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Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.

Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.

These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.

14 People Share Their Most Embarrassing (Yet Very Relatable) Gym Stories

14 People Share Their Most Embarrassing (Yet Very Relatable) Gym Stories

Ever had a less-than-poised moment on a weight machine, or in a boot camp class? Hey, you’re certainly not the only one. In a recent Reddit thread titled “Stupidest thing you’ve ever done in the gym?” in the XXFitness subreddit, users revealed their most cringeworthy (and often painful) workout moments—from tripping on the treadmill to gym flirting gone wrong. Here are some of the comments that had us giggling. (We recommend you stop reading now if you’re currently on a cardio machine!)

Uneven bar

User Sambeano made the mistake of unloading a heavy barbell on one side, but not the other: “It was resting on the safety bars at the time, at about knee height, with about 30 kgs loaded on the other side. The bar flipped in the air and crashed into a glass door frame … The crash was so loud everyone turned around to look.” Whoops.

Bike dominos

“I thought this bench near some cardio equipment was fixed to the ground for some reason and grabbed onto it to stretch my shoulders out. I flew backwards into a row of eight stationary bikes, knocking them all over like dominoes,” wrote Mpaellen.

Bottom out

Themortalvalkyrie got off a rowing machine with a bruised bum: “My butt fell off the rower. I was [trying to] do sprints and got a little too excited, and at one point I think my butt must have come up a little and the seat flew back and i came down on the bar. But it was funny.” (Another Redditer jumped in, “I wish that thing had a seatbelt!”)

RELATED: 27 Fat-Burning Ab Exercises (No Crunches!)

Nothing to sneeze at

From jazzehcakes: “Once I was running on the treadmill and closed my eyes to sneeze, which caused me to trip, land face first, and fly off the treadmill.”

When exercise balls attack

“I threw an exercise ball on the mini trampoline and it flung back hit my fingers, which then hit my face,” shared another Redditer. “I managed to grab the ball before it caused further chaos. Everyone around me either didn’t notice or pretended not to. I probably looked like an idiot laughing to myself.”

Is this thing on?

Reddutchess15 was new to the exercise scene when she tried out her university’s fancy gym. Feeling a bit intimidated, she decided to “start off easy on the elliptical,” she wrote. “Well, I get to the elliptical, try to push the start button, and nothing. I keep pushing the start button and nothing happens. So, I thought it was broken. Worse, I worried that I would be blamed. So I just left without doing any workout at all. It wasn’t until my friend starting making fun of this other girl for the same reason days later that I realized i was supposed to get on it first.” (Trust us, we’ve been there!)

RELATED: 18 Moves to Tone Your Butt, Thighs, and Legs

Itsy bitsy spider

“Tried to kill a spider while running on the treadmill,” user little—dolly posted. “I lost my balance, fell down, got my shirt caught up and ended up with two scraped knees and treadmill road rash down one side of my face. Oh, and I didn’t get the spider.”

Pee problem

“I peed myself while squatting in a busy gym,” wrote Souponastick. “That wasn’t the worst part. For whatever reason my brain decided I needed to announce it, so as I was coming up from the bottom of the squat I screamed, ‘I’M F****** PISSING MYSELF!’ Everyone looked and watched me clean up my puddle.”

RELATED: 22 Exercises for Toned Arms and Shoulders

Right in the eye

“Saw a cute guy in the gym,” posted Tokyo1964. “I went to take a swig of water just as our eyes met, but accidentally squeezed the bottle slightly and sprayed it into my eye instead.”

Ripped pants

From Blaserea: “Ripped the crotch out of my shorts squatting, even heard it through the headphones.”

Fast and furious

Ever cranked up your speed on a cardio machine to clock a specific number of miles before your time runs out? Phoenixinda attempted this strategy, without success: “Last year I decided to go extra fast on the cross trainer for the last two minutes so that I could get a full 3-mile distance at the end of the 30 minutes. Foot slipped, fell between the pedals, and my foot fractured in three places. I was out for three months … I have been back at the gym, but I just can’t bring myself to even touch the cross trainer.”

