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Clinic Wellness Team. A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep, and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall, the definition is as follows.

It is a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyles both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. It is positive and affirms that what we do is, in fact, correct.

It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective.

Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, a healthy diet, personal self-care, and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’s message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware of our collection of articles, blogs, and videos.

Omega-3-6-9 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

Omega-3-6-9 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

Since the original American Heart Association, or the AHA, Science Advisory was published in 1996, several fundamental new findings have been reported about the benefits of omega fatty acids on cardiovascular disease, CVD, particularly that of omega-3 fatty acids.�The evidence supporting the clinical benefits of omega fatty acids and CVD comes from a variety of research studies as well as randomized, controlled trials.


How are omega fatty acids beneficial for cardiovascular disease?


Large-scale epidemiologic studies suggest that people at risk for coronary heart disease, or CHD, benefit from consuming omega-3 fatty acids from plants and marine sources. Further research studies suggest that both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are most essential towards improving heart health, although omega-9 fatty acids also provide beneficial properties for individuals with CVD, CHD and hypertension.

Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids

The omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish, fish oils, flax, flax seed, flaxseed oil and nuts demonstrated they could lower blood pressure, or BP, obser-vational, epidemiologic and in prospective clinical trials The findings improved in response to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.


Studies indicate that DHA at 2 g/d reduces BP and heart rate. The reduction in BP is 8/5 mmHg and roughly 6 beats/min drops generally. Fish oil in 4-9 g/d or mix of DHA and EPA in 3-5 g/d may also lessen BP. However, the production of EPA and eventually DHA from ALA decreases in the presence of large LA (the crucial omega-6 fatty acid), saturated fats, trans fatty acids, alcohol, and several nutrient deficiencies (magnesium, vitamin B6) as well as aging, all of which inhibit the desaturase enzymes.) For reducing BP in hypertensive patients, eating cold water fish each week may be as effective as high dose fish oil, and the protein in the fish might provide additional beneficial effects. In patients with chronic kidney disease, for example, 4 g of omega-3 fatty acids decreased BP measured with 24 hours ABM over 8 weeks from 3.3/2.9 mmHg, compared to placebo (p < 0.0001).


The perfect ratio of omega-6 FA into omega-3 FA is between 1:1 to 1:4 with a polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio greater than 1.5 to 2:0. ENOS while nitric oxide increases, improving function, enhancing insulin sensitivity to suppress ACE activity, reduce calcium spike and improve parasympathetic tone. The FA family includes GLA, LA, dihomo-GLA and AA, which generally do not considerably lower blood pressure, however, it might stop increases in BP. GLA can obstruct hypertension by reducing levels raising PGE1 and PGI2, reducing affinity and AT1R density.


The omega-3 FA possess a large number of additional effects that modulates reduction of ACE activity, growth in ED, reduction in plasma nor-epinephrine and boost in parasympathetic tone. Blood pressure, for instance, increases in nitric oxide and eNOS for the improvement of insulin resistance. The recommended daily dose is 3000 to 5000 mg/d of combined DHA and EPA in a ratio of 3 parts EPA to two parts DHA and roughly 50 percent of the dose as GLA along with gamma/delta tocopherol at 100 mg per gram of DHA and EPA to find the omega-3 index to 8 percent or higher to decrease BP and provide optimum cardioprotection. DHA is more effective than EPA and must be awarded at two g/d if administered independently.


Omega-9 Fatty Acids


Olive oil is abundant in the omega-9 monounsaturated fat (MUFA) lactic acid, that has been associated with BP and lipid decrease in Mediterranean diets and in other types of diets. MUFAs and olive oil show reductions in BP. In a single study, the SBP fell 8 mmHg (p? 0.05) and the DBP fell 6 mmHg (p? 0.01) at the practice and 24 hour ambulatory BP monitoring in the MUFA treated subjects compared to this PUFA handled issues. Additionally, the requirement for antihypertensive drugs was reduced by 48 percent in the MUFA group vs 4 per cent at the omega-6 PUFA group (de < 0.005).


Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) was more powerful than sunflower oil in lowering SBP at a group of 31 elderly hypertensive patients in a double blind randomized cross-over study. The SBP has been 136 mmHg from the EVOO treated subjects vs 150 mmHg in the sunflower treated group (p < 0.01). Olive oil also reduces BP in diabetic subjects. It is the high oleic acid content in oil which reduces BP. In stageIhypertensive sufferers, oleuropein-olive leaf (Olea Eurpoaea) extract 500 mg bid for 8 wk decreased BP 11.5/4.8 mmHg which was similar to captopril 25 mg bid. Olea Eupopea L aqueous infusion administered to 12 patients using hypertension in 400 mg qid for 3 mo significantly reduced BP (p < 0.001). Oil ingestion in the EPIC study of 20343 subjects was associated with both systolic and diastolic BP. In sunlight analysis of 6863 areas, BP was inversely associated with olive oil consumption, but just in males. At doses of 500 to 1000 in comparison to placebo leaf extract demonstrated a dose response reduction in a study of 40 hypertensive twins.


The very low dose groups diminished BP 3/1 mmHg and the dose 11/4 mmHg. A double blind, randomized, crossover dietary intervention study over 4 mo using polyphenol rich olive oil 30 mg/d decreased BP in the study group by 7.91/6.65 mmHg and improved endothelial function. OxLDL, the ADMA levels and HS-CRP were decreased in the olive oil group. Plasma nitrites and nitrates improved and region after ischemia improved in the treated group. Jojoba oil exerts calcium channel antagonist impacts inhibits the receptor that is AT1R and enhances wave reflections and augmentation index. EVOO is also contains lipid-soluble phytonutrients such as polyphenols. Approximately 5 mg of phenols are found in 10 g of EVOO. About 4 tablespoons of EVOO is equivalent to 40 gram of EVOO that’s the overall necessary to get substantial reductions.


In conclusion, research studies and randomized, controlled trials,�have convincingly documented that omega fatty acids can significantly reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, CHD and hypertension. Additional clinical studies are needed to confirm the� benefits of omega fatty acids. A food-based approach to increasing omega-3-6-9 fatty acids is preferable, although supplements are a suitable alternative. Additional clinical and mechanistic studies are needed to confirm and further define the health benefits of omega fatty acids for both primary and secondary prevention.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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How Amino Acids Can Benefit Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

How Amino Acids Can Benefit Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

Among the numerous risk factors which can lead to cardiovascular disease and hypertension, dietary and nutritional imbalances are among some of the most prevalent causes behind heart health issues, according to various research studies. While vitamin and mineral deficiencies have been commonly linked to the development of CVD and hypertension, other related compound deficiencies may be just as important towards heart health.


What’s the significance between amino acids and cardiovascular disease?


Many research studies have found a fundamental correlation between the proper intake of amino acids and cardiovascular disease, as well as the increased risk of hypertension. As previously discussed, protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it.�A large proportion of our cells are made up of amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily functions, such as giving cells their structure as well as transporting and storing nutrients. Amino acids have an influence on the function of organs, glands, tendons and arteries.


Amino Acids for Cardiovascular Disease


Researchers believe that almost every disease is the result of imbalances to our metabolism and amino acids are mainly responsible for achieving a balanced metabolism.�The objective is that there is a complete amino acid content, maintained in the correct combination. If the one or more amino acids are not available in sufficient quantities, the production of protein is weakened and the metabolism may only function in a limited way. The following are several of the amino acids necessary to sustain overall health and wellness, improving the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension.




L-arginine and endogenous methylarginines are the precursors for the production of NO, or nitric oxide, which has beneficial cardiovascular effects, mediated through conversion of L-arginine to nitric oxide, or NO from eNOS. Patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis have increased levels of HSCRP and inflammation, greater microalbumin, low levels of apelin (stimulates NO in the endothelium), elevated amounts of arginase (breaks down arginine) and increased serum levels of ADMA, which inactivates NO.


Under normal physiological conditions, intracellular arginine levels significantly exceed the Km of eNOS that is less than 5 ?mol. But, endogenous NO formation is dependent on extracellular arginine concentration. The intracellular concentrations of L-arginine are 0.1-3.8 mmol/L in endothelial cells while the plasma concentration of arginine is 80-120 ?mol/L that is about 20-25 times greater than the MMC. Despite this, mobile NO formation depends on exogenous L-arginine and this really is actually the paradox. Arginine can be a more powerful antioxidant and blocks the formation of endothelin, reduces renal sodium reabsorption and modulates BP. The NO production in endothelial cells is closely coupled to arginine uptake indicating that transport mechanics play a significant part in the regulation of function. Arginine can raise vascular and NO bioavailability and influence perfusion, function and BP. Molecular eNOS might occur in the absence of tetrahydrobiopterin which stabilizes eNOS, which leads to production of ROS.


Individual studies in hypertensive and normotensive subjects of L-arginine of parenteral and oral administrations demonstrate an antihypertensive effect as well as progress in coronary artery blood flow and peripheral blood circulation in PAD. The BP decreased by 6.2/6.8 mmHg on 10 g/d of L-arginine when provided as a nutritional supplement or even organic foods to a group of hypertensive subjects. Arginine produces a significant decrease in BP and improved impact in normotensive and hypertensive individuals that is comparable in magnitude to that plan. Arginine awarded in g/d also significantly reduced BP in women with gestational hypertension without proteinuria, decreased the demand for anti-hypertensive therapy, decreased maternal and neonatal complications and protracted the maternity. The combination of arginine (1200 mg/d) and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) (600 mg bid) administered over 6 mo to hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes, lowered SBP and DBP (p < 0.05), greater HDL-C, diminished LDL-C and oxLDL, decreased HSCRP, ICAM, VCAM, PAI-I, fibrinogen and IMT. An analysis of 54 hypertensive subjects given grams three times every day for four weeks had significant reductions in 24 h ABM. A meta-analysis of 11 trials with 383 subjects administered arginine 4-24 g/d discovered average reduction in BP of 5.39/2.66 mmHg (p < 0.001) in 4 wk. Although these doses of L-arginine seem to be secure, no long term studies in humans have been released at this time and there are worries of a pro-oxidative influence or even an increase in mortality in individuals who might have severely dysfunctional endothelium, advanced atherosclerosis, CHD, ACS or MI. In addition to the path, there is an pathway that is connected to nitrates out of berries, beetroot juice along with the DASH diet which are converted into nitrites by salivary symbiotic, GI and oral bacteria. Administration of extract or beetroot juice at 500 mg/d improve endothelial function and lower BP, increases nitrites, increase peripheral, coronary and cerebral blood flow.


L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine


L-carnitine is a nitrogenous muscle. Animal studies suggest that carnitine has both hereditary anti-hypertensive effects and anti-oxidant consequences in the heart by up-regulation of both eNOS and PPAR gamma, inhibition of RAAS, modulation of NF-?B and down regulation of NOX2, NOX4, TGF-? and CTGF that reduces vascular fibrosis. While BP and cognitive stress are reduced, endothelial NO function and oxidative defense are improved.


Studies on the effects of L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine are limited. In patients with MS, acetyl-L-carnitine, improved dysglycemia and decreased SBP from 7-9 mmHg, but diastolic BP was significantly decreased only in people with sugar. Low amounts are correlated with a nondipping BP routine in Type 2 DM. Carnitine might be beneficial in the treatment of essential hypertension, type II DM with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, CHF and cardiac ischemic syndromes and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant results. Doses of 2-3 grams per day are recommended.




Taurine is a sulfonic acid that is regarded as a conditionally-essential amino acid, which is not used in protein synthesis, but is located free or in easy peptides with its concentration in the brain, retina and myocardium. In cardiomyocytes, it has a role of inotropic factor, an osmoregulator and agent and reflects approximately 50 percent of the amino acids.


Human studies have noted that essential hypertensive subjects have reduced urinary taurine as well as other sulfur amino acids. Taurine lowers BP, SVR and HR, reduces arrhythmias, CHF symptoms and SNS activity, raises urinary sodium and water excretion, raises atrial natriuretic factor, improves insulin resistance, raises NO and improves endothelial function. Taurine also decreases A-II, PRA, aldosterone, SNS activity, plasma norepinephrine, plasma and urinary epinephrine, lowers homocysteine, enhances insulin sensitivity, kinins and acetyl choline responsiveness, reduces intracellular sodium and calcium, reduces reaction to beta receptors and has antioxidant, anti-atherosclerotic and anti-inflammatory activities, reduces IMT and arterial stiffness and may shield from risk of CHD. There is A urinary taurine associated with greater risk of CVD and hypertension. A study of 31 males with hypertension showed a 26 percent increase in taurine levels and also a 287 percent growth in cysteine levels. The BP reduction of 14.8/6.6 mmHg was proportional to increases in serum taurine and discounts in plasma norepinephrine. Fujita et al revealed a reduction in BP of 9/4.1 mmHg (p< 0.05) in 19 hypertension issues given 6 grams of taurine for 2 days. Taurine has numerous beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system and BP. Taurine’s dose is 2 to 3 g/d at but doses around 6 g/d could be required to reduce BP.


In conclusion, amino acids, as well as proteins in this case, are ultimately essential towards improving cardiovascular disease and hypertension. As the essential building block of a majority of the human body’s biological processes, amino acids, as well as the proper consumption of protein, can help maintain a balanced metabolism in order to continue improving cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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How Protein Can Affect Heart Health | Wellness Clinic

How Protein Can Affect Heart Health | Wellness Clinic

Protein is an essential part of a balanced nutrition. The human�body utilizes protein to build and repair tissues. Protein is also used to make enzymes, hormones, and other fundamental body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. However, for many individuals, the source of these proteins can often also be full of saturated fats, and too much of it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Can protein cause cardiovascular disease and hypertension?


Protein can be found in�chicken, pork, fish, beef, tofu, beans, lentils, yogurt, milk, cheese, seeds, nuts, and eggs. The issue with consuming some of these sources of protein that are rich in saturated fats as well is that such can increase the levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), or in other words, the “bad” cholesterol. Increased levels of LDL cholesterol have been associated with cardiovascular disease and even hypertension. Research studies focusing on the connection between protein intake and CVD as well as hypertension have been conducted to reveal this correlation.


Protein & Cardiovascular Disease


Observational and epidemiologic studies have demonstrated a decrease in blood pressure, or BP, and a consistent association between a high protein consumption and incident BP. The protein source is an important element when it comes to the effect of blood pressure in the body; where animal protein has become less effective than non-animal or plant protein, especially that in almonds. At the Inter-Salt Study of over 10,000 subjects, individuals who have a dietary protein consumption of about 30 percent over the average had reduced BP by 3.0/2.5 mmHg compared to those that were 30 percent below the average. However, wild or lean animal protein with essential and less saturated fats and fatty acids may decrease CHD, lipids and BP risk.


A meta-analysis supported these findings and also indicated that hypertensive individuals and the elderly have the BP reduction with protein intake. Still another meta-analysis of 40 trials with 3277 patients found reductions in BP of 1.76/1.15 mmHg compared to carbohydrate consumption (p < 0.001). Both vegetable and animal protein significantly and equally reduced BP at 2.27/1.26 mmHg and 2.54/0.95 mmHg respectively. Dietary protein consumption is inversely related to risk for stroke. A randomized cross-over study in 352 adults with pre-hypertension and stageIhypertension found a significant decrease in SBP of 2.0 mmHg with soy protein and 2.3 mmHg with milk protein compared to a high glycemic index diet over each of the 8 wk treatment periods. A non-significant decrease has been in DBP. Another RDB parallel study over 4 weeks of 94 subjects with prehypertension and stageIhypertension found significant reductions on office BP of 4.9/2.7 mmHg in those given a combo of 25 percent protein intake vs the control group awarded 15 percent protein within an isocaloric manner. The protein consisted of pea , 20 percent soy, egg that is 30 percent and isolate. The daily recommended intake of nourishment from many sources is 1.0 to 1.5 g/kg body weight, varying with exercise level, age, renal function and other factors.


