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El Paso Chiropractic News

Back Clinic El Paso Chiropractic News. Dr. Jimenez brings various articles dealing with the local chiropractic community and what they are up to. Chiropractors are known for safely and effectively treating acute back and neck pain, as well as headaches. While a medical doctor might prescribe pain medicine, muscle relaxers, or anti-inflammatory drugs. Then an orthopedic doctor may suggest surgery, a chiropractor will treat your problems by hand, through manipulation of the spine.

Chiropractors bring the musculoskeletal structure into proper alignment. Chiropractors help to change the position of your body through proper pressure to particular points along the spine that is not properly aligned. This results in the all-familiar popping that people are used to. The noise is created from a change in pressure in your joints as gas bubbles are released. Adjusting the spine with their hands at particular pressure points, chiropractors can unblock nerve energy and allow it to flow in a much smoother way down your spine and throughout the entire body. Regular visits can realign your spine to optimize overall health. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900

Chiropractic Great For Preventative Care No Matter The Age

Chiropractic Great For Preventative Care No Matter The Age

For many chiropractic patients, the first experience with chiropractic comes during early adulthood or middle age. Most adults seek out chiropractic care because they are in some sort of pain. If you are one of those that are new to chiropractic, its effectiveness may surprise you. Your next thought might be about how chiropractic could help others in your life�friends, family and more.

Fortunately, sharing chiropractic with your loved ones is easy because it is so well-suited to just about everyone. Whatever the age of the individual, chiropractic can be adapted to provide gentle preventative care and to improve overall health.

Chiropractic Helps at Whatever The Age

A few visits to the chiropractor makes it pretty obvious that the practice can help you feel better, relieve pain, improve your mobility and just generally aid in your overall health. But what about your parents, grandparents, or children? Let�s look at the benefits for children and older adults:

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Great For Preventative Care No Matter The Age El Paso, TX.

Smiling multi-generation family smiling down at the camera

Chiropractic for Children

Sometimes it can seem like children are invincible. They are flexible, heal quickly and tend to bounce back from situations that would floor an adult. But kids need support to be as healthy as possible, especially as they grow up. Chiropractic care is excellent for encouraging healthy growth in infants, toddlers, children, and teens.

Some of the benefits of chiropractic for children include:

  • Spinal alignment. The small spines of children can become misaligned much like those of adults. Regular chiropractic adjustments help to bring your child�s spine back into proper alignment, which encourages proper functioning of the nervous system, immune system and more.
  • Healthy movement patterns. It is normal to develop at least a few unhealthy movement patterns as we move from childhood to adulthood. These bad patterns can lead to injuries on down the line. Chiropractic care can help teach children how to move safely, which can yield benefits for a lifetime.
  • Gentle adjustments designed for young bodies. Chiropractors who work with children learn special techniques to ensure that adjustments heal and not hurt. Immature bodies work in much the same way as older bodies, but a delicate touch is still important for safety.

Chiropractic Care for Older Adults

Older adults can also experience numerous benefits from chiropractic care. The elderly in particular face a number of health challenges that chiropractic can assist with. Some of the benefits of chiropractic care for older adults include:

  • Pain relief. Chiropractic can do wonders for pain management, all without drugs or surgery. Regular adjustments and other supplemental therapies have been proven to reduce or eliminate pain, something older adults can truly appreciate.
  • More mobility. Just because you get older does not mean you should have to stop doing the things you love. Chiropractors know how to gently increase your mobility so that you can get back on your feet and enjoy life the way you deserve.
  • Improved immune response. The nervous system and immune system are linked in many ways. Adjustments help to align the spine and improve nervous system function. An adjustment can also aid in immune system function, which means your body can fight off invaders more effectively.

Customized Chiropractic Plan Just For You

Our chiropractic team is well-equipped to provide the services you and your loved ones need to feel your best. We are trained to help patients of all ages, from newborns to those 100-years-old and beyond! Let us show you what we have to offer and how we can make your life healthier and more enjoyable.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our chiropractic team. We look forward to meeting you!

Benefits of Using Custom *Foot Orthotics* | El Paso, TX (2019)



Foot Orthotics

Experiencing foot pain, there�s no doubt you checked out your foot to make sure it�s not�injured�or hurting from�improper fitting shoes, corns, plantar fasciitis, etc. This may seem counterintuitive, but you may want to check the condition of the�lumbar spine (lower back)?� Most foot problems are caused by issues with the foot itself, but you might be surprised to find that pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause intense foot pain.


What is a Pronated Foot and Can Custom Orthotics Help?

When a foot is pronated, it means the arches have fallen and the foot is flat.

Flat feet are less shock-absorbent and make for a less stable base for the rest of the body. This includes the bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Great For Preventative Care No Matter The Age El Paso, TX.


Flat Feet can also:

  • Shift the body out of alignment
  • Cause pain in the feet, knees, hips, neck, and spine
  • Lead to injury/s like shin splints, Achilles tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis
  • Women with flat feet are 50% more likely to have low back pain
  • Up to 1/3 of people suffer from flat feet

�Pronation Causes

The connective tissue, called the plantar fascia, on the underside of the foot is what maintains the foot�s healthy arch shape.

Walking and standing, injury and health conditions can cause the fascia to stretch out and flatten.

Once the fascia stretches out, there is nothing to bring the spring back.


  • Chiropractic adjusting to ensure proper positioning of bones and joints
  • Custom orthotics for pronation control, support, and comfort


Chronic Inversion Sprain

Foot Dysfunction can very easily cause a domino effect that extends all the way to the back. The feet are the foundation of the body and when there is a problem with the way they function it can cause the entire body to shift out of alignment. For instance, overpronation of the foot causes a series of internal changes that extend up through the leg. The femur may rotate causing hip pain and inflammation of the sacroiliac joint which leads to back pain. Other misalignments in the body that are caused by foot problems can also lead to chronic lower back pain as well.



NCBI Resources

The best way to keep your spinal joints healthy over the long-term is to make regular visits to your chiropractor while also maintaining a healthy diet and�exercise regimen. Everyone is different, which is why it is important to get customized treatment from your chiropractor.


College Students Benefit With Chiropractic

College Students Benefit With Chiropractic

College can be one of the most exciting times in a person�s life. With everything that comes with college also comes massive amounts of physical stress. Sitting all day, hunched over textbooks and laptops, even watching videos on your phone or texting, put constant strain on the spine that you may not be aware of. Chiropractic�can help alleviate the stress, relax the muscles and align the spine for optimal health, making it an ideal health solution for your college lifestyle.

How Chiropractic Benefits College Lifestyle

There are a lot of ways that chiropractic can help you feel better and even perform better at college. A healthy body makes everything easier, and chiropractic is designed to aid in a healthy lifestyle.

Some of the ways chiropractic can help include:

1. Heals the damage caused by extended sitting.

Sitting for long periods every day has been shown to increase the risk of death, and has been connected with a number of different health issues. The most important thing you can do each day is get up and move around every half hour or so, if possible.

But there is another thing you can do to address the tightness in soft tissues, compression of spinal discs and other effects sitting has on your body�get chiropractic adjustments. Regular adjustments realign your spine, reduce pressure on discs and help to relax the tightness in muscles and other soft tissues.

2. Helps correct poor posture.

Studying and working on the computer for long periods of time can be exhausting, there is no denying. Unfortunately, as you get tired you tend to hunch and slouch in ways that are not good for your back and neck. While paying attention to your posture is important and can help somewhat, the reality is that no one can maintain the perfect posture for hours and hours.

By visiting your chiropractor, you can get much-needed adjustments to your back and neck that will help to correct damage caused by poor posture. Your chiropractor can also give you tips on how to maintain the best possible posture and ergonomics on a daily basis to minimize further damage.

