Back Clinic Posture Team. Posture is the position in which an individual holds their body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A proper posture visually reflects an individual’s health, ensuring the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. Throughout a collection of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez identifies the most common effects of improper posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance as well as enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing incorrectly can happen unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 850-0900.
You can get away with slouching at your desk. But looking hunched in your best friend�s wedding photos? That�s a no-no. We tapped fitness expert Lauren Williams for a series of exercises that will perfect your posture, so you can rock a strapless and stand tall at any social event this season. Watch this video for six moves that will sculpt your shoulders and elongate your torso so your wedding-day posture is as polished as possible.
1. YTW stretch:
Lay on your stomach with your hands reaching overhead �so your body forms the shape of the letter Y. Lift your chest slightly off the ground, then lower back down. Next, bring your arms out to your sides to form the shape of the letter T as you lift chest slightly off the ground. Lower back down. From here, bend arms at the elbows to form the shape of the letter W as you lift chest slightly off the ground. Return upper body to the ground and repeat sequence.
2. Renegade row:
Start in a high plank position with hands resting on dumbbells. From plank, lift your right arm into a row movement, lifting the dumbbell off the ground and bending the elbow to form a 90-degree angle. Return hand to mat and complete row movement on opposite side.
3. Best chest opener:
Starting on all fours, reach right hand to the ceiling, twisting the upper body open and looking up at your hand. Return to center and repeat reach and twist on the left side.
From standing, lean your upper body forward so you�re slightly bent over with a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended long. Lift both arms out to shoulder height on each side with elbows slightly bent, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Return arms to starting position and repeat the fly movement.
5. Single-leg dumbbell balance with row:
Start from a standing position with a dumbbell in each hand. Carefully lower the upper body, creasing at the hips, while simultaneously lifting the right leg to hip height behind you. As you do this, lift weights one at a time toward your chest with the arm bending deeply at the elbow. Lower the leg to the floor as you lift your upper body back to standing upright and repeat movement with the left leg extended behind you.
6. All four shoulder opener:
Starting on all fours, reach the right arm out straight to the side, walking the hand along the floor as you twist the upper body toward the left. Return to center and repeat movement with the left arm extended.
6 Tweaks For Posture & See What Happens To Back Pain
Your Guide for Getting Rid of Pain With Super-Easy Posture-Tweaking Moves
A lot of us have aches and pains that have become so much a part of our daily lives that we�ve learned to live with them (if not accept them). The problem is that all these small aches and pains, such as lower back and neck issues, are derived from posture mistakes.
We�re NOT pointing any fingers here; we all make posture mistakes on a daily basis without even realizing it. Sure, an Epsom Salt Bath Soak might clear up the problem temporarily, but if you keep on making the same posture mistake, guess who�ll be knocking on your door again soon?
In this post, we�ll be highlighting some common posture mistakes, and then we�ll be giving you tips on how to fix those mistakes. We�ll even throw in some advice on how to posture-check yourself, just to help keep you on the right track. All of our recommendations take 30 seconds or less, and we�re kind of sure that you�ll find them as useful as we do.
6 Common Posture Problems (& How To Fix Them!)
1. Not Sitting Up in a Chair
Most of us slouch in our chairs, which is why most of us experience some form of lower back pain during one stage or another of our lives.
How to Fix It
Make sure you sit up properly in your chair. Make sure you do exercises that strengthen the back and core muscles, which will further support your posture while sitting in a chair.
2. Standing With Your Butt Outwards
People that have a pronounced curve in their lower backs and folks that tend to stand with their bottom stuck out may develop (or already suffer from) hyper-lordosis.
This posture problem looks like a classic picture of Donald Duck. Conditions such as pregnancy and carrying too much belly fat exacerbate this problem.
How to Fix It
Make sure you do thigh stretches and hip flexor exercises � you can also do some core training, as well as exercises that strengthen the buttocks.
It�s crucial that you learn to stand upright, almost as if having a string tied to your head which pulls you upward. This will help get rid of your back pain.
3. Having Your Back Flat While Standing
Folks that tuck their pelvises in and straighten out their lower backs (instead of having a naturally curved posture) tend to stoop forward while standing.
This increases their chances of developing back pains that extend all the way from their upper to their lower backs. They�ll also have a hard time standing around for extended periods of time.
How to Fix It
Core strengthening exercises along with those that focus on strengthening the buttocks, neck, back, and shoulder muscles should be done to help correct this very common posture problem.
4. Leaning on the Right or Left Leg
While it might feel super comfy, leaning on either one of your legs while standing is a habit that could be causing you a lot of pain.
That�s because instead of using your buttocks or core muscle groups to keep you up, you�re relying on your hip and your lower back, and putting too much strain on this area causes pain.
How to Fix It
The best way to fix this common problem is to focus on the idea of distributing your weight on both of your legs as you stand. You can try exercises such as bridges and plank poses to help strengthen your muscles and get rid of any posture-related pains which you may be experiencing.
5. The Common Hunchback
Most of us know this posture problem as �the phone pose.� It�s the pose we all seem to adopt when we�re glued to our smartphones, putting a strain on our necks and backs while we check what�s new.
This leads to problems such as a rounded upper back, causing severe pain in the upper back and the shoulders.
