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Sports Injury

Back Clinic Sports Injury Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Sports injuries occur when an athlete’s participation associated with a specific sport or physical activity leads to an injury or causes an underlying condition. Frequent types of sports injuries include sprains and strains, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, Achilles tendonitis, and bone fractures.

Chiropractic can help with injury prevention. Athletes from all sports can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Adjustments can help treat injuries from high-impact sports i.e. wrestling, football, and hockey. Athletes that get routine adjustments may notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion along with flexibility, and increased blood flow.

Because spinal adjustments will reduce the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the healing time from minor injuries can be shortened, which improves performance. Both high-impact and low-impact athletes can benefit from routine spinal adjustments. For high-impact athletes, it increases performance and flexibility and lowers the risk for injury for low-impact athletes i.e. tennis players, bowlers, and golfers.

Chiropractic is a natural way to treat and prevent different injuries and conditions that impact athletes. According to Dr. Jimenez, excessive training or improper gear, among other factors, are common causes of injury. Dr. Jimenez summarizes the various causes and effects of sports injuries on the athlete as well as explaining the types of treatments and rehabilitation methods that can help improve an athlete’s condition. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

ACL Sports Injury Therapy | El Paso, TX. | Video

ACL Sports Injury Therapy | El Paso, TX. | Video

ACL Sports Injury: Alexander Jimenez, champion wrestler, trained hard at Push-as-Rx, Crossfit & Athlete Rehabilitation, to gradually become the athlete he is today. When he suffered an ACL tear, Alexander Jimenez had to undergo surgery, where he then started his rehabilitation process at Push-as-Rx. With a clear focus in mind, Alexander Jimenez was able to overcome his difficulties and he became a champion wrestler. For Alexander Jimenez, Push-as-Rx provided him with the mental and physical edge he needed in order to become the best athlete he can be. Alexander Jimenez recommends Push-as-Rx to younger athletes and athletes who are looking to achieve their fitness goals.

ACL Sports Injury Therapy

Anterior cruciate ligament injury is when the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is either stretched, partially torn, or totally torn. The most common injury is a tear that is complete. Symptoms include pain, a popping sound during trauma, instability of the knee, and joint swelling. Swelling generally appears within a couple hours. In approximately 50 percent of cases, other structures of the knee, for example surrounding cartilage, ligaments, or the meniscus, are damaged. The underlying mechanism frequently involves a rapid change in direction, abrupt stop, landing after a jump, or direct contact into the knee. ACL tears are most common in athletes.

acl sports injury el paso tx.

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Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic: Athletic Recovery & Rehabilitation

IT or Iliotibial�Band Syndrome Sufferers! Chiropractic Helps! | El Paso, TX.

IT or Iliotibial�Band Syndrome Sufferers! Chiropractic Helps! | El Paso, TX.

IT Iliotibial band syndrome is a very common injury among runners. If it is diagnosed early and treatment commences immediately the chances of it becoming a chronic condition are reduced. It responds very well to chiropractic since it involves the pelvis and related muscles. When pelvic mechanics are not functioning properly the muscle don�t work efficiently which hinders flexibility and mobility. This can lead to tight muscles which may inhibit motion and cause pain. Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to help with the condition.

What Is The Iliotibial Band?

The Iliotibial Band, or fasciae latae, is the outer casing of muscle that extends along the outer thigh, from the top of the hip to the outside of the knee. IT Iliotibial band syndrome occurs when that casing becomes thickened. It is flexed or tight when you stand; it is what keeps your let straight, allowing the larger thigh muscle to rest.

There are two primary muscles that are involved in iliotibial band syndrome, the buttock muscle, or gluteus maximus, and the tensor fasciae latae muscles. Sometimes Iliotibial Band Syndrome is referred to Tensor Fasciae Latae Syndrome and the two terms can be used interchangeably.

IT Iliotibial Band Syndrome Defined

As the iliotibial band thickens it pulls in the area where it connects to the knee. This results in knee pain due to the application of too much pressure on the bursa. The bursa then becomes swollen, inflamed, and painful. During activity, such as running on an incline, the glutes are heavily involved.

The other end of the iliotibial band is inserted at the glutes so as the band tightens from this activity, it can trigger iliotibial band syndrome pain. Repeated activity further aggravates it, as does running on tight indoor tracks or uneven roads as well as having collapsed arches or running it inferior or worn out running shoes.