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Mistaken identity

Vkm5028 learned the hard way to make sure you actually know the person you’re waving at before you say hi. “Thought I saw a friend of a friend out of the corner of my eye. I was in a goofy mood, and decided to make a goofy face and wave at him. Turns out, it wasn’t the guy who I thought it was, he was on the phone whenever I made the face at him, and I found out he’s a player for the local minor league baseball team and probably thought I was fan-girling at the sight of him.”

Sweat stain

Worn pale blue leggings,” one user commented. “It looked like I’d [peed] myself half way through my gym session.”

Stuck on you

Wearing athleisure fresh out of the laundry? Make sure there’s no other laundry stuck to it before you leave the house. “I once had a thong static-cling itself to my leggings,” MyShoulderHatesMe posted. “I was at least 20 minutes into my workout before I noticed.”

This Beginner Swimming Workout Burns Major Calories in Just 30 Minutes

This Beginner Swimming Workout Burns Major Calories in Just 30 Minutes

Swimming in a pool, lake, or ocean is an excellent way to exercise without feeling like you’re melting in the heat. Plus, it’s a full-body workout that is gentle on the joints. Ironman and USA Triathlon coach Heather Casey shares two quick beginner workouts, one for the pool and one for open water. Before you get started, here are a few helpful tips from Casey:

• Keep water bottles nearby. Just because you don’t feel sweaty doesn’t mean you aren’t losing fluids. 
• Invest in some dark-lens or reflective goggles to help block the sun and the glare from the water.
• Swimming in open water? Stay safe by bringing a partner. Warm up on dry land. Remain close to the shoreline, and even if you’re an experienced swimmer, breathe every other stroke. It’s easier to become breathless in open water. If you do, head back to shore at an easy pace.

These workouts burn approximately 367 calories (a 30-minute swim for a 150-pound person).

30-minute pool workout

Interval targets are set by a rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale of 1 to 10; 10 is the hardest. 

The warm up: Go for a 100-yard swim at RPE of 4 to 5, then a 50-yard swim with kickboard at RPE of 5 to 6.

The workout:

• 25-yard swim at RPE of 4; 25-yard swim at RPE of 6 
• 25-yard swim at RPE of 6; 25-yard swim at RPE of 4 
• 50-yard swim at RPE of 4 
• 50-yard swim at RPE of 6 
• Repeat these four intervals 
• 100-yard swim at RPE of 4 (cooldown)

RELATED: 10-Minute Lower-Body Water Workout

30-minute open-water workout 

Dry land warm-up: Arm circles and shoulder shrugs on shore.

Swim warm-up: 8 minutes of 1-minute out-and-back intervals from the shore at RPE of 4.

The workout:

• 4-minute swim at RPE of 4 
• 30 seconds treading water 
• 2-minute swim at RPE of 6 
• 2-minute swim at RPE of 4 
• 30 seconds treading water 
• 2-minute swim at RPE of 4 
• 2-minute swim at RPE of 6 
• 30 seconds treading water 
• 4-minute swim at RPE of 6 
• 30 seconds treading water 
• 2 sets of 3-minute swims at RPE of 4, treading for 1 minute in between (cooldown)

Gabby Reece: How I Stay Motivated to Work Out

Gabby Reece: How I Stay Motivated to Work Out

This article originally appeared on Motto. 

One of the biggest factors in achieving your health goals is finding the motivation to work out and keep your fitness top of mind. When life gets busy, it’s easy to let fitness fall by the wayside and not make it a priority. But once you find ways to keep yourself motivated and develop healthy habits, it can become a lifestyle that will enable you to see results and improve your overall well-being. Still, even as a former professional beach volleyball player, and now a Fitbit ambassador, carving out time to exercise hasn’t always been easy. That’s why I’ve depended on these five tips to keep me motivated throughout the years.

