Back Clinic Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment Team. At the El Paso Back Clinic, we take back pain very seriously.
After diagnosing the root cause of your discomfort/pain, we’ll do everything within our power to cure the area and relieve your symptoms.
Common causes of back pain:
There is an infinite number of forms of back pain, and a variety of injuries and diseases may cause discomfort in this area of the body. One of the most Frequent ones we see one of our patients in East Side El Paso and surrounding areas comprise:
Disc Herniation
Inside the backbone are flexible discs that cushion your bones and absorb shock. Whenever these discs are broken, they may compress a nerve leading to lower extremity numbness. StressWhen a muscle at the trunk is overexerted or hurt, causing stiffness and pain, this type of injury is generally classified as a back strain. This can be the consequence of attempting to lift an item that can result in excruciating pain and impairment and is too heavy. Diagnosing the underlying cause of your pain.
Osteoarthritis is characterized by the slow wearing down of protective cartilage. When the back is affected by this condition, it causes damage to the bones that results in chronic pain, stiffness, and limited mobility. SprainIf ligaments in your spine and back are stretched or torn, it’s called a spine sprain. Typically, this injury causes pain in the region. Spasms cause back muscles to overwork they may start to contract, and can even stay contracted– also called a muscle spasm. Muscle spasms can present with pain and stiffness until the strain resolves.
We want to accomplish the diagnosis straight away, integrating a background and exam along with state-of-the-art imaging, so we can provide you with the most efficient therapy choices. To begin, we will speak with you regarding your symptoms, which will provide us with critical information regarding your underlying condition. We’ll then perform a physical exam, during which we’ll check for posture issues, evaluate your spine and assess your backbone. If we guess injuries, like a disk or neurological injury, we’ll probably order imaging tests to obtain an analysis.
Regenerative remedies to your back pain. At the El Paso Back Clinic, you may be certain that you’re in the best possible hands with our Doctor of Chiropractic and Massage Therapist. Our purpose during your pain treatment isn’t only to relieve your symptoms — but also to avoid a recurrence and to treat your pain.
Many individuals don’t realize that the various muscles in their back help provide functionality to the body. The back muscles help move, bend, rotate, and help the individual stand up straight when they are out and about. The back muscles also help protect the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar sections of the spine and work together with the head, neck, shoulders, arms, and legs to provide mobility. When the body begins to wear down with age naturally, it can lead to back issues that can limit a person’s mobility, or normal activities can cause the back muscles to be overused and develop trigger points to invoke back pain or lumbago. Today’s article looks at the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles in the back, how the lumbago is associated with trigger points, and treatments to relieve the lumbago in the thoracolumbar muscles. We refer patients to certified providers who provide different techniques in thoracic lumbar back pain therapies associated with trigger points to aid many suffering from pain-like symptoms along the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles along the back, causing lumbago. We encourage patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it is appropriate. We designate that education is a great solution to asking our providers profound and complex questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., notes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
The Thoracolumbar Paraspinal Muscles In The Back
Have you been finding it difficult to walk even for a short period? Do you feel aches and soreness when getting out of bed? Are you constantly in pain when bending over to pick up items from the ground? These various actions that you are doing incorporate the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscle in the back, and when issues affect these muscles, it can lead to lumbago associated with trigger points. The thoracolumbar paraspinal in the back is a group of muscles closely surrounded by the thoracolumbar spine, where the thoracic region ends, and the lumbar region begins. The thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles in the back have a casual relationship with the body as it requires contribution from the systems requiring movement. Studies reveal that the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles are modulated through communication with the three sub-systems, which include:
The passive system: vertebrae, discs, and ligaments
The active system: muscles and tendons
The control system: central nervous system and nerves
Each system provides muscular activities when a person is bending down to pick up an object or doing simple movements. However, when the muscles become overused, it can lead to various issues affecting the back and surrounding muscles.
Lumbago Associated With Trigger Points
Studies reveal that paraspinal muscle integrity plays a very critical role when it comes to the maintenance of spinal alignment in the back. When the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles become overused from normal activities, it can affect the back by causing back pain symptoms or lumbago associated with trigger points. In Dr. Travell, M.D.’s book “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction,” trigger points may be activated due to sudden movements or sustained muscular contraction over time that leads to the development of lumbago. Atrophy issues in the paraspinal muscles can contribute to lumbago associated with trigger points that cause deep referred pain in the thoracolumbar regions of the back. Active trigger points in the deep muscle group of the thoracolumbar paraspinal can impair movement between the vertebrae during flexion or side bending.
An Overview Of Lumbago- Video
Lumbago or back pain is one of the most common issues that many individuals, from acute to chronic, depending on how severe the pain is inflicted on the back. Have you been feeling pain in your mid-lower back? Do you feel an electric shock when you run down your leg in a weird position? Or have you felt tenderness in the middle of your back? Experiencing these symptoms could indicate that the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles are affected by trigger points associated with lumbago. The video explains what lumbago is, the symptoms, and various treatment options to relieve the pain and manage trigger points that are causing the thoracolumbar muscles issues in the back. Many individuals who suffer from lumbago don’t often realize that various factors can affect the surrounding muscles in the thoracolumbar region and mask other previous conditions from which they could suffer. Regarding managing lumbago associated with trigger points, various treatment options can help reduce the pain affecting the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles while managing trigger points for progressing further in the back.
