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Back Clinic Chiropractic. This is a form of alternative treatment that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how spinal adjustments and manual manipulations regularly can greatly help both improve and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease are the vertebrae’s misalignment in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation).

Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors can alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts on chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.

Rest Helps Restore Spinal Health

Rest Helps Restore Spinal Health

You try to do all the right things when it comes to taking care of your spine. You lift the right way, exercise, practice good posture, stretch, drink plenty of water, and take frequent breaks to walk around if you are seated for an extended period of time. Those are all excellent habits to keep, but there is something else that you should be doing � and it is one of the most overlooked and undervalued health practices. Rest!

Running On Empty: The Silent Epidemic

Stress can do severe damage to your emotional and mental health, but it can also hurt your body as well. Many people carry stress in their lower backs which means that when stress goes up it can result in lower back pain. It can also make you more sensitive to pain.

It is estimated that 66 percent of all doctor visits have a stress related component. What�s more, 50 percent of people who suffer from stress rate it as moderate to high. We live in a culture that makes it commonplace to run on empty. The problem with that is sooner or later you are going to crash and your body will bear the brunt.

Rest is important for helping you alleviate and manage stress, but recent studies show that 1 in 3 adults don�t get enough sleep. There is another reason to get your seven to nine hours in, though, that is directly related to spinal health.

rest spine health el paso tx.

What Rest Can Do For Your Spinal Health

When you rest you give your body time to replenish depleted stores of energy. Adequate sleep improves your immune function, memory, metabolism, learning, and healing. You will be more alert, happier, and have more energy. It is also very beneficial is you are trying to lose weight.

Excess weight can put pressure on your spine and cause it to curve, causing back pain. This is especially true if you carry your weight in your abdomen. That extra weight in the front pulls your spine into a sway back curve making it painful to stand for long periods of time.

When you lay down and rest you allow your entire spine, associated muscles, and other parts of your body to rejuvenate and relax. You probably don�t realize it, but your muscles in your back and abdomen work all day to keep your body properly supported. Even when sitting there are muscles engaged. Laying down allows all of those muscles to finally relax.

Rest also allows your spinal discs to rehydrate. The spine is made up of fluid filled discs that sit between the vertebrae, acting as a cushion. As you go about your day, thanks to gravity, your discs become compressed. This compression causes the disc to lose fluid (which is about 88 percent water). This can cause pain if the discs are not properly rehydrated � and that is a two-step process of drinking adequate water and getting enough rest.

Drinking water will put the fluids into your body, but as long as you are upright, the compression will continue. Laying down to go to sleep takes that pressure off of your spine so there is no compression and the body can naturally rehydrate the discs. A few hours here and there is not really effective because it does not give the body enough time to do its job. This means that you need to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

Along with all the other great, healthy reasons to get a good night�s sleep, you not have one more to add to the list. A healthy spine will keep you standing tall and help keep you mobile, It is important to do all you can to take care of it.

Injury Medical Clinic: Neck Pain Care & Treatments

4 Posture Tips Everyone Can Use

4 Posture Tips Everyone Can Use

Posture Tips: Good posture is more important than many people realize. Many a mother has followed her child around, reminding him or her to �stand up straight!� Not everyone knows all the reasons that this is important, but they should. Good posture is essential to good spinal health as well as good overall health.

People with good posture sleep better, feel better, and have fewer aches and pains in the joints, back, neck, and head. It helps you have better digestion, improves your organ function, and helps to make your chiropractic treatments even more effective. These top posture tips will help you stand straight and tall while enjoying better health.

Posture Tips

Posture Tips: Be Aware

Being aware of poor posture is the first step in being able to correct it. When you feel your spine starts to curve, your shoulders hunch, or your back sway, stop and take a moment to pull your body back into proper alignment. Pretend that there is a string that goes through your entire body from the top of your head.

