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Personal Injury

Back Clinic Personal Injury Chiropractic Team. Injuries from an accident can not only cause physical harm to you or a loved one, being involved in a personal injury case can often be a complicated and stressful situation to handle. These types of circumstances are unfortunately fairly common and when the individual is faced with pain and discomfort as a result of trauma from an accident or an underlying condition that has been aggravated by the injury, finding the right treatment for their specific issue can be another challenge on its own.

Dr. Alex Jimenez’s compilation of personal injury articles highlights a variety of personal injury cases, including automobile accidents resulting in whiplash, while also summarizing various effective treatments, such as chiropractic care. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Acute Injury Management: What Does the Acronym PRICE Stand For?

Acute Injury Management: What Does the Acronym PRICE Stand For?

When dealing with a sports injury or a similar type of injury, many people are familiar with the R.I.C.E. protocol for injury care. R.I.C.E. stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation and has long been used when treating everything from sprained ankles to banged up knees. With acute injury patients, experts recommend adding �P� for protection because of the protection of the area is vital in the healing process. It is crucial that this is implemented as soon after the injury as possible and it should be maintained for anywhere from 24 hours to 72 hours afterward. Of course, this depends on the severity of the injury.

P is for Protection: Injuries hurt and pain can be a good thing because it prevents you from further injuring that area. It encourages you to protect it.

It is essential to listen to your body and protect the injured area through full or partial immobilization and restricted use. The way you do this depends on the body part.

An arm or shoulder injury can be protected with the use of a sling. An ankle injury may require a brace or splint, and you may have to avoid or limit weight bearing for a while. This means using crutches a walker, or a cane.

R is for Rest: The body needs rest to heal. This could mean complete rest, but in many cases, it means what is known as �relative rest.� This means that it allows for enough rest to heal but is not entirely restrictive which could slow or inhibit recovery.

This means avoiding activities that are stressful to the area to the point that they cause pain or that they might compromise healing. Many times, though, some movement is a good thing, even beneficial. Some gentle movements can speed recovery.

Isometric contractions of the muscles and joints that surround the injury and even some range of motion exercises can help. The key is to keep the movements gentle and to listen to your body for guidance on how much and how far to push.

acute injury management chiropractic care el paso, tx.

I is for Ice: Cryotherapy or cold treatments can come in the form of actual ice, or there can be other types such as a cold soak. When treating acute injuries at home, the best known, and probably most straightforward way is to put some crushed ice in a freezer bag with a zip lock closure and wrap it in a small towel to keep the pack from directly touching the skin.

Frozen vegetables, like green beans, peas, or edamame work well too � remember to use the towel as a barrier between the skin and the pack. You should not use the pack more than 10 to 15 minutes as a time. The recommended cycle is 10 to 15 minutes on and 1 to 2 hours off.

In some cases, you may not be able to apply ice directly to the site. In those cases, you can use the pack at the joint above the affected area. For instance, a tightly wrapped ankle can still benefit from ice, you just apply the ice pack to the back on the knee on the same leg.

C is for Compression: A compression wrap can offer mild support and reduce swelling. Typically, an elastic bandage is used to compress or apply pressure to the injured tissue.

When applying a compression bandage, start it several inches below the area that is injured. It should be applied directly to your skin.

Use some tension as you wrap, but not to the point that it cuts off circulation (characterized by tingling or numbness and the soft tissue should not change color). Wrap the bandage in a figure eight configuration or spiral, depending on the area, stopping a few inches above the injury.

E is for Elevation: When an injured joint or extremity is not elevated, fluid can pool in the area and swelling can occur. This can lead to increased pain and limited range of motion. Elevation helps prevent these things from happening and can even help to speed up recovery.

The key to elevation is positioning the injured area at a level that is above the heart. The most effective way to accomplish this is to keep the area elevated as much as possible while awake and prop it up with pillows while sleeping for at least the first 24 to 48 hours. Some injuries may require more time though, so listen to your body.

Skateboarding Injury Treatment

4 Case Studies That Support Going Upright in the Workplace

4 Case Studies That Support Going Upright in the Workplace

upright work el paso tx.