Treatments To Relieve Lumbago In The Thoracolumbar Muscles
Since lumbago or back pain is a common issue for many people, various treatments can reduce the pain-like symptoms in the thoracolumbar muscles and manage the associated trigger points. Some of the simplest treatments that many individuals can use are to correct how they are standing. Many individuals often lean on one side of their bodies which causes the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles on the opposite sides to be overloaded. This causes spinal subluxation or misalignment to the thoracolumbar region. Another treatment that many people can incorporate into their daily lives is by going to a chiropractor for a spinal adjustment for the thoracolumbar spine. Studies reveal that chiropractic care combined with physical therapy can relieve the thoracolumbar back while reducing the pain symptoms associated with trigger points by loosening the stiff muscles and causing relief to the back.
The back has various muscles known as the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles that allow movement and mobility to the body. The back muscles help protect the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar sections of the spine while working with the rest of the body’s components to keep the body stable. When natural aging or actions affect the back muscles, it can lead to various pain issues that can activate trigger points causing lumbago or back pain. Fortunately, some treatments can help alleviate back pain in the thoracolumbar paraspinal muscles while managing trigger points to bring back mobility to the back.
du Rose, Alister, and Alan Breen. “Relationships between Paraspinal Muscle Activity and Lumbar Inter-Vertebral Range of Motion.” Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 5 Jan. 2016,
He, Kevin, et al. “The Implications of Paraspinal Muscle Atrophy in Low Back Pain, Thoracolumbar Pathology, and Clinical Outcomes after Spine Surgery: A Review of the Literature.” Global Spine Journal, SAGE Publications, Aug. 2020,
Khodakarami, Nima. “Treatment of Patients with Low Back Pain: A Comparison of Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Manipulation.” Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), MDPI, 24 Feb. 2020,
Travell, J. G., et al. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 1:Upper Half of Body. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
As the “backbone” of the body, the thoracic region of the back has various muscles that help support the ribcage and protect the heart and lungs from injuries. The thoracic spine’s main function is providing respiration and maintaining good posture. However, various habits can cause issues to the muscles in the thoracic spine, which leads to upper back pain and the development of trigger points. One of the thoracic muscles affected by trigger points is the serratus posterior inferior muscle. Today’s article looks at the serratus posterior inferior muscle, how trigger points affect the thoracic region of the back, and how to manage thoracic back pain associated with trigger points. We refer patients to certified providers who provide different techniques in thoracic back pain therapies associated with trigger points to aid many suffering from pain-like symptoms along the serratus posterior inferior muscle along the back. We encourage patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it is appropriate. We designate that education is a great solution to asking our providers profound and complex questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., notes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is The Serratus Posterior Inferior Muscle?
Have you felt aches and pain when bending down to pick something up? What about feeling tenderness near your lower back? Or have you experienced muscle stiffness when stretching? Many of these symptoms are associated with back pain that correlates to overusing the thoracic muscles, which includes the serratus inferior posterior muscles. The serratus posterior muscles (superior and inferior) are accessory breathing muscles as part of the extrinsic muscles. The serratus posterior inferior helps with the chest cavity’s expiration, while the superior help with inspiration. Some of the functionalities that the serratus posterior inferior provides are that in a bilateral action, the inferior works with the superior muscles to reduce the extension of the thoracic vertebrae.
In contrast, the unilateral action for the serratus posterior inferior muscle helps rotate the spine to the opposite sides. Studies reveal that based on the attachment of the serratus, the posterior inferior and superior are generally considered insignificant muscles. Since the serratus posterior muscles help aid respiration to the thoracic region, it can be succumbed to trigger points or myofascial pain syndrome that can affect the thoracic part of the back.
How Trigger Points Affect The Thoracic Region?
When the serratus posterior muscles in the thoracic region are affected by myofascial pain syndrome or trigger points, it correlates to the various activities the person has been doing that cause muscle strain along the serratus inferior posterior muscle. The book, “Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction” explains that when individuals feel a nagging ache in the lower thoracic region of the back, it correlates to residual backache associated with trigger points. Studies reveal that trigger points or myofascial pain syndrome are musculoskeletal pain disorder that affects one or multiple muscles in the body. Since back pain is common, trigger points can cause hyperirritability in the muscle’s taut band due to various factors that can cause strain on the affected muscle. When it comes to the serratus posterior inferior muscle developing active trigger points, it’s due to overload strain from combined movements like lifting, turning, and reaching for items that can also affect the surrounding muscles in the thoracic region of the back.
