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Back Clinic Posture Team. Posture is the position in which an individual holds their body upright against gravity while standing, sitting, or lying down. A proper posture visually reflects an individual’s health, ensuring the joints and muscles, as well as other structures of the body, are working properly. Throughout a collection of articles, Dr. Alex Jimenez identifies the most common effects of improper posture as he specifies the recommended actions an individual should take to improve their stance as well as enhance their overall health and wellness. Sitting or standing incorrectly can happen unconsciously, but recognizing the issue and correcting it can ultimately help many individuals develop healthier lifestyles. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 850-0900.

A Healthy Spine Promotes Good Posture

A Healthy Spine Promotes Good Posture

From strong leaders to popular group members, the individual’s confidence is notable due to the way they carry themselves, demonstrating a strong demeanor. Aside from personality, there�s one main factor that commonly characterizes these individuals; posture. In today’s society, the body language people display to others is a powerful source of communication. Posture can say more about an individual than words. An upright posture can be a subtle signal of self-assurance to everyone around you, but more importantly, good posture reveals health from within.

Posture is defined as the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting against the force of gravity. A proper posture is that which exerts the less amount of stress and pressure from the spine, without compressing or pinching the structures surrounding the spinal bones. When an individual practices good posture, the spine maintains its proper health and wellness, avoid other complications.

The Health of the Spine & Posture

Good posture is a fundamental health component. The spine is the key to a strong and healthy posture. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine quoted, �Look first to the spine for the cause of all disease.� The spine, also known the vertebral column or spinal column, consists of a series of bones referred to as the vertebrae which are stacked one upon another. The main functions of the spine are to protect the spinal cord and provide support as well as stability to the structures of the body, allowing humans to stand upright, bend, and twist. Strong bones and muscles, flexible ligaments, tendons, and sensitive nerves all make up a healthy spine. But, when an individual does not practice proper posture, the natural structure of the spine can be greatly affected, leading to various spinal complications. According to various research studies, it�s been acknowledged that spinal health can influence overall health and wellness.

Unfortunately for many individuals, spine care is not generally considered until an injury or condition develops, causing impairing pain and discomfort to the individual. For example, we all know the importance of brushing our teeth every day. Pro-actively caring for our teeth is the best way to ensure we will maintain good dental health and we don�t wait till our teeth become sore before we start brushing them. Similar to your teeth, regular spinal care is vital towards the health of your spine and body. Just because it isn�t visible like your teeth, it doesn�t mean it�s any less important.

Foremost, spine care begins with improving or maintaining posture. A proper posture involves training the body to stand, walk, sit, and lie so that the least amount of strain is placed on the spinal bones during movement or weight-bearing activities. Throughout your day, pay close attention to your posture. Sitting and standing upright, especially after working behind a computer or being constantly up on your feet for an extended period of time, is the best practice for correcting posture. Ultimately, avoid the habit of hunching over a computer or phone, or slouching in front of the television. In addition, include a proper set of stretches and strengthening exercises into your week schedule, such as weight lifting, pilates, or swimming, to help strengthen the muscles and other tissues surrounding your spine as well as increase your flexibility.

Chiropractic Can Correct Posture

Chiropractic care is also efficient towards improving the condition of your spine and correcting posture. When the spine is not being properly supported and the body�s weight is unevenly distributed, excess pressure is placed on the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and even the nerves around the spine, irritating these complex structures, and leading to damage, injury, or conditions. Subluxations, or spinal misalignments, is one of the most common types of spinal complications resulting from improper posture. In some cases, a spinal misalignment can lead to nerve compression and other complications such as sciatica, a series of symptoms described as radiating pain along the sciatic nerve which runs down one or both legs from the lower back. Through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, a chiropractor can carefully re-align the spine, naturally restoring its proper functions. Getting adjusted regularly by a chiropractor is a great way to re-establish a better posture and overall health.

The body language we display to others is a powerful source of communication. Posture can say more about an individual than words. An upright posture can be a subtle signal of self-assurance to everyone around you, but more importantly, a proper posture reveals health from within. The spine is essential towards the function of many systems in the body and an improper posture may lead to complications.

