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Spine Care

Back Clinic Chiropractic Spine Care Team. The spine is designed with three natural curves; the neck curvature or cervical spine, the upper back curvature or thoracic spine, and the lower back curvature or lumbar spine, all of which come together to form a slight shape when viewed from the side. The spine is an essential structure as it helps support the upright posture of humans, it provides the body with the flexibility to move and it plays the crucial role of protecting the spinal cord. Spinal health is important in order to ensure the body is functioning to its fullest capacity. Dr. Alex Jimenez strongly indicates across his collection of articles on spine care, how to properly support a healthy spine. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Foot Pain Caused By Back Problems | El Paso, TX.

Experiencing foot pain, there’s no doubt you checked out your foot to make sure it’s not injured or hurting from�improper fitting shoes, corns, plantar fasciitis, etc. This may seem counterintuitive, but you may want to check the condition of the�lumbar spine (lower back)?� Most foot problems are caused from issues with the foot itself, but you might be surprised to find that pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause intense foot pain.

foot pain el paso tx.Sciatic Nerve Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

foot pain el paso tx.The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and consists of five nerves that come together at the lower spine and then extend all the way down the back of the legs into the toes. If the lumbar spine is compressed, it presses on the sciatic nerve, thus causing radiating pain down the leg and sometimes all the way into the big toe. Foot pain without leg pain is often due to an issue located within the foot. However, it is possible that the foot pain could be the only symptom of sciatica.

Sciatica can be caused by lumbar spine disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. There are various types of sciatica, which present differently according to which spinal disc is affected. If the L5 disc is compressed, Foot Drop can occur. This refers to the heavy, weak feeling that makes flexing the foot almost impossible. Foot Drop usually results in pain radiating down along the outside of the leg, crossing over the foot and into the big toe. If the S1 nerve root is affected, the pain is likely on the sole of the foot. An accurate diagnosis is first priority in order to address the pain correctly and properly.

What To Do About The Foot Pain

foot pain el paso tx.

Addressing the root of the problem is most important. Nearly three million people a year suffer from sciatic pain along with other dysfunctions. An experienced chiropractor or physician will demonstrate exercises to help lengthen and stretch the spine. This along with massage, acupuncture, and medication are all helpful in the management of sciatic pain. The foot pain will be addressed by a doctor or chiropractor who will to tell which treatment is most effective for the situation.

Treatment for foot pain varies depending on the condition/injury. Treatment can go from rest and ice to physical therapy, chiropractic and in severe cases surgery. Reflexology can provide relief, as well as, stretching exercises. Over the counter pain medication is often used. If the pain is too intense that it prevents sleep, a physician may prescribe non-addictive pain medication. Wear shoes with good arch supports, and if pain persists, see a podiatrist for special orthotic shoe inserts. Insurance often covers orthotics.

Further Considerations


Don�t forget that most pain in the body is caused from inflammation and can be helped with anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle stressors. Concentrate on eating whole, unprocessed foods. Stay away from sugar, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and white flour. Make sure to drink enough water every day, and get eight hours of sleep. This is one of the most effective ways to address inflammation. Bring the body back into balance.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Chronic Pain & Treatments

Degenerative Disk Disease Treatment El Paso, TX

Degenerative Disk Disease Treatment El Paso, TX

George Lara, now retired, found relief with Dr. Alex Jimenez, back pain specialist and chiropractor, for his degenerative disk disease following two back injuries he experienced several years ago. After using drugs/medications and experiencing constant symptoms due to his DDD, Mr. Lara describes how Dr. Jimenez’s chiropractic treatment greatly helped restore his quality of life as well as promote his overall health and wellness. George Lara highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as a non-surgical treatment choice for degenerative disc disease, and praises his dedication for treating his patients.

degenerative disk disease el paso tx.