In your mind, pull that string up, raising your chin slightly so that it is parallel to the floor. Pull your shoulders back and allow your arms to hang naturally at your side. Bend your knees slightly (soft knees) with your feet about shoulder width apart. Tuck in your stomach and roll your pelvis forward so your back is not swayed. Keep your weight mostly on the balls of your feet. Think tall. Take deep breaths and allow yourself to get an idea of what this, good posture, feels like.

Posture Tips: Use The Wall

Using the wall or floor can help you get a feel for how to shift your pelvis. If you have a habit of tilting your pelvis back so that you have a sway back, you need to learn how to roll it forward to get it straight.

A person can develop a sway back out of habit, due to injury, or if they carry a lot of abdominal fat. It can cause a great deal of pain and just making the adjustment to straighten your spine will make a tremendous difference.

To get the feel for straightening your back, stand flat against a wall. Keep your feet directly under you. Now try to press the small of your back into the wall. Feel how your body shifts as your pelvis rolls forward. Pay attention to that sensation so you can duplicate it without using the wall. You can also do this while lying on your back with your knees slightly bent. Practice arching your back and then pressing it against the floor to get a feel for that motion.

posture tips el paso tx.

Posture Tips: Stay Active

Regular exercise and stretching are very important for good posture. What many people don�t realize, though, is that good posture is absolutely vital while you are exercising. This is called �form.� You need to practice good form while you are doing weight bearing exercises, cardio, and stretching. If you don�t it can lead to injury or pain.

Your chiropractor can advise you on various exercises and the proper form for them. If you work out at a gym or at home, learn about good form for the exercises that you do. Fitness professionals can help you with this and are well worth the investment.

Posture Tips: Get Regular Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatments can help correct poor posture, but even if you are working on it yourself it is important to get regular chiropractic care. There are several reasons for this. First, your chiropractor can make adjustments to your spine, providing you with a much wider range of motion and better mobility. Your chiropractor can also recommend exercises for you and show you how to do them properly. If you have weight issues he or she can provide you with advice on diet and lifestyle changes. Taking advantage of the whole body wellness that chiropractic offers will not only improve your posture, it will improve your life.

Injury Medical Clinic: Chiropractor (Recommended)

Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfates For DDD

Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfates For DDD

Why Chiropractic Combined With Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfates Are A Win-Win For Degenerative Disc Disease Sufferers.

The most effective treatments are often found in the natural ones. The human body has this incredible ability to provide its own healing. Often we can aid that process through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes. While there are some people who do reach for medications and invasive means of pain control, the truth is the best cure is the natural one. This is also true of degenerative disc disease. There are several natural treatments that help relieve the pain and even stop the progression of the disease. Common treatments include chiropractic, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfates.

What Is Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)?

In a healthy spine the discs that lie between the vertebrae and cushion them are filled with fluid. They allow the spine to move, flex, bend, and twist. Over time they may lose some of their cushion as part of the aging process.

Degenerative disc disease occurs when the discs of the spine collapse and degrade. In extreme cases, the discs can completely collapse causing the vertebrae�s facet joints to rub against each other. This leads to osteoarthritis. The condition is accompanied by pain, inflammation, and loss of mobility.

How Do Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfates Help Degenerative Disc Disease?

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates are substances that occur naturally in the body. It is an essential element in cartilage maintenance and regeneration. They help to form new cartilage from within existing cartilage. They can actually help to rebuild the discs that have begun to degrade. Often they are taken as nutritional supplements.

Studies show that long term use of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate do indeed not just help arrest the development of spinal disc degeneration, they can also help to reverse the symptoms, especially if begun in the early stages of the disease. Treatment that incorporates these supplements result in decreased pain and improved range of motion. Patients may also notice strengthening of the back and increased flexibility. This is true even in patients who are older, in their 50�s and 60�s.

Patients may start noticing a decrease in pain as early as six months after beginning to take the supplement. After taking it consistently, the other benefits present over time. What is also important to note is that neither glucosamine nor chondroitin sulfate cause any adverse side effects. These supplements are safe and effective.

glucosamine for DDD MRI el paso tx.

