Back Clinic Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Team. More than 80% of the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives. Most cases can be linked to the most common causes: muscle strain, injury, or overuse. But it can also be attributed to a specific condition of the spine: Herniated Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal Stenosis, and Osteoarthritis. Less common conditions are sacroiliac joint dysfunction, spinal tumors, fibromyalgia, and piriformis syndrome.
Pain is caused by damage or injury to the muscles and ligaments of the back. Dr. Alex Jimenez compiled articles outline the importance of understanding the causes and effects of this uncomfortable symptom. Chiropractic focuses on restoring a person’s strength and flexibility to help improve symptoms of lower back pain.
Sciatica, medically defined as a set of symptoms rather than a single disorder, is commonly characterized by pain in the lower back and buttocks. This pain can radiate down one or both legs to the thigh, calf, ankle and foot. True sciatica occurs when pain begins to travel below the knee.
Sciatic pain frequently results when the nerve roots surrounding the spinal column are compressed or when pressure has caused the impingement of the spinal roots of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve systems are found in in the sacral regions of the back and the lumbar spine. Sciatic pain or sciatica could be identified as sharp, dull, burning, tingly, numb, constant, or intermittent and usually affects only one side of the body. It may radiate throughout the whole length of the nerve, in certain cases, all the way to the toes.
Sciatic pain is usually the result of a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or in exceptionally rare instances, infection or tumour. The cause of your pain determines your treatment options to relieve sciatica.
Sciatica Treatment Options
Several of the most popular sciatica treatment options include: alternative treatments, such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, drugs, physical therapy, and surgical interventions.
Once a qualified and experienced healthcare professional has diagnosed you with symptoms of sciatica, many individuals with prevalent lower back pain are prescribed bed rest as a way to offer relief for aching bones and joints. Current research, however, has implied that bed rest alone cannot offer relief for those suffering from nerve pain due to sciatica.
Remaining active might be more beneficial for people who suffer with back pain. Not to say that you should be running marathons! Action means being mobile and active for periods of time which aren’t enough to cause additional pain and/or to aggravate other symptoms of sciatica. Specific exercises may be recommended by your healthcare professional or some may simply suggest walking.
Sciatica Pain Relief
Pain is best treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as ibuprofen or codeine (in acute cases).
In some instances, a cortisone-like drug may be injected to the epidural space enclosing the spinal column. This process is similar to the epidural used during childbirth, and it’s called an epidural steroid injection. A class of this sort of treatment may offer temporary relief, but it does not address the source of the issue.
Surgery for Sciatica Symptoms
Some patients with sciatica may discover significant relief from surgery. In the case of herniated discs, a surgical procedure called a laminectomy may be performed. In this process, a percentage of the posterior arch is removed to relieve pressure on pinched nerve tissues.
In cases of spinal stenosis, the part of bone that is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve system may be removed.
Operation is not for everyone. Nonetheless, for people who have shown no sign of improvement in 4 to 6 weeks and who have had CT scans (computed tomography) or MRI that show a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, surgery may offer considerable relief.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Chiropractic and Sciatica
Sciatica is a common group of symptoms reported by a majority of the population alongside symptoms of back and low back pain. Sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain, is frequently the result of compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve and its nerve roots, generally from a spinal misalignment or subluxation. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective form of alternative treatment utilized to restore the natural alignment of the spine, ultimately reducing the pressure being placed against the sciatic nerve and relieving symptoms of sciatica.
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez investigates if garlic works for back pain.
Test�It Out yourself! Spaghetti, Oil & Garlic.
In my never-ending quest to learn everything I can about the best way to reduce back pain, I conduct research online frequently. Everything from tried and true remedies�like yoga, the latest scientific studies about nutrition as well as foods that promise to possess anti-inflammatory properties � are all on my radar. My intention is always to leave no stone unturned in the event the advice I uncover can reduce someone�s suffering.
So, the other day, when several pages of results turned up, I Googled �natural remedies for back pain� and wasn�t surprised. Granted, not everything you read on the Internet is accurate�in fact, finding information that is credible needs some sophistication. Briefly, it makes sense appraise the purpose of the source, to find out the source and look at the domain name when making a judgement call about it.
All of us know that pain can be alone triggered by inflammation, so minimizing or controlling it may be effective. If it�s accurate that in addition to truly being a vampire repellant, garlic is also an antiinflammatory power food (as some are promising), I�m game to start adding more to my diet.
On my way down the research rabbit hole, I came across some amazing facts from the Journal of Immunology (1), Journal of Immunology Research (2) and the University of Maryland Medical Center (3).
