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Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).

Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.

A Closer Look at Narcolepsy and Sleep Disturbances

A Closer Look at Narcolepsy and Sleep Disturbances

Can individuals dealing with narcolepsy find ways to reduce its effects on the musculoskeletal system and improve sleep?

What Is Narcolepsy?

Around the world, many individuals have gotten 8 hours of sleep by doing errands to function throughout the day. Sometimes, it is important to take naps between certain hours of the day to give the body a chance to rest and continue for the rest of the day before going to bed. However, more individuals have experienced sleep disturbances like scrolling through their phones, dealing with chronic conditions like migraines or insomnia, or not having a proper sleep schedule that can negatively impact their sleep. One of the sleep disturbances is narcolepsy, which can cause individuals to have sleep issues throughout the day and even affect their musculoskeletal system. In today’s article, we will be looking at what narcolepsy is, its symptoms, how it affects the muscles, and what treatments can reduce narcolepsy and improve sleep. We associate with certified medical providers who inform our patients of the effects narcolepsy causes on a person and their bodies. While asking important questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to include various techniques to reduce the overlapping risk profiles related to narcolepsy and help improve their sleep quality. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., envisions this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.



Do you often feel extremely tired throughout the day, and is it causing you to take a nap in weird places? Do your arms and legs feel weak from carrying various objects? Or do you feel general aches or pains in your neck, shoulders, and back? Many of these scenarios are associated with sleep disturbances that can affect the musculoskeletal system. One of the sleep disturbances is narcolepsy, characterized by the onset of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that can correlate with the lack of orexin neurons from the central nervous system, thus causing daytime sleepiness. (Slowik et al., 2024) Narcolepsy has two forms depending on the severity of the condition: type 1 (narcolepsy with cataplexy) and type 2 (narcolepsy without cataplexy). Depending on the severity of narcolepsy, it can disrupt the brain from generating and regulating REM sleep and cause issues for the body when it is awake during the day. (Thorpy et al., 2024) This chronic sleep disorder can disrupt a person’s quality of life and affect their socio-economic lifestyle.



Narcolepsy has four main symptoms that can affect a person who is experiencing this condition. The four symptoms are:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness causes people to fall asleep suddenly during mid-conversation or when doing activities.
  • Cataplexy: Sudden or temporary episodes of muscle weakness in the upper and lower musculoskeletal quadrants. (Sunwoo, 2021)
  • Sleep hallucinations: This can cause individuals to hallucinate visions, causing the symptoms to be mistaken for psychotic symptoms. (Hanin et al., 2021)
  • Sleep paralysis: When the individual is partly awake but cannot move.

Additionally, when narcolepsy starts to affect a person, it could lead to the development of comorbidities like obesity and musculoskeletal issues that may lead to sleep disturbances to take effect. (Maski et al., 2022)


How Does It Affect Muscles?

Now, narcolepsy can affect the musculoskeletal system as the central nervous system has neurons known as orexin to stimulate the body’s muscles, tissues, and vital organs. When narcolepsy starts to affect orexin, it can cause overlapping risk profiles to the muscles that become weak, and environmental factors like obesity and metabolic syndrome can complicate diagnosing narcolepsy. (Dhafar & BaHammam, 2022). Now, as environmental factors do play a huge part in the body, causing people to develop narcolepsy, it is important to realize that when muscle weakness can contribute to the issue, it can lead to disastrous consequences. Strong emotions that are associated with muscle weakness for narcoleptic individuals can cause their body to collapse and lead to cataplexy. Cataplexy in narcoleptic individuals often has a sequence starting from the top of the head down to the legs, causing muscle tone loss, and is frequently mistaken for seizures. (Latorre et al., 2022) Luckily, there are ways to manage narcolepsy and improve sleep quality.


The Non-Surgical Approach To Wellness- Video

Narcolepsy Treatments To Improve Sleep

When it comes to managing narcolepsy and its associated symptoms, many people can make small changes to their daily routine and incorporate treatment to improve their sleep quality and their lifestyle, too. Many individuals with narcolepsy take medication to not only stimulate their central nervous system neurons but also to reduce daytime sleepiness. Additionally, non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can help stretch and restore muscle weakness associated with narcolepsy to help individuals manage their symptoms. Other treatments include:

  • Take short naps on a comfortable mattress.
  • Maintaining a proper sleep schedule.
  • Exercise regularly to reduce excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Eating a well-balanced, healthy meal

Incorporating these small changes as part of a daily routine can help mitigate narcolepsy and its associated symptoms. All in all, many individuals with narcolepsy can manage their symptoms and live a healthier life.



Dhafar, H. O., & BaHammam, A. S. (2022). Body Weight and Metabolic Rate Changes in Narcolepsy: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Metabolites, 12(11).

Hanin, C., Arnulf, I., Maranci, J. B., Lecendreux, M., Levinson, D. F., Cohen, D., & Laurent-Levinson, C. (2021). Narcolepsy and psychosis: A systematic review. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 144(1), 28-41.