11860 Vista Del Sol El Paso Back Clinic Benefits College Students

Meeting Talking Discussion Brainstorming Communication Concept

3. Heals neck injuries like text neck.

According to recent research, looking down at your phone for an extended period of time is the equivalent of putting a 60-pound weight on your neck. As you go about your day, notice how often you are staring down at your phone.

Whether it is texting with friends, watching a video or looking something up, you spend a considerable amount of time with that 60-pound weight on your neck. If your neck hurts, it is easy to understand why.

Chiropractic care is an excellent way to heal neck injuries including those caused by text neck. Regular adjustments can bring back the space between your vertebrae and help your neck heal.

4. Maintains spinal health.

Whether you hit the gym every day, play sports, or try to never move from the couch, you are always putting pressure on your spine. Your chiropractor is trained to help you maintain spinal health in a variety of ways, including chiropractic adjustments and lifestyle advice concerning healthy movement. By developing a relationship with your chiropractor that includes regular visits for adjustments and consultations on spinal issues you are experiencing, you can enjoy much better spinal health.

Contact Us & Schedule An Appointment

The best way to learn the benefits of chiropractic care is to meet with an experienced chiropractor. Please contact us to schedule an appointment. Let us help you enjoy a healthier spine and all the benefits that come with it.

El Paso Back Clinic

What Is A Winged Scapula & How Chiropractic Can Help El Paso, TX.

What Is A Winged Scapula & How Chiropractic Can Help El Paso, TX.

A winged scapula is a debilitating condition left untreated. The condition is often spotted by the protrusion or the sticking out of the scapula from the back. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can fix the condition. This and associated therapies can help you get relief from your symptoms, and to strengthen your shoulders to avoid further discomfort.


The symptoms of a winged scapula can include:

  • Protrusion of the shoulder blade from the back
  • Pain when sitting from pressure on the scapula
  • Difficulty moving the shoulder and arm
  • Weakness in the shoulder and arm

Sometimes the symptoms of a winged scapula are relatively minor in the beginning. You may only have a little discomfort at the start. But symptoms tend to get worse over time, so it is important for you to seek treatment sooner rather than later.


There are a variety of causes of a winged scapula. Often it is the result of damage to the thoracic nerve in the shoulder, sometimes due to trauma.

The damage to the thoracic nerve can cause muscles in the shoulder to become paralyzed, leading to winged scapula symptoms. Many times the appearance of a winged scapula indicated other problems in the back and shoulder.

Poor posture can also lead to a winged scapula. Years of poor posture can weaken the muscles that hold the shoulder in place to the point where a winged scapula is more likely to occur.

11860 Vista Del Sol, A Winged Scapula Chiropractor El Paso Back Clinic

Chiropractic Care Can Help

I.D. The Cause

Because this condition can be caused by several different issues, it is important to determine the exact cause before beginning treatment. A chiropractor is well-qualified to give you a full body examination to locate the source of your injury.

Realigning The Thoracic Nerve

Chiropractors are skilled at aligning the human body, including the thoracic nerve. We can locate the point where misalignment of the nerve has occurred and often correct it.

Strengthening The Shoulders

As a winged scapula is often the result of weakened shoulder muscles, the most effective treatment is usually to strengthen the muscles. Our team can guide you in rehab exercises to return your muscle strength and support your shoulder. We can also help you learn how to activate the right muscles in the right manner to operate your shoulder properly.


When things like poor posture and/or injury lead to a winged scapula, the injury is usually only part of the overall issues with the body. Chiropractic adjustments are ideal for realigning your spine and limiting the pressure on the nerves in your back. Adjustments can help with the muscle imbalances and spinal imbalances that often accompany the appearance of a winged scapula.

Seek Qualified Care from a Chiropractor

The symptoms of a winged scapula can come on slowly, which makes many sufferers feel like they should try fixing the issue themselves before seeking medical care. Unfortunately, trying to heal a winged scapula on your own is not likely to be effective.

In fact, you will need some sort of assistance to even apply ice to the area, You will also need help to identify exactly what is wrong and to treat it. Seeking qualified care is recommended.

Helping You Heal

A winged scapula can be quite painful. You should not have to suffer from should pain and back pain. We encourage you to contact us to schedule an appointment and get the treatment you deserve. We are happy to help you with all your chiropractic needs.

11860 Vista Del Sol, A Winged Scapula Chiropractor El Paso Back Clinic

Shoulder Pain Rehabilitation | El Paso, Tx

School Teachers And Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX.

School Teachers And Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX.

Research shows that back pain is a common complaint for teachers. When you factor in the mental stress as well as the physical demands, it is easy to see how they could have problems with aches and pains. Chiropractic care offers a proactive approach to health care and overall wellness to keep teachers pain free.

Teachers go through a lot in a day. They spend hours on their feet. They bend, stoop, and lift, hunching over students� desks helping them and carrying heavy books. They sit at a desk, grading papers. It�s no wonder so many of our educators complain of neck and back pain! The good news is, regular chiropractic care can help alleviate those symptoms so that teachers can keep doing what they do best � sculpting young minds.

Why Teachers should Seek Chiropractic Care

When you are juggling home, family, and career, it is easy to put your health on the back burner. You may start out ignoring that twinge of pain in your lower back, or those headaches that you get now and then. But if left untreated, these problems can worsen.

That occasional back pain could turn into a full-time ordeal, affecting your arms, legs, even your feet. The occasional headaches could steadily increase in intensity and frequency until it seems you can�t go a day without one.

When your body is bombarded with pain it affects every aspect of your life. Even low-level pain that is constant can lower your performance on the job and at home. It can cause irritability, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue. Your students suffer; your family suffers. It is really worth it?

Chiropractic care is a proactive approach to better health both mentally and physically. It will help you stay on top of your game so that you function better in the classroom as well as at home.

When you feel better you will have more energy to do the things you enjoy. Even once a week or once every two weeks in a chiropractor�s office can make a world of difference in how you feel and how you function.

What Chiropractic won�t do for Teachers

Chiropractic is a natural approach to health care. It provides patients with a non-invasive, medication-free way to manage their pain. The teacher who seeks out chiropractic care will not be prescribed mind-numbing medications that upset the stomach and inhibit your performance in the classroom.

It won�t prescribe invasive procedures that require time off work and out of the class while you recuperate. Medical doctors often just treat just the symptoms without every addressing the root of the problem. This is an almost sure-fire guarantee that your problems will return because they were never resolved.

Chiropractic seeks to find the cause of the problem so that the pain can be managed, not just temporarily relieved.

school teachers and chiropractic care el paso tx.

How Chiropractic Benefits Teachers

When you visit a chiropractor, he or she will do much more than just adjust your neck and back. They may discuss with you the activities you enjoy, what your schedule is like, and how you spend your day.

While they will realign your spine and bring your body back into alignment, they will also help you in other areas as well. This translates to fewer sick days, less pain, and increased effectiveness in the classroom.

Chiropractic provides a whole-body approach to wellness. It sees the patient, treating  the underlying causes, not just the symptoms.

Your chiropractor may offer nutrition and dietary advice, advising you to lose weight, eliminate certain foods from your diet, or add certain foods. They may recommend lifestyle changes like quitting smoking or incorporating exercise into your daily routine.

You may be given supplements that support your immunity, joints, or overall health. By treating the whole patient, chiropractic is more effective and will greatly improve the patient�s quality of life.

Effective Chiropractic Therapy | El Paso, Tx

Functional Medicine Part 4: Women’s Hormones

Functional Medicine Part 4: Women’s Hormones

Functional Medicine Doctor Explains Women’s Hormones

We discussed the basics for men�s hormones. Now let�s discuss the basics for women�s hormones. Unfortunately, the effects of our diet and our environment become more obvious in the anatomy and biochemistry of women. These may frequently manifest as hormone imbalances and they can greatly affect their quality of life. Mood disorders have become an epidemic.