Plants of the genus Allium are known for his or her creation. Among these, garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the very broadly used.
Isolated and when expressed, these compounds display a broad spectrum of effects that are beneficial against microbial diseases and therefore are employed to safeguard against cardiovascular disease.
Garlic is now being analyzed because of its ability to boost the immune system and potentially fight with cancer.
Garlic contains allicin, a strong, sulfur-based compound that is in charge of the distinctive smell, but may also be the basis for �s antibacterial properties that are garlic.
Don�t Rush�The Rose
Garlic, frequently known as the �stinking rose does seem to have a full bouquet of health benefits. But preparation questions. Research supports that heating garlic soon interferes with the health-boosting benefits of allicin.
Cooks Take Note:
Be sure to let minced, chopped or crushed garlic to sit down for 5 to 10 minutes before warming. If you throw it into boiling water or that hot olive oil too soon and are inpatient, you’ll deactivate the valuable enzyme. Patience is definitely a virtue as it pertains to preparing this gold nugget!
Another Advantage Of Garlic, It’s Affordable!
At my last trip to the grocery store, a great-size bulb of garlic was priced at 99 cents. Paradise for under a dollar! All this adds up to what looks just like a total no-brainer to me. Add garlic to my diet. Obtain numerous health benefits. It couldn�t be more or considerably simpler cost-effective than that.
Over summer time, I made a decision to create a concerted effort to consume more garlic, and you also know what? I�ve found I have significantly more energy and feel better. Now it might be pure coincidence, but I�m going to continue my regime of taking one clove in the morning (I just chop the garlic, wait for allicin to activate, then consume the little sections with water). I�ve also been incorporating it to the main meal of the day. All things considered, except for ice cream, what doesn�t taste better using a tiny garlic?
Therefore I encourage you to give it a try and, as the famous, Greek philosopher Hippocrates once said: �Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.�
I�d love to hear your experiences with garlic are going. Please fill me in on how it helped you, or if it didn�t. Share your comments on our Facebook page. Recipes additionally welcomed!
Meanwhile, enjoy this healthful and simple meal that is deliciously. And contemplate giving garlic a standing invitation to your own dinner table!
Spaghetti, Oil and Garlic. Buon Apetito!
Cook spaghetti according to directions
Save 1 cup of starchy pasta water when you drain it.
Chop 4 gloves of garlic�allow to breathe 5 to 10 minutes and then brown in olive oil
Add pasta water to help produce a sauce that may stick to the pasta.
Transfer pasta noodles to garlic and oil
Mix and top using a sprinkling of parsley and lemon zest
Add freshly -grated Parmesan cheese to taste. Enjoy!
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at yoga for back pain.
Yoga increases strength and flexibility, but some find it to be a spiritual experience that brings serenity and delight.
I attended my first yoga class after I was 21 years old. At the time the goal was purely to appease my self so that I really could tell my family, buddies and coworkers that “I do yoga”. In my experience, yogis were “cool” and I enjoyed being linked with that healthy lifestyle. My twenty-something year old mind was in a self absorbed place and that I totally enjoyed the freedom of dedicating myself to yoga and other enjoyable ways to fill my time.
Yoga in its purest form is intended to help the individual’s head and body and is likely to be practiced without ego.
My First Yoga Course
I loved her gentle encouragement. As I visited my weekly yoga classes, bending and twisting and telling myself “I can perform this,” I began to reap the benefits. I was sleeping better. My body felt less angry and I noticed a calmness come over me. I felt more patient coping with the irritations of life, too.
Here is The�Irony
Yoga is not something you do. It’s a thing that you encounter. Because over time, it gets engrained in you it’s called a practice. The teachings of Maureen were put in me like little seeds which didn’t actually completely thrive until much later in my life. To jogging, though I did not intentionally give up my usual yoga practice, around along the way it took a back seat. Those little seeds were there but lay dormant for now.
Running Was Different
I felt free moving swiftly across the road. Being goal oriented, I found monitoring my mileage to be a pleasing achievement. Running was pleasing for another reason, too. My best friend Linda was also a runner, and we’d meet most Sundays for long runs. We’d participated in occasional half marathons and put in 15 to 20 miles each week. Running that distance took time � two hours or even more.
Those small seeds were there all along. Like I mentioned, yoga has a way of becoming engrained in you.
My Back Pain & Yoga
If you’ve been following my site, you understand that I’ve had back pain through most of my entire life. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, my little friend “yoga” softly arrived back on the scene. My pain riddled body seemed to intuitively understand it needed yoga again. I began feeling the requirement to roll over on my back and pull my legs towards my chest, before getting out of bed in the early hours. (The knees-to-chest pose extends your lower back muscles and is a gentle, soothing approach to begin your day.) The reach that was straightforward felt energizing and really good.