IT Iliotibial band syndrome el paso tx.Symptoms Of Iliotibial Band Syndrome

There are several symptoms that can be used to diagnose iliotibial band syndrome. Lateral knee pain (pain on the outside of the knee) is a primary symptom and often used as a key diagnostic tool. Few conditions involve lateral knee pain. Other symptoms include:

  • Pain that worsens after running, particularly after running on an incline, climbing stairs, or climbing hills
  • There may not be any pain until you do something that aggravates it like climbing a hill.
  • The pain may not begin until you are mid-way through a run.
  • The pain can be intense and debilitating.
  • It can accompany a snapping hip, which occurs when the muscles that cross the outer hip may click or snap while running or walking.
  • The pain may be present along the lateral thigh without incorporating the knee, but it is only in very rare instances that it is concentrated on the gluteal or hip muscles.

Iliotibial band syndrome is often attributed to over training. This can mean suddenly increasing hill repeats or doubling your mileage.

Treatments For IT Iliotibial Band Syndrome

If your iliotibial band syndrome is caused by a problem with pelvic function, relieving the pain from the condition can be difficult. Stretching is not likely to bring relief � and if it does it won�t last long. If the pain from iliotibial band syndrome lasts for more than two weeks even if you are only stretching, your regular exercise routine, and ice and you don�t see much improvement, a chiropractor can help.

Even if the pain is located in the knee, the problem could originate in the pelvis. A chiropractor can assess your condition, check to see that your pelvis is functioning properly. If it isn�t, spinal adjustments and other chiropractic treatments can bring the body back into alignment and make the pelvis more functional.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sport Injury Treatments

Chiropractic Treatment Results In El Paso, TX. | Video

Chiropractic Treatment Results In El Paso, TX. | Video

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Feeling back pain, being unable to perform daily tasks, workout and play sports can be frustrating for anyone. The debilitating symptoms can drive individuals to seek fast relief. But, while a person�s only concern maybe only to fix the day�s pain, fixing the root/cause of the problem is far better in the long run and�can be easily achieved from chiropractic treatment. After receiving a single adjustment, many people especially athletes can expect an increase in their range of motion and less pain. Regardless of the reasons for seeking chiropractic treatment, one question always crosses people�s minds, how often should one see a chiropractor?

The answer to that question depends on the individual�s goals. Generally, spinal complications are not the result of a single day�s activities but tend to occur gradually over a period of time. Many spine conditions and injuries result in symptoms that may intermittently increase and decrease over several years, causing constant, nagging pain or sharp, extreme pain due to wear and tear type of injuries that the body is no longer able to heal on its own.

Chiropractic Treatment Sports Injury


Healing requires time and patience, a person also needs to be aware of what caused the complications in the first place. Suddenly stopping strict exercise routines or gaining weight in a certain amount of time can create an accelerated aging process on the joints.

If an individual�s goals are solely focused on alleviating the pain resulting from one time, then it won�t take much time to heal. Generally, receiving adjustments 2-3 times per week for several weeks can ease pain and decrease other symptoms. But, if a person is seeking to relieve the symptoms associated with an underlying condition or injury, or if a person is seeking to correct an improper posture or a mechanical dysfunction, the process could be much longer. This healing process often may require about 2-3 months of regular adjustments.

chiropractic treatment el paso tx.

Despite completing treatment and successfully alleviating any symptoms, it is recommended to continue chiropractic adjustments on a regular basis. What is considered a regular basis for adjustments? Getting adjusted at least once a week by a chiropractor can help maintain a person�s overall health and can prevent small problems from becoming greater issues. For a greater majority of individuals, especially those who sit most of the day, it�s recommended to maintain an adjustment schedule every week or two. A chiropractor will explain what is the right schedule.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sport Injury Treatments

Sports Injuries And Chiropractic Care In El Paso, TX. | Video

Sports Injuries And Chiropractic Care In El Paso, TX. | Video

Sports Injuries: Sandra Rubio has been working with Dr. Alex Jimenez for about 6 years. By caring for patients on a regular basis, Sandra has learned how essential and effective chiropractic care can be. Sandra describes how Dr. Alex Jimenez provides patients with a better way of healing themselves naturally, without the use of drugs/medications and surgery. The trust between Dr. Jimenez and the patient establishes a positive treatment outcome for many athletes with sports injuries as well as patients with other types of injuries and/or conditions through chiropractic care. Sandra Rubio expresses that Dr. Alex Jimenez is a safe non surgical choice for sports injuries.