By way of instance, depression affects 20 percent of women, about twice as much in women than in men. And premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, affects between 60 and 75 percent of women in the United States. Infertility is also an epidemic which affects more than one in seven couples and it is generally managed by reproductive endocrinologists through invasive procedures, hormone treatments, and in vitro fertilization, or IVF, often without even evaluating what is the cause of the reproductive health issues. I�ve helped many women improve their hormone imbalances through the basic principles of functional medicine.

Now, these are only several of the reasons why we need to determine the source of hormonal imbalances in women. And I believe this knowledge can help women find the answers they need to improve their overall health and wellness. Most importantly, you need to learn to listen to what your body is telling you. After all, the human body is one of the best doctors.

Taking Control of Women’s Hormones

Women�s hormones are much more complex than men�s hormones because they�re constantly changing based on their cycle as well as on their stage of life. If you�re experiencing mood swings, irregular cycles, menstrual pain, heavy bleeding, infertility, weight gain, and brain fog, functional medicine can help improve your symptoms by balancing your hormones.

Next, we will discuss the following tests you should include in your lab panels if you�re a female, including the follicle stimulating hormone, or FSH, the luteinizing hormone, or LH, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and estrogen. Also, it�s important to note that there isn�t just a single estrogen hormone. There are many different types of estrogens, such as estradiol.

So, let�s discuss the differences between pre-menopausal women and post-menopausal women. Pre-menopausal women should experience regular cycles every 28 days that last two or three days without a lot of pain, not too heavy bleeding, and no PMS. However, most women don�t experience regular cycles. A proper nutrition consisting of low sugar and starch, high fat, and more fiber can help correct abnormal cycles. A plant-rich diet can also help improve abnormal cycles. Caffeine and alcohol consumption can even cause hormone imbalances in women. Proper nutrition, including taking supplements like magnesium, B vitamins and fish oil, exercise, sleep, and stress management can help regulate your hormones. This is generally enough to help most women.

A doctor or functional medicine practitioner can also help balance your hormones. Because women�s hormones fluctuate throughout their cycle, progesterone and estrogen levels may be different for each woman. Also, depending on the hormonal health issues, patients may need to run their hormone lab panel tests on either day three or day 21 of their cycle for best results.

Furthermore, we will also need to evaluate your ratio of hormones, like that of estrogen to progesterone, because these can be the cause of numerous symptoms for many women. Estrogen dominance is one of the most common problems associated with a woman�s hormone ratio. Progesterone levels in women should be at their highest during the last half of their cycle. The hormone ratio between progesterone and estrogen should be 10 to one. However, if the human body is not producing the required amounts of progesterone, symptoms of estrogen dominance may begin to manifest, regardless if the human body�s estrogen levels themselves are low. Symptoms of estrogen dominance can include: anxiety, heavy bleeding, PMS, breast tenderness, shorter cycles or spotting between cycles, infertility, fluid retention, weight gain, and sleeping problems.

FSH is produced by the brain to help the follicles and the ovaries prepare to release an egg. LH is another hormone produced by the brain which triggers the release of an egg into the uterus so that conception can occur. LH also helps produce progesterone during the second half of your cycle, which may be another reason why many women have low progesterone levels.

These hormones are fundamental to look at if you�re trying to have a baby. The elevated hormone ratio between LH and FSH can demonstrate the presence of a common health issue known as PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is actually not an ovarian health issue. As a matter of fact, it�s a common problem associated with a poor diet and insulin resistance. An increased consumption of sugar and starch can cause irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, acne, hair loss, and infertility.

As for post-menopausal women, hormone blood panel tests are just as important and we generally don�t need to worry about having to evaluate them on a specific day of the month. Also, when we test a woman who�s in their perimenopause, their hormones may be tremendously unstable. Therefore, it�s ultimately essential to diagnose a woman�s symptoms to help treat the source of the health issue.

We previously discussed the importance of testosterone in men. However, testosterone is also important in women. Many women visit numerous doctors after experiencing low energy levels as well as a decreased sex drive. Most doctors will associate these symptoms with aging or they may even tell them it�s all in their head and simply prescribe them some Prozac. But if we were to run a blood panel test on them, their testosterone levels would often come back undetectable. It�s no wonder why women don�t feel like themselves after they�ve lost their libido and their vitality.

Total testosterone levels in women should be between 60 and 80 while free testosterone levels should be over 0.5. Testosterone is fundamental towards maintaining lean muscle mass and optimizing energy. Testosterone is also important for clear brain function.

Now women, if you have low testosterone levels, this may be causing you to experience a reduced sex drive or it may even be making you feel fatigue. However, this isn�t always the cause of these symptoms. That�s why it�s so essential for women to test their sex hormone levels. Testosterone is what is known as an androgen, or a male hormone, but it�s also found in women. Other androgens that help contribute to male characteristics include androstenedione, dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, and DHEA. In polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, women will commonly develop elevated levels of any of these hormones. Women who consume a lot of sugar and starch may also develop acne, hair loss or they may even grow facial hair. All of these are symptoms of too much testosterone in women.

PCOS affects approximately 8 to 12 percent of women. As previously mentioned, this health issue is a metabolic problem caused by poor nutrition which ultimately affects the human body�s insulin levels. It can also affect other hormones, such as the androgens we previously discussed. When women develop insulin resistance, the production of male sex hormones can increase. Other tests are important when PCOS is caused by FSH and LH hormones.

FSH generally triggers ovulation. However, if a woman�s FSH is too low due to PCOS, ovulation, and therefore, conception can�t occur. This is why women with PCOS are also commonly diagnosed with infertility. And the key is in a woman�s LH to FSH ratio. Increased levels of LH can stimulate androgens, such as testosterone, and decreased levels of FSH can stimulate the follicles and estrogen. Furthermore, facial hair or thinning of the head hair, irregular menstrual cycles, heavy bleeding, and weight gain in women can be symptoms of PCOS. Although PCOS is believed to be a health issue which exclusively affects overweight women, we�re starting to see an increase of women with healthy weights develop PCOS.

Because functional medicine focuses on finding the source of the health issue, if we see cysts on your ovaries or if any other lab tests indicate the presence of PCOS, we won�t simply stop there. And most often, we just have to look back at the patient�s diet. The high consumption of sugar and starch causes a tremendous metabolic disturbance which can cause a variety of other health issues. We will discuss these various metabolic conditions in another article.

Dr Jimenez White Coat
Hormones are fundamental to women’s health. Female sex hormones, including estrogen and progesterone, influence a woman’s mood, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, and more. A variety of other hormones can also affect other aspects of a woman’s health. One of the most common health issues associated with hormonal imbalances in women is known as polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. Women can be tremendously affected by hormone fluctuations. It’s essential for women to seek help from a doctor to find out if their symptoms are caused by hormone imbalances. Functional medicine can also help regulate hormones. Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

Understanding Women’s Hormones

We measure hormonal imbalances through simple blood tests and we can also measure hormones through urine tests. Tests known as the �DUTCH� and the �Essential Estrogens� are provided by Genova to determine hormone metabolites. These can also determine the downstream breakdown products of hormones in order to help demonstrate what�s happening with your hormone metabolism.

Now, let me explain what are some of the most important things doctors or functional medicine practitioners look at when ordering a DUTCH test or an Essential Estrogens test. Hormone metabolism tests demonstrate your absolute hormone levels as well as which types of metabolites are being triggered. And this is what we utilize to look at your estrogen levels, androgen levels, and progesterone levels, as well as your cortisol levels, which we will discuss later. These are essential metabolites that can be found through our saliva, blood, and urine. We even look at all the different varieties of estrogens which get broken down by the liver.

