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Chronic Pain

Back Clinic Chronic Pain Chiropractic Physical Therapy Team. Everyone feels pain from time to time. Cutting your finger or pulling a muscle, pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. The injury heals, you stop hurting.

Chronic pain works differently. The body keeps hurting weeks, months, or even years after the injury. Doctors define chronic pain as any pain that lasts for 3 to 6 months or more. Chronic pain can affect your day-to-day life and mental health. Pain comes from a series of messages that run through the nervous system. When hurt, the injury turns on pain sensors in that area. They send a message in the form of an electrical signal, which travels from nerve to nerve until it reaches the brain. The brain processes the signal and sends out the message that the body is hurt.

Under normal circumstances, the signal stops when the cause of pain is resolved, the body repairs the wound on the finger or a torn muscle. But with chronic pain, the nerve signals keep firing even after the injury is healed.

Conditions that cause chronic pain can begin without any obvious cause. But for many, it starts after an injury or because of a health condition. Some of the leading causes:


Back problems

Fibromyalgia, a condition in which people feel muscle pain throughout their bodies


Migraines and other headaches

Nerve damage

Past injuries or surgeries


The pain can range from mild to severe and can continue day after day or come and go. It can feel like:

A dull ache








For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Understanding Shoulder Pain

Understanding Shoulder Pain

On my first visit, I automatically felt better but along came with soreness. I did continue treatment, I saw him (Dr. Alex Jimenez) maybe two or three times out of the week. Shortly after that I started noticing change.�


The shoulder consists of a number of joints which merge together with other complex structures, including muscles, tendons and ligaments, to provide a wide range of movement in the arm, like scratching your back.

This increased range of motion, however, can cause a variety of health issues. It might lead to problems with impingement or it might even result in instability on the bony structures or the soft tissues of the shoulder. Shoulder pain might be felt continuously or it might occur through movements of the shoulder. Moreover, shoulder pain can be temporary or it might become chronic and require proper diagnosis and treatment.

The article below describes a few of the common causes of shoulder pain and discusses various treatment approaches to help improve shoulder pain. A qualified and experienced healthcare professional may be able to provide you with more information regarding your shoulder pain.

Anatomy of the Shoulder

The shoulder is a complex structure which is made up of three bones: the upper arm bone, also known as the humerus, the shoulder blade, also known as the scapula, along the collarbone, also known as the clavicle.

The head of the upper arm bone fits into a round socket on the shoulder blade, called the glenoid. A variety of ligaments, tendons and muscles then function by holding the upper arm bone. These collection of soft tissues are referred to as the rotator cuff. The main function of the rotator cuff is to both attach and cover the head of the upper arm bone in the shoulder.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Most health issues that cause shoulder pain fall into four big categories:

  • Tendon inflammation, bursitis and tendinitis, or a tendon tear
  • Instability
  • Arthritis
  • Fracture or broken bone

Other much less common causes of shoulder pain can include factors such as tumors, disease or aggravated conditions, and nerve-related problems. Below, we will discuss the common causes of shoulder pain in detail.


The bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs which are found between joints throughout the entire body, including the shoulder. These function by decreasing friction between the bone and the muscles as well as act as cushions between the soft tissues and the bones.

Occasionally, excessive utilization of the shoulder can contribute to the swelling and inflammation of the bursa between the rotator cuff and a part of the shoulder blade called the acromion. The outcome measure of this health issue is a condition known as bursitis.

Bursitis often occurs in association with rotator cuff tendinitis, discussed below. The soft tissues in the shoulder can then become painful and inflamed. As a result, daily tasks, such as cleaning or brushing your hair and getting dressed, can become challenging to perform.


A tendon is a cord which connects the muscles to the bones at different sites. Tendinitis is a consequence of inflammation in this soft tissue.

Ordinarily, tendinitis is frequently categorized as one of two types:

  • Acute. Overhead physical activities or ball projecting during a sport game or work may result in acute tendinitis.
  • Chronic. Degenerative diseases like arthritis or degenerative wear and tear as a result of age, may lead to chronic tendinitis.

The joints in the shoulder most commonly affected with tendinitis include the four rotator cuff tendons, particularly the shoulder tendons. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles and their respective tendons which keep the shoulder stable and protect the head of the upper arm bone. The rotator cuff provides equilibrium and shoulder movement.

Tendon Tears

The splitting and tearing of the tendons may by caused by severe damage or trauma from an injury as well as from degenerative changes in the joints due to the normal aging process, long-term overuse and the general wear-and-tear of the joints. These tears may divide the tendon completely out of its attachment or they may only be partial. Normally of tears, the tendon is entirely separated from the bone. Rotator cuff and biceps tendon injuries are among the most common types of tendon tears.


Shoulder impingement happens when the cap of the shoulder blade, known as the acromion, places pressure on the underlying soft tissues once the arm is raised away from the torso. When the arm is raised, the acromion rubs, or “impinges” on, the rotator cuff tendons and bursa. This may result in tendinitis and bursitis, restricting motion and causing pain.


