Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.
Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.
These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.
Meditation and other forms of mental training are becoming more and more popular each year. The rise of the number of practitioners is undeniable proof about the importance of this mental exercise. The term is mostly associated with religious connotations, but the truth is, contrary to popular belief, this practice is very helpful and should be done on a daily basis. You should even start making this a hobby the moment you realize the various benefits it could bring to your health. Here are the six proven mental health benefits of meditation that you need to know:
Gives Mental Strength & Emotional Intelligence
Meditating by itself is a very helpful therapy for people whose aim is to better one�s self-judgment. The act of meditating is geared towards a better understanding of the different factors that constitutes to a person�s life and existence. Constantly doing the practice have been proven to improve mental strength as well as emotional intelligence. As a result, a person becomes sharper and wiser regarding decision making.
Improves Cognition Power
Another important reason why meditation should be part of your daily routine is its ability to improve cognition power. As we all know, a lot of disorders, or better yet, the highly anticipated ones is not due to aging but is due to the deterioration of the brain�s mental prowess including that of cognition. This fact is fairly evident to monks or hermits, these individuals often meditate a lot which is why they remain sharp despite old age.
Regulates Mood & Anxiety Disorders
One of the best things about meditation is the fact that it often leads to mind and self-control. The better judgment gained out of constant meditation often regulates mood and improves various forms of anxiety disorders. The awareness of one�s self and the strengthening of the brain�s cognition power is very helpful in regulating a person�s mood and in turn, will reduce anxiety disorders. If you are a person who�s mood swings are becoming frequent than usual, you better start meditating as early as today.
Decreases Stress &�Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are closely related to a person�s ability to regulate his mood as well as factors like anxiety disorders. When one is meditating, he is brought to a different state of mind, a state where he becomes free of any stress, anxiety, and corrosion. Constantly doing it will help the person become more vigilant, will see things differently and will be able to respond to different situations accordingly. This is because, when one engages on meditation, self-knowledge is increased. Hence, a person becomes more capable of defeating or reducing stress as well as anxiety.
In relation, certain drugs have been developed to aid an individual and simulate the same results. Smart drugs as how they are called in the market are supplements that enhance the brain�s power to perform at its peak. Hence, be sure to check out helpful nootropics information when available as these drugs are becoming more effective on today�s generation of users.
Improves Mood & Psychological Well-Being
A person�s psychological well-being is pretty much a result of the person�s ability to manage stress and all forms of anxiety on a daily basis. One�s existence is a constant battle to defeat every possible factor that would impede the brain�s state and mental health to be in its best shape. It is, therefore, important to regularly practice meditation as this has been proven to improve a person�s mood and the overall psychological well-being.
Reduces Panic Disorder Symptoms
Lastly, meditation is also helpful in reducing the symptoms of panic disorder. Once a person�s self-awareness is heightened, he becomes more and more capable of facing all sorts of challenges in life. In medical terminology, panic disorder is the frequent experience of fear without any tangible reason or cause. A person�s brain is so powerful that it can read between the lines, predict outcomes, as well as calculate solutions. When a person�s mental state is not stable, panic disorder comes in and attacks the vulnerable victim.
Call Today!
About the Author:�Anna Brecken is a writer for�NootropicNation. She has extensive knowledge of Nootropics. She also writes for several other supplement and brain enhancement websites.
The woman I want to be looks something like the woman I saw in a recent Athleta catalog. She�s effortlessly jumping across a babbling brook in a verdant forest�while wearing sleek slate-gray workout tights and a quilted jewel-toned hoodie. Or wait: Maybe I�m the lady doing yoga on the beach in a slouchy pale-pink tank top, who I saw pictured in the window at Lululemon. While I definitely admire both of their strong bodies and what looks like adventurous spirits (as well as their choice of vacation spots)�I also really, really want those clothes.
Confession: I�ve never met a pair of leggings I didn�t love. As far as I�m concerned, if I could spend 90 percent of my life in slimming, strategically seamed workout wear that makes me feel ready to leap and bound, I would.
But it comes with a catch. If I want a piece of new gear, I�ve got to earn it. I have to be out there logging miles, slogging through spin class, grimacing through the ridiculously hard thigh portion of barre workouts. I need to be using the stuff so much that occasionally the items actually wear out and have to be replaced! It�s simple: The more consistent I am with my exercise regimen, the more justified I feel bringing home a new goodie.