How to Fix It
Make sure you�re doing a lot of exercises that�ll strengthen your shoulders, neck, and, of course, your upper back.
6. The Chin-Out Pose
Another name for this posture problem is the �PC screen stare.� You�ve all seen it, heck you may even be doing it right this moment! We�re talking about the people who sit too low beneath their PC screens and stick their chins out to compensate.
How to Fix It
Your sitting habits will have to be addressed and corrected if you want to get rid of the back pain that comes paired with the chin-out posture problem. Make sure you�re adjusting your seat height, and focus on keeping your head straight and upright while using the computer.
Final Thoughts
In our modern world, it�s pretty hard not to fall victim to one of these common posture pitfalls and the pain associated with them. The good news is that now you know what these common mistakes are, and how they can quickly and easily be corrected.
We hope that this post has been helpful in guiding you through the process of alleviating the pains that derive from poor posture, and that you�re a little more aware of where, why, and how to avoid these innocent yet painful mistakes.
Tips for Improving Posture and Ergonomics
Over time, poor posture may be caused by habits from everyday activities such as sitting in office chairs, staring at the computer, cradling a cell phone, carrying a purse over same shoulder, driving, prolonged standing, caring for small children, or even sleeping.
Poor posture can easily become second nature, causing and aggravating episodes of back and neck pain and damaging spinal structures. Fortunately, the main factors affecting posture and ergonomics are completely within one’s ability to control and are not difficult to change.
The following guidelines suggest several ways to improve posture and ergonomics, especially for people who work sitting in an office chair for most of the day.
Identify The Warning Signs Of Back Pain Caused by Poor Ergonomics & Posture
Back pain may be the result of poor ergonomics and posture if the back pain is worse at certain times of day or week (such as after a long day of sitting in an office chair in front of a computer, but not during the weekends); pain that starts in the neck and moves downwards into the upper back, lower back, and extremities; pain that goes away after switching positions; sudden back pain that is experienced with a new job, a new office chair, or a new car; and/or back pain that comes and goes for months.
Keep The Body In Alignment While Sitting & While Standing
When standing, distribute body weight evenly to the front, back, and sides of the feet. While sitting in an office chair, take advantage of the chair’s features. Sit up straight and align the ears, shoulders, and hips in one vertical line. Any prolonged sitting position, even a good one, can be tiring. Shifting forward to the edge of the seat with a straight back can alternate with sitting back against the support of the office chair to ease the work of back muscles.
Some people benefit from a naturally balanced posture that is achieved by sitting on a balance ball; in this posture the pelvis is rocked gently forward increasing the lumbar curve which naturally shifts the shoulders back (similar to sitting on the edge of a chair seat).
Also be aware of and avoid unbalanced postures such as crossing legs unevenly while sitting, leaning to one side, hunching the shoulders forward, or tilting the head.
Get Up & Move
As muscles tire, slouching, slumping, and other poor postures become more likely; this in turn puts extra pressure on the neck and back. In order to maintain a relaxed yet supported posture, change positions frequently. One way is to take a break from sitting in an office chair every half hour for two minutes in order to stretch, stand, or walk.
Use Posture-Friendly Props & Ergonomic Office Chairs When Sitting
Supportive ergonomic “props” can help to take the strain and load off of the spine.�Ergonomic office chairs or chairs with an adjustable back support can be used at work.
Footrests, portable lumbar back supports, or even a towel or small pillow can be used while sitting in an office chair, on soft furniture and while driving.
Using purses, bags, and backpacks that are designed to minimize back strain can also influence good posture.
Proper corrective eyewear, positioning computer screens to your natural, resting eye position can also help to avoid leaning or straining the neck with the head tilted forward.
Increase Awareness Of Posture & Ergonomics In Everyday Settings
Becoming aware of posture and ergonomics at work, at home, and at play is a vital step towards instilling good posture and ergonomic techniques. This includes making conscious connections between episodes of back pain and specific situations where poor posture or ergonomics may be the root cause of the pain.
Building on the prior page, the following five points highlight important ways to improve posture in the workplace, helping to reduce back and neck pain and stiffness.
Exercise To Help Prevent Injury & Promote Good Posture
Regular exercise such as walking, swimming, or bicycling will help the body stay aerobically conditioned, while specific strengthening exercises will help the muscles surrounding the back to stay strong. These benefits of exercise promote good posture, which will, in turn, further help to condition muscles and prevent injury.
There are also specific exercises that will help maintain good posture. In particular, a balance of core muscle and back muscle strength is essential to help support the upper body and maintain good posture.
Avoid regularly wearing high-heeled shoes, which can affect the body�s center of gravity and induce compensatory alignment of the entire body, thus negatively affecting back support and posture.
When standing for long periods of time, propping a leg up on a foot rest, wearing supportive shoe orthotics, or placing a rubber mat on the floor can improve comfort.
Simply walking, lifting heavy materials, holding a telephone, and typing are all moving activities that require attention to ergonomics and posture. It is important to maintain good posture even while moving to avoid injury, walking tall with shoulders back for example.
Back injuries are especially common while twisting and/or lifting and often occur because of awkward movement and control of the upper body weight alone.
