalian enteric viruses alters outer membrane vesicle production and content by commensal bacteria. Journal of extracellular vesicles, 11(1), e12172.

Davani-Davari, D., Negahdaripour, M., Karimzadeh, I., Seifan, M., Mohkam, M., Masoumi, S. J., Berenjian, A., & Ghasemi, Y. (2019). Prebiotics: Definition, Types, Sources, Mechanisms, and Clinical Applications. Foods (Basel, Switzerland), 8(3), 92.

Harvard Medical School. (2023). How to get more probiotics.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2018). Treatment of viral gastroenteritis. Retrieved from

A Comprehensive Guide to Almond Flour and Almond Meal

A Comprehensive Guide to Almond Flour and Almond Meal

For individuals practicing a low-carbohydrate eating style or want to try an alternative flour, can incorporating almond flour help in their wellness journey?

A Comprehensive Guide to Almond Flour and Almond Meal

Almond Flour

Almond flour and almond meal are gluten-free alternatives to wheat products in certain recipes. They are made by grinding almonds and can be bought prepared or made at home with a food processor or grinder. The flour is higher in protein and lower in starch than other gluten-free flour.

Almond Flour and Almond Meal

The flour is made with blanched almonds, meaning the skin has been removed. Almond meal is made with whole or blanched almonds. The consistency for both is more like corn meal than wheat flour. They can usually be used interchangeably, although using the blanched flour will produce a more refined, less grainy result. Superfine almond flour is great for baking cakes but is difficult to make at home. It can be found at grocery stores or ordered online.

Carbohydrates and Calories

A half cup of commercially prepared flour contains about:

  1. The glycemic index of almond flour is less than 1, which means it should have little effect on raising blood glucose levels.
  2. The high glycemic index of whole wheat flour is 71, and rice flour is 98.

Using Almond Flour

It is recommended for making gluten-free quick bread recipes, such as gluten-free:

  • Muffins
  • Pumpkin bread
  • Pancakes
  • Some cake recipes

Individuals are recommended to start with a recipe already adapted for almond flour and then make their own. A cup of wheat flour weighs around 3 ounces, while a cup of almond flour weighs almost 4 ounces. This will make a significant difference in baked goods. The flour is beneficial for adding nutrients to foods.

Almond Meal

  • Almond meal can be cooked as polenta or grits such as shrimp and grits.
  • Cookies can be made gluten-free with almond meal.
  • Almond meal biscuits can be made, but pay attention to the recipe.
  • Almond meal can be used to bread fish and other fried foods, but it must be taken care of so as not to burn.
  • Almond meal is not recommended for breads that require true dough with a developed gluten structure, like wheat flour.
  • More eggs are needed when baking with almond meal to provide the structure gluten in flour creates.

Adapting recipes to substitute almond meal for wheat flour can be a challenge that requires plenty of trial and error.


Almonds are a tree nut, one of the eight most common food allergies. (Anaphylaxis UK. 2023) While peanuts are not tree nuts, many with peanut allergies can also have an almond allergy.

Making Your Own

It can be made in a blender or food processor.

  • Care must be taken not to grind it too long, or it will become almond butter, which can also be used.
  • Add a little at a time and pulse until it is ground into meal.
  • Store unused flour immediately in the refrigerator or freezer because it will go rancid quickly if left out.
  • Almonds are shelf-stable, and almond flour is not, so it is recommended that you grind only what is needed for the recipe.

Store Bought

Most health food stores sell almond flour, and more supermarkets are stocking it as it has become a popular gluten-free product. Packaged flour and meal will also go rancid after opening and should be kept in the refrigerator or freezer after opening.

Integrative Medicine


USDA FoodData Central. (2019). Almond Flour. Retrieved from

Anaphylaxis UK. (2023). Allergy Factsheets (Anaphylaxis UK A brighter future for people with serious allergies, Issue.

Atkinson, F. S., Brand-Miller, J. C., Foster-Powell, K., Buyken, A. E., & Goletzke, J. (2021). International tables of glycemic index and glycemic load values 2021: a systematic review. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 114(5), 1625–1632.