Maintaining a proper posture is important to help reduce the amount of stress and pressure that is commonly applied to the spine with everyday physical activities. When standing or sitting incorrectly for an extended period of time, the body can begin to change, often leading to various types of issues. Practicing good posture can help improve the well being of the spine.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.

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Practicing Good Posture Can Relieve Back Pain

Practicing Good Posture Can Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms reported in the United States. A variety of factors can result in the well-known symptom and, although back pain is usually temporary and it resolves on its own, constant symptoms of pain and discomfort can tremendously affect a person’s lifestyle.

Millions of Americans are encountered with some form of pain on their back and spine at least once throughout their lives. From the wide variety of factors that could lead to these well-known symptoms of pain, however, many individuals can learn to reduce or even eliminate their back pain through a series of simple steps.

Experts at the Interventional Pain Management Center, or IPMC, a multi-site clinical practice based in New Jersey, is currently evaluating several basic methods that may help alleviate chronic back pain among the general population. Foremost, one of the first recommendations discussed by the experts included improving posture, or the position in which an individual stands and moves around. �Proper posture contributes greatly to the relief or elimination of back pain,� quoted a spokesperson for the Interventional Pain Management Center. �The spine is stronger and more stable when one practices healthy posture.�

Achieving Proper Posture

When an individual slouches or stoops, the improper posture can cause the muscles, ligaments and other tissues that support the complex structures of the spine to become misaligned, straining to provide balance to the body. This straining is what often leads to pain on the back, neck, and shoulders. The spine has a natural S-shaped curve which functions to absorb shock, maintain balance, and allow range of motion, and in order to maintain those natural curves, proper posture is essential.

In adults, proper posture needs to be a combination of body positioning and balance. The shoulders should be held back with the head leveled and aligned with the rest of the body. Tightening the muscles of the abdomen can also help support the lower region of the spine. In addition, the position of the feet and knees can also influence posture. The feet should be kept shoulder-width apart and the knees mustn�t be locked when practicing a proper posture. These positions help spread the weight of the body along more support structures, further assisting individuals to reduce or even eliminate muscular pressure and stress that may be causing pain. A good way to check whether you�re maintaining a proper posture is to perform the wall test, where the individual stands with his or her back against a wall. When the head, shoulder blades and buttocks are touching the wall, there should be a space of about one hand�s thickness between the curve of the lower back and the wall. The individual can then arch their back in order to form the proper space, placing the back into proper postural alignment.

Find a Diagnosis

Additionally, if an individual is experiencing persistent symptoms of back pain, its important for them to seek immediate medical attention to diagnose any possible injuries or underlying conditions that could be causing their pain and discomfort. Spinal misalignments, or subluxations, are one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions causing back pain and there are several types of treatments to improve this painful condition. Chiropractic care is an effective form of alternative treatment, frequently utilized to treat many back complications. After diagnosing the source of your back issues, a doctor of chiropractic, or DC, will most commonly use a series of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations to gradually restore the natural state of your spine. Chiropractic treatment focuses on re-aligning the spine while strengthening the muscles and other tissues surrounding the spine as well as improving flexibility to correct an individual�s posture and relieve or even eliminate their back pain symptoms.

For many individuals in the United States alone, back and spine complications are common struggles which affect people at some point in their lifetimes. There are a number of causes that can lead to back pain, but fortunately, many individuals can achieve relief of their symptoms through several well-known methods. Chiropractic care can help improve the condition of a variety of spine complications and relieve their symptoms.