Latorre, D., Sallusto, F., Bassetti, C. L. A., & Kallweit, U. (2022). Narcolepsy: a model interaction between immune system, nervous system, and sleep-wake regulation. Semin Immunopathol, 44(5), 611-623.

Maski, K., Mignot, E., Plazzi, G., & Dauvilliers, Y. (2022). Disrupted nighttime sleep and sleep instability in narcolepsy. J Clin Sleep Med, 18(1), 289-304.

Slowik, J. M., Collen, J. F., & Yow, A. G. (2024). Narcolepsy. In StatPearls.

Sunwoo, J. S. (2021). Narcolepsy, autoimmunity, and influenza A H1N1 vaccination. Encephalitis, 1(2), 31-35.

Thorpy, M. J., Siegel, J. M., & Dauvilliers, Y. (2024). REM sleep in narcolepsy. Sleep Med Rev, 77, 101976.



Understanding Planes of Motion: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Planes of Motion: A Comprehensive Guide

Can understanding the planes of motion help individuals adjust fitness training to maximize fitness for physical and sports performance and reduce the risk of injury?

Understanding Planes of Motion: A Comprehensive Guide

Planes of Motion

The body’s planes of motion are the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes, which divide it into left and right, front and back, and top and bottom halves. The body moves in different dimensions during daily work, house chores, and physical activity/exercises. The movements in each plane correspond to forward/backward, side-to-side, and rotational motions. Think of each plane as an imaginary line or a pane of glass that divides the body into opposing segments when standing in the anatomical position. (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024)

  • Sagittal plane -Divides the body into right and left sides.
  • Frontal plane – Divides the body into front and back.
  • Transverse plane – Divides the body into top and bottom sections.

To determine the plane of motion of a particular movement, consider how the movement would interact with the imaginary lines or plates. When a movement runs parallel to the imaginary line, the movement is occurring in that plane of motion. For example, when going upstairs, the forward and upward movement at the hip, knee, and ankle occurs primarily in the sagittal plane because that movement runs parallel to the imaginary line that divides the body into right and left sides. Frontal plane movements occur while you walk up the stairs and reach for the handrail. The movement is in the frontal plane because the lateral hand reach runs parallel to the line, dissecting the body into front and back sections. If you turn around to look behind, the rotational movement occurs in the transverse plane because your upper torso runs parallel to the line, dissecting the body into an upper and lower section. Individual movements at any joint in the body can occur in a single plane or multiple planes. Complex movements usually happen in several planes of motion concurrently.

Sagittal Plane

Movement in the sagittal plane generally happens in front or behind. This is the most familiar plane of motion because many typical day-to-day activities happen within arm’s reach in front. Walking, texting, or computer work involves movement primarily in the sagittal plane. Several eating mechanics occur in the sagittal plane. Movements include:

  • Flexion – A bending movement that decreases the angle at a joint.
  • Extension – An extending movement that increases the angle at a joint.
  • Hyperextension – Extending the angle at a joint beyond neutral.
  • Dorsiflexion – Bending at the ankle so the top of the foot moves toward the shin.
  • Plantarflexion – Pushing the foot down and away from the body.

Many strength-training exercises in the sagittal plane include biceps curls, forward or reverse lunges, squats, vertical jumping, running, downward dog, and yoga chair poses.

Frontal Plane

The frontal plane divides the body into front/anterior and back/posterior sections. Frontal plane movements are lateral or side-to-side and include:

  • Abduction – Moving the body or a limb laterally and away from the body’s midline.
  • Adduction – Moving the body or a limb towards the body’s midline.
  • Elevation – Moving the shoulder blades up.
  • Depression – Moving the shoulder blades down.
  • Eversion – Rolling the foot towards the inside/medial side.
  • Inversion – Rolling the foot towards the outside/lateral side.

Frontal plane movements are less common than sagittal movements. For example, individuals walk forward more than side to side or reach for something in front rather than directly to the side. Frontal plane movements in fitness include side lunges, lateral shoulder raises, and side shuffles, and in yoga poses, standing side bends and the triangle.

Transverse Plane

The transverse plane divides the body into upper/superior and lower/inferior sections. Transverse plane movements generally involve rotation. Movement in this plane is less common. Exercise injuries most often occur during transverse/rotational movements. (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024) Movements include:

  • Rotation – Moving the torso or a limb around its vertical axis.
  • Pronation – Rotating the forearm or foot to a palm-side or foot-side down position.
  • Supination – Rotating the forearm or foot to a palm-side or foot-side-up position.
  • Horizontal Abduction – Moving the upper arm away from the body’s midline when elevated to 90 degrees.
  • Horizontal Adduction – Moving the upper arm towards the body’s midline when elevated to 90 degrees.

Typical everyday activities in the frontal plane include turning the head to look behind or turning a doorknob. Exercises in the transverse plane include hitting a golf ball, swinging a baseball bat, or performing a seated twist.

Training Within the Planes of Motion Benefits

Training in all three planes can help with movement in several ways, providing greater ease in life and sports.