Shoulder instability occurs when the head of the upper arm bone is forced out from the shoulder socket. This can occur as a consequence of a sudden injury or even due to the excessive use of the shoulder.

Shoulder dislocations may only be partial, where only a part of the head of the upper arm may come out partially from the socket. This is also referred to as a subluxation. A complete dislocation usually means that the ball of the upper arm at the shoulder comes out all of the way from the socket.

When the ligaments, tendons, and muscles around the shoulder become torn or loose, dislocations can happen differently. Dislocations, which might be complete or partial, cause unsteadiness and pain when the arm is moved or lifted. Episodes of dislocations or subluxations result in an increased chance of developing arthritis in the shoulder joint, among others.


Health issues resulting in shoulder pain may also lead to arthritis. There are various kinds of arthritis. The most common kind of arthritis in the shoulder is osteroarthritis, also called the “wear-and-tear” arthritis. Osteoarthritis symptoms can include pain, stiffness and swelling which may begin during the day and may worsen throughout the day.

Osteoarthritis might also be associated with work or sports accidents as well as chronic wear-and-tear problems. Other kinds of arthritis could be linked to rotator cuff tears or an inflammation of the joint lining.

Many times, individuals who already have arthritis in the shoulder joints will attempt to prevent moving their shoulder in an effort to reduce arthritis pain and discomfort, However,�this often contributes to the stiffening or the tightening of the soft tissues surrounding the shoulder joints, leading to a painful restriction of movement.


Fractures are frequently referred to as broken bones. Shoulder fractures commonly involve the clavicle, or the collarbone, the humerus, or the upper arm bone, and the scapula, or the shoulder blade.

Shoulder fractures in elderly patients are frequently the consequence of a fall from standing height. In the average person, harm from a motor vehicle accident or a sports accident often causes shoulder fractures.

Fractures frequently cause acute pain, swelling, and bruising concerning the shoulder. If a shoulder fracture is suspected, it’s important for the person to seek immediate medical attention by a healthcare professional.

Diagnosis for Shoulder Pain

In the instance of any of the health issues mentioned above resulting in extreme shoulder pain, seek medical attention as soon as possible to receive a proper diagnosis. While many cases of shoulder pain may resolve on their own, make sure to see a doctor if symptoms persist or worsen.

A healthcare professional will conduct a comprehensive evaluation so as to ascertain the cause of the patient’s shoulder pain before providing them with the appropriate treatment options for their health issues.

Medical History

The first step for diagnosis is a comprehensive look at the patient’s medical history. The doctor will ask how the problem has been previously treated and how the pain began, if they are aware of that information. Moreover, additional questions will help determine the causes of the patient’s shoulder pain. Since certain actions may improve or worsen symptoms, a record may be an important tool in discovering the origin of shoulder pain.

Physical Evaluation

A thorough examination will help to discover the source of a patient’s shoulder pain. A doctor will assess for tender places and will try to find physical abnormalities, swelling, deformity or muscular fatigue. They will also observe the shoulder’s strength, flexibility and movement.


The healthcare professional may additionally order certain tests to help identify the reason for the patient’s shoulder pain and help determine if the symptoms are due to other health issues. The following list demonstrates the variety of tests which can help determine the diagnosis.

  • X-rays. These images will reveal bone injuries.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI and ultrasound. These imaging studies produce images of soft tissues. MRI can help your doctor identify injuries to the ligaments and tendons.
  • Computed tomography, or CT, scan. This instrument joins computer technologies and x-rays to make a better, much detailed image of the bones located in the shoulder region.
  • Electrical studies. The doctor may order an evaluation, including an EMG, or electromyogram, to assess neural function.
  • Arthrogram. In this study, dye is injected to show the joint and its surrounding soft tissues. It might be used together with an MRI.
  • Arthroscopy. During this procedure, a doctor looks inside the joint using a camera. Arthroscopy may reveal soft tissue injuries that aren’t apparent in evaluations along with the exam. Arthroscopy can be used to fix the problem and help find the reason for symptoms.
Dr Jimenez White Coat

Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

As the most mobile joint in the human body, the shoulder joint is often vulnerable to experience a variety of problems which can result in shoulder pain. Shoulder pain can tremendously affect an individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks and, if lest untreated, it can progress into neck and back pain as well as cause other severe symptoms. Understanding the cause of a patient’s shoulder pain can help diagnose their problem in order to recommend the best treatment option.

Treatment for Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option which can help manage shoulder pain by relieving discomfort and swelling, among other painful symptoms. A chiropractor will utilize chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations to reduce joint restrictions and correct spinal misalignments, in an effort to improve function.

Lifestyle Modifications

Furthermore, a doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, will recommend a series of lifestyle modifications to help promote a faster recovery process. Changing a patient’s actions through a balance of rest and physical therapeutics can help improve shoulder endurance. Avoiding overexertion can also help prevent further harm and shoulder pain.�

Drugs & Medications

A doctor may also prescribe drugs and/or medications to decrease shoulder pain and inflammation. It needs to be taken only as directed, however, if medicine is prescribed to ease pain. A physician can also recommend shots of numbing steroids to alleviate pain.