Fermented milk supplemented with whey protein concentrate reduces BP in. Administration of 20 g/d of hydrolyzed whey protein nutritional supplement rich in bioactive peptides significantly decreased BP more than 6 weeks from 8.0 � 3.2 mmHg in SBP and 5.5 � 2.1 millimeters in diastolic BP. Milk peptides, which equal caseins and whey proteins, are a rich source of ACEI peptides. Val-Pro-Pro and Ile-Pro-Pro awarded at 5 to 60 mg/d have varying reductions in BP using an average reduction in pooled studies of approximately 1.28-4.8/0.59-2.2 mmHg. Yet recent meta-analysis did not reveal significant reductions in BP in people. Powdered fermented milk using Lactobacillus helveticus given at 12 g/d significantly lowered BP from 11.2/6.5 mmHg in 4 weeks. A dose response study revealed reductions in BP. The response is attributed to fermented milk peptides which inhibit ACE.


Pins et al administered 20 g of whey protein that is hydrolyzed and noticed that a BP reduction of 11/7 mmHg compared to controls. Whey protein is successful in enhancing arterial stiffness, insulin resistance, glucose, lipids and BP. These data indicate that the protein must be hydrolyzed so as to exhibit an antihypertensive effect, and also the maximum BP reaction is dose dependent. Bovine peptides and whey peptides that are protein-derived exhibit ACEI activity. These components comprise B-caseins, B-lg B2-microglobulin, fractions and serum albumin. ACEI peptides are released by the hydrolysis of whey protein isolates. Marine collagen peptides (MCPs) from deep sea fish have anti-hypertensive activity. A double-blind placebo controlled trial in 100 hypertensive subjects with diabetes who received MCPs twice a day for 3 months had significant reductions in DBP and mean. Bonito protein (Sarda Orientalis), from the tuna and mackerel family has natural ACEI inhibitory peptides and reduces BP 10.2/7 mmHg in 1.5 g/d.


Sardine muscle protein, which contains Valyl-Tyrosine (VAL-TYR), significantly lowers BP in hypertensive subjects. Kawasaki et al treated 29 hypertensive subjects with 3 milligrams of VAL-TYR sardine muscle focused extract for four wk and reduced BP 9.7/5.3 mmHg (p < 0.05). Levels of aldosterone and A-Iincreased as serum A-II diminished suggesting that VAL-TYR is a ACEI. BP was considerably lowered in a study using a vegetable drink with protein hydrolysates in 13 weeks.


Soy protein reduces BP in patients in most studies. Soy protein consumption was inversely and significantly correlated with both DBP and SBP in 45694 Chinese girls or more of soy protein within 3 years and the association increased with age. The SBP decrease was 1.9 to 4.9 mm reduced and the DBP 0.9 to 2.2 mmHg lower. However, meta-analysis and trials have shown mixed results on BP to reductions of 7 percent to 10 percent for SBP and DBP with no change in BP. The current meta-analysis of 27 trials found a substantial reduction in BP of 2.21/1.44 mmHg. Some studies suggest improvement in ACEI activity, reduction in inflammation and HS-CRP, cognitive function arterial compliance, decrease in tone activity and reduction in both oxidative stress and levels. Fermented soy at roughly 25 g/d is suggested.


Besides ACEI consequences, protein consumption may also alter responses and induce a natriuretic. Low protein intake coupled with low omega 3 fatty acid intake can lead to hypertension in animal models. The perfect protein intake, based on degree of activity, renal function, stress and other factors, is about 1.0 to 1.5 g/kg daily.


In conclusion, protein is an important part of a balanced diet, however, leaner alternatives containing less amounts of saturated fats are ideal to prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension, promoting overall health and wellness. Many individuals consume higher amounts of proteins than necessary. A healthcare professional specializing in diet and nutrition can help you come up with the best nutritional plan for your and your specific health concerns. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Essential Mineral Intake for Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

Essential Mineral Intake for Cardiovascular Disease | Wellness Clinic

An improper diet and nutrition can often lead to a variety of health issues, such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Additionally, other food-related risk factors can include, high blood pressure, or BP, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Saturated and trans fats, for example, can increase cholesterol in the blood. It’s this build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, hypertension and even heart attacks.


Which vitamins and minerals can improve cardiovascular disease and hypertension?


A healthy balance of vitamins and minerals can help manage and maintain heart health. According to research studies, the right intake of potassium, magnesium, calcium and zinc can substantially improve cardiovascular disease and hypertension. A proper diet and nutrition can have similar effects as taking cardiovascular disease and hypertension drugs and medications, but through a much more natural approach.


The average U.S. dietary intake of potassium (K+) is 45 mmol/d with a potassium to sodium (K+/Na+) ratio of less than 1:2. The suggested intake of K+ is 4700 mg/d (120 mmol) with a K+/Na+ ratio of about 4-5 to 1. Several clinical and observational trials have demonstrated a substantial decrease in BP with greater K+ intake in hypertensive patients. The normal blood pressure reduction with a K+ supplementation of 60 to 120 mmol/d is 4.4/2.5 mmHg in hypertensive patients but may be as far as 8/4.1 mmHg with 120 mmol/d (4700 mg). In hypertensive patients, the linear dose response relationship is 1.0 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure, or SBP, and 0.52 mmHg decrease in diastolic blood pressure, or DBP, that a 0.6 g/d growth in dietary fiber intake. The solution can involve race (black > white), sodium, magnesium and calcium intake. Those on a higher sodium intake have a greater decrease in BP. Alteration of this K+/Na+ ratio is very important to the two polyunsaturated and outcomes. High potassium intake reduces the prevalence of cardiovascular disease independent of their BP reduction. Furthermore, If the serum potassium is less than 4.0 meq/dL, there is a higher risk of CVD mortality, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation. Red blood cell potassium is a sign of overall body stores and CVD risk in comparison to the serum potassium. Gu et al discovered that potassium supplementation in 60 mmol of KCl Daily for 12 wk significantly reduced SBP -5.0 mmHg (range -2.13 into -7.88 mmHg) (p < 0.001) in 150 Chinese men and women aged 35 to 64 decades.


Insulin raises natriuresis, modulates sensitivity, vasodilates, reduces the sensitivity to catecholamines and Angiotensin II, raises nitric oxide ATPase and DNA synthesis in the vascular smooth muscle cells and decreases sympathetic nervous system activity. In addition, potassium increases bradykinin and prostate kallikrein, decreases NADPH oxidase, which reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces ADMA, reduces intracellular sodium and reduces production of TGF-?.Each 1000 mg increase in potassium intake per day reduces all cause mortality by approximately 20 percent. Potassium intake of 4.7 g/d is estimated to decrease CVA by 8 percent to 15 percent and MI by 6 percent to 11 percent. Numerous SNP’s, such as nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C, angiotensin IItype receptor and hydroxysteroid 11 beta dehydrogenase (HSD11B1 and B2) determine an individual’s reaction to dietary potassium intake towards their overall health and wellness.


Each 1000 mg drop in sodium intake daily will reduce all cause mortality. A recent study indicated a dose related response to CVA. There has been a RRR of CVA of 23 percent at 1.5-1.99 gram, 27% at 2.0-2.49 g, 29 percent at 2.5-3 g and 32 percent more than 3 g/d of potassium urinary excretion. The recommended daily dietary intake for individuals with hypertension is 4.7 to 5.0 g of potassium and less than 1500 milligrams of sodium. Potassium used out of supplementation should be decreased with care in patients with renal impairment or those ARB, DRI and serum aldosterone receptor antagonists.




A high dietary intake of magnesium of at least 500-1000 mg/d reduces BP in the majority of the reported observational epidemiologic and clinical trials, but the outcomes are much less consistent than those seen with K + and Na +. There’s an inverse relationship between BP and dietary magnesium intake. A report on 60 essential hypertensive subjects given magnesium supplements showed a substantial decrease in blood pressure in an eight week interval reported by 24 h ambulatory BP, office and home BP. The maximum decrease in clinical trials has been 5.6/2.8 mmHg but some studies have shown no change in BP. The blend of high potassium and low sodium intake with increased magnesium intake had.


Magnesium also raises the effectiveness of all anti-hypertensive drugs and medications, according to research studies. Magnesium competes with Na+ for binding sites on vascular smooth muscle and also functions as a direct vasodilator, . Magnesium increases prostaglandin E (PGE), modulates intracellular sodium, potassium, calcium and pH, increases nitric oxide, improves adrenal function, reduces oxLDL, reduces HS-CRP, TBxA2, A-II, and norepinephrine. Magnesium also enhances insulin resistance, glucose and MS, binds at a necessary cooperative manner with potassium, causing EDV and BP reduction, reduces CVD and cardiac arrhythmias, reduces carotid IMT, reduces cholesterol, reduces cytokine production, inhibits nuclear factor Kb, reduces oxidative stress and inhibits platelet aggregation to reduce thrombosis. Magnesium is an essential co-factor because of its delta-6-desaturase enzyme that for conversion of linoleic acid (LA) to gamma linolenic acid (GLA) required for synthesis of this vasodilator and platelet inhibitor PGE1.


A meta-analysis of all 241378 patients utilizing 6477 strokes showed a reverse relationship of dietary magnesium to the incidence of stroke. For each 100 milligrams of magnesium intake, stroke diminished. The mechanism comprise inhibition of induced glutamate release, NMDA receptor blockade, CCB actions reduction in vasodilation and ATP depletion of the arteries. A meta-analysis showed discounts mmHg in 22 trials of 1173 patients. Intracellular level of calcium (RBC) is more indicative of overall body shops and should be quantified along with serum and urinary magnesium. Magnesium might be supplemented in doses of 500. Magnesium formulations may improve absorption and reduce the incidence of diarrhea. Adding taurine in 1000 increases the ramifications of magnesium. Magnesium supplements should be avoided or used with caution in individuals with renal insufficiency.




Population studies reveal a link between hypertension and calcium, but clinical trials that handled calcium supplements have shown consequences on blood pressure. The heterogeneous responses to calcium supplementation have been clarified through research studies. This is really the “ionic hypothesis” of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and associated cognitive, cognitive and functional disorders. Calcium supplementation is not recommended at this time as an effective method to decrease blood pressure due to insufficient research studies on its use.




Low serum zinc levels in observational research and hypertension correlate as well as CHD, type II DM, hyperlipidemia, elevated lipoprotein that a [Lp(a)], increased 2 h post-prandial plasma glucose levels and insulin resistance. Zinc is hauled to vascular and cardiac muscle and cells by metallothionein. Deficiencies of metallothionein with intramuscular zinc deficiencies can lead to cardiomyocyte oxidative stress , mitochondrial dysfunction, dysfunction and apoptosis with cardiac remodeling hypertension, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, or fibrosis. Intracellular calcium increases oxidative.


Bergomi et al assessed Zinc (Zn++) status in 60 hypertensive subjects compared to 60 normotensive control subjects. A reverse correlation of serum Zn++ and BP has been observed. The BP was inversely associated with a Zn++ dependent enzyme lysyl oxidase activity. Zn++ inhibits gene expression and transcription through NF-?Band activated protein-1 and is now a significant co-factor for SOD. These impacts plus those on insulin resistance and SNS consequences, membrane ion exchange, RAAS might account for Zn++ antihypertensive effects. Intake needs to be 50 mg/d.


Individuals with cardiovascular disease and hypertension can benefit from the proper diet and nutrition. Essential vitamins and minerals found in a balanced, healthy nutrition, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and zing, among others, can help improve heart health. Deficiencies in these and a diet full of saturated and trans fats can increase the prevalence of cardiovascular disease. While diagnosis and drugs/medications can be prescribed to treat cardiovascular disease and hypertension, a balanced diet and nutrition can have similar effects.� The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez



Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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GM Crops: The  Limitations, Risks, And Alternatives

GM Crops: The Limitations, Risks, And Alternatives

GM Crops: Proponents claim that genetically modified (GM) crops:


  • are safe to eat and more nutritious
  • beneft the environment
  • reduce use of herbicides and insecticides
  • increase crop yields, thereby helping farmers and solving the food crisis
  • create a more affuent, stable economy
  • are just an extension of natural breeding, and have no risks different from naturally bred crops.

However, a large and growing body of scientifc research and on-the-ground experience indicate that GMOs fail to live

up to these claims. Instead, GM crops:


  • can be toxic, allergenic or less nutritious than their natural counterparts
  • can disrupt the ecosystem, damage vulnerable wild plant and animal populations and harm biodiversity
  • increase chemical inputs (pesticides, herbicides) over the long term
  • deliver yields that are no better, and often worse, than conventional crops
  • cause or exacerbate a range of social and economic problems
  • are laboratory-made and, once released, harmful GMOs cannot be recalled from the environment.

The scientifically demonstrated risks and clear absence of real benefits have led experts to see GM as a clumsy, outdated technology. They present risks that we need not incur, given the availability of effective, scientifically proven, energy-efficient and safe ways of meeting current and future global food needs.

This paper presents the key scientific evidence � 114 research studies and other authoritative documents � documenting the limitations and risks of GM crops and the many safer, more effective alternatives available today.

Is GM An Extension Of Natural Plant Breeding?

Natural reproduction or breeding can only occur between closely related forms of life (cats with cats, not cats with dogs; wheat with wheat, not wheat with tomatoes or fish). In this way, the genes that offspring inherit from parents, which carry information for all parts of the body, are passed down the generations in an orderly way.

GM is not like natural plant breeding. GM uses laboratory techniques to insert artificial gene units to re-program the DNA blueprint of the plant with completely new properties. This process would never happen in nature. The artificial gene units are created in the laboratory by joining fragments of DNA, usually derived from multiple organisms, including viruses, bacteria, plants and animals. For example, the GM gene in the most common herbicide resistant soya beans was pieced together from a plant virus, a soil bacterium and a petunia plant.

The GM transformation process of plants is crude, imprecise, and causes widespread mutations, resulting in major changes to the plant�s DNA blueprint1. These mutations unnaturally alter the genes� functioning in unpredictable and potentially harmful ways2, as detailed below. Adverse effects include poorer crop performance, toxic effects, allergic reactions, and damage to the environment.Are GM foods safe to eat?Contrary to industry claims, GM foods are not properly tested for human safety before they are released for sale3 4. In fact, the only published study directly testing the safety of a GM food on humans found potential problems5. To date, this study has not been followed up. Typically the response to the safety question is that people have been eating GM foods in the United States and elsewhere for more than ten years without ill effects and that this proves that the products are safe. But GM foods are not labelled in the US and other nations where they are widely eaten and consumers are not monitored for health effects.

Because of this, any health effects from a GM food would have to meet unusual conditions before they would be noticed. The health effects would have to:

� occur immediately after eating a food that was known to be GM (in spite of its not being labeled). This kind of response is called acute toxicity.

� cause symptoms that are completely different from common diseases. If GM foods caused a rise in common or slow-onset diseases like allergies or cancer, nobody would know what caused the rise.

� be dramatic and obvious to the naked eye. Nobody examines a person�s body tissues with a microscope for harm after they eat a GM food. But just this type of examination is needed to give early warning of problems such as pre-cancerous changes.

To detect important but more subtle effects on health, or effects that take time to appear (chronic effects), long-term controlled studies on larger populations are required.

Under current conditions, moderate or slow-onset health effects of GM foods could take decades to become known, just as it took decades for the damaging effects of trans-fats (another type of artificial food) to be recognized. �Slow poison� effects from trans-fats have caused millions of premature deaths across the world6 .