Aside from using chiropractic care to treat the symptoms of back pain, preventing the development of any other symptoms is recommended to maintain overall health and wellness as well. Practicing a proper posture when standing or sitting, especially during extended hours of work behind a desk, can ultimately help reduce and even improve the symptoms of back pain. Prevention can be the first step to avoid further issues.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.

blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news






Incorrect Posture Can Alter Overall Health

Incorrect Posture Can Alter Overall Health

Proper posture is necessary to maintain overall well being, while incorrect posture can lead to serious spine problems. In the modern day, individual’s sit for extended periods of time, whether its for work or for leisure time. Although you may not be aware, �we take throughout this time period can tremendously influence our overall health and wellness. Posture is the position in which people hold their body when sitting or standing. Although the body can take a specific posture according to what feels comfortable or how the individual’s attitude is expressed,

It�s been embedded into our culture that sitting tall while holding your head high reveals health, poise, and professionalism from each individual who practices proper posture, but besides visually looking well, good posture is essential because it keeps us healthy from within.

How Proper Posture Affects The Body

When an individual maintains the muscles and other tissues supporting the structure of the neck and back remain strong while the spine preserves its natural and healthy alignment. Studies have previously concluded that good posture can help you have more energy, less stress, as well as prevent fatigue. As a matter of fact, good posture is crucial if you want to maintain an ideal physical fitness. Ultimately, a proper posture is a sign of good health.

If you have bad posture, not only will it create spine complications along with pain and discomfort in the present, but gradually, incorrect posture can have negative effects later in life if not corrected in time.

The Effects Of Incorrect Posture

One of the most distinguished negative effects associated among individuals with incorrect posture includes a change in the spinal curve. The spine is naturally designed to have a slight S-shaped curvature, however, after an extended period of time practicing incorrect posture when sitting or standing, the spine is put under a tremendous amount of pressure. This occurs because the spine is repeatedly being forced into an unnatural position. The altered spinal curve can not only lead to chronic pain and discomfort, but it can impede the spine from naturally absorbing shock as well as maintain proper balance.

Also, studies have found that sitting all day with bad posture can impact the digestive organs. Poor posture can actually compress the digestive organs and restrict them from functioning to their full potential. As a result, the body�s normal digestive process can be greatly slowed down, affecting the individual�s metabolism. Over time, long-term compression of the digestive organs can severely debilitate the body�s ability to consume and process food. You may ultimately face life-altering metabolic issues if the incorrect posture is not corrected.

Both an Australian study on poor posture and life expectancy and an English study on poor posture and sitting concluded that individuals who consistently sit using back posture have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Another study found that individuals who sit most of the day had an increased chance of 147% in developing cardiovascular disease. Additionally, sitting for extended periods of time prevents the body from getting the necessary circulation it needs, leading to the formation of varicose veins, veins that have become enlarged and twisted. This issue is particularly common in women.

The Importance of Maintaining Correct Posture

Many people who maintain poor posture may suffer from chronic back pain and spending enough time sitting with bad posture can eventually cause disc degeneration. These complications are often diagnosed back to posture problems due to the extra stress that has been put on the spine.

Overall, incorrect posture impacts much more than the way you look. Once you�ve become aware of your own body�s posture, its important to take the time to stand up and move throughout your day, sitting up straight with your shoulders back and your spine straight as well as make sure to visit your chiropractor for regular adjustments. Taking a moment in your life to do these things can not only help you have a better posture, but it can also prevent you from dealing with numerous health complications in the future.

With an incorrect posture, the structure and function of the spine can be greatly affected, leading to issues and other serious complications if left uncorrected for an extended period of time. Because the spine is ultimately essential towards the balance and support of the body, it’s important to seek medical care as soon as possible to avoid complications related to an incorrect posture.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.

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Correcting Lumbar Spine Herniation Can Benefit Sex Life

Correcting Lumbar Spine Herniation Can Benefit Sex Life

Low back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms that lead people to seek diagnosis and treatment with a healthcare professional. When the individual�s low back pain is accompanied with pain in one or both legs or buttocks, resulting in symptoms similar to sciatica, it may be an indicator that the patient may have a lumbar disc herniation, also referred to as a herniated disc, ruptured disc, or slipped disc.

Anatomy of the Lumbar Spine

The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae that extend through the length of the ribcage and pelvis. From top to bottom, these vertebrae are medically labeled L1 through L5 and they�re each separated by intervertebral discs. The discs are made up of a fibrous tissue known as the annulus with a soft nucleus found at the center of each disc. These discs are fundamental towards the proper function of the spine, performing the important roles of shock absorption and distribution of pressure.