Degenerative disk disease, or DDD, refers to the natural breakdown of an intervertebral disk of the spine. Despite its title, DDD isn’t regarded as a disorder, nor is it degenerative. To the contrary, disk degeneration is frequently the consequence of ordinary daily stresses and minor accidents that cause spinal disks to slowly eliminate water in the anulus fibrosus, or even through the stiff outer layer of a disk. As water content decreases, they start to collapse. This could lead to pressure being placed on the nerves causing weakness and pain. While not necessarily symptomatic, DDD may lead to acute or chronic low back or neck pain in addition to nerve pain based on the positioning of the affected disk and the amount of strain it puts around the surrounding nerve roots.

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Spinal Disc Problems? Why Chiropractic Is Preferred In El Paso, TX.

Spinal Disc Problems? Why Chiropractic Is Preferred In El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic care for spinal disc problems is steadily increasing in popularity. As more and more research proves the effectiveness for chiropractic for these types of problems, doctors and therapists are incorporating it into treatment plans for their patients.

Spinal disc problems can be debilitating, causing significant pain and severely limiting mobility. Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common spinal problems, causing back pain that, like other spinal conditions, can extend into the hip and leg or even the arm and hand.

It is caused by degeneration or thinning of the spinal joints or discs which can disrupt the mechanics of the spine and contribute to bulging discs that press on spinal nerves. Traditional treatment of this condition usually consists of strong pain medication and sometimes surgery.

Patients who are dealing with pain from discs that are bulging or ruptured as well as herniated, or slipped discs, do respond well to chiropractic care. Where surgery has long been a primary medical answer to pain relief for these spinal conditions, chiropractic treatments offer a nonsurgical alternative that has been shown to be very effective.

Most spinal or disc problems are marked by a specific set of symptoms including neck and back pain, stiffness, arm pain, leg pain, and tenderness in the spinal muscles or the spine itself. Other more serious symptoms can present at the onset of the condition or over a period of time. These symptoms indicate a dangerous problem that could even be life threatening; they include:

  • Back pain accompanied by fever
  • Loss of control of bladder or bowel
  • Severe weakness that inhibits the ability to use arms, legs, walk, etc.
  • Loss of sensation in both arms and/or both buttocks
  • Inability to defecate or urinate

More serious or life threatening symptoms may require medical intervention, but most spinal conditions can be helped or even corrected with chiropractic care.

spinal disc el paso tx.

Through the careful, precise manipulation of the spine, a chiropractor can make adjustments to the body that help relieve the pain and pressure. This treatment can halt the debilitating progression of certain spinal problems while relieving pain and increasing mobility.

Spinal problems are usually diagnosed by a combination of complete physical examination and a thorough patient history. During the examination the patient�s musculoskeletal and nervous systems are carefully assessed. A doctor of chiropractic will examine the patient by moving the patient into different positions using their legs, arms, and back while applying pressure to the joints. Other diagnostic tools include x-rays and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The preferable course of treatment for spinal problems is more conservative in nature. The earlier the problem can be diagnosed and treatment can begin, the better. There are several different treatments that a doctor of chiropractic may do to control and treat the pain. Modalities such as heat and ice applied to the affected area have been proven effective in controlling injury related pain in the lower back.

Movement is also crucial to healing and the sooner the patient gets back on their feet, the better. For most injuries or back problems, those problems are exacerbated when the patient stays in bed or coddles their back instead of walking and moving. It can result in long term back problems.

Spinal manipulation by a doctor of chiropractic has been proven to be an effective, safe treatment for disc problems and associated pain. In some cases therapeutic exercise may be added to the treatment and this too has been shown to be very effective.

In most cases, chiropractic care is sufficient and surgery of the spine or injections are unnecessary to manage the problems. In fact, these more invasive therapies often create more problems than they cure. Chiropractic care should be the first course of action for spine related pain, injury, or problems. So if you or a loved one are suffering from spinal disc problems, make sure you give us a call. We�re here to help!

Spinal Disc Problems: Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

Mobile Devices Are Wrecking Our Spines In El Paso, TX.