Prepares Body for Daily Tasks

Many traditional strength-training programs focus on training one muscle at a time, often in a single plane of motion. For example, weight lifters might do bicep curls to primarily work the biceps in the sagittal plane, a chest fly exercise to primarily work the pectoral muscles in the transverse plane, or lateral raises to work the shoulders in the frontal plane. However, compound exercises have recently become much more common. Compound movements allow individuals to train several muscle groups simultaneously and in different planes of motion.

In this way, training activities mimic daily living activities. For example, individuals often lift several heavy bags of groceries and turn to open the car or trunk, involving both sagittal and transverse movement. Preparing the body for complex activities with compound exercises allows individuals to perform them more easily throughout the day.

Prepares Body for Sports and Physical Activities

Complex multi-planar movements help prepare for safe and effective physical activity and sports performance (National Academy of Sports Medicine, 2024). Researchers and experts understand that many physical and athletic activities require the body to move in different directions, often quickly and under high stress. Several studies have found that anterior cruciate ligament/ACL injuries are more likely to occur during multi-planar rather than single-planar movements. (Quatman C. E., Quatman-Yates C. C., & Hewett T. E. 2010) Training the body to perform multi-planar movements safely and effectively through exercise can help reduce the risk of injury during daily activities or stressful athletic competitions.

Encourages Variation For Full Body Strengthening

Individuals tend to fall into certain movement patterns, such as repeatedly performing the same fitness activity or exercises. This can cause them to have a favorite plane of motion. One way to break away from the same routine is to include movement from all planes of motion. For example, many abdominal workout machines help train in multiple planes of motion, challenging your body to move in different ways. Dumbbells, kettlebells, TRX straps, and bands allow individuals to move joints freely in various planes of motion and work several muscles.

Runners train primarily in the sagittal plane, even if they cross-train by swimming, cycling, or using cardio machines. For this reason, trainers and coaches often recommend doing some form of yoga or weight training that allows them to move their joints in different ways, including lateral movements or rotation. Even flexibility training should incorporate all three planes of motion. For example, walkers might choose to do a simple calf or hamstring stretch at the end of their workout but may also benefit from a seated spine rotation or a lying hip stretch.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Understanding the concept and importance of training in the three planes of motion can help improve sports and physical performance and prevent musculoskeletal injuries. Chiropractic care aims to help individuals enhance movement with less pain due to condition, after injury, or surgery. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

The Difference of Using Custom Foot Orthotics


National Academy of Sports Medicine. (2024). Sagittal, Frontal and Transverse Body Planes: Exercises & Movements. NASM.

Quatman, C. E., Quatman-Yates, C. C., & Hewett, T. E. (2010). A ‘plane’ explanation of anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms: a systematic review. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 40(9), 729–746.

MET Back Pain Explained: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

MET Back Pain Explained: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Can individuals experiencing back pain from various factors incorporate MET (muscle energy techniques) to restore mobility?

Factors That Causes Back Pain

More often than not, many individuals have experienced back pain in various parts of their lives. As one of the leading pains that people have dealt with worldwide, many factors can contribute to the development of back pain, and it can affect different musculoskeletal locations in the upper and lower body quadrants. Back pain has often been associated with the workplace or environmental factors. For back pain, the problem can range from all back sections, affecting the muscles, ligaments, tissues, intervertebral joints, or the bone itself. (Wiberg, 1949) People are constantly in motion, and the muscles can be overstretched and tight over time. When that happens, many people seek treatment to reduce back pain’s overlapping risk profiles and restore mobility. Today’s article focuses on the factors associated with back pain and how non-surgical treatments like MET (muscle energy technique) can help reduce back pain and restore mobility. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how various environmental factors are correlated with back pain and how it can affect the body. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to include various non-surgical treatments like MET to be incorporated to reduce overlapping risk profiles associated with back pain. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


How often do you experience pain in different locations in your back after doing some strenuous activities? Do you feel like you are taking many breaks due to feeling tightness or sharp sensations in your back? Or have you felt that your posture is more hunched than normal? Many of these environmental factors scenarios are correlated with back pain, and it can become an issue over time. Back pain can be in two categories: specific and non-specific, and it can impact a person’s quality of life. Non-specific back pain can be associated with mobility impairment in the different back sections, referred to as radiating pain in the lower extremities or musculoskeletal disorders. (Delitto et al., 2012) This causes issues like repetitive loading to the spine and various pain-like symptoms to the back, causing a disbalance to the individual. (Zemková & Zapletalová, 2021) When it comes to environmental factors correlating with back pain, there are numerous ways for it to be developed and, over time, cause discomfort for the individual, as back pain symptoms vary for everyone.



When it comes to the connection between sleep and back pain, these two issues can cause a vicious cycle of disturbed sleep and issues like insomnia. (Van Looveren et al., 2021) Now, when it comes to sleep disturbances and back pain, many individuals may be sleeping with the wrong mattress, causing their bodies to can cause pressure on their joints and spinal discs. This causes in-bed sleep behaviors like movements and postures could lead to health complications like pressure sores, apnea, and painful muscle spasms in the back and lower extremities. (Elnaggar et al., 2023) Luckily, there are various ways to reduce back pain, improve sleep quality, and restore body motion.


