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Back Clinic Chiropractic Spine Care Team. The spine is designed with three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which come together to form a slight shape when viewed from the side. The spine is an essential structure as it helps support the upright posture of humans, it provides the body with the flexibility to move and it plays the crucial role of protecting the spinal cord. Spinal health is important in order to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care, how to properly support a healthy spine. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

U.S. Case Study: Chiropractic & Vertebrobasilar Stroke

U.S. Case Study: Chiropractic & Vertebrobasilar Stroke

Thomas M Kosloff1*�, David Elton1�, Jiang Tao2� and Wade M Bannister2�



Background: There is controversy surrounding the risk of manipulation, which is often used by chiropractors, with respect to its association with vertebrobasilar artery system (VBA) stroke. The objective of this study was to compare the associations between chiropractic care and VBA stroke with recent primary care physician (PCP) care and VBA stroke.

Methods: The study design was a case�control study of commercially insured and Medicare Advantage (MA) health plan members in the U.S. population between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2013. Administrative data were used to identify exposures to chiropractic and PCP care. Separate analyses using conditional logistic regression were conducted for the commercially insured and the MA populations. The analysis of the commercial population was further stratified by age (<45 years; ?45 years). Odds ratios were calculated to measure associations for different hazard periods. A secondary descriptive analysis was conducted to determine the relevance of using chiropractic visits as a proxy for exposure to manipulative treatment.

Results: There were a total of 1,829 VBA stroke cases (1,159 � commercial; 670 � MA). The findings showed no significant association between chiropractic visits and VBA stroke for either population or for samples stratified by age. In both commercial and MA populations, there was a significant association between PCP visits and VBA stroke incidence regardless of length of hazard period. The results were similar for age-stratified samples. The findings of the secondary analysis showed that chiropractic visits did not report the inclusion of manipulation in almost one third of stroke cases in the commercial population and in only 1 of 2 cases of the MA cohort.

Conclusions: We found no significant association between exposure to chiropractic care and the risk of VBA stroke. We conclude that manipulation is an unlikely cause of VBA stroke. The positive association between PCP visits and VBA stroke is most likely due to patient decisions to seek care for the symptoms (headache and neck pain) of arterial dissection. We further conclude that using chiropractic visits as a measure of exposure to manipulation may result in unreliable estimates of the strength of association with the occurrence of VBA stroke.

Keywords: Chiropractic, Primary care, Cervical manipulation, Vertebrobasilar stroke, Adverse events


The burden of neck pain and headache or migraine among adults in the United States is significant. Survey data indicate 13% of adults reported neck pain in the past 3 months [1]. In any given year, neck pain affects 30% to 50% of adults in the general population [2]. Prevalence rates were reportedly greater in more eco- nomically advantaged countries, such as the USA, with a higher incidence of neck pain noted in office and com- puter workers [3]. Similar to neck pain, the prevalence of headache is substantial. During any 3-month time- frame, severe headaches or migraines reportedly affect one in eight adults [1].

Neck pain is a very common reason for seeking health care services. �In 2004, 16.4 million patient visits or 1.5% of all health care visits to hospitals and physician offices, were for neck pain� [4]. Eighty percent (80%) of visits occurred as outpatient care in a physician�s office [4]. The utilization of health care resources for the treatment of headache is also significant. �In 2006, adults made nearly 11 million physician visits with a headache diagno- sis, over 1 million outpatient hospital visits, 3.3 million emergency department visits, and 445 thousand inpatient hospitalizations� [1].

In the United States, chiropractic care is frequently utilized by individuals with neck and/or headache com- plaints. A national survey of chiropractors in 2003 re- ported that neck conditions and headache/facial pain accounted respectively for 18.7% and 12% of the patient chief complaints [5]. Chiropractors routinely employ spinal manipulative treatment (SMT) in the management of patients presenting with neck and/or headache [6], either alone or combined with other treatment approaches [7-10].

While evidence syntheses suggest the benefits of SMT for neck pain [7-9,11-13] and various types of headaches [10,12,14-16], the potential for rare but serious adverse events (AE) following cervical SMT is a concern for researchers [17,18], practitioners [19,20], professional organizations [21-23], policymakers [24,25] and the public [26,27]. In particular, the occurrence of stroke affecting the vertebrobasilar artery system (VBA stroke) has been associated with cervical manipulation. A recent publication [28] assessing the safety of chiropractic care reported, �…the frequency of serious adverse events varied between 5 strokes/ 100,000 manipulations to 1.46 serious adverse events/ 10,000,000 manipulations and 2.68 deaths/10,000,000 manipulations�. These estimates were, however, derived from retrospective anecdotal reports and liability claims data, and do not permit confident conclusions about the actual frequency of neurological complications following spinal manipulation.

Several systematic reviews investigating the association between stroke and chiropractic cervical manipulation�have reported the data are insufficient to produce definitive conclusions about its safety [28-31]. Two case�control studies [32,33] used visits to a chiropractor as a proxy for SMT in their analyses of standardized health system databases for the population of Ontario (Canada). The more recent of these studies [32] also included a case-crossover methodology, which reduced the risk of bias from confounding variables. Both case�control studies reported an increased risk of VBA stroke in association with chiropractic visits for the population under age 45 years old. Cassidy, et al. [32] found, how- ever, the association was similar to visits to a primary care physician (PCP). Consequently, the results of this study suggested the association between chiropractic care and stroke was non-causal. In contrast to these studies, which found a significant association between chiropractic visits and VBA stroke in younger patients (<45 yrs.), the analysis of a population-based case-series suggested that VBA stroke patients who consulted a chiropractor the year before their stroke were older (mean age 57.6 yrs.) than previously documented [34].

The work by Cassidy, et al. [32] has been qualitatively appraised as one of the most robustly designed investigations of the association between chiropractic manipulative treatment and VBA stroke [31]. To the best of our knowledge, this work has not been reproduced in the U.S. population. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to replicate the case�control epidemiological design published by Cassidy, et al. [32] to investigate the association between chiropractic care and VBA stroke; and compare it to the association between recent PCP care and VBA stroke in samples of the U.S. commercial and Medicare Advantage (MA) populations. A secondary aim of this study is to assess the utility of employing chiropractic visits as a proxy measure for exposure to spinal manipulation.


Study design and population

We developed a case�control study based on the experience of commercially insured and MA health plan members between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2013. General criteria for membership in a commercial or MA health plan included either residing or working in a region where health care coverage was offered by the in- surer. Individuals must have Medicare Part A and Part B to join a MA plan. The data set included health plan members located in 49 of 50 states. North Dakota was the only State not represented.

Both case and control data were extracted from the same source population, which encompassed national health plan data for 35,726,224 unique commercial and 3,188,825 unique MA members. Since members might be enrolled for more than one year, the average�annual commercial membership was 14.7 million members and the average annual MA membership was 1.4 million members over the three year study period, which is comparable to ~5% of the total US population based on the data available from US Census Bureau [35]. Administrative claims data were used to identify cases, as well as patient characteristics and health service utilization.

The stroke cases included all patients admitted to an acute care hospital with vertebrobasilar (VBA) occlusion and stenosis strokes as defined by ICD-9 codes of 433.0, 433.01, 433.20, and 433.21 during the study period. Pa- tients with more than one admission for a VBA stroke were excluded from the study. For each stroke case, four age and gender matched controls were randomly se- lected from sampled qualified members. Both cases and controls were randomly sorted prior to the matching using a greedy matching algorithm [36].


The index date was defined as the date of admission for the VBA stroke. Any encounters with a chiropractor or a primary care physician (PCP) prior to the index date were considered as exposures. To evaluate the impact of chiropractic and PCP treatment, the designated hazard period in this study was zero to 30 days prior to the index date. For the PCP analysis, the index date was excluded from the hazard period since patients might consult PCPs after having a stroke. The standard health plan coverage included a limit of 20 chiropractic visits. In rare circumstances a small employer may have selected a 12-visit limit. An internal analysis (data not shown) revealed that 5% of the combined (commercial and MA) populations reached their chiropractic visit limits. Instances of an employer not covering chiropractic care were estimated to be so rare that it would have had no measurable impact on the analysis. There were no limits on the number of reimbursed PCP visits per year.


Two sets of similar analyses were performed, one for the commercially insured population and one for the MA population. In each set of analyses, conditional logistic regression models were used to examine the association between the exposures and VBA strokes. To measure the association, we estimated the odds ratio of having the VBA stroke and the effect of total number of chiropractic visits and PCP visits within the hazard period. The analyses were applied to different hazard periods, including one day, three days, seven days, 14 days and 30 days for both chiropractic and PCP visits. The results of the chiropractic and PCP visit analyses were then compared to find evidence of excess risk of having stroke for patients with chiropractic visits during the

hazard period. Previous research has indicated that most patients who experience a vertebral artery dissection are under the age of 45. Therefore, in order to investigate the impact of exposure on the population at different ages, separate analyses were performed on patients stratified by age (under 45 years and 45 years and up) for the study of the commercial population. The number of visits within the hazard period was entered as a con- tinuous variable in the logistic model. The chi square test was used to analyze the proportion of co-morbidities in cases as compared to controls.