There are quite a lot of advantages of yoga, especially for maintaining well-being and managing low back pain. A follow up experiment was conducted after 26 weeks, and those same yoga participants were experiencing increased function and less pain. For me, the continual practice of yoga has relieved my pain to the point that I no more need pain medication to get me.
Other Ways�Yoga Relieves Back Pain
Yoga strengthens abdominal muscles both of which help support the spinal column and builds flexibility in the rear, when practiced regularly.
Holding yoga models, for up to a minute, helps stretch the muscles over time.
Properly stretching�the muscles in the low back reduces stress over the area.
Yoga offers relief from pain, stress and anxiety. All low back pain suffers know this is a vicious cycle. You start with pain that doesn’t go away. You find out there is an anatomical reason for the pain. But, you still have the anxiety, and stress of worrying about how long this may last. Yoga can counter that triple threat.
Yoga improves posture. To maintain a strong, fit, flexible backbone great posture is vital. Seated and standing yoga poses help improve the alignment of the spine and also posture. Proper bearing reduces back pain and removes some of the pressure from your spinal column.
Yoga For Beginners
Thus, let’s get started with a couple of poses which are a cinch to do and great for preserving flexibility in your spine.Try these three poses daily for increased flexibility and your spine will thank you!
Knees to Chest Pose (Picture below)
Lie on your back with legs and arms stretched
Bring both knees to chest as you exhale. Clasp your hands around legs
Back is flat on the floor (mat)
If it’s comfortable for you, gently rock back and forth, which gives you a little massage
Cat/Cow Pose (Images below)
Begin on all fours in a tabletop�position
Place your hands under your shoulders along with your knees under your hips
Like a cat, round your back up to arch on the exhale
Bring your chin to chest
On the inhale, drop your abdomen and raise your head, extending your sitting bones (sits) back up
Cat Pose
Cow Pose
Child’s�Pose (Picture below)
Move from table top to a kneeling position. Rest your arms by your side, press your shoulders down and simultaneously reach your head tall
Slowly lower�your buttocks towards your heels feeling a nice stretch in your lower back/hips.
Let your forehead�rest on the floor
Place arms resting alongside your body
Or you can place�arms above head, gently stretching as they are placed on the floor
If it is easier too, you can widen knees as you stretch out
Those small yoga seeds�put by my first teacher long past � have continued to grow/flourish. I’m a fully certified yoga teacher and revel in sharing my practice with students every week now. May you find peace on your own journey and pain relief too, one pose at a time. Namaste.
El Paso, TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez takes a look at sciatica.
The pain shoots down your leg�burning, tingling, almost electric. Anyone who�s felt it knows that this is the hallmark symptom of sciatica. But did you know that there�s more to sciatica than just leg pain? And what about the best treatment�should you get plenty of rest or join boot camp? Get the answers with this slideshow. It�s your quick reference for all things sciatica�from what causes it to how to get rid of it.
Get the Answers to All Your Sciatica Questions
So What Exactly Is Sciatica?
Sciatica Isn�t A Condition, Disorder or Disease. Though the pain may certainly warrant such a title. Sciatica is actually a group of symptoms. It involves the sciatic nerve, which is the longest and largest nerve in your body. The sciatic nerve is made from several nerve roots in your spine that merge and travel through your buttocks. It then extends down to your knee, where smaller nerves branch out from it and travel to your feet. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed or aggravated in some way. So what causes that? Read on to learn more.
I Have Sciatica�But How Did It Happen?
Have You Done A Lot Of Heavy Lifting Lately? Perhaps with poor posture? Heavy lifting can cause a disc in your low back to bulge or herniate, and that can pinch your sciatic nerve. Lumbar herniated discs are the most common cause of sciatica. Herniated discs aren�t caused only by heavy lifting�the effects of aging on your spine can also cause herniated discs.�Though a herniated disc is the most common sciatica cause, it isn�t the only one. Spinal stenosis, injury or trauma, and even pregnancy are other common culprits.
What Does Sciatica Feel Like?
You likely understand the pain of sciatica it can shoot from your low back down your legs, sometimes into your feet. Burning, numbness, and tingling are also common sciatica symptoms. You may find that sitting or walking can become painful chores�and even a cough or sneeze can cause your pain to flare up.
Where Does It Hurt?
Sciatica affects people in different ways depending on the root cause. Some have pain in their feet, while others have intense pain above the knee. That�s why you should not only pay special attention to what your symptoms are but also where they are. This will help your doctor understand what�s causing your sciatica and, in turn, recommend the best treatment.