Surgical interventions can be used to help treat the causes attributing to shoulder pain, however, it should only be considered as a last resort. A majority of patients will react positively to alternative treatment options like chiropractic care and through lifestyle modifications.�

For certain types of shoulder problems, like recurring dislocations and a few rotator cuff tears, alternative treatment options may not be recommended and surgery may be considered, in this instance.�The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes for disability and missed days at work worldwide. As a matter of fact, back pain has been attributed as the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.

blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news

EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Low Back Pain Management

Arthritis Pain Management Treatment

Arthritis Pain Management Treatment

Dr. Alex Jimenez has helped me a lot. The pain is less, it’s not painful. My back is able to loosen up, I’ve started to walk better and the pain is gone, not completely but it’s on its way. It’s helped me tremendously to where I couldn’t bend at times and now I can easily bend down and stretch. The sessions that I’ve been here, every time it has helped a lot. – David Garcia


Arthritis is medically defined as the inflammation of the joints, where it may affect a single or multiple joints in the body. There are over 100 kinds of arthritis, each with various causes and symptoms that may require distinct treatment procedures to relieve them. Some of the most common kinds of arthritis include osteoarthritis, abbreviated as OA, and rheumatoid arthritis, abbreviated as RA.


The signs and symptoms of arthritis generally develop gradually over time, however, they might also appear unexpectedly. Arthritis is most frequently found in older adults, mostly over the age of 65, but it may also develop in young adults, teenagers, and children. Arthritis is more common to develop in individuals that are overweight and it has been found to be more prevalent in women than in men.


What are the Symptoms of Arthritis?


Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling are the most frequent symptoms of arthritis. People with arthritis may also experience reduced range of movement as well as redness of the skin around the joint, where symptoms have been described to be worse in the daytime. In the case of RA, or rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease where the body’s own immune system attacks the joints, patients can also feel exhausted or experience a loss of appetite because of the inflammation that the immune system’s response triggers. Moreover, because RA can cause a fever, an individual’s blood cell count can drop, leading to anemia. If left untreated, deformity can be caused by severe rheumatoid arthritis.


What are the Causes of Arthritis?


Cartilage is a firm but elastic connective tissue on your joints which shields the joints from stress and pressure caused by movement. A decline in the quantity of the cartilage tissue due to age, however, can trigger some kinds of arthritis. Regular wear and tear of the joints causes OA, or osteoarthritis, among one of the most frequent types of arthritis. An injury or condition to the joints may exacerbate this breakdown of cartilage. Your risk of OA might also be greater if you’ve got a family history with the disease.


As mentioned above, another common type of arthritis, RA, is an autoimmune disease, which happens when your body’s own immune system attacks the body’s cells. These attacks often impact the tissues on your joints that produce a fluid which lubricates them and also nourishes the cartilage, the synovium. RA is a disease of the synovium which will greatly affect a joint. It may cause the destruction of cartilage and bone within the joint. The precise reason for the immune system’s attacks is still unknown.


How is Arthritis Diagnosed?


Visiting a qualified and experienced healthcare professional should be the first step to get an arthritis diagnosis. They will initially conduct a physical examination to test joints that are red or warm as well as evaluate the fluid around the joints and anaylyze restricted mobility. If necessary, a healthcare professional can refer you to another doctor for further diagnosis. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, you might need to visit a rheumatologist first.


Extracting and assessing inflammation levels in your bloodstream and joint fluids can help your doctor determine what sort of arthritis you have. Blood tests which check for particular kinds of compounds, such as anti-CCP, or anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide, RF, or rheumatoid factor, and ANA, or antinuclear antibody, can also be common diagnostic evaluations. Healthcare professionals normally utilize imaging scans like X-ray, MRI, and CT scans to check your cartilage and bones, so that they could rule out other causes of the symptoms.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Arthritis is commonly referred to as a group of symptoms, rather than a single disease. From pain and discomfort to swelling and inflammation, the symptoms associated with arthritis can tremendously affect an individual’s quality of life. Fortunately, a number of different types of treatment approaches are available to help manage arthritis pain. Chiropractic care can help reduce pain and discomfort, through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations without the need for drugs and/or medications as well as surgery, by decreasing stress and pressure on the joints. A chiropractor may also recommend a series of lifestyle modifications to help promote healing.


What is the Treatment for Arthritis?


The most important goal of treatment is to lessen the quantity of pain you are experiencing and prevent further damage to the joints. A healthcare professional can find out what works best for you in terms of pain and they may also recommend a series of home remedies which could help you manage your pain at home. Many people with arthritis find heating pads and ice packs can help relieve symptoms. Others utilize a walking aid apparatus, such as walkers or canes, to take pressure of the joints. Enhancing the strength, mobility and flexibility of your joints is also significant. A healthcare professional may prescribe you with a combination of treatment approaches to attain the best outcomes.