Another reason why any harmful effects of GM foods will be slow to surface and less obvious is because, even in the United States, which has the longest history of GM crop consumption, GM foods account for only a small part of the US diet (maize is less than 15% and soya bean products are less than 5%).

Nevertheless, there are signs that all is not well with the US food supply. A report by the US Centers for Disease Control shows that food-related illnesses increased 2- to 10-fold in the years between 1994 (just before GM food was commercialized) and 19997 . Is there a link with GM food? No one knows, because studies on humans have not been done.

Animal Studies On GM Foods Give Cause For Concern

Although studies on humans have not been done, scientists are reporting a growing number of studies that examine the effects of GM foods on laboratory animals. These studies, summarized below, raise serious concerns regarding the safety of GM foods for humans as well as animals.

Small Animal Feeding Studies

� Rats fed GM tomatoes developed stomach ulcerations8

� Liver, pancreas and testes function was disturbed in mice fed GM soya9 10 11

� GM peas caused allergic reactions in mice12

� Rats fed GM oilseed rape developed enlarged livers, often a sign of toxicity13

� GM potatoes fed to rats caused excessive growth of the lining of the gut similar to a pre-cancerous condition14 15

� Rats fed insecticide-producing GM maize grew more slowly, suffered problems with liver and kidney function, and showed higher levels of certain fats in their blood16

� Rats fed GM insecticide-producing maize over three generations suffered damage to liver and kidneys and showed alterations in blood biochemistry17

� Old and young mice fed with GM insecticide-producing maize showed a marked disturbance in immune system cell populations and in biochemical activity18

� Mice fed GM insecticide-producing maize over four generations showed a buildup of abnormal structural changes in various organs (liver, spleen, pancreas), major changes in the pattern of gene function in the gut, reflecting disturbances in the chemistry of this organ system (e.g. in cholesterol production, protein production and breakdown), and, most significantly, reduced fertility19

� Mice fed GM soya over their entire lifetime (24 months) showed more acute signs of aging in their liver20

� Rabbits fed GM soya showed enzyme function disturbances in kidney and heart21.

Feeding Studies With Farm Animals

Farm animals have been fed GM feed for many years. Does this mean that GM feed is safe for livestock? Certainly it means that effects are not acute and do not show up immediately. However, longer-term studies, designed to assess slow-onset and more subtle health effects of GM feed, indicate that GM feed does have adverse effects, confirming the results described above for laboratory animals.

The following problems have been found:

� Sheep fed Bt insecticide-producing GM maize over three generations showed disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system of ewes and in the liver and pancreas of their lambs22.

� GM DNA was found to survive processing and to be detectable in the digestive tract of sheep fed GM feed. This raises the possibility that antibiotic resistance and Bt insecticide genes can move into gut bacteria23, a process known as horizontal gene transfer. Horizontal gene transfer can lead to antibiotic resistant disease causing bacteria (�superbugs�) and may lead to Bt insecticide being produced in the gut with potentially harmful consequences. For years, regulators and the biotech industry claimed that horizontal gene transfer would not occur with GM DNA, but this research challenges this claim

� GM DNA in feed is taken up by the animal�s organs. Small amounts of GM DNA appear in the milk and meat that people eat24 25 26. The effects on the health of the animals and the people who eat them have not been researched.

Do Animal Feeding Studies Highlight Potential Health Problems For People?

Before food additives and new medicines can be tested on human subjects, they have to be tested on mice or rats. If harmful effects were to be found in these initial animal experiments, then the drug would likely be disqualified for human use. Only if animal studies reveal no harmful effects can the drug be further tested on human volunteers.

But GM crops that caused ill effects in experimental animals have been approved for commercialization in many countries. This suggests that less rigorous standards are being used to evaluate the safety of GM crops than for new medicines.

In fact, in at least one country � the United States � safety assessment of GMOs is voluntary and not required by law, although, to date, all GMOs have undergone voluntary review. In virtually all countries, safety assessment is not scientifically rigorous. For instance, the animal feeding studies that GM crop developers routinely conduct to demonstrate the safety of their products are too short in duration and use too few subjects to reliably detect important harmful effects.27

While industry conducts less than rigorous studies on its own GM products, 28 it has, in parallel, systematically and persistently interfered with the ability of independent scientists to conduct more rigorous and incisive independent research on GMOs. Comparative and basic agronomic studies on GMOs, assessments of safety and composition, and assessments of environmental impact have all been restricted and suppressed by the biotechnology industry.29 30

Patent rights linked with contracts are used to restrict access of independent researchers to commercialized GM seed. Permission to study patented GM crops is either withheld or made so difficult to obtain that research is effectively blocked. In cases where permission is finally given, biotech companies keep the right to block publication, resulting in much significant research never being published.31 32

The industry and its allies also use a range of public relations strategies to discredit and/or muzzle scientists who do publish research that is critical of GM crops.33

Are GM Foods More Nutritious?

There are no commercially available GM foods with improved nutritional value. Currently available GM foods are no better and in some cases are less nutritious than natural foods. Some have been proven in tests to be toxic or allergenic.

Examples include:

� GM soya had 12�14% lower amounts of cancer-fighting isoflavones than non-GM soya34

� Oilseed rape engineered to have vitamin A in its oil had much reduced vitamin E and altered oil-fat composition35

� Human volunteers fed a single GM soya bean meal showed that GM DNA can survive processing and is detectable in the digestive tract. There was evidence of horizontal gene transfer to gut bacteria36 37. Horizontal gene transfer of antibiotic resistance and Bt insecticide genes from GM foods into gut bacteria is an extremely serious issue. This is because the modified gut bacteria could become resistant to antibiotics or become factories for Bt insecticide. While Bt in its natural form has been safely used for years as an insecticide in farming, Bt toxin genetically engineered into plant crops has been found to have potential ill health effects on laboratory animals38 39 40

� In the late 1980s, a food supplement produced using GM bacteria was toxic41, initially killing 37 Americans and making more than 5,000 others seriously ill.

� Several experimental GM food products (not commercialized) were found to be harmful:

� People allergic to Brazil nuts had allergic reactions to soya beans modified with a Brazil nut gene42

� The GM process itself can cause harmful effects. GM potatoes caused toxic reactions in multiple organ systems43 44. GM peas caused a 2-fold allergic reaction � the GM protein was allergenic and stimulated an allergic reaction to other food components45. This raises the question of whether GM foods cause an increase in allergies to other substances.

Can GM Foods Help Alleviate The World Food Crisis?

The root cause of hunger is not a lack of food, but a lack of access to food. The poor have no money to buy food and increasingly, no land on which to grow it. Hunger is fundamentally a social, political, and economic problem, which GM technology cannot address.

gm crops GM-quote.jpg

Recent reports from the World Bank and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization have identified the biofuels boom as the main cause of the current food crisis46 47. But GM crop producers and distributors continue to promote the expansion of biofuels. This suggests that their priority is to make a profit, not to feed the world.

GM companies focus on producing cash crops for animal feed and biofuels for affluent countries, not food for people.

GM crops contribute to the expansion of industrial agriculture and the decline of the small farmer around the world. This is a serious development as there is abundant evidence that small farms are more efficient than large ones, producing more crops per hectare of land48 49 50 51 52.

Do GM Crops Increase Yield Potential?

At best, GM crops have performed no better than their non-GM counterparts, with GM soya beans giving consistently lower yields for over a decade54. Controlled comparative field trials of GM/non-GM soya suggest that 50% of the drop in yield is due to the genetic disruptive effect of the GM transformation process55. Similarly, field tests of Bt insecticide-producing maize hybrids showed that they took longer to reach maturity and produced up to 12% lower yields than their non-GM counterpart56.

A US Department of Agriculture report confirms the poor yield performance of GM crops, saying, �GE crops available for commercial use do not increase the yield potential of a variety. In fact, yield may even decrease…. Perhaps the biggest issue raised by these results is how to explain the rapid adoption of GE crops when farm financial impacts appear to be mixed or even negative57.�

The failure of GM to increase yield potential was emphasized in 2008 by the United Nations International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report58. This report on the future of farming, authored by 400 scientists and backed by 58 governments, stated that yields of GM crops were �highly variable� and in some cases, �yields declined�. The report noted, �Assessment of the technology lags behind its development, information is anecdotal and contradictory, and uncertainty about possible benefits and damage is unavoidable.�

Failure To Yield

The definitive study to date on GM crops and yield is �Failure to Yield: Evaluating the Performance of Genetically Engineered Crops�. Published in 2009, the study is authored by former US EPA and Center for Food Safety scientist, Dr Doug Gurian-Sherman. It is based on published, peer-reviewed studies conducted by academic scientists and using adequate experimental controls.

In the study, Dr Gurian-Sherman distinguishes between intrinsic yield (also called potential yield), defined as the highest yield which can be achieved under ideal conditions, with operational yield, the yield achieved under normal field conditions when the farmer factors in crop reductions due to pests, drought, or other environmental stresses.

The study also distinguishes between effects on yield caused by conventional breeding methods and those caused by GM traits. It has become common for biotech companies to use conventional breeding and marker assisted breeding to produce higher-yielding crops and then finally to engineer in a gene for herbicide tolerance or insect resistance. In such cases, higher yields are not due to genetic engineering but to conventional breeding. �Failure to Yield� teases out these distinctions and analyses what contributions genetic engineering and conventional breeding make to increasing yield.

Based on studies on corn and soybeans, the two most commonly grown GM crops in the United States, the study concludes that genetically engineering herbicide-tolerant soybeans and herbicide-tolerant corn has not increased yields. Insect-resistant corn, meanwhile, has improved yields only marginally. The increase in yields for both crops over the last 13 years, the report finds, was largely due to traditional breeding or improvements in agricultural practices.

The author concludes: �commercial GE crops have made no inroads so far into raising the intrinsic or potential yield of any crop. By contrast, traditional breeding has been spectacularly successful in this regard; it can be solely credited with the intrinsic yield increases in the United States and other parts of the world that characterized the agriculture of the twentieth century.�59

Critics of the study have objected that it does not use data from developing countries. The Union of Concerned Scientists responds that there are few peer-reviewed papers evaluating the yield contribution of GM crops in developing countries � not enough to draw clear and reliable conclusions. However, the most widely grown food/feed crop in developing countries, herbicide-tolerant soybeans, offers some hints. Data from Argentina, which has grown more GM soybeans than any other developing country, suggest that yields for GM varieties are the same or lower than for conventional non-GE soybeans.60

�If we are going to make headway in combating hunger due to overpopulation and climate change, we will need to increase crop yields,� says Dr Gurian-Sherman. �Traditional breeding outperforms genetic engineering hands down.�61

If GM cannot improve intrinsic (potential) yield even in the affluent United States, where high-input, irrigated, heavily subsidized farming is the norm, it would seem irresponsible to assume that it would improve yields in the developing world, where increased food production is most needed. Initiatives promoting GM crops for the developing world are experimental and appear to be founded on expectations that are not consistent with data obtained in the West.

In the West, crop failure is often underwritten by governments, which bail out farmers with compensation. Such support systems are rare in the developing world. There, farmers may literally bet their farms and their entire livelihoods on a crop. Failure can have severe consequences.

Three GM Crops For Africa

GM sweet potato The virus-resistant sweet potato has been the ultimate GM showcase project for Africa, generating a vast amount of global media coverage. Florence Wambugu, the Monsanto trained scientist fronting the project, has been proclaimed an African heroine and the savior of millions, based on her claims about the GM sweet potato doubling output in Kenya. Forbes magazine even declared her one of a tiny handful of people around the globe who would �reinvent the future�.62 It eventually emerged, however, that the claims being made for the GM sweet potato were untrue, with field trial results showing the GM crop to be a failure.63 64

In contrast with the unproven GM sweet potato variety, a successful conventional breeding program in Uganda had produced a new high-yielding variety which is virus resistant and has �raised yields by roughly 100%�. The Ugandan project achieved success at a small cost and in just a few years. The GM sweet potato, in contrast, in over 12 years in the making, consumed funding from Monsanto, the World Bank, and USAID to the tune of $6 million.65

GM Cassava

The potential of genetic engineering to massively boost the production of cassava � one of Africa�s most important foods � by defeating a devastating virus has been heavily promoted since the mid-1990s. There has even been talk of GM solving hunger in Africa by increasing cassava yields as much as tenfold.66 But almost nothing appears to have been achieved. Even after it became clear that the GM cassava had suffered a major technical failure67, media stories continued to appear about its curing hunger in Africa.68 69 Meanwhile, conventional (non-GM) plant breeding has quietly produced virus resistant cassavas that are already making a remarkable difference in farmers� fields, even under drought conditions.70

Bt Cotton

In Makhatini, South Africa, often cited as the showcase Bt cotton project for small farmers, 100,000 hectares were planted with Bt cotton in 1998. By 2002, that had crashed to 22,500 hectares, an 80% reduction in 4 years. By 2004, 85% of farmers who used to grow Bt cotton had given up. The farmers found pest problems and no increase in yield. Those farmers who still grew the crop did so at a loss, continuing only because the South African government subsidized the project and there was a guaranteed market for the cotton.71

A study published in Crop Protection journal concluded, �cropping Bt cotton in Makhathini Flats did not generate sufficient income to expect a tangible and sustainable socioeconomic improvement due to the way the crop is currently managed. Adoption of an innovation like Bt cotton seems to pay only in an agro-system with a sufficient level of intensification.�72

How Will Climate Change Impact Agriculture?

Industrial agriculture is a major contributor to global warming, producing up to 20 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, and some methods of increasing yield can exacerbate this negative impact. For example, crops that achieve higher intrinsic yield often need more fossil fuel based nitrogen fertilizer, some of which is converted by soil microbes into nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Minimizing global agriculture�s future climate impact will require investment in systems of agriculture less dependent on industrial fertilizers and agroecological methods of improving soil water-holding capacity and resilience.

GM seeds are created by agrochemical companies and are heavily dependent on costly external inputs such as synthetic fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides. It would seem risky to promote such crops in the face of climate change.

Peak Oil & Agriculture

According to some analysts, peak oil, when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, has already arrived. This will have drastic effects on the type of agriculture we practice. GM crops are designed to be used with synthetic herbicides and fertilizers. But synthetic pesticides are made from oil and synthetic fertilizer from natural gas. Both these fossil fuels are running out fast, as are phosphates, a major ingredient of synthetic fertilizers.

Farming based on the current US GM and chemical model that depends on these fossil fuel-based inputs will become increasingly expensive and unsustainable. The statistics tell the story:

In the US food system, 10 kcal of fossil energy is required for every kcal of food consumed.73

� Approximately 7.2 quads of fossil energy are consumed in the production of crops and livestock in the U.S. each year.74 75

� Approximately 8 million kcal/ha are required to produce an average corn crop and other similar crops.76

� Two-thirds of the energy used in crop production is for fertilizers and mechanization.77

Proven technologies that can reduce the amount of fossil energy used in farming include reducing fertilizer applications, selecting farm machinery appropriate for each task, managing soil for conservation, limiting irrigation, and organic farming techniques.78

In the Rodale Institute Farming Systems Trial (FST), a comparative analysis of energy inputs conducted by Dr David Pimentel of Cornell University found that organic farming systems use just 63% of the energy required by conventional farming systems, largely because of the massive amounts of energy required to synthesize nitrogen fertilizer, followed by herbicide production.79

Studies show that the low-input organic model of farming works well in African countries. The Tigray project in Ethiopia, part-funded by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), compared yields from the application of compost and chemical fertilizer in farmers� fields over six years. The results showed that compost can replace chemical fertilizers and that it increased yields by more than 30 percent on average. As side-benefits to using compost, the farmers noticed that the crops had better resistance to pests and disease and that there was a reduction in �difficult weeds�.80

GM Crops & Climate Change

Climate change brings sudden, extreme, and unpredictable changes in weather. If we are to survive, the crop base needs to be as flexible, resilient and diverse as possible. GM technology offers just the opposite � a narrowing of crop diversity and an inflexible technology that requires years and millions of dollars in investment for each new variety.