The Benefits of Sleeping with a Pillow Between the Legs

The Benefits of Sleeping with a Pillow Between the Legs

For individuals with back pain, can sleeping with a pillow between or under their knees help bring relief during sleep?

The Benefits of Sleeping with a Pillow Between the Legs

Sleep With A Pillow Between The Legs

Healthcare providers may recommend that individuals with back pain due to pregnancy or conditions like a herniated disc and sciatica sleep with a pillow between their legs. Sleeping with a pillow between the legs may help relieve back and hip pain, as the position helps maintain pelvis and spinal alignment. Proper spinal alignment can help relieve back stress and pain.

The Benefits

Some potential benefits of sleeping with a pillow between the knees.

Reduce Back and Hip Pain

When sleeping on the side, the spine, shoulders, and hips may twist to maintain the position because the center of gravity is elevated, causing instability. (Gustavo Desouzart et al., 2015) Placing a pillow between the knees may help maintain stability and reduce back and hip pain. (Gustavo Desouzart et al., 2015) The pillow neutralizes the position of the pelvis by slightly elevating the leg on top. This decreases the pressure on the lower back and hip joints, which may help reduce pain and allow for improved sleep.

Reduce Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica nerve pain travels from the lower back down one leg due to a compressed spinal nerve root in the lower back. (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2021) Sleeping with a pillow between the knees may help reduce symptoms and sensations. A pillow between the legs can help prevent twisting the back, rotating the spine, or tilting the pelvis during sleep.

Reduce Herniated Disc Symptoms

A herniated disc can pressure the spinal nerves, leading to pain and numbness. (Penn Medicine. 2024) Sleeping on the side can worsen herniated disc pain; however, placing a pillow between the knees keeps the pelvis in neutral alignment and prevents spinal rotation. Sleeping on the back with a pillow under the knees can also help reduce pressure on the disc. (University of Central Florida. N.D.)

Improve Posture

Maintaining healthy posture while sitting or standing is important to neuromusculoskeletal health and injury prevention. Proper alignment during sleep can help improve posture (Doug Cary et al., 2021). According to one study, individuals spend more than half of their time sleeping in a side-lying posture. (Eivind Schjelderup Skarpsno et al., 2017) Sleeping on the side with the top leg frequently falls forward, bringing the pelvis into a forward tilt that places added pressure on the hips and spine connective tissues. This position disrupts the body’s natural alignment. (Doug Cary et al., 2021) Placing a pillow between the knees improves sleeping posture by lifting the top leg and prevents forward shifting. (University of Rochester Medical Center. 2024)


Pregnancy pain in the back and pelvic girdle is due to: (Danielle Casagrande et al., 2015)

  • Increased weight leads to increased pressure on joints.
  • Significant change in the center of gravity.
  • Hormonal changes make connective tissues more lax.

Pregnant women with hip or back pain are often recommended to sleep with a pillow between their knees to relieve pain and discomfort. Doctors agree that lying on the left side is the best sleep position during the second and third trimesters. This position ensures optimal blood flow for the mother and baby and helps kidney function. (Standford Medicine, 2024) Placing a pillow between the knees can help reduce the pressure on the joints and also help maintain the left-side lying position. (O’Brien LM, Warland J. 2015) (Standford Medicine, 2024) Larger maternity pillows supporting the abdomen and lower back can provide more comfort.

Consult a healthcare provider about sleeping with a pillow between the knees to see if it is right for you.

What Causes Disc Herniation?


Desouzart, G., Matos, R., Melo, F., & Filgueiras, E. (2015). Effects of sleeping position on back pain in physically active seniors: A controlled pilot study. Work (Reading, Mass.), 53(2), 235–240.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2021). Sciatica. OrthoInfo.–conditions/sciatica

Penn Medicine. (2024). Herniated disc disorders. Penn Medicine.

University of Central Florida. (N.D.). The best sleeping position for lower back pain (and the worst). UFC Health Services.

Cary, D., Jacques, A., & Briffa, K. (2021). Examining relationships between sleep posture, waking spinal symptoms and quality of sleep: A cross sectional study. PloS one, 16(11), e0260582.