Create A Ergonomic Physical Environment & Workspace
It does require a small investment of time to personalize the workspace, home, and car, but the payoff will be well worth it. Undue strain will be placed on the structures of the spine unless the office chair, desk, keyboard, and computer screen, etc. are correctly positioned.
It’s much easier and less time consuming to correct everyday ergonomics and minimize back or neck pain than to add doctor visits and corrective therapies for debilitating pain conditions.
Remember that it is important to maintain an overall relaxed posture. Avoid restricting movements by clenching muscles or adopting an unnatural, stiff posture. For individuals who already have some back or neck pain, it’s a natural tendency to limit movements to avoid provoking increased pain.
However, unless there is a fracture or other serious problem, the structures in the spine are designed for movement and any limitation in motion over a long period of time creates more pain and a downward cycle of less motion and more pain.
Aches and pains have become a part of our daily lives that we�ve learned to live with them (if not accept them). The problem is that all these small aches and pains, such as lower back and neck issues, are derived from posture mistakes.�For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at�915-850-0900
Neck pain that is not caused by whiplash or other trauma has a postural component as part of the underlying problem. Sitting atop the body, the health of the neck is subject to the �curvature of the spine below and the position of the head above.
See Chronic Neck Pain: What Condition Is Causing My Neck Pain?
The neck muscle pain can be caused by the following neck muscles becoming tight:Scalene muscles (three pairs of muscles that help rotate the neck)
Suboccipital muscles (four pairs of muscles used to rotate the head)
Pectoralis minor muscles (a pair of thin triangular muscles at the upper part of the chest)
Subscapularis muscles (a pair of large triangular muscles near each shoulder joint)
Levator scapulae muscles (a pair of muscles located at the back and side of the neck).
If the alignment of the head and spine is not optimal, the neck can be predisposed to injury and/or the degenerative effects of wear and tear over time.
The most common condition that contributes to neck pain is forward head and shoulder posture.
Forward head posture is when the neck slants forward placing the head in front of the shoulders.
This head position leads to several problems:
The forward pull of the weight of the head puts undue stress on the vertebrae of the lower �neck, contributing to degenerative disc disease and other degenerative neck problems.
Similarly, this posture causes the muscles of the upper back to continually overwork to counterbalance the pull of gravity on the forward head.
This position is often accompanied by forward shoulders and a rounded upper back, which not only feeds into the neck problem but can also cause shoulder pain.
The more time spent with a forward head posture, �the more likely it is that one will develop neck and shoulder problems.
Poor Posture Effects On the Lower Cervical Vertebrae
The part of the neck that is particularly vulnerable to forward head posture is the lower part of the neck, just above the shoulders.
See Cervical Spine Anatomy and Neck Pain
The lower cervical vertebrae (C5 and C6) may slightly slide or shear forward relative to one another as a result of the persistent pull of gravity on a forward head. This shear force can be a problem for patients with jobs that require them to look down or forward all day, such as pharmacists who spend many hours counting pills or data entry workers who look at a computer screen.
Prolonged shearing of the vertebrae from forward head posture eventually irritates the small facet joints in the neck as well as the ligaments and soft tissues.
This irritation can result in neck pain that radiates down to the shoulder blades and upper back, potentially causing a variety of conditions, including:
Trigger points in the muscles, which are points of exquisite tenderness that are painful to touch, along with limited range of motion
Disc degeneration problems, which may potentially lead to cervical degenerative disc disease, cervical osteoarthritis, or a cervical herniated disc.
The neurologic system controls and coordinates all other systems of the body? What system provides the physical framework for all other systems of the body to resist gravity and function within our environment? The Posture System. These intricate systems work together to control and coordinate all experiences and actions throughout our lives.
Postural Neurology is defined as the network of neural impulses to support proper functional alignment of the Posture System. The purpose of Postural Neurology is to develop plasticity of proper structural alignment through brain based treatment protocols.
Why implement Postural Neurology into your practice? Quite simply, every musculoskeletal problem is at some level a neurologic problem. Neurology dictates movement, structure, and the function of your Posture System, overseeing and refining every single movement that you do on a daily basis.
It is an outdated system of healthcare to look at one part of the body, the site of injury or pain, and make assumptions about that person�s health and ability to function.
Identifying the area of injured tissue, then creating a rehabilitation plan around that injuryis less than adequate. The new system is all about function and whole posture patterns.
Segmental Rehabilitation & Brain Based Postural Correction
If the patient says �I hurt here,� or you test a weak muscle �here.� It does not mean that the problem lives �here.� This is simply information telling us that there is pain or dysfunction that is being expressed in that end organ. There is absolutely no indication that the problem is in that tissue. The noxious stimulus being interpreted by the brain is nothing more than a sensory input. The weak muscular output is nothing more than an insufficient motor plan.
This is the difference between segmental and brain based thinking. Segmental healthcare professionals do not see beyond the �hurt� or �weak� segment, oblivious to compensation patterns that are dampening function in the rest of the body.
Compartmentalized thinking is not adequate for a system as dynamically developed and as functionally managed as the human body. It simply won�t cut it.
This guide introduces you to the Neurology of the Posture System, so you can understand the functional output of the brain and how it contributes to upright postural design.