Trigger Point Of The Week: Serratus Posterior Inferior- Video
Have you been dealing with pain in your upper back in the thoracic region? Do you experience tenderness or soreness near your ribcage? Or have you felt a twinge of pain when turning your torso? Most of these symptoms are common signs that the thoracic region is affected by trigger points along the serratus posterior inferior muscle. The video explains where the serratus posterior inferior is located while pinpointing where the trigger points are located in the thoracic region of the back. Trigger points associated with thoracic back pain mimic other chronic conditions that can cause muscle tension and strain on the upper back. Studies reveal that latent and active trigger points affecting the upper thoracic area muscles can make many individuals feel more pain than they can tolerate. This can affect how a person functions and can make them feel inadequate. However, it is possible to incorporate a variety of treatments to reduce the pain and manage trigger points from progressing further in the thoracic region of the back.
Managing Thoracic Back Pain Associated With Trigger Points
Various treatments are available to reduce the pain affecting the thoracic region of the back and even manage trigger points associated with the serratus posterior inferior muscle. Many individuals often go to a chiropractor to relieve their back pain. Chiropractors utilize their hands and various techniques to manipulate the spine and can even pinpoint where the trigger points affect the multiple muscles in the thoracic region. Chiropractors even work with other pain specialists to devise a treatment procedure to reduce the symptoms while managing thoracic back pain associated with trigger points. Studies reveal that by when pain specialists like chiropractors begin identifying proper treatment strategies for managing thoracic back pain associated with trigger points, it might be able to reduce pain and improve function for many people dealing with thoracic back pain.
The thoracic region of the back has various muscles that help support the ribcage and protect vital organs, which include the heart and the lungs. One of the muscles in the thoracic region is the serratus posterior inferior muscle, an accessory breathing muscle that helps with the chest cavity expiration and helps reduce the extension of the thoracic vertebrae. When the inferior muscle becomes overused by various movements, it can develop trigger points along the inferior muscle, causing thoracic back pain. Trigger points along the serratus inferior posterior muscles can mimic other chronic conditions that can cause symptoms of muscle tension and strain on the upper back. Luckily, various treatments have been available to reduce pain symptoms and manage thoracic back pain associated with trigger points. These treatments can bring back mobility to the thoracic region of the back without the individual being in pain.
Chen, Chee Kean, and Abd Jalil Nizar. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome in Chronic Back Pain Patients.” The Korean Journal of Pain, The Korean Pain Society, June 2011,
Dor, Adi, et al. “Proximal Myofascial Pain in Patients with Distal Complex Regional Pain Syndrome of the Upper Limb.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2019,
Mitchell, Brittney, et al. “Anatomy, Back, Extrinsic Muscles.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 25 Aug. 2022,
Ortega-Santiago, Ricardo, et al. “Widespread Pressure Pain Sensitivity and Referred Pain from Trigger Points in Patients with Upper Thoracic Spine Pain.” Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 July 2019,
Travell, J. G., et al. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 1:Upper Half of Body. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Vilensky , J A, et al. “Serratus Posterior Muscles: Anatomy, Clinical Relevance, and Function.” Clinical Anatomy (New York, N.Y.), U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2001,
The upper back is part of the thoracic region of the spine, surrounded by various muscles that protect the thoracic joints and help assist with respiratory functionality for the lungs. The upper back muscles consist of the rhomboids and the trapezoid muscles that provide functionality to the scapula or shoulder blades. Other superficial muscles offer assistance to the thoracic spine. The serratus posterior muscle is one of the superficial muscles that helps the thoracic spine and, like all superficial muscles, can succumb to injuries that can lead to the development of overlapping referred pain symptoms known as trigger points. Today’s article focuses on the serratus posterior muscle function in the back, how trigger points are causing upper back pain, and various techniques to manage trigger points in the upper back. We refer patients to certified providers who are diverse in upper back pain therapies to aid many people suffering from myofascial pain syndrome or trigger points associated with the serratus posterior muscle along the upper back. We advised patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when appropriate. We indicate that education is a great solution to asking our providers profound and complex questions at the patient’s request. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., notes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
The Serratus Posterior Muscle Function In The Back
Have you been dealing with constant upper back pain? Do you feel soreness at the base of your neck? Or are you having difficulty breathing? Most of the symptoms cause pain in the serratus posterior muscles that can lead to the development of myofascial pain syndrome or trigger points along the upper back. The serratus posterior has various roles in the upper back as it is not only part of the extrinsic muscles but also part of the accessory breathing muscle. The serratus posterior muscle helps with inspiration, which causes the chest cavity to expand as it is a superficial muscle attached to the ribs and is less commonly known. Studies show that the serratus posterior muscle is deep within the rhomboid muscles and is superficial. Even though this muscle is superficial when it has been overused through various activities, that can cause hypertrophy in the accessory respiratory muscles. Additional studies reveal that the serratus posterior superior muscle is considered clinically insignificant but has been impaired by myofascial pain syndrome or trigger points that can lead to upper back pain.