A secondary analysis was performed to evaluate the relevance of using chiropractic visits as a proxy for spinal manipulation. The commercial and MA databases were queried to identify the proportions of cases of VBA stroke and matched controls for which at least one chiropractic spinal manipulative treatment procedural code (CPT 98940 � 98942) was or was not recorded. The analysis also calculated the use of another manual therapy code (CPT 97140), which may be employed by chiropractors as an alternative means of reporting spinal manipulation.


The New England Institutional Review Board (NEIRB) determined that this study was exempt from ethics review.


The commercial study sample included 1,159 VBA stroke cases over the three year period and 4,633 age and gender matched controls. The average age of the patients was 65.1 years and 64.8% of the patients were male (Table 1). The prevalence rate of VBA stroke in the commercial population was 0.0032%.


There were a total of 670 stroke cases and 2,680 matched controls included in the MA study. The aver- age patient age was 76.1 years and 58.6% of the patients were male (Table 2). For the MA population, the prevalence rate of VBA stroke was 0.021%.

Claims during a one year period prior to the index date were extracted to identify comorbid disorders. Both the commercial and MA cases had a high percentage of comorbidities, with 71.5% of cases in the commercial study and 88.5% of the cases in the MA study reporting at least one of the comorbid conditions (Table 3). Six comorbid conditions of particular interest were identified, including hypertensive disease (ICD-9 401�404), ischemic�heart disease (ICD-9 410�414), disease of pulmonary circulation (ICD-9 415�417), other forms of heart disease (ICD-9 420�429), pure hypercholesterolemia (ICD-9 272.0) and diseases of other endocrine glands (ICD-9 249�250). There were statistically significant differences (p = <0.05) between groups for most comorbidities. Greater proportions of comorbid disorders (p = <0.0001) were reported in the commercial and MA cases for hyper- tensive disease, heart disease and endocrine disorders (Table 3). The commercial cases also showed a larger proportion of diseases of pulmonary circulation, which was statistically significant (p = 0.0008). There were no significance differences in pure hypercholesterolemia for either the commercial or MA populations. Overall, cases in both the commercial and MA populations were more likely (p = <0.0001) to have at least one co- morbid condition.

Among the commercially insured, 1.6% of stroke cases had visited chiropractors within 30 days of being admit- ted to the hospital, as compared to 1.3% of controls visit- ing chiropractors within 30 days prior to their index date. Of the stroke cases, 18.9% had visited a PCP within 30 days prior to their index date, while only 6.8% of controls had visited a PCP (Table 4). The proportion of exposures for chiropractic visits was lower in the MA sample within the 30-day hazard period (cases = 0.3%; controls = 0.9%). However, the proportion of exposures for PCP visits was higher, with 21.3% of cases having PCP visits as compared to12.9% for controls (Table 5).

The results from the analyses of both the commercial population and the MA population were similar (Tables 6, 7 and 8). There was no association between chiropractic visits and VBA stroke found for the�overall sample, or for samples stratified by age. No estimated odds ratio was significant at the 95% confidence level. MA data were insufficient to calculate statistical measures of association for hazard periods less than 0�14 days for chiropractic visits. When stratified by age, the data were too sparse to calculate measures of association for hazard periods less than 0�30 days in the commercial population. The data were too few to analyze associative risk by headache and/or neck pain diagnoses (data not shown).

These results showed there is an association existing between PCP visits and VBA stroke incidence regardless of age or length of hazard period. A strong association was found for those visits close to the index date (OR 11.56; 95% CI 6.32-21.21) for all patients with a PCP visit within 0�1 day hazard period in the commercial sample. There was an increased risk of VBA stroke associated with each PCP visit within 30-days prior to the index date for MA patients (OR 1.51; 95% CI 1.32-1.73) and commercial patients (OR 2.01; 95% CI 1.77-2.29).

The findings of the secondary analysis showed � that of 1159 stroke cases from commercial population � there were a total of 19 stroke cases associated with chiropractic visits for which 13 (68%) had claims documentation indicating chiropractic SMT was performed. For the control group of the commercial cohort, 62 of 4633 controls had claims of any kind of chiropractic visits and 47 of 4633 controls had claims of SMT. In the commercial control group, 47 of 62 DC visits (76%) included SMT in the claims data. Only 1 of 2 stroke cases in the MA population included SMT in the claims data. For the MA cohort, 21 of 24 control chiropractic visits (88%) included SMT in the claims data (Table 9).

None of the stroke cases in either population included CPT 97140 as a substitute for the more conventionally re- ported chiropractic manipulative treatment procedural codes (98940 � 98942). For the control groups, there were three instances where CPT 97140 was reported without CPT 98940 � 98942 in the commercial population. The CPT code 97140 was not reported in MA control cohort.


The primary aim of the present study was to investigate the association between chiropractic manipulative treatment and VBA stroke in a sample of the U.S. population. This study was modeled after a case�control design previously conducted for a Canadian population [32]. Administrative data for enrollees in a large national health care insurer were analyzed to explore the occurrence of VBA stroke across different time periods of exposure to chiropractic care in comparison with PCP care.

Unlike Cassidy et al. [32] and most other case�control studies [33,37,38], our results showed there was no significant association between VBA stroke and chiropractic visits. This was the case for both the commercial and MA populations. In contrast to two earlier case�control studies [32,33], this lack of association was found to be irrespective of age. Although, our results (Table 8) did lend credence to previous reports that VBA stroke occurs more frequently in patients under the age of 45 years. Additionally, the results from the present study did not identify a relevant temporal impact. There was no significant association, when the data were sufficient to calculate estimates, between chiropractic visits and stroke regardless of the hazard period (timing of most recent visit to a chiropractor and the occurrence of stroke).

There are several possible reasons for the variation in results with previous similar case�control studies. The younger (<45 yrs.) commercial cohort that received chiropractic care in our study had noticeably fewer cases. The 0�30 days hazard period included only 2 VBA stroke cases. There were no stroke cases for other hazard periods in this population. In contrast, earlier studies reported sufficient cases to calculate risk estimates for most hazard periods [32,33].

Another factor that potentially influenced the difference in results concerns the accuracy of hospital claims data in the U.S. vs. Ontario, Canada. The source population in the Province of Ontario was identified, in part, from the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD). The DAD includes hospital discharge and emergency visit diagnoses that have undergone a standardized assessment by a medical records coder [39]. To the best of our know- ledge, similar quality management practices were not routinely applied to hospital claims data used in sourcing the population for our study.

An additional reason for the disparity in results may be due to differences in the proportions of chiropractic visits where SMT was reportedly performed. Our study showed that SMT was not reported by chiropractors in more than 30% of commercial cases. It is plausible that a number of the cases in earlier studies also did not�include SMT as an intervention. Differences between studies in the proportion of cases reporting SMT may have affected the calculation of risk estimates.

Also, there were an insufficient number of cases having cervical and/or headache diagnoses in our study. Therefore, our sample population may have included proportionally less cases where cervical manipulation was performed.

Our results were consistent with previous findings [32,33] in showing a significant association between PCP visits and VBA stroke. The odds ratios for any PCP visit increase dramatically from 1�30 days to 1�1 day (Tables 6 and 7). This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that patients are more likely to see a PCP for symptoms related to vertebral artery dissection closer to the index date of their actual stroke. Since it is unlikely that the services provided by PCPs cause VBA strokes, the association�between recent PCP visits and VBA stroke is more likely attributable to the background risk related to the natural history of the condition [32].

A secondary goal of our study was to assess the utility of employing chiropractic visits as a surrogate for SMT. Our findings indicate there is a high risk of bias associated with using this approach, which likely overestimated the strength of association. Less than 70% of stroke cases (commercial and MA) associated with chiropractic care included SMT. A somewhat higher proportion of chiropractic visits included SMT for the control groups (commercial = 76%; MA = 88%).

There are plausible reasons that support these findings. Internal analyses of claims data (not shown) consistently demonstrate that one visit is the most common number associated with a chiropractic episode of care. The single visit may consist of an evaluation without treatment such as SMT. Further; SMT may have been viewed as contraindicated due to signs and symptoms of vertebral artery dissection (VAD) and/or stroke. This might explain the greater proportion of SMT provided to control groups in both the commercial and MA populations.

Overall, our results increase confidence in the findings of a previous study [32], which concluded there was no excess risk of VBA stroke associated chiropractic care compared to primary care. Further, our results indicate there is no significant risk of VBA stroke associated with chiropractic care. Additionally, our findings highlight the potential flaws in using a surrogate variable (chiropractic visits) to estimate the risk of VBA stroke in association with a specific intervention (manipulation).

Our study had a number of strengths and limitations. Both case and control data were extracted from the same source population, which encompassed national health plan data for approximately 36 million�commercial and 3 million MA members. A total of 1,829 cases were identified, making this the largest case� control study to investigate the association between chiropractic manipulation and VBA stroke. Due to the nationwide setting and large sample size, our study likely reduced the risk of bias related to geographic factors. However, there was a risk of selection bias � owing to the data set being from a single health insurer � including income status, workforce participation, and links to health care providers and hospitals.

Our study closely followed a methodological approach that had previously been described [32], thus allowing for more confident comparisons.

The current investigation analyzed data for a number of comorbid conditions that have been identified as potentially modifiable risk factors for a first ischemic stroke [40]. The differences between groups were statistically significant for most comorbidities. Information was not obtainable about behavioral comorbid factors e.g., smoking and body mass. With the exception of hypertensive disease, there are reasons to question the clinical significance of these conditions in the occurrence of ischemic stroke due to vertebral artery dissection. A large multinational case-referent study investigated the association between vascular risk factors (history of vascular disease, hypertension, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity/overweight) for ischemic stroke and the occurrence of cervical artery dissection [41]. Only hypertension had a positive association (odds ratio 1.67; 95% confidence interval, 1.32 to 2.1; P <0.0001) with cervical artery dissection.