Chiropractic For Degenerative Disc Disease

Chiropractic is a complementary treatment to combine with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate for degenerative disc disease. Chiropractic alone is very effective for many spine and neck disorders, including degenerative disc disease. It is a natural, non-invasive treatment that does not use medications but instead incorporates lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise recommendations to provide whole body wellness. While chiropractic works very well to treat pain, improve mobility, and increase flexibility, it has actually been proven to stop the progression of degenerative disc disease and even reverse its effects.

Using chiropractic for degenerative disc disease and combining it with supplements that include glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate is a very effective system for relieving the pain and other symptoms. In several studies, many patients saw improvement and decrease in symptoms faster than patients who used the supplements alone. Combining these treatments is usually the best course of action to help patients suffering from this devastating disease.

When treating any condition, it is always best to go the most natural route possible. The fewer synthetic substances and manufactured toxins that are introduced into the body, the better chance the patient has of a more thorough and faster healing or at the very least a dramatic decrease in symptoms.

Injury Medical Clinic: Herniated Disc Treatment & Recovery

Three Steps To Help Your Back

Three Steps To Help Your Back

Three Steps: Your lower back needs protection, strength and nourishment to help prevent and reduce lower back pain.

Adding these 3 steps to one’s day can help take stress off your lower back:

Three Steps

1. Work On A Stand-Up Desk For Part Of The Day

Too much sitting is common in the cause of low back pain. Posture while sitting, forward leaning in order to look at a computer screen, affects the natural alignment of the lower spine by placing a heavy load on the lumbar discs and joints.

Many people are utilizing standup desks for part of their workday. Standup desks come in a variety of shapes, functionality, and price ranges. They can be inexpensive to fully adjustable, automatic models.

If lower back pain is already an issue, only stand for part of the day and gradually increase to longer standing times. Cushioned and standing mats add additional comfort, as well as, exercise benefits. Standing more, along with quick walks and/or quick stretches at the half hour can break up the extended sitting cycle.

2. Stretch Hamstrings On A Daily Basis

Hamstrings are the large muscles that run down the back of each thigh. They can quite easily become tight. If they become very tight then the hamstring/s will transfer stress across the lower back and can lead to back pain.

three steps lower back pain el paso tx.

There are a variety of hamstring stretches that are gentle on the back and easy to do: pick one or two that work for you and are easy to incorporate it into a daily routine.

3. Sleep In A Reclined Position

People with lower back pain feel more support when the lower back is in a slightly reclined position, along with the knees supported and elevated. This is true for lower back diagnoses, such as osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and lumbar degeneration.

If it is difficult to sleep on your back, try resting in this position in a reclining chair or bed before going to sleep.

Sleeping the most comfortable in a supported, reclined position can come from switching to an adjustable bed, aka (adjustable base). Just like the stand-up desks, these models range from basic to sophisticated options.

A new development now is that online mattress companies now offer mattress bases that are fully adjustable, and some offer free delivery/setup. Consider a new mattress with an adjustable base that goes with the mattress. This combination may work to help your back.

benign paroxysmal positional vertigo el paso tx.

We encourage back pain supplementation with chiropractic treatment and any type of steps one can take to help prevent and reduce lower back.

Injury Medical Clinic: Sciatica Treatments & Recoveries



Truide Torres primero fue a ver al Dr.. Alex Jim�nez cuando comenz� a experimentar dolor de espalda durante su embarazo. A medida que progres� su embarazo, sus s�ntomas empeoraron y su calidad de vida se volvi� tremendamente limitada. Truide Torres estaba involucrada en muchas actividades f�sicas, sin embargo, debido a su dolor de espalda, tuvo que dejar de hacer ejercicio por completo. Fue entonces cuando decidi� buscar atenci�n quiropr�ctica con el Dr. Alex Jim�nez por su dolor de espalda. Aunque no estaba segura de que si deber�a recibir este tipo de tratamiento durante el embarazo, Truide Torres supo r�pidamente por el Dr. Alex Jim�nez que la atenci�n quiropr�ctica es un enfoque de tratamiento natural, seguro y eficaz que puede utilizarse para ayudar a tratar el dolor de espalda durante el embarazo. Truide Torres recomienda altamente el cuidado quiropr�ctico para cualquier persona que experimente dolor de espalda.