Each GM crop is tailor-made to fit a particular niche. With climate change, no one knows what kind of niches will exist and where. The best way to insure against the destructive effects of climate change is to plant a wide variety of highperforming crops that are genetically diverse.

GM companies have patented plant genes that they believe are involved in tolerance to drought, heat, flooding, and salinity � but have not succeeded in using these genes to produce a single new crop with these properties. This is because these functions are highly complex and involve many different genes working together in a precisely regulated way. It is beyond existing GM technology to engineer crops with these sophisticated, delicately regulated gene networks for improved tolerance traits.

Conventional natural cross-breeding, which works holistically, is much better adapted to achieving this aim, using the many varieties of virtually every common crop that tolerate drought, heat, flooding, and salinity.

In addition, advances in plant breeding have been made using marker-assisted selection (MAS), a largely uncontroversial branch of biotechnology that can speed up the natural breeding process by identifying important genes. MAS does not involve the risks and uncertainties of genetic engineering.

The controversies that exist around MAS relate to gene patenting issues. It is important for developing countries to consider the implications of patent ownership relating to such crops.

Non-GM Successes For Niche Crops

If it is accepted that niche speciality crops may be useful in helping adaptation to climate change, there are better ways of creating them than genetic engineering. Conventional breeding and marker-assisted selection have produced many advances in breeding speciality crops, though these have garnered only a fraction of the publicity given to often speculative claims of GM miracles.

An example of such a non-GM success is the �Snorkel� rice that adapts to flooding by growing longer stems, preventing the crop from drowning.81 While genetic engineering was used as a research tool to identify the desirable genes, only conventional breeding � guided by Marker Assisted Selection � was used to generate the Snorkel rice line. Snorkel rice is entirely non-GM. This is an excellent example of how the whole range of biotechnology tools, including GM, can be used most effectively to work with the natural breeding process to develop new crops that meet the critical needs of today.

Are GM Crops Environmentally Friendly?

Two kinds of GM crops dominate the marketplace:

� Crops that resist broad-spectrum (kill-all) herbicides such as Roundup. These are claimed to enable farmers to spray herbicide less frequently to kill weeds but without killing the crop

� Crops that produce the insecticide Bt toxin. These are claimed to reduce farmers� need for chemical insecticide sprays.

Both claims require further analysis.

GM Crops & Herbicide Use

The most commonly grown herbicide-resistant GM crops are engineered to be resistant to Roundup. But the increasing use of Roundup has led to the appearance of numerous weeds resistant to this herbicide82. Roundup resistant weeds are now common and include pigweed83, ryegrass84, and marestail85. As a result, in the US, an initial drop in average herbicide use after GM crops were introduced has been followed by a large increase as farmers were forced to change their farming practices to kill weeds that had developed resistance to Roundup86 87. Farmers have increased radically the amounts of Roundup applied to their fields and are being advised to use increasingly powerful mixtures of multiple herbicides and not Roundup alone88 89.

All of these chemicals are toxic and a threat to both the farmers who apply them and the people and livestock that eat the produce. This is the case even for Roundup, which has been shown to have a range of damaging cellular effects indicating toxicity at levels similar to those found on crops engineered to be resistant to the herbicide90.

A Canadian government study in 2001 showed that after just 4-5 years of commercial growing, herbicide-resistant GM oilseed rape (canola) had cross-pollinated to create �superweeds� resistant to up to three different broadspectrum herbicides. These superweeds have become a serious problem for farmers both within91 92 and outside their fields93.

In addition, GM oilseed rape has also been found to crosspollinate with and pass on its herbicide resistant genes to related wild plants, for example, charlock and wild radish/turnip. This raises the possibility that these too may become superweeds and difficult for farmers to control94. The industry�s response has been to recommend use of higher amounts and complex mixtures of herbicides95 96 and to start developing crops resistant to additional or multiple herbicides. These developments are clearly creating a chemical treadmill that would be especially undesirable for farmers in developing countries.

Insecticide-Producing GM Crops

Bt insecticide-producing GM crops have led to resistance in pests, resulting in rising chemical applications97 98 99.

In China and India, Bt cotton was initially effective in suppressing the boll weevil. But secondary pests, especially mirids and mealy bugs, that are highly resistant to Bt toxin, soon took its place. The farmers suffered massive crop losses and had to apply costly pesticides, wiping out their profit margins100 101 102 103. Such developments are likely to be more damaging to farmers in developing countries, who cannot afford expensive inputs.

The claim that Bt GM crops reduce pesticide use is disingenuous, since Bt crops are in themselves pesticides. Prof Gilles-Eric S�ralini of the University of Caen, France states: �Bt plants, in fact, are designed to produce toxins to repel pests. Bt brinjal (eggplant/aubergine) produces a very high quantity of 16-17mg toxin per kg. They affect animals. Unfortunately, tests to ascertain their effect on humans have not been conducted.�104

GM Crops & Wildlife

Farm-scale trials sponsored by the UK government showed that the growing of herbicide-resistant GM crops (sugar beet, oilseed rape) can reduce wildlife populations105 106.

The Case Of Argentina

In Argentina, the massive conversion of agriculture to GM soya production has had disastrous effects on rural social and economic structures. It has damaged food security and caused a range of environmental problems, including the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds, soil depletion, and increased pests and diseases107 108.

GM Crops, Non-Target Insects & Organisms

Bt insecticide-producing GM crops harm non-target insect populations, including butterflies109 110 111 and beneficial pest predators112. Bt insecticide released from GM crops can also be toxic to water life113 and soil organisms114. One study reveals more negative than positive impacts on beneficial insects from GM Bt insecticide-producing crops.115

Can GM & Non-GM Crops Co-Exist?

The biotech industry argues that farmers should be able to choose to plant GM crops if they wish. It says GM and non-GM crops can peacefully �co-exist�. But experience in North America has shown that �coexistence� of GM and non-GM crops rapidly results in widespread contamination of non-GM crops.

This not only has significant agroecological effects, but also serious economic effects, damaging the ability of organic farmers to receive premiums, and blocking export markets to countries that have strict regulations regarding GM contamination.

Contamination occurs through cross-pollination, spread of GM seed by farm machinery, and inadvertent mixing during storage. The entry of GM crops into a country removes choice � everyone is gradually forced to grow GM crops or to have their non-GM crop contaminated.

Here are a few examples of GM contamination incidents:

� In 2006 GM rice grown for only one year in field trials was found to have widely contaminated the US rice supply and seed stocks116. Contaminated rice was found as far away as Africa, Europe, and Central America. In March 2007 Reuters reported that US rice export sales were down by around 20 percent from those of the previous year as a result of the GM contamination117.

� In Canada, contamination from GM oilseed rape has made it virtually impossible to cultivate organic, nonGM oilseed rape118

� US courts reversed the approval of GM alfalfa because it threatened the existence of non-GM alfalfa through cross-pollination119

� Organic maize production in Spain has dropped significantly as the acreage of GM maize production has increased, because of cross-pollination problems120

� In 2009, the Canadian flax seed export market to Europe collapsed following the discovery of widespread contamination with an unauthorized GM variety121.

� In 2007 alone, there were 39 new instances of GM contamination in 23 countries, and 216 incidents have been reported since 2005122.

Alternatives To GM

Many authoritative sources, including the IAASTD report on the future of agriculture123, have found that GM crops have little to offer global agriculture and the challenges of poverty, hunger and climate change, because better alternatives are available. These go by many names, including integrated pest management (IPM), organic, sustainable, low-input, non-chemical pest management (NPM) and agroecological farming, but extend beyond the boundaries of any particular category. Projects employing these sustainable strategies in the developing world have produced dramatic increases in yields and food security124 125 126 127 128 129.

Strategies employed include:

� Sustainable, low-input, energy-saving practices that conserve and build soil, conserve water, and enhance natural pest resistance and resilience in crops

� Innovative farming methods that minimize or eliminate costly chemical pesticides and fertilizers

� Use of thousands of traditional varieties of each major food crop, which are naturally adapted to stresses such as drought, heat, harsh weather conditions, flooding, salinity, poor soil, and pests and diseases130

� Use of existing crops and their wild relatives in traditional breeding programs to develop varieties with useful traits

� Programs that enable farmers to cooperatively preserve and improve traditional seeds

� Use of beneficial and holistic aspects of modern biotechnology, such as Marker Assisted Selection (MAS), which uses the latest genetic knowledge to speed up traditional breeding131. Unlike GM technology, MAS can safely produce new varieties of crops with valuable, genetically complex properties such as enhanced nutrition, taste, yield potential, resistance to pests and diseases, and tolerance to drought, heat, salinity, and flooding132.

Organic & Low-Input Methods Improve Yields In Africa

There seems little reason to gamble with the livelihoods of poor farmers by persuading them to grow experimental GM crops when tried-and-tested, inexpensive methods of increasing food production are readily available. Several recent studies have shown that low-input methods such as organic can dramatically improve yields in African countries, along with other benefits. Such methods have the advantage of being knowledge-based rather than costly input-based. As a result they are more accessible to poor farmers than the more expensive technologies (which often have not helped in the past).

A 2008 United Nations report, �Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa�, looked at 114 farming projects in 24 African countries and found that organic or near-organic practices resulted in a yield increase of more than 100 percent. In East Africa, a yield increase of 128 percent was found.133 The Foreword to the study states: �The evidence presented in this study supports the argument that organic agriculture can be more conducive to food security in Africa than most conventional production systems, and that it is more likely to be sustainable in the long term.�134

Organic & Low-Input Methods Improve Farmer Incomes In Developing Countries

Poverty is a major contributory factor to food insecurity. According to the 2008 United Nations report, �Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa�, organic farming has a positive impact on poverty in a variety of ways. Farmers benefit from:

� cash savings, as organic farming does not require costly pesticides and fertilizers;

� extra incomes gained by selling the surplus produce (resulting from the change to organic);

� premium prices for certified organic produce, obtained primarily in Africa for export but also for domestic markets; and

� added value to organic products through processing activities.

These findings are backed up by studies from Asia and Latin America that concluded that organic farming can reduce poverty in an environmentally friendly way.135

A recent study found that certified organic farms involved in production for export were significantly more profitable than those involved in conventional production (in terms of net farm income earnings).136 Of these cases, 87 per cent showed increases in farmer and household incomes as a result of becoming organic, which contributed to reducing poverty levels and to increasing regional food security.

Who Owns The Technology?

In considering which agricultural technologies will most benefit the developing world, it is crucial to ask who owns those technologies. The �Gene Revolution� that is proposed for Africa will be rolled out via public-private partnerships. The public side of such partnerships will be provided by Africa, whereas the private side will be provided by biotechnology companies based in the United States and Europe.

The transgenes used in creating GM crops are patented and owned by biotech companies. In the United States and Canada, companies have launched lawsuits against farmers whose crops were alleged to contain a company�s patented GM genes. Farmers� claims that they have not intentionally planted GM crops have proved no defense in court against large fines being imposed.

When farmers buy GM seed, they sign a technology agreement promising not to save and replant seed. They have to buy new seed each year from the biotech company, thus transferring control of food production from farmers to seed companies. Consolidation of the seed industry increasingly means that farmers have little choice but to buy GM seed. Centuries of farmer knowledge that went into creating locally adapted and varied seed stocks are wiped out.

In contrast, low-input and organic farming methods do not involve patented technologies. Control of food production remains in the hands of farmers, keeping farmer skills alive and favoring food security.


GM crop technologies do not offer significant benefits. On the contrary, they present risks to human and animal health, the environment, farmers, food security, and export markets. There is no convincing reason to take such risks with the livelihoods of farmers when proven successful and widely acceptable alternatives are readily and cheaply available. These alternatives will maintain the independence of the food supply from foreign multinational control and offer the best insurance against the challenges of climate change.


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Hypertension Associated with Sodium Loss | Wellness Clinic

Hypertension Associated with Sodium Loss | Wellness Clinic

Cardiovascular disease and hypertension can often occur due to a variety of factors, however, an improper diet and nutrition has been appointed to be one of the most prevalent causes behind the onset of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. While an improper diet and nutrition can lead to these issues, a balanced, healthy diet and nutrition can help prevent cardiovascular disease and hypertension, even treat the existing conditions.


What’s the best dietary and nutritional approach to treat cardiovascular disease and hypertension?


Many of the substances in food, particularly in nutraceutical supplements, antioxidants, vitamins or nutritional supplements, function in a manner that is similar to a category of drugs and medications to improve cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The effect is synergistic when used in combination with other nutritional supplements even though the drug might not be less than the potency of the compounds. These natural compounds have been outlined to the significant antihypertensive drug classes, such as diuretics, beta blockers, central alpha agonists, direct vasodilators, calcium channel blockers (CCB’s), angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI’s), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB’s) and direct renin inhibitors (DRI).


Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension


The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Iand II diets conclusively demonstrated significant reductions in BP in borderline and stageIhypertensive patients. Back in DASH I, untreated hypertensive subjects with SBP < 160 mmHg and DBP 80-95 mmHg were placed on one of three diets for 4 weeks, controled diet, vegetable and fruit diet (F + V) and combined diet, which added F + V and low fat milk. Sodium restriction was added by DASH II in every group. The control diet consisted of sodium at 3 g/d, potassium, calcium and magnesium in 25% of the US average, macronutrients at US average of 4 portions every day, a sodium/potassium ratio of 1.7 and fiber at 9 g/d. The F + V diet raised the potassium, calcium and magnesium to 75 percent, macronutrients compared to the US average, a sodium potassium ratio of 0.7, 31 gram of fiber and 8.5 portions of vegetables and fruits per day. The joint diet was similar to the F + V diet but additional fat milk. At 2 wk the BP was decreased by 10.7/5.2 mmHg from the hypertensive patients in DASHIand 11.5/6.8 mmHg from the hypertensive patients in DASH II. These reductions persisted provided that the patients were on the diet. The DASH diet increases plasma renin activity (PRA) and serum aldosterone levels in response to this BP reductions) The increase in PRA was 37 ng/mL every day. There has been an associated of reaction with the polymorphism of beta 2 adrenergic receptor. The A allele of G46A had blunted PRA and a higher BP reduction and aldosterone. The arachidonic acid (AA) genotype had the best response along with the GG genotype had no response. Adding an ARB, DRI or ACEI improved BP reaction due to blockade of the increase in PRA to the DASH diet at the GG group. A very low sodium DASH diet reduces oxidative stress (urine F2-isoprostanes), enhances vascular function (enhancement indicator) and lowers BP in salt sensitive areas. In addition, plasma nitrite increased and pulse wave velocity decreased on the DASH diet at week two.


Sodium (Na+) Loss and Hypertension


The average sodium intake in the US is 5000 mg/d with some regions of the nation consuming 15000-20000 mg/d. On the other hand, the minimal requirement for sodium is most likely roughly 500 mg/d. Epidemiologic, observational and controlled clinical trials reveal that an increased sodium intake is associated with increased risk for proteinuria, renal insufficiency, CVD LVH, CHD, MI and of the SNS as well as BP. A decrease in sodium intake in hypertensive patients the salt sensitive patients, will significantly lower BP by 4-6/2-3 mmHg that’s proportional to the level of sodium restriction and might stop or delay hypertension in high risk patients and decrease CV events.


Salt sensitivity (? 10% increase in MAP with salt loading) occurs in about 51 percent of hypertensive patients and is a vital variable in determining the cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, renal and BP responses to dietary salt intake. Cardiovascular events are prevalent in the salt patients than ones, independent of BP. An increased sodium intake has a direct positive correlation with BP and the risk of CHD and CVA. The risk is independent of BP to get CVA with a relative risk of 1.04 to 1.25 in the lowest to the highest quartile. In addition, patients may convert into a BP routine with increases in nocturnal BP as the sodium intake increases.