Judging from what I wear the majority of the time�note that I work from home�you�d think I was pretty much always coming from or going to the gym. But that�s the point. The last person I want to be is the lady who looks like she is suited up for the gym but whose main cardio is gabbing at school drop-off. Oh, and my little sweat-for-spandex bargain also works once the gear has come home with me. On a day when I�m short on motivation, a cute new top is often what gets me out the door.
Look, I�m not aiming to be the best in the class, the fastest in the park, or even a seven-days-a-week exerciser. I�m only trying to keep myself on track when it comes to my spending, my sweating, and my style. Some people need a prize at the finish line. Me? I need something dangling at the starting gate�something just within reach and preferably ankle-length.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most prominent autoimmune arthritis. It is caused by a defective immune system that causes your defense system to target your joint linings. It affects the wrist and small joints of your hands, including the knuckles, other joints in your fingers and can eventually spread to your knees too.
It is considered one of the most disabling forms of arthritis as it affects both sides of the body, making it different from other forms of arthritis. It can also affect skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood and even your nerves which is why it is one of the most feared forms of arthritis.
Over the years, several ways of treating rheumatoid arthritis have been discovered. Although there is still no cure for the condition, the treatment can significantly heal those that are newly diagnosed and can slow down the process that in the patients that have been suffering from the condition for a while.
When your immune system attacks your own body, certain chemicals lead to pain and inflammation on your joints. Medical experts are still unclear about what is the exact cause of inflammation in joints. Some suggest that is due to genetic make-up of the individual while other blame environmental factors such as cigarette smoke and infections.
New treatments have been introduced by rheumatologists to suppress the pain and reduce the inflammation caused by this condition. A major reason for why the inflammation needs to be controlled is because of its effect on your heart health. Inflammation can lead to the buildup of plaque in the walls of your arteries. People with this form of arthritis are advised to consult with their doctors regarding the prevention of heart disease.
Other than medication, regular exercise, specific foods and drinks also help you treat rheumatoid arthritis.
A Virginia-based rheumatologist, Mahsa Tehrani has found that certain organic teas help with the reducing of inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
�Tea has fantastic�anti-inflammatory properties�which can theoretically help with the underlying inflammation,� she claims.
Here�s a list of teas Tehrani recommends:
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is known for helping with healing the digestive system but an Italian study in 2016 found that patients that were given regular doses of ginger reported a better quality of life and significant improvement in pain. To make the tea, just slice up some ginger root and let it steep in boiling water for 10minutes. Note that ginger can act as a blood thinner, so if you�re already on blood-thinning medication, opt for a different tea.
Green Tea
Amongst the many benefits of green tea, is its ability to block the effects of RA without impacting cellular function. According to medical experts, green tea can be considered an alternative to medicine in the future for those suffering from RA.
Rose Hip Tea
Rose hip tea is not as common as other teas. The rose hip is the fruit of the rose plant that appears when the plant is not flowering. The fruit is a concentrated source of vitamin C and is regularly used in home remedies. A study published in Australian Family Physician in July 2012 found that the composition of nutrients found in the rose-hips have anti-inflammatory properties which benefit those with arthritis.
Black Tea
The box of regular black tea bags is loaded with quercetin, a bioflavonoid which has anti-inflammatory effects. However excessive amounts of black tea can have adverse effects, the high caffeine content can leave you feeling jittery and can reduce the impact of medication.
Willow Bark Tea
Willow bark tea is an ancient Chinese remedy. Its effects are similar to those of aspirin and several medical studies have found that it helps with joint pain and osteoarthritis. The study revealed that willow bark extracts have anti-inflammatory and pain-killing effects. That being said, willow bark extracts should not be consumed with people on many medications, pregnant women and those younger than 16.
Nettle Leaf Tea
Nettle leaf has been used in Europe to relieve muscle, joint pain, and arthritis for many years. A study published in 2015 found the antioxidant activity in the nettle leaf extracts hinders one of the main enzymes responsible for inflammation. Nettle is easily available in most grocery stores. Pregnant women and those with kidney and bladder issues should are advised not to consume nettle.
Rheumatoid Arthritis may be the most disabling forms of arthritis and it may not be curable, however, early detection and proper treatment can help mitigate its effects. Medication significantly reduces the symptoms of RA but those suffering can look for alternative solutions as well.
About the Author:
Rachael Everly is an undergraduate student who loves to write on the topics related business, finance, health, lifestyle and education. Follow @Rachael Everly for further updates.