Understanding Academic Low Back Pain-Video

What Is MET?

When people come in for back pain treatment, non-surgical therapies can help stretch the overworked and tired back muscles and restore mobility to the body’s upper and lower extremities. One of the non-surgical treatments that pain specialists like chiropractors and massage therapists use is MET therapy or muscle energy technique therapy. MET comprises soft tissue manipulation that uses controlled isometric and isotonic contractions. (Sarkar et al., 2021) This helps the body not only improve the physiological function of the muscles but also decrease pain. MET can also be combined with other therapies to help lengthen short muscles, improve the range of motion from the joints, and increase fluid drainage from the body’s peripheral regions. (Batool et al., 2024)


MET Reducing Back Pain

Regarding MET, reducing back pain is possible as MET can be integrated with physical therapy to improve the disability and functionality of the person with back pain. (Wahyuddin et al., 2020) When people start to incorporate MET and non-surgical treatments as part of their routine for their health and well-being, they will begin to notice that the pain they have been experiencing in their back is diminishing over time. This allows them to be more mindful of their backs and bodies while making small changes to their routine. Sleeping better with a correct mattress, exercising more to stretch and strengthen muscles, eating healthier foods, and relaxing more allow people to be pain-free in their health and wellness journey.



Batool, K., Mehmood, M., Jafar, M., & Gull, M. (2024). Comparative efficacy of muscle energy technique and Bowen technique on hamstrings muscle tightness in chronic low back pain patients. Pak J Med Sci, 40(9), 2080-2084.

Delitto, A., George, S. Z., Van Dillen, L., Whitman, J. M., Sowa, G., Shekelle, P., Denninger, T. R., & Godges, J. J. (2012). Low Back Pain. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 42(4), A1-A57.

Elnaggar, O., Arelhi, R., Coenen, F., Hopkinson, A., Mason, L., & Paoletti, P. (2023). An interpretable framework for sleep posture change detection and postural inactivity segmentation using wrist kinematics. Sci Rep, 13(1), 18027.

Sarkar, M., Goyal, M., & Samuel, A. J. (2021). Comparing the Effectiveness of the Muscle Energy Technique and Kinesiotaping in Mechanical Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: A Non-blinded, Two-Group, Pretest-Posttest Randomized Clinical Trial Protocol. Asian Spine Journal, 15(1), 54-63.

Van Looveren, E., Bilterys, T., Munneke, W., Cagnie, B., Ickmans, K., Mairesse, O., Malfliet, A., De Baets, L., Nijs, J., Goubert, D., Danneels, L., Moens, M., & Meeus, M. (2021). The Association between Sleep and Chronic Spinal Pain: A Systematic Review from the Last Decade. J Clin Med, 10(17).

Wahyuddin, W., Vongsirinavarat, M., Mekhora, K., Bovonsunthonchai, S., & Adisaipoapun, R. (2020). Immediate effects of muscle energy technique and stabilization exercise in patients with chronic low back pain with suspected facet joint origin: A pilot study. Hong Kong Physiother J, 40(2), 109-119.

Wiberg, G. (1949). Back pain in relation to the nerve supply of the intervertebral disc. Acta Orthop Scand, 19(2), 211-221, illust.

Zemková, E., & Zapletalová, L. (2021). Back Problems: Pros and Cons of Core Strengthening Exercises as a Part of Athlete Training. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5400.


Sleeping with Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Do’s and Don’ts

Sleeping with Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Do’s and Don’ts

Sleeping with lower back pain and sciatica can be difficult and frustrating. What are ways to get more comfortable sleep?

Sleeping with Lower Back Pain and Sciatica: Do's and Don'ts

Sleeping With Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Various factors can affect sleeping with lower back pain and sciatica, including age, injury and medical history, the mattress (e.g., soft vs. firm mattress), and sleep positions. Unfortunately, there’s no one-cure-all solution for this problem, and depending on the underlying cause/s, they can worsen the pain and cause sleep problems. For example, if a herniated disc places added pressure on the nerves in the lower back, twisting the spine can worsen the lower back pain, and sleeping in a fetal position can exacerbate the nerve pain. (UCF Health, N.D.)

Lower-Back Pain

Low-back pain can be activity-related, intermittent, or constant. (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2024) For some, it only occurs occasionally, such as when performing specific movements. For others, it can be excruciating, chronic, and disabling. Low-back pain is unique for everybody and can differ depending on the cause. Some low-back pain symptom descriptions include (Förster M. et al., 2013)

  • Aching pain deep in the back
  • Shooting pain flare-ups
  • Pain caused by slight pressure
  • Burning
  • Tingling

Sciatica Not Present

For some, low-back pain may be confined to a specific area known as axial back pain. (Förster M. et al., 2013) The pain may be felt in a band along the lower back and does not radiate down the legs or anywhere else.