Trigger Points Causing Upper Back Pain
As stated earlier, the upper back is part of the thoracic region of the spine, and when various factors begin to affect the body, the back muscles tend to be involved. Studies reveal numerous sources of spinal pain in the thoracic spine. One is a myofascial pain syndrome affecting the serratus posterior muscles causing referred upper back pain. Myofascial pain syndrome or trigger points can be activated when the serratus posterior muscle is overloaded from thoracic respiratory issues like coughing due to pneumonia, asthma, or chronic emphysema. When respiratory problems affect the muscles in the thoracic region of the back, it leads to the development of trigger points, leading to overlapping issues like referred pain, motor dysfunction, and autonomic phenomena. According to Dr. Travell, M.D., in the upper back, trigger points can make the serratus posterior muscle cause overlapping risk profiles along the shoulder blades and have referred pain travel to the hands. This can make many individuals suffer from serious pain-like symptoms, causing them to be miserable.
Releasing Trigger Points Related Tension In The Upper Back-Video
Have you been dealing with respiratory issues causing you to be hunched over constantly? Do you feel soreness or tenderness at the base of your neck? Or are you suffering from upper back pain? These symptoms are associated with trigger points that are affecting the serratus posterior muscles causing upper back pain. Trigger points, or myofascial pain syndrome, is a musculoskeletal disorder that causes tenderness along the affected muscle that causes referred pain to the surrounding muscles in the body. Trigger points associated with the serratus posterior muscles can cause referred pain in the upper back and mimic various chronic conditions. Trigger point pain is difficult to diagnose but can be manageable with treatment. The video above gives examples of how to treat trigger points to relieve tension in the upper back.
Various Techniques To Manage Trigger Points In The Upper Back
When it comes to upper back pain, many individuals will go to pain specialists like massage therapists or chiropractors to relieve any issues affecting the upper back. These pain specialists utilize various techniques like stretching, spinal manipulation, massages, and ischemic compression to alleviate pain and manage trigger points from forming further in the affected muscle. Pain specialists like massage therapists or chiropractors are excellent for locating pain-like symptoms associated with trigger points. Even though treatment can help manage symptoms associated with trigger points, many people can still incorporate these techniques, like deep breathing or correcting their posture, to prevent the upper back muscles from becoming strained and causing more issues than before.
The serratus posterior muscles have various roles in the upper back region of the body. These superficial muscles are extrinsic and accessory breathing muscles that help expand the chest cavity. When multiple issues affect the upper back muscles, like strenuous activities or respiratory problems, it can develop trigger points along the serratus posterior muscles and invoke pain-like symptoms to travel down to the hand, causing mobility issues. Thankfully, various techniques that pain specialists like chiropractors and massage therapists use can help manage trigger points from escalating and can bring upper back mobility to the body once again.
Briggs, Andrew M, et al. “Thoracic Spine Pain in the General Population: Prevalence, Incidence and Associated Factors in Children, Adolescents and Adults. A Systematic Review.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, BioMed Central, 29 June 2009,
Mitchell, Brittney, et al. “Anatomy, Back, Extrinsic Muscles.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 4 Aug. 2021,
Travell, J. G., et al. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 1:Upper Half of Body. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
Vilensky, J A, et al. “Serratus Posterior Muscles: Anatomy, Clinical Relevance, and Function.” Clinical Anatomy (New York, N.Y.), U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2001,
Many individuals do not realize they are in pain until they begin to feel symptoms of stiffness or tenderness in certain areas of their body. Many people have two most common complaints: back and shoulder pain. The shoulder and the back have a casual relationship that stabilizes the upper body and protects the spine’s thoracic region. When injuries or ordinary factors affect not only the shoulders but the back, it can lead to symptoms of pain and stiffness along the muscles, causing the development of trigger points along the upper back and shoulder muscles. One of the muscles affected by trigger points is the rhomboid muscles located in the upper back behind the scapula (shoulder blades). Today’s article looks at the rhomboid muscle, how superficial backaches and round shoulders can affect the rhomboid muscle, and managing trigger points associated with the rhomboid muscle. We refer patients to certified providers specializing in back pain treatments to aid individuals suffering from trigger points associated with the upper back along the rhomboid muscles. We also guide our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when appropriate. We ensure that education is a great solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Jimenez DC observes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is The Rhomboid Muscle?
Do muscle stiffness in your shoulders seem to be causing you pain? Have you noticed that your shoulders seem more rounded than usual? What about the unexplainable upper backaches after being in a hunched position for a long period? Many individuals with these pain symptoms could be associated with the rhomboid muscles. The rhomboid muscles are a collective group of muscles important for upper limb movement and stability for the shoulder’s girdle and scapula. The rhomboid muscles consist of two separate muscles: the rhomboid minor and the rhomboid major, deep within the trapezius muscle and behind the scapula (shoulder blades). The functionality of the rhomboid is that they provide stability to the shoulder and when they are active, the upper arms move back and forth while walking.
How Superficial Backaches & Round Shoulders Affect The Rhomboid
While the rhomboid muscles provide stability to the shoulders, they can succumb to pain like any muscles in different body sections. Ordinary factors like a bad sitting posture can cause the upper back and shoulder muscles to contract and strain. Studies reveal that the effects of bad sitting posture can lead to the development of a forwarding head posture with rounded shoulders, causing pain in the rhomboid muscles. When the shoulder muscles, like the rhomboid muscles, experience this sort of change over time, it can increase muscle tone and continuous stress in the neck and shoulders. To that point, it can lead to various symptoms like pain, numbness, loss of functionality in the upper limbs, and nerve root symptoms. Other issues like back pain can also be one of the symptoms that can lead to referred pain in the rhomboid muscles and can potentially lead to the development of trigger points along the shoulders and rhomboid muscles.