In some cases, the only thing you need to reduce your sciatica pain is time and over-the-counter medication. To help reduce inflammation and pain, you�ll want to choose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Advil and Aleve are brand name examples of NSAIDs. You can also try alternating heat and cold packs.
Treating Sciatica Pain
How Do I Treat Sciatica at Home?�Stay Active
Bed rest might be best for a cold, but it won�t treat your sciatica any faster. In fact, it might slow down the healing process. Most studies support staying active with mild exercise. This doesn�t mean you should spend hours in a gym�that would only aggravate your sciatica. Think gentle stretches and soothing movements. Need a place to start? Watch our sciatica exercise video series.
What if At-home Treatments Don�t Work?
You should talk to your doctor. He or she may recommend prescription medications or epidural steroid injections to reduce pain and inflammation. Or you may want to consult with a chiropractor or physical therapist. These professionals use specific therapies and techniques to reduce your sciatica pain.
Should I Be Thinking about Surgery?
But if your pain just won�t go away�even after using a number of non-surgical treatments�then spine surgery might be the best option for you. Having surgery for sciatica is a big deal, so make sure you gather as much information as possible on your procedure and don�t be afraid to ask your doctor questions.
El Paso TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at the work environment to see if it is in fact spine friendly.
While work can be a pain, it doesn’t have to cause pain. Creating your office work room in order to avoid back and neck strain is easier than you may think. Plus, rethinking your work environment is a fantastic chance to brush up on other healthy work habits as well as your posture.
Here are five ways you are able to design your office together with your back in your mind.
#1. Perfect Your Sitting�Posture
If you’re not sitting right even with the top equipment, your back will suffer. Pay attention to the situation of legs, hands, and your head when sitting. To avoid back pain, make sure to do the following:
Sit erect with your back and shoulders against the trunk of your chair
Consider using a hands free headset to stop shoulder and neck pain
Don’t slouch
Arms should rest on the armrests of your chair to avoid nerve pressure or circulatory difficulties
Keep your feet flat on the flooring�don�t cross your legs
Rest your shoulders while typing
#2. Get A Good�Chair
A good-constructed ergonomic seat to help increase your blood flow, reduce fatigue, stress, and decrease the chance of injury to your own neck and back. Getting the chair that is best is important, which means this is one product which should be tried in the store as opposed to purchasing online so you know before purchasing it, the way that it feels. Make fully sure your office chair has got the following:
A good backrest that provides lumbar support
The capability to recline (Sitting erect at a 90� angle is not good for your spine; a 100-degrees to 110-degrees angle is much better.)
Flexible height (You don�t want the seat to be overly high�your feet must be flat on the floor)
The ability to rotate or swivel, so you can easily�change tasks
#3. Invest In A Desk That Offers More Than Just Storage
One of the biggest pitfalls of a spine-friendly work routine is staying in one position for a long time. Switching between sitting and standing is the best strategy, and some desks�known as sit-stand desks or sit-to-stand desks � encourage one to mix up your position through the entire workday.
Sit-to-stand desks offer you the choice to work comfortably in both sitting and standing poses�and they been discovered to simply help burn off calories. They come in various price points and styles, and a growing variety of companies are considering this investment to boost workplace wellness.
If you�re looking to boost the ergonomic quality of a traditional desk make sure the desk is:
Secure (not wobbly)
Suitably high (generally 28″ to 30″ above the floor)
Large enough for your computer, with surface space for writing along with other jobs.
Not�so large that you have to over reach to do your work, which could cause excessive stress on the back
#4. Look At Your Computer
Since so much office work is done on computers, wherever your equipment is put can really make a difference when you are at work, in how your back feels. Try the following hints:
Tilt the keyboard down and slightly away from you for better wrist posture
Be sure your mouse is close enough so you can use it with your arms relaxed, and let it be as close to your body as possible
Set the monitor right in front of you at eye level, not off to the side, in order to avoid eye and neck strain. Adjustable monitor stands are available to find an ideal height.
If using a notebook, consider getting an external monitor or keyboard (or both). This enables each of those parts individually to move to develop a comfortable arrangement.
#5.�Take A Break
Not just a coffee break but a spine break. Stretch, take a quick walk, get the blood flowing. It�s simple to get caught up in work jobs and forget that you�ve been sitting or typing for a straight hour. Whether it�s a 15-minute walk or two-minute stretch session, occasional breaks can help revive your muscles, and perhaps you can find feel more productive, too.
You spend lots of time at work�why not take a few extra steps to develop a space that does your back a number of favors in return?