Mobile Devices Are Wrecking Our Spines In El Paso, TX.

Nearly everyone has a smartphone or mobile device these days, and while there is some merit to this technology by keeping us more connected � at least virtually � it is wreaking havoc on our bodies. When you look at the posture that people assume when texting, reading email, or browsing social media while on their mobile device or smartphone, you will see their head bent forward and rounded shoulders. They typically hold the device either at chest level or waist level meaning that their hands are together, forming an almost crouch position.

This is very bad for the spine but it creates problems for other parts of the body even beyond the spine. Let�s take a look at some of the common issues that come with bad smartphone posture.

Mobile Device Injuries

Text Neck

The more you tilt your head downward (just as you do when looking at a smartphone), the more pounds of pressure you put on your neck and back. Your spine supports the weight of your head. The more it is thrust forward, looking down, the heavier your head gets. Doctors are seeing many young people with this problem, some even as young as 8 years old.

It is characterized by tightness or tension in the neck and shoulders as well as the upper back. Some patients report pain while others feel pressure, and others feel tightness. Sometimes the pain will spread throughout the body or from the neck to the arms and hands.

Forearm & Wrist Pain

Even the way you hold your phone in your hands can cause problems. Since you keep your hand in one position for long periods of time your muscles never have a chance to relax. You have several muscles engaged to do this: the forearms, the wrist, and the neck.

If you are experiencing pain, sometimes shooting, in your elbow or wrist your smartphone use may be the culprit. So put the phones away or leave them at home.

Sore Upper & Lower Back

As your neck struggles to support your head which is rolled forward, it stands to reason that you will experience back pain. In fact, both upper and lower back pain have been attributed to smartphone use.

Think about the muscles that run along your spine. They help stabilize it and help control and support your head. When you hunch over you strain those muscles in your upper back. What you may not realize is that similar strain is being put on the muscles in your lower back as well.

mobile el paso tx

Blackberry Thumb

The muscles in your hand are very small but they can cause you a great deal of pain if you frequently use a mobile device. As you type on the keyboard of your smart phone, it can cause problems with tendons and ligament as well as the muscles.

This repetitive stress of the body is caused daily by people who stay hunched over their small phone screen. The repetitive movement of your thumb as it manipulates the device can cause inflammation in the thumb and hand.

Headaches From Tension In Neck & Back

One of the most common ailments associated with mobile device usage is headaches. These headaches can come from tension in the neck, strained muscled in the back, or overworked muscles through the hand and arm into the shoulder. It can also come from eyestrain caused by staring at the screen for extended amounts of time, looking at tiny text.

There is no doubt that mobile device usage is becoming a serious problem in our society today. While there are the people who text while driving or while walking, posing a significant threat to their own and others� safety, what they are doing to their own bodies is enough to cause alarm.

Chiropractic care can ease the pain and reverse a good portion of the damage that has been done, but if when people continue with the same bad habits the treatment is only temporary. There needs to be a focused effort made to pull people out of their mobile devices, at least a portion of the time, to minimize the structural spinal damage they are doing to themselves.

Chiropractic Treatment For Proper Posture

Chronic Ear Infections And Children: The Chiropractic Answer

Chronic Ear Infections And Children: The Chiropractic Answer

Ear Infections: “Mom, it hurts. It hurts!”

Parents of children suffering from ear infections are all too familiar with this cry. Tugging at their ears, crying, and trouble sleeping are all signs of an ear infection in your little one.

Children are more susceptible to ear infections than adults because of their smaller Eustachian tubes, and their less effective immune systems. Unfortunately, chronic ear infections can quickly become a painful, ongoing problem.

Parents have a variety of options at their disposal to treat their child’s ear infections. Drops, antibiotics, and ventilation tubes placed by surgical procedure are all commonly used treatments for chronic infections. Chiropractic care is another option available and is rapidly gaining acceptance and popularity for the effective treatment of ear infections.

