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Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.

Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.

These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.

Exercise Addict Works Out 8 Hours A Day Seeks Help

Exercise Addict Works Out 8 Hours A Day Seeks Help

This article originally appeared on�

Erin is a self-proclaimed exercise addict.

The 39-year-old from San Diego, California reveals on Tuesday�s episode of�the syndicated daytime series The Doctorsthat she builds her whole life around fitting in workout sessions.

�I exercise eight�hours a day,� she says in an exclusive clip. �I never get tired, I don�t get sore.�

Even Though Her Body Can Seemingly Handle Her Excessive Workouts

They do not make her feel good.

�I�ll cancel plans, I�ll cancel appointments. It�s been controlling my life,� she says. �I just can�t stop. It�s not giving me the rush that I used to feel just doing three to four hours.�

Erin says she squeezes in early morning workouts before work, and then returns to the gym when she is done for the day.

RELATED:�Why You Should Rethink Your Spinning Obsession

�Around 5 o�clock is when I work out, and then I go to work, and then I work out for another two hours,� she says.

But Erin also reveals she has been using exercise to avoid a painful trauma she experienced in the past.

�Eight months ago I got a message from a girl. It triggered a memory that I had suppressed for 30 years,� she says in the clip.

�Basically I�ve Been Adding On Exercise So I Can Just Forget.�

Host Dr. Travis Stork commends Erin for seeking the help she needs to fight her addiction.

�Before we get into where we need to go from here, we have to acknowledge where we are right now,� he says. �I�m so happy you realize that you need to change, because when I saw those blood pressure readings, there are things in medicine we call hypertensive urgency, and those blood pressure numbers [are] quite alarming.�

Gastroenterologist Dr. Jorge Rodriguez, who is working to treat Erin, says he was also alarmed by the results.

�In the six years that I�ve done the show with you, Erin is the most ill person, the sickest person that we�ve had on the show in my opinion,� he says.

To find out more of her test results and to see if�The Doctors can help Erin, check your local listings and tune into Tuesday�s episode.

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The Dangers of Overexercising

The Dangers of Overexercising

Here�s to a different kind of body transformation. On Instagram yesterday, fitness influencer Anna Victoria shared a�follower�s photos that document her inspiring recovery from an extreme exercise habit.

In the “before” pic, @barbellkell_fbg is flexing her biceps in a bikini that shows off her chiseled six-pack.

What It Took To Get That Sculpted Bod Was Anything But Healthy


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The photo on the left was taken a year and a half ago, when @barbellkell_fbg was committed to a 10-week plan that involved working out�five times a week, sometimes twice a day, and counting macros (down to chewing gum, vitamins, and cough drops), she explains in the caption. “[Z]ero balance, zero living, zero sustainability,” she wrote. “I had my full time job and this, which was another full time job basically.”

The strict dieting and intense workouts�took a serious toll. By the end of the plan, @barbellkell_fbg had a flat belly, and no trace of cellulite�but her energy levels had plummeted. “I could barely lift my feet to run on the treadmill,” she wrote. A blood test showed her white blood cell count was severely depressed. It was so low her doctor wanted to test her for cancer, she says.

After convincing him to do another blood test in a month, @barbellkell_fbg�committed to getting back to “normal.” She ate “to survive,” she said;�and in time, she gained fat and her white blood cell count recovered.

OD’ing on exercise�is a real thing, and it can�cause everything from fatigue to chronic achiness�even an elevated heart rate, which puts more demand on your ticker. “Overexercising�often contributes to pain,�dehydration, or electrolyte imbalances, all of which can lead to an increase in heart rate,” Kathryn Berlacher, MD, a cardiologist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, explained to�Health in a prior interview.

Signs That You’re Overdoing It At The Gym

And tips on how to scale back�check out our guide to the symptoms of overtraining.

As for�@barbellkell_fbg, she’s�come a long way in the last 18 months.�She now follows Anna Victoria�s Fit Body Guides, and eats what she wants in moderation. “I feel good. I am strong. I am happy,” she says�and�she loves the body she has now.