By way of instance, chiropractic care and physical therapeutics can help manage painful symptoms associated with arthritis. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option which utilizes spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, among other treatment approaches, to diagnose, treat and prevent a variety of injuries and conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and nervous system, including arthritis. Spinal adjustments and manual manipulations can help reduce pain as well as decrease stress and pressure on the joints by carefully correcting any spinal misalignments, or subluxations, along the length of the spine. Furthermore, a doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, may recommend a series of lifestyle changes to help promote healing.


What Lifestyle Changes can Help People with Arthritis?


If you’re like the one in four older adults that suffer with arthritis symptoms, you may have already visited a healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor, to address your pain. While a doctor can help provide treatment to improve your symptoms, there are also a variety of lifestyle changes which can help promote a decrease in these often painful symptoms. Below, we will discuss several lifestyle changes which can help manage your arthritis pain at home.


First of all, since most arthritis symptoms are affected by obesity, weight loss is among the very best approaches to deal with these symptoms without the need for drugs and/or medications. Many chiropractors are proficient at engaging patients in weight loss or weight maintenance programs. Weight loss can help take pressure off the joints, ultimately decreasing pain from those joints which would have had to support more weight.


Together with weight loss, many people with arthritis, especially in the knees and feet, don’t understand how essential getting the right footwear can be for those painful symptoms. Whether it’s buying special footwear or incorporating orthotics or insoles to your shoes, this fix can help relieve the strain on the body’s joints. As an additional bonus, the footwear makes it a lot more easy to walk or engage in physical activities without pain.


In regards to arthritis pain itself, a lot of individuals find that a warm bath or heat package helps alleviate arthritis pains and aches. Other people have found that cold or ice packs can also alleviate pain and discomfort as well as implemented on a basis to decrease swelling at the joints. Alternating between both has been demonstrated to present cold’s properties to the relaxation of warmth. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional, however, regarding the proper procedures of these so as to prevent skin irritation from employing both cold and heat.


As tempting as it is to rest when you’re feeling pain and discomfort, there’s nothing better for handling arthritis symptoms than participating in exercise or physical activities on a regular basis. A lot of individuals are hesitant to start a workout program because of fear of injuring themselves or even worsening their symptoms due to arthritis. A chiropractor can show you the appropriate techniques as well as demonstrate how to utilize accessories or wraps if needed.


What is the Prognosis for People with Arthritis?


Arthritis shouldn’t keep you from living the life you deserve. The combination of appropriate treatment, such as chiropractic care or physical therapeutics, as well as the use of a weight reduction plan, proper footwear, cold and heat therapies, and the participation in exercise and physical activities, will be able to help you handle your painful symptoms.� While there is no cure for arthritis, the ideal treatment can manage your symptoms. Along with treatment, you may create numerous lifestyle changes that can improve your quality of life. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain


Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes for disability and missed days at work worldwide. As a matter of fact, back pain has been attributed as the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.




blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news


EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Low Back Pain Management



Low Back Pain Chiropractic Care

Low Back Pain Chiropractic Care

It’s going very, very well. I do feel a lot of relief. What I like about here is that he genuinely cares about his patients and he educates you. He’s constantly talking to you about why he’s doing what he’s doing. He’s very good as a doctor, he’s awesome. – Araceli Norte


Low back pain is a common health issue for many people. Nearly everybody will experience lower back pain at any moment in their own lives. This pain can differ from mild to severe and it might be short-term or long-term. When it happens, low back pain can make many everyday tasks difficult to participate and engage in. That all too familiar annoyance, however, can tremendously limit time spent relaxing, working, and even that of relationships.


Moreover, low back pain might also lead to irritability as well as a whole onslaught of additional medical health issues if not treated appropriately. The prevalence of low back pain has become a common problem, amounting to one of the most common reasons for doctor office visits each year. Before considering what type of treatment approach to follow for your back pain, it’s important to understand the anatomy of the spine and how low back pain occurs.


Understanding the Spine


The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States alone, approximately 149 million days of work are lost as a consequence of low back pain. Back pain is considered to be one of the main sources of disability and shortage of work, and it appears in 60 to 70 percent of people in industrialized nations. Understanding your spine and the way it works can help you know some of the problems which exist from aging or injury, including spinal conditions.


Many demands are placed on your own spine. It holds up your head, shoulders, and upper body. It supplies you with the necessary components to help the human body stand up right, and provides flexibility and mobility to bend and twist. Furthermore, it protects your spinal cord. Back pain differs from one person to another. The pain might have a slow beginning or come on suddenly. The pain may be continuous or irregular. Usually, back pain resolves on its own in a few weeks. However, if you’re experiencing persistent low back pain, then you may have already realized how important it is to look for treatment. Chiropractic care is a well-known treatment option which can help offer relief from your low back pain.


What is Chiropractic Care?