Sports Injuries

sports injuries el paso tx.

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Sprains and strains are some of the most common type of sports injuries frequently reported by the average athlete. Sprains are injuries that affect the ligaments, tough bands which connect bones to the joints. Abrupt stretching of the ligaments beyond their natural range can deform or tear them. Strains are injuries that affect the muscle fibers or tendons, which function by anchoring muscles to bones. While most sports injuries are mild or moderate in nature, seeking immediate medical attention can help these heal faster in order for the athlete to be able to return-to-play quicker. A variety of treatment options, including chiropractic care can help treat sports injuries.

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Thank You & God Bless.
Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Sport Injury Treatments

Volleyball Injury Sports Treatment El Paso, TX | Madison and James Hill

Volleyball Injury Sports Treatment El Paso, TX | Madison and James Hill

Volleyball Injury: James Hill is a school teacher and father of two older sons and his youngest daughter Madison Hill. As a part of an athletic family, Madison has been involved in sports since a young age, however, she experienced many injuries as a result. Fortunately, James Hill and his daughter Madison Hill met Dr. Alex Jimenez and he’s helped her get back up on her feet ever since. They both have learned to believe in chiropractic care due to Dr. Alex Jimenez’s innovative treatment methods and techniques. Mr. Hill expresses how much Dr. Alex Jimenez’s knowledge in sports injury treatment has expanded his overall understanding of the human body’s recovery process. After Madison suffered a recent ankle sprain, she was immediately reassured by Dr. Alex Jimenez regarding how much faster she could return-to-play with chiropractic care. James Hill and Madison Hill highly recommend Dr. Alex Jimenez and his staff as the non-surgical choice for volleyball sports injuries and other types of injuries.

Each year, millions of teenagers take part in high school sports. However, when an injury to a young athlete occurs, it can be disappointing to them and the family as well as to the coaches. The pressure to continue participating in their specific sport or physical activity can cause the young athlete to avoid receiving proper treatment, which could then lead to further injury with long-term effects. Sports injuries among young athletes fall into two primary categories: overuse injuries and acute injuries. Both kinds include injuries to the soft tissues (muscles and ligaments) and bones. Whether an injury is acute or due to overuse, a young athlete who develops a symptom that persists or that impacts their athletic performance ought to be examined by a healthcare professional. Sports injuries that are untreated could lead to permanent disability or damage. Many high school sports injuries can be avoided through proper conditioning, training, and gear.

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Chondromalacia Patellae, Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.�

Chondromalacia Patellae, Chiropractic Treatment Can Help In El Paso, TX.�

Chiropractic care is extremely beneficial for many different conditions; some obvious while others are more obscure. Structural issues that affect the knees are often very responsive to chiropractic treatment. In the case of chondromalacia patellae and other knee problems, it has proven to reduce pain and help improve the condition considerably, providing the patient with increased mobility and flexibility.

Chondromalacia Patellae (aka Runner�s Knee)

Approximately 40 percent of injuries that runners experience are knee injuries. These injuries fall under the umbrella term of �runner�s knee.� This includes chondromalacia patellae which may also be referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFMS).

Other runner�s knee injuries include iliotibial band syndrome, and plica syndrome. Chondromalacia patellae is one of the more common forms of runner�s knee, along with PFMS. Rest and ice are typical remedies, but when that doesn�t work or when the pain and mobility difficulties return once the patient returns to normal activities, chiropractic care is often a good treatment option.

Chondromalacia Patella

The knee is a marvelous piece of machinery. It is constructed to take the impact of the body�s weight, bending, and moving. Under the kneecap is a layer of cartilage which acts as a natural shock absorber. Injury, overuse, aging, or other conditions can cause damage to that cartilage.

This condition causes pain and impaired mobility, most commonly when the knees are in use such as walking up or down stairs. The pain may decrease with rest and ice, but sometimes that simply isn�t enough. Traditional treatments include physical therapy, medication for pain, and surgery.