A research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in September 2015 demonstrated that nearly 50 percent of adults in the United States may have pre-diabetes or diabetes.
Approximately 9 out of 10 people may have undiagnosed pre-diabetes while 1 out of every 4 people may have undiagnosed diabetes. Statistics from the Center for Disease Control also revealed that about 30 percent of all individuals with pre-diabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years.
While these statistics have become dangerously alarming in the United States, the increasing issue of pre-diabetes and diabetes cases in adults has been growing throughout the world. Over the last decade, for instance, Great Britain has seen a drastic rise in both pre-diabetes and diabetes cases as well. According to a BBC News report, approximately more than one-third of British adults have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, as compared to a 2003 report, where only 11.6 percent of British adults had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. By 2011, the amount of individuals diagnosed with the conditions had almost tripled to about 35.3 percent.
Pre-diabetes is medically characterized as having a fasting blood sugar of 100-125 mg/dl or a hemoglobin A1C of 5.7-6.4 percent. Researchers medically defined diabetes as having a fasting blood sugar greater than 126 mg/dl or a hemoglobin A1C > 6.5 percent, a measure of long term glucose control.
Health Complications Related to Diabetes
A majority of the complications associated with pre-diabetes and diabetes can develop gradually over time. Individual�s who�ve had the condition for an extended period of time, and who also maintain less control of their blood sugar levels, may have a higher risk of suffering other complications commonly associated with type 2 diabetes. If these issues are not treated accordingly, they could eventually lead to disabling or even life-threatening complications.
Common complications associated with pre-diabetes and diabetes include:
Skin and tissue infections: Damage to blood vessels and nerves can affect the proper circulation and blood flow to the skin. This can result in the death of skin cells which may lead to a variety of changes in the skin as well as in other important structures of the body.
Foot damage: The Improper blood flow and circulation as well as damage to the nerves in the feet can increase the risk of experiencing a variety of foot issues. If left untreated, these foot complications, such as cuts and blisters, can develop into serious infections which can often heal poorly. Severe infections may ultimately require toe, foot or leg amputations.
Eye damage or retinopathy: Diabetes can damage the blood vessels of the retina which can potentially lead to blindness. This complication of the condition also increases the risk of other serious vision conditions, such as the development of cataracts and glaucoma.
Kidney damage or nephropathy: The kidneys are made up of millions of tiny blood vessel clusters, known as glomeruli, which function by filtering waste from the blood. Type 2 diabetes can damage these blood vessel clusters, affecting their normal function to properly filter the blood. Severe damage to the glomeruli can lead to kidney disease or kidney failure which may require dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage: Increased blood sugar levels can injure the walls of the capillaries, tiny blood vessels which nourish the nerves, particularly those found in the legs. Peripheral neuropathy can cause pain, tingling and burning sensations and numbness along the upper and lower extremities. If this type of nerve damage is left untreated, the symptoms mentioned above may worsen, resulting in loss of strength and balance as well as the complete loss of feeling in the affected limbs. A majority of people with advanced stages of peripheral neuropathy experience chronic symptoms of pain and they may be unable to walk without the help of a cane or walker. Some people may need to use a wheelchair. Nerve damage can also affect the nerves of the digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. For men, peripheral neuropathy may lead to erectile dysfunction.
Cardiovascular disease: Pre-diabetes and diabetes also dramatically increases the risk of developing a variety of cardiovascular problems, including coronary artery disease with chest pain or angina, heart attack, stroke and narrowing of arteries, or atherosclerosis. Individuals with diabetes are more likely to experience heart disease or stroke.
Hearing impairment: Individuals with diabetes have double the risk of experiencing hearing loss and other auditory complications than adults without the condition.
Alzheimer�s disease: According to various research studies, type 2 diabetes has been linked to the development of Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer�s disease.
Risk Factors Leading to Diabetes
Pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes can develop due to a variety of risk factors. Knowing these factors can help individuals be more aware of their chances of developing the condition in order to help them take the necessary precautions to prevent diabetes from developing.
Several risk factors contributing to pre-diabetes and diabetes include:
Weight: Excess weight and obesity can cause the development of insulin resistance, one of the most common reasons behind pre-diabetes and diabetes in adults.
Inactivity: Sedentary individuals who engage in less exercise and physical activity can be at greater risk of developing the condition. Physical activity and exercise helps control weight, utilizes glucose as energy and improves insulin sensitivity.