Chiropractic care is a popular, alternative treatment approach which primarily focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a variety of injuries and/or conditions, associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Through the use of specific treatment modalities, including spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, among others, a qualified and experienced chiropractor can help relieve low back pain by carefully correcting spinal misalignments, or subluxations.


By realigning the spine, chiropractic care can help promote the human body’s natural healing capabilities, without the need for drugs and/or medications as well as surgical interventions. Although low back pain can happen due to a variety of causes, chiropractic care can include various treatment modalities which are devoted to the management of numerous injuries and disabilities or conditions, including low back pain.


A chiropractor will perform specific treatments based on the individual’s needs, treating the body as a whole rather than simply reducing the symptoms. Many healthcare professionals recommend seeking chiropractic care for low back pain first before considering other, more aggressive treatment approaches. There are two components for chiropractic care techniques and methods: passive treatments to lower the patient’s pain in sequence to it becoming more manageable, and active treatments that the patient participates in independently.


Passive Treatment


If you’re experiencing low back pain, then it could be debilitating, making it difficult for you to go about your day normally. For that reason, it’s very important to seek immediate medical attention from a qualified and experienced healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor or physical therapist, to reduce your pain as much as possible so that you can actively participate in your treatment. These tools are often referred to as passive treatment because they are performed to a patient by the healthcare professional, including:


  • Electrical stimulation, such as TENS Units
  • Heat/ice packs
  • Ultrasound
  • Iontophoresis
  • Dry needling
  • Manual remedies
  • Massage
  • Hydrotherapy


Healthcare professionals use some of the methods, such as hot/cold packs and massage therapy, to improve blood flow to the affected area, thus reducing swelling and stiffness. Additionally, a chiropractor may utilize electric stimulation therapy, a painless remedy that gives miniature electric waves through your nervous system to relieve pain, reduce muscle strain, and encourage your body to create hormones which are anabolic. A variety of patients may also benefit from hydrotherapy. This involves executing low-intensity moves in water which alleviates strain on muscles while allowing you to move your joints without any distress.


Active Treatment


Active treatment involves exercises performed by the person and are often utilized at the following phases of chiropractic and passive treatments following the very low back pain has subsided enough so that the patient may perform them without any excessive distress. There are numerous different kinds of exercises that a chiropractor or professional physical therapist may recommend, like extending, balance training, and strength training. A variety of them can assist you with your strength, flexibility, mobility and range of motion, but a few help build the muscles around the painful region to provide those regions of the human body collectively with support to reduce low back pain.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

A doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, will make sure to properly evaluate a patient before making any form of diagnosis or developing a treatment plan. An assessment can include analyzing the patient’s health history, a physical examination, including orthopedic and neurological tests, as well as advanced diagnostic tests. A chiropractor, or doctor of chiropractic, will then perform a variety of treatment modalities to treat a patient’s low back pain, depending on the specific cause of their symptoms.


What to Expect During a Chiropractor Visit


After you initially visit a chiropractor’s office, your doctor may ask you a couple of questions concerning your health, history, and lower back pain particularly. With this information, you will help your chiropractor provide you with the best treatment plan possible so that you see long-term results for your low back pain as quickly as possible.


Your doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, can also offer you an extensive examination. Depending upon your symptoms, your chiropractor may assess your own strength, coordination, flexibility, balance, posture, blood pressure, and heart and respiration rates. This may include using their hands to palpate your spine and surrounding area, along with a visual analysis of your movements.


You are going to learn excellent exercises to perform in your home so you may decrease your low back pain, stop re-injury, decrease strain, and accelerate your healing period. Your chiropractor will recommend specific equipment and will devote a good deal of time educating you about your source of pain and pain management plans. They’ll also implement hands-on exercises to supply you immediate relief.


When you’re well prepared to alleviate or remove your own pain, then seek immediate medical attention, so that a qualified and experienced chiropractor or professional physical therapist can help you live a pain-free life. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes for disability and missed days at work worldwide. As a matter of fact, back pain has been attributed as the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.




blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news


EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Low Back Pain Management


Lower Back Pain Chiropractor Treatment | Video

Lower Back Pain Chiropractor Treatment | Video

Denise was unfortunately involved in an automobile accident that resulted in lower back pain. When she realized that she could not sit or sleep for lengthy periods of time without having debilitating symptoms, Denise discovered chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez at El Paso, TX. After she received therapy for her automobile accident injuries, Denise experienced relief from her symptoms and she managed to participate in her regular activities once more. As a result of the education and maintenance Dr. Alex Jimenez supplied, Denise recovered her initial health and overall wellness.

Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment


Back pain is one of the most common health issues today, with approximately nine out of ten adults undergoing it at any time in their lifetime, where about five working adults will develop it annually. Some quote that about 95 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. It is undoubtedly the typical cause of chronic pain, since it’s also a substantial contributor of missed work and handicap. In the USA alone, severe cases of lower back pain would be the fifth most frequent reason for doctor visits and triggers 40 percent of missed days off work. What’s more, according to statistics, back pain is the only top cause of disability worldwide.

lower back pain treatment el paso, tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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Facet Syndrome Treatment | Video

Facet Syndrome Treatment | Video

Truide Torres, office supervisor, developed facet syndrome from engaging in gymnastics at a young age. As a result of extra strain being put on her backbone, Mrs. Torres has been made to decrease her involvement in physical and exercise actions. To be able to continue being involved in fitness, Truide Torres discovered facet syndrome pain therapy with Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C. at El Paso, TX. Mrs. Torres was educated and correctly taken care of by Dr. Jimenez because of her facet syndrome and she managed to take part in her physical and exercise actions once more. Truide Torres urges people to consider Dr. Alex Jimenez and his team as the non-surgical selection for facet syndrome pain therapy, describing them as a caring, educated and professional group of caregivers.

Facet Syndrome Chiropractic Treatment


Facet syndrome (also popularly called facet joint disease, facet osteoarthritis, facet hypertrophy or facet arthritis) is a syndrome in which the side joints (synovial diarthroses, from C2 to S1) degenerate into the role of causing debilitating symptoms. In combination with degenerative disk disorder, a different but associated disorder, facet syndrome is supposed to be among the most common causes of lower back pain. The indications of facet joint syndrome rely almost completely concerning the positioning of the degenerated joint, so the intensity of the injury and the quantity of pressure which has been placed on the surrounding nerve roots. It’s vital to say that the amount of pain a person undergoes doesn’t correlate well with the total amount of degeneration which has happened within the joint. A good deal of women and men experience little if any pain while some, with the particular exact same quantity of harm, experience chronic pain.

facet syndrome treatment el paso, tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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How Chiropractic Care Helps Relieve Fibromyalgia

How Chiropractic Care Helps Relieve Fibromyalgia

I actually feel pretty good right away, just because I know what I need and he knows how to take care of my particular injury. So, I’m usually good to go, next day, after I get re-aligned. Without a shadow of a doubt. I like the way he treats his patients, I like the way he treats me and he gets it done for me. I would recommend Dr. Jimenez to anyone. He is incredible. He is awesome. And I think he can pretty much pinpoint a lot of the issues that you may have. – Carlos Hermosillo


The vast majority of people are capable of dealing with a little bit of pain. Some people may often experience the occasional aggravation from overdoing their workout at the gym or perhaps some people have experienced that sudden twinge out of hitting their shins on the mattress, however, most of the time, these symptoms can be easily dismissed through the use of an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug and/or medication and they can go about their everyday life again as usual. But when pain is much more widespread throughout the whole body and it starts to be accompanied with fatigue, changes in mood and sleep patterns, these people may be dealing with a more serious health issue: fibromyalgia.


What is Fibromyalgia?


Fibromyalgia is a medical term utilized to describe a group of symptoms, rather than a single condition. Ordinarily, someone who is experiencing debilitating fatigue, tender areas around their the body, changes in mood or muscular pain, it may be characterized as common symptoms associated with this particular illness. Even though many healthcare professionals are still not sure about what causes fibromyalgia, most believe the pain is due to an overactive sympathetic nervous system, the part of the human body which activates the fight or flight response. A great deal of individuals experience symptoms after a physically or emotionally traumatic event. Other individuals begin having pain after spells of chronic depression or anxiety although others have symptoms that grow gradually over time. Fibromyalgia has been demonstrated to impact more women than men and in the event that they’ve got a relative with the disease, they are more likely to develop it also.


How is Fibromyalgia Treated?


Because fibromyalgia is not considered to be a single illness but rather a collection of symptoms and since it’s cause is unknown, there is currently no known cure for fibromyalgia. Instead, healthcare professionals generally focus on improving as well as managing the symptoms, typically by prescribing pain drugs and/or medications. Frequently, in case the sympathetic nervous system does respond to drugs/medications, the pain will subside. Healthcare professionals usually prescribe a combination of pain drugs and/or medications, antidepressants or anti-seizure medication to achieve this sort of regulation and alleviate symptoms. However, this treatment approach only temporarily relieves the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia instead of treating the health issue at its source. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option which focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

Many patients with fibromyalgia seek chiropractic care to help ease neck pain, back pain and leg cramps which are often common symptoms associated with this syndrome. Research studies have also demonstrated that spinal adjustments and manual manipulations can help relieve chronic pain. One research study evaluated the effectiveness of chiropractic care on relieving symptoms related to fibromyalgia. The outcome measures demonstrated a decrease in pain and fatigue as well as an increase in the quality of sleep of the patients. A chiropractor who specializes in patients with fibromyalgia can carefully correct the alignment of the spine, alleviating the chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia.


Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia


Although fibromyalgia cannot be cured, one of the most well-known ways of managing and improving your symptoms is with chiropractic care. Chiropractic care can help relieve fibromyalgia pain by�carefully correct any spinal misalignments, or subluxations, through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations. A variety of research studies have also demonstrated that other treatment techniques, such as aerobic exercise together with postural strengthening activities, which not only alleviate widespread pain, but also increase energy levels, improve sleep and elevate mood. Through an appropriate treatment plan, a chiropractor can help balance your own body’s capability to control nerve impulses, thus relieving your fibromyalgia symptoms. Normally, chiropractic care can include the following treatment techniques, besides spinal adjustments and manual manipulations.