El Paso, TX Quiropr�ctico


La atenci�n quiropr�ctica es un enfoque de tratamiento alternativo de la columna vertebral y los discos, as� como la geometr�a �sea y nerviosa relacionada sin el uso de o cirug�a. Implica la ciencia y el arte de reparar las articulaciones desalineadas del cuerpo, particularmente de la columna vertebral, lo que reduce el estr�s del nervio espinal y, por lo tanto, promueve la salud y el bienestar en todo el cuerpo. No se conocen contraindicaciones para el cuidado quiropr�ctico que se usa durante el embarazo. Todos los quiropr�cticos est�n capacitados para utilizar ajustes espinales y manipulaciones manuales en mujeres embarazadas. Invertir en la fertilidad y la salud del embarazo de las mujeres que est�n embarazadas es un cuidado de rutina para la mayor�a de los quiropr�cticos. La atenci�n quiropr�ctica tambi�n se puede usar para otros problemas de salud en cualquier persona.

quiropr�ctico el paso tx.

Tenemos la bendici�n de presentarle la Cl�nica Premier de bienestar y lesiones de El Paso.

Nuestros servicios est�n especializados y enfocados en lesiones y el proceso de recuperaci�n completo. Nuestras �reas de pr�ctica incluyen: bienestar y nutrici�n, dolor cr�nico, lesiones personales, cuidado de accidentes automovil�sticos, lesiones laborales, lesiones de espalda, dolor lumbar, dolor de cuello, dolores de cabeza por migra�a, lesiones deportivas, ci�tica grave, escoliosis, discos complejos herniados, fibromialgia, Dolor cr�nico, manejo del estr�s y lesiones complejas.

Como Cl�nica de Rehabilitaci�n Quiropr�ctica y Centro de Medicina Integrada de El Paso, nos enfocamos apasionadamente en tratar pacientes despu�s de lesiones frustrantes y s�ndromes de dolor cr�nico. Nos enfocamos en mejorar su capacidad a trav�s de programas de flexibilidad, movilidad y agilidad dise�ados para todos los grupos de edad y discapacidades.

Recomi�ndanos: Si ha disfrutado este video y / o le hemos ayudado de alguna manera, no dude en recomendarnos. Gracias, Dios te bendiga.

Gracias, Dios te bendiga.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Neurological Advanced Studies

Neurological Advanced Studies

After a neurological exam, physical exam, patient history, x-rays and any previous screening tests, a doctor may order one or more of the following diagnostic tests to determine the root of a possible/suspected neurological disorder or injury. These diagnostics generally involve neuroradiology, which uses small amounts of radioactive material to study organ function and structure and ordiagnostic imaging, which use magnets and electrical charges to study organ function.

Neurological Studies


  • MRI
  • MRA
  • MRS
  • fMRI
  • CT scans
  • Myelograms
  • PET scans
  • Many others

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Shows organs or soft tissue well
  • No ionizing radiation
Variations on MRI
  • Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
  • Evaluate blood flow through arteries
  • Detect intracranial aneurysms and vascular malformations
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
  • Assess chemical abnormalities in HIV, stroke, head injury, coma, Alzheimer’s disease, tumors, and multiple sclerosis
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
  • Determine the specific location of the brain where activity occurs

Computed Tomography (CT or CAT Scan)

  • Uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, images
  • Shows bones especially well
  • Used when assessment of the brain needed quickly such as in suspected bleeds and fractures


Contrast dye combined with CT or Xray
Most useful in assessing spinal cord
  • Stenosis
  • Tumors
  • Nerve root injury

Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan)

Radiotracer is used to evaluate the metabolism of tissue to detect biochemical changes earlier than other study types
Used to assess
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Cerebrovascular accident