According to, ear infections are the reason for 35% of pediatrician visits, and ear pain is the number one reason a child visits a chiropractor. Children who suffer from recurring ear infections benefit from chiropractic care in several ways that are not available through other, more traditional forms of treatment.

Here are a few of the benefits chiropractic care offer for ear infections are:

Ear Infections: It Is Non-Invasive

Unlike the surgical procedure that is often used to combat ear infections by inserting tubes in the child’s ears, chiropractic adjustments provide a non-invasive form of treatment.

This treatment option works well because a little one’s spine may be moved out of alignment from the birthing process, or from any number of spills he or she makes learning to walk, run, or navigate stairs. An experienced chiropractor can map out a treatment plan that includes gentle adjustments of the child’s neck and spine. The goal is to decrease fluid build up within the ear canals that bring on ear infections and pain.

It Is A Painless Option Of Treatment

The last thing parents want in any medical treatment is to cause their child more pain. A negative experience at a doctor’s office can create a fear that lasts for years to come.

Children with ear infections have nothing to fear from visiting a chiropractor. During a chiropractic visit, the child will participate in adjustments that are pain free. The treatments will be able to reduce the pain in a short amount of time in many instances, and reduce the chance of dealing with another ear infection down the road.

ear infectionsIt Treats The Underlying Cause

Other options of treatment may decrease the symptoms of an ear infection, but never get to the actual root issue. Chiropractic care strives to return the body in its entirety to its normal function.

This is the main building block concept for chiropractic in general. By re-aligning the spine, the body as a whole can be healthier and more resistant to infection and disease. Chiropractic care helps adjust the child’s body back to a normal state, thus providing a way for it to heal itself and fight off future ear (and other) infections better than simply using drops and antibiotics.

If your child is susceptible to ear infections, there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of an occurrence in the first place. Frequent hand washing to prevent the spread of germs and avoiding cigarette smoke are two simple ways to combat ear infections.

Chiropractic treatment continues to show promise in treating the underlying issues that cause a child to suffer from ear infections. If you are looking for a treatment that is pain free, not intimidating to the child, and an alternative to invasive surgery, enlisting the help of a chiropractor is a fantastic option.

So if your child is experiencing chronic ear infections, give us a call. Our Doctor of Chiropractic is here to help!

Doctors Of Chiropractic Ensure Patients Have Strong Posture

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

Grand Opening: New Chiropractic Clinic Location

Grand Opening: New Chiropractic Clinic Location

El Paso, TX. Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez welcomes all to the new clinic location grand opening!

Grand Opening: Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic

grand opening 11860 Vista Del Sol Left Side Medium ClinicEl Paso, TX, INJURY MEDICAL & CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC announces its newest east side location at 11860 Vista Del Sol, Suite 128 will officially open. The clinic is located in The Mission Business Center near Walgreens.

Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic offers an innovative, patient-friendly experience that allows patients access to affordable, quality chiropractic care. Appointments are not necessary, however in order to avoid waiting time appointments are recommended.

11860 Vista Del Sol Dr.�Suite 128

El Paso, Texas 79936

United States (US)

Phone: 1-915-850-0900
Secondary phone: 1-915-412-6677
Fax: 1-866-574-1352

Monday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Tuesday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Wednesday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Thursday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Friday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Saturday – Sunday Closed

About: Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic

grand opening hallway clinicBased in El Paso, TX Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic is reinventing chiropractic by making quality care convenient and affordable for patients seeking pain relief and ongoing wellness. Extended hours and three convenient locations make care more accessible. Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic is an emerging company and key leader in the chiropractic profession. For more information, visit, follow us on�Twitter @dralexjimenez�and find us on�Facebook, and�LinkedIn.

I thank you and have a special and respectful message�
God loves motion.�God has created a fantastic design in all of us. His love of joints and articulations is obvious. Simply put, as an observer, our creator would have not given us so many joints with so many functions. So again, I repeat, God loves motion. Therefore, it is not just a choice to take care of them,�it is our obligation. I will help everybody I meet and treat to move better while�freeing themselves of any joint limitation preventing the full expression of life.