Cardiovascular Exercise


One of the best methods to alleviate widespread pain would be by means of low-impact movement. This may include exercises and physical activities, such as walking on a treadmill, water aerobics or other exercises aimed towards improving blood flow, reducing strain and increasing cardiovascular fitness. A doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractic, can prescribe an exercise and physical activities program designed to your abilities, in order to help relieve fibromyalgia pain and symptoms.


Muscle Strengthening and Range of Motion


If you are in pain, the human body’s natural tendency is to protect the area, or limit its motion from fear of causing aggravation. This limited mobility can weaken substantial muscle structures and functions which further limit your range of motion and lift your stress� levels. This vicious cycle can only be improved by working to strengthen weakened muscles and reunite range of motion to the area you have been guarding. But how can you do this if you are in pain? A chiropractor will combine special exercises and physical activities together with other treatment approaches in order to help promote a faster recovery as well as decrease the symptoms of pain. A chiropractor will also closely assess the patient to make sure they are performing the right treatments.


Pain Relieving Modalities


A doctor of chiropractic, or chiropractor, comprises a large number of tools aimed toward relieving pain without the need for drugs and/or medications. These may consist�of ice, heat, trigger point therapy, stretching, massage, electrical stimulation, or other therapeutic tools that can help limit your pain and retrain your body. With concentrated exercise together with a cardiovascular exercise program, it is very likely to retrain your body without triggering widespread pain. Whether you have a disease which cannot be cured, such as fibromyalgia, it is very likely to get relief in the worst indications throughout alternative treatment options. Contact a healthcare professional to schedule your evaluation and find out how we can get you on the road to recovery. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes for disability and missed days at work worldwide. As a matter of fact, back pain has been attributed as the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Low Back Pain Management


Understanding Work Injuries and Safety

Understanding Work Injuries and Safety

The reason I chose Dr. Jimenez is that he’s very thorough. From the get-go, he diagnoses the problem, diagnoses what he needs to do. I’ve had a couple shoulder injuries, I’ve had some wrist and elbow injuries, back injuries, and Dr. Jimenez has been the only one, like I said, he’s very thorough, he’s got great manners, and he’s nursed me back to health immediately. – Louie Martinez


Similar to athletes who suffer sports injuries, employees can also experience work injuries; simply the circumstances are different. And as with athletes with sports injuries, many employees with work injuries can benefit from chiropractic care. If you’ve suffered a work-related accident which resulted in injury and you require treatment for your specific health issues, a worker’s compensation claim can help pay for the expenses of rehabilitation. However, it’s important to understand the various types of work injuries as well as how a worker’s compensation claim should be filed before receiving treatment. Below, we will discuss how a healthcare professional can help you with your work injury.


Strategies for Payment of Work Injury Treatment


To begin with, the appropriate treatment option, such as chiropractic care, needs to be organized by your treating healthcare professional and the patient’s insurance company should offer approval. If you do not get approval for work injury treatment, do not be alarmed, there are a lot of steps you may take to get the treatment accepted. These essential basic guidelines will be described below, including:


  • Ask the doctor’s office to file a Form WC-205 requesting acceptance
  • File a Form WC-PMT for treatment approval
  • Ask for a hearing in front of a judge to get acceptance
  • Obtain an worker’s compensation lawyer for faster approval


Common Work Injuries


Serious workplace accidents are much too prevalent and there are a variety of common work injuries which can occur across all occupational sectors. People working in different sorts of jobs face a different range of dangers. By way of instance, an office worker would not have the same risk of suffering burns as a chef in a restaurant would.


What we do understand, however, is that about 144 employees were killed at work between 2015 and 2016 and approximately 621,000 estimated non fatal injuries to workers were reported, equating to an astonishing 4.5 million estimated working days being lost.


The workplace can be a very hazardous place and not only is it the employer’s responsibility to guarantee a safe working environment; every worker also has a responsibility to take care of themselves when they’re on the job. But to be forewarned is to be forearmed, as the saying goes. Here are several of the most common work injuries, where we will also discuss various safe and effective ways to prevent future workplace accidents.


Slips, Trips and Falls


Focusing on the most important dangers within your workplace, particularly the ones with the capability to cause harm, can help prevent work injuries. In many cases, simple measures can readily control risks, for example, ensuring spillages are cleaned up immediately so people don’t slip or making sure cabinet drawers are kept closed to make sure people do not trip and fall. For most, these are easy, economical and effective measures to ensure your most precious asset, that your work force is protected.


Muscle Strains


Strained muscles are just another frequent work-related injury, as anyone who frequently lifts hefty things at work will likely know already. Neck and back strains, specifically, are all too often sustained while working. These injuries can be prevented easily, some basic training on proper lifting techniques can make a tremendous difference. The use of specialized equipment as well as safety tools and gear can also help prevent muscle strains.