Working Upright

If you are considering going upright in your workplace or workspace, you are not alone. Companies large and small are recognizing the benefits of this healthy, spine-friendly way of working and they are incorporating it into their employees� workstations. It places the body in an optimal position, between standing and sitting to provide an ergonomic solution to working at a desk that saves space too. Even home offices are getting in on the movement. These case studies tell the stories of four companies that incorporated upright workspace technology for their organizations.

Shape Up

Rhode Island-based start-up company, ShapeUp, is a health and technology-centered small business with just employees. It manages the design and implementation of socially activated wellness programs in the workplace. They were looking for furniture that was high quality and sturdy enough to withstand a workforce that was very active. At the same time, it needed to promote good health to remain consistent with the company�s health-oriented ideals.

Their first step moving in that direction was to purchase several community upright workstations. This would allow employees to get upright at various points during the day. The feedback from employees was so great that upright workstations were placed in each employee�s work area.� They reported reduced back pain and increased energy, attributing it to the simple act of going upright.


FLUX, based in San Francisco, is a small tech company with fewer than 50 employees. The venture-backed start-up created software that �reimagines sustainable building design.�

In 2012, Nicholas Chim, the company�s founder, began searching for body-friendly workstations that would help keep his energy level up and help him maintain his focus. He purchased an upright station for himself to�use in his work area. Many of the employees expressed great interest in this new workstation. Once, Chim came home from a business trip and found that one of the employees had taken over his upright station.

It was then that Chim realized he needed to purchase upright stations for all of his employees if he was going to keep them happy and healthy. He now offers upright workstations to all of his employees; all they have to do is request it.

upright work el paso tx.


Katie Rowe Mitchell

Katie Rowe Mitchell has a home office where she runs her start-up, Unfold Yoga + Wellness with her friend and partner Nicole Elipas Doherty. The company brings meditation practices and accessible yoga to organizations as a wellness measure for the companies� employees. She left a�longtime corporate job that left her feeling physically uncomfortable, overstressed, and overworked due, in part, to her sedentary work style.

She recognized the link between yoga and having more energy and better focus so she left her corporate job to start her own company that would bring yoga to be stressed out workers. In her own home office, Katie wanted a more active work style, and an upright workstation was the answer. It keeps her engaged in mind, body, and spirit. She has a newfound sense of freedom that sitting behind a desk for hours every day did not provide. Going upright opened a whole new world for Katie.

Wikimedia Foundation

Tech non-profit Wikimedia Foundation is based in San Francisco and has 200 employees. It powers several collaboratively edited projects including Wikimedia. When the company decided to redesign their office space, they decided that they wanted to create a work environment that empowered and encouraged employees to work together. They chose a dynamic environment with an open floor plan � and they included several upright stations. These workstations were grouped so that all of the employees would have an opportunity to use the stations at different times. The standing desks also proved to be space saving and took up less room in the work area than traditional desks and chairs.

Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment

3 Reasons Why Sitting On A Stability Ball Is Good For Your Spine

3 Reasons Why Sitting On A Stability Ball Is Good For Your Spine

The workstation is one of the most damaging places you can spend your day when it comes to your spine. Office chairs are not designed to promote good posture or spinal health while desks and computer monitors are notorious for being too low or too high. The result can cause pain in your neck and back, headaches, and a variety of other conditions.� A stability ball could be the answer.

However, if you have a job that requires you to sit at a desk for an extended period, what can you do? Are you stuck with an achy, stiff neck and back because your workstation doesn�t promote a healthy posture? You don�t have to suffer; you can work healthier and smarter. Using an exercise ball as your chair is a great way to combat the painful and even detrimental effects of the traditional desk and chair.

Stability Ball as an Office Chair

A stability ball, also known as a Swiss ball, exercise ball, or physioball, is a large, inflatable ball used for training. A stability ball helps to increase pillar strength, improve stability and have better balance. It is large, making it high enough that it can easily be used as a desk chair.

At least one company has combined the fitness benefits of a stability ball with some of the convenient features of an office chair (wheels, lumbar support, etc.). Gaiam Balance Ball Chairs are stability balls that are intended to be used as chairs. The ball needs to be inflated before use and may need to be reinflated from time to time. It also has a 300-pound weight capacity. It is a somewhat pricier alternative to the plain stability ball.

stability ball good for spine el paso tx.