So, it�s fundamental that we look carefully at our hormone levels. Testing for hormonal imbalances in both men and women can tell us a lot about what�s causing our symptoms as well as what we can do to treat them. We can recommend a series of lifestyle modifications, including guidance and advice in nutrition and exercise. At least that�s what a good functional medicine doctor would do.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal health issues as well as functional medicine topics and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topic Discussion:�Acute Back Pain

Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief. �

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Functional Medicine Part 4: Men’s Hormones

Functional Medicine Part 4: Men’s Hormones

Functional Medicine Doctor Explains Men’s Hormones

Hello there, it�s Dr. Alex Jimenez again and welcome to part four of �Taking Control of your Healthcare�. Today, we�re going to discuss hormones. Hormones regulate most of the human body�s systems as they are recognized as the messenger molecules of the endocrine system. Hormone imbalances can cause subtle changes, however, their effects can tremendously impact an individual�s overall health and wellness. And what�s worse, most healthcare professionals don�t treat hormonal imbalances unless they�ve already been considered extreme.

The sex hormones, the thyroid hormones, and the adrenal hormones are the most important hormones we have to keep in balance. There�s a variety of other hormones, of course, but health issues associated with those are often more rare. Many doctors generally won�t test a person for hormone imbalances unless they�ve been trying to conceive a baby or they have sexual dysfunction or any other health issue of this type. And frequently, many doctors miss other problems by performing a screening test rather than a complete test.

What are Hormones?

Hormones are essential towards mental health, gut health, and reproductive health. In functional medicine, we even believe that hormones are vital towards maintaining a healthy immune system. Even if you�re not trying to conceive a baby or if you don�t have sexual dysfunction, it�s important for both men and women to known what their hormone levels look like.

Now, let�s discuss hormonal imbalances in sex hormones. First of all, How does a hormone imbalance manifest itself? Do you experience mood swings and fluctuations in your energy levels? Or if you�re a female, do you experience symptoms of PMS? Or perhaps you need coffee to wake up in the morning and wine to sleep at night? Has your sex drive, or libido, decreased? Do you have brain fog? Or is it difficult for you to focus on tasks?

If you�ve experienced any of these symptoms, you might have a hormonal imbalance in your sex hormones. Hormones are small molecules in charge of transmitting signals from one body system to another. But, if these molecules aren�t functioning accordingly, our energy levels and our mood can be tremendously affected. If you feel that something is off within your own body, talk to your doctor and seek proper testing. Don�t simply guess.

Let�s begin by discussing how you test your hormones. In functional medicine, we can test through saliva, blood, urine, and even stool. But, which is best for testing hormones? The truth is, knowing how and when to test your hormones is important because testing can depend on the marker that you want to look at. By way of instance, blood testing is one of the best and most affordable if you�re simply looking for a preliminary screening. A functional medicine doctor can also determine when a urine test will be more helpful than a blood test or a saliva test.

Taking Control of Men’s Hormones

So, now that you know how to test your hormones, we�ll discuss the different health issues caused by hormonal imbalances in the sex hormones of both men and women. First, let�s talk about men. As for the women, this is still an essential topic for you to learn about because the men in your lives are much less likely to schedule a doctor�s appointment for themselves.

Approximately 39 percent of men over the age of 45 have low levels of testosterone, or what�s known as low T. Elevated insulin levels associated with diabetes and obesity can lower your testosterone levels, which in turn, can increase estrogen levels. When testosterone goes down, your sex drive, or libido, and other functions can be tremendously affected. Excess consumption of sugar and starch can have different impacts for both men and women. Additionally, the utilization of certain drugs and/or medications, lack of exercise and physical activity, as well as inflammation, can also contribute to lower testosterone levels. While the majority of doctors won�t test testosterone levels in a man unless they have sexual dysfunction, I always want to make sure to test the sex hormones if a man has belly fat.

I would also like to discuss the serious side effects of a drug/medication which is commonly prescribed for sexual dysfunction. Statins can help lower cholesterol, however, did you know that your testosterone is made from cholesterol? That�s right. And when you start taking a drug/medication which was designed to decrease your cholesterol, you may also potentially be decreasing your sex hormones. It�s well-known that statins can decrease testosterone, leading to sexual dysfunction and even sometimes causing men to grow breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. Side effects like these occur when we don�t treat the source of a health issue.

What you eat, including mainly sugar and starch, can be associated with your low testosterone levels and your abnormal cholesterol levels. Treatments like these where you take a drug for one thing but then end up taking another medication for the side effects of the fist medicine is unfortunately something that happens a lot in the medical field, and it can be a real nightmare.

Male testosterone levels are decreasing so much with each generation that normal reference ranges for testosterone levels in males are changing. But, that�s not something we want to happen. We don�t want these abnormal changes to become normal. Therefore, shouldn�t we be trying to find out why the overall health and wellness of our population is decreasing at such an alarming rate rather than lowering our normal standards of well-being?

Before we do that, however, we first have to understand why this problem is happening. From our increased exposure to toxins and our elevated levels of stress to our higher consumption of processed foods, these are only several of the more obvious reasons why our hormones are being affected.

In conventional medicine, the reference ranges for testosterone are between 264 and 916.

When you think about it, however, this is a tremendous range. Does a man with a testosterone level of 265 have the same sexual function as a man with a testosterone level of 916? Most definitely not. Yet these two people are classified under the same category. And with that in mind, what are the optimal reference ranges for testosterone? Men under the age of 30 should have a testosterone level of over 700, and men over the age of 30 should have a testosterone level of at least 500.

Evaluating men�s total testosterone levels is essential but we also need to evaluate their active hormone levels, or their free testosterone levels. Testosterone is carried around on what is known as a sex hormone binding globulin, which then releases it as the human body needs it. This carrier protein is found in the blood and when there�s too much of it, it becomes difficult for the human body to release testosterone when it�s needed.

In men, free testosterone levels should be of at least 10 but, they should optimally be closer to 15 or 20. Additionally, your doctor should check the sex hormone binding globulin or SHBG. As we discussed before, this carrier protein for testosterone and other hormones, can decrease your free testosterone levels. If you don�t check your SHBG, your total testosterone levels might be normal but your free testosterone levels might be too low.

By way of instance, SHBG is similar to a bus filled with many workers. In this case, the workers are testosterone. When we have too many buses, the majority of the workers will stay on the bus while only a few will be out doing their job. A man can have a total testosterone level of 700, however, if they have a free testosterone level of only 5, they�re bound to still feel like they have a total testosterone level of 300.

In summary, we want to make sure that our total testosterone level is over 500 or better, over 600 and we also want to make sure that our free testosterone level is between 15 and 20.

Another hormone you might want to make sure you get tested for is known as dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA. DHEA is a precursor hormone for testosterone. It�s also an adrenal hormone, however, we will discuss this later in another article. If an individual�s DHEA is too low, it can indicate that the adrenal glands, which are in charge of the human body�s stress response, may not be functioning appropriately. DHEA levels should be between two to 400.

DHEA, or dehydroepiandrosterone, can be supplemented directly. Many doctors and functional medicine practitioners may also implement stress-relieving methods and techniques into your life, such as mindfulness meditation and yoga, to treat the source of the health issue. Herbal supplements can also help regulate DHEA as well as testosterone levels.

Now, we will discuss a fundamental hormone that is generally only considered to be important in female health, however, this hormone also plays an essential role in men; estrogen. Estrogen helps maintain a healthy sex function as it promotes your libido. It is also protective for the brain. In men�s health, estrogen is often demonized because it can cause health issues like breast development if estrogen levels are too high in men. But, normal estrogen levels are fundamental towards maintaining hormone balance as well as mental health.