Motor Cortex:�
The primary motor cortex is located in the frontal lobe of the brain.
The frontal lobe is the center of human development including executive decision-making, language, and problem-solving.
Located within the Motor cortex is the Motor Homonculus. The Motor Homonculus is a map of motor output for each part of your human anatomy. Within this map, the amount of cortex devoted to any given body region is proportional to how richly innervated that region is, not to the body region�s physical size. Areas of the body with greater or more complex sensory or motor connections
are represented as larger in the homunculus such as the hands, lips, and the face.
The primary motor cortex receives signals from the pre-motor cortex to make a movement.
The primary motor cortex then sends the information to make that movement from the cortex down the spinal cord to the skeletal muscle of that body region.
Motor movement occurs contralaterally, meaning that your left motor cortex controls movement on the right side of your body. Your right motor cortex controls movement on the left side of your body. Every action occurs in this fashion, in response to a descending signal from the brain to the body.
Is the Motor Cortex important to Posture?
The motor cortex controls motor function. The Posture System is never actually �static,� we are dynamic beings who are always in motion. The motor cortex is constantly making small movements (even minute movements) necessary to prevent falling over, and to interact within our environment. Optimal dynamic posture begins in the motor cortex and is regulated by the cerebellum.
Can I check for weakness of the Motor Cortex?�
You can check for weakness�of motor output by performing muscle tests. If a muscle on the left side is weak,
this is information to do further muscle tests to confirm for weakness of the right motor cortex.
�Sensory Cortex:
The somatosensory cortex of the parietal lobe is the center for
sensation. This is where you perceive your world and how you process all of the tactile and
proprioceptive information received from your external environment.
Just as the motor cortex is a map whose arrangement gives preference to the highly innervated parts of the body, so does the sensory homunculus. The sensory homunculus is the primary mechanism of cortical processing for sensoryinformation originating at body surfaces and other tissues.
Is the Sensory Cortex important to Posture?
The sensory cortex is very important for posture because the sensory cortex lights up with activation from novel stimuli such as proprioceptive signals and mechanoreceptor feedback
from complex movements. Lack of movement is the worst thing for your sensory cortex. In fact, with lack of stimulation to an area of the sensory cortex, the sensory map �blurs� together with less representation of that body part in the brain.
For example, when patients present an injured knee and they have worn a brace that limits their range of motion. This limited motor output of the knee results in less tactile and proprioceptive
feedback from the knee, the brain then thinks that the knee is �less important� and blurring of the cortical representation of the hip and ankle will begin to occur over the knee.
Less awareness of our body leads to poor activation and neglect of that area. To keep your patients healthy, keep them moving and activating all joints of the body.
Can I check for weakness of the Sensory Cortex?
You can check for dysfunction of the sensory cortex by performing sensory tests such as light touch,
vibration, temperature, painful stimuli, and joint position. If the patient presents with decreased sensory recognition, the contralateral sensory cortex is weak.
Meaning, that if the left side of the body cannot detect tactile sensation, this is a weakness of the right sensory cortex.
The cerebellum works in conjunction with the contralateral motor
cortex to coordinate fine movements. The cerebellum is an �inhibitor,� it reduces any extra or unnecessary motor movements to perform the desired action as accurately as possible.
The cerebellum receives input from sensory systems of the spinal cord and from other parts of the brain, and integrates these inputs to fine-tune motor activity, providing feedback to the motor cortex of how movements can be smoother and more precise. When patients have deficits of the cerebellum
they have excess movement, such as a tremor or a wide stance because they can�t balance with their feet together. Their equilibrium and ability to perform controlled motor movements is compromised.
Is the Cerebellum important to Posture?�
The cerebellum coordinates all movement, to more
precisely regulate fine movements. Proper cerebellar output means that the patient can perform their intended movement without recruiting other muscles. They are on target and on point with coordinated functions of the Posture System. Cerebellar deficits on the other hand affect the patient�s posture, they have compromised postural stability and uncoordinated dynamic postures.
Can I check for weakness of the Cerebellum?
You can check for cerebellar weakness by performing a Romberg�s test. Have the patient stand with their feet together, close their eyes, and see if they sway to one side. The patient will sway toward the side of cerebellar dysfunction.
The brainstem is the center of postural control. The brainstem is made up of the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla and is the house of the nuclei of 10 of 12 of Cranial Nerves.
Each of the cranial nerves provides important sensory and motor functions for the body. Of particular importance to the Posture System are the visual and vestibular nuclei that reside in the brainstem.
The visual system controls your orientation in space, literally how you see the world. Visual fibers descend to the cervical spine controlling head posture. Visual deficits result in forward head posture, lateral head tilt, and head rotation.
The vestibular system controls balance and extension. Flexor dominant posture is weak posture; upright extended posture is healthy and optimal for better function. This system is of utmost importance for upright postural stabilization and balance.
The brainstem also controls involuntary systems of your autonomicnervous system that regulate life-sustaining processes such as breathing, heart rate, sexual function, and digestion. Plus, the brainstem modulates postural tone, and inhibits flexion toward gravity.
Is the Brainstem important to Posture?