Increased sodium intake has a direct impact on endothelial cells. Sodium promotes cutaneous lymphangiogenesis, increases endothelial cell stiffness, reduces dimensions, surface area, volume, cytoskeleton, deformability and pliability, reduces eNOS and NO generation, raises asymmetric dimethyl arginine (ADMA), oxidative stress and TGF-?. Every one of these vascular responses are increased in the presence of aldosterone. These modifications occur independent of BP and may be partially counteract by potassium. The endothelial cells act as vascular salt sensors. Endothelial cells are targets for aldosterone which activate epithelial sodium channels (ENaCs) and also have a negative effects on discharge of NO and on endothelial function. The mechanical stimulation of the cell plasma membrane along with the submembranous actin network (endothelial glcyocalyx) (“shell”) serve as a “firewall” to protect the endothelial cells and are regulated by serum sodium, potassium and aldosterone within the physiological selection. Changes in shear-stress-dependent activity of the endothelial NO synthase located in the caveolae regulate the viscosity in this “shell”. High plasma sodium gelates the casing of the cell, whereas the casing is fluidized by high fructose. These communications between intracellular enzymes and extracellular ions happen in the plasma membrane barrier, whereas 90 percent of the cell mass remains uninvolved in such changes. Blockade of the ENaC using spironolactone (100%) or amiloride (84%) minimizes or prevent many of these vascular endothelial responses and boost NO. Nitric oxide release follows not vice versa and nanomechanics and decreases vascular endothelial cell stiffness which enhances circulation conducive vasodilation that is dependent. In the presence of HS-CRP that was increased and vascular inflammation, the effects of aldosterone on the ENaC is enhanced further raising vascular stiffness and BP. High sodium intake also abolishes the AT2R-mediated vasodilation immediately with complete abolition of endothelial vasodilation (EDV) within 30 d. Thus, it is now clear that high dietary sodium has adverse effects on the circulatory system, BP and CVD by changing the endothelial glycocalyx, which is a negatively charged biopolymer that lines the blood vessels and also serves as a protective barrier against sodium over-load, increased sodium permeability and sodium-induced TOD. Certain SNP’s of salt inducible kinaseIwhich alter Na+/K+ ATPase, determine LVH and sodium caused hypertension.


The sodium intake every day in patients must be between 1500. BP reduction improves in people on patients which are on treatment and the decrease in BP is additive with limitation of refined carbohydrates. Reducing sodium consumption may reduce damage to the brain, heart, kidney and vasculature through mechanisms dependent on the BP reduction that is little as well as those independent of the BP. A balance of sodium with nutrients, particularly calcium, magnesium and potassium is important, not just in reducing and controlling BP, but also in decreasing cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events. An increase in the sodium to potassium ratio is associated with risk of all-cause mortality and CVD. The Yanomamo Indians consume and excrete only 1 meq of sodium from 24 h and consume and excrete 152 meq of potassium in 24 h. BP doesn’t rise with age and is related to elevated PRA, although the Na + to K + percentage is 1/152. Currently 50 the BP in the Yanomamo is 100-108/64-69 mmHg.


In conclusion,�Cardiovascular disease and hypertension can often occur due to a variety of factors, however, an improper diet and nutrition has been appointed to be one of the most prevalent causes behind the onset of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. According to the above research studies, an imbalance in the intake of sodium can lead to cardiovascular disease and hypertension.� The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Neuroinflammation And Psychiatric Illness

Neuroinflammation And Psychiatric Illness



Multiple lines of evidence support the pathogenic role of neuroinflammation in psychiatric illness. While systemic autoimmune diseases are well-documented causes of neuropsychiatric disorders, synaptic autoimmune encephalitides with psychotic symptoms often go under-recognized. Parallel to the link between psychiatric symptoms and autoimmunity in autoimmune diseases, neuroimmunological abnormalities occur in classical psychiatric disorders (for example, major depressive, bipolar, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorders). Investigations into the pathophysiology of these conditions traditionally stressed dysregulation of the glutamatergic and monoaminergic systems, but the mechanisms causing these neurotransmitter abnormalities remained elusive. We review the link between autoimmunity and neuropsychiatric disorders, and the human and experimental evidence supporting the pathogenic role of neuroinflammation in selected classical psychiatric disorders. Understanding how psychosocial, genetic, immunological and neurotransmitter systems interact can reveal pathogenic clues and help target new preventive and symptomatic therapies.


  • Neuroinflammation,
  • Psychoneuroimmunology,
  • Astrocyte,
  • Microglia,
  • Cytokines,
  • Oxidative stress,
  • Depression,
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder,
  • Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia


As biological abnormalities are increasingly identified among patients with psychiatric disorders, the distinction between neurological and psychiatric illness fades. In addition to systemic autoimmune diseases associated with psychiatric manifestations (for example, lupus) [1], more recently, patients with acute isolated psychosis were identified with synaptic autoimmune encephalitides (Table 1) [2-6]. These patients are often erroneously diagnosed with refractory primary psych- otic disorders, delaying initiation of effective immune therapy (Table 1). Additionally, growing evidence supports the pathogenic role of anti-neuronal antibodies in neuropsychiatric disorders [7].

neuroinflammation table-1-3.jpg

Separation of neurological and psychiatric disorders, supported by Descartes�s conception of the �mind� as an ontologically distinct entity and by the reproducibility of neuropathological abnormalities, dominated medicine in�the 19th and early 20th centuries [8]. Since then, an expanding collection of reproducible biological causes, from neurosyphilis, head trauma, stroke, tumor, demyelination and many others caused symptom complexes that overlapped with classic psychiatric disorders [9-11]. More recently, neuroinflammatory and immunological abnormalities have been documented in patients with classical psychiatric disorders.

Peripheral immune modulators can induce psychiatric symptoms in animal models and humans [12-19]. Healthy animals injected with pro-inflammatory IL-1? and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-?) cytokines demonstrate �sick- ness behavior� associated with social withdrawal [12]. In humans, injections of low-dose endotoxin deactivate the ventral striatum, a region critical for reward processing, producing anhedonia a debilitating depressive symptom [14]. Approximately 45% of non-depressed hepatitis C and cancer patients treated with IFN-? develop depressive symptoms associated with increased serum IL-6 levels [12,15,17,18].

Medical conditions associated with chronic inflammatory and immunological abnormalities, including obesity, diabetes, malignancies, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis, are risk factors for depression and bipolar disorder [10,12,13,15,17,18]. The positive�correlation between these medical conditions and psychiatric illness suggests the presence of a widespread underlying inflammatory process affecting the brain among other organs [10,19,20]. A 30-year population- based study showed that having an autoimmune disease or a prior hospitalization for serious infection increased the risk of developing schizophrenia by 29% and 60%, respectively [16]. Further, herpes simplex virus, Toxoplasma gondii, cytomegalovirus, and influenza during pregnancy increase the risk of developing schizophrenia [16].

Peripheral cellular [21,22] (Table 2), and humoral immunological abnormalities [13,21-23] are more prevalent in psychiatric patients relative to healthy controls. In both pilot (n = 34 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), n = 43 healthy controls) and replication studies (n = 36 MDD, n = 43 healthy controls), a serum assay comprising nine serum biomarkers distinguished MDD subjects from healthy controls with 91.7% sensitivity and 81.3% specificity; significantly elevated biomarkers for neuropsychiatric symptoms were the immunological molecules alpha 1 antitrypsin, myeloperoxidase, and soluble TNF-? receptor II [23].

neuroinflammation table 2We first review the association between autoimmunity and neuropsychiatric disorders, including: 1) systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) as a prototype of systemic auto- immune disease; 2) autoimmune encephalitides associated with serum anti-synaptic and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) autoantibodies; and 3) pediatric neuropsychiatric autoimmune disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) and pure obsessive-compulsive dis- order (OCD) associated with anti-basal ganglia/thalamic autoantibodies. We then discuss the role of innate inflammation/autoimmunity in classical psychiatric disorders, including MDD, bipolar disorder (BPD), schizophrenia, and OCD.

Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Autoimmunity

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Between 25% to 75% of SLE patients have central nervous system (CNS) involvement, with psychiatric symptoms typically occurring within the first two years of disease on- set. Psychiatric symptoms may include anxiety, mood and psychotic disturbances [97]. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is normal in approximately 42% of neuropsychiatric SLE cases [97]. Microangiopathy and blood� brain barrier (BBB) breakdown may permit entry of autoantibodies into the brain [97]. These antibodies include anti-ribosomal P (positive in 90% of psychotic SLE patients) [1], anti-endothelial cell, anti-ganglioside, anti- dsDNA, anti-2A/2B subunits of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR) and anti-phospholipid antibodies [97]. Pro-inflammatory cytokines�principally IL-6 [97], S100B�[97], intra-cellular adhesion molecule 1 [97] and matrix- metalloproteinase-9 [98] are also elevated in SLE. Psychiatric manifestations of SLE, Sjo?gren�s disease, Susac�s syndrome, CNS vasculitis, CNS Whipple�s disease, and Behc?et�s disease were recently reviewed [1].

Neuropsychiatric Autoimmune Encephalitides Associated With Serum Anti-Synaptic & Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase


Autoimmune encephalitides are characterized by an acute onset of temporal lobe seizures, psychiatric features, and cognitive deficits [2,3,99-108]. The pathophysiology is typically mediated by autoantibodies targeting synaptic or intracellular autoantigens in association with a paraneo plastic or nonparaneoplastic origin [3]. Anti-synaptic autoantibodies target NR1 subunits of the NMDAR [100,108,109], voltage-gated potassium channel (VGKC) complexes (Kv1 subunit, leucine-rich glioma inactivated (LGI1) and contactin associated protein 2 (CASPR2)) [101,102,106], GluR1 and GluR2 subunits of the amino-3- hydroxy-5-methyl-l-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) [6,110,111] and B1 subunits of the ?-aminobu- tyric acid B receptors (GABABR) [3,99,103]. Anti-intracellular autoantibodies target onconeuronal and GAD-65 autoantigens [2,3].

The inflammation associated with anti-synaptic autoantibodies, particularly NMDAR-autoantibodies, is typically much milder than that associated with GAD-autoantibodies or anti-neuronal autoantibodies related to systemic auto- immune disorders or paraneoplastic syndromes [2,107].

Although neurological symptoms eventually emerge, psychiatric manifestations, ranging from anxiety [2,3] to psychosis mimicking schizophrenia [2-6], can initially dominate or precede neurological features. Up to two- thirds of patients with anti-NMDAR autoimmune encephalitis, initially present to psychiatric services [5]. Anti-synaptic antibodies-mediated autoimmune encephalitides must be considered in the differential of acute psychosis [2-6]. Psychiatric presentations can include normal brain MRI and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) ana- lysis, without encephalopathy or seizures [2,3,5,6,107]. We reported a case of seropositive GAD autoantibodies associated with biopsy-proven neuroinflammation, despite normal brain MRI and CSF analyses, where the patient presented with isolated psychosis diagnosed as schizophrenia by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) criteria [2]. Further, seronegative autoimmune encephalitides can also present with prominent neuropsychiatric disturbances, making diagnosis more elusive [107,112,113]. Psychiatric and neurological features associated with anti- synaptic and GAD autoantibodies are summarized in Table 1 [1-6,99-108,114].

Serum anti-synaptic and GAD autoantibodies may occur in patients with pure psychiatric disorders [2,4,5,112,115-121]. In a prospective cohort of 29 subjects who met the DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia, serum anti-NMDAR autoantibodies were found in three subjects, and anti-VGKC-complex autoantibodies were found in one subject [5]. Using more sensitive techniques to detect immunoglobulin G (IgG) NR1 auto- antibodies in 100 patients with definite schizophrenia, no autoantibodies were identified [122]. However, this study did not assess autoantibodies targeting the NR2 subunit of NMDAR. Other studies reported significantly increased odds of elevated (?90th percentile non-psychiatric control levels) NR2 antibody levels (odds ratio (OR) 2.78, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.26 to 6.14, P = 0.012) among individuals with acute mania (n = 43), but not in chronic mania or schizophrenia [116].

PANDAS & Pure Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Associated With Anti-Basal Ganglia/Thalamic Autoantibodies

OCD often complicates neurological disorders involving the basal ganglia including Sydenham�s chorea, Huntington�s disease and Parkinson�s disease. Anti- basal ganglia antibodies are implicated in Sydenham�s chorea [123]. PANDAS is characterized by acute exacerbations of OCD symptoms and/or motor/phonic tics following a prodromal group A ?-hemolytic streptococcal infection. The pathophysiology is thought to involve cross-reactivity between anti-streptococcal antibodies and basal ganglia proteins [124]. The clinical overlap between the PANDAS and pure OCD suggests a common etiological mechanism [125].

Among a random cohort of 21 pure OCD patients, 91.3% had CSF anti-basal ganglia (P <0.05) and anti-thalamic autoantibodies (P <0.005) at 43 kDa [88], paralleling functional abnormalities in the cortico-striatal-thalamo-cortico circuitry of OCD subjects [84]. Another study documented that 42% (n = 21) of OCD pediatric and adolescent subjects had serum anti-basal ganglia autoantibodies at 40, 45, and 60 kDa compared to 2% to 10% of controls (P = 0.001) [7]. Anti�basal ganglia autoantibodies were detected in the sera of 64% of PANDAS subjects (n = 14), compared to only 9% (n = 2) of streptococcal-positive/OCD-negative controls (P <0.001) [126]. One study found no difference between the prevalence of anti-basal ganglia autoantibodies in OCD (5.4%, n = 4) versus MDD controls (0%) [127]; however, a limitation was the random use of rat cortex and bovine basal ganglia and cortex that might have limited the identification of seropositive cases.

The basal ganglia autoantigens are aldolase C (40 kDa), neuronal-specific/non-neuronal enolase (45 kDa doublet) and pyruvate kinase M1 (60 kDa)�neuronal glycolytic enzymes�involved in neurotransmission, neuronal metabolism

Page 3 of 24 and cell signaling [128]. These enzymes exhibit substantial structural homology to streptococcal proteins [129]. The latest study (96 OCD, 33 MDD, 17 schizophrenia subjects) tested patient serum against pyruvate kinase, aldolase C and enolase, specifically; a greater pro- portion of OCD subjects were sero-positive relative to controls (19.8% (n = 19) versus 4% [n = 2], P = 0.012) [130].

Yet, in the same study only one of 19 sero-positive OCD subjects also had positive anti-streptolysin O antibody ti- ters, suggesting that in pure OCD the anti-streptolysin O antibody seronegativity does not exclude the presence of anti-basal ganglia autoantibodies.

In pure OCD, sero-positivity for anti-basal ganglia/ thalamic antibodies is associated with increased levels of CSF glycine (P = 0.03) [88], suggesting that these anti- bodies contribute to hyperglutamatergia observed in OCD [84,88,131]. The improvement of infection-provoked OCD with immune therapies supports the pathogenicity of these autoantibodies [132]. A large NIH trial assessing the efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) for children with acute onset OCD and anti-streptococcal antibodies is ongoing ( NCT01281969). However, the finding of slightly higher CSF glutamate levels in OCD patients with negative CSF anti-basal ganglia/thalamic anti- bodies as compared to those with positive CSF antibodies suggests that non-immunological mechanisms may play role in OCD [84]. Other mechanisms, including cytokine- mediated inflammation (Table 2), are also hypothesized.