Skarpsno, E. S., Mork, P. J., Nilsen, T. I. L., & Holtermann, A. (2017). Sleep positions and nocturnal body movements based on free-living accelerometer recordings: association with demographics, lifestyle, and insomnia symptoms. Nature and science of sleep, 9, 267–275.

University of Rochester Medical Center. (2024). Good sleeping posture helps your back. Health Encyclopedia.

Casagrande, D., Gugala, Z., Clark, S. M., & Lindsey, R. W. (2015). Low Back Pain and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 23(9), 539–549.

Standford Medicine. (2024). Sleeping positions during pregnancy. Standford Medicine Children’s Health.

O’Brien, L.M., Warland, J. (2015). Maternal sleep position: what do we know where do we go? BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 15, Article A4 (2015).

Peppermint: A Natural Remedy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Peppermint: A Natural Remedy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

For individuals dealing with digestive issues or bowel disorders, can adding peppermint to a nutrition plan help manage symptoms and digestion?

Peppermint: A Natural Remedy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome


First grown in England, peppermint’s medicinal properties were soon recognized and are cultivated today in Europe and Northern Africa.

How It Is Used

  • Peppermint oil can be taken as a tea or in capsule form.
  • Consult a physician or licensed healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage for the capsule form.

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Peppermint is taken as a tea to treat general digestive problems. It is known to reduce the production of gas in the intestine. Today, researchers recognize peppermint as effective for irritable bowel syndrome when used in oil form. (N. Alammar et al., 2019) Peppermint oil has been approved for use by IBS patients in Germany. However, the FDA has not approved peppermint and oil to treat any condition, but it has listed peppermint and the oil as generally safe. (ScienceDirect, 2024)

Interactions With Other Medications

  • Individuals who take lansoprazole to reduce stomach acid may compromise the enteric coating of some commercial peppermint oil capsules. (Taofikat B. Agbabiaka et al., 2018)
  • This can happen using H2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, and antacids.

Other potential interactions include: (Benjamin Kligler, Sapna Chaudhary 2007)

  • Amitriptyline
  • Cyclosporine
  • Haloperidol
  • Peppermint extract may increase serum levels of these medications.

It is recommended to discuss medication interactions with a healthcare provider before starting supplements if taking any of these medications.


  • Peppermint is not recommended for use during pregnancy or by nursing individuals.
  • It is unknown if it could affect a developing fetus.
  • It is unknown if it can affect a nursing baby.

How To Use The Herb

It is not that common, but some individuals are allergic to peppermint. Peppermint oil should never be applied to the face or around mucous membranes (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. 2020). Using more than one form, such as tea and oil, is not recommended because it could lead to side effects.

  • Because the FDA does not regulate supplements like peppermint and others, their contents may be varied.
  • Supplements may contain harmful ingredients or not contain the active ingredient at all.
  • This is why seeking reputable brands and informing an individual’s healthcare team of what is being taken is highly recommended.

It has the potential to worsen certain conditions and should not be used by:

  • Individuals who have chronic heartburn. (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. 2020)
  • Individuals who have severe liver damage.
  • Individuals who have inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Individuals who have obstruction of bile ducts.
  • Individuals who are pregnant.
  • Individuals with gallstones should consult their healthcare provider to see if it is safe.

Side Effects

  • The oil may cause an upset stomach or burning.
  • Enteric-coated capsules may cause a burning sensation in the rectum. (Brooks D. Cash et al., 2016)

Children and Infants

  • Peppermint was used to treat colic in infants but is not recommended today.
  • The menthol in the tea may cause infants and small children to choke.
  • Chamomile could be a possible alternative. Consult a healthcare provider to see if it is safe.

Beyond Adjustments: Chiropractic and Integrative Healthcare


Alammar, N., Wang, L., Saberi, B., Nanavati, J., Holtmann, G., Shinohara, R. T., & Mullin, G. E. (2019). The impact of peppermint oil on the irritable bowel syndrome: a meta-analysis of the pooled clinical data. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 19(1), 21.

ScienceDirect. (2024). Peppermint Oil.,as%20safe%E2%80%9D%20%5B11%5D.