Estrogen can increase in men with diabetes and obesity. Elevated insulin exchanges more testosterone into estrogen which may cause additional symptoms like fatigue. This can also create more problems alongside sexual dysfunction, including hair loss. So, if you have less than optimal testosterone levels, you should seek help from a doctor or functional medicine practitioner to find out why. And looking at your estrogen levels is a great place to start.

There are two types of estrogen tests which can help demonstrate your estradiol and estrone levels. These are important markers to look at because one can be elevated while the other can be in the normal range. The brain is the other place you can look at to determine your estrogen levels. Your brain produces hormones which can stimulate sex hormones, such as the follicle stimulating hormone, or FSH, and the luteinizing hormone, or LH, which helps produce testosterone and sperm within the testicles. If your LH is low, then your low testosterone levels may be caused by a brain health issue. However, it�s much more likely that sugar and starch consumption may be causing hormonal imbalances in your sex hormones.

Approximately 70 percent of the testosterone deficiencies in the United States are associated with insulin resistance due to diabetes and obesity. So, if your diet is filled with sugar and starch or if you have belly fat, you may already have decreased testosterone levels.

Dr Jimenez White Coat

Hormones are secreted directly into the blood stream in order to control a variety of bodily functions. These can affect growth and development, mood, sexual function, reproduction, and metabolism. As a fundamental part of the endocrine system, hormone imbalances can have a tremendous effect on our overall health and wellness. Men’s hormones, by way of instance, can significantly impact a man’s quality of life. Research studies have demonstrated that decreased testosterone in men can cause a variety of health issues. Evaluating sex hormones in both men and women is essential towards overall health and wellness. Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

Understanding Men’s Hormones

While we keep discussing the importance of lab tests, we also need to keep asking ourselves why these health issues are happening in the first place. The answers trace back to the basics of health and wellness. What are you eating? Do you participate in exercise or physical activities? Do you sleep properly? Do you have stress? What are your nutrient levels? Of course, several of these answers require more evaluations. That�s why I highly recommend you find a functional medicine doctor who can help get you on the right path towards optimal health and wellness. Most of the time, basic lifestyle modifications including diet, exercise, stress management, sleep and supplements can help. Other times you may need hormone replacement therapy.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal health issues as well as functional medicine topics and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topic Discussion:�Acute Back Pain

Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.

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Medicina Funcional Parte 3: Nutrici�n

Medicina Funcional Parte 3: Nutrici�n

El Doctor de Medicina Funcional Explica la Nutrici�n

Cada reacci�n qu�mica que ocurre en el cuerpo humano requiere de enzimas y cada uno de estos procesos necesita una coenzima. Pero �qu� son las coenzimas? Son vitaminas y minerales. Aproximadamente 37 billones, billones de reacciones qu�micas ocurren en el cuerpo humano cada segundo.

Es por eso que una nutrici�n adecuada y una dieta balanceada rica en alimentos integrales con vitaminas y minerales es fundamental para la salud y el bienestar general. La mayor�a de las personas en los Estados Unidos son deficientes en vitaminas y / o minerales. Pero, �c�mo sabes si eres parte del 90 por ciento de las personas con suficientes deficiencias para desarrollar una enfermedad? Discutiremos las pruebas que puede realizar para averiguar si tiene deficiencia de vitaminas y / o minerales y qu� puede hacer al respecto.

�Que es la Nutrici�n?

Hola, bienvenidos a la tercera parte de “C�mo Tomar el Control de su Salud”. Hoy, discutiremos uno de los temas mas divertidos de la medicina funcional: la nutrici�n. Desafortunadamente, la nutrici�n es una de las conversaciones m�s importantes que muchos doctores no est�n dispuestos a tener con sus pacientes. El doctor promedio aprende sobre las enfermedades y la desnutrici�n en lugar de aprender c�mo usar la nutrici�n como tratamiento o incluso c�mo usar terapias nutricionales para lograr salud y bienestar �ptimos.

Personalmente creo que la comida puede ser utilizada como una forma de medicina. Que deber�a ser la base de la pr�ctica m�dica, no una idea tard�a en la medicina. No hay mejor tratamiento que la nutrici�n adecuada. Aproximadamente el 90 por ciento de las personas en los Estados Unidos no obtienen los nutrientes esenciales que necesitan para las funciones corporales saludables. Y m�s que eso probablemente no est� obteniendo suficientes nutrientes para prevenir enfermedades asociadas con deficiencias nutricionales. Sin embargo, �qu� se necesita para lograr un bienestar �ptimo? M�s del 98 por ciento de los estadounidenses son deficientes en omega-3, 80 por ciento en vitamina D, 50 por ciento en magnesio y 10 por ciento en vitamina C. Las deficiencias de nutrientes tambi�n pueden seguir causando problemas de salud durante a�os.

Las enfermedades agudas, como el raquitismo, el escorbuto, el beriberi o la anemia por deficiencia de hierro, suelen ser los problemas de salud m�s comentados asociados con las deficiencias de nutrientes. Sin embargo, tambi�n se conocen como enfermedades de deficiencia de latencia prolongada. Entonces, �cu�nta vitamina D necesitamos para no tener raquitismo? No mucho, solo 30 unidades realmente. �Y cu�nto necesitamos para no tener osteoporosis? Tal vez unas 3,000 a 4,000 unidades por d�a. Ahora, �cu�nto folato necesitamos para no tener anemia? Tambi�n no mucho. Pero, �cu�nto necesitamos para prevenir las enfermedades card�acas, el c�ncer y la demencia? Definitivamente se necesitan muchas m�s unidades por d�a.

Cada reacci�n qu�mica que ocurre en el cuerpo humano requiere enzimas y cada uno de estos procesos necesita una coenzima. Pero �qu� son las coenzimas? Son vitaminas y minerales. Aproximadamente 37 billones, billones de reacciones qu�micas ocurren en el cuerpo humano cada segundo.

Es por eso que una nutrici�n adecuada y una dieta balanceada rica en alimentos integrales con vitaminas y minerales es fundamental para la salud y el bienestar general. La mayor�a de las personas en los Estados Unidos son deficientes en vitaminas y / o minerales. Pero, �c�mo sabes si eres parte del 90 por ciento de las personas con suficientes deficiencias para desarrollar una enfermedad? S�lo hay varios nutrientes que generalmente se analizan. Y para la mayor�a de estos, los doctores no son conscientes de cu�les deber�an ser los valores �ptimos, lo que puede dificultar mucho la correcci�n de la deficiencia de nutrientes.

Tomando el Control de su Nutrici�n

Uno de los nutrientes m�s fundamentales que se necesita medir es la vitamina D. Aunque se le conoce como una vitamina, en realidad es m�s como una hormona y se produce por parte del colesterol. Esta es otra raz�n por la cual el colesterol es esencial. Aproximadamente el 80 por ciento de la poblaci�n tiene una deficiencia de vitamina D. A menos que est� al sol 20 minutos todos los d�as entre las 10:00 am y las 2:00 pm, es posible que deba tomar suplementos de vitamina D. Para complementar adecuadamente, necesitamos saber desde qu� nivel est� comenzando desde un principio. A modo de ejemplo, los niveles �ptimos de vitamina D deben de ser entre 50 y 80 nanogramos por mililitro de sangre. La cantidad recomendada de vitamina D que podemos complementar es de aproximadamente 2,000 a 4,000 unidades.