Family history: A person�s risk of developing pre-diabetes or diabetes can increase if a parent or sibling has the condition. Although Type 2 Diabetes is not hereditary, it can develop due to lifestyle habits. Your family history can help predict the probability of developing diabetes.
Race: Research published in JAMA revealed that African-Americans, Hispanics, American Indians and Asian-Americans are at higher risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes.
Age: The risk of developing pre-diabetes and diabetes does increase with age. This is generally believed to be due to inactivity associated with aging, loss of muscle mass and weight gain. However, pre-diabetes and diabetes has also dramatically increased among children, adolescents and younger adults over the past several years.
Gestational diabetes: A woman who developed gestational diabetes while pregnant, may have an increased risk of developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. If you gave birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds, 4 kilograms, you may also be at risk of developing diabetes.
Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS: For women, having polycystic ovary syndrome, a common condition characterized by irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth and obesity, can also increase the risk of developing diabetes.
High blood pressure: Having blood pressure of over 140/90 mm Hg, or millimeters of mercury, has been associated to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
High cholesterol and triglyceride levels: Individuals with low levels of high-density lipoprotein, HDL or good cholesterol, their risk of developing pre-diabetes or diabetes is generally higher. Triglycerides are another type of fat carried in the blood. People with high levels of triglycerides can be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Consulting a doctor at this point is important as they can inform you on what your cholesterol and triglyceride levels are.
Preventing Diabetes
Diabetes has become one of the most common diseases of the 21st century, most of which can lead to peripheral neuropathy. Although there are many factors behind this type of nerve damage, such as the use of medications and drugs, approximately 66 percent of all people with diabetes will develop peripheral neuropathy over time.
Fortunately, you can avoid developing pre-diabetes, diabetes and ultimately, peripheral neuropathy, by making some simple lifestyle changes. While changing the regular diet you are used to can be challenging, taking such a task slowly can help ease the daunting change. For instance, you can try changing one thing about your diet today. Whether it involves giving up soda or skipping sweets after dinner, this small change can be effortless for many. Now try doing this for 30 days. It will be difficult at first but it will get progressively easier.
For people who already developed diabetes as well as some of the common complications associated with the condition, keep in mind that both type 2 diabetes and peripheral neuropathy can be reversed with the right lifestyle changes as well. By addressing your diet and other lifestyle habits, such as the amount of exercise you participate in and how much sleep you get, the condition and its complications can be tremendously improved. In one 10-year long study of 70,000 diabetes-free women, researchers found that women who either slept less than five hours a night or more than nine hours each night were 34 percent more likely to develop diabetes than women who slept seven to eight hours each night.
In addition, getting the appropriate amount of vitamin D on a daily basis can also help improve diabetes. Evidence demonstrated that vitamin D can be extremely beneficial for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Taking vitamin D supplements if you�re not spending the necessary amount of time out in the sun can in turn help provide the required nutrients and minerals.
In conclusion, diabetes is considered to be one of the most prevalent conditions today, where nearly up to 50 percent of people have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Many factors can often increase the risk of developing the condition but diabetes can be prevented as well as reversed. If you�ve been diagnosed with diabetes or you suspect you may have the condition, make sure to seek professional care to receive proper diagnosis and treatment.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care is an well-known, alternative treatment option utilized to prevent, diagnose and treat a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the spine, primarily subluxations or spinal misalignments. Chiropractic focuses on restoring and maintaining the overall health and wellness of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, can carefully re-align the spine, improving a patient’s strength, mobility and flexibility.
To get better balance, power and agility, kickboxing is king among workouts. Experts who have studied the sport say nearly everyone—even older people who might shy away from such things—can benefit from throwing a punch.
Unlike most other types of exercise, kickboxing emphasizes powerful movements. Power is different from strength, and for older adults, it’s an even better predictor of mobility and their risk for falls, says Kurt Jackson, an associate professor of neurology and rehab science at the University of Dayton in Ohio. “Pure strength is what a weightlifter uses, but producing power is about both force and speed,” he says.
Kickboxing training tends to involve shorts bouts, two to three minutes long, of intense, repetitive movement—like hitting a punching bag over and over again and kicking and kneeing a pad someone else is holding. “If you look at the research on high-intensity interval training [HIIT], you see these short, intense periods of activity can have big benefits,” he says. Some research shows that even very brief stretches—just 60 seconds—of HIIT can offer the same gains in heart and lung health as 45 minutes of less-intense exercise.