1. Develop a workout structure

Scheduling out your workout helps you stick to it and leaves little room for opting out at the last minute. A flexible routine that gives too much choice will be the thing that you cut out of your schedule first. I personally like to write it down. If you treat your workout like an appointment, it will help you stay committed and develop habits over time, which will make it easier to continue building exercise into your routine. When you might feel tired or you’re not seeing dramatic results, a structure will help keep you going.

2. Figure out your favorite activities

Staying motivated is infinitely easier when you find something you love to do. Some people enjoy working out at a gym and lifting weights, while others might find more joy from running outside or practicing yoga. While it’s important to try and incorporate both strength training and cardio into your workouts, it’s equally important to determine which forms of exercise you love most, so staying active becomes less of a chore and more of a source of happiness.

3. Sport the right gear

It may seem like a minor factor, but having the right clothing and gear can work wonders when it comes to motivation. I love using a heart rate monitor — keeping an eye on my heart rate zones is a great way to maintain intensity and make real-time adjustments to ensure I’m hitting my goals. I also enjoy finding some cute tights or sneakers to help boost my mood. I think when you look good, you feel good, and will find that much more reason to get moving.

RELATED: Do This 30-Minute Beach Workout to Turn Up Your Calorie Burn

4. Find a workout buddy

Finding a partner in crime to work out with is another great way of staying accountable. Making plans with someone else adds more of an obligation and makes it harder to consider taking the day off. That’s why my husband Laird and I make it a point to exercise together.

5. Make rest and recovery a priority

To stay motivated and get your best workout, you have to give your muscles and body a chance to recover. So don’t overdo it and be sure to get enough sleep, which is just as important for your health as exercise.

Gabrielle Reece is a world-renowned athlete, New York Times bestselling author, wife and mother. She’s a former professional beach volleyball player and was Nike’s first female spokesperson. She has a passion for healthy living and fitness, which has shaped her career and makes her a popular leader in the world of health and wellness.

Got 30 Minutes? The Ultimate HIIT Jump Rope Workout

Got 30 Minutes? The Ultimate HIIT Jump Rope Workout

Photo: Courtesy of Justin Patterson

This is a partial workout. Read the rest on Life by Daily Burn.

When was the last time you jump roped? If it was as a kid during class recess, now’s a good time to get back into the rhythm of things. The jump rope is not only a fun workout to turn up the sweat, it’s also a key conditioning tool for athletes and boxers, like Laila Ali, to build endurance, coordination and agility.

And now, it’s the basis for the new interval-based total-body workout, The Rope, from celeb trainer Amanda Kloots. “The jump rope is one of the most underrated pieces of fitness equipment. When you’re jump roping, you’re engaging all the muscles in your body, including your heart,” Kloots says. “Each jump involves tightening your core, toning your arms and powering your legs.”

RELATED: 3 Cardio Workouts Under 20 Minutes — No Treadmill Required

Whether you’re crunched for time or traveling (it packs light, too), just a few minutes of jump roping can leave you breathless. Kloots’s signature jump rope workout is divided into four sections: warm-up, coordination, stamina and sprints. But before you jump in, it’s important to have the right length rope. Check by standing on top of the jump rope hip-distance apart with both hands holding each end. Bring the jump rope handles toward your shoulders. If the rope goes beyond your shoulders, it’s too long, Kloots says. Now grab your rope and hop to it!

The 30-Minute HIIT Jump Rope Workout to Build Endurance


First, it’s time to re-familiarize yourself with the basic jump. According to Kloots, proper jump rope technique starts with the feet together, shoulders pulled back and arms down by your sides with your hands the same distance away from your body. You’ll want to jump and land on the balls or midsoles of your feet (heels not touching the ground), catching at least one inch of hang time on each jump. Be sure to use your wrists to power the rope and not your elbows or shoulders. If you get tired, “Keep your shoulders over your hips, hips over your knees, and knees over your toes,” Kloots says.