How Sitting on a Stability Ball Benefits your Spine

There are at least three outstanding benefits you can enjoy by using a stability ball as your chair. Try it for just 30 days and see the difference for yourself. In that time you will see:

Your core muscles are toned. As you balance on the stability ball, it forces you to engage your core muscles including those in your low back, abdominal, and pelvic floor. It will keep your muscles engaged for extended periods of time but also encourage you to move for little extra core work. This, in turn, will help to keep your spine correctly aligned and stabilized.

Your back pain is relieved. Sitting on your stability ball improves your circulation, encouraging blood flow throughout your body. An office chair, on the other hand, does just the opposite. This is helpful in relieving pain. It keeps your spine aligned which also helps with any back pain you may experience. This is in part to the core strength you develop, but also because you are less likely to slouch or sit in a position that puts a strain on your back.

You have better posture.�A better-aligned spine naturally leads to better posture. Sitting on the ball works your core, strengthening those muscles so that your spine is supported, resulting in better posture. You will find that you sit up straighter and over time you will walk taller. Better posture is perfect for your spine, making it more flexible and stronger.

It should be noted that it isn�t healthy to sit in any position for too long. Stand up and move about every hour or so. While the stability ball causes you to change positions throughout the day, you also need full body movement, which includes standing, stretching and walking.

Chiropractic Care�Herniated Disc

Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Cervical Spine

Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Cervical Spine

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is a chronic health issue which affects approximately 1 percent of the population in the United States. RA is an autoimmune disorder that causes the inflammation and degeneration of the synovial tissue, specific cells and tissue which form the lining of the joints within the human body. Rheumatoid arthritis may and generally does affect every joint in the body, especially as people get older. RA commonly develops in the joints of the hands and feet, severely restricting an individual’s ability to move, however, those with significant disease in the spine are at risk of damage like paraplegia. Rheumatoid arthritis of the spine is frequent in three areas, causing different clinical problems.

The first is basilar invagination, also referred to as cranial settling or superior migration of the odontoid, a health issue where degeneration from rheumatoid arthritis at the base of the skull causes the it to “settle” into the spinal column, causing the compression or impingement of the spinal cord between the skull and the 1st cervical nerves. The second health issue, and also the most frequent, is atlanto-axial instability. A synovitis and erosion of the ligaments and joints connecting the 1st (atlas) and the 2nd (axis) cervical vertebrae causes instability of the joint, which may ultimately result in dislocation and spinal cord compression. In addition, a pannus, or localized mass/swelling of rheumatoid synovial tissue, can also form in this region, causing further spinal cord compression. The third health issues is a subaxial subluxation which causes the degeneration of the cervical vertebrae (C3-C7) and often results in other problems like spinal stenosis.

Imaging studies are crucial to properly diagnose patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical spine. X-rays will demonstrate the alignment of the spine, and if there is obvious cranial settling or instability. It can also be difficult to demonstrate the anatomy at the bottom of the skull, therefore, computed tomography scanning, or CT scan, with an injection of dye within the thecal sac is arranged. Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is beneficial to assess the severity of nerve compression or spinal cord injury, and allows visualization of structures, including the nerves, muscles, and soft tissues. Flexion/extension x-rays of the cervical spine are usually obtained to evaluate for signs of ligamentous instability. These imaging studies entails a plain lateral x-ray being taken with the patient bending forward and the other lateral x-ray being taken with the individual extending the neck backwards.�The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, spinal injuries, and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topics: Neck Pain and Auto Injury

Whiplash is one of the most common causes of neck pain after an automobile accident. A whiplash-associated disorder occurs when a person’s head and neck moves abruptly back-and-forth, in any direction, due to the force of an impact. Although whiplash most commonly occurs following a rear-end car crash, it can also result from sports injuries. During an auto accident, the sudden motion of the human body can cause the muscles, ligaments, and other soft tissues of the neck to extend beyond their natural range of motion, causing damage or injury to the complex structures surrounding the cervical spine. While whiplash-associated disorders are considered to be relatively mild health issues, these can cause long-term pain and discomfort if left untreated. Diagnosis is essential.