Electrodiagnostic Studies

  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) Studies
  • Evoked Potential Studies

Electromyography (EMG)

Detection of signals arising from the depolarization of skeletal muscle
May be measured via:
  • Skin surface electrodes
  • Not used for diagnostic purposes, more for rehab and biofeedback
Needles placed directly within the muscle
  • Common for clinical/diagnostic EMG

neurological studies el paso tx.Diagnostic Needle EMG

Recorded depolarizations may be:
  • Spontaneous
  • Insertional activity
  • Result of voluntary muscle contraction
Muscles should be electrically silent at rest, except at the motor end-plate
  • Practitioner must avoid insertion in motor end-plate
At least 10 different points in the muscle are measured for proper interpretation


Needle is inserted into the muscle
  • Insertional activity recorded
  • Electrical silence recorded
  • Voluntary muscle contraction recorded
  • Electrical silence recorded
  • Maximal contraction effort recorded

Samples Collected

  • Innervated by the same nerve but different nerve roots
  • Innervated by the same nerve root but different nerves
  • Different locations along the course of the nerves
Helps to distinguish the level of the lesion

Motor Unit Potential (MUP)

  • Density of the muscle fibers attached to that one motor neuron
  • Proximity of the MUP
Recruitment pattern can also be assessed
  • Delayed recruitment can indicated loss of motor units within the muscle
  • Early recruitment is seen in myopathy, where the MUPs tend to be of low amplitude short duration

neurological studies el paso tx.Polyphasic MUPS

  • Increased amplitude and duration can be the result of reinnervation after chronic denervation

neurological studies el paso tx.Complete Potential Blocks

  • Demyelination of multiple segments in a row can result in a complete block of nerve conduction and therefore no resulting MUP reading, however generally changes in MUPs are only seen with damage to the axons, not the myelin
  • Damage to the central nervous system above the level of the motor neuron (such as by cervical spinal cord trauma or stroke) can result in complete paralysis little abnormality on needle EMG

Denervated Muscle Fibers

Detected as abnormal electrical signals
  • Increased insertional activity will be read in the first couple of weeks, as it becomes more mechanically irritable
As muscle fibers become more chemically sensitive they will begin to produce spontaneous depolarization activity
  • Fibrillation potentials

Fibrillation Potentials

  • DO NOT occur in normal muscle fibers
  • Fibrillations cannot be seen with the naked eye but are detectable on EMG
  • Often caused by nerve disease, but can be produced by severe muscle diseases if there is damage to the motor axons

neurological studies el paso tx.Positive Sharp Waves

  • DO NOT occur in normally functioning fibers
  • Spontaneous depolarization due to increased resting membrane potential

neurological studies el paso tx.Abnormal Findings

  • Findings of fibrillations and positive sharp waves are the most reliable indicator of damage to motor axons to the muscle after one week up to 12 months after the damage
  • Often termed �acute� in reports, despite possibly being visible months after onset
  • Will disappear if there is complete degeneration or denervation of nerve fibers

Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) Studies

  • Measures compound muscle action potentials (CMAP)
  • Measures sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP)

Nerve Conduction Studies

  • Velocity (Speed)
  • Terminal latency
  • Amplitude
  • Tables of normal, adjusted for age, height and other factors are available for practitioners to make comparison

Terminal Latency

  • Time between stimulus and the appearance of a response
  • Distal entrapment neuropathies
  • Increased terminal latency along a specific nerve pathway


Calculated based on latency and variables such as distance
Dependent on diameter of axon
Also dependent on thickness of myelin sheath
  • Focal neuropathies thin myelin sheaths, slowing conduction velocity
  • Conditions such as Charcot Marie Tooth Disease or Guillian Barre Syndrome damage myelin in large diameter, fast conducting fibers


  • Axonal health
  • Toxic neuropathies
  • CMAP and SNAP amplitude affected

Diabetic Neuropathy

Most common neuropathy
  • Distal, symmetric
  • Demyelination and axonal damage therefore speed and amplitude of conduction are both affected