Sciatica Present

Low-back pain with sciatica pain that radiates from the lower back or hip down the leg is the most common symptom of lumbar radiculopathy (compression of spinal nerve roots). (North American Spine Society, 2020) Sciatica symptoms include: (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2021)

  • Shooting pain from the lower back down the leg
  • Feeling like a bad leg cramp
  • Leg weakness
  • Sensory changes radiating down the leg – numbness, burning, and or tingling

Sleep Tools

Consider changing the mattress to improve sleeping with lower back pain and sciatica. For the best spinal support, choose a medium to firm mattress. Pillows, wedges, and other tools can also help improve sleep. (UCF Health, N.D.) It is recommended that individuals who sleep on their backs place a small pillow under their knees to reduce pressure on their lower backs. For those who sleep on their side, placing a pillow between the knees can keep the spine in a neutral/straight position. To relieve lower back pain, consider sleeping in a reclined, angled position with the head and shoulders higher than the hips. This can be accomplished with an adjustable bed or a wedge to prop the body in a regular bed.

Back Sleeping

Easing back pain while sleeping involves maintaining the body in a neutral or straight position. Extending the muscles, tendons, and ligaments too far in any one direction while sleeping with lower back pain and sciatica can cause stiffness, muscle spasms, and pain. Sleeping on the back puts the spine in neutral alignment with the least stress on the neck and back. It evenly distributes body weight to avoid exerting pressure on the joints and prevent backaches. In addition, a supine position allows outstretched ligaments to shrink and recover to their normal positions. (Keck Medicine of USC, 2019)

Chiropractic Assessment

Chiropractic care aims to help individuals improve movement with less pain due to condition, after injury, or surgery. A chiropractic physical therapy team may be best for individuals with acute back, neck, and musculoskeletal pain and discomfort symptoms. A chiropractor can quickly assess your condition and develop a customized treatment plan to expedite pain relief and improve mobility. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to build optimal health and wellness solutions. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate issues through adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal problems.

Sciatica, Causes, Symptoms and Tips


UCF Health. (N.D.). The best sleeping position for lower back pain (and the worst).

American Association of Neurological Surgeons. (2024). Low back pain.

Förster, M., Mahn, F., Gockel, U., Brosz, M., Freynhagen, R., Tölle, T. R., & Baron, R. (2013). Axial low back pain: one painful area–many perceptions and mechanisms. PloS one, 8(7), e68273.

North American Spine Society. (2020). Evidence-based clinical guidelines for multidisciplinary spine care: Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain. North American Spine Society.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2021). Sciatica.–conditions/sciatica

Keck Medicine of USC. (2019). The best -and worst – sleep positions for back pain. Keck Medicine of USC Blog.

Sleep Disturbances and Muscle Function: What You Need to Know

Sleep Disturbances and Muscle Function: What You Need to Know

Can individuals receive a full night’s rest by recognizing sleep disturbances to only get proper muscle function and improve their health?

What Causes Sleep Disturbances?

As many people are in a constant state of motion and trying to complete their tasks, they will feel extremely exhausted and tempted to take a quick nap on their bed. However, a short nap can sometimes turn longer and thus affect a person’s sleep schedule. At the same time, when the body is ready to go to sleep, sometimes the mind is wide awake, causing people to become more tired throughout the day. These types of sleep disturbances can not only affect the person but also affect the body as well. In today’s article, we will be looking at what causes sleep disturbances, how improper sleep affects the muscles in the body, and how to incorporate various ways to reduce sleep disturbances. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how various sleep disturbances can affect the individual and the body. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to include various techniques to reduce sleep disturbances that can impact the musculoskeletal system. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


How often do you feel general aches and pains in your upper and lower extremities that make you sluggish? Do you experience constant headaches that make it difficult to get out of bed? Or do you feel stiffness in your neck, shoulder, and back in the morning that goes away throughout the day? When it comes to the correlation between what causes sleep disturbance to the body, it can vary from person to person, depending on the situation. Let’s say a person is dealing with a stressful situation that causes them to be unable to get a good night’s rest; that would be known as a sleep disturbance. Sleep disturbances, by definition, are causes that can impact a person’s fundamental aspects of their sleep hygiene. (Cormier, 1990) Understandably, everyone is trying to practice good sleep hygiene; however, when environmental factors cause overlapping risk profiles to develop into sleep disturbances, they can affect the body. These can range from cognitive disorders to musculoskeletal conditions and chronic conditions.


How Does Improper Sleep Affect The Muscles & Body?

When classifying sleep disorders that can cause improper sleep in the body, four major categories can be the issue. They are:

  • Disorders that initiate and maintain sleep
  • Excessive somnolence disorders
  • Sleep-wake schedule disorders
  • Various dysfunctions are associated with sleep (Weitzman, 1981)

These four categories can cause many people to develop improper sleeping habits that can affect their bodies and muscles. Symptoms like fatigue correlate with poor sleep quality and can increase muscle pain intensity. At the same time, many individuals dealing with fatigue can experience muscle pain intensity associated with comorbidities that can make a person feel miserable. (Boggero et al., 2022) Environmental factors affecting the musculoskeletal system can correlate with metabolic disorders and thus affect sleep. Additionally, improper sleep and disturbances have been interplayed with metabolic disorders that can increase the risk of obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and cause many people to have improper sleeping habits and, which, in turn, affects their musculoskeletal system. (Wei et al., 2022) Some of the effects of improper sleep that can affect muscle include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Instability
  • Muscle pain
  • Discomfort

However, when people start to decide to try to improve their sleep schedule and reduce sleep disturbances, many people start to look for ways to get a full night’s rest.