This is the primary control center of postural stabilization! The brainstem inhibits flexion, and in conjunction with the vestibular system activates extension. Descending fibers from the cranial nerve nuclei of the eyes control your head posture, and the ability to keep your eyes parallel to the horizon during dynamic movement.
Understanding the brainstem is an important connection for all posture professionals. Your posture depends upon the functional output of the brainstem.
Can I check for weakness of the Brainstem?
Checking posture provides valuable insight into the function of the brainstem. Noted flexion of the Posture System or head posture distortion patterns indicates that there is weakness of the brainstem.
The Cranial Nerves also provide valuable insight of the function of the brainstem. Dysfunction of the cranial nerves means that there is ipsilateral weakness of the brainstem.
Spinal Pathways:�
The spinal chord and its pathways are the communication system to and from the brain and the body. The descending motor pathways stimulate movement and postural control. The ascending sensory pathways carry information of sensation to be processed and �understood� in the brain.
The brain and the body are in constant communication to perform efficient movements, to stabilize without falling, and to detect signals from the environment that require a response. Sensorimotor integration happens in your spine, this is the communication highway of the nervous system.
Are the Spinal Pathways important to Posture?
The pathways are invaluable to your postural design. Pathways from the motor cortex send information to create dynamic movements,�and pathways from the brainstem descend to stabilize your postural tone. Ascending pathways from the body to the brain ignite the sensory homunculus for perception, and carry information from the primary sensors of your body for proprioception, vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, etc.
Can I check for weakness of the Spinal Pathways?
There are many different pathways. When you understand the function of that pathway you can design a test for it. For example, the corticospinal tract descends from the motor cortex to the spine
to create motor output. Dysfunction of this pathway would present as weakness on muscle tests.
The spinothalamic tract is an ascending tract from the spine to the thalamus that recognizes stimuli associated with pain and temperature. To test this tract you would test sensory integration of hot, cold, and painful stimuli.
Neck pain that is not caused by whiplash or other trauma has a postural component as part of the underlying problem. Sitting atop the body, the health of the neck is subject to the �curvature of the spine below and the position of the head above.�For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at�915-850-0900
The natural curve of the spine is reinforced by correct posture. Posture not only influences how you look but helps you breathe, improves concentration, supports vital organ function and stimulates overall well-being.
Ignoring harmful postural habits leads to illness, discomfort and pain, and increases the risk for pathogenesis of disease in the body. �You can improve your posture and nervous system function and improve your quality of life significantly.
At the bottom of this article, you will discover a video and narrative for�5 exercises that will help you correct defects and optimize your posture in minutes each day. �Much like we brush and floss our teeth for dental health, we need to work on our posture each and every day!
Spinal Curve Dictates Health
The body was built with a curve in the spine to provide support and balance to the musculoskeletal system. It is essential for preventing deformation to bones, joints, muscles and tendons. Correct posture protects against disc degeneration that can lead to inflammatory conditions and disease. It is also critical for protecting the central nervous system.
Postural experts�understand that poor posture weakens the body�s ability to defend itself against infectious and chronic diseases. �They also view poor posture as a marker for the presence of chronic illness. �Today, many posture focused doctors such as chiropractors advocate for health measures in schools to educate students about correct posture techniques to reduce the current posture epidemic brought on by modern technologies such as cell phones that force us into a forward head shift.
Doctors refer to the natural curve of the neck as the �arch of life.� This arch should have a 40-45 degree curve. �As the arch reduces it becomes unstable and results in a forward head shift, which depending upon the severity can add up to 30 pounds of additional weight on the spinal discs, ligaments and tendons.
This postural issue causes major stress on the�musculoskeletal system. Loss of the spine�s natural curve inhibits normal physiological and nervous system functions.� The ability to protect the brain stem and support the communication of nerve impulses throughout the body becomes suppressed.
Effects of Subluxation
Unfortunately, we are a modern age characterized by reoccurring activities that creates stress on the supporting spinal column. Slouching, crossing legs, cell phone use, and incorrect ergonomic practices at home, school and work causes poor posture. This leads to the abnormal curvature of the spine�and abnormal stress on the nervous system, which is known as subluxation.
Subluxation interferes with nerve impulses and can manifest in numerous physical symptoms.
Examples include:
Back pain or neck pain
Chronic pain common in the hips, joints, lower back, pelvis and knees
Irritation of a specific area such as arm pain
Weakened immune system
Organ dysfunction
Inability to move or exercise normally
Dizziness and loss of balance
Loss of bladder or bowel control
Autoimmune conditions
Headaches�and migraines
Although our very own chronic habits lead to forward head posture, the spine is also susceptible to trauma from birth, regular physical activities from exercise and sports, as well as accidental injury from car accidents and falls.
Depending on the type of injury and which nerve pathways of the spine become disrupted, spinal subluxations�can increase the risk for weakened immunity and lowered quality of life.
Dangers of Forward Head Posture
Vanity is of least concern when it comes to the problems associated with forward head posture. As the head shifts forward, the thoracic spine moves and the weakening of the shoulder blades causes slouching and the appearance of hunchback. These harmful effects trigger the descent downward of vital organs in the chest. There is a decrease in lung capacity, a reduced flow of oxygen into the diaphragm and a lower�rate of oxygen reaching the cells.