Kickboxing has been shown to improve fitness, power, flexibility and agility, according to a study of healthy men in their twenties who trained three days a week for five weeks. The men in the study improved their upper and lower body power by about 7%, while shaving off more than a second from their time in a 50-meter dash.
It also torches a lot of calories. One study from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) found that the kind of punching-and-kicking combinations used in Tae Bo or “cardio kickboxing” classes burn more than eight calories per minute—about the same amount you’d burn while swimming.
The sport can also improve coordination, even in the most extreme cases. Jackson studies the neuromuscular benefits of kickboxing training for people with multiple sclerosis (MS), a condition in which poor communication between the brain and muscles can lead to falls or problems with activities that rely on multitasking, like walking and talking. Kickboxing helps strengthen neuromuscular control in people with the disease in ways that improve balance, mobility and dual-tasking activities, he found.
The benefits likely apply to older adults as well. Kickboxing improves both types of balance that the body requires—anticipatory and reactive—and better balance reduces risk of falls or muscle weakness. “Anticipatory balance is something you use when you can see a need coming, like when you’re stabilizing yourself to reach up into a cupboard,” Jackson says. Reactive balance is the type of mind-muscle coordination you need to catch your balance when you trip, or when life throws some unexpected object your way.
Those skills are useful before you hit old age. If your workout routine relies on lifting weights, running or yoga, your neuromuscular system may not be tuned to handle the kind of dynamic motion required for sports—even the ones you do just a few times a year, like skiing or pickup basketball. “You see these people step or twist wrong and suffer major tears,” Jackson says. “Kickboxing training is a great way to avoid those types of injuries.”
However, the swift whole-body movements required in kickboxing could also cause injuries. Back, knee, hip and shoulder strains are all common among kickboxers, found a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
As with most other forms of vigorous exercise, if you’re a newbie, it’s important to ease into kickboxing gradually. “If you have a bad knee or some other limitation, it’s important to have a coach or physical therapist who knows how to adapt a kickboxing program to your needs, and who will introduce it in a controlled, systematic manner,” Jackson says. Start slow, and you’ll get the most benefits in the end.
A variation of the traditional push-up, the pike push-up zeroes in on your arms and shoulders. You won’t have to worry about what’s your best angle in your wedding photos—your arms will look sexy from every angle.
How to do it: Begin in push-up position with hands in a wide diamond (fingers pointing toward each other).
Bend at waist, lifting hips up and coming onto toes (walk them in a bit if needed) so body forms upside-down “V”. Bend elbows to lower head toward hands.
Press back up; do 10 reps. For even more of a challenge, do 10 reps with right leg raised, then repeat with left leg raised.
Nothing says summer like sleeveless tops and strapless dresses. But the idea of showing so much skin can be daunting. Our solution? Get started early with these six sculpting exercises from Nike trainer Lauren Williams. They will sculpt your upper body stat, so you’ll feel good at your next wedding or outdoor social event. Watch this video and try Lauren’s best get-fit moves for awesome arms, strong shoulders, and a beautiful back.
1. Wide hand walkout: Start in a plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. From here, walk your hands out to a wide push-up position. Return to plank and repeat.
2. Tricep drops: Start in a plank position with your hands slightly in front of your shoulders. Gently drop your elbows to the ground. Return to high plank and repeat.
3. Front and side dumbbell arm raises: Stand tall with a dumbbell in each hand. Raise both to chest level to create a 90-degree angle with your torso, then lower back down. Next, raise both arms out straight to each side on the diagonal, stopping at shoulder level to create an open T shape with the arms, palms facing each other. Lower back down and continue to repeat this combination, moving the arms up and down as they extend in front of you and to the sides.
4. Bent-over tricep kickbacks: From standing, lean your upper body forward so you’re slightly bent over with a dumbbell in each hand. Bend arms at the elbows until dumbbells reach chest, then straighten arms back out as the weights reach back behind the upper body. Repeat.
5. Bent-over alternating rows: From standing, lean your upper body forward so you’re slightly bent over with a dumbbell in each hand. First raise your right arm up so your elbow bends deeply and the weight is next to your chest. Return arm down to center, then repeat the row movement on the left arm. Continue alternating arms.
6. Inverted push-up: From a downward dog, bend the elbows out wide to create a 90-degree angle, keeping the hips raised high toward the ceiling. Extend arms to return to starting position and repeat push-up.
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