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EXTRA EXTRA | IMPORTANT TOPIC: Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Neurological Health Issues After Auto Injuries

Neurological Health Issues After Auto Injuries

I’m definitely able to do day-to-day stuff a lot easier. It’s just like a much happier life with less pain. Just doing anything like working out or any type of activity that a person would take for granted if you don’t have pain, it’s different when you have pain, and so to get pain relief is amazing.

Gale Grijalva

Head and neck injuries are health issues commonly caused by�automobile accidents. Due to the force of the impact, a�moderate fender bender can sometimes even jerk a victim enough to make them hit their head inside the vehicle. The brain�can be very susceptible to suffering damage�after an auto accident, leading to neurological issues which can have lasting effects.

Nerve damage is a prevalent consequence after a car crash, and it can�cause debilitating symptoms, such as pain, headaches, and mental health issues, among others, ultimately making it difficult for anyone to go about their everyday activities.�When it comes to nerve damage, the most common types of automobile accident injuries include:

  • Whiplash, an intense jerking motion of the head and neck which can cause the nerves to stretch or be pinched;
  • Blunt-force trauma, hitting your head, arms, or legs on a hard surface inside or outside the vehicle, compressing the nerves; and
  • Lacerations, deep cuts into the skin sustained during an automobile accident that can sever the nerves in the affected region.

Several signs and symptoms can help indicate when nerves are damaged. These include�pain; partial or full paralysis of limbs and appendages like fingers and/or toes; muscular fatigue; twitching or uncontrolled movements of muscles; a prickling sensation; tingling or numbness on the skin or in limbs; or increased sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures on the surface. Below, we will discuss the effects of nerve damage after an auto accident.

Neuropathy After Auto Injuries

Neuropathy, or nerve damage, may be brought on by sports injuries, work-related injuries, automobile accident injuries, or repetitive motion injuries. These scenarios may cause the nerves to be completely or partially compressed, stretched or even severed. Dislocated or broken, fractured, bones may also place an unnecessary quantity of pressure on the nerves, where slipped intervertebral discs can compress the nerve fibers.

Neuropathy,�a term used to describe nerve damage, usually involves�the peripheral nerves instead of the central nervous system, or the brain and spinal cord. This health issue may not only develop due to the causes�explained above,�but nerve damage can also occur for many other reasons. The most prevalent nerves to be affected by neuropathy include the motor nerves, the autonomic nerves, and the sensory nerves.

  • The motor nerves enable movement and power;
  • The autonomic nerves control the systems of the body; and
  • The sensory nerves control feeling.

Diagnosing neuropathy to determine the best treatment options can help a victim regain a healthy lifestyle. The healthcare professional will begin their evaluation by reviewing the patient’s medical history, including general health, signs and symptoms, any other�type of neuropathy in the family, current or recent prescriptions used, any exposure to poisons or toxins, alcohol consumption, and sexual history.

They will then diagnose the cause of the neuropathy by checking the skin, taking their pulse in different places, examining for feeling, such as analyzing vibration sensations with a tuning fork and evaluating tendon reflexes. The healthcare professional may determine your precise treatment options once the source of the neuropathy is narrowed down. The proper treatment approach can help manage the symptoms.

Radiculopathy After Auto Injuries

Radiculopathy is the medical term used to describe compression or irritation of a nerve in the spine. It is not a specific condition, but instead, a description of a general health issue in which or more nerves are affected, causing symptoms. Radiculopathy may cause pain, tingling sensations, numbness, or fatigue. This condition can occur in any portion of the spine, although it may be more common in some areas than others.

  • It is most common in the lower back (lumbar radiculopathy);
  • And in the neck (cervical radiculopathy);
  • It is�less common in the middle portion of the spine (thoracic radiculopathy), but it’s still tremendously debilitating.

Cervical radiculopathy is pain and other symptoms resulting from any condition which affects the nerves in the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine. Degeneration of the cervical region of the spine may lead to a myriad of conditions that might result in problems. These are usually divided between problems that come from health issues originating from pinched or irritated nerves as well as other underlying problems in the neck.