While the effect of other unmeasured confounders cannot be discounted, there is reason to suspect the absence of these data was not deleterious to the results. Cassidy, et al. found no significant differences in the results their case-crossover design, which affords better control of unknown confounding variables, and the findings of their case�control study [32].

Our results highlight just how unusual VBA stroke is in the MA cohort (prevalence = 0.021%) and � even more so � for the commercial population (prevalence = 0.0032%). As a result, some limitations of this study re- lated to the rarity of reporting VBA stroke events. Despite the larger number of cases, data were insufficient to calculate estimates and confidence intervals for seven measures of exposure (4 commercial and 3 MA) for chiropractic visits. Additionally, we were not able to compute estimates specifically for headache and neck pain diagnoses due to small numbers. Confidence intervals associated with estimates tended to be wide making the results imprecise [42].

There were limitations related to the use of administrative claims data. �Disadvantages of using secondary data for research purposes include: variations in coding from hospital to hospital or from department to department, errors in coding and incomplete coding, for example in the presence of comorbidities. Random errors in coding and registration of discharge diagnoses may dilute and attenuate estimates of statistical association� [43]. The recordings of unvalidated hospital discharge diagnostic codes for stroke have been shown to be less precise when compared to chart review [44,45] and validated patient registries�[43,46]. Cassidy, et al. [32] conducted a sensitivity analysis to determine the effect of diagnostic misclassification bias. Their conclusions did not change when the effects of misclassification were assumed to be similarly distributed between chiropractic and PCP cases.

A particular limitation in using administrative claims data is the paucity of contextual information surround- ing the clinical encounters between chiropractors/PCPs and their patients. Historical elements describing the occurrence/absence of recent trauma or activities reported in case studies [47-51] as potential risk factors for VBA stroke were not available in claims data. Confidence was low concerning the ability of claims data to provide accurate and complete reporting of other health disorders, which have been described in case�control designs as being associated with the occurrence of VBA stroke e.g., migraine [52] or recent infection [53]. Symptoms and physical examination findings that would have permitted further stratification of cases were not reported in the claims data.

The reporting of clinical procedures using current pro- cedural terminology (CPT) codes presented additional shortcomings concerning the accuracy and interpretation of administrative data. One inherent constraint was the lack of anatomic specificity associated with the use of standardized procedural codes in claims data. Chiropractic manipulative treatment codes (CPT 98940 � 98942) have been formatted to describe the number of spinal regions receiving manipulation. They do not identify the particular spinal regions manipulated.

Also, treatment information describing the type(s) of manipulation was not available. When SMT was re- ported, claims data could not discriminate among the range of techniques including thrust or rotational manipulation, various non-thrust interventions e.g., mechanical instruments, soft tissue mobilizations, muscle energy techniques, manual cervical traction, etc. Many of these techniques do not incorporate the same bio- mechanical stressors associated with the type of manipulation (high velocity low amplitude) that has been investigated as a putative risk factor for VBA stroke [54-56]. It seems plausible that the utility of future VBA stroke research would benefit from explicit descriptions of the particular type of manipulation performed.

Moreover, patient responses to care � including any adverse events suggestive of vertebral artery dissection or stroke-like symptoms � were not obtainable in the data set used for the current study.

In the absence of performing comprehensive clinical chart audits, it is not possible to know from claims data what actually transpired in the clinical encounter. Further, chart notes may themselves be incomplete or otherwise fail to precisely describe the nature of interventions [57]. Therefore, manipulation codes represent surrogate

measures, albeit more direct surrogate measures, than simply using the exposure to chiropractic visits.

Our study was also limited to replication of the case� control design described by Cassidy, et al. [32]. For pragmatic reasons, we did not attempt to conduct a case-crossover design. While the addition of a case- crossover design would have provided better control of confounding variables, Cassidy, et al. [32] showed the results were similar for both the case control and case crossover studies.

The findings of this case�control study and previous retrospective research underscore the need to rethink how to better conduct future investigations. Researchers should seek to avoid the use of surrogate measures or use the least indirect measures available. Instead, the focus should be on capturing data about the types of services and not the type of health care provider.

In alignment with this approach, it is also important for investigators to access contextual data (e.g., from electronic health records), which can be enabled by qualitative data analysis computer programs [58]. The acquisition of the elements of clinical encounters � including history, diagnosis, intervention, and adverse events � can provide the infrastructure for more action- able research. Because of the rarity of VBA stroke, large data sets (e.g., registries) containing these elements will be necessary to achieve adequate statistical power for making confident conclusions.

Until research efforts produce more definitive results, health care policy and clinical practice judgments are best informed by the evidence about the effectiveness of manipulation, plausible treatment options (including non-thrust manual techniques) and individual patient values [20].


Our findings should be viewed in the context of the body of knowledge concerning the risk of VBA stroke. In contrast to several other case�control studies, we found no significant association between exposure to chiropractic care and the risk of VBA stroke. Our secondary analysis clearly showed that manipulation may or may not have been reported at every chiropractic visit. Therefore, the use of chiropractic visits as a proxy for manipulation may not be reliable. Our results add weight to the view that chiropractic care is an unlikely cause of VBA strokes. However, the current study does not exclude cervical manipulation as a possible cause or contributory factor in the occurrence of VBA stroke.

Authors’ Contributions

DE conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination. JT participated in the design of the study, performed the statistical analysis and helped to draft the manuscript. TMK participated in the design and coordination of the study, and wrote the initial draft and revisions of the manuscript. WMB participated in the coordination of the study and the statistical analysis, and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors contributed to the interpretation of the data. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Author Details

1Optum Health � Clinical Programs at United Health Group, 11000 Optum Circle, Eden Prairie MN 55344, USA. 2Optum Health � Clinical Analytics at United Health Group, 11000 Optum Circle, Eden Prairie MN 55344, USA.

Received: 14 October 2014 Accepted: 28 April 2015

Published Online: 16 June 2015

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Traumatic Ligament Laxity of the Spine and Associated Injuries

Traumatic Ligament Laxity of the Spine and Associated Injuries


This paper explores the relationship between traumatic ligament laxity of the spine and the resultant instability that may occur. Within, there is a discussion of the various spinal ligamentous structures that may be affected by both macro and micro traumatic events, as well as the neurologic and musculoskeletal effects of instability. There is detailed discussion of the diagnosis, quantification, and documentation as well.


Soft tissue cervical and lumbar sprain/strains are the most common injury in motor vehicle collisions, with 28% to 53% of collision victims sustaining this type of injury (Galasko et al., 1993; Quinlan et al., 2000). The annual societal costs of these injuries in the United States are estimated to be between 4.5 and 8 billion dollars (Kleinberger et al., 2000; Zuby et al., 2010). Soft tissue injuries of the spinal column very often become chronic, with the development of long-term symptoms, which can inevitably adversely affect the victim�s quality of life. Research has indicated that 24% of motor vehicle collision victims have symptoms 1 year after an accident and 18% after 2 years (Quinlan et al., 2004). Additionally, it has been found that between 38% and 52% of motor vehicle collision cases involved rear-impact scenarios


It is well known that the major cause of chronic pain due to these injuries is directly related to the laxity of spinal ligamentous structures (Ivancic, et al., 2008). One must fully understand the structure and function of ligaments in order to realize the effects of traumatic ligament laxity. Ligaments are fibrous bands or sheets of connective tissue which link two or more bones, cartilages, or structures together. We know that one or more ligaments provide stability to a joint during rest as well as movement. Excessive movements such as hyper-extension or hyper-flexion, which occur during a traumatic event such as a motor vehicle collision, may be restricted by ligaments, unless these forces are beyond the tensile-strength of these structures; this will be discussed later in this paper.


Ligament Laxity Spine Injury Background


Three of the more important ligaments in the spine are the ligamentum flavum, the anterior longitudinal ligament, and the posterior longitudinal ligament (Gray�s Anatomy, 40th Edition). The ligamentum flavum forms a cover over the dura mater, which is a layer of tissue that protects the spinal cord. This ligament connects under the facet joints to create a small curtain, so to speak, over the posterior openings between vertebrae (Gray�s Anatomy, 40th edition). The anterior longitudinal ligament attaches to the front (anterior) of each vertebra and runs vertical or longitudinal (Gray�s Anatomy, 40th edition). The posterior longitudinal ligament also runs vertically or longitudinally behind (posterior) the spine and inside the spinal canal (Gray�s Anatomy, 40th Edition). Additional ligaments include facet capsular ligaments, interspinous ligaments, supraspinous ligaments, and intertransverse ligaments. The aforementioned ligaments limit flexion and extension, with the exception of the ligament, which limits lateral flexion. The ligamentum nuchae, which is a fibrous membrane, limits flexion of the cervical spine (Gray�s Anatomy, 40th Edition). The four ligaments of the sacroiliac joints:


(iliolumbar, sacroiliac, sacrospinus, sacrotuberous), provide stability and some motion. The upper cervical spine has its own ligamentous structures or systems; occipitoatlantal ligament complex, occipitoaxial ligament complex, atlantoaxial ligament complex, and the cruciate ligament complex (Gray�s Anatomy, 40th Edition). The upper cervical ligament system is especially important in stabilizing the upper cervical spine from the skull to C2 (axis) (Stanley Hoppenfeld, 1976). It is important to note, that although the cervical vertebrae are the smallest, the neck has the greatest range of motion.