Chronic Pain Chiropractic Care- Video

Ways To Reduce Sleep Disturbances

When trying to improve sleep quality while reducing disturbances, many people start to find ways to incorporate proper sleeping habits. Since sleep’s ultimate goal is to help individuals maintain and improve physical and mental health, many can achieve long-term sleep improvement through appropriate sleep hygiene and modifications. (Baranwal et al., 2023) Some of the ways many people can reduce sleep disturbances are the following:

  • Exercise
  • Sleeping on the right mattress
  • Establish a bedtime routine
  • Limit electronic screen time
  • Reduce eating and drinking caffeinated drinks before bed

Incorporating these small changes allows the individual to have proper sleeping habits and reduce overlapping risk profiles affecting the body and musculoskeletal function.


Finding The Right Mattress

Everyone knows that finding the best mattress is important for a good night’s rest. It is also important for people to find the right mattress to stay asleep and reduce musculoskeletal conditions. When it comes to finding the right mattress, it is important to ensure that the mattress’s firmness plays a huge role in improving a person’s sleep quality and reducing pain and disability for people dealing with sleep disorders associated with musculoskeletal conditions. (Caggiari et al., 2021) This allows the individual to have few sleep disturbances and helps them have that full 8 hours of sleep.

Reduce Screen Time

The next way to reduce sleep disturbances is by reducing screen time to prevent it from affecting sleep habits. Since many people are more technologically advanced, it is hard not to doom scroll at night. When many people are on their phones in bed, it can lead to sleep onset latency and cause issues like daytime tiredness. (Brautsch et al., 2023) The best way to reduce tiredness and sleep issues at night is by allowing 30 minutes to digitally disconnect and place any electronic away from the bed to ensure that the 8 hours of sleep is met. This, in turn, allows the brain to turn off and disassociate from anything digital or social media. When it comes to incorporating proper sleep habits, making small changes in a person’s routine can become beneficial in the long run as not only the body can relax but also the muscles.


Baranwal, N., Yu, P. K., & Siegel, N. S. (2023). Sleep physiology, pathophysiology, and sleep hygiene. Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 77, 59-69.

Boggero, I. A., Pickerill, H. M., & King, C. D. (2022). Fatigue in Adults with Chronic Arthralgia/Myalgia in the Temporomandibular Region: Associations with Poor Sleep Quality, Depression, Pain Intensity, and Future Pain Interference. J Oral Facial Pain Headache, 36(2), 155-163.

Brautsch, L. A., Lund, L., Andersen, M. M., Jennum, P. J., Folker, A. P., & Andersen, S. (2023). Digital media use and sleep in late adolescence and young adulthood: A systematic review. Sleep Med Rev, 68, 101742.

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Sleep Better with a Mattress Designed for Arthritis

Sleep Better with a Mattress Designed for Arthritis

Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult for individuals suffering from arthritis. Can finding a mattress that fits an individual’s needs help relieve aches and pains and provide restful sleep?

Sleep Better with a Mattress Designed for Arthritis

Mattress For Arthritis

Quality sleep can be difficult for those managing arthritis. Joint pain, stiffness, and tenderness can make falling and staying asleep feel impossible. A mattress for arthritis should be firm, provide comfortable support, and relieve joint pressure. (Sleep Foundation, 2024)

How Mattresses Affect Arthritis?

  • Not adequate support or cushioning can exacerbate arthritis pain and stiffness.
  • Individuals not sleeping well at night can experience significant physical and mental fatigue, increase the risk of injury, and perceive a higher level of pain.
  • Zoned mattresses provide targeted pressure relief to areas of arthritis pain, like the neck and lower back.
  • Mattresses that don’t support the body are more likely to disrupt sleep and exacerbate nighttime and daytime pain symptoms.
  • The body needs time to recover and repair during sleep, so the right mattress for arthritis will allow sound rest throughout the night.
  • A joint-supporting mattress can alleviate pain and stiffness.

What to Look For Mattress Types

Mattresses fall into three basic categories.

Foam or Latex

  • These mattresses are often recommended for individuals with chronic pain because they conform to the body and alleviate pressure points without being too firm that they aggravate existing injuries or inflammation.
  • Not all foam is the same; some mattresses are too soft to support someone with arthritis.
  • Latex is a more reliable material for support and durability, but it’s also more expensive than memory foam.


  • Innerspring mattresses are often long-lasting and provide firm support.
  • However, they are not recommended for individuals with arthritis because they can be hard on joints and pressure points.
  • The innerspring system doesn’t mold or conform to the body, so getting and staying comfortable can be difficult, if not impossible.
  • They’re not as heat-retaining as foam mattresses so that hot sleepers may prefer them.


  • A hybrid mattress typically consists of individually wrapped springs topped with one or more layers of memory foam.
  • Hybrid mattresses are often recommended for arthritis patients because they meet the expert-recommended balance between support and cushioning.