Lumbar radiculopathy causes pain which occurs in the lower back. Damage or injuries to the lumbar spine and compression or impingement of the nerve roots can cause pain, tingling sensations, and numbness. Automobile accident injuries can result in very significant pathologies including damage to the intervertebral discs, muscles, tendons, and ligaments as well as to the nerves traveling down the length of the spine.

Like neuropathy, a diagnosis for radiculopathy begins with a review of a patient’s medical history and a physical evaluation by the healthcare professional. The doctor might be able to determine the source of the symptoms by evaluating the patient’s muscle strength, sensation, and reflexes. These tests often comprise of a CT scan, an MRI or X-rays. The exam may also include an electromyogram or a nerve conduction study which analyzes the current threshold of sensibility in patients.


Millions of people are involved in automobile accidents every year, many of which result in long-term injuries and disability. Chiropractic care is one of the most frequently considered forms of treatment after an auto accident. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a doctor of chiropractic can help restore normal function to the nervous system in order to allow the body to naturally heal itself.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.

Treatment After Auto Injuries

The force that’s often placed on the�neck and the spine during an auto accident can cause nerve damage.�If you experience any signs and symptoms after being involved in a car crash, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention from a healthcare professional, such as a chiropractor, to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment. Chiropractic care is a popular treatment for automobile accident injuries.

Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment approach which focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of a variety of injuries and/or conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous system. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor can carefully correct any spinal misalignments�which may be placing unnecessary amounts of stress on the nerves.�

By naturally restoring the original integrity of the spine, chiropractic care has become one of the most common treatments for a variety of injuries and conditions, including nerve damage associated with automobile accident injuries. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topics: Central Sensitization After Auto Injuries

Central sensitization is a health issue affecting the nervous system which is commonly associated with the development of chronic pain. With central sensitization, the nervous system experiences a “wind-up” process that causes it to become regulated in a constant state of high reactivity. This constant, or persistent, state of high reactivity lowers the threshold for what should be causing pain in the human body, ultimately maintaining pain even after the initial injury has healed. Central sensitization is identified by two main characteristics, both of which involve a heightened sensitivity to pain and the sensation of touch, known as allodynia and hyperalgesia.


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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment


Low-Speed Rear-End Collisions Can Cause Whiplash

Low-Speed Rear-End Collisions Can Cause Whiplash

You are sitting in your car, stopped at a traffic light. Suddenly, a vehicle traveling at low-speed rear-ends your car. The impact isn�t hard although it is unexpected. You take a look at your car and see that there is minor damage, or no damage at all, to either vehicle. The bumpers absorbed the bulk of the energy from the crash, so they protected the car. You feel a little pain in your neck, and upper back, perhaps a little dizzy or you have a headache, but you shrug it off, reasoning that it is from the unexpected jolt. After all, they didn�t hit you that hard. You exchange information with the other driver and go on your way.

The next morning is a different story. Your neck is painful and stiff. You have pain in your shoulders and back as well. A visit to the doctor reveals a diagnosis of whiplash.

Is Whiplash Real?

Some people will tell you that whiplash is a made-up injury that people use to get more money in a settlement stemming from an accident. They do not believe it is possible in a low-speed rear-end accident and see it as a legitimate injury claim, mainly because there are no visible marks.

Some insurance experts claim that about a third of whiplash cases are fraudulent, but that leaves two-thirds of the cases legitimate. There is also a great deal of research that supports the claim that low-speed accidents can indeed cause whiplash � and it is very, very real. Some patients suffer from the pain and immobility the rest of their lives.

The Mechanics of Whiplash

When a person is sitting in their vehicle, they are usually upright with their head directly over their shoulders, and the neck as the support. The key to whiplash is that it is unexpected. The vehicle gets struck, the torso of the person in the first car gets thrust forward. However, the head does not immediately follow but instead falls backward, behind the body for a split second. In this position, the neck is hyperextended for the first time (to the rear).

low-speed rear end collision whiplash el paso tx.