Si tiene niveles m�s bajos de vitamina D o si tiene problemas gen�ticos, es posible que necesite un suplemento con hasta 10,000 unidades de vitamina D. Por eso es fundamental trabajar con un doctor o especialista de medicina funcional que pueda medir y evaluar sus niveles de nutrients, as� como ayudarles a optimizarlos. La mayor�a de los suplementos contienen aproximadamente 400 unidades, que es 10 veces menos que la cantidad que la mayor�a de nosotros necesitamos. Los niveles comunes son generalmente un poco m�s de 20. Esto es demasiado bajo. En un estudio de investigaci�n, las mujeres con niveles de vitamina D entre 45 y 60 experimentaron una reducci�n en los partos prematuros hasta de un 60 por ciento. La vitamina D tambi�n es esencial para ayudar a desarrollar huesos y m�sculos fuertes, mejorar la funci�n del sistema inmunol�gico, prevenir el c�ncer asi como para ayudarlo a vivir m�s tiempo. Es incre�ble.

Otra medida o prueba realizada por la mayor�a de los doctores, pero que no siempre se interpreta correctamente, se conoce como MCV o volumen corpuscular medio. La medida de MCV eval�a el tama�o de sus gl�bulos rojos en una prueba llamada CBC, o hemograma completo, que es uno de los paneles de sangre m�s comunes solicitados por profesionales de la salud. Por lo tanto, si usted es deficiente en nutrientes, sus c�lulas pueden hacerse m�s peque�as o m�s grandes. A modo de ejemplo, si sus c�lulas son demasiado grandes, podr�an ser signos de una deficiencia de folato o vitamina B12.

Las vitaminas B son esenciales en numerosas reacciones qu�micas en el cuerpo humano. Nos ayudan a producir energ�a y nos ayudan a regular la expresi�n gen�tica para crear prote�nas que aseguran nuestra salud y bienestar en general. Si nuestras vitaminas B estan demasiado bajas, eventualmente podr�amos desarrollar una deficiencia de hierro, anemia o incluso podr�a causar un trastorno gen�tico.

Los niveles �ptimos de vitaminas B deben estar entre 80 y 90. Los suplementos vitam�nicos del complejo B pueden ayudar a optimizar f�cilmente los niveles de vitaminas B. Pero, �por qu� alguien ser�a deficiente en vitaminas B? �Acaso su dieta no les proporciona suficientes nutrientes? �Son veganos? �Est�n tomando medicamentos que evitan la absorci�n de la vitamina B12? Adem�s, las vitaminas B se agotan en momentos de gran estr�s que, como quiropr�ctico, puedo decir que le sucede con frecuencia a la mayor�a de la poblaci�n en los Estados Unidos.

El MCV no es la �nica medida o prueba que eval�a los niveles de vitaminas B de un paciente. La homociste�na es un marcador alternativo que analizaremos en futuros art�culos que demuestran los niveles de B6, folato y B12. Sin embargo, tanto el MCV como la medida o prueba de homociste�na solo demuestran que uno o m�s de estos nutrientes pueden ser deficientes. No necesariamente nos dice cu�l. Por lo tanto, se pueden requerir algunas evaluaciones adicionales de seguimiento.

La medida o prueba del MMA, o �cido metilmal�nico, tambi�n muestra los niveles de vitamina B12. La vitamina B12 es esencial para muchos procesos en el cuerpo humano, incluida la producci�n de energ�a, la expresi�n de genes, la metilaci�n, la funci�n nerviosa y el estado de �nimo, entre muchos otros procesos. Los veganos tienen una mayor probabilidad de desarrollar una deficiencia de B12 porque este solo se encuentra en los productos animales. El folato es otra vitamina B fundamental. Se puede determinar directamente en la sangre, pero la homociste�na es un marcador m�s preciso para los niveles de folato.

En esta secci�n, tambi�n hablaremos sobre gen�tica porque existe una medida o prueba que puede demostrar mucho m�s con respecto al estado de sus vitaminas B y su capacidad para utilizarlas. Nuestros genes son capaces de producir prote�nas. Tenemos aproximadamente 20,000 genes que est�n dise�ados para crear prote�nas. Y un tercio de todas las prote�nas que producen son para nuestras enzimas. Las enzimas convierten los nutrientes en otros nutrientes. Estas enzimas tambi�n dependen en gran cantidad de ciertos nutrientes espec�ficos. Uno de los genes m�s fundamentales que pueden verse afectados es conocido como MTHFR o metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa. Pero puedes llamarlo MTHFR.

El MTHFR es esencial porque ayuda a regular la metilaci�n, la homociste�na y el folato, que son vitales para nuestra salud y bienestar general. Cuando se tienen niveles elevados de homociste�na, se debe verificar su estado de metilaci�n buscando el gen MTHFR a trav�s de un simple an�lisis de sangre.

La metilaci�n es un proceso bioqu�mico clave que es fundamental para la funci�n adecuada de la mayor�a de los sistemas del cuerpo humano. Se dispara miles de millones de veces cada segundo. Y ayuda a controlar la homociste�na, una sustancia que puede da�ar los vasos sangu�neos y se ha asociado con la demencia, asi como enfermedades card�acas y c�ncer, entre otros problemas de salud. La metilaci�n tambi�n ayuda a reparar su ADN de manera regular, ya que ayuda a reciclar las mol�culas necesarias para la desintoxicaci�n o para eliminar las toxinas. Tambi�n ayuda a controlar su estado de �nimo y ayuda a controlar la inflamaci�n. La metilaci�n es vital.

Pero, para asegurarse de que su metilaci�n est� activa, el cuerpo humano necesita niveles �ptimos de vitaminas B. Sin suficientes vitaminas B, el proceso de metilaci�n se puede descomponer y los efectos pueden ser destructivos. Aqu� es donde comenzamos a ver un aumento en los defectos cong�nitos, como la espina b�fida, el s�ndrome de down y m�s abortos involuntarios.

MTHFR es frecuentemente anormal en aproximadamente el 35 por ciento de la poblaci�n. La descomposici�n de la metilaci�n tambi�n puede aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar problemas de salud como la osteoporosis y la diabetes, la displasia cervical o el c�ncer, incluido el c�ncer de colon y el c�ncer de pulm�n, e incluso la depresi�n, la disfunci�n cognitiva pedi�trica, as� como los trastornos del humor y del comportamiento, la demencia y los problemas cerebrovasculares. La metilaci�n es verdaderamente un proceso bioqu�mico clave.

Cuando hablamos de la gen�tica, debemos entender que nuestro entorno puede alterar nuestros genes. Entonces, �qu� pasa si tienes una variaci�n MTHFR en tus genes? En primer lugar, no todas las mutaciones causan problemas de salud. Una mutaci�n, por modo de ejemplo, conocida como C677T, es una versi�n del gen que es m�s significativa que otra versi�n del gen, conocida como A1298C. Ahora no hay que preocuparse por estas variaciones gen�ticas. Sirven como ejemplos para demostrarle la calidad de estas mutaciones y c�mo funcionan. Las personas con estas variaciones del gen, por ejemplo, solo pueden necesitar m�s folato o pueden necesitar un tipo particular de folato conocido como metilfolato. Aqu� es donde un practicante de medicina funcional puede ayudarle a sus pacientes.

Una prueba gen�tica puede hacerle saber si tiene una de estas variaciones gen�ticas. Pero, no te estreses. Hay mucho que puede hacer para optimizar su salud y bienestar en general. Muchos pacientes han visitado mi consultorio despu�s de descubrir que tienen estas variaciones en sus genes. Y aprenden r�pidamente que tienen la opci�n de tomar el control de su bienestar. Sin embargo, lo que controlas no son tus genes, controlas tu expresi�n gen�tica.