In the instance the annulus becomes ruptured or torn, the nucleus can become separated from the disc. This complication can decrease the disc�s ability to properly separate the vertebrae, an issue which often leads to increased pressure due to the compression or impingement of the spinal nerves found between each vertebrae of the spine. Individuals with a lumbar disc herniation and symptoms of sciatica commonly experience pain and discomfort related to the pinching of the nerves, which can in turn radiate down the legs.

Generally, a herniated disc is caused by the natural degeneration of the body�s structures as we age. If not diagnosed or treated in time, however, this simple wear and tear complication can develop into a more serious injury or condition. In addition, intervertebral discs can also tear due to trauma from heavy lifting or as a result of a sudden injury, such as an automobile accident or a work injury.

Diagnosing a Lumbar Disc Herniation

A chiropractor can properly diagnose a variety of injuries or conditions relating to the musculoskeletal and nervous system, including a lumbar disc herniation. During the first consultation, the chiropractor will conduct a thorough physical exam, including a comprehensive review of your medical history and test results. Using this, the healthcare professional will be able to determine the source of the symptoms. In many cases, the specialist may require additional tests to confirm the presence of a specific injury and/or condition. Most chiropractic offices will provide you with up to date information about your diagnosis, as well as the risks and benefits of each treatment option. Chiropractors will work with the individual personally to decide on the best treatment option for their complication.

Treating a Lumbar Disc Herniation

Chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulations are the most common forms of treatment provided by a doctor of chiropractic, or DC. Using this gentle techniques, the healthcare specialist will carefully realign the spine, correcting the subluxations in order to decrease and eliminate the symptoms caused by nerve compression or impingement. Chiropractors may also redirect a patient to receive other types of treatment depending on the severity of their issue. Chiropractic care can help restore an individual�s strength, mobility and flexibility, offering a wide variety of benefits. Chiropractic treatment is well-known for its natural benefits, including the enhancement of many functions of the body.

Chiropractic Can Improve Sex Life

Many people visit the chiropractor with back pain, but after several sessions of treatment, they often return reporting that their sex life has improved. Jason Helfrich, co-founder and CEO of 100% Chiropractic, stated that the body can positively respond in many aspects when the unnecessary pressure on the nervous system is decreased or removed.

Every function of the body is controlled by the nervous system, however, when the spine is misaligned, known as a subluxation, the nerves traveling between the brain and the rest of the body, these can become blocked, compromising the body�s ability to function properly. A chiropractor�s goal is to remove these subluxations, since they can both cause pain and impede feeling. But treatment can help more than just improve symptoms of back pain. The lumbar region of the spine is where the nerves that extend into your reproductive regions are found. Correcting misalignments in the lower spine can improve nerve flow to your sexual organs, increasing things like blood flow to your clitoris or the penis.

�Correcting a spinal subluxation also allows the organs to send messages to the brain more easily. This means that not only do you become physically aroused faster, but your brain also registers that ready-for-action, heightened sense of pleasure more quickly, so you move past the mental obstacles that may be keeping you from orgasming�, quoted Helfrich.

Other Adjustments for an Improved Sex Life

Libido and fertility need a proper balance of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones, many of which are released in the upper cervical and neck area of the body. If there are any misalignments or subluxations in the upper region of the spine, the nerve transmissions exiting the brain can be interrupted due to the compression or impingement of these tissues, which will ultimately have an effect all the way down to the reproductive organs, among others.

Including fertility is affected by the nerves and hormones coming out of the spine, as they control the reproductive cycle.

Beyond all of the physiological benefits of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, chiropractic treatment can also simply give the muscles more range of motion. This means you can try previously difficult positions under the sheets, enhancing an individual�s sex life further.