Other issues that can affect the rhomboid muscles are trigger points. Trigger points can be latent or active as they are tiny knots formed in the body’s muscle fibers. For the rhomboid muscles according to Dr. Janet G. Travell, M.D., when a person hears snapping and crunching noises during the movement of the shoulder blades, it may be due to the trigger points in the rhomboid muscles. Studies reveal that since trigger points can be either active or latent and elicit local referred pain, that can lead to muscle imbalance, weak and impaired motor function, and expose the joints to suboptimal loading. This means that trigger points in the rhomboid muscles can cause referred pain to the shoulder and mimic other chronic symptoms.
Stretching The Rhomboid Muscle & Managing Trigger Points-Video
Do you hear any snapping or crunching noises when rotating your shoulders? What about muscle stiffness along your shoulders or upper back? Or do you feel muscle aches from being hunched over for a long time? These symptoms could potentially involve trigger points associated with the rhomboid muscles. The rhomboid muscles help stabilize the shoulders and provide movement to the arms. When people overuse their shoulder muscles, it can cause the surrounding muscles to develop trigger points and inflict pain-like symptoms on the shoulders and upper back. Thankfully, all is not lost, as various treatments are available to relieve shoulder and upper back pain associated with trigger points along the rhomboid muscles. The video above explains where the trigger points are located on the rhomboid muscles and how to stretch that muscle to relieve trigger points from causing referred pain to the shoulders.
Managing Trigger Points Associated With The Rhomboid Muscle
Since the rhomboid muscles can become stiff due to overuse and could develop trigger points to inflict pain along the upper back and shoulders, this can cause many symptoms associated with pain and make the individual feel hopeless. Thankfully, various treatments can help manage trigger point pain associated with the rhomboid muscles. Studies reveal that thoracic spinal manipulation can relieve pain pressure sensitivity of the rhomboid muscles. Chiropractors are excellent when finding trigger points along the musculoskeletal system by utilizing spinal manipulation on the thoracic spine to loosen up the stiff muscles along the shoulders and upper back. Another way to manage trigger points associated with the rhomboid muscle is to stretch the shoulder muscles after a hot shower. This allows the muscles to relax and prevent future trigger points from forming along the rhomboid muscles.
The rhomboid muscles are a collective muscle group that has an important function in stabilizing the shoulder’s girdle and scapula (shoulder blades) while providing upper limb movement. The rhomboid muscles consist of two separate muscles: rhomboid minor and rhomboid major, which are behind the shoulder blades and deep within the trapezius muscles. When ordinary factors like poor posture or shoulder injuries affect the rhomboid muscles, it can develop trigger points that can cause stiffness in the rhomboid muscles. Various techniques can alleviate the referred pain along the shoulders, causing trigger points to develop along the rhomboid muscles. When these treatments are utilized on the rhomboid muscles, they can help prevent future shoulder issues.
Farrell, Connor, and John Kiel. “Anatomy, Back, Rhomboid Muscles.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 20 May 2022,
Haleema, Bibi, and Huma Riaz. “Effects of Thoracic Spine Manipulation on Pressure Pain Sensitivity of Rhomboid Muscle Active Trigger Points: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2021,
Ribeiro, Daniel Cury, et al. “The Prevalence of Myofascial Trigger Points in Neck and Shoulder-Related Disorders: A Systematic Review of the Literature.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, BioMed Central, 25 July 2018,
Yoo, Won-Gyu. “Effects of Pulling Direction on Upper Trapezius and Rhomboid Muscle Activity.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, The Society of Physical Therapy Science, June 2017,
When it comes to the body, many factors can cause low back pain without a person knowing they encounter it. Simple actions like sitting, standing, and walking can be difficult or helpful, depending on the person’s actions. Since low back pain tends to vary from person to person and the possible factors that can cause low back pain make diagnosing a bit difficult. Fortunately, there are available treatments that can help manage low back pain symptoms and can help alleviate its associated symptoms in the body. Today’s article examines the causes and symptoms of low back pain, aqua therapy for low back pain, and how chiropractic care goes hand in hand with aqua therapy. We refer patients to certified providers specializing in musculoskeletal treatments and hydrotherapy to help many individuals with low back pain. We also guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
The Causes Of Low Back Pain
Have you been feeling aches along the sides of your back? Do you feel stiff when hunched over for an extended period? Or does sitting down make the pain go away or worsen? Many of these factors are associated with signs that you could be suffering from low back pain. Low back pain is considered the leading disability causes worldwide, as studies reveal, which can be influenced by many factors that a person is going through. Anyone can risk developing low back pain as it can derive from different sources that overlap many potential issues. Some of the causes associated with low back pain vary depending on how severely the factors affect the individual, which includes:
Muscle and ligament sprain (Overused muscles and ligaments from injuries, poor posture, or lifting heavy objects)
When it comes to the symptoms of low back pain, many individuals will experience pain ranging from a dull ache to a sudden shooting burning pain that travels down the legs. Many individuals often feel pain from one location of the lower half of the body; instead, it is located on the other side, known as referred pain. Low back pain can potentially mean that another issue is affecting the body. Some of the symptoms associated with low back pain include:
Muscle stiffness
Muscle spasms
Limited mobility on the hips and pelvis
Muscle tenderness
All is not lost, as treatments are available to manage low back pain symptoms and alleviate the body’s pain.