Causes of Ligament Laxity Injuries in the Spine


Ligament laxity may happen as a result of a �macro trauma�, such as a motor vehicle collision, or may develop overtime as a result of repetitive use injuries, or work-related injuries. The cause of this laxity develops through similar mechanisms, which leads to excessive motion of the facet joints, and will cause various degrees of physical impairment. When ligament laxity develops over time, it is defined as �creep� and refers to the elongation of a ligament under a constant or repetitive stress (Frank CB, 2004). Low-level ligament injuries, or those where the ligaments are simply elongated, represent the vast majority of cases and can potentially incapacitate a patient due to disabling pain, vertigo, tinnitus, etc.. Unfortunately, these types of strains may progress to sub-failure tears of ligament fibers, which will lead to instability at the level of facet joints (Chen HB et al., 2009). Traumatic or repetitive causes of ligament laxity will ultimately produce abnormal motion and function between vertebrae under normal physiological loads, inducing irritation to nerves, possible structural deformation, and/or incapacitating pain.


Patients�, who have suffered a motor vehicle collision or perhaps a work-related injury, very often have chronic pain syndromes due to ligament laxity. The ligaments surrounding the facet joints of the spinal column, known as capsular ligaments, are highly innervated mechanoreceptive and nociceptive free nerve endings. Therefore, the facet joint is thought of as the primary source of chronic spinal pain (Boswell MV et al., 2007; Barnsley L et al., 1995). When the mechanoreceptors and nociceptors are injured or even simply irritated the overall joint function of the facet joints are altered (McLain RF, 1993).


One must realize that instability is not similar to hyper-mobility. Instability, in the clinical context, implies a pathological condition with associated symptomatology, whereas joint hypermobility alone, does not. Ligament laxity which produces instability refers to a loss of �motion stiffness�, so to speak, in a particular spinal segment when a force is applied to this segment, which produces a greater displacement than would be observed in a normal motion segment. When instability is present, pain and muscular spasm can be experienced within the patient�s range of motion and not just at the joint�s end-point. In Chiropractic, we understand that there is a �guarding mechanism�, which is triggered after an injury, which is the muscle spasm. These muscle spasms can cause intense pain and are the body�s response to instability, since the spinal supporting structures, the ligamentous structures, act as sensory organs, which initiate a ligament-muscular reflex. This reflex is a �protective reflex� or �guarding mechanism�, produced by the mechanoreceptors of the joint capsule and these nerve impulses are ultimately transmitted to the muscles. Activation of surrounding musculature, or guarding, will help to maintain or preserve joint stability, either directly by muscles crossing the joint or indirectly by muscles that do not cross the joint, but limit joint motion (Hauser RA et al., 2013). This reflex is fundamental to the understanding of traumatic injuries.


This reflex is designed to prevent further injury. However, the continued feedback and reinforcement of pain and muscle spasm, will delay the healing process. The �perpetual loop� may continue for a long period of time, making further injury more likely due to muscle contraction. Disrupting this cycle of pain and inflammation is key to resolution.


When traumatic ligament laxity produces joint instability, with neurologic compromise, it is understood that the joint has sustained considerable damage to its stabilizing structures, which could include the vertebrae themselves. However, research indicates that joints that are hypermobile demonstrate increased segmental mobility, but are still able to maintain their stability and function normally under physiological loads (Bergmann TF et al., 1993).


Clinical Diagnosis


Clinicians classify instability into 3 categories, mild, moderate, and severe. Severe instability is associated with a catastrophic injury, such as a motor vehicle collision. Mild or moderate clinical instability is usually without neurologic injury and is most commonly due to cumulative micro-trauma, such as those associated with repetitive use injuries; prolonged sitting, standing, flexed postures, etc..


In a motor vehicle collision, up to 10 times more force is absorbed in the capsular ligaments versus the intervertebral disc (Ivancic PC et al., 2007). This is true, because unlike the disc, the facet joint has a much smaller area in which to disperse this force. Ultimately, as previously discussed, the capsular ligaments become elongated, resulting in abnormal motion in the affected spinal segments (Ivancic PC et al., 2007; Tominaga Y et al., 2006). This sequence has been clearly documented with both in vitro and in vivo studies of segmental motion characteristics after torsional loads and resultant disc degeneration (Stokes IA et al., 1987; Veres SP et al., 2010). Injury to the facet joints and capsular ligaments has been further confirmed during simulated whiplash traumas (Winkelstein BA et al., 2000).


Maximum ligament strains occur during shear forces, such as when a force is applied while the head is rotated (axial rotation). While capsular ligament injury in the upper cervical spine region can occur from compressive forces alone, exertion from a combination of shear, compression and bending forces is more likely and usually involves much lower loads to causes injury (Siegmund GP et al., 2001). If the head is turned during whiplash trauma, the peak strain on the cervical facet joints and capsular ligaments can increase by 34% (Siegmund GP et al., 2008). One research study reported that during an automobile rear-impact simulation, the magnitude of the joint capsule strain was 47% to 196% higher in instances when the head was rotated 60 degrees during impact compared with those when the head was forward facing (Storvik SG et al., 2011). Head rotation to 60 degrees is similar to an individual turning his/her head to one side while checking for on-coming traffic and suddenly experiences a rear-end collision. The impact was greatest in the ipsilateral facet joints, such that head rotation to the left caused higher ligament strain at the left facet joint capsule.


Other research has illustrated that motor vehicle collision trauma has been shown to reduce ligament strength (i.e., failure force and average energy absorption capacity) compared with controls or computational models (Ivancic PC et al., 2007; Tominaga Y et al., 2006). We know that this is particularly true in the case of capsular ligaments, since this type of trauma causes capsular ligament laxity. Interestingly, one research study conclusively demonstrated that whiplash injury to the capsular ligaments resulted in an 85% to 275% increase in ligament elongation (laxity), compared to that of controls (Ivancic PC et al., 2007).


The study also reported evidence that tension of the capsular ligaments due to trauma, requisite for producing pain from the facet joint. Whiplash injuries cause compression injuries to the posterior facet cartilage. This injury also results in trauma to the synovial folds, bleeding, inflammation, and of course pain. Simply stated, this stretching injury to the facet capsular ligaments will result in joint laxity and instability.


Traumatic ligament laxity resulting in instability is a diagnosis based primarily on a patient�s history (symptoms) and physical examination. Subjective findings are the patient�s complaints in their own words, or their perception of pain, sensory changes, motor changes, or range of motion alterations. After the patient presents their subjective complaints to the clinician, these subjective findings, must be correlated and confirmed through a proper and thorough physical examination, including the utilization of imaging diagnostics that explain a particular symptom, pattern, or area of complaint objectively. Without some sort of concrete evidence that explains a patient�s condition, we merely have symptoms with no forensic evidence. Documentation is key, as well as quantifying the patient�s injuries objectively.


In order to adequately quantify the presence of instability due to ligament laxity, the clinician could utilize functional computerized tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging scans, as well as digital motion x-ray (Radcliff K et al., 2012; Hino H et al., 1999). Studies using functional CT for diagnosing ligamentous injuries have demonstrated the ability of this technique to shoe excess movement during axial rotation of the cervical spine (Dvorak J et al., 1988; Antinnes J et al., 1994).


This is important to realize when patients have the signs and symptoms of instability, but have normal MRI findings in the neutral position. Functional imaging technology, as opposed to static standard films, is necessary for the adequate radiologic depiction of instability because they provide dynamic imaging during movement and are extremely helpful for evaluating the presence and degree of instability.


Although functional imaging maybe superior plain-film radiography is still a powerful diagnostic tool for the evaluation of instability due to ligament laxity. When a patient presents status-post motor vehicle collision, it is common practice to perform a �Davis Series� of the cervical spine. This x-ray series consists of 7 views: anterior-posterior open mouth, anterior-posterior, lateral, oblique views, and flexion-extension views. The lumbar spine is treated in similar fashion. X-ray views will include: anterior-posterior, lateral, oblique views, and flexion-extension views. The flexion-extension views are key in the diagnosis of instability. It is well known, that the dominant motion of the cervical and lumbar spine, where most pathological changes occur, is flexion-extension. Translation of one vertebral segment in relation to the one above and/or below will be most evident on these views. Translation is the total anterior-posterior movement of vertebral segments. After the appropriate views are taken, the images may be evaluated utilizing CRMA or Computed Radiographic Mensuration Analysis. These measurements are taken to determine the presence of ligament laxity. In the cervical spine, a 3.5mm or greater translation of one vertebra on another is an abnormal and ratable finding, indicative of instability (AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition).


Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity (AOMSI) is extremely crucial as it relates to ligament laxity. The AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition, recognize linear stress views of radiographs, as the best form of diagnosing George�s Line (Yochum & Rowe�s Essentials of Radiology, page 149), which states that if there is a break in George�s Line on a radiograph, this could be a radiographic sign of instability due to ligament laxity.