Chiropractors think that good health is decided by way of a healthy nervous system, particularly a healthy spinal column. Sometimes, vertebrae become misaligned and put pressure on the nerves exiting the spinal cord. The misalignment of a vertebra is called a chiropractic subluxation.
Chiropractors use specific methods to return the vertebrae in their proper locations or muster them to allow them to go freely when subluxations happen. These techniques are called spinal manipulations or adjustments. During an adjustment, the vertebra is freed in the misaligned location and returned to the right place in the spinal column. The adjustment permits the entire body to cure and preserve homeostasis once performed.
Chiropractors Are Trained In Many Different Adjustment Techniques
Some are done by hand; some necessitate using specialized instruments. Since each patient is different, your chiropractor will pick the best technique for the state. Nevertheless, don’t hesitate to ask the chiropractor which technique she or he will be doing and the way that it will be achieved.
Common Adjustment Techniques Employed By Chiropractors Are The Following:
Toggle Drop – this is when the chiropractor presses down firmly on a specific part of the back. Subsequently, using a drive that is precise and rapid, the chiropractor aligns the spine. This really is accomplished to enhance mobility in the vertebral joints.
Motion Palpation – this hand-on procedure is performed to determine in case your vertebrae are moving freely inside their normal planes of motion.
Lumbar Spin -the chiropractor positions the patient on her or his side, then implements a thrust that is quick and precise returning it to its proper place.
Release Work – the chiropractor applies gentle pressure using her or his fingertips to separate the vertebrae.
The chiropractor applies a quick thrust at once the table drops. The dropping of the table allows for a lighter adjustment without the twisting postures that can accompany the manual adaptation.
Instrument adjustments – of correcting the spinal column frequently the gentlest ways. The patient lies on the table while a string is used by the chiropractor face down – filled activator instrument to do the adjustment. This technique is frequently used to perform adjustments on creatures too.
Manipulation done under anesthesia (or twilight sedation) – this is performed by a chiropractor certified in this technique in a hospital outpatient setting when you’re unresponsive to traditional adjustments
Keep in mind that before you experience complete relief out of your symptoms you may really need to go back to the chiropractor’s office for additional adjustments.
Strengthening the spinal muscles is essential for health and fitness. Functional kettlebell training is resistance training that strengthens the spine. Kettlebell training is an extremely effective type of exercise to increase functional strength, ballistic power, endurance, and flexibility in the entire body, especially the spinal and core muscles.
(Exercise shown is Anchor Squats.)
What Exactly Are Kettlebells?
Kettlebells are round cast iron weights with a single handle. Picture a cannonball with a u-shaped handle. Kettlebells are manufactured in a wide range of weights, for all strength levels.
Muscles Used in Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell training incorporates large functional movements. Multiple muscle groups work in synergy to complete the exercises. The spinal muscles function as either the primary mover or assist the primary mover in every kettlebell exercise. The spinal muscles also stabilize the body during functional kettlebell training, thus developing the smaller supporting structures.
(Exercise shown is Push Press.)
High Reps Of High Importance In Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell training employs high repetitions, momentum, and centrifugal force. Momentum works the spinal muscles as the weight is raised and lowered. High repetitions combined with momentum and full body movement build strength and endurance in the entire musculoskeletal and cardio-vascular systems. Kettlebell training delivers aerobic and anaerobic benefits.
(Exercise shown is High Pulls.)
Always Learn From A Qualified Kettlebell Instructor
Perfect technique is mandatory during exercise. Correct exercise technique maximizes benefit and lowers injury risk. Poor exercise form increases the possibility of injury and diminishes results. Kettlebell exercises are learned motions, so you should learn proper training technique from a qualified kettlebell trainer. The trainer should demonstrate, instruct, and supervise your training and develop your routine.
(Exercise shown is Turkish Get-up.)
So Many Possibilities
The kettlebell�s shape allows for a wide variety of exercises. This resourceful exercise tool is used for basic exercises like squats (shown in slide 1), cleans, swings, high pulls (shown in slide 4), snatches and push presses (shown in slide 3). The versatility of the kettlebell is demonstrated with exercises such as renegade rows (a combination of push-ups and rows�shown in slide 6), suitcase swings, woodchoppers (a combination of lunges and oblique twists), windmills, and Turkish get-ups (shown in slide 5)
(Exercise shown is Renegade Rows.)
Kettlebell’s Benefits For The Spine
Functional kettlebell training is a rare type of exercises that increases aerobic and anaerobic health simultaneously. The benefits to the spine include increased strength, power, endurance, flexibility, function and mobility.
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