Psychiatric Disorders Associated With Innate Inflammation

Disorders of innate inflammation/autoimmunity occur in some patients with classical psychiatric disorders. We discuss innate inflammation-related CNS abnormalities� including glial pathology, elevated cytokines levels, cyclo-oxygenase activation, glutamate dysregulation, increased S100B levels, increased oxidative stress, and BBB dysfunction�in MDD, BPD, schizophrenia, and OCD. We also describe how innate inflammation may be mechanistically linked to the traditional monoaminergic and glutamatergic abnormalities reported in these disorders (Figures 1 and 2). The therapeutic role of antiinflammatory agents in psychiatric disorders is also reviewed.

neuroinflammation fig 1

neuroinflammation fig 2Astroglial & Oligodendroglial Histopathology

Astroglia and oligodendroglia are essential to neural metabolic homeostasis, behavior and higher cognitive functions [54-56,133-136]. Normal quiescent astroglia provide energy and trophic support to neurons, regulate synaptic neurotransmission (Figure 2), synaptogenesis, cerebral blood flow, and maintain BBB integrity [134,136,137]. Mature oligodendroglia provide energy and trophic support to neurons and maintain BBB integrity, and regulate axonal repair�and myelination of white matter tracts providing inter- and intra-hemispheric connectivity [54-56]. Both astroglia and oligodendroglia produce anti-inflammatory cytokines that can down-regulate harmful inflammation [52,55].

In MDD, astroglial loss is a consistent post-mortem finding in functionally relevant areas, including the anterior cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and white matter [35-38,42-46,55,138-147], with few exceptions [42,43]. Post-mortem studies revealed reduced glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive astroglial density primarily in the prefrontal cortex [37,38] and amygdala [36]. A large proteomic analysis of frontal cortices from depressed patients showed significant reductions in three GFAP isoforms [39]. Although in one study that reported no significant glial loss, subgroup analysis revealed a significant decrease (75%) in GFAP-positive astroglial density among study subjects younger than 45 years of age [35]. A morphometric study similarly showed no changes in glial density in late-life MDD brains [148]. We hypothesize that the apparent absence of astroglial loss among older MDD patients may reflect secondary astrogliosis [35] that is associated with older age [42,50] rather than a true negative.

Animal studies are consistent with human studies showing astroglial loss in MDD. Wistar-Kyoto rats� known to exhibit depressive-like behaviors�revealed reduced astroglial density in the same areas as observed in humans [40]. Administration of the astroglial-toxic agent, L-alpha-aminoadipic acid, induces depressive- like symptoms in rats, suggesting that astroglial loss is pathogenic in MDD [41].

Post-mortem studies of MDD subjects documented reduced oligodendroglial density in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala [54-57,66], which may correlate with brain MRI focal white matter changes occasionally noted in some MDD patients [57]. However, microvascular abnormalities may also contribute to these changes [57].

In BPD, some studies demonstrate significant glial loss [138,143,149,150], while others do not [37,44-46]. These inconsistent findings may result from lack of control for: 1) treatment with mood stabilizers, because post-hoc ana- lysis reported by some studies showed significant reduction in glial loss only after controlling for treatment with lithium and valproic acid [46]; 2) familial forms of BPD, as glial loss is particularly prominent among BPD patients with a strong family history [143]; and/or, 3) the predominant state of depression versus mania, as glial loss is frequent in MDD [35-38,42-46,55,138-147]. Whether astroglia or oligodendroglia account for the majority of glial loss is unclear; while proteomic analysis revealed a significant decrease in one astroglial GFAP isoform [39], several other post-mortem studies found either unchanged [36,37] or reduced GFAP-positive astroglial expression in the orbitrofrontal cortex [47], or reduced oligodendroglial density [54-56,58,59].

In schizophrenia, astroglial loss is an inconsistent finding [48,150]. While some studies showed no significant astroglial loss [42,50,51], several others found reduced astroglial density [37,38,43,44,48,49,151] and significant reductions in two GFAP isoforms [39]. Inconsistent findings may result from: 1) MDD comorbidity, which is often associated with glial loss; 2) age variation, as older patients have increased GFAP-positive astroglia [35,42,50]; 3) regional [150] and cortical layer variability [48]; 4) treatment with antipsychotic drugs, as experimental studies show both reduced [152] and increased [153] astroglial-density related to chronic antipsychotic treatment [70]; and 5) disease state (for example, suicidal versus non-suicidal behavior) [154]. Post-mortem studies documented oligodendroglial loss [54,56,60-65,148,155,156], particularly in the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and hippocampus [148]. Ultrastructural examination of the prefrontal region showed abnormally myelinated fibers in both gray and white matter; both age and duration of illness were positively correlated with the white matter abnormalities [157].

In contrast to neurodegenerative disorders that are commonly associated with astroglial proliferation [136], psychiatric disorders are instead associated with either reduced or unchanged astroglial density [138]. The lack of increased glial density in early-onset psychiatric disorders [44,138] may reflect the slower rate of degenerative progression in psychiatric illnesses [138].

We postulate that degenerative changes associated with psychiatric disorders are subtler and not severe enough to provoke astroglial intracellular transcription factors that positively regulate astrogliosis, including signal transducer activator of transcription 3 and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-?B) [136].

While the majority of post-mortem studies focused on the alteration of glial density in MDD, BPD, and schizophrenia, others described alteration of glial cell morphology, with mixed findings. In MDD and BPD, glial size is either increased or unchanged [55]. One study found reduced glial size in BPD and schizophrenia but not in MDD [43]. A post-mortem study of depressed patients who committed suicide found increased astroglial size in the anterior cingulate white matter but not in the cortex [158]. One study in schizophrenic subjects found markedly decreased astroglial size in layer V of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, notwithstanding that astroglial density is double that of controls in the same layer [48]. The mixed results may partially reflect earlier studies of glial alterations in psychiatric illnesses that did not specify astroglia versus oligodendroglia [148].

Glial loss in psychiatric illnesses may contribute to neuroinflammation through several mechanisms, including abnormal cytokine levels (see Cytokine section), dysregulated glutamate metabolism (see Glutamate section), elevated S100B protein (see S100B section),�and altered BBB function (see Blood brain barrier section), resulting in impaired cognition and behavior [44,45,54,133,159].

Microglial Histopathology

Microglia are the resident immune cells of the CNS. They provide ongoing immune surveillance and regulate developmental synaptic pruning [160,161]. CNS injury transforms ramified resting microglia into activated elongated rod-shaped and macrophage-like phagocytic amoeboid cells that proliferate and migrate towards the site of injury along chemotactic gradients (that is, micro- glial activation and proliferation (MAP)) [161]. Human microglial cells express NMDARs that may mediate MAP leading to neuronal injury [162].

In MDD, BPD and schizophrenia, the results of post- mortem studies investigating the presence of MAP are mixed. Post-mortem studies revealed elevated MAP in only one out of five MDD subjects [67]. In some BPD disorder patients, increased human leukocyte antigen-DR-positive microglia displaying thickened processes were documented in the frontal cortex [69]. In schizophrenia, while some studies reported elevated MAP relative to controls, others showed no difference between groups [22,67,70]. In a post-mortem study assessing MAP in MDD and BPD; quinolinic acid-positive microglial cell density was in- creased in the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex and anterior midcingulate cortex of MDD and BPD patients who committed suicide relative to controls [53]. Post-hoc ana- lysis revealed this increased MAP was solely attributable to MDD and not BPD, since the positive microglial immuno-staining in MDD subjects was significantly greater than that in the BPD subgroup in both the subgenual anterior cingulate and midcingulate cortices, and since the microglia density was similar in both BPD and control groups [53]. A study comparing all three disorders (nine MDD, five BPD, fourteen schizophrenia, ten healthy controls) demonstrated no significant difference in microglial density across the four groups [68].

These mixed results may be attributed to variable microglial immunological markers used among different studies [70] and/or the failure to control for disease severity [22,53,68]. Notably, three post-mortem studies of MDD and schizophrenic subjects documented a strong positive correlation between MAP and suicidality in the anterior cingulate cortex and mediodorsal thalamus, in- dependent of psychiatric diagnosis [22,53,68]. Thus, MAP may be a state rather than a trait marker for MDD and schizophrenia.

In OCD, animal models suggest that dysfunction and reduction of certain microglial phenotypes, such as those expressing the Hoxb8 gene, which encodes homeobox transcription factor, can cause OCD-like behavior [71,72].

Hoxb8 knockout mice exhibit excessive grooming behavior and anxiety in association with reduced microglial density [71,72]. This excessive grooming behavior resembles the behavioral characteristics of human OCD. Hoxb8 injection in adult Hoxb8 knockout mice reverses microglial loss and restores normal behavior [71,72]. The role of these specific microglial phenotypes in human OCD is unclear.

Experimental data suggest that MAP comprises distinctive harmful and neuroprotective phenotypes (Figure 2). Harmful microglia do not express major histocompatibility complex II (MHC-II) and, therefore, cannot act as antigen presenting cells (APC) [163,164]; they promote deleterious effects [17,69,165] through proinflammatory cytokine production, nitric oxide synthase signaling [17,166], promoting glial and BBB-pericyte/endothelial cyclooxygenase- 2 (COX-2) expression [167], inducing astroglial S100B secretion (see S100B section), and microglial glutamate release [17,136,168,169]. Harmful microglia also secrete prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2) that promotes proinflammatory cytokines production, which in turn increases PGE-2 levels in a feed-forward cycle [29]. Further, PGE-2 stimulates COX-2 expression, which mediates the conversion of arachidonic acid to PGE-2, setting up another feed-forward cycle [29].

Neuroprotective microglia by contrast can: 1) express MHC-II in vivo and in vitro [163,166] and act as cognate APC (Figure 2) [163,164,166]; 2) facilitate healing and limit neuronal injury by promoting secretion of antiinflammatory cytokines [17], brain-derived neurotrophic factor [17], and insulin-like growth factor-1 [166]; and 3) express excitatory amino acid transporter-2 (EAAT2) that eliminates excess extracellular glutamate [163,166], and promotes neuroprotective T lymphocytic autoimmunity (Figure 2) [163,164]. However, more studies are needed to confirm the contributory role of neuroprotective microglia to neuropsychiatric disorders in humans.


In vitro animal studies suggest that the ratio of harmful versus neuroprotective microglia can be influenced by the net effect of inflammatory counter-regulatory mechanisms [15,74,164,166]. These mechanisms include the number of neuroprotective CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T regulatory cells ((T regs) Figure 1) [15,74,164,166] and brain cytokine levels; low IFN-? levels may promote neuroprotective microglia (Figure 2) [166], whereas high levels can promote the harmful phenotype [166].

The Role Of Cytokines

Proinflammatory cytokines include IL-1?, IL-2, IL-6, TNF-? and IFN-?. They are secreted primarily by micro- glia, Th1 lymphocytes and M1 phenotype monocytes/ macrophages (Figure 1) [15,170]. They promote harmful inflammation. Antiinflammatory cytokines include IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10. They are primarily secreted by astroglia,�Th2 lymphocytes, T regs and M2 phenotype monocytes/ macrophages [15,52,74]. They can limit harmful inflammation [15,74] by converting the proinflammatory M1-pheno- type into the beneficial antiinflammatory M2-phenotype [15], and potentially by promoting the neuroprotective microglial phenotype [15,17,74,163,166]. The role of proinflammatory/antiinflammatory cytokines in psychiatric dis- orders is supported by several lines of evidence (Figure 1, Table 2) [15,17,29,52,74].

In MDD, the most recent meta-analysis (29 studies, 822 MDD, 726 healthy controls) of serum proinflammatory cytokines confirmed that soluble IL-2 receptor, IL-6 and TNF-? levels are increased in MDD (trait markers) [91], while, IL-1?, IL-2, IL-4, IL-8 and IL-10, are not statistically different from controls [91]. In a primary cytokine study comparing MDD subgroups (47 suicidal- MDD, 17 non-suicidal MDD, 16 health controls), both sera IL-6 and TNF-? were significantly higher, while IL-2 levels were significantly lower in MDD subjects who committed suicide relative to both other groups [96]. This finding suggests that IL-6 and TNF-? are also state markers of MDD [96]. The decrease of serum IL-2 levels associated with acute suicidal behavior may reflect increased binding to its upregulated receptor in the brain; parallel to the aforementioned meta-analysis showing increased soluble IL-2 receptor in MDD [91]. Studies investigating the clinical significance of cytokines in MDD showed that serum cytokine levels are elevated during acute depressive episodes [171,172] and normalized following successful, but not failed, treatment with antidepressants [17] and electro- convulsive therapy [29]; these findings suggest a possible pathogenic role for cytokines.

In BPD, serum cytokine alterations were summarized in a recent review; TNF-?, IL-6 and IL-8 are elevated during manic and depressive phases, whereas IL-2, IL-4 and IL-6 are elevated during mania [92]. Other studies showed that sera IL-1? and IL-1 receptor levels are not statistically different from healthy controls [92], although tissue studies documented increased levels of IL-1? and IL-1 receptor in the BPD frontal cortex [69].

In schizophrenia, results from studies investigating cytokine abnormalities are conflicting (Table 2). While some studies found both decreased serum proinflammatory (IL-2, IFN-?) and increased serum and CSF antiinflammatory cytokines (IL-10) [52], others found elevated serum pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines, with a proinflammatory type dominance [22,173,174]. One cytokine meta-analysis (62 studies, 2,298 schizophrenia, 858 healthy controls) showed increased levels of IL-1R antagonist, sIL-2R and IL-6 [174]. However, this study did not account for the use of antipsychotics, which is thought to enhance proinflammatory cytokine production [52]. A more recent cytokine meta-analysis (40 studies, 2,572 schizophrenics,�4,401 controls) that accounted for antipsychotics, found that TNF-?, IFN-?, IL-12 and sIL-2R are consistently elevated in chronic schizophrenia independent of disease activity (trait markers), while IL-1?, IL-6 and transforming growth factor beta positively correlate with disease activity (state markers)[173]. Cell cultures of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from schizophrenic patients produced higher levels of IL-8 and IL-1? spontaneously as well as after stimulation by LPS, suggesting a role for activated monocytes/macrophages in schizophrenia pathology [175].

In OCD, results from a random survey of sera and CSF cytokines, and LPS-stimulated PBMC studies, are inconsistent [93-95,176-179]. There is a correlation between OCD and a functional polymorphism in the promoter region of the TNF-? gene [34], although low-powered studies did not confirm this association [180]. Therefore, the mixed results from studies documenting either increased or decreased TNF-? cytokine levels [93,176-178] may reflect their variable inclusion of the subset of OCD subjects with this particular polymorphism in their cohorts.

Cytokine Response Polarization In Major Depression & Schizophrenia

Cytokine response phenotypes are classified as either proinflammatory Th1 (IL-2, IFN-?) or antiinflammatory Th2 (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10) according to the immune functions they regulate. While Th1 cytokines regulate cell-mediated immunity directed against intra-cellular antigens, Th2 cytokines regulate humoral immunity directed against extra- cellular antigens [29,52]. Th1 cytokines are produced by Th1 lymphocytes and M1 monocytes whereas Th2 cytokines are produced by Th2 lymphocytes and M2 monocytes [29,52]. In the brain, microglia predominantly secrete Th1 cytokines, whereas astroglia predominately secrete Th2 cytokines [29,52]. The reciprocal ratio of Th1:Th2 cytokines, henceforth �Th1-Th2 seesaw,� is influenced by the proportion of activated microglia (excess Th1) to astroglia (excess Th2) and the interplay between activated T cells and excessive CNS glutamate levels that we hypothesized to favor Th1 response (Figure 2) [29,163,166].

The Th1-Th2 seesaw imbalance can influence trypto- phan metabolism by altering its enzymes [21,52] thereby shifting tryptophan catabolism towards kynurenine (KYN) and KYN catabolism towards either of its two down- stream metabolites; microglia quinolinic acid that is Th1 response-mediated or astroglial kynurenic acid (KYNA) (Figure 1) that is Th2 response-mediated [21,29,170].