GIFs: Tiffany Ayuda / Life by Daily Burn

1A. Jump Rope (60 sec)

1B. Plank (60 sec)

Repeat for 3 rounds.

RELATED: How to Master CrossFit Double Unders


Next, we layer on some footwork. The goal: improving agility and drawing a stronger connection between your body and brain. To keep you from getting tripped up, “I like to remind people of different ways to think of jumps to take the pressure off the fancy footwork. For instance, when you take your legs in and out of the jump rope, I’ll say outer thighs and inner thighs. It helps people focus on the muscle groups,” Kloots says. Cue up a three-minute song and you’ll hit approximately 360 jumps — with a whole bunch of strength and core work mixed in (sequence below). Do eight reps on each side and repeat for three rounds.

RELATED: The Ab Moves You Aren’t Doing (But Should) 

 Oblique Crunches Exercise

1. Oblique Crunch

How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-distance apart. Fold the jump rope in half twice so it’s shoulder-distance apart when you hold each end and lift it up overhead. Pull each end of the rope to create resistance in your arms (a). Engaging your core, crunch to your left side, while dynamically pressing the rope up overhead (b).

 Single-Leg Forward Hinge Exercise

2. Single-Leg Forward Hinge

How to: Stand with your feet together. Lift your left leg up so your left knee is bent. Fold your jump rope in half and hold each end of the rope with your hands, pulling it tightly (a). Balancing your weight on your right leg, hinge your torso forward and bring the jump rope over your left knee to touch your shin (b). Bring the jump rope back overhead (c).

RELATED: 10 Resistance Band Exercises to Build Total-Body Strength

 In and Out Jumps Exercise

3. In and Out Jumps

 How to: Stand over the jump rope with your feet a little wider than hip-distance apart (a). When you take your next jump, land with your feet together (b). Take another jump and bring your feet back out so they’re a little wider than hip distance (c). This is one rep. Repeat for seven more reps (d).

5 Times Cher Was the Ultimate #FitnessGoals

5 Times Cher Was the Ultimate #FitnessGoals

Did you catch Cher’s performance at the Billboard Music Awards on Sunday night? Not only did she hit the stage in a sheer, bedazzled body suit looking incredible, she dropped a little humble-brag about how she stays in such great shape. “I can do a 5-minute plank, okay?” she told the audience.

Yep, 71-year-old Cher can plank longer than most people who are decades younger. This wasn’t the only time the pop icon showed off her devotion to working out and living a healthy, active life. For further proof that Cher is a super-strong badass, check out her top five #fitnessgoals moments throughout her career.

RELATED: 20 Ways to Do a Plank

When she showed us how to be forever fit

Cher came out with a book in 1991 called Forever Fit: The Lifetime Plan for Health, Fitness, and Beauty. The epic cover photo shows her in a knotted gray t-shirt with her black boot placed on a barbell. Besides workout advice, the book featured exercise and weight loss programs, nutrition tips, and her favorite skin-care products. If her current healthy glow is any indication, she knew what she was talking about.

When she wore Spandex for her step aerobics videos

In the early 1990s, Cher released a series of fitness videos called (what else?) CherFitness. The videos featured step routines, ab workouts, and dance cardio sessions, all accessorized with black leotards and Spandex. The beginning of this step routine clip offers some major motivation and truth bombs from Cher. Our favorite: “You don’t have to start off perfect, you just have to start.” Preach!

When she killed it while keeping up with Tina Turner

Okay, so this glittery 1970s dance duet isn’t exactly what we think of as a workout today. But it takes damn hard training and effort to do these moves as perfectly as Cher and Tina do—and in heels to boot. Watch and learn, legends at work!

When she was candid about working out 5 times a week

When Cher was 67, she gave HELLO! magazine a summary of how she stays in shape. “I exercise about five times a week because it’s something I’ve always done and I just enjoy it,” she said. “I don’t like meat and so most of things that I like are healthy for you, apart from desserts. I don’t do drugs and don’t drink very often. I try to play the age card with my trainer but she just doesn’t go for it. My farewell tour was one of the longest tours ever, and I think it would be a tour that would kill a 25-year-old girl now.” Props for not pretending she doesn’t work hard at it.