�We want to improve people�s health, and health is about living life as its intended. Having a great sex life is huge part of that�, Jason Helfrich concluded.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

Additional Topics: Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can cause damage or injury to the body, primarily to the structures surrounding the spine. An auto collision can ultimately affect the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues surrounding the spine, commonly the lumbar region of the spine, causing symptoms such as low back pain. Sciatica is a common set of symptoms after an automobile accident, which may require immediate medical attention to determine its source and follow through with treatment.


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Chiropractic Treats Low Back Pain from Incorrect Posture

Chiropractic Treats Low Back Pain from Incorrect Posture

Low back pain is a common symptom reported among the majority of the population. Generally caused by direct trauma from an injury or as a result of an aggravated condition, low back pain can greatly restrict an individual’s daily activities, affecting their overall physical as well as mental performance. Although there’s a variety of factors which can lead to back pain along the lumbar area of the spine, an incorrect sitting posture over an extended period of time has been known to be one of the leading causes for this well-known symptom.

Sitting is one of the most difficult positions for the body to maintain. Improper sitting postures�for prolonged periods of time while hunched over in a chair can build excessive pressure on the spine and affect the blood circulation in the legs. For an individual that spends their workdays sitting down, the long term result of an improper posture can greatly alter the individual�s overall health.

Proper Posture While Sitting

Sitting for extended periods of time while hunching over a desk can cause discomfort, numbness and spine misalignment over time if the improper sitting posture is not corrected. Holding the body upright can also further increase pressure and tension in muscles, ligaments, joints, and other tissues surrounding the spine. A sedentary lifestyle where the individual doesn�t take frequent breaks throughout their workday to stand and stretch can gradually lead to cardiovascular disease due to the decreased blood flow, tightened hip flexors, shortened hamstrings, pinched nerves and many other physical injuries and/or conditions in the long run.

sitting posture


How Chiropractic Differs from Traditional Care

Aches and pains on the body, particularly around the spine, herniated discs, nerve complications and painful joints are direct results of working while in improper sitting postures for prolonged hours of the day. When you’re in a seated position, a lot of pressure is being placed directly on the spine and its surrounding structures. Our bodies were designed to stand upright and maintaining a seated position can be physically stressful.

“The weight is distributed while in a standing position,” explained Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., a health psychologist at Stanford University and a leading expert in neck and back pain, �That’s not the case with sitting. McGonigal added, “When you sit, you distort the natural curve of the spine, which means your back muscles have to do something to hold your back in shape because you’re no longer using the natural curves of the spine to lift yourself up against gravity.”

Approximately 80 percent of individuals in the United States alone may experience some form of chronic pain in their lifetime. Ultimately, working on a sitting position for extended periods of time per day is putting a tremendous mental and physical stress on our bodies.

Correcting Posture

Maintaining good posture when sitting helps preserve the three natural curves of a healthy spine; the cervical curvature, the thoracic curvature, and the lumbar curvature. The normal curvatures of the spine should form a slight S-shape. An excessive curve in the spine could suggest a possible underlying condition and may present symptoms of pain and discomfort, among other uncomfortable symptoms.

The key to maintaining a proper posture is to avoid slouching by sitting up straight as well as sitting all the way back in your chair. Additionally, the chair should be tucked in close to the desk. Placing a pillow or cushion directly behind your lower back area, or the lumbar spine, can help sustain good posture by providing enough support and allowing the spine to naturally curve inward. Furthermore, it�s also recommended to stand and stretch about every 20 minutes to give your body a break from long held positions, release pressure that is being built up on the spine and restore the body�s regular circulation by pushing the blood out of your legs. Doing this consistently throughout your day can prevent the muscles, ligaments and other tissues of the body from getting strained. Simple stretches at your desk, such as twisting, turning the head from side-to-side and chin tucks upward towards the ceiling can also help. These movements will ultimately help to relieve an individual�s chronic pain as well as restore an individual�s health progressively over time and improve their overall well-being.

Sitting is one of the most difficult positions for the body to maintain. Sitting for prolonged periods of time while hunched over in a chair can build excessive pressure on the spine and affect the blood circulation in the legs. For an individual that spends their workdays sitting down, the long term result of an improper posture can greatly alter the individual�s overall health.