A reduction in circulating oxygen in the body poses serious health threats. Oxygen is essential for survival because it maintains homeostatic functions including hormone balance, supports blood flow, protects the body from chronic disease and cancer, fuels nutrient absorption and protects the health and healing of cells, tissues and organs.
Studies have shown that forward head posture is an indication of poor health and is reported to cause the impairment of simple activities including walking or sitting comfortably. It is likely that physical limitations of the body marked by poor posture accelerate the aging process and increases inflammation. This is a result of the body�s inability to manage stress and tissue trauma appropriately.
Other evidence supports that the correction of forward head posture:
Alleviates symptoms of respiratory complications such as asthma
Increases breathing and lung oxygenation essential for physical fitness
Strengthens abdominal muscles
Restores enlarged tonsils
Improves glandular function in the head and neck
Improvements from Chiropractic Care:
Chiropractic adjustments�can help compensate for postural abnormalities leading to an improvement in the health of the spine and the whole body. Research performed by Dr. Morningstar and Dr. Jockers found that chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitation exercises lead to the correction of forward head posture and cervical lordosis and restored pulmonary function.
Findings of the study also suggests that chiropractic care can improve the function of the autonomic nervous system by relieving tension that hinders the vital communication between the brain and body.
Corrective care chiropractors are able to identify abnormal features of the spine using x-rays, postural pictures, nerve scans and various technologies. Doctors then develop a specific care plan used to treat each individual�s concern focusing on chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitative techniques like the 5 exercises that follow.
5 Exercises:
In 30 to 90 days you can improve posture, breathe better, boost oxygenation throughout your body and alleviate tension and pain. Performing each of the following exercises for 1 minute twice a day will boost your body�s total healing potential, reduce your risk of developing degenerative disease and help you to thrive in life.
1) �Hummingbird:
Remove the slouch from poor posture and realign the head with the spine by practicing the hummingbird. This exercise strengthens the muscles between the shoulder blades, improves muscle fibers around the thoracic spinal column, opens up pectoral muscles and lifts the rib cage.
Instructions for Exercise:
Lift arms so that they are parallel to the floor.
Bend elbows and face palms forward to form a 90 degree angle between the bicep and forearm.
Rotate arms backwards in a circular movement while squeezing shoulder blades together.
Repeat for 1 minute.
2) �The Eagle:
With this exercise imagine opening up your arms just like an eagle spreads its wings. Stretching your arms overhead will open up the lungs. This boosts oxygen intake to stimulate tissue regeneration in the body and increase blood flow.
Instructions for Exercise:
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Start with arms lowered and adjacent to sides.
Simultaneously lift arms above the head,
Pause for a moment; and
Lower arms back down to sides in a slow and controlled movement.
Repeat for 1 minute.
3) �Butterfly:
The butterfly is an extraordinary exercise to correct forward head posture. Performing this exercise regularly targets muscles in the neck and shoulders that give rise to chronic neck pain.
Instructions for Exercise:
Focus on lifting chest toward the ceiling.
Bring hands back against head so that thumbs point down. *Optional: If reduced flexibility hinders your ability to lift arms and hands behind head, perform exercise standing flat against a wall. You can also align back of head against car seat.
Use about 10% of strength to push head backward while keeping head straight.
Pause for approximately 10 seconds.
Relax and repeat for 1 minute.
4) �Chin Tuck:
An opposing exercise to the butterfly is the chin tuck. This exercise provides balance to the opposite core muscles in the neck by strengthening the deep neck flexors. Performing the chin tuck helps balance the head and neck reducing the occurrence of forward head shift.
Instructions for Exercise:
Focus on lifting chest toward the ceiling.
Maintain head position with ears over the neck.
Place 1 hand on forehead; and
Gently push forward with about 10% of strength (muscles in neck should contract and head should appear immobile).
Repeat for 1 minute.
5) �Trap Opener:
The trapezius muscles stabilize the shoulder blades providing support for head and neck movement. Habitual forward head posture pulls and weakens the shoulder blades which consequently also relocates the ribcage.
Unlike the previous four exercise, the trap opener is a favorite amongst patients and is not intended to stretch or strengthen the trap muscles. Rather, perform this exercise to release stress from the trapezius muscles and get rid of the so called �monkey� on your back.
Instructions for Exercise:
Relax shoulders.
Drop the chin towards the chest.
Roll head slightly to the right side.
Use right hand to massage trapezius muscles on the upper left side of the back.
Repeat exercise for opposite side.
Perform for 1 minute.
Don�t ignore the signs of poor posture that can impact your ability to sleep restfully at night or concentrate clearly during the day. Poor posture has devastating effects on the body that can only be treated with mindful practices. Utilize these 5 exercises to improve your posture and reap its benefits reflected in overall health and well being.
Incorrect�postural habits lead to illness, discomfort, pain, and increases the risk for pathogenesis of disease in the body. �You can improve your posture, nervous system function and improve your quality of life significantly. Correct Posture not only influences how you look but helps you breathe, improves concentration, supports vital organ function and stimulates overall well-being. For Answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Jimenez at 915-850-0900
From strong leaders to popular group members, the individual’s confidence is notable due to the way they carry themselves, demonstrating a strong demeanor. Aside from personality, there�s one main factor that commonly characterizes these individuals; posture. In today’s society, the body language people display to others is a powerful source of communication. Posture can say more about an individual than words. An upright posture can be a subtle signal of self-assurance to everyone around you, but more importantly, good posture reveals health from within.