Aqua Therapy For Spine Health-Video
Have you been experiencing muscle stiffness in your lower back? Do hip pain and sciatic symptoms cause mobility issues in your legs? Or does it hurt when you are bending down to pick something up? You could be dealing with low back pain associated with chronic symptoms affecting the body, so why not try aqua therapy? The video above demonstrates what aqua therapy does to the body and the exercises used to relieve low back pain. Studies reveal that the therapeutic purposes of water have dated back to ancient Egypt, Greek, and Roman civilization; that helps cleanse the body from ailments. Many physical therapists utilize aqua therapy to enable individuals with low back pain. Aqua therapy engages the waters, buoyancy, resistance, and hydrostatic pressure that helps rehabilitate injuries and maintain health.
Aqua Therapy For Low Back Pain
Many individuals that suffer from low back pain will try to find ways to alleviate the pain. Aqua therapy is one available treatment that doesn’t strain the lower back and has therapeutic properties. Studies reveal that the beneficial properties of aqua therapy allow the body to improve muscle strength and range of motion while reducing muscle fatigue by using water buoyancy to take the pressure off the spine. Since low back pain is a common health issue associated with environmental factors for many individuals, studies reveal that water buoyancy can eliminate the gravitational forces impacting the body weight by counteracting it. To that point, this reduces joint stress on the body to perform the water aerobic exercises with ease. Individuals who incorporate aqua therapy in their health and wellness journey may be more motivated to exercise in the water without worrying about constant pain.
Aqua Therapy Goes Hand In Hand With Chiropractic Care
Like any treatment, chiropractic care and aqua therapy have an excellent relationship as they work together to assess and analyze the individual’s problem and devise a plan for them. Chiropractors utilize spinal manipulation to determine where the pain is located. So when a person is dealing with low back pain due to spinal subluxation or misalignment, a chiropractor can help the individual by loosening the stiff muscles and increasing the range of motion back to the spine. At the same time, aqua therapy incorporates the same benefits associated with land-based physical therapy, including a treatment plan tailored to the individual. Chiropractors and physical therapists work together to determine the best possible action to speed up the recovery process when it comes to a person’s pain, giving them the best chance to get back their quality of life.
Low back pain is one of many individuals’ most common complaints worldwide. The many factors associated with low back pain vary and range from a dull ache to a sharp pain radiating down the legs as part of the symptoms of low back pain. Treatments like aqua therapy can help take the load off the spine through water buoyancy and can help reduce the stress on the joints in the lumbar spine while reducing muscle fatigue. Combined with chiropractic care, many individuals can recover faster from their low back pain and bring back their quality of life without being in so much pain.
Abadi, Fariba Hossein, et al. “The Effect of Aquatic Exercise Program on Low-Back Pain Disability in Obese Women.” Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation, 31 Dec. 2019,
Allegri, Massimo, et al. “Mechanisms of Low Back Pain: A Guide for Diagnosis and Therapy.” F1000Research, F1000Research, 28 June 2016,
Carayannopoulos, Alexios G, et al. “The Benefits of Combining Water and Land-Based Therapy.” Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation, 26 Feb. 2020,
Many people worldwide know that exercising has impressive benefits that help improve the body’s overall wellness. The body has different muscle groups that have a casual relationship with the vital organs inside the body. Organs like the heart, lungs, gut, and bladder correlate with the different muscles through the nerve roots that connect them. When the body suffers from various factors that affect it, it causes referred pain to the body where one pain is at one location but radiates from the other side. Exercising can help the body recover through physical rehabilitation by reducing inflammation and scarring on the muscle tissues. One of the many exercises that helps strengthen the muscles, increase flexibility, and even improve posture is Pilates. Today’s article looks at Pilates, its benefits, and how it can help alleviate back pain. We refer patients to certified providers specializing in musculoskeletal treatments to help many individuals with low back pain issues affecting their bodies. We also guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is Pilates?
Have you been feeling sluggish or having low energy throughout the entire day? What about experiencing pain in your lower back? Have you experienced muscle stiffness in certain areas around your body? Many of these symptoms are associated with musculoskeletal issues that correlate with different factors that affect the body; why not try an exercise regime like Pilates? Pilates is a system of exercises that uses a particular machine or body to improve a person’s physical strength and posture while increasing the body’s flexibility and enhancing mental awareness. Joseph Pilates developed Pilates in the early 20th century as an exercise program to help World War I soldiers improve their physical fitness levels. Pilates was used as rehabilitation therapy for injured individuals by incorporating resistance, stretching, and target muscle strengthening. Pilates is now utilized for all individuals with different bodies and fitness levels and can provide tremendous benefits.