As the torso snaps back against the back of the seat, the person�s head falls forward but is quickly yanked back as it follows the movement of the chest � then passes it. The second time the neck is hyperextended (to the front). The effects of this movement that lasts only a few seconds can cause debilitating pain and immobility. It gets compounded when the headrests are set too far back and are too low so that they do not provide adequate support.

What To Do If You Are In A�Low-Speed Rear End Collision

If you are in an accident, especially if you get rear-ended, and experience whiplash, see a doctor that day � even if you don�t feel much pain. The sooner you get into a doctor, the sooner you can begin treatment should a problem develop.

Often, people with whiplash don�t experience any effects until a day, or even two, later. The key is to stay ahead of the pain and take measures sooner rather than later to relieve it and keep it at bay. It also provides documentation should other issues arise, and you need the information for legal purposes.

Seeing your chiropractor soon after your accident can help you heal faster and manage your pain more effectively. With techniques like gentle manipulation and deep tissue massage, your neck can begin to improve almost immediately. Then you can get back to life a lot faster.

Auto Accident Injury Chiropractor

Health Benefits Of Working Upright

Health Benefits Of Working Upright

Sitting at a desk for extended periods of time is not healthy and can lead to a host of health problems. As more and more studies show the detriments of prolonged sitting, some companies are taking action to protect their employees� health by installing upright work stations. These desks take the person from a seated position and move them into one where they are leaning. As a result, most of the workers are enjoying several health benefits.

Health Benefits

It Facilitates Healthy Postural Transitions

Simply put, postural transitions are the body movements made when changing positions. There are large movements like going from sitting to standing, standing to leaning, and standing to sitting, but also small movements like adjusting arm placement or moving a foot.

Ergonomists suggest that a person should be making postural transitions several time an hour. They also recommend that people avoid any static position such as standing, sitting, or leaning for an extended period of time, instead advocating a transition or movement every 20 minutes when possible.

Static positioning has been linked to obesity, heart disease, and other health conditions. When the body is positioned in such a way that facilitates healthy movement, the body moves more often and in a more natural way. This is not likely to happen with static positioning, especially prolonged sitting.

It Improves Spine Health

Sitting or standing for long periods of time is not good for the spine. When a person stands or sits without any healthy postural transitions the spine can begin to compact and the discs become hard. This undermines the spines ability to adequately support the body, leading to loss of mobility, decreased flexibility, and pain.

The spine is made up of small bones, vertebrae, which are cushioned by spongy, fluid filled discs. In a healthy spine, the discs are filled with fluid providing a good cushion for the vertebrae as they move and support the body. However, the discs need movement to encourage blood flow so they can continue working as they should. Working upright facilitates those movements, thus decreasing the likelihood of spinal problems.

health benefits working upright el paso tx.

It Discourages Painful Posture

Standing and sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause pain and certain mobility problems. While they share some pain points, each brings its own problems. A strained neck and stiff, sore shoulders are often associated with sitting and standing, usually due to improper computer monitor placement. Poor leg circulation, tight hips, and lower back pain are also common problems of people who do a lot of standing or sitting on their jobs.

Using an upright workstation moves the body into a more natural, healthier posture that encourages natural, frequent movement. The spine is properly aligned over the hips, the hips are open, and the feet are adequately supported. It promotes posture that is completely contrary to being hunched over a desk � the typical posture for a sitting workstation.

It Keeps Core Muscles Engaged

When in a seated position, the core muscles are mostly lax and rarely engaged. Over time, these muscles can actually be trained to become weak, or lazy and not engage as they should. This means that they stop supporting the back and body which leads to poor posture, loss of balance, lack of mobility, decrease in flexibility, and pain.

Working upright encourages micro movements that engage the core. It�s not like crunches at the gym, but more like an ongoing mini-workout that keeps the core muscles toned and supportive. The results are a healthier spine, fewer gastrointestinal problems, better posture, and improved circulation.

Other health benefits of working upright include a decreased risk of certain cancers like colon cancer and breast cancer, improved circulation, better brain function, and a decreased risk of health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Working upright is the most natural position for the body�s best function and health.

Health Benefits: Chiropractic Care Crossfit Rehabilitation