Agbabiaka, T. B., Spencer, N. H., Khanom, S., & Goodman, C. (2018). Prevalence of drug-herb and drug-supplement interactions in older adults: a cross-sectional survey. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 68(675), e711–e717.

Kligler, B., & Chaudhary, S. (2007). Peppermint oil. American family physician, 75(7), 1027–1030.

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (2020). Peppermint oil. Retrieved from

Cash, B. D., Epstein, M. S., & Shah, S. M. (2016). A Novel Delivery System of Peppermint Oil Is an Effective Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms. Digestive diseases and sciences, 61(2), 560–571.

Khanna, R., MacDonald, J. K., & Levesque, B. G. (2014). Peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of clinical gastroenterology, 48(6), 505–512.

Acupuncture for Eczema: A Promising Therapy Option

Acupuncture for Eczema: A Promising Therapy Option

For individuals dealing with eczema, can incorporating acupuncture into a treatment plan help manage and reduce symptoms?

Acupuncture for Eczema: A Promising Therapy Option

Acupuncture for Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that causes intense itching, dry skin, and rashes. Common treatment options for eczema include:

  • Moisturizers
  • Topical steroids
  • Prescription medications

Some research suggests that acupuncture may also help individuals with eczema. In recent years, researchers have looked at acupuncture as a possible treatment option and found that it can reduce symptoms.


Acupuncture involves inserting thin metallic needles in specific acupoints in the body. It is believed that by stimulating specific points, the body’s central nervous system activates and releases certain chemicals designed to enable healing. Ailments that are treated using acupuncture include: (Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2024)

  • Headaches
  • Back pain
  • Nausea
  • Asthma
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia


Studies have found that acupuncture could be a treatment option depending on the severity of the condition and the intensity of the itching sensations. (Ruimin Jiao et al., 2020) The needles are placed at various points associated with relieving the condition. These points include: (Zhiwen Zeng et al., 2021)


  • Located at the base of the thumb and index finger.
  • It has been shown to help reduce inflammation and irritation.


  • This point is located within the elbow to reduce itchiness and dryness.


  • Located on the top of the foot, this point reduces stress on the nervous system.


  • The SP6 is on the lower calf above the ankle and can help reduce inflammation, redness, and skin irritation.


  • This point is located adjacent to the knee and reduces itchiness and inflammation.


  • This point is located below the knee on the back of the leg and is used to improve overall well-being.


There are various benefits of acupuncture, including (Ruimin Jiao et al., 2020)

  • Dryness and itchiness relief.
  • Itchiness intensity reduction.
  • Affected area reduction.
  • Improved quality of life.
  1. Eczema flare-ups are also linked to stress and anxiety. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, which can also help relieve eczema symptoms (Beate Wild et al., 2020).
  2. Acupuncture helps repair skin barrier damage or the outer part of the skin designed to protect the body. (Rezan Akpinar, Saliha Karatay, 2018)
  3. Individuals with eczema tend to have a weakened skin barrier; this benefit can also improve symptoms. (National Eczema Association. 2023)
  4. Individuals with eczema often have an overactive immune system contributing to the disorder.
  5. According to research, acupuncture can also help in regulating the immune system. (Zhiwen Zeng et al., 2021)


Acupuncture is generally considered safe, but there are some risks to be aware of. These risks include: (Ruimin Jiao et al., 2020)

  • Swelling where the needles are inserted.
  • Red spots on the skin.
  • Increased itchiness.
  • A rash known as erythema – occurs when small blood vessels are injured.
  • Hemorrhages – excessive bleeding.
  • Fainting

Individuals Who Should Avoid Acupuncture

Not all individuals can be treated with acupuncture. Individuals who should avoid acupuncture treatment include individuals who (National Eczema Association. 2021) (Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2024)

  • Are pregnant
  • Have a bleeding disorder
  • Have an increased risk of infection
  • Have a pacemaker
  • Have breast implants


Most studies on acupuncture for eczema show positive results that prove it can aid in relieving symptoms. (SeHyun Kang et al., 2018) (Ruimin Jiao et al., 2020) However, individuals should talk to their healthcare provider to see if it’s a safe option.