Posture is defined as the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting against the force of gravity. A proper posture is that which exerts the less amount of stress and pressure from the spine, without compressing or pinching the structures surrounding the spinal bones. When an individual practices good posture, the spine maintains its proper health and wellness, avoid other complications.
The Health of the Spine & Posture
Good posture is a fundamental health component. The spine is the key to a strong and healthy posture. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine quoted, �Look first to the spine for the cause of all disease.� The spine, also known the vertebral column or spinal column, consists of a series of bones referred to as the vertebrae which are stacked one upon another. The main functions of the spine are to protect the spinal cord and provide support as well as stability to the structures of the body, allowing humans to stand upright, bend, and twist. Strong bones and muscles, flexible ligaments, tendons, and sensitive nerves all make up a healthy spine. But, when an individual does not practice proper posture, the natural structure of the spine can be greatly affected, leading to various spinal complications. According to various research studies, it�s been acknowledged that spinal health can influence overall health and wellness.
Unfortunately for many individuals, spine care is not generally considered until an injury or condition develops, causing impairing pain and discomfort to the individual. For example, we all know the importance of brushing our teeth every day. Pro-actively caring for our teeth is the best way to ensure we will maintain good dental health and we don�t wait till our teeth become sore before we start brushing them. Similar to your teeth, regular spinal care is vital towards the health of your spine and body. Just because it isn�t visible like your teeth, it doesn�t mean it�s any less important.
Foremost, spine care begins with improving or maintaining posture. A proper posture involves training the body to stand, walk, sit, and lie so that the least amount of strain is placed on the spinal bones during movement or weight-bearing activities. Throughout your day, pay close attention to your posture. Sitting and standing upright, especially after working behind a computer or being constantly up on your feet for an extended period of time, is the best practice for correcting posture. Ultimately, avoid the habit of hunching over a computer or phone, or slouching in front of the television. In addition, include a proper set of stretches and strengthening exercises into your week schedule, such as weight lifting, pilates, or swimming, to help strengthen the muscles and other tissues surrounding your spine as well as increase your flexibility.
Chiropractic Can Correct Posture
Chiropractic care is also efficient towards improving the condition of your spine and correcting posture. When the spine is not being properly supported and the body�s weight is unevenly distributed, excess pressure is placed on the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and even the nerves around the spine, irritating these complex structures, and leading to damage, injury, or conditions. Subluxations, or spinal misalignments, is one of the most common types of spinal complications resulting from improper posture. In some cases, a spinal misalignment can lead to nerve compression and other complications such as sciatica, a series of symptoms described as radiating pain along the sciatic nerve which runs down one or both legs from the lower back. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor can carefully re-align the spine, naturally restoring its proper functions. Getting adjusted regularly by a chiropractor is a great way to re-establish a better posture and overall health.
The body language we display to others is a powerful source of communication. Posture can say more about an individual than words. An upright posture can be a subtle signal of self-assurance to everyone around you, but more importantly, a proper posture reveals health from within. The spine is essential towards the function of many systems in the body and an improper posture may lead to complications.
Maintaining a proper posture is important to help reduce the amount of stress and pressure that is commonly applied to the spine with everyday physical activities. When standing or sitting incorrectly for an extended period of time, the body can begin to change, often leading to various types of issues. Practicing good posture can help improve the well being of the spine.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury
After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.
Back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms reported in the United States. A variety of factors can result in the well-known symptom and, although back pain is usually temporary and it resolves on its own, constant symptoms of pain and discomfort can tremendously affect a person’s lifestyle.
Millions of Americans are encountered with some form of pain on their back and spine at least once throughout their lives. From the wide variety of factors that could lead to these well-known symptoms of pain, however, many individuals can learn to reduce or even eliminate their back pain through a series of simple steps.
Experts at the Interventional Pain Management Center, or IPMC, a multi-site clinical practice based in New Jersey, is currently evaluating several basic methods that may help alleviate chronic back pain among the general population. Foremost, one of the first recommendations discussed by the experts included improving posture, or the position in which an individual stands and moves around. �Proper posture contributes greatly to the relief or elimination of back pain,� quoted a spokesperson for the Interventional Pain Management Center. �The spine is stronger and more stable when one practices healthy posture.�
Achieving Proper Posture
When an individual slouches or stoops, the improper posture can cause the muscles, ligaments and other tissues that support the complex structures of the spine to become misaligned, straining to provide balance to the body. This straining is what often leads to pain on the back, neck, and shoulders. The spine has a natural S-shaped curve which functions to absorb shock, maintain balance, and allow range of motion, and in order to maintain those natural curves, proper posture is essential.