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New Nike Air Vapor Max Running Shoe

New Nike Air Vapor Max Running Shoe

Nike Debuted Its�Air Max Sneaker In 1987

featuring a visible air-cushioning unit in the sole designed to absorb shock and�more importantly, some may say�look really freakin’ cool. Over the years, Nike has retooled and reimagined the innovative design, releasing dozens of versions of the now-iconic shoe that’s beloved�by sneakerheads and athletes alike. A variety of new Air Max shoes are now available on, and�on March 26�dubbed Air Max Day�Nike will release a running shoe called the Air VaporMax. Ahead of its release, fitness editors like me were�invited to log a few miles in the shoe, which is about 7 years in the making.

This Latest Silhouette

features plush Air Max cushioning across the entire foot and Nike’s ultra-flexible Flyknit upper. The first thing I noticed when I put the shoes�on was how comfortable they felt. I took a few bounces in them, and was also impressed by their light-as-a-feather feel.�As I started my run, I was amazed by how bouncy they felt�it�was as though I had lined up a�bunch of trampolines�leapt from one to the next. Another standout feature: the grip. Surprisingly, those air bags�on the soles really grab the ground. On a snowy, icy, or even rainy day, that would be an awesome feature.


One Potential Downside To This Shoe

The price. At $190, the Air VaporMax is pretty expensive. But, you can be assured that the shoe is built to last. During its initial testing phrase,�more than 350 runners�put 126,000 miles on these babies in a variety of climates and across myriad surfaces. Basically, Nike tried to kick this shoe’s butt. Kathy Gomez, vice president of Nike Innovation, claims your first mile and 1,000th mile will feel exactly the same in the Air VaporMax.

The bottom line:�If you are a fan of Nike Air, are in the market for a new pair of kicks, and are cool with a bit of a splurge, then I would�definitely consider these. They’re light, bouncy, and flexible�and they have 30 years of design innovation behind them. Sounds like a winner to us!


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Grapefruit For Weight Loss

Grapefruit For Weight Loss


Even if you changed nothing else about your diet, eating half a grapefruit before each meal may help you lose up to a pound a week!

A compound in the tangy fruit can lower insulin, a fat-storage hormone, and that can lead to weight loss. It’s also a good source of protein, and because it’s at least 90% water, it can fill you up so you eat less.

Try this recipe: Ginger-Citrus Fruit Salad

Spinach Helps You Shed Pounds

Spinach Helps You Shed Pounds


Tender and flavorful, this leafy green is rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin K. It also contains disease-fighting antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C, as well as the phytochemical lutein, which protects eyes against age-related macular degeneration. Use as a substitute for lettuce in salad, lightly saut� with shredded carrot, sliced mushrooms, and garlic for a savory omelet filling, or try this simple Seasoned Spinach recipe for a quick and nutritious side dish.

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Preparation & Training for a 10K Race

Preparation & Training for a 10K Race

Thinking of training for a 10K race? This plan is perfect for you if you’ve already mastered a 5K race and you’re a “sometimes” runner who is able to do at least three miles without stopping a couple of days a week, most weeks. The goal for this 10K training plan, which was developed by developed by running coach Paula Harkin, co-owner of Portland Running Company in Oregon, will be to increase your endurance, run for an hour straight, and tackle a 10K by the end of 6 weeks.

RELATED: The 50 Most Gorgeous Running Races in America, State by State


The 10K training plan: This program incorporates a combo of tempo (effort of 7 or 8 on a scale of 1 to 10), and longer runs (effort of 5 or 6 ) to build endurance. “Combining these workouts will help you get faster while also making sure you can cover the distance,” says Harkin. Do a combination of running and cross-training on alternate days. As the weeks pass, alternate between building up the speed bursts and balancing out the recovery time. Focus on covering the distance, not your pace. Kick off with an easy 2 to 3 mile run. Over 6 weeks, try to work up to running 6 miles.


How to train smarter for your 10K race

1. Make three the magic number. If you’re used to running twice a week, says Jonathan Cane, an exercise physiologist and co-founder of City Coach Multisport in New York City, “three times is your sweet spot�. You’ll get a big bump in both speed and endurance, but it’s not so much more that you’ll risk getting injured.” And if weight loss is a goal, remember that adding just one extra day of running helps you burn an additional 300 to 400 calories, depending on your pace and size.