Unlocking Wellness


Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2024). Acupuncture (Health, Issue.

Jiao, R., Yang, Z., Wang, Y., Zhou, J., Zeng, Y., & Liu, Z. (2020). The effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for patients with atopic eczema: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acupuncture in medicine : journal of the British Medical Acupuncture Society, 38(1), 3–14.

Zeng, Z., Li, M., Zeng, Y., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., Lin, Y., Qiu, R., Zhang, D. S., & Shang, H. C. (2021). Potential Acupoint Prescriptions and Outcome Reporting for Acupuncture in Atopic Eczema: A Scoping Review. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2021, 9994824.

Wild, B., Brenner, J., Joos, S., Samstag, Y., Buckert, M., & Valentini, J. (2020). Acupuncture in persons with an increased stress level-Results from a randomized-controlled pilot trial. PloS one, 15(7), e0236004.

Akpinar R, Karatay S. (2018). Positive Effects of Acupuncture on Atopic Dermatitis. International Journal of Allergy Medications 4:030.

National Eczema Association. (2023). Skin barrier basics for people with eczema. What is my skin barrier?

National Eczema Association. (2021). Get the facts: acupuncture. Get the facts: acupuncture.

Kang, S., Kim, Y. K., Yeom, M., Lee, H., Jang, H., Park, H. J., & Kim, K. (2018). Acupuncture improves symptoms in patients with mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis: A randomized, sham-controlled preliminary trial. Complementary therapies in medicine, 41, 90–98.

Unleash the Power of Nopal for Health and Wellness

Unleash the Power of Nopal for Health and Wellness

Can incorporating nopal or prickly pear cactus into one’s diet help individuals trying to lower blood glucose, inflammation, and risk factors associated with heart and metabolic diseases?

Unleash the Power of Nopal for Health and Wellness


Nopal, also known as prickly pear cactus, is a versatile vegetable that can be added to nutrition plans to increase fiber intake, vitamins, minerals, and plant-based compounds.  It grows in the U.S. Southwest, Latin America, and the Mediterranean. The pads, or the nopales or cactus paddles, have a texture like okra and slight tartness. The prickly pear cactus fruit, referred to as tuna in Spanish, is also consumed. (University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, 2019) It is often used in fruit salsas, salads, and desserts and is available as a supplement in tablet and powder form.

Serving Size and Nutrition

One cup of cooked nopales, around five pads, without added salt, contains: (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FoodData Central, 2018)

  • Calories – 22
  • Fat – 0 grams
  • Sodium – 30 milligrams
  • Carbohydrates – 5 grams
  • Fiber – 3 grams
  • Sugars – 1.7 grams
  • Protein – 2 grams
  • Vitamin A – 600 international units
  • Vitamin C – 8 milligrams
  • Vitamin K – 8 micrograms
  • Potassium – 291 milligrams
  • Choline – 11 milligrams
  • Calcium – 244 milligrams
  • Magnesium – 70 milligrams

It is generally recommended that most individuals consume 2.5 to 4 cups of vegetables per day. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, MyPlate, 2020)


Nopal is highly nutritious, low in calories, free of fat, sodium, or cholesterol, and full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and betalains. (Parisa Rahimi et al., 2019) Betalains are pigments with anti-inflammatory properties. The variety of fibers creates a low glycemic index (measures how much a specific food raises blood sugar levels after consumption) of about 32, a recommended addition to a diabetes-friendly diet. (Patricia López-Romero et al., 2014)


  • Nopal contains a variety of beneficial carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Nopal has soluble and insoluble fiber, which benefits blood sugar.
  • It also contains vitamin A, carotenoids, vitamin C, calcium, and plant-based compounds like phenols and betalains. (Karina Corona-Cervantes et al., 2022)

Blood Sugar Regulation

Research has evaluated regular nopal consumption and supplementation for blood sugar control. A study on blood sugar evaluated adding nopal to a high-carbohydrate breakfast or a breakfast high in soy protein in Mexican individuals with type 2 diabetes. The study found that consuming nopales, about 300 grams or 1.75 to 2 cups before a meal, could reduce after-meal/postprandial blood sugars. (Patricia López-Romero et al., 2014) An older study had similar results. (Montserrat Bacardi-Gascon et al., 2007) Individuals were randomly assigned to consume 85 grams of nopal with three different breakfast options:

  • Chilaquiles – a casserole made with corn tortilla, vegetable oil, and pinto beans.
  • Burritos – made with eggs, vegetable oil, and pinto beans.
  • Quesadillas – made with flour tortillas, low-fat cheese, avocado, and pinto beans.
  • The groups assigned to eat nopales had reductions in blood sugar. There was a:
  • 30% reduction in the chilaquiles group.
  • 20% decrease in the burrito group.
  • 48% reduction in the quesadilla group.

However, the studies were small, and the population was not diverse. so further research is needed.

Increased Fiber

The combination of soluble and insoluble fiber benefits the gut in various ways. Soluble fiber can act as a prebiotic, feeding beneficial bacteria in the gut and assisting in removing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from the body. Insoluble fiber increases transit time, or how quickly food moves through the digestive system and promotes bowel regularity. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022) In a short-term randomized clinical control trial, researchers found an improvement in irritable bowel syndrome symptoms in individuals supplemented with 20 and 30 grams of nopal fiber. (Jose M Remes-Troche et al., 2021) For individuals not used to consuming fibrous foods, it may cause mild diarrhea, so it is recommended to increase intake slowly and with adequate water to prevent gas and bloating.

Plant Based Calcium

One cup of nopal provides 244 milligrams or 24% of daily calcium needs. Calcium is a mineral that optimizes bone and teeth health. It also assists in blood vessel contraction and dilation, muscle function, blood clotting, nerve transmission, and hormonal secretion. (National Institutes of Health. Office of Dietary Supplements 2024) Individuals who follow diets that exclude dairy products can benefit from plant-based calcium sources. This includes cruciferous vegetables like kale, collards, and arugula.

Other Benefits

Studies done in animals and test tubes suggest that fresh nopal and extracts may assist in reducing triglycerides and cholesterol in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease or when unhealthy amounts of fat accumulate in the liver. (Karym El-Mostafa et al., 2014) Other potential benefits with limited evidence include:

Consult a Dietician or Healthcare Provider

Unless individuals are allergic to it, most can eat whole nopal without a problem. However, supplementing is different because it provides a concentrated source. Individuals taking medication to manage diabetes and consuming nopal regularly may contribute to an increased risk of developing hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Dermatitis has also been reported from contact with the cactus spines. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, FoodData Central, 2018) There have been rare reports of bowel obstruction in individuals who consume large amounts of the seeds found in the fruit. (Karym El-Mostafa et al., 2014) Ask a registered dietitian or primary healthcare provider if nopal can provide safe benefits.

Nutrition Fundamentals


University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Hope Wilson, M. W., Patricia Zilliox. (2019). Prickly pear cactus: food of the desert.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. FoodData Central. (2018). Nopales, cooked, without salt. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Agriculture. MyPlate. (2020-2025). Vegetables. Retrieved from

Rahimi, P., Abedimanesh, S., Mesbah-Namin, S. A., & Ostadrahimi, A. (2019). Betalains, the nature-inspired pigments, in health and diseases. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59(18), 2949–2978.

López-Romero, P., Pichardo-Ontiveros, E., Avila-Nava, A., Vázquez-Manjarrez, N., Tovar, A. R., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., & Torres, N. (2014). The effect of nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) on postprandial blood glucose, incretins, and antioxidant activity in Mexican patients with type 2 diabetes after consumption of two different composition breakfasts. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(11), 1811–1818.

Corona-Cervantes, K., Parra-Carriedo, A., Hernández-Quiroz, F., Martínez-Castro, N., Vélez-Ixta, J. M., Guajardo-López, D., García-Mena, J., & Hernández-Guerrero, C. (2022). Physical and Dietary Intervention with Opuntia ficus-indica (Nopal) in Women with Obesity Improves Health Condition through Gut Microbiota Adjustment. Nutrients, 14(5), 1008.