Evoked Potential Studies

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs)
  • Used to test sensory nerves in the limbs
Visual evoked potentials (VEPs)
  • Used to test sensory nerves of the visual system
Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (AEPs)
  • Used to test sensory nerves of the auditory system
Potentials recorded via low-impedance surface electrodes
Recordings averaged after repeated exposure to sensory stimulus
  • Eliminates background �noise�
  • Refines results since potentials are small and difficult to detect apart from normal activity
  • According to Dr. Swenson, in the case of SSEPs, at least 256 stimuli are usually needed in order to obtain reliable, reproducible responses

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SSEPs)

Sensation from muscles
  • Touch and pressure receptors in the skin and deeper tissues
Little if any pain contribution
  • Limits ability to use testing for pain disorders
Velocity and/or amplitude changes can indicate pathology
  • Only large changes are significant since SSEPs are normally highly variable
Useful for intraoperative monitoring and to assess the prognosis of patients suffering severe anoxic brain injury
  • Not useful in assessing radiculopathy as individual nerve roots cannot be easily identified

Late Potentials

Occur more than 10-20 milliseconds after stimulation of motor nerves
Two types
  • H-Reflex
  • F-Response


Named for Dr. Hoffman
  • First described this reflex in 1918
Electrodiagnostic manifestation of myotatic stretch reflex
  • Motor response recorded after electrical or physical stretch stimulation of the associated muscle
Only clinically useful in assessing S1 radiculopathy, as the reflex from the tibial nerve to triceps surae can be assessed for velocity and amplitude
  • More quantifiable that Achilles reflex testing
  • Fails to return with after damage and therefore not as clinically useful in recurrent radiculopathy cases


So named because it was first recorded in the foot
Occurs 25 -55 milliseconds after initial stimulus
Due to antidromic depolarization of the motor nerve, resulting in a orthodromic electrical signal
  • Not a true reflex
  • Results in a small muscle contraction
  • Amplitude can be highly variable, so not as important as velocity
  • Reduced velocity indicates slowed conduction
Useful in assessing proximal nerve pathology
  • Radiculopathy
  • Guillian Barre Syndrome
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy (CIDP)
Useful in assessing demyelinative peripheral neuropathies


  1. Alexander G. Reeves, A. & Swenson, R. Disorders of the Nervous System. Dartmouth, 2004.
  2. Day, Jo Ann. �Neuroradiology | Johns Hopkins Radiology.� Johns Hopkins Medicine Health Library, 13 Oct. 2016, uroradiology/index.html.
  3. Swenson, Rand. Electrodiagnosis.

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Low Back Pain Therapy Chiropractor

Low Back Pain Therapy Chiropractor

Andres “Andy” Martinez first came to see Dr. Alex Jimenez in Push Fitness after experiencing low back pain and knee problems. Following a period of physical therapy and rehabilitation, Andy became involved in crossfit, where he learned everything he needed to know about health and wellness from the trainers at Push. Andres Martinez expresses how grateful he is to receive the amount of care he does from the staff and he describes how much his perspective of fitness has changed from the first time he walked in to Push Fitness. Andy has found a family at Push who led him to a healthy, clean life and both the trainers and staff mean everything to Andres Martinez.

Chiropractic Low Back Pain Therapy


CrossFit is a strength and conditioning system consisting chiefly of a mixture of aerobic exercise, calisthenics (body weight exercises), and Olympic weightlifting. CrossFit, Inc. clarifies its strength and conditioning system as “continuously diverse functional movements executed at high intensity across wide time and modal domain names,” with the stated goal of enhancing fitness, which it defines as “work capacity across wide time and modal domains.” CrossFit gyms use gear from multiple disciplines, such as barbells, dumbbells, hands rings, pull-up bars, jump ropes, kettlebells, medicine balls, plyo boxes, resistance bands, rowing machines, and various mats. CrossFit is focused on”constantly diverse, high-intensity, operational motion,” drawing on categories and exercises.

low back pain therapy el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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