Our discussion of ligament laxity and instability continues with the �Criteria for Rating Impairment Due to Cervical and Lumbar Disorders�, as described in the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition. According to the guidelines, a DRE (Diagnosed Related Estimate) Cervical Category IV is considered to be a 25% to 28% impairment of the whole person. Category IV is described as, �alteration of motion segment integrity or bilateral or multilevel radiculopathy; alteration of motion segment integrity is defined from flexion and extension radiographs, as at least 3.5mm of translation of one vertebra on another, or angular motion of more than 11 degrees greater than at each adjacent level; alternatively, the individual may have loss of motion of a motion segment due to a developmental fusion or successful or unsuccessful attempt at surgical arthrodesis; radiculopathy as defined in Cervical Category III need not be present if there is alteration of motion segment integrity; or fractures: (1) more than 50% compression of one vertebral body without residual neural compromise. One can compare a 25% to 28% cervical impairment of the whole person to the 22% to 23% whole person impairment due to an amputation at the level of the thumb at or near the carpometacarpal joint or the distal third of the first metacarpal.


Additionally, according to the guidelines, a DRE (Diagnosed Related Estimate) Lumbar Category IV is considered to be a 20% to 23% impairment of the whole person. Category IV is described as, �loss of motion segment integrity defined from flexion and extension radiographs as at least 4.5mm of translation of one vertebra on another or angular motion greater than 15 degrees at L1-2, L2-3, and L3-4, greater than 20 degrees at L4-5, and greater than 25 degrees at L5-S1; may have complete or near complete loss of motion of a motion segment due to developmental fusion, or successful or unsuccessful attempt at surgical arthrodesis or fractures: (1) greater than 50% compression of one vertebral body without residual neurologic compromise. One can compare a 20% to 23% Lumbar Impairment of the whole person to the 20% whole person impairment due to an amputation of the first metatarsal bone.




After careful interpretation of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition, regarding whole person impairment due to ligament laxity/instability of the cervical and lumbar spine, one can certainly see the severity and degree of disability that occurs. Once ligament laxity is correctly diagnosed, it will objectively quantify a patient�s spinal injury regardless of symptoms, disc lesions, range of motion, reflexes, etc. When we quantify the presence of ligament laxity, we also provide a crucial element with which to demonstrate instabilities in a specific region. Overall, clarification and quantification of traumatic ligament laxity will help the patient legally, objectively, and most importantly, clinically.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�



AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition

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Additional Topics: Preventing Spinal Degeneration

Spinal degeneration can occur naturally over time as a result of age and the constant wear-and-tear of the vertebrae and other complex structures of the spine, generally developing in people over the ages of 40. On occasion, spinal degeneration can also occur due to spinal damage or injury, which may result in further complications if left untreated. Chiropractic care can help strengthen the structures of the spine, helping to prevent spinal degeneration.


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Reduced Spinal Degeneration Symptoms with Multiple Modalities

Reduced Spinal Degeneration Symptoms with Multiple Modalities

Abstract objective: �To examine the diagnosis and care of a patient suffering from chronic low back pain with associated right leg pain and numbness. ���Diagnostic studies include standing plain film radiographs, lumbar MRI without contrast, chiropractic analysis, range of motion, orthopedic and neurological examination. ���Treatments include both manual and instrument assisted chiropractic adjustments, ice, heat, cold laser, Pettibon wobble chair and repetitive neck traction exercises and non-surgical spinal decompression. ��The patient’s� outcome was very good with significant reduction in pain frequency, pain intensity and abatement of numbness in foot.


Introduction: �A 58 year old, 6�0�, 270 pound male was seen for a chief complaint of lower back pain with radiation into the right leg with right foot numbness. �The pain had started 9 months prior with an insidious onset. ��The patient had first injured his back in high school lifting weights with several episodes of pain over the ensuing years. ��The patient had been treating with Advil and had tried physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic and ice with no relief of pain and numbness. ��Walking and standing tend to worsen the problem and lying down did provide some relief. ���A number of activities of daily living were affected at a severe level including standing, walking, bending over, climbing stairs, looking over shoulder, caring for family, grocery shopping, household chores, lifting objects staying asleep and exercising. ��The patient remarked that he �Feels like 100 years old.� �Social history includes three to four beers per week, three diet cokes per day.


The patient�s health history included high blood pressure, several significant shoulder injuries, knee injuries, apnea, hearing loss, weight gain, anxiety and low libido. ���Family history includes Alzheimer�s disease, heart disease, colon cancer and obesity.


Clinical Findings

Posture analysis revealed a high left shoulder and hip with 2 inches of anterior head projection. Bilateral weight scales revealed a +24 pound differential on the left. ��Weight bearing dysfunction and imbalance suggest that neurological compromise, ligamentous instability and or spinal distortion may be present. �Range of motion in the lumbar spine revealed a 10 degree decrease in both flexion and extension. There was a 5 degree decrease in both right and left lateral bending with sharp pain with right lateral bending.


Cervical range of motion revealed a 30 degree decrease in extension, a 42 and 40 degree decrease in right and left rotation respectively and a 25 degree decrease in both right and left lateral flexion. ��Stability analysis to assess and identify the presence of dynamic instability of the cervical and lumbar spine showed positive in the cervical and lumbar spine and negative for sacroiliac dysfunction. ��Palpatory findings include spinal restrictions at occiput, C5, T5, T10, L4,5 and the sacrum. ��Muscle palpation findings include +2 spasm in the psoas, traps, and all gluteus muscles.


Cervical radiographs reveal significant degenerative changes throughout the cervical spine. This represents phase II of spinal degeneration according the Kirkaldy-Wills degeneration classification. ���Cervical curve is 8 degrees which represents an 83% loss from normal. ��Flexion and extension stress x-rays reveal decreased flexion at occiput through C4 and decreased extension at C2, C4-C7.


Lumbar radiographs reveal significant degenerative changes throughout representing phase II of spinal degeneration according to the Kirkaldy-Willis spinal degeneration classification. ���There is a 9 degree lumbar lordosis which represents a 74% loss from normal. ��There is a 2 mm short right leg and a grade II spondylolisthesis at the L5-S1 level.


Lumbar MRI without contrast was ordered immediately with a 4 mm slice thickness and 1 mm gap in between slices on a Hitachi Oasis 1.2 Telsa machine for optimal visualization of pathology due to the clinical presentation of right L5 nerve root compression.


Lumbar MRI Imaging Results


  • Significant degenerative changes throughout the lumbar spine including multi-level degenerative disc changes at all levels.
  • Transverse Annular Fissures at L1-2 (17.3 mm), L2-3 (29.5 mm), L4-5 (14.3 mm) and L5-S1 (30.8 mm) and broad based disc bulging at all levels except L5-S1. ���The fissures at L2-3 and L5-S1 both have radial components extends through to the vertebral endplate.
  • Facet osteoarthritic changes and facet effusions at all levels.
  • Grade II spondylitic spondylolisthesis is confirmed at L5-S1 with severe narrowing of the right neural foramen compressing the right exiting L5 nerve root.
  • Degenerative retrolisthesis at L1-2.
  • Modic Type II changes at L2 inferior endplate, L3 superior endplate, L4 inferior endplate and L5 inferior endplate.2
  • There is a 18.9 mm wide Schmorl�s node at the superior endplate of L3.
  • There is a 5.7 mm wide focal protrusion type disc herniation at L4-5 which impinges on the thecal sac.


T2 sagittal Lumbar Spine MRI:� Note the Modic Type II changes and the L2-3 Schmorls node.


T1 Sagittal Annular fissures at multiple levels and spondylolisthesis at L5S1


T2 Axial L4-5:� Focal Disc Protrusion Type Herniation


Definition �Bulging Disc: A disc in which the contour of the outer annulus extends, or appears to extend, in the horizontal (axial) plane beyond the edges of the disc space, over greater than 50% (180 degrees) of the circumference of the disc and usually less than 3mm beyond the edges of the vertebral body apophyses.3


Definition: Herniation is defined as a localized or focal displacement of disc material beyond the limits of the intervertebral disc space.3


Protrusion Type Herniation: is present if the greatest distance between the edges of the disc material presenting outside the disc space is less than the distance between the edges of the base of that disc material extending outside the disc space.3


Definition: Extrusion Type Herniation: �is present when, in at least one plane, any one distance between the edges of the disc material beyond the disc space is greater than the distance between the edges of the base of the disc material beyond the disc space or when no continuity exists between the disc material beyond the disc space and that within the disc space. 3


Definition: �Annular Fissures: �separations between the annular fibers of separations of the annual fibers from their attachments to the vertebral bone. 4


Definition � Radiculopathy: Sometimes referred to as a pinched nerve, it refers to compression of the nerve root – the part of a nerve between vertebrae. This compression causes pain to be perceived in areas to which the nerve leads.


The patient underwent multimodal treatment regime consisting of 4 months of active chiropractic adjustments, non-surgical spinal decompression with pretreatment spinal warm-up exercises on the Pettibon wobble chair and neck traction and heat. Post spinal decompression with ice and cold laser. ��The patient reported long periods of symptom free activities of daily living with occasional short flare-ups of pain. ��Exacerbations are usually of short duration and much lower frequency. �The only activity of daily living noted as affected severely at the end of care is exercising.


Post care lumbar radiographs revealed a 26 degree lumbar curve a 15 degree (38%) increase


Post care cervical x-rays revealed a 10 mm decrease in anterior head projection and a 2 degree improvement in the cervical lordosis.