With a bit of work, we can achieve optimal health together. I look forward in doing my absolute best and helping those in need. It is what my mentors taught me, it is what I teach and it is what I will do passionately until�my last breath.

God Bless

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C.,C.C.S.T

Fitness Facility & Chiropractic Clinic: PUSH-as-Rx

Our top rated�PUSH as Rx chiropractic clinic/fitness center will be open, but will be for physical rehabilitation and supplements.

Central Location:

Next to Guitar Center

6440 Gateway East Bldg. B
El Paso, TX 79905

Chiropractic Manipulation for Cervical Spine Issues | Eastside Chiropractor

Chiropractic Manipulation for Cervical Spine Issues | Eastside Chiropractor

The manipulation of the cervical spine or neck is a common technique utilized by doctors of chiropractic for individuals complaining of upper back, neck, and shoulder/arm pain, in addition to headaches.


What is the benefit of cervical spinal manipulation?


Similar to the treatment for many injuries and/or conditions which affect the thoracic and lumbar spine, or back, chiropractic treatment is thought of as a first line of therapy for a range of cervical spine conditions.


Chiropractic treatment aiming for cervical spine pain management include (but aren’t limited to) a mix of:


  • Reducing pain
  • Improving movement
  • Restoring function into the head and neck region


Patients must be advised that the treatment will start after a complete patient history, physical examination, review of past, family histories, and review of systems are completed. Tests might include X-ray, CT, MRI, EMG/NCV, urine analysis and lab blood, referral to a professional, more, depending on each individual case demonstration.


Different Types of Chiropractic Manipulation


There are two general manipulation approaches for spine ailments:


  • Cervical spinal manipulation – frequently thought of as the conventional chiropractic adjustment, or even a high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) technique
  • Cervical spinal mobilization – which can be a more gentle/less forceful modification, or even a low-velocity, low-amplitude (LVLA) technique moving the joint through a tolerable range of movement.


The combination of the many approaches varies from patient to patient depending on the healthcare professional’s preferred tactics and tastes, the patient’s comfort and tastes, and the patient’s response to the treatment, in addition to both previous experience and observations made during the course of therapy.


Chiropractors may also use therapy to treat other cervical spine complaints. Adjunctive therapies may include therapeutic heat program, massage exercises, and more. Chiropractic manipulation can handle numerous causes of neck pain. It’s not a cure for every single type of neck problem. Two causes of pain which originate in the neck and may be treated by manipulation comprise of mechanical neck pain and disc problems.


Mechanical Neck Pain


Mechanical neck pain comprises of pain associated with the tendons, joint capsules, ligaments and/or the fascia. This type of issue is a frequent cause of neck pain and stiffness.� Facet joint issues are a well-known case of mechanical neck pain. The facets are located in the back of the neck. If a facet joint is hurt or sprained, pain may be localized or may radiate along other upper extremities. The pain pattern depends upon the specific level and is unique.


Cervical Disc Issues


Tears may develop in the cervical disc and/or the inside of the disc (the nucleus) may herniate through the outer area (the annulus) and trap or pinch the nerve root as it leaves the spine.


Cervical nerve root irritation can frequently refer pain down the arm and into the hand, typically affecting particular areas like the 4th and 5th digits, the palms side thumb to 3rd fingers and/or the back of the hands on the thumb, index finger side of the hand, depending on which nerve root is irritated.


On rare occasions, if the nucleus of the disc herniates straight backward, it can compress the spinal cord and create symptoms in the legs and also impact the function of the bowels and/or bladder. On such occasions, the patient needs to be referred to a spine surgeon to get prompt care.


These are two examples of types of cervical spine conditions which may be treated with spinal manipulation. The patient needs to receive a whole exam prior to receiving any kind of manipulation.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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