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When she learned to surf in her 60s

During at interview with E! Online in 2010, Cher spoke about how staying in shape is more difficult now that she’s older, but she’s passionate about trying new activities to keep things fresh and exciting. “You have to work twice as hard. You have to be in the gym all the time. But I like it. When I was young I was a tomboy. I played sports . . . and I’m learning to surf right now. I like that kind of stuff, thank God.”

Losing Weight Can Provide Back Pain Relief

Losing Weight Can Provide Back Pain Relief

Many Americans are overweight or obese and find low back pain is a debilitating problem. Studies have shown that losing weight might have an important effect on controlling low back pain. Weight loss programs can be very helpful for patients that are overweight or obese and who need to relieve their back pain that is low.

However, there are numerous weight loss programs to select from, plus they have their differences. Some are commercialized, others managed with a doctor. Nutritional supplements are endorsed by some plans; drug is prescribed by others. Some are insured by insurance companies; many aren’t.

With each one of these aspects to consider, it�s significant to do a little research to discover the proper weight loss program before signing up and spending any cash. Some weight loss programs might not follow the very best practices recommended by doctors, and it might be hard to tell just by looking at their respective websites.

Health and Wellness Details

A recent study looked at 191 different weight-loss programs in the Maryland�Washington, DC�Virginia region. The overwhelming bulk of programs did not offer enough important info on their websites.

The kind of diet, the amount of exercise, types of behavioral treatments, use of drugs�these are all vital details that were missing online. Many sites aren’t designed to provide details of a program, but alternatively to offer contact information for prospective clients.

Finding the Proper Weight Loss Program

A comprehensive lifestyle program should feature:

  • A somewhat- caloric meal plan that is reduced
  • A regimen for increased physical action
  • A behavioral therapy strategy

These are three vital aspects to a highly effective weight loss plan, as recommended by the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology, as well as the Obesity Society (AHA/ACC/OBS). FDA-approved medications to help treat obesity are accessible, but have to be prescribed by an accredited physician.

Some programs may include weight loss supplements ; again, information that might not be mentioned on an internet site. Patients ought to be mindful with products not accepted by the FDA. Some materials may be ineffective or possibly harmful, which explains the reason why it is essential to consult a physician before taking something to lose weight.

Seek Professional Advice

Many weight loss programs are commercialized products or services that don’t meet professional standards. Based on Dr. J. Michael Gonzalez-Campoy, MD, PhD, FACE, a specialist in obesity medicine, patients should first seek guidance from health care professionals who are trained to treat obesity and overweight.

�With the epidemic of overweight and obesity in this country, two-thirds of Americans will seek help managing their weight. The point is well taken that there is a lot of commercialism�selling products with a promise of unrealistic accomplishments. It’s best for every patient to address weight control with their personal health care professional first. � Speaking into a licensed pro is a course that is more efficient and far safer. Patients can locate obesity medicine doctors through the web site of The American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM).

Physical Activity With Low Back Pain

Many patients might think it is challenging to be active with low back pain. Nonetheless, inactivity can lead to weak and back muscles that are stiff, and core strength is required to assist support the spine. Walking or working out in a pool (aquatic treatment) is low-impact motion which may be a great choice to help reduce weight and strengthen muscles.

Patients with obesity are more inclined to have weak muscles in their lower back, making it tough to walk on a treadmill or measure mill. A good approach to remaining active with low back pain would be to talk with a specialist�such as physical therapist, physician assistant, or a primary care doctor. It could be wise to procure a precise analysis if pain worsens, and/ although obesity or overweight can cause/contribute to pain in the low back or is accompanied by numbness weakness or tingling sensations.