2. It’s OK to hit the treadmill. Some running purists say there’s no substitute for the outdoors, but all things being equal, “your heart and lungs don’t really know the difference between the road and the treadmill,” says Cane. So if it’s late in the day, raining or just not a good time to go outside but you really want to keep up your training, feel free to hit the “on” button. To compensate for a lack of wind resistance and natural terrain changes, keep the treadmill deck set at a 1% incline.

3. Turn down the music. Yes, pumping JT through your earbuds can power you up that hill, but don’t forget to tune in to how your body feels. “At this stage, you know you can already run for a while,” says Cane. “But it’s important to be aware of cues: how heavy you are breathing, or if you have a small twinge in your knee and need to slow down. It helps keep you from getting injured and makes you more aware of when you can bump up your pace or give a little more effort.”blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Chiropractic and Athletic Performance

Many athletes who are injured performing their specific sport or physical activity, frequently seek treatment from chiropractors. Chiropractic care focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and nervous system. While chiropractic is a safe and effective form of conservative care for a variety of ailments, chiropractic can also be utilized to enhance athletic performance.

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The Process of Training to Prepare for a 5K Run

The Process of Training to Prepare for a 5K Run

If you’ve been thinking of running a 5K, you should: Running just might be the most convenient workout going. You don’t need to be a skilled athlete, and there’s no fancy equipment involved; just lace up your sneaks and go. It’s also one of the most efficient ways to blast fat and burn calories��about 600 an hour.

Sure, walking has its benefits, but research shows that running kicks its butt when it comes to shedding pounds. One study of 47,000 runners and walkers, from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., found that the runners burned more calories and had a far greater decrease in BMI over a six-year period. The joggers who started out heaviest (those with a BMI over 28) lost up to 90 percent more weight than the walkers did.

Dropping pounds and toning up are hardly the only benefits of this killer cardio workout: You’ll also reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, boost your mood, temper stress, and build muscle, especially in the lower body and core. You don’t even need to dedicate a lot of time to reap these rewards; do 20 to 30 minutes, three to four days a week, and you’ll see significant improvement.

Ready to hit the road? Here’s a 5K training plan for beginning joggers. And it’s smart to add in one day of cross-training (think cycling or swimming) to rev up calorie burn and help prevent injury. Soon enough, you’ll feel as if you were born to run.

RELATED: The 50 Most Gorgeous Running Races in America, State by State

This is the 5K training plan for you if: You’re new to running and generally don’t work out consistently.

Your goal: By the end of 8 weeks, be able to run for 20 minutes straight��and build up to a 5K challenge.

The 5K training plan: This eight-week, three-days-a-week plan by Nike+ Run Club coach Julia Lucas mixes walking with running to help prevent injury and overexertion. OK running for longer? Shorten or discard the walking time.�Your ideal pace? One where you can carry on a conversation, but still feel like you’re doing a brisk walk.

How to train for your 5K smarter:�

1. Start off on the right foot.�Making a small investment in gear now will save you loads of aggravation later��you’ll feel more comfortable and avoid aches. “A good pair of�running shoes�can help ward off injuries like knee pain,” says Susan Paul, an exercise physiologist and training program director at Orlando Track Shack Fitness Club in Orlando, Florida.�Get a gait analysis at your local running store (it’s usually free) to help determine your ideal shoe type.

2. Stop side stitches.�Beginners are often plagued by this cramp, which strikes like a boxer’s body blow and happens when an overworked diaphragm begins to spasm. To ease the pain, slow down and forcefully exhale each time your opposite foot strikes (so if the stitch is on your right side, breathe out when your left foot comes down). It also helps to massage the area with two fingers. And don’t eat too much before you head out; a full stomach can be a culprit.

3. Think tortoise, not hare.�“The biggest mistake most new runners make is they start out way too fast,” says Paul. “It takes time for your body to get used to the demands of running. You have to condition your muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones, not just your heart and lungs.” No matter how tempted you are to push yourself, don’t. Slow and steady wins the calorie-burn race!

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�blog picture of a green button with a phone receiver icon and 24h underneath

Chiropractic and Athletic Performance

Many athletes who are injured performing their specific sport or physical activity, frequently seek treatment from chiropractors. Chiropractic care focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of injuries and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and nervous system. While chiropractic is a safe and effective form of conservative care for a variety of ailments, chiropractic can also be utilized to enhance athletic performance.


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