While for many individuals sitting behind a desk for a prolonged period of time each day is an inevitable and often necessary part of their lifestyle, practicing a proper posture as well as seeking the proper care once the symptoms of low back pain manifest can change the effect of the issue. Chiropractic care as well as physical therapy and other forms of treatment, are available to the public to help reduce their painful symptoms and restore their original functionality. The spine is one of the body’s most important structures and it’s essential to maintain its health to achieve overall wellness.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


blog picture of cartoon paper boy





Understanding Proper Posture: Awareness & Correction

Understanding Proper Posture: Awareness & Correction

It�s obvious that Posture has become the new buzzword surrounding physical health and wellbeing over the past few years. We don�t have to look very far to understand why. Though there are many potential causes for poor posture, there�s no doubt the most widespread cause of our current posture dilemma is a direct result of our obsession with and our dependence on mobile devices. Tablets, smartphones and other technologies are not only a luxury but a necessity in our day-to-day lives.

It�s nearly impossible to avoid the onslaught of news articles and video segments cautioning the public of the harmful effects of long-term mobile device use on spinal health. As a result, our patients (and potential patients) are becoming increasingly aware of this issue as well.

This is great awareness, right?

The media is doing the hard work for us by effectively and efficiently reaching millions of people currently affected �by this epidemic. Arming them with information and questions they need to ask their healthcare providers in order to work towards finding a solution to their problem.

Perfect. That�s us, right?

Now, all we have to do is deliver the correct treatment regimen and the patient walks out of our office with perfect posture, a smile and the quality of life they�ve always dreamed of. Well� Not so fast�

Where do I go from here? Spinal function or spinal structure?

Unfortunately, like most of you are probably thinking at this very moment, it�s not that simple. But, why not? Shouldn�t it be? At one point in our careers, likely as na�ve chiropractic students in our first few trimesters, fixing spines was the ideal we were all hoping to achieve when we became doctors. Then, something changed.

Let�s reflect for a moment on the core principle our great profession is built upon;

bone(s) out of place ? nerve interference ? dis-ease and dys-function

From a global spinal perspective, it looks like this;

cervical curve loss & forward head posture ? nerve interference

? dis-ease and dys-function

As a young student this principle offered our analytical minds an objective means of measuring our success as a future spine care specialist;

correct the abnormal structure ? improve nerve function ? maximize health potential

blog picture of teenage girls at a carnival looking down at their phones

Unfortunately, we were never taught how to correct abnormal structure and as we continued through the �clinical� trimesters in school we heard less and less about the importance of spinal structure and the overwhelming focus began to land on spinal function. Confused, conflicted, yet anxiously awaiting our release into the real world, we then began to put less and less importance on spinal structure as well and we carried that philosophy with us to our clinical practices. Likely thinking, structural spinal correction was merely for theoretical discussion and not practical application in a clinical setting.

Herein lies a major conflict. The very principle we were taught as the foundation of our careers is now something most of us have been encouraged to disregard because it�s too difficult to achieve, it�s too time consuming, it�s not possible, etc., etc.

Putting more focus towards structural spinal correction is the way forward.

Fortunately for our patients and ourselves, the structure dictates function principle is still very alive and well within us and I believe the latest advancements in traction technology will allow us to incorporate this principle with each of our patients like never before.

Throughout the next 10 months I, along with a few special guest contributors, will be engaging and challenging doctors around the world to take the lead in their communities to begin changing people�s lives by integrating cervical curve remodeling and posture correction into their existing treatment protocols.

blog picture of three x-rays of neck in pre treatment to post treatment

We will be using a variety of information disseminating platforms such as blogs, infographics and ebooks to share case studies. Also, treatment protocols and latest advancements in cervical spine remodeling devices will be put in place to demonstrate how quickly and easily cervical curve remodeling and posture correction can be integrated into your existing clinic(s).

We care about posture. We care about quality of life.

Our goal is to create a collaborative, productive discussion. We are taking the lead and fighting this posture epidemic in the communities we serve. I encourage you to reach out and share your questions and ideas with us.