Regular Exercise is Beneficial

Regular exercise can enable you to prevent exacerbating low back pain during physical action that is prolonged or intense. Over time, routine exercise can increase flexibility, strength and endurance.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

Additional Topics: Weight Loss Eases Back Pain

Back pain and symptoms of sciatica can affect a majority of the population throughout their lifetime. Research studies have demonstrated that people who are overweight or obese experience more back complications than people with a healthy weight. A proper nutrition along with regular physical fitness can help with weight loss as well as help maintain a healthy weight to eliminate symptoms of back pain and sciatica. Chiropractic care is also another natural form of treatment which treats back pain and sciatica utilizing manual spinal adjustments and manipulations.


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6 SI Swimsuit Models Share Their Tips for Never Skipping a Workout

6 SI Swimsuit Models Share Their Tips for Never Skipping a Workout

It’s easy to flip through the glossy pages of the most body-positive Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue ever without pausing to consider all that these women actually do—day in and day out—to sculpt those stunning physiques. Many of the models told Health that they work out most days of the week, which can be a real logistical challenge with their hectic work and travel schedules. While the rest of us may not be jetting around the world for photo shoots (sigh), we can certainly relate to the struggle of finding time to exercise. So we asked six of the women for their best tips on sneaking fitness into even the craziest days.

Seize every opportunity to work your body

“I’m in the airport a lot, so I’ll always take the stairs instead of the elevator. Even if that means I have to carry my suitcase! There’s always a way to work out.”
—Hailey Clauson

Turn your home (or hotel room) into a gym

“I’ve got these props that you put under your furniture to move it, and I use them to do sliding ab workouts at my house. I also have a booty band I travel with which has two Velcro bands that go around your ankles. All you have to do is get on all fours and push you leg up and out, and it makes your booty big and round.”
Ashley Graham

“When I travel, I’m lucky to get to the gym. So I bring sliding disks with me. You just stick them in your suitcase, then you can do arm workouts and ab workouts with them.”
—Hannah Davis

“I have one of those exercise bands that go around your feet. You can use it to do side steps and monster steps. You can do that anywhere, and it doesn’t weigh anything to travel with. You can just do 20 minutes of those steps a day and your butt will firm right up!”
—Kate Bock

“I do a lot of abs: simple crunches and planks are the best way to get your six-pack! I also do a bunch of jumping jacks with a band around my ankles for extra resistance.”
—Nina Agdal

RELATED: 4 Ways to Set Up a Home Gym for Under $50

Maximize the time you do have

“Most of the time, after a long day of work, I don’t want to go to the gym for an hour. But you can always do something. Just go for 5, 10, or 15 minutes of a hard workout. Let that be enough. Whether it’s doing abs or squats, there are plenty of great workouts you can do anywhere.”
—Ebonee Davis

“Find the time of day when you’re the most energetic. Some people tell me I need to work out in the morning to get it over with. But if I work out at 6 am, I’ll be exhausted, I won’t be happy, and I won’t put in 100% effort. So if you’re more of a night person, work out at night!”
—Nina Agdal

Combine fitness with socializing

“You can also work out with a friend! Emily Didonato, who’s also in the issue, is one of my best friends and we always go for workout and coffee. It’s a good hang, but we also did a workout together. So suggest to a friend: ‘Let’s do yoga and then lunch!’”
—Kate Bock

Plan your workouts on the go

“I’ll look on Instagram and find a good video that shows 3 exercises I can do in 10 minutes in the morning. Then it’s something I haven’t done before, it’s mixing it up, and I’m distracted because I’m looking at a video.”
—Hannah Davis

RELATED: 17 Ways to Lose Weight When You Have No Time

Remember working out can give you more energy

“I find when you’re jet-lagged or tired, sometimes you don’t want to work out. But once you’re doing it, you feel way better. sometimes you even get energized. You’re never going to regret [working out].”
—Kate Bock

But allow yourself some rest days

“You definitely need to listen to your body. If you’re run down and you go to the gym, you’re just wasting your time in there, because you won’t get a great workout.”
—Hannah Davis