The most common symptom of chondromalacia patellae is pain in the front of the knee. It is often described as a dull ache that is deep in the knee. This pain is often made worse when the patient sits with their knee bent for a long time, when they squat or kneel, or when they walk up and down stairs.

The more the patient uses the knee, the worse it is. However, rest and ice can work fairly quickly to help relieve the pain. If the pain persists even with rest and ice, then more aggressive care is usually advised. While traditionally doctors prescribe medication and even surgery, more patients are gravitating to drug free, less invasive treatments for knee pain. Chiropractic is a viable option.

Causes & Risk Factors

The exact cause of chondromalacia patellae is not known. Doctors have been able to link the condition to several factors. Overuse of the knee places repetitive stress on the joint. This is commonly seen in sports or activities that involve a lot of jumping or running.

Poor muscle control is another common factor. The muscles that surround the knee and hip don�t function properly so that tracking of the kneecap is �off.� Injury is another common factor with chondromalacia patellae. When the kneecap endures a trauma such as fracture or dislocation.

There are several factors that may increase a person�s risk of developing chondromalacia patellae. Age is often noted in young adults and adolescents. Older individuals with knee pain are usually experiencing effects of arthritis.

Gender is another risk factor. Women develop the condition twice as often as men. Doctors theorize that this is due to the skeletal structure of a woman � the pelvis is wider which increases the angle where the bones of the knee joint meet.

Individuals who participate in certain sports, such as those that involve a lot of jumping and running, are at an increased risk of developing the condition. This is particularly true if they suddenly increase their level of training.

Chiropractic Treatment

Successful chiropractic treatments for chondromalacia patellae include nutritional intervention as well as adjustments and stretches. The treatment is designed to stretch shortened hamstrings and adjust the sacroiliac joint.

The point of much of the treatment is to improve tracking of the kneecap and increase motor control. Some practitioners use soft tissue work to help patients with knee pain. The whole body approach that chiropractic care offers not only provides relief from knee pain, but often cures or reduces the condition itself.

If you or a loved one are suffering from knee pain, give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic will do a thorough exam to determine the proper treatment protocol for your condition. You don�t have to live with pain. Again, give us a call. We�re here to help!

Treatment and Recovery for a Ruptured Achilles Tendon

Treatment and Recovery for a Ruptured Achilles Tendon

Whether your doctor recommends surgery for a ruptured Achilles tendon may depend partly on your age and activity level, foot experts say.

The Achilles tendon is a band of tissue that runs down the back of the lower leg and connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. A rupture is a complete or partial tear of the tendon that leaves the heel bone separated or partially separated from the knee.

Length of recovery from this type of injury varies depending on whether a patient undergoes surgical or nonsurgical treatment.

“Treatment processes are dependent upon a patient’s overall health, activity level and ability to follow a functional rehabilitation protocol,” said Dr. Jeffrey McAlister, a foot and ankle surgeon in Sun City West, Ariz. Advances in treating Achilles tendon rupture were discussed by McAlister and other specialists at a recent meeting of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, in Las Vegas.

Typically, less active and unhealthy patients receive nonsurgical treatment, since they are not trying to return to active sports, McAlister said in a college news release. But this approach usually involves a long rehabilitation/recovery period (9-12 months). Also, these patients may be at increased risk of potentially dangerous blood clots due to inactivity during this period.

“For more athletic and younger patients, the surgical option may be best,” said Dr. Michael VanPelt, a Dallas foot and ankle surgeon. “We anticipate these patients have shorter healing times.”

But because there is low blood flow to the Achilles tendon, healing after surgery can be tricky.

“Advances in surgical techniques to repair Achilles tendon ruptures include limited incision, or smaller incision, surgical approaches to help patients have smaller scars, and less of a chance of wound complications,” said Dr. Jason Kayce, a Phoenix foot and ankle surgeon.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Preventing Sports Injuries

Many athletes largely depend on chiropractic care to enhance their physical performance. New research studies have determined that aside from maintaining overall health and wellness, chiropractic can also help prevent sports injuries. Chiropractic is an alternative treatment option utilized by athletes to improve their strength, mobility and flexibility. Spinal adjustments and manual manipulations performed by a chiropractor can also help correct spinal issues, speeding up an athlete’s recovery process to help them return-to-play as soon as possible.


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