By Dr. Alex Jimenez

blog picture of infographic of posture and tech neck from using various computer devices

Doctors of Chiropractic Offer Tips for Good Posture

Sourced through from: Dr. Alex Jimenez

Proper Posture has become a passing thing that is�no longer paid attention to. However, through proper posture people would not be in�pain or in some form of disablement. The time has come to bring proper posture awareness.

Chiropractic Care for Cervicogenic Hearing Loss

Chiropractic Care for Cervicogenic Hearing Loss

Chiropractic care is a well-known alternative treatment option which focuses primarily on the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. When an individual is involved in an accident or a previous condition has become aggravated over time, causing injury, chiropractic treatment can help.

Injury from an accident or condition can often cause complications to the structures of the body, most commonly the spine, resulting in spinal misalignments, or subluxations, that can lead to the impingement or compression of the nerves, followed by the altered function of the nervous system and the organs surrounding the affected area. After a careful diagnosis, a chiropractor will utilize various natural treatment techniques, such as spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, to correct any possible misalignments and restore the original function of these structures. While chiropractic care has been utilized to treat back pain and neck pain caused by injuries or underlying conditions, there are other non-musculoskeletal disorders which may benefit from this form of alternative treatment.

Treatment Study for Cervicogenic Hearing Loss

Cervicogenic hearing loss is a disorder which, as the name suggests, causes complications closely regarding the function of the vertebral artery relating to its supply of blood to the auditory system. There�s also been suggestions indicating that the reduction of blood supply to the audio/vestibular mechanism may occur as a result of the placement of the spine and its reduction of blood supply to audition. Several research studies have been conducted, however, demonstrating the clinical effect and safety of chiropractic care in treating cervicogenic sudden hearing loss disorders.

From January 2011 to October 2013, 90 individuals diagnosed with cervicogenic sudden hearing loss were divided at random into two groups: the treatment group and the control group; according to a random number table produced by SPSS 19.0 software. In the treatment group, there were 17 males and 28 females, ranging from ages 31 to 62 years old; the course of disease was from 1 to 3 days; and pure-tone audiometry scores ranged from 46.5 to 77.8 dB. Scores for the Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire (NPQ) for the treatment group were from 17 to 31. In the control group, there were 15 males and 30 females, ranging from ages 28 to 64 years old; the course of disease was from 1 to 3 days; and pure-tone audiometry scores ranged from 48.1 to 75.0 dB. Scores for the Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire for the control group were from 20 to 29 scores.

The patients of the control group were treated with 10 mg of a dexamethasone intravenous drip, 3 days later, which was then decreased to 5 mg, 3 days later again. With a methycobal intravenous drip of 500 ?g, treatment continued for 10 days. The patients of the treatment group were treated with chiropractic additionally, except for the therapeutic methods of the control group. The chiropractic treatment used on the individuals included local muscle loosening, attacking point, bilateral pulling of the atlantoaxial joint and continuous treatment for 10 days. The pure-tone audiometry scores and NPQ scores were compared between the two groups after completing treatment.

After the treatment, pure-tone audiometry scores and NPQ scores of the treatment group had improved respectively, which displayed significantly better results than those of the control group. In conclusion, compared with routine methods for treating individuals with cervicogenic sudden hearing loss, additional chiropractic care was determined to help improve hearing and relieve neck pain effectively.

The Side Effects of Vaccines Revealed

As a healthcare provider, Dr. Patrick Gentempo has been searching for the truth behind the effects of vaccines on the general population. When making critical decisions about you and your children�s health, it�s essential to have the correct knowledge of all medical procedures you�re being involved in, including the administration of mandatory vaccines, among others.



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Identified as a disorder causing significant loss of hearing due to a spinal misalignment that causes a decrease in blood supply from the vertebral artery to the auditory system. A compression or impingement of the structures surrounding the spine can lead to various complications, however, chiropractic has demonstrated substantial benefits towards treating cervicogenic hearing loss.

For more information, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

By Dr. Alex Jimenez