Firmness Levels

Mattress firmness is rated on a scale of 1 to 10, with firmer mattresses scoring higher, often 6 or 7 and above. However, no one firmness rating works for all individuals with arthritis. Finding the right firmness for arthritis symptoms is highly individualized. For some, a super firm sleep surface can aggravate symptoms. In determining what firmness number is needed, consider weight. For example, a person weighing 400 pounds will have a different experience on a soft mattress than a person weighing 150 pounds. Typically, larger bodies need a firmer mattress to avoid sinking too far into the mattress’s core. Petite individuals may be perfectly supported on a mattress rated 5 or 6 for firmness, but taller or heavier individuals should look for a mattress rated seven or eight.

Support and Pressure Relief

Individuals will want to look for a mattress that targets specific areas for relieving aches and pains, such as the shoulders, hips, and lower back. Foam helps relieve pressure points in the body without feeling too soft, which is helpful when managing joint pain. There is debate over whether latex or memory foam is better for relieving sensitive pressure points. A Journal of Chiropractic Medicine study suggests that latex foam may outperform traditional memory foam as it reduces body pressure and evenly distributes weight along pressure points. (Low F. Z. et al., 2017)

Motion Transfer

Motion transfer refers to a mattress’s ability to isolate body movement.  It’s helpful to consider how much you and your partner are affected by each other’s movement throughout the night. This may not be necessary for individuals who don’t sleep with a partner. So, if you or a partner disrupt sleep throughout the night, a mattress with better motion absorption is recommended.

Sleep Position Can Affect Arthritis and Joint Pain

Mattress manufacturers often design mattresses to accommodate back, side, or stomach sleepers, as different sleeping positions usually require different types of support. One study suggests that sleeping-related pain can be reduced in those with lower back pain when they choose the right sleeping surface for their preferred sleep position. (Jacobson B. H. et al., 2010) Therefore, purchasing a mattress for the preferred position is important.


A mattress’s expected lifespan depends on the materials it’s made from. A mattress that immediately loses some of its features and benefits won’t last very long. This is why it is recommended to know how long the trial period is for the mattress and keep track of its performance. Count on at least six to seven years, but latex and hybrid mattresses can last longer.

Trial Period

Considering the trial period on the mattress is important when buying online. Determining if it’s right for your body can take a little while as it takes a while to break in a new mattress, so look for a longer trial period to see and feel if it is the right choice. (Mattress Firm, 2023) Most online mattress retailers offer at least a 100-day trial period, while some offer 365 days to send it back. However long the trial period, looking into the terms and conditions of any return policy is recommended. A company can say you can return it if it doesn’t meet expectations; however, restrictions or exclusions may apply to your purchase.

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic

Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic works with primary healthcare providers and specialists to develop an optimal health and wellness solution. We focus on what works for you to relieve pain, restore function, prevent injury, and help mitigate the pain through spinal adjustments that help the body realign itself. They can also work with other medical professionals to integrate a treatment plan to resolve musculoskeletal issues.

Fighting Inflammation Naturally


Sleep Foundation. Noyed D. (2024). How to Choose a Mattress.

Low, F. Z., Chua, M. C., Lim, P. Y., & Yeow, C. H. (2017). Effects of Mattress Material on Body Pressure Profiles in Different Sleeping Postures. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 16(1), 1–9.

Jacobson, B. H., Boolani, A., Dunklee, G., Shepardson, A., & Acharya, H. (2010). Effect of prescribed sleep surfaces on back pain and sleep quality in patients diagnosed with low back and shoulder pain. Applied ergonomics, 42(1), 91–97.

Mattress Firm. (2023). Breaking In a New Mattress: Tips for a Comfortable Night’s Sleep. Mattress Firm Blog.

Exercising for Scoliosis: Benefits and Techniques

Exercising for Scoliosis: Benefits and Techniques

Can individuals dealing with scoliosis incorporate various exercises and stretches to improve their posture and reduce pain?

What Is Scoliosis?


More often than anything, many people have tried to maintain proper posture to prevent musculoskeletal and spinal conditions from forming. However, it can be difficult to maintain an appropriate posture when strenuous environmental factors come into play. This can range from being in a hunched position to developing spinal conditions that can affect the curvature of the spine. One of the most well-known spinal conditions many people can develop through numerous risk factors is spinal scoliosis. Spinal scoliosis is often defined as a curvature deviation in the normal vertical spinal line. (Janicki & Alman, 2007) This causes the spine to develop an S or C curve in the thoracic or lumbar portion of the spine, leading to overlapping risk profiles in the body and causing pain-like symptoms that can make a person feel miserable. Today’s article looks at scoliosis, how it affects the body, and how various exercises can help manage scoliosis. We discuss with certified medical providers who inform our patients how non-surgical treatments, like various exercises, help manage symptoms associated with scoliosis. While asking informed questions to our associated medical providers, we advise patients to include various exercises and pain management techniques to reduce pain-like symptoms correlating with scoliosis. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., encompasses this information as an academic service. Disclaimer.