Bacardi-Gascon, M., Dueñas-Mena, D., & Jimenez-Cruz, A. (2007). Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes care, 30(5), 1264–1265.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Fiber: the carb that helps you manage diabetes. Retrieved from

Remes-Troche, J. M., Taboada-Liceaga, H., Gill, S., Amieva-Balmori, M., Rossi, M., Hernández-Ramírez, G., García-Mazcorro, J. F., & Whelan, K. (2021). Nopal fiber (Opuntia ficus-indica) improves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome in the short term: a randomized controlled trial. Neurogastroenterology and motility, 33(2), e13986.

National Institutes of Health (NIH). Office of Dietary Supplements. (2024). Calcium. Retrieved from

El-Mostafa, K., El Kharrassi, Y., Badreddine, A., Andreoletti, P., Vamecq, J., El Kebbaj, M. S., Latruffe, N., Lizard, G., Nasser, B., & Cherkaoui-Malki, M. (2014). Nopal cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) as a source of bioactive compounds for nutrition, health and disease. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 19(9), 14879–14901.

Onakpoya, I. J., O’Sullivan, J., & Heneghan, C. J. (2015). The effect of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.), 31(5), 640–646.

Corona-Cervantes, K., Parra-Carriedo, A., Hernández-Quiroz, F., Martínez-Castro, N., Vélez-Ixta, J. M., Guajardo-López, D., García-Mena, J., & Hernández-Guerrero, C. (2022). Physical and Dietary Intervention with Opuntia ficus-indica (Nopal) in Women with Obesity Improves Health Condition through Gut Microbiota Adjustment. Nutrients, 14(5), 1008.

Understanding Egg Substitutes: What You Need to Know

Understanding Egg Substitutes: What You Need to Know

Can using egg substitutes or replacements be safe for individuals with an egg allergy?

Understanding Egg Substitutes: What You Need to Know

Substitutes and Replacements

Individuals should not assume either is safe unless they carefully read the label.

  • Egg substitutes may contain eggs.
  • Egg replacement products may be egg-free.
  • Look for alternatives labeled vegan or egg-free to ensure there are none.

Substitutes May Contain Eggs

Liquid egg substitutes in grocery store dairy aisles are made from eggs.  The following all contain eggs and are not safe for individuals with egg allergies:

  • Generic liquid egg substitutes in cartons
  • Egg Beaters
  • Powdered egg white products

Replacements Are Safe Alternatives

  • Special replacement products that do not contain eggs are available.
  • They are labeled vegan egg substitutes.
  • They are usually sold in powdered form.
  • They are useful for baking.
  • They cannot be used as a replacement for eggs in foods like a quiche.

Egg-Free Commercial Replacements

Always check the ingredients on the label before purchasing a product sold as a substitute or replacement to ensure it is completely free.

  • These products may also contain soy, dairy, or other food allergens.
  • Vegan – contains no animal products, which includes eggs and dairy.
  • Vegetarian – may contain eggs as they are not meat but an animal product.

Unaware of Foods With Eggs

Stay aware of eggs hidden in other food products, such as cakes, breads, pastries, noodles, crackers, and cereals.

  • The federal Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act requires that all packaged food products that contain eggs as an ingredient must list the word egg on the label. (U.S. Food & Drug Administration. 2022)

Other ingredients that indicate eggs are in the product include:

  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • Lysozyme
  • Lecithin
  • Livetin
  • Vitellin
  • Ingredients starting with – ova or ovo.

Allergy Symptoms

Symptoms may consist of: (John W. Tan, Preeti Joshi 2014)

  • Skin reactions – hives, rash, or eczema.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis  – itchy, red, watery eyes.
  • Angioedema – swelling of the lips, tongue, or face.
  • Airway symptoms – wheezing, coughing, or a runny nose.
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms – nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Severe reactions – such as anaphylaxis, can cause multiple organ system failure.
  • Anaphylaxis is an emergency and requires immediate medical treatment.

A Guide For Food Allergies, Hypersensitivity and Intolerances


U.S. Food & Drug Administration. (2022). Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA). Retrieved from

Tan, J. W., & Joshi, P. (2014). Egg allergy: an update. Journal of paediatrics and child health, 50(1), 11–15.