Si alteras tus h�bitos alimenticios, alteras tus nutrientes. Si altera su entorno, altera qu� genes se activan y cu�les se vuelven inactivos. Y con estas mutaciones, puedes hacer casi lo mismo simplemente siguiendo una nutrici�n adecuada. Cuando encuentre un m�dico o practicante de medicina funcional que est� dispuesto a trabajar con usted, le dir�n qu� modificaciones de estilo de vida debe seguir para prevenir problemas de salud.

Por lo tanto, acabamos de discutir las vitaminas B. A continuaci�n, discutiremos otro nutriente fundamental en el cuerpo humano: el magnesio. El magnesio es un mineral s�per esencial. Aproximadamente el 48 por ciento de las personas en los Estados Unidos consumen menos de la cantidad requerida de magnesio en los alimentos. El magnesio es necesario en m�s de 300 reacciones qu�micas en el cuerpo humano. Tambi�n es fundamental en la producci�n de ATP, o la energ�a que el cuerpo humano utiliza como combustible.

Una prueba o medida del nivel de magnesio en la sangre puede ayudar a determinar si usted tiene una deficiencia. El magnesio tambi�n puede ayudar a reducir la ansiedad, calmar el sistema nervioso y mejorar el sue�o. Tambi�n es un nutriente esencial en el manejo de los niveles de az�car en la sangre. Si un profesional de la salud le ha dicho que tiene un nivel promedio de az�car en la sangre de m�s de cinco y medio, algo conocido como A1c, entonces el magnesio puede ayudar.

Adem�s, es muy f�cil saber si tiene una deficiencia de magnesio al observar su dieta y s�ntomas actuales. �Come suficientes alimentos ricos en magnesio como verduras de hojas verdes, frijoles, nueces y semillas? �O come muchos alimentos procesados? Quiz�s tambi�n tenga s�ntomas como ansiedad, insomnio, estre�imiento, contracciones musculares, calambres musculares, s�ndrome premenstrual y palpitaciones. Si tiene uno o m�s de los s�ntomas que acabo de mencionar, es posible que tenga una deficiencia de magnesio.

A continuaci�n, hablaremos sobre el zinc, el mineral que estimula la inmunidad y la testosterona en el cuerpo humano. Este importante nutriente se encarga de mantener el volumen de su cabello, as� como de reparar su tracto gastrointestinal. Tambi�n es responsable de asegurarse de que su tiroides funcione correctamente. El zinc puede medirse o analizarse f�cilmente en la sangre y, desafortunadamente, es otro nutriente de el que tenemos una gran deficiencia en los Estados Unidos. Adem�s, tambi�n se pueden observar sus niveles de fosfatasa alcalina, que pueden calcularse a trav�s de una evaluaci�n de la funci�n hep�tica en un panel de sangre regular. Los niveles altos de fosfatasa alcalina pueden indicar la presencia de c�ncer o problemas �seos, entre otros problemas de salud; sin embargo, los niveles bajos de fosfatasa alcalina pueden indicar una deficiencia de zinc, ya que es una enzima dependiente de zinc.

Finalmente, el �ltimo nutriente fundamental de el que vamos a discutir es el hierro. El hierro es frecuentemente deficiente en veganos y vegetarianos, o en mujeres en general debido a la menstruaci�n. El hierro es necesario para transportar ox�geno a trav�s del cuerpo humano y es esencial para la salud y el bienestar del cerebro. El hierro tambi�n es importante para el cabello y las u�as, el sue�o y muchas otras cosas.

La ferritina es un tipo de hierro almacenado y es este nutriente el que ayuda a ver tus niveles de hierro. Los niveles �ptimos de ferritina deben estar entre 50 y 150 en las mujeres y entre 100 y 300 en los hombres. Muchas veces he visto a mujeres visitar mi oficina con niveles de ferritina de menos de 50, o peor, de un solo d�gito. Esto se debe a que las mujeres premenop�usicas pierden sangre cada mes debido a sus ciclos menstruales y se les hace mucho m�s dif�cil mantener los niveles adecuados de ferritina. Muchas mujeres tambi�n comen mucho menos de lo que se supone que deben comer todos los d�as. Los altos niveles de ferritina, por otro lado, podr�an ser un signo de inflamaci�n, generalmente causada por la resistencia de la insulina al az�car, o podr�a ser un signo de hemocromatosis o enfermedad por almacenamiento de hierro, un trastorno gen�tico que puede ser muy peligroso.

Tener niveles reducidos de ferritina tambi�n puede hacer que se sienta cansado, y puede causar p�rdida de cabello, al igual que puede causar insomnio. Entonces, incluso si su recuento sangu�neo es normal, si sus niveles de ferritina son bajos o sus niveles de hierro son bajos, tambi�n puede causar estos s�ntomas. Por eso, si experimenta s�ntomas de fatiga, es esencial medir o probar sus niveles de ferritina. Y se puede complementar f�cilmente.

Aparte de la ferritina, un MCV bajo tambi�n puede determinar si usted tiene una deficiencia de hierro. Las deficiencias de hierro pueden hacer que los gl�bulos rojos se vuelvan muy peque�os y eso se puede demostrar en los niveles bajos de MCV, que eval�an el tama�o de sus gl�bulos rojos. Adem�s, la saturaci�n de transferencia, el hierro s�rico, la TIBC o la capacidad de uni�n al hierro total, y la hemoglobina, pueden brindarnos un an�lisis m�s profundo del estado de su hierro para distinguir las diferentes causas de la anemia. Estos se incluyen en un panel de sangre de hierro regular en una prueba de laboratorio.

Hemos discutido varios nutrientes que pueden ser solicitados por la mayor�a de los profesionales de la salud con acceso a pruebas de laboratorio convencionales. Adem�s, hay otra prueba que nos puede dar m�s informaci�n sobre qu� tipo de nutrientes necesitamos en funci�n de nuestros genes. Se llama la prueba de salud de ADN y es proporcionada por una compa��a llamada DNAlife. Esta prueba eval�a una variedad de marcadores gen�ticos asociados con la desintoxicaci�n, el metabolismo de los l�pidos y la inflamaci�n, incluido el gen MTHFR y otros marcadores de vitamina B. Ahora, DNA Health demuestra los diferentes genes que evaluamos. Y la mayor�a de estos son genes comunes, son aquellos sobre los que podemos hacer algo. Analizamos los genes que podemos cambiar seg�n su nutrici�n y otros factores del estilo de vida.

El gen MTHFR nos muestra otros marcadores de vitamina B, genes que controlan B6, folato y B12, adem�s de demostrar c�mo funcionan y si usted tiene deficiencias de nutrientes. Luego, nos indica qu� nutrientes necesitar� complementar y cu�nto le daremos. Es tremendamente �til.

Hubo un individuo que ten�a dos variables del gen MTHFR. Esta mujer tuvo un aborto involuntario tras otro aborto involuntario tras otro aborto involuntario. Visit� a su m�dico para una evaluaci�n y result� que ten�a una mutaci�n reguladora del folato. Entonces, su m�dico comenz� a darle la cantidad adecuada de folato que necesitaba y ella comenz� a tener beb�s sanos. A veces, la nutrici�n puede ser asi de poderosa para mejorar la salud y el bienestar general del paciente.

La prueba de salud del ADN puede ayudar a personalizar su enfoque al optimizar su bienestar basado en su gen�tica. Lo que medimos utilizando la prueba de salud del ADN proporciona informaci�n bien establecida acerca de sus genes y lo que puede hacer al respecto.

Una prueba de micronutrientes conocida como el perfil de nutrici�n optimizado individualizado o el panel ION, son opciones de prueba alternativas que tambi�n pueden proporcionar informaci�n sobre su estado nutricional actual. Esta prueba es de Genova. Esta es una prueba s�lida que mide todas las vitaminas y minerales esenciales, �cidos grasos, �cidos org�nicos y antioxidantes que tiene actualmente. Esta prueba busca desequilibrios, insuficiencias o deficiencias, en lugar de buscar una enfermedad espec�fica. Busca cosas que la mayor�a de los m�dicos nunca buscan.