Tryptophan metabolism enzymes affected by Th1-Th2 seesaw include (Figure 1): indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) expressed by microglia and astroglia, the rate-limiting enzymes that mediate the conversion of trypto- phan to KYN and serotonin to 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid�[21,29]. Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (KMO), solely expressed by microglia, is the rate-limiting enzyme that converts KYN to 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-OH-KYN), which is further metabolized to quinolinic acid [21,29]. Tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase (TDO), expressed solely by astroglia, is the rate-limiting enzyme that converts�tryptophan to KYN [21,29]. Kynurenine aminotransferase (KAT), expressed primarily in astroglial processes, is the rate-limiting enzyme that mediates the conversion of KYN to KYNA [21,29].

Th1 cytokines activate microglial IDO and KMO, shifting microglial KYN catabolism towards quinolinic�acid (NMDAR agonist) synthesis, while Th2 cytokines in- activate microglial IDO and KMO, shifting astroglial KYN catabolism towards TDO- and KAT-mediated KYNA (NMDAR antagonist) synthesis (Figure 1) [21,29].

Th1 and Th2 predominant immunophenotypes have been proposed for MDD and schizophrenia, respectively, based on peripheral, rather than CNS, cytokines patterns [52,173]. We believe that peripheral cytokines patterns are unreliable surrogate markers of those in the CNS. Indeed, peripheral cytokine levels can be influenced by many extra-CNS variables, which are not consistently controlled for in several of the peripheral cytokines studies, including: 1) age, body mass index, psychotropic medications, smoking, stress and circadian fluctuations; 2) the influence of�disease activity/state on the production of selected cytokines synthesis [95,173]; and 3) the effects of psychotropic agents on cytokines production [52]. The short half-lives and the rapid turnover of serum cytokines [181] (for ex- ample, 18 minutes for TNF-? [182] versus 60 minutes for IL-10 [183]), may further limit the reliability of interpreting their levels measured from random sera sampling.

In MDD, there is a consensus that a proinflammatory Th1 immunophenotype response predominates (Table 2) [17,29]. High levels of quinolinic acid in post-mortem MDD brains [53], suggest the presence of an upregulated Th1 response (Figure 1) [21,29]. Elevated CNS quinolinic acid can promote calcium influx mediated apoptosis of human astroglia [184], which hypothetically may blunt the�astroglia-derived Th2 response [29], tipping Th1 versus Th2 seesaw balance in favor of the microglial Th1 response. CNS hyposerotonergia [29] adds further support to an excess Th1 response, which is shown to reduce CNS serotonin synthesis [185] and to increase its degradation (Figure 1) [21,29].

CNS hyperglutamatergia may also contribute to an excess Th1 response in the brain (Figure 2). An in vitro study suggests that the peripheral resting T lymphocytes constitutively express metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) [164], whose binding to glutamate inhibits lymphocytic IL-6 release, thereby downregulating auto- reactive T-effector cell proliferation [164]. Activated T lymphocytes, but not resting T lymphocytes, can cross the BBB [37].

Experimental data suggest that the interaction between T cell receptors of activated T lymphocytes and their cognate antigen presenting cells can downregulate mGluR5 and induce mGluR1 expressions [164]. In animal models, binding of excess glutamate to lymphocytic mGluR1 receptors promotes production of Th1 cytokines, including IFN-? [164].

We hypothesize that in some MDD patients, parallel to experimental data [164], the binding of excess CNS glutamate to induced lymphocytic mGluR1 receptors may contribute to an excess Th1 response, including IFN-? (Figure 2). We speculate that IFN-? in a small quantity, similar to its in vitro effects on microglia [166], may induce microglial expression of MHC-II and EAAT2 [163,166], allowing microglia to serve as cognate antigen presenting cells and to provide glutamate reuptake function [163,164,166], thereby transforming harmful microglia into neuroprotective phenotype [163,166] that participate in eliminating excess extracellular glutamate [163,164,166]. Therefore, we also hypothesize that excess Th1 response in subgroups of MDD patients is a double-edged sword, promoting harmful inflammation and serving as a beneficial counter- regulatory mechanism that may limit excess glutamate- related neuroexcitotoxicity (Figure 2).

In schizophrenia, while some peripheral cytokine studies suggest the predominance of an antiinflammatory Th2 immunophenotype/response [52], others refute this [173,174]. However, we agree with the authors who hypothesized that the Th2 response is the dominant phenotype in schizophrenia [52]. Elevated brain, CSF, and serum levels of KYNA [21,52] suggest downregulation of micro-glial IDO and KMO, which is a function of Th2 response that shifts astroglial KYN catabolism towards KYNA synthesis (Figure 1) [21,52]. Reduced KMO activity and KMO mRNA expression in post-mortem schizophrenic brains [73] is consistent with excess Th2 response (Figure 1). Increased prevalence of Th2-mediated humoral immunity abnormalities in subgroups of schizophrenia patients�as evidenced by increased B cell counts [21,76], increased�production of autoantibodies including antiviral antibodies [76] and increased immunoglobulin E [52]�adds further support to the Th2 response dominance hypothesis.

Neuroinflammation & CNS Glutamate Dysregulation

Glutamate mediates cognition and behavior [186]. Syn- aptic glutamate levels are regulated by high-affinity sodium-dependent glial and neuronal EAATs, namely, the XAG- system responsible for glutamate reuptake/ aspartate release [137,164] and the sodium-independent astroglial glutamate/cystine antiporter system (Xc-) responsible for glutamate release/cystine reuptake [164]. Astroglial EAAT1 and EAAT2 provide more than 90% of glutamate re-uptake [79].

Neuroinflammation can alter glutamate metabolism and the function of its transporters [15,29,187,188], producing cognitive, behavioral, and psychiatric impairments [15,21,29,79,186,188,189]. Abnormalities of EAATs function/expression and glutamate metabolism in MDD, BPD, schizophrenia, and OCD are summarized in Table 2.

In MDD, there is evidence for cortical hyperglutamatergia (Table 2). Cortical glutamate levels correlated positively with the severity of depressive symptoms, and a five-week course of antidepressants decreased serum glutamate concentrations [85,86]. A single dose of ketamine, a potent NMDAR antagonist, can reverse refractory MDD for a week [17,21,29,85]. Excess CNS glutamate levels can induce neurotoxicity-mediated inflammation [163,164,188], including a proinflammatory Th1 response (Figure 2) [164].

Limited in vitro evidence suggests that inflammation/ proinflammatory cytokines can increase CNS glutamate levels [188] in a feed-forward cycle through several potential mechanisms: 1) proinflammatory cytokines can inhibit [15,17,168] and reverse [45,137] astroglial EAAT-mediated glutamate reuptake function; 2) proinflammatory cytokines can enhance microglial quinolinic acid synthesis [53], which has been experimentally shown to promote synaptosomal glutamate release [15,17,29,190]; 3) increased COX-2/PGE-2 and TNF-? levels can induce calcium influx [137], which, based on in vitro data, may increase astroglial glutamate and D-serine release [191]; and 4) activated microglia can express excess Xc- antiporter systems that mediate glutamate release [164,192].

In schizophrenia, prefrontal cortical hypoglutamatergia [87,90,193,194] (Table 2) and reduced NMDAR functionality are found [5]. Recent H1 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) meta-analysis (28 studies, 647 schizophrenia, 608 control) confirmed decreased glutamate and increased glutamine levels in the medial frontal cortex [90]. The contributory role of inflammation to hypoglutamatergia is not proven. Elevated KYNA synthesis in schizophrenia brains [21,52], typically a function of Th2 response (Figure 1), can inhibit NR1 subunit of NMDAR and alpha 7 nicotinic�acetylcholine receptor (?7nAchR) [195], leading to decreased NMDAR function and reduced ?7nAchR-mediated glutamate release [195].

In BPD and OCD, data suggest CNS cortical hyper- glutamatergia in both disorders (Table 2) [78,84,88,131]. The contribution of inflammation (BPD and OCD) and autoantibodies (OCD)[7,77,84,88,130] to increased CNS glutamate levels requires further investigation.

The Role Of S100B

S100B is a 10 kDa calcium-binding protein produced by astroglia, oligodendroglia, and choroid plexus ependymal cells [196]. It mediates its effects on the surrounding neurons and glia via the receptor for advanced glycation end-product [196]. Nanomolar extracellular S100B levels provide beneficial neurotrophic effects, limit stress-related neuronal injury, inhibit microglial TNF-? release, and increase astroglial glutamate reuptake [196]. Micromolar S100B concentrations, predominantly produced by activated astroglia and lymphocytes [196,197], have harmful effects transduced by receptor for advanced glycation end product that include neuronal apoptosis, production of COX-2/PGE-2, IL-1? and inducible nitric oxide species, and upregulation of monocytic/microglial TNF-? secretion [21,196,198].

Serum and, particularly, CSF and brain tissue S100B levels are indicators of glial (predominantly astroglial) activation [199]. In MDD and psychosis, serum S100B levels positively correlate with the severity of suicidality, independent of psychiatric diagnosis [200]. Post-mortem analysis of S100B showed decreased levels in the dorso- lateral prefrontal cortex of MDD and BPD, and in- creased levels in the parietal cortex of BPD [196].

Meta-analysis (193 mood disorder, 132 healthy controls) confirmed elevated serum and CSF S100B levels in mood disorders, particularly during acute depressive episodes and mania [201].

In schizophrenia, brain, CSF and serum S100B levels are elevated [199,202]. Meta-analysis (12 studies, 380 schizophrenia, 358 healthy controls) confirmed elevated serum S100B levels in schizophrenia [203]. In post-mortem brains of schizophrenia subjects, S100B-immunoreactive astroglia are found in areas implicated in schizophrenia, including anterior cingulate cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex and hippocampi [154]. Elevated S100B levels correlate with paranoid [154] and negativistic psychosis [204], impaired cognition, poor therapeutic response and duration of illness [202]. Genetic polymorphisms in S100B [32] and receptor for advanced glycation end-product genes in schizophrenia cohorts (Table 2) [32,33,205] suggest these abnormalities are likely primary/ pathogenic rather than secondary/biomarkers. Indeed, the decrease in serum S100B levels following treatment with antidepressants [201] and antipsychotics [196] suggests�some clinical relevance of S100B to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders.

Neuroinflammation & Increased Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is a condition in which an excess of oxidants damages or modifies biological macromolecules such as lipids, proteins and DNA [206-209]. This excess results from increased oxidant production, decreased oxidant elimination, defective antioxidant defenses, or some combination thereof [206-209]. The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress due to: 1) elevated amounts of peroxidizable polyunsaturated fatty acids; 2) relatively high content of trace minerals that induce lipid peroxidation and oxygen radicals (for example, iron, copper); 3) high oxygen utilization; and 3) limited anti-oxidation mechanisms [206,207].

Excess oxidative stress can occur in MDD [206], BPD [206,207], schizophrenia [207,209], and OCD [206,208]. Peripheral markers of oxidative disturbances include increased lipid peroxidation products (for example, malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal), increased nitric oxide (NO) metabolites, decreased antioxidants (for example, glutathione) and altered antioxidant enzyme levels [206,207].

In MDD, increased superoxide radical anion production correlates with increased oxidation-mediated neutrophil apoptosis [206]. Serum levels of antioxidant enzymes (for example, superoxide dismutase-1) are elevated during acute depressive episodes and normalize after selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) treatment [206]. This suggests that in MDD, serum antioxidant enzyme levels are a state marker, which may reflect a compensatory mechanism that counteracts acute increases in oxidative stress. [206]. In schizophrenia by contrast, CSF soluble superoxide dismutase-1 levels are substantially decreased in early-onset schizophrenic patients relative to chronic schizophrenic patients and healthy controls. This suggests that reduced brain antioxidant enzyme levels may contribute to oxidative damage in acute schizophrenia [210], though larger studies are needed to confirm this finding.

Several additional experimental and human studies examined in more detail the mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of increased oxidative stress in psychiatric disorders [206-262]. In animal models of depression, brain levels of glutathione are reduced while lipid peroxidation and NO levels are increased [206,262].

Postmortem studies show reduced brain levels of total glutathione in MDD, BPD [206] and schizophrenic subjects [206,207]. Fibroblasts cultured from MDD patients show increased oxidative stress independent of glutathione levels [262], arguing against a primary role of glutathione depletion as the major mechanism of oxidative stress in depression.

Microglial activation may increase oxidative stress through its production of proinflammatory cytokines and NO [206-209]. Proinflammatory cytokines and high NO levels may promote reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, which in turn accelerates lipid peroxidation, damaging membrane phospholipids and their membrane-bound monoamine neurotransmitter receptors and depleting endogenous antioxidants. Increased ROS products can enhance microglial activation and increase proinflammatory production via stimulating NF-?B [208], which in turn perpetuates oxidative injury [208], creating the potential for a pathological positive feedback loop in some psychiatric disorders [206-209]. Although neuroinflammation can increase brain glutamate levels [85,86], the role of glutamatergic hyperactivity as a cause of oxidative stress remains unsubstantiated [207].

Mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to increased oxidative stress in MDD, BPD and schizophrenia [206]. Postmortem studies in these disorders reveal abnormalities in mitochondrial DNA, consistent with the high prevalence of psychiatric disturbances in primary mitochondrial disorders [206]. In vitro animal studies show that proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-?, can reduce mitochondrial density and impair mitochondrial oxidative metabolism [211,212], leading to increased ROS production [206,213]. These experimental findings may imply mechanistic links among neuroinflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress [206,213], meriting further investigation of these intersecting pathogenic pathways in human psychiatric disorders.

The vulnerability of neural tissue to oxidative damage varies among different psychiatric disorders based on the neuroanatomical, neurochemical and molecular pathways involved in the specific disorder [207]. Treatment effects may also be critical, as preliminary evidence suggests that antipsychotics, SSRIs and mood stabilizers possess antioxidant properties [206,207,262]. The therapeutic role of adjuvant antioxidants (for example, vitamins C and E) in psychiatric disorder remains to be substantiated by high- powered randomized clinical trials. N-acetylcysteine shows the most promising results to-date, with several randomized placebo-controlled trials demonstrating its efficacy in MDD, BPD and schizophrenia [207].

Blood�Brain Barrier Dysfunction

The BBB secures the brain�s immune-privileged status by restricting the entry of peripheral inflammatory mediators, including cytokines and antibodies that can impair neurotransmission [214,215]. The hypothesis of BBB breakdown and its role in some psychiatric patients [60,214,216,217] is consistent with the increased prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity in diseases associated with its dysfunction, including SLE [97], stroke [11],�epilepsy [218] and autoimmune encephalitides (Table 1). An elevated �CSF:serum albumin ratio� in patients with MDD and schizophrenia suggests increased BBB permeability [214].

In one study (63 psychiatric subjects, 4,100 controls), CSF abnormalities indicative of BBB-damage were detected in 41% of psychiatric subjects (14 MDD and BPD, 14 schizophrenia), including intrathecal synthesis of IgG, IgM, and/or IgA, mild CSF pleocytosis (5 to 8 cells per mm3) and the presence of up to four IgG oligoclonal bands [216]. One post-mortem ultrastructural study in schizophrenia revealed BBB ultrasructural abnormalities in the prefrontal and visual cortices, which included vacuolar degeneration of endothelial cells, astroglial-end-foot- processes, and thickening and irregularity of the basal lamina [60]. However, in this study, the authors did not comment on the potential contribution of postmortem changes to their findings. Another study investigating transcriptomics of BBB endothelial cells in schizophrenic brains identified significant differences among genes influencing immunological function, which were not detected in controls [217].

