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Personal Injury

Back Clinic Personal Injury Chiropractic Team. Injuries from an accident can not only cause physical harm to you or a loved one, being involved in a personal injury case can often be a complicated and stressful situation to handle. These types of circumstances are unfortunately fairly common and when the individual is faced with pain and discomfort as a result of trauma from an accident or an underlying condition that has been aggravated by the injury, finding the right treatment for their specific issue can be another challenge on its own.

Dr. Alex Jimenez’s compilation of personal injury articles highlights a variety of personal injury cases, including automobile accidents resulting in whiplash, while also summarizing various effective treatments, such as chiropractic care. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Chronic & Acute Back Pain Resulting from Auto Collisions

Chronic & Acute Back Pain Resulting from Auto Collisions

Back Pain: The worst injuries are the invisible ones. Even a slower impact collision can result in serious whiplash that last for weeks, months, or years. Similarly, the most minor tweaks of the back can result in lasting pain for years. The accident does not need to be a traumatic rollover or a head-on collision; a severe back injury can result from a rear ender, of which there are 1.7 million rear end accidents each year, according to the Washington Post.

As we all know, back injuries can occur from an afternoon of chopping wood, a game of touch football, or simply by sitting at a desk for too long. It is no wonder, then, that incredibly severe injuries occur regularly for victims of auto accidents. Often, the back injury may be overlooked, as other, more pressing injuries require medical attention first, such as broken bones, lacerations, or a traumatic brain injury. What began as a stabbing, acute pain can transform into chronic, lasting pain even if the patient is treated right away.

This can result in a serious disability that hurts everything from home life to your work. If you have been injured in a car accident and have developed chronic or acute back pain, contact an experienced El Paso, TX.� car accident attorney at once for legal guidance.

Short-Term Acute Back Pain

Back pain that lasts less than three months or up to half a year can be described as acute back pain, according to Spine Health. It is directly caused by tissue damage (muscles or ligaments) and the symptoms include stabbing pain, aches, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and difficulty standing up as straight as you once did. The lower back is more susceptible to injury and acute pain than the upper back, and is the second most likely reason that Americans see their doctor. It is important to take care of acute back pain as soon as possible, because the longer it lasts, the more likely it will develop into chronic pain. Not only does long-lasting acute pain ruin a person�s mood and attitude towards their injury, it also increases the neurological pain signals even when the tissue damage is no longer present.

Long-Term Chronic Back Pain

The two types of chronic back are identifiable and non-identifiable pain sources. The first, identifiable, results from muscle, ligament, or spinal disc damage. A herniated disc, loss of disc fluid, or spinal stenosis all cause pain by putting extra pressure on the spinal cord. Spinal decompression surgery may offer relief for patients suffering from these types of spinal compression injuries. The second type of chronic back pain stems from no identifiable generator. This chronic �benign� back pain is caused by a neurological pain pathway that was created when the original injury occurred, and has lasted when the tissue or disc damage went away or was repaired. Now, the pain is the problem itself, not the injury, which can be incredibly frustrating for those seeking a cure. If your back has been injured in an auto crash, contact an El Paso, TX. car accident attorney today.

The post Chronic and Acute Back Pain From a Car Crash appeared first on Chester Law Group.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T�s insight:

Back pain that lasts less than three months or up to half a year can be described as acute back pain, according to Spine Health. It is directly caused by tissue damage (muscles or ligaments) and the symptoms include stabbing pain, aches, stiffness, decreased range of motion, and difficulty standing up as straight as you once did. The lower back is more susceptible to injury and acute pain than the upper back, and is the second most likely reason that Americans see their doctor. It is important to take care of acute back pain as soon as possible, because the longer it lasts, the more likely it will develop into chronic pain.

If I can help do call 915-850-0900 Dr. Alex Jimenez Chiropractor El Paso, Tx

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