Range of Motion pre post increase
flexion 60 60 0
extension 40 40 0
r. lateral flexion 20 25 5
l. lateral flexion 20 25 5
cervical pre Post increase
flexion 50 50 0
extension 30 40 10
r. lateral flexion 20 35 15
l. lateral flexion 20 20 0
r. rotation 38 70 42
l. rotation 40 80 40


Discussion of Results


It is appropriate to immediately order MRI imaging with radicular pain and numbness. ��Previous health providers who did not order advanced imaging with these long term radicular symptoms are at risk of missing important clinical findings that could adversely affect the patient�s health. ��The increasing managed care induced trend to forego taking plain film radiographs is also a risk factor for patients with these problems.


This case is a typical presentation of long standing spinal injuries that over many years have gone through periods of high and low symptoms but continue to get worse functionally and eventually result in a breakdown of spinal tissues leading to neurological compromise and injury.


Chiropractic treatment resulted in a very favorable outcome aided by an accurate diagnosis. �This is also the case where the different treatment modalities all contributed to the success of the protocol. ��The different modalities all focus on different areas of pathology contributing to the patients� disabled condition.


Modality Therapeutic Goals
Chiropractic adjustment Manual and instrument assisted forces introduced to the osseous structures that focuses on improving motor segment mobility
Cold laser Increases speed of tissue repair and decreases inflammation.4

wobble chair

Loading and unloading cycles applied to injured soft tissues and

neck traction

speeds up & improves remodeling of injured tissue as well as rehydrates dehydrated vertebral discs.5

spinal decompression

Computer assisted, slow and controlled stretching of spine, creating vacuum effect on spinal disc, bringing it back into its proper place in the spine.6,7
Ice Decrease inflammation through vasoconstriction
Heat Warm up tissues for mechanical therapy through increasing blood flow.
Posture Correction Hat Weighted hat that activates righting reflex resetting head posture.8


A major factor in the success of the care plan in this case was an integrative approach to the spine. �John Bland, M.D. in the text Disorders of the Cervical Spine writes


�We tend to divide the examination of the spine into regions: cervical, thoracic and the lumbar spine clinical studies.� This is a mistake.� The three units are closely interrelated structurally and functionally- a whole person with a whole spine.� The cervical spine may be symptomatic because of a thoracic or lumbar spine abnormality, and vice versa!� Sometimes treating a lumbar spine will relieve a cervical spine syndrome, or proper management of cervical spine will relieve low backache.�9


When addressing the spine as an integrative system, and not regionally it has a very strong benefit to the total care results. ��The focus on the restoration of the cervical spine function as well as lumbar spine function is a hallmark of a holistic spine approach that has been a tradition in the chiropractic profession.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


  1. Kirkaldy-Willis, W.H, Wedge JH, Young-Hing K.J.R. Pathology and pathogenesis of lumbar spondylosis and stenosis. �Spine 1978; 3: 319-328
  3. David F. Fardon, MD, Alan L. Williams, MD, Edward J. Dohring, MD. Lumbar disc nomenclature: version 2.0 Recommendations of the combined task forces of the North American Spine Society, the American Society of Spine Radiology and the American Society of Neuroradiology. The Spine Journal 14 (2014) 2525�2545
  4. Low Level Laser Therapy to Reduce Chronic
  6. Shealy CM, Decompression, Reduction and Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine: A cost effective treatment for lumbosacral pain.�� Pain management 1955, pg 263-265
  7. Shealy, CM, New Concepts of Back Pain Management, Decompression, Reduction and Stabilization.�� Pain Management, a Practical guide for Clinicians.� Boca Raton, St. Lucie Press: 1993 pg 239-251
  9. Bland, John MD, Disorders of the Cervical Spine WB Saunders Company, 1987 pg 84


Additional Topics: Preventing Spinal Degeneration

Spinal degeneration can occur naturally over time as a result of age and the constant wear-and-tear of the vertebrae and other complex structures of the spine, generally developing in people over the ages of 40. On occasion, spinal degeneration can also occur due to spinal damage or injury, which may result in further complications if left untreated. Chiropractic care can help strengthen the structures of the spine, helping to prevent spinal degeneration.

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Abatement of Radiculopathy Symptoms after Chiropractic Care

Abatement of Radiculopathy Symptoms after Chiropractic Care

Title: Abatement of radiculopathy clinical signs and symptoms after chiropractic treatment in an older patient with trauma induced posterolateral disc herniation, superimposed on an underlying disc bulge.

Abstract: Objective: To examine the concomitant clinical diagnosis of a lumbar disc bulge and lumbar disc herniation at the same spinal level, in an older traumatically injured patient with radicular symptoms. Diagnostic studies include physical examination, including orthopedic and neurological examination, lumbar MRI without contrast, and plain film x-rays. Treatments included low force instrument adjusting without manual manipulation, diversified chiropractic manipulation, flexion-distraction treatment, intersegmental traction, electric muscle stimulation, ice, heat and massage/trigger point therapy. The patient�s outcome was very good and resulted in complete abatement of initial L5 paresthesia and radiating symptoms into the left leg, although mild lower back pain remained upon discharge from active treatment.

Introduction: A 63 year old, 6� 0�, 193lbs., male was seen for a chief complaint of lower back pain radiating into the left leg with numbness in the dorsum of the left foot which started immediately following a motor vehicle accident with a frontal impact. During the collision, he reported his right knee struck the dashboard and his head struck the ceiling of his vehicle causing him to briefly lose consciousness. The patient additionally reported immediate neck and right knee pain. He was taken via ambulance to the hospital where he was evaluated, x-rayed, given medications and released the same day. He was unable to work as a bailiff in a courthouse due to worsening pain and after 3 days sought treatment in my office.

The patient noted that prior to the accident he did not have any physical limitations and that he played soccer weekly. He was observed to have a trim, fit build. He reported no prior motor vehicle accidents or other serious injury. He reported no previous neck or lower back pain and denied the use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs.

Clinical Findings After Treatment

Lasague�s, Braggard�s and Kemps orthopedic testing was positive on the left and lumbar motion was decreased approximately 60% collectively. Lasague�s and Braggard�s revealed an increase in radiating pain into the left leg and Kemps was positive bilaterally for pain into the left lower extremity. These orthopedic tests were positive indicating nerve root irritation. Dermatomal evaluation revealed a decreased sensation in the dorsum of the left foot representing the L5 dermatome. Motor evaluation revealed a weakness when attempting to walk on the heel of the left foot and weakness of the left extensor hallicus longus muscle, again indicating possible L5 nerve root compromise. Lumbar x-rays revealed a severe decrease of the normal lumbar lordosis, mild L3-L4 spondylosis (arthritis) and a posterior misalignment of L4 in relation to L5. The patient�s review of systems, surgical and family history were all unremarkable as reported.

Therapeutic Focus and Assessment: A non-contrast lumbar spine MRI was ordered immediately with 2 mm slice thickness and no gap in between slices on a 1.5 Tesla machine for optimal visualization of pathology due to the clinical presentation of left L5 nerve root compression. Lumbar MRI�s revealed a L4-L5 broad-based left posterolateral disc herniation superimposed on an underlying disc bulge with severe left lateral recess narrowing, compressing the descending left L5 nerve root.

Note: the findings of a disc bulge AND disc herniation at the same spinal level do not contradict each other. Patients often have an underlying disc bulge (degenerative thinning of the outer fibers (annulus) of the disc causing �bulging�). When subject to trauma, a focal displacement of disc material through a tear in the annular fibers, disc herniation, then occurs through the thinned annulus of the bulging disc. Further, a bulging disc is actually more likely to herniate with trauma due to the thinning of the annulus than a normal healthy disc.

��������� Definition �Bulging disc: A disc in which the contour of the outer anulus extends, or appears to extend, in the horizontal (axial) plane beyond the edges of the disc space, over greater than 50% (180 degrees) of the circumference of the disc and usually less than 3mm beyond the edges of the vertebral body apophyses. (Ref. 2)

��������� Definition – Herniated disc: Localized displacement of disc material beyond the normal margins of the intervertebral disc space. (Ref. 2)

Again, the key distinction is the localized (aka focal displacement) of disc material that differentiates a herniated disc from a bulging disc. Or stated this way,�The bulging disk is defined as a disk that extends diffusely beyond the adjacent vertebral body margins in all directions� (Ref. 1)


Follow-up and Outcomes After Chiropractic


Upon discovery of a L4-L5 posterolateral disc herniation compressing the left L5 nerve root finding on MRI evaluation, the patient was referred for neurologic consult. The neurologist diagnosed a left L4-L5 radiculopathy after a positive lower extremity EMG/NCV study was performed.

Radiculopathy is a general term used to describe any disease of the nerve roots. In this case, the cause of the radiculopathy was a traumatically induced lumbar posterolateral disc herniation.

Definition � Radiculopathy: Sometimes referred to as a pinched nerve, it refers to compressionof the nerve root – the part of a nerve between vertebrae. This compression causes pain to beperceived in areas to which the nerve leads.(Ref. 3)

The patient underwent approximately 5 months of active chiropractic treatment after which an ordered gap in treatment of approximately 7 weeks occurred. After the gap in treatment, the patient reported they continued to experience no remaining radicular symptoms and re-evaluation showed no remaining clinical findings consistent with radiculopathy. However, the patient did report continuing to experience mild, intermittent lower back pain.