What Are The Benefits?
Pilates, like any other form of exercise, has many beneficial properties that help improve a person’s health and wellness. Studies reveal that Pilates helps many individuals, including older adults, by improving their posture by decreasing thoracic flexion while increasing lumbar extension for pain relief. Some of the beneficial properties that Pilates offer to the body include:
Increasing core strength: The deep muscles in the abdomen, back, and pelvic regions become stronger and help stabilize the body more.
Strengthen muscle groups: Pilates helps make the muscles not only strong but also helps stretch them so that they can look long and lean. This makes the individual look toned.
It’s a whole body workout: As many exercises work on specific body parts, Pilates focuses on each muscle part of the body and helps muscle development.
Posture Improvement: Pilates help keep the spine aligned while strengthening the body and core. Over time a person’s posture will improve naturally, making them stand taller, stronger, and even more graceful.
Increases energy: Like all exercises, Pilates will give a person the energy boost they need. This is due to the focused breathing and increased blood circulation that stimulates the muscles and the spine.
Pilates Exercises For Back Pain-Video
Are you looking for a new exercise to tone your muscles? Have you been dealing with pain in your lower back? Do you have muscle weakness in some regions of your body? If you have been experiencing pain-related issues, why not try Pilates? The video above goes through a 10-minute Pilates workout for back pain. Studies reveal that non-specific low back pain is a highly prevalent condition many individuals associate with disability and work absence worldwide. Many environmental factors affect many individuals, causing them to suffer back issues. Pilates can help encourage many individuals to regain their health and wellness by incorporating core strength and stability while improving their posture.
Pilates Alleviate Back Pain
Many people don’t realize that some low back pain symptoms are related to poor posture. Poor posture can lead to associated symptoms of headaches, back pain, improper balance, and pelvic issues. What Pilates does is that it creates body awareness and helps improve the lower back muscles by strengthening them and relaxing the stiff muscles. Studies reveal that incorporating Pilates as physical therapy for individuals suffering from low back pain can help address the mental and physical pain aspects with core strengthening, flexibility, and relaxing the tense muscles. Many individuals should never put off exercising when it comes to back pain. Incorporating an exercise routine can benefit the body and prevent future injuries.
An exercise regime can provide many beneficial results for those looking for ways to be healthy, those suffering from injuries, or those who want to add something else to their workout routine. Pilates is one of those exercises that incorporates resistance, stretching, and muscle targeting as it is a full-body workout. Pilates is used in rehabilitation therapy for injured individuals and can provide tremendous benefits. Pilates can help many individuals with back issues associated with environmental factors like poor posture. Many individuals that utilize Pilates as part of their exercise regime will begin to feel stronger and healthier as their backs will thank them.
Kuo, Yi-Liang, et al. “Sagittal Spinal Posture after Pilates-Based Exercise in Healthy Older Adults.” Spine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 May 2009,
Sorosky, Susan, et al. “Yoga and Pilates in the Management of Low Back Pain.” Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Humana Press Inc, Mar. 2008,
When the weather becomes hot, and everyone begins to plan fun activities to enjoy, one of the many activities that come to mind is hanging out in the pool. Swimming is an excellent way to combat the summer heat, but it can provide much more for the body. For athletes, it provides another form of cardio exercise to improve their quality performance when they are competing. While for individuals looking for an affordable exercise regimeor just some fun activity to do, swimming can become a form of therapy and be beneficial for them if they were previously injured. Today’s article looks at how swimming causes an impact on the musculoskeletal system, its beneficial properties to the heart, and how aqua therapy combined with chiropractic care helps optimize full-body health. We refer patients to certified providers specializing in musculoskeletal treatments and hydrotherapy to help those with musculoskeletal disorders. We also guide our patients by referring to our associated medical providers based on their examination when it’s appropriate. We find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Alex Jimenez DC provides this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
Swimming & Its Impact On The Musculoskeletal System
Water exercises or swimming can benefit those looking for different cardio exercises to build muscle endurance or have a clear sense of mind. Swimming is fantastic for all body sizes, and when it is done correctly, it can be highly recognized as a form of rehabilitation and injury recovery known as aquatic therapy. Research studies reveal that aquatic treatments and exercises can significantly reduce pain in individuals that suffer from low back pain while increasing physical function. Some of the impacts that swimming/aquatic therapy provides on the musculoskeletal system include:
Builds muscle strength
Improves endurance
Stabilizes joints
Improves poor posture
Swimming/ hydrotherapy is an excellent low-impact exercise that is easy on the back and spine, especially for individuals suffering from low back pain or spinal misalignments. Studies reveal that the efficacy of aquatic activities helps strengthen the abdominals and legs and stretch the back while managing musculoskeletal issues.