Los profesionales de la medicina funcional o los m�dicos observan los niveles de amino�cidos, niveles de minerales e incluso los niveles de toxinas de los metales pesados ??como mercurio, plomo, ars�nico y muchos m�s. Tambi�n analizamos sus niveles de antioxidantes, niveles de vitamina A y vitamina E, as� como su antioxidante CoQ10 y el estado de betacaroteno. Podemos determinar si una persona come verduras o no si, a modo de ejemplo, tienen niveles bajos de betacaroteno. Tambi�n analizamos los niveles de vitamina D, �cidos grasos esenciales, incluidas las grasas omega-3 y las grasas omega-6. Podemos determinar si una persona come comida chatarra. Podemos determinar si una persona est� comiendo pescado. Y podemos determinar si una persona est� comiendo demasiado aceite de oliva o grasas saturadas. Todo est� demostrado en estas medidas y pruebas.

Una prueba OAT, o prueba de �cidos org�nicos, tambi�n analiza lo que se conoce como �cidos org�nicos. Esta prueba demuestra una amplia gama de par�metros asociados con sus mitocondrias, que analizaremos en el siguiente art�culo, sus vitaminas B, sus neurotransmisores, su flora intestinal y su desintoxicaci�n. En �ltima instancia, es un examen completo que me muestra si un paciente est� bien o enfermo. Me muestra d�nde est�n los desequilibrios y d�nde debo recomendar modificaciones en su estilo de vida. Tambi�n ayuda a proporcionar pistas sobre otros problemas de salud.

A modo de ejemplo, si sus mitocondrias no funcionan correctamente porque tiene niveles reducidos de amino�cidos esenciales o si tiene un mayor estr�s oxidativo o si simplemente tiene niveles bajos de selenio y zinc, existe la posibilidad de que tenga alg�n tipo de sobrecarga t�xica por metales pesados. Y eso es precisamente lo que ir�a buscando. Los signos como estos proporcionan mucha informaci�n sobre lo que podemos hacer para tratar a un paciente. Y un m�dico o practicante de medicina funcional con experiencia puede determinar qu� est� pasando realmente con un paciente o puede ayudar a los pacientes a descubrir c�mo optimizar su salud y bienestar en general.

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Dr Jimenez White Coat
La nutrici�n es el estudio de los nutrientes en los alimentos y c�mo el cuerpo humano utiliza los nutrientes, as� como la relaci�n entre la dieta, las enfermedades, la salud y el bienestar en general. Los nutrientes son una fuente de nutrici�n, incluidos los carbohidratos, prote�nas, grasas, vitaminas, minerales, fibra y agua. La medicina funcional se enfoca en el uso de alimentos como una forma de medicina. Una nutrici�n equilibrada puede ayudar a prevenir y tratar una variedad de problemas de salud. De manera similar, la nutrici�n en la medicina funcional implica c�mo ciertas enfermedades y condiciones pueden estar asociadas con factores diet�ticos, como una mala alimentaci�n o malnutrici�n, alergias a los alimentos e intolerancias a los alimentos. Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C, C.C.S.T.

Entendiendo su Nutrici�n

Como buenos doctores de medicina funcional, a menudo nos preguntamos, �por qu� es que tantas personas en los Estados Unidos est�n sobrealimentadas pero desnutridas? O, �por qu� es que los estadounidenses comen demasiadas calor�as y muy pocos nutrientes? Las principales causas de las deficiencias nutricionales generalizadas son las siguientes: Primero, los humanos evolucionaron de comer alimentos silvestres que conten�an niveles tremendamente m�s altos de nutrientes. Segundo, el suelo que utilizamos actualmente para cultivar nuestros cultivos se ha agotado en gran medida de nutrientes. Las t�cnicas de hibridaci�n de la agricultura industrial est�n produciendo animales y vegetales para tener niveles reducidos de nutrientes. Tercero, los alimentos procesados ??no tienen absolutamente ning�n nutriente, por lo que con frecuencia tienen que ser fortificados. Y por �ltimo, pero no menos importante, la exposici�n a las toxinas ambientales, la falta de luz solar, el estr�s cr�nico y la mala alimentaci�n, incluido el aumento del consumo de alcohol, cafe�na y az�car, pueden aumentar nuestras necesidades nutricionales, muchas de las cuales ya no estamos obteniendo lo suficiente de nuestra dieta.

Bueno, es posible que no necesite ninguna vitamina, sin embargo, si puede cumplir con ciertas condiciones. Tal vez si solo cazara y recolectara alimentos silvestres y no estuviera expuesto a toxinas ambientales. O tal vez si se acostaba con el sol y se despertara con el sol, durmiendo nueve horas por noche. Y si no experimenta absolutamente ninguna cantidad de estr�s cr�nico. En �ltima instancia, si solo bebe agua pura y limpia y respira aire puro y limpio. Entonces, probablemente no necesitar�a vitaminas. Pero el resto de nosotros que no seguimos estas condiciones, si las necesitamos.

Y con ese pensamiento, terminamos este art�culo. En el pr�ximo art�culo, hablaremos de hormonas. Las hormonas pueden afectar casi todos los aspectos de nuestro bienestar, y muchos profesionales de la salud no entienden cu�les deben ser nuestros niveles hormonales �ptimos o incluso cu�ndo probarlos y qu� hacer al respecto una vez que lo hacen. La medida y prueba de los niveles hormonales debe ser una pr�ctica est�ndar, y muchos pacientes nunca han tenido un panel de sangre para observar sus hormonas. Es fundamental saber y comprender lo que sucede dentro de su propio cuerpo. Y es por eso es que este pr�ximo art�culo es tan importante. No querr� perderse de nuestra pr�xima actualizaci�n. Los veo pronto. El alcance de nuestra informaci�n se limita a problemas quiropr�cticos y de salud de la columna, as� como a temas y discusiones de medicina funcional. Para seguir discutiendo el tema, no dude en preguntarle al Dr. Alex Jimenez o comun�quese con nosotros al�915-850-0900�.

Curado por el Dr. Alex Jim�nez

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Discusi�n del Tema Adicional: Dolor de Espalda Agudo

El dolor de espalda es una de las causas m�s frecuentes de discapacidad y d�as perdidos en el trabajo en todo el mundo. El dolor de espalda se atribuye a la segunda raz�n m�s com�n para las visitas al consultorio del m�dico, superada �nicamente por infecciones respiratorias superiores. Aproximadamente el 80 por ciento de la poblaci�n experimentar� dolor de espalda al menos una vez a lo largo de su vida. La columna vertebral es una estructura compleja formada por huesos, articulaciones, ligamentos y m�sculos, entre otros tejidos blandos. Las lesiones y / o afecciones agravadas, como las hernias de disco, pueden provocar s�ntomas de dolor de espalda. Las lesiones deportivas o las lesiones por accidentes automovil�sticos suelen ser la causa m�s frecuente de dolor de espalda; sin embargo, a veces los movimientos m�s simples pueden tener resultados dolorosos. Afortunadamente, las opciones de tratamiento alternativo, como la atenci�n quiropr�ctica, pueden ayudar a aliviar el dolor de espalda mediante el uso de ajustes de la columna vertebral y manipulaciones manuales, lo que finalmente mejora el alivio del dolor. �

Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX

De XYMOGEN�Las f�rmulas profesionales exclusivas est�n disponibles a trav�s de profesionales de atenci�n m�dica con licencia seleccionados. La venta por internet y el descuento de f�rmulas XYMOGEN est�n estrictamente prohibidos.

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