How Does It Affect The Body?

Since scoliosis is a spinal deformity condition that affects the spine, it can happen at any age and is categorized into four group forms:

  • Congenital (Presented by birth)
  • Neuromuscular (Resulted from cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy)
  • Idiopathic (The common spinal condition)
  • Degenerative (Adult-onset scoliosis)

Within these four groups of scoliosis, some of the pain-like symptoms can vary depending on the size of the curve and how far the progression leads to overlapping risk profiles in the thoracic and lumbar spine portions. (Aebi, 2005) Some of the symptoms that are associated with scoliosis are back pain. Many individuals with scoliosis, especially adolescent individuals, have back pain associated with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis due to increasing age, injuries, and how severe the spine is curved. (Achar & Yamanaka, 2020) Additional symptoms that many individuals experience with scoliosis that can affect their bodies have specific features that cause pain. Individuals with scoliosis often have increasing asymmetrical pain when standing for prolonged periods and residing at rest, thus mimicking sciatica pain. (Zaina et al., 2023) This is because pain is one of the biomarkers for scoliosis. When pain starts to affect the body, issues like muscle dysfunction, concave disc pressure, asymmetrical facet joint strains, and a high BMI (body mass index) become the main mechanical parameters in the body. They are assessed by doctors when being examined. (Ilharreborde et al., 2023) When individuals are being assessed by their doctors to manage scoliosis, non-surgical treatments can help manage the pain-like symptoms and restore joint stability and mobility to the body.


Movement Medicine: Chiropractic Care- Video

Various Exercises For Managing Scoliosis

When many individuals dealing with scoliosis go in for non-surgical treatments, they will be assessed and evaluated by pain specialists to determine what the next steps for treatment can be provided for them. For scoliosis, non-surgical treatments like chiropractic care can be provided to reduce the musculoskeletal conditions associated with scoliosis. Chiropractors utilize mechanical and manual spinal manipulation of the spine. They can set the vertebra back in place while restoring the spinal joint with optimal motion, improving the range of motion, and allowing the body to function properly. (Milne et al., 2022) At the same time, chiropractors can recommend various exercises and stretches to help manage symptoms associated with scoliosis as part of their treatment plan. Incorporating various exercises can help rectify spinal deformity, help the different muscle groups become stronger, and allow the individual to work a bit on managing scoliosis symptoms. Below are some of the various exercises and stretches to manage scoliosis.


Practicing Good Posture

Practicing good posture can benefit many individuals with scoliosis, especially young ones. Many people realize that maintaining good posture can help reduce muscle pain and tension in the back. It allows many people to realign their bodies and retrain them to stand with good posture naturally. Maintaining good posture, whether standing or seated, can allow doctors to scan the body for any tension signs. For those with scoliosis, it can gradually strengthen the weak core muscles in their bodies.


Abdominal Presses

Abdominal presses allow the individual to maintain neutral spinal alignment while strengthening the abdominal core muscles. To do this:

  • Individuals must lie on their backs on a yoga mat, keeping their backs in a neutral, tension-free position with bent knees.
  • They raise both feet and thighs off the mat to form a 90-degree angle with their knees above the hips. *They can support themselves with a chair or wall.
  • Next, individuals can use their hands to push and pull the knees with their abdominal muscles.
  • When doing this static exercise, make sure that they hold for three full breaths in two sets of ten and relax in between.



Bird-dog is a yoga move that can help stretch tight and weak muscles in the back and allow the body to balance itself. To do this:

  • Individuals can be on their hands and knees with a neutral spine position on a yoga mat, ensuring their hands are under their shoulders and their knees are under their hips.
  • With controlled breathing, extend one arm straight out while extending the opposite leg back.
  • Maintain the position for five to thirty seconds, and slowly return to the neutral spine.
  • Repeat the motion with the opposite for 10 to 15 reps.


Incorporating these exercises can help manage pain-like symptoms associated with scoliosis, help many individuals strengthen their weak muscles, and help improve their posture on their health and wellness journey.


Achar, S., & Yamanaka, J. (2020). Back Pain in Children and Adolescents. American Family Physician, 102(1), 19-28.

Aebi, M. (2005). The adult scoliosis. Eur Spine J, 14(10), 925-948.

Ilharreborde, B., Simon, A. L., Shadi, M., & Kotwicki, T. (2023). Is scoliosis a source of pain? J Child Orthop, 17(6), 527-534.

Janicki, J. A., & Alman, B. (2007). Scoliosis: Review of diagnosis and treatment. Paediatr Child Health, 12(9), 771-776.

Milne, N., Longeri, L., Patel, A., Pool, J., Olson, K., Basson, A., & Gross, A. R. (2022). Spinal manipulation and mobilisation in the treatment of infants, children, and adolescents: a systematic scoping review. BMC Pediatr, 22(1), 721.

Zaina, F., Marchese, R., Donzelli, S., Cordani, C., Pulici, C., McAviney, J., & Negrini, S. (2023). Current Knowledge on the Different Characteristics of Back Pain in Adults with and without Scoliosis: A Systematic Review. J Clin Med, 12(16).