Being Hit By Falling Objects


Falling or flying objects in the workplace can expose workers to relatively minor injuries, like cuts or abrasions, as well as more severe injuries such as concussions or blindness. Wearing safety gear and equipment in workplace areas where objects can fall or fly out can help prevent these types of injuries. Moreover, ensuring that your own equipment is secured and wont’ fall or fly away can help prevent these type of work injuries in the first place.


Repetitive Strain Injury


Repetitive strain injury, or RSI, is a health issue that’s become increasingly common in the workplace.�RSI may be caused by many different tasks, including strong or repetitive activity, or by poor posture. The condition mostly affects parts of the upper body, such as the�hands, writs, forearm, elbow, neck and shoulders. The cumulative effect of RSI can be severe in some cases, so it is logical to take the necessary precautions and avoid overexertion.


Crashes and Collisions


Accidents leading to crash or impact injuries are rather frequent in workplace settings as well. Whether they involve cars, lorries or smaller vehicles like forklift trucks, they could have serious consequences. It’s therefore up to companies to make sure that seatbelts and other safety precautions are in position and in use where appropriate, to prevent these types of workplace injuries.


Cuts and Lacerations


All kinds of office implements may end up leaving a painful cut. From power generators to paper trimmers, it is easy to get hurt on the job. The most common causes of those lacerations consist of poor training, inadequate security procedures and neglecting to wear the appropriate protection. Employers may help prevent such accidents by providing adequate safety equipment and putting the right procedures, such as training.


Inhaling Toxic Fumes


The air in several workplaces contains toxic substances in the kind of dusts, fumes, mists, gases and vapours. While most of us do not work with toxic chemicals, those of us who do, without the proper safety measures, may be at risk of impairment to breathing, skin or eye reactions as well as possibly more severe injuries. Employers must provide employees with the correct workwear, such as fitted face masks and goggles, to avoid dangerous exposure.


Exposure to Loud Noise


Loud noise on the job can lead to hearing damage that is permanent and disabling. This can be hearing loss that is gradual due to exposure to noise over time, but also damage caused by sudden, extremely loud noises. Industrial deafness may also result in significant compensation payouts farther across the line, and its often considered to be very much in companies’ interest to disregard this health issue. Safety measures like ear protection can help to prevent it.


Walking Into Objects


It is probably safe to say we’ve all done this at any point. Maybe you’re chatting absent-mindedly or perhaps you’re feeling a little under the weather, when you suddenly end up on the sharp end of a doorway, wall, table or cabinet. Obviously, these accidents can cause damage. Fortunately, such mishaps can be avoided by approving employees to be vigilant and transferring unnecessary hazards out of the way so people can’t walk into them.


Fights at Work


Simmering workplace stress can bubble under for weeks or perhaps years before spilling over into physical confrontation, or rather one workmate can take another’s opinion on last weekend’s game the incorrect way. Fights in the workplace can, unsurprisingly, lead to some serious work injuries. Effective procedures for dealing with employee grievances can reduce the probability of them being irritable and causing fights at work.


Oftentimes, accidents aren’t only brought on by a small mistake or a simple mishap from a busy employee. Many workplace accidents are tied to employer or employee negligence. Even though there’s no shortage of ways people can injure themselves in the office, we do know there are various procedures employers can set up to prevent workers from coming to some avoidable harm. Training, signage and accessibility to the essential safety equipment can all be a major assistance, with regular risk assessments becoming a necessity within the office, as well as in other workplace settings, to help avoid unnecessary mishaps and work injuries.



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

While the workplace is meant to be a safe and professional environment often supplied with protective gear and equipment, work injuries can sometimes occur. A variety of workplace injuries can lead to trauma, damage or injury and can even aggravate a previously existing condition, although some occur more frequently than others. Common work injuries can include, slips, trips and falls, muscle strains, being hit by falling objects, and repetitive strain injury, among others. However, the most important thing for employees to be aware of at any time an accident occurs is that if they are injured on the workplace, they should report the injury immediately to a supervisor.


Chiropractic Care and Workplace Injuries


Individuals who have been injured at work may often have an underlying condition to begin with. Once they’ve suffered a work injury, however, returning to work is a necessity for the individual’s household. A healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor, will produce a treatment plan that is specifically targeted to your own situation. Goals are put up, and your chiropractor can permit you to achieve those aims. This healthcare professional is your trainer in returning to work. Treatment may consist of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, physical therapeutics, stretching, particular exercises, hot and cold therapy, ultrasound, aquatic therapy and joint mobilization. Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment option which focuses on the treatment of a variety of injuries and conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system.


When you have been hurt in the workplace, contact a healthcare professional immediately. Chiropractors are skilled and dedicated to your personal restoration. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes for disability and missed days at work worldwide. As a matter of fact, back pain has been attributed as the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Low Back Pain Management