DISCUSSION: It is appropriate to immediately order MRI imaging in patients with a history of trauma leading to sudden onset of obvious clinical signs and symptoms of radiculopathy to ascertain an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. Is it important to understand the difference between herniated and bulging disc findings on MRI evaluation and that herniation can and does occur after a pre-existing disc bulge at the same spinal level. The patient in this case experienced immediate onset of radicular symptoms after trauma and was promptly evaluated with a lumbar MRI. The lumbar MRI confirmed a disc herniation compressing the left L5 nerve root as well as an underlying disc bulge.� EMG testing confirmed the radiculopathy diagnosis at L4-L5 on the left. Chiropractic treatment resulted in a very favorable outcome aided by an accurate diagnosis.

SUMMARY: Lumbar posterolateral disc herniation (interestingly, the most common type of disc herniation � Ref. 4) can affect a lumbar nerve root, causing radiculopathy. Further, �The stress of annulus circumference is higher at the posterolateral region than that of other regions of annulus circumference� � (Ref. 5). I report a case of a healthy 64 year old male who presented with lower back pain radiating into the left leg with no relevant personal or family history or previous trauma, after a front impact collision while driving in which his right knee struck the dashboard. The patient showed immediate clinical signs and symptoms of lumbar disc herniation and left L5 radiculopathy. A lumbar MRI without contrast was ordered immediately and revealed a L4-L5 left posterolateral disc herniation superimposed on an underlying disc bulge, compressing the left L5 nerve root. Subsequent EMG testing confirmed a left L4-L5 radiculopathy. The diagnosis of herniation and disc bulge does not mean the herniation was pre-existing, as bulging discs are a risk factor for disc herniation due to a thinner, weaker annulus. The patient’s history of no previous trauma and sudden onset of lower back pain radiating into the left leg, confirm the traumatic cause of the posterolateral disc herniation. Conservative chiropractic treatment was effective at eliminating all radicular signs and symptoms, even after an approximate 2 month gap in active treatment. Chiropractic care has been shown to be both safe and effective in treating patients with disc herniation and accompanying radicular symptoms. (Ref. 6, 7, 8, that can be reviewed for further study and investigation)

Informed consent: The patient provided a signed informed consent.

Competing Interests: There are no competing interests writing this case report.

De-Identification: All patient related data has been removed from this case report.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

  1. Milette PC. The proper terminology for reporting lumbar intervertebral disk disorders. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1997;18:1859-66.
  1. David F. Fardon, MD, Alan L. Williams, MD, Edward J. Dohring, MD. Lumbar disc nomenclature: version 2.0 Recommendations of the combined task forces of the North American Spine Society, the American Society of Spine Radiology and the American Society of Neuroradiology. The Spine Journal 14 (2014) 2525�2545
  1. Gopalakrishnan N1, Nadhamuni K2, Karthikeyan T3 Categorization of Pathology Causing Low Back Pain using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) J ClinDiagn Res. 2015 Jan;9(1):TC17-20.
  2. Guo LX, Teo EC. Influence prediction of injury and vibration on adjacent components of spine using finite element methods. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2006 Apr;19(2):118-24.
  1. Leeman S., Peterson C., Schmid C., Anklin B., Humphreys B., (2014) Outcomes of Acute and Chronic Patients With Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Confirmed Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniations Receiving High-Velocity, Low Amplitude, Spinal Manipulation Therapy: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study With One-Year Follow Up, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 37 (3)155-63
  1. McMorland, G., Suter, E., Casha, S., du Plessis, S. J., & Hurlbert, R. J. (2010). Manipulation or microdiscectomy for sciatica? A propective randomized clinical study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 33
  1. Whedon, J. M., Mackenzie, T.A., Phillips, R.B., & Lurie, J.D. (2014). Risk of traumatic injury associated with chiropractic spinal manipulation in Medicare Part B beneficiaries aged 66-69. Spine, �(Epub ahead of print) 1-33.


Additional Topics: Chiropractic Helps Patients Avoid Back Surgery

Back pain is a common symptom which affects or will affect a majority of the population at least once throughout their lifetime. While most back pain cases may resolve on their own, some instances of the pain and discomfort can be attributed to more serious spinal conditions. Fortunately, a variety of treatment options are available for patients before considering spinal surgical interventions. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option which helps carefully restore the original health of the spine, reducing or eliminating spinal misalignment which may be causing back pain.

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Can Limb Length Discrepancy Cause Scoliosis?

Can Limb Length Discrepancy Cause Scoliosis?

Leg length discrepancy is a condition in which the legs are not of equal length. This might give an appearance that one leg is shorter compared to the other. The reasons for leg length discrepancy can be many, including defects that are congenital or may be acquired, which might include certain medical conditions, fractures, infections or injuries impacting the bone.

Leg length discrepancy might be a result of accurate discrepancy, which can be caused by real distinctions in the leg lengths. In other instances, the causes of leg length discrepancy might be due to circumstances that result in change in the angle of the hip or pelvic bone. In such cases, as the hip gets tilted to the other side and one side gets raised, the leg on that side seems to be shorter.

However, it is important to understand the foundation and causes of leg length discrepancy to handle the condition properly. It is also crucial to understand the impact of leg length discrepancy on an individual health and overall performance just as the the reasons are important. Mental and physical health can be affected by leg length discrepancy health insurance and will also be connected to spinal issues like scoliosis.

Can Limb Length Discrepancy Trigger Scoliosis?

Leg length discrepancy, due to uneven leg lengths, can impact the normal gait of the person. The main perform that is noticeable is the way a person walks or performs human anatomy actions. These can get afflicted or be difficult because of leg size discrepancy. Changes in normal movements can more lead to certain issues of the muscles like soreness, discomfort, weak imbalances or muscles on either side of the physique. Leg duration discrepancy can impact the hip, knees and ankle, can cause pain and dysfunction.

The muscles on both sides of the physique and those related to the hip can get pulled due to tilting of the hip-bone. This can be one the major effects of leg duration discrepancy, where the muscles get pulled to one side, creating changes in the curvature of the backbone. In to side ways pulling of the spinal curvature, which is termed as scoliosis, such adjustments can eventually result. There is much concern whether leg length discrepancy can cause scoliosis and it is important to understand correct therapy to be planned by this and a void further complications.

Limb Length Discrepancy and Scoliosis

Many studies have already been conducted, which revolve round the chance of leg duration discrepancy being an underlying cause of scoliosis. In the same time, leg length discrepancy can also result in pulling of the muscles that are back to one facet, which can contribute to some extent to or worsen existing scoliosis.

It might result in scoliosis, which might be useful in the beginning as the curvature gets tilted to one aspect. In scoliosis that is functional there might be slight tilting or pulling of the muscles to one side, without adjustments or damage to the structure of the spine. However, if functional scoliosis, which is caused or aggravated by leg-length discrepancy isn’t treated in time, it might worsen, causing changes in the structure of the curvature. This may result in structural scoliosis, which may not be disturbing and only more painful but also difficult to manage.

Some studies have revealed that scoliosis in certain persons is the result of mechanism, to make up for the leg length discrepancy. Simply stated, in leg length discrepancy, the legs are of unequal lengths, so to match the lengths the individual pulls the aspect down along with the hip starts to tilt. This, when continued for a longer period of time, can result in pulling to one aspect, making changes in the curvature. Scoliosis is one such change in spinal curvature, at which spine gets curved to one side, comprising alternative activities.

Symptoms of Scoliosis from Limb Length Discrepancy

A person that has developed scoliosis due to leg size discrepancy, usually presents with tilting of the hip. Along with the signs of leg length discrepancy, the individual may possibly also encounter pain in the muscles that are again, imbalances of muscle power and function of the muscles that are again. Bending, twisting movements might be difficult and it could also be painful to maintain or raise objects.

The appearance of the shoulders may possibly be different on account of scoliosis and one-shoulder can happen elevated in relation to the other. This could cause problems in neck, arm and shoulder movements and also hurt. It could sometimes result into serious degrees of scoliosis, if the status is left unattended.

Treatment of Scoliosis from Limb Length Discrepancy

It is importance to comprehend if leg-length discrepancy can trigger scoliosis. The treatment options might have to be planned appropriately if scoliosis has been resulted in by complications of leg-length discrepancy.

In some cases, leg size discrepancy can contribute to or worsen existing scoliosis, therefore, correcting leg duration discrepancy with heel raise have to be in the offing cautiously. It’s important to thoroughly examine any circumstance with leg-length discrepancy, as they can cause scoliosis in some instances. Prescribing a heel raise to appropriate leg length discrepancy can boost the chances of worsening the scoliosis due to tilting if scoliosis is obvious.

Hence, it really is essential to to examine the bio mechanics of the hi-P, evaluate the modifications in the spinal curvature in scoliosis as well as the tilting due to leg duration discrepancy. Depending on the the reasons, some cases of leg length discrepancy might require procedure for surgical correction of leg lengths. When the symptoms, scoliosis and causes like complications of leg length discrepancy, are correctly evaluated a multi disciplinary treatment approach may be planned.

Limb Length Discrepancy Explained (Video)

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150.png

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Scoliosis Pain and Chiropractic

According to recent research studies, chiropractic care and exercise can substantially help correct scoliosis. Scoliosis is a well-known type of spinal misalignment, or subluxation, characterized by the abnormal, lateral curvature of the spine. While there are two different types of scoliosis, chiropractic treatment techniques, including spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, are safe and effective alternative treatment measures which have been demonstrated to help correct the curve of the spine, restoring the original function of the spine.