Oxidation-mediated endothelial dysfunction may con- tribute to the pathophysiology of BBB dysfunction in psychiatric disorders. Indirect evidence from clinical and experimental studies in depression [219] and, to a lesser extent, in schizophrenia [220] suggests that increased oxidation may contribute to endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction may represent a shared mechanism accounting for the known association between depression and cardiovascular disease [219,221], which may be related to decreased levels of vasodilator NO [221-223]. Experimental studies suggest that reduced endothelial NO levels are mechanistically linked to the uncoupling of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) from its essential co-factor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), shifting its substrate from L- arginine to oxygen [224-226]. Uncoupled eNOS promotes synthesis of ROS (for example, superoxide) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) (for example, peroxynitrite; a product of the interaction of superoxide with NO) [227] rather than NO, leading to oxidation-mediated endothelial dysfunction [224-226].

Animal data showed that SSRIs could restore deficient endothelial NO levels [219], suggesting that anti-oxidative mechanisms may contribute to their antidepressant effects. In humans, L-methylfolate may potentiate anti- depressant effects of SSRIs [228], putatively by increasing levels of BH4, which is an essential cofactor for eNOS re- coupling-mediated anti-oxidation [229], as well as for the rate-limiting enzymes of monoamine (that is, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine) synthesis [228].

Taken together, both the recent work emphasizing the role of uncoupled eNOS-induced oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases [230,231] and the�epidemiological studies establishing depression as an in- dependent risk factor for vascular pathologies, such as stroke and heart disease [219,221], add further support to the clinical relevance of uncoupled eNOS-mediated endothelial oxidative damage in depression. Despite abundant evidence for cytokine abnormalities in human psychiatric illnesses and the experimental data showing that proinflammatory cytokines can reduce eNOS expression [212] and increase BBB permeability [215], human evidence that directly links excess proinflammatory cytokines to eNOS dysfunction and/or BBB impairment is lacking.

Imaging & Treating Inflammation In Psychiatric Illness

Imaging Neuroinflammation In Situ

Clinically, neuroinflammation imaging may prove to be crucial for identifying the subgroup of psychiatric patients with neuroinflammation who would be most likely to respond favorably to immunomodulatory therapies. Additionally, such imaging may allow clinicians to monitor neuroinflammation-related disease activity and its response to immune therapy in psychiatric patients. Imaging inflammation in the human brain has traditionally depended upon MRI or CT visualization of extravagated intravenous contrast agents, indicating localized breakdown of the BBB. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI occasionally demonstrates such breakdown in the limbic regions associated with emotional processing in patients with psychiatric dis- orders attributable to paraneoplastic or other encephalitides [107,109,113]. To our knowledge, however, abnormal enhancement has never been demonstrated in any classical psychiatric disorder [21,214,232], despite functional [214,216] and ultrastructural BBB abnormalities [60].

Whether or not subtler neuroinflammation can be visualized in vivo in classical psychiatric disorders remains unknown. One promising technique is positron emission tomography (PET) using radiotracers, such as C11- PK11195, which bind to the translocator protein, previously known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, expressed by activated microglia [233,234].

Using this method, patients with schizophrenia were shown to have greater microglial activation throughout the cortex [235] and in the hippocampus during acute psychosis [236]. One study (14 schizophrenia, 14 controls) found no significant difference between [11C] DAA1106 binding in schizophrenia versus controls, but a direct correlation between [11C] DAA1106 binding and the severity of positive symptoms and illness duration in schizophrenia [236].

Investigators from our institution utilized C11-PK11195 PET to demonstrate bi-hippocampal inflammation in a patient with neuropsychiatric dysfunction, including psychotic MDD, epilepsy, and anterograde amnesia, associated with anti-GAD antibodies [237]. However, PK11195 PET has�low signal-to-noise properties and requires an on-site cyclotron.

Accordingly, research is being devoted to developing improved translocator protein ligands for PET and SPECT. Future high-powered post-mortem brain tissues studies utilizing protein quantification aimed at elucidating metabolic and inflammatory pathways, CNS cytokines and their binding receptors, in psychiatric disorders are needed to advance our understanding of the autoimmune pathophysiology.

Role Of Antiinflammatory Drugs In Psychiatric Disorders

Several human and animal studies suggest that certain antiinflammatory drugs may play an important adjunctive role in the treatment of psychiatric disorders (Table 3). Common drugs are cyclooxygenase inhibitors (Table 3) [238-245], minocycline (Table 3) [240-245], omega-3 fatty acids [246,247], and neurosteroids [248].

neuroinflammation table 3Several human studies showed that COX-2 inhibitors could ameliorate psychiatric symptoms of MDD, BPD, schizophrenia and OCD (Table 3) [248]. By contrast, adjunctive treatment with non-selective COX-inhibitors (that is, non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)) may reduce the efficacy of SSRIs [249,250]; two large trials reported that exposure to NSAIDs (but not to either selective COX-2 inhibitors or salicylates) was associated with a significant worsening of depression among a sub- set of study participants [249,250].

In the first trial, involving 1,258 depressed patients treated with citalopram for 12 weeks, the rate of remission was significantly lower among those who had taken NSAIDs at least once relative to those who had not (45% versus 55%, OR 0.64, P = 0.0002) [249]. The other trial, involving 1,545 MDD subjects, showed the rate of treatment- resistant depression was significantly higher among those taking NSAIDs (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.21 to 2.00) [231]. The worsening of depression in the NSAID groups may not be mechanistically linked to NSAID therapy but instead re- lated to co-existing chronic medical conditions [10,12-18] that necessitate long-term NSAIDs and which are known to be independently associated with increased risk of treatment-resistant depression [249,251]. Future studies investigating the impact of NSAIDs on depression and response to antidepressants in humans are needed.

In other experimental studies utilizing acute-stress paradigms to induce a depression-like state in mice, citalopram increased TNF-?, IFN-?, and p11 (molecular factor linked to depressive behavior in animals) in the frontal cortex, while the NSAID ibuprofen decreased these molecules; NSAIDs also attenuated the antidepressant effects of SSRIs but not other antidepressants [249]. These findings suggest that proinflammatory cytokines may paradoxically exert antidepressant effects despite overwhelming evidence from�human studies to the contrary (as reviewed above), which can be attenuated by NSAIDs [249]. At least two considerations may account for this apparent paradox: 1) under some experimental conditions, proinflammatory cytokines have been associated with a neuroprotective role, [251; (for�example, IFN-? in low levels can induce neuroprotective microglia (Figure 2) [163,166,251]); and 2) whether these responses observed in the context of an acute stress paradigm in an animal model are applicable to endogenous MDD in humans remains unclear [251].

The therapeutic effects of COX-2 inhibitors in psychiatric disorders may involve modulation of biosynthesis of COX-2-derived prostaglandins, including proinflammatory PGE2 and antiinflammatory 15-deoxy-?12,14-PGJ2 (15d- PGJ2) [252,253]. COX-2 inhibitors can reduce PGE2- mediated inflammation, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders [252,253]. They may also alter the levels 15d-PGJ2, and the activity of its nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated nuclear receptor gamma (PPAR-?) [252,253].

Several studies suggest that 15d-PGJ2 and its nuclear receptor PPAR-? can serve as biological markers for schizophrenia [253]. In schizophrenic patients, serum PGE2 levels are increased, whereas serum levels of 15d- PGJ2 are decreased, as is the expression of its nuclear receptor PPAR-? in PBMC [252]. While COX-2 inhibitors may limit the potentially beneficial antiinflammatory effects of the COX-2�dependent �15d-PGJ2/PPAR-? path- way�, they may advantageously reduce its harmful effects, including 1) the increased risk for myocardial infarction and certain infections (for example, cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma gondii) in schizophrenic patients [254] and 2) its pro-apoptotic effects observed in human and ani- mal cancer tissue [255]. Other potential mechanisms of COX-2 inhibitors therapeutic effects may involve their ability to reduce proinflammatory cytokine levels [163], limit quinolinic acid excitotoxicity (as in MDD) and de- crease KYNA levels (as in schizophrenia) [128].

Minocycline can be effective in psychiatric disorders (Table 3) [248]. In vitro data suggest that minocycline inhibits MAP, cytokine secretion,�COX-2/PGE-2 expression,� and inducible nitric oxide synthase [256]. Minocycline may also counteract dysregulated glutamatergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission [256].

Omega-3 fatty acid effectiveness in psychiatric disorders is unclear [248]. In a 2011 meta-analysis of 15 randomized- controlled trials (916 MDD), omega-3 supplements containing eicosapentaenoic acid ?60% (dose range 200 to 2,200 mg/d in excess of the docosahexaenoic acid dose) significantly decreased depressive symptoms as an adjunctive therapy to SRIs (P <0.001) [246]. A subsequent meta- analysis, however, concluded that there is no significant benefit of omega-3 fatty acids in depression and that the purported efficacy is merely a result of publication bias [247]. A 2012 meta-analysis of 5 randomized-controlled trials including 291 BPD participants found that depressive, but not manic, symptoms were significantly improved among those randomized to omega-3 fatty acids relative to those taking placebo (Hedges g 0.34, P = 0.025) [257]. In a randomized controlled trial of schizophrenic subjects followed up to 12 months, both positive and negative symptom scores were significantly decreased among the 66 participants randomized to long-chain omega-3 (1.2 g/day for 12 weeks; P = 0.02 and 0.01, respectively) [258]; the�authors concluded that omega-3 augmentation during the early course of schizophrenia can also prevent relapses and disease progression [258].

A 2012 meta-analysis of seven randomized-controlled trials assessing omega-3 augmentation in 168 schizo- phrenic patients found no benefit of treatment [259]. The authors of this meta-analysis specifically stated that no conclusion could be drawn regarding the relapse prevention or disease progression endpoints [259]. Experimental data suggest that eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid mediate their antiinflammatory effects by promoting synthesis of resolvins and protectins, which can inhibit leukocyte infiltration and reduce cytokine production [248].

Neurosteroids, including pregnenolone and its down- stream metabolite allopregnanolone, may have a beneficial role in some psychiatric disorders [248,260]. In MDD, several studies found decreased plasma/CSF allopregnanolone levels correlating with symptom severity, which normalized after successful treatment with certain antidepressants (for example, SSRIs), and electroconvulsive therapy [261]. In schizophrenia, brain pregnenolone levels can be altered [248] and serum allopregnanolone levels may increase after some antipsychotic drugs (for example, clozapine and olanzapine) [260]. In three randomized-controlled trials (100 schizophrenia (pooled); treatment duration, approximately nine weeks) positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms, as well as extrapyramidal side effects of antipsy- chotics were significantly improved in one or more trials among those randomized to pregnenolone relative to those receiving placebo [248]. In one trial, the improvement was sustained with long-term pregnenolone treatment [248]. Pregnenolone can regulate cognition and behavior by potentiating the function of NMDA and GABAA receptors [248]. Furthermore, allopregnanolone may exert neuroprotective and antiinflammatory effects [248]. More RCT studies are needed to confirm the beneficial role of neuroactive steroids in early-onset psychiatric disorders in humans.

We are awaiting the results of several ongoing clinical trials investigating the therapeutic effects of other anti-inflammatory agents, including salicylate, an inhibitor of NF-?B (NCT01182727); acetylsalicylic acid (NCT01320982); pravastatin (NCT1082588); and dextromethorphan, a non-competitive NMDAR antagonist that can limit inflammation-induced dopaminergic neuronal injury (NCT01189006).

Future Treatment Strategies

Although current immune therapies (for example, IVIG, plasmapheresis, corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents) are often effective for treating autoimmune encephalitides wherein inflammation is acute, intense and predominately of adaptive origin, their efficacy in classical psychiatric disorders wherein inflammation is chronic,�much milder, and predominately of innate origin, is limited [2]. Development of novel therapeutics should aim at reversing glial loss [46,138], down-regulating harmful MAP, while optimizing endogenous neuroprotective T regs and beneficial MAP, rather than indiscriminately sup- pressing inflammation as occurs with current immunosuppressive agents. Additionally, development of potent co-adjuvant antioxidants that would reverse oxidative injury in psychiatric disorders is needed.


Autoimmunity can cause a host of neuropsychiatric disorders that may initially present with isolated psychiatric symptoms. Innate inflammation/autoimmunity may be relevant to the pathogenesis of psychiatric symptoms in a subset of patients with classical psychiatric disorders. Innate inflammation may be mechanistically linked to the traditional monoaminergic and glutamatergic abnormalities and increased oxidative injury reported in psychiatric illnesses.

Souhel Najjar1,5*, Daniel M Pearlman2,5, Kenneth Alper4, Amanda Najjar3 and Orrin Devinsky1,4,5


3-OH-KYN: 3-hydroxy-kynurenine; ?7nAchR: Alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors; AMPAR: Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-l-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors; APC: Antigen presenting cell; BBB: Blood�brain barrier;
BH4: Tetrahydrobiopterin; BPD: Bipolar disorder; CI: Confidence interval;
CNS: Central nervous system; COX-2: Cyclooxegenase-2; CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid; DSM-IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition; EAATs: Excitatory amino acid transporters; eNOS: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase; GABAB: Gamma aminobutyric acid-beta; GAD: Glutamic acid decarboxylase; GFAP: Glial fibrillary acidic protein; GLX: 1H MRS detectable glutamate, glutamine, gamma aminobutyric acid composite;
IDO: Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase; Ig: Immunoglobulin; IL: Interleukin; IL-1RA: Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist; IFN-?: Interferon gamma;
KAT: Kynurenine aminotransferase; KMO: Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase; KYN: Kynurenine; KYNA: Kynurenic acid; LE: Limbic encephalitis;
LPS: Lipopolysaccharide; MAP: Microglial activation and proliferation;
MDD: Major depressive disorder; mGluR: Metabotropic glutamate receptor; MHC: II Major histocompatibility complex class two; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; MRS: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; NF-?B: Nuclear factor kappa B; NMDAR: N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; NR1: Glycine site;
OCD: Obsessive-compulsive disorder; OR: Odds ratio; PANDAS: Pediatric neuropsychiatric autoimmune disorders associated with streptococcal infections; PBMC: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells; PET: Positron emission tomography; PFC: Prefrontal cortex; PGE-2: Prostaglandin E2; PPAR-
?: Peroxisome proliferator-activated nuclear receptor gamma; QA: Quinolinic acid; RNS: Reactive nitrogen species; ROS: Reactive oxygen species;
sIL: Soluble interleukin; SLE: Systemic lupus erythematosus; SRI: Serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TNF-?: Tumor necrosis factor alpha; T-regs: CD4+CD25 +FOXP3+ T regulatory cells; TDO: Tryptophan-2,3-dioxygenase; Th: T-helper; VGKC: Voltage-gated potassium channel; XAG-: Glutamate aspartate transporter; Xc-: Sodium-independent astroglial glutamate/cystine
antiporter system

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

SN and DMP performed an extensive literature review, interpreted data, prepared the manuscript, figures, and tables. KA prepared the section pertaining to oxidative mechanisms and contributed to the manuscript revisions. AN and OD critically-revised and improved the design and quality of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


We gratefully acknowledge Drs. Josep Dalmau, MD, PhD, Tracy Butler, MD, and David Zazag, MD, PhD, for providing their expertise in autoimmune encephalitides, neuroinflammation imaging, and neuropathology, respectively.


1Department of Neurology, New York University School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA. 2Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, 30 Lafayette Street, HB 7252, Lebanon, NH 03766, USA. 3Department of Pathology, Division of Neuropathology, New York University School of Medicine, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA. 4Department of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA. 5New York University Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA.


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Cite this article as: Najjar et al.: Neuroinflammation and psychiatric
illness. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2013 10:43.

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