When individuals suffer from back pain associated with chronic issues can become concerning for the vital organs that have a causal relationship with the muscle as they are affected as well. When spinal joints and muscles begin to suffer from abnormal weight increases, the muscles and ligaments become misaligned. Misalignment or subluxation is defined as spinal vertebrates that are out of place and cause pressure on the surrounding nerves exiting the spinal cord. These spinal issues then become a risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders in the body. Unlike many aerobic exercises like running or cycling that may be hard on the spine, swimming has little to no impact on the spinal structures. So when individuals begin to take up swimming, they realize that the water buoyancy helps support their body weight while relieving stress on all joints and decompressing the spine. This gives the individual a greater range of motion, while the water gives off a sense of purification as it helps the body relax. Hence, hydrotherapy helps relax people who suffer from obesity or muscle injuries associated with muscle and joint pain as the water provides gentle resistance while relaxing the muscles to promote longer exercise sessions.
The Benefits Of Swimming For The Heart
Swimming or any form of water aerobics is not only beneficial to the musculoskeletal system but can help improve cardiac function in the heart and even the lungs. Studies reveal that swimming is an effective option for maintaining and enhancing cardiovascular fitness. Some of the benefits swimming provides for the cardiovascular system include:
Lowers blood pressure
Improve circulation
Reduces heart rate
But how does swimming improve cardiovascular function in the body? Individuals submerge themselves underwater; they hold their breath until the air is needed. Being submerged underwater may help lung capacity while gaining control of how a person breathes. Breathing exercises associated with aqua therapy help promote stronger lungs and heart while increasing their capacity for blood and airflow to the heart and lungs. Say, for example, a person is having trouble breathing due to restrictive blood and air flow associated with cardiopulmonary issues, which potentially be involved in experiencing an asthma attack associated with obesity.
The Benefits Of Swimming-Video
Have you wanted to try a different form of cardio exercise? Have you been experiencing a limited range of motion in your arms, shoulders, back, and neck? Do you feel tightness across your chest? The video above gives an overview explanation of the health benefits of swimming. Swimming or aquatic therapy allows the individual experiencing chronic pain issues to do cardio activities without increasing or worsening pain, which is very therapeutic for the body. Many people are either training for an athletic event or finding a leisure activity that will benefit them in the long run. Swimming is considered an important factor in a person’s quality of life as it helps them become motivated to make small changes to better their health. Additionally, regular cardiovascular exercises/activities like swimming benefit pain reduction in a therapeutic sense. When individuals are trying to figure out and determine the proper training or therapy that can help alleviate their specific ailments, their goal is to see how those exercises should be done in a certain amount of time without causing fatigue or increased pain as the primary objective.
Aqua Therapy & Chiropractic Care
When looking for the proper exercise regime or treatment for pain issues, it can be challenging to see what works and doesn’t. For those with musculoskeletal disorders related to chronic issues, aqua therapy and chiropractic care go hand in hand in alleviating pain. Aqua therapy exercises can range from simple routines in shallow waters to high-tech equipment like underwater treadmills for muscle conditioning. Active water therapy exercises that are diverse in relieving musculoskeletal pain should be tailored to the person and the specific conditions that are ailing them.
But how does chiropractic care work hand in hand with aqua therapy? Well, chiropractic care and exercise have a casual relationship when it comes to treating musculoskeletal disorders. Many individuals do suffer from spinal misalignment, which becomes a risk of developing musculoskeletal issues that cause discomfort. Since many individuals associate chiropractic care with back issues, the reality shows that chiropractic care not only helps with back issues but various issues that affect the muscles, joints, and organs related to each other. An example would be an individual with low back problems who cannot do any activities for long periods while triggering gut issues. This is defined as somato-visceral pain where affected muscles associated with internal organs trigger pain. So for a chiropractor to adjust an individual dealing with back pain associated with gut or heart issues can slowly restore the person’s natural alignment by reducing the irritated nerve roots between the vertebrae and strengthening the surrounding muscles and tissues. Afterward, a chiropractor may recommend exercises like aquatic therapy to speed up the rehabilitation process, as studies reveal that physical activities are perceived to have a positive impact on health while being associated with perceived symptom reductions in musculoskeletal and injuries, as well as cardiovascular and blood conditions. Once a chiropractic regimen and exercise routine are in place, injury prevention kicks in, keeping the individual moving pain-free.
Whether it is having fun in the sun or finding a new exercise, swimming is not only for just playing but can be therapeutic for individuals dealing with chronic issues. Any aquatic exercise provides little to no impact on the body as it helps strengthen the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems with gentle force. Combined with chiropractic care, many individuals that are dealing with musculoskeletal issues associated with chronic organ issues will begin to become motivated to better themselves in the long run.
Lazar, Jason M, et al. “Swimming and the Heart.” International Journal of Cardiology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 18 Apr. 2013,
Massey, Heather, et al. “Perceived Impact of Outdoor Swimming on Health: Web-Based Survey.” Interactive Journal of Medical Research, JMIR Publications, 4 Jan. 2022,
Shi, Zhongju, et al. “Aquatic Exercises in the Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Meta-Analysis of Eight Studies.” American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2018,
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