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Diagnosis & Treatment for Early Onset Scoliosis in Children

Diagnosis & Treatment for Early Onset Scoliosis in Children

Early onset scoliosis (EOS) is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine found in children under the age of 10 years.

More than 100,000 kids are diagnosed with scoliosis each year in the USA and most have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, or AIS. AIS is one of the most common types of scoliosis and it can affect kids between the ages of 10 to 18. EOS is significantly rarer and often more complex in character.

Types of Early Onset Scoliosis

Doctors have recognized several types of EOS. Most types of EOS have an obvious trigger and are associated with individual health issues. On the other hand, a general number of EOS cases are idiopathic, meaning they have no recognized cause and are identified based on the age at diagnosis.

Below are kinds of EOS:

  • Congenital scoliosis occurs when the bones of the spine do not form properly in the mother�s womb.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by brain, spinal cord, or muscular system disorders (such as muscular dystrophy). These disorders prevent the back muscles from holding the spine straight.
  • Syndromicscoliosis develops as part of an underlying syndrome or disorder that affects numerous parts of the body (such as Prader-Willi
  • Syndrome; a rare disease affecting development).
  • Infantile idiopathic scoliosis is diagnosed in children ages birth to 3 years. It has no known cause.
  • Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis is diagnosed in children ages 4 to 10. It has no known cause.

Early Onset Scoliosis Symptoms

EOS can be difficult to identify, as some children don’t have a serious spinal curve and might not have pain that stops them from their typical exercise. The primary factor to keep in mind, however, is symmetry, as it could reveal an issue when all other indications point to a regular spine.

Below are the most frequent indicators of EOS:

  • The body appears to lean to one side
  • Shoulders look uneven, with one shoulder blade sticking out more
  • Waistline is uneven
  • Hip height appears off balance
  • Ribs protrude on one side more

Early Onset Scoliosis Diagnosis

Your child’s pediatrician, pediatric orthopedist, or spinal specialist can identify EOS utilizing a number of methods.

Physical exams including the Adam’s forward bend test, will expose a prominence, hump or deviation of the backbone, or spine, indicating an irregular curvature. But, it’ imaging scans, namely x-rays, that doctors count on most to validate EOS.

The doctor will simply take standing x-rays of your child’s spine to properly see the entire nature of the scoliosis. Typically, one x-ray is taken from back to front (called a posterior-anterior x-ray) and the second is from the side (called lateral x-ray).�Other x-rays may possibly contain bending from aspect-to-facet.

Your doctor may possibly also request a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test in order to rule out underlying involvement of the spinal-cord along with other buildings or CT scan to show 3 D views of the bone constructions.

Because x-rays are used throughout the monitoring process throughout therapy, and to identify scoliosis, individuals have raised concerns over radiation. With this consideration in mind, doctors limit the number of x-rays that a child may use direct shields to safeguard breast and thyroid tissue and wants, lower dose x-rays, as well as light-based scans of the physique form.

Early Onset Scoliosis Treatment

There are four general approaches for managing EOS:

  • Observation
  • Spinal bracing
  • Body casting
  • Spine surgery


Your physician may suggest an observation period prior to any active treatment is warranted, as some times the scoliosis even correct itself as your child grows especially with very little curves in really young kids and will stabilize. This generally indicates attending normal follow up appointments together with your doctor throughout the year to determine any adjustments in your child’s curve.

Spinal Bracing

Spinal bracing is a typical nonsurgical treatment for EOS. Your physician works with an orthotist to craft a custom spinal brace for your child. The objective of the brace is not necessarily to correct the scoliosis but to avoid the curve from progressing.

Body Casting

Body casting may be advised for kids between SIX MONTHS months and 6 years of age who have curves likely to to succeed. Body casts are custom made and placed while your child is asleep under general anesthesia. Casts can be in spot for up to 12 months, so that your child will require a sequence of casts throughout therapy. A cast may possibly be employed for more severe curves or in cases in which a brace fails to prevent the curve from getting worse. Often the forged is used to delay the need for spine surgery that is ideally performed after much of your child’s growth is complete. A brace is often used for the same purpose.

Spine Surgery

If your child has a severe curve of 50-levels or higher, spine surgery is considered but usually delayed before the curvature is significantly greater and the child is bigger and h-AS finished more development.

There are various surgical methods for EOS, including expanding rod surgery, VEPTR® (vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib), vertebral physique tethering, growth guided gadgets, and spinal fusion.

Recovery Potential for Early Onset Scoliosis

It could be scary for each of you when your youngster is identified with early onset scoliosis. The remedies obtainable today are highly-successful at managing or even correcting the curve. Your encouragement and support along with the determination of your pediatric spine specialist will help your child respond well to treatment, and lead a pleased and full life.

Identifying Scoliosis in Children (Video)

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150.png

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Scoliosis Pain and Chiropractic

According to recent research studies, chiropractic care and exercise can substantially help correct scoliosis. Scoliosis is a well-known type of spinal misalignment, or subluxation, characterized by the abnormal, lateral curvature of the spine. While there are two different types of scoliosis, chiropractic treatment techniques, including spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, are safe and effective alternative treatment measures which have been demonstrated to help correct the curve of the spine, restoring the original function of the spine.

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Traditional Chiropractic Treatment for Scoliosis

Traditional Chiropractic Treatment for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is an intricate illness. Experts nevertheless don’t know what causes 80 percent of scoliosis cases, and there’s no absolute cure. But nevertheless, there’s hope!

You can find proven techniques to handle scoliosis and lessen its symptoms. X-rays allow doctors to measure the unique, three-dimensional curve of each person’s backbone as a way to find out the best method of therapy. Chiropractic treatment for scoliosis involves normal adjustments, using the hands or a gadget. The aim will be to realign joints, bones and the muscles. There are two types to choose from: traditional and scoliosis specific.

Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis

Traditional treatment applies a common method, comparable to what the chiropractor would do for any other patient experiencing back complications. However, not all chiropractic doctors are qualified or experienced to treat scoliosis nor are they familiar with its intricacies, then, traditional chiropractic treatment is unlikely to have much of an influence on the Cobb angle. This approach is only recommended for patients within the age of 13 with very small Cobb angles of 20 degrees or less. Traditional care could be helpful for relieving discomfort but not for bodily straightening the Cobb angle in patients.

Aiming to mobilize the spine and straighten the curve, traditional chiropractors might press down on the spine and ribcage while the patient lies on their abdomen. However, the irregular curve of the spine occasionally develops pressure from the nerves. This stress may not be relieved by pushing down on the spine; instead, the nerves are further aggravated by it. The spine isn’t stuck, as it’s with most other issues, but rather it curves in the incorrect direction. You can’t mobilize a scoliotic backbone without also stabilizing and correcting it.

Chiropractic Methods and Techniques for Scoliosis

Chiropractic treatment for scoliosis goes outside of the traditional guidelines to stabilize the curve. Aiming to gradually correct the spine into a a classic curve, changes are precise and gentle. This technique can aid people who’ve currently had surgery and don’t want to have it again, people attempting to avoid surgery, teenagers who don’t want to wear a brace, and a variety of other situations.

Most people think of scoliosis as a sideways curve of the spine, but it’s a bit more difficult than that. A spine should have the lordosis that points ahead in the neck three curves, the kyphosis that points backward in the middle of the back and the lumbar lordosis that points forward in the low-back. Scoliosis forces the backbone in a different direction for one or more of these three natural curves.

People with scoliosis are, for all intents and purposes, double jointed in the neck. This puts them at a higher risk of dislocation and damage if not treated gently and hypermobility makes the joints unstable. There is absolutely no twisting or turning of the neck in scoliosis-particular adjustments. Specific treatments use a precision mechanical adjusting instrument to adjust the neck as well as joints of the body.

The first step to restore the curves in the spine is to recenter the the pinnacle. While the patient is sitting up, an adjusting instrument is utilized to deliver forces into the bones of the neck. These forces attempt to coax the neck to the best, most correct position. Adjustments may possibly also be done on the hips and the straight back, depending on the three dimensional measurements of the spine established from x-rays.

Many chiropractors claim to specialize in scoliosis, when in reality their information is constrained. It’s important to start a dialogue by means of your physician to ensure you’re receiving treatment from a chiropractor specializing in scoliosis. If your chiropractor is not providing you the results you want or modifying the treatment to yield them, it may be time to find a new doctor.

Outside of the adjustments in the doctor’s off ice, one to two hours of exercise a day is essential to achieve the most useful outcomes. Scoliosis exercises include the scoliosis traction chair, balance training, strength coaching and, for extreme cases of scoliosis to elongate the spine and uncoil the nerves. As your Cobb Angle decreases, the exercises can be changed as well. Make sure to maintain healthy habits to promote overall health and wellness.

Chiropractic Treatment

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150.png

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Scoliosis Pain and Chiropractic

According to recent research studies, chiropractic care and exercise can substantially help correct scoliosis. Scoliosis is a well-known type of spinal misalignment, or subluxation, characterized by the abnormal, lateral curvature of the spine. While there are two different types of scoliosis, chiropractic treatment techniques, including spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, are safe and effective alternative treatment measures which have been demonstrated to help correct the curve of the spine, restoring the original function of the spine.


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