In adults, proper posture needs to be a combination of body positioning and balance. The shoulders should be held back with the head leveled and aligned with the rest of the body. Tightening the muscles of the abdomen can also help support the lower region of the spine. In addition, the position of the feet and knees can also influence posture. The feet should be kept shoulder-width apart and the knees mustn�t be locked when practicing a proper posture. These positions help spread the weight of the body along more support structures, further assisting individuals to reduce or even eliminate muscular pressure and stress that may be causing pain. A good way to check whether you�re maintaining a proper posture is to perform the wall test, where the individual stands with his or her back against a wall. When the head, shoulder blades and buttocks are touching the wall, there should be a space of about one hand�s thickness between the curve of the lower back and the wall. The individual can then arch their back in order to form the proper space, placing the back into proper postural alignment.
Find a Diagnosis
Additionally, if an individual is experiencing persistent symptoms of back pain, its important for them to seek immediate medical attention to diagnose any possible injuries or underlying conditions that could be causing their pain and discomfort. Spinal misalignments, or subluxations, are one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions causing back pain and there are several types of treatments to improve this painful condition. Chiropractic care is an effective form of alternative treatment, frequently utilized to treat many back complications. After diagnosing the source of your back issues, a doctor of chiropractic, or DC, will most commonly use a series of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to gradually restore the natural state of your spine. Chiropractic treatment focuses on re-aligning the spine while strengthening the muscles and other tissues surrounding the spine as well as improving flexibility to correct an individual�s posture and relieve or even eliminate their back pain symptoms.
For many individuals in the United States alone, back and spine complications are common struggles which affect people at some point in their lifetimes. There are a number of causes that can lead to back pain, but fortunately, many individuals can achieve relief of their symptoms through several well-known methods. Chiropractic care can help improve the condition of a variety of spine complications and relieve their symptoms.
Aside from using chiropractic care to treat the symptoms of back pain, preventing the development of any other symptoms is recommended to maintain overall health and wellness as well. Practicing a proper posture when standing or sitting, especially during extended hours of work behind a desk, can ultimately help reduce and even improve the symptoms of back pain. Prevention can be the first step to avoid further issues.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury
After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.
Proper posture is necessary to maintain overall well being, while incorrect posture can lead to serious spine problems. In the modern day, individual’s sit for extended periods of time, whether its for work or for leisure time. Although you may not be aware, �we take throughout this time period can tremendously influence our overall health and wellness. Posture is the position in which people hold their body when sitting or standing. Although the body can take a specific posture according to what feels comfortable or how the individual’s attitude is expressed,
It�s been embedded into our culture that sitting tall while holding your head high reveals health, poise, and professionalism from each individual who practices proper posture, but besides visually looking well, good posture is essential because it keeps us healthy from within.
How Proper Posture Affects The Body
When an individual maintains the muscles and other tissues supporting the structure of the neck and back remain strong while the spine preserves its natural and healthy alignment. Studies have previously concluded that good posture can help you have more energy, less stress, as well as prevent fatigue. As a matter of fact, good posture is crucial if you want to maintain an ideal physical fitness. Ultimately, a proper posture is a sign of good health.
If you have bad posture, not only will it create spine complications along with pain and discomfort in the present, but gradually, incorrect posture can have negative effects later in life if not corrected in time.
The Effects Of Incorrect Posture
One of the most distinguished negative effects associated among individuals with incorrect posture includes a change in the spinal curve. The spine is naturally designed to have a slight S-shaped curvature, however, after an extended period of time practicing incorrect posture when sitting or standing, the spine is put under a tremendous amount of pressure. This occurs because the spine is repeatedly being forced into an unnatural position. The altered spinal curve can not only lead to chronic pain and discomfort, but it can impede the spine from naturally absorbing shock as well as maintain proper balance.
Also, studies have found that sitting all day with bad posture can impact the digestive organs. Poor posture can actually compress the digestive organs and restrict them from functioning to their full potential. As a result, the body�s normal digestive process can be greatly slowed down, affecting the individual�s metabolism. Over time, long-term compression of the digestive organs can severely debilitate the body�s ability to consume and process food. You may ultimately face life-altering metabolic issues if the incorrect posture is not corrected.
Both an Australian study on poor posture and life expectancy and an English study on poor posture and sitting concluded that individuals who consistently sit using back posture have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Another study found that individuals who sit most of the day had an increased chance of 147% in developing cardiovascular disease. Additionally, sitting for extended periods of time prevents the body from getting the necessary circulation it needs, leading to the formation of varicose veins, veins that have become enlarged and twisted. This issue is particularly common in women.
The Importance of Maintaining Correct Posture
Many people who maintain poor posture may suffer from chronic back pain and spending enough time sitting with bad posture can eventually cause disc degeneration. These complications are often diagnosed back to posture problems due to the extra stress that has been put on the spine.
Overall, incorrect posture impacts much more than the way you look. Once you�ve become aware of your own body�s posture, its important to take the time to stand up and move throughout your day, sitting up straight with your shoulders back and your spine straight as well as make sure to visit your chiropractor for regular adjustments. Taking a moment in your life to do these things can not only help you have a better posture, but it can also prevent you from dealing with numerous health complications in the future.
With an incorrect posture, the structure and function of the spine can be greatly affected, leading to issues and other serious complications if left uncorrected for an extended period of time. Because the spine is ultimately essential towards the balance and support of the body, it’s important to seek medical care as soon as possible to avoid complications related to an incorrect posture.
For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury
After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.
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