Back Clinic Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Team. More than 80% of the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives. Most cases can be linked to the most common causes: muscle strain, injury, or overuse. But it can also be attributed to a specific condition of the spine: Herniated Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal Stenosis, and Osteoarthritis. Less common conditions are sacroiliac joint dysfunction, spinal tumors, fibromyalgia, and piriformis syndrome.
Pain is caused by damage or injury to the muscles and ligaments of the back. Dr. Alex Jimenez compiled articles outline the importance of understanding the causes and effects of this uncomfortable symptom. Chiropractic focuses on restoring a person’s strength and flexibility to help improve symptoms of lower back pain.
Q: Dr. Jimenez, I read one of your articles about physical therapy and spinal stenosis exercises that focus on stretches for relieving pain. I was wondering if it was also possible to do aerobic exercise with a spinal condition and can you recommend a safe cardiovascular program?
I’m a 65-year-old with spinal stenosis, and I want to stay in shape. I try to ride a stationary bike for 20 minutes at least 2 times a week, but with my low back pain, I don’t always finish the workout.
How else can I stay in shape
A: I do recommend aerobic exercise for everyone, but especially for people with spinal conditions.
Aerobic exercise increases the blood flow to the body’s tissues, and people with high levels of cardiovascular fitness generally do better dealing with spinal problems.
However, before anyone with a spine condition or any medical condition for that matter, starts a wellness and fitness program, they should check with their primary caregiver, to clear the individual as fit to exercise.
Example: Someone with cardiovascular (heart problems) can have restrictions when it comes to certain types of exercise.
A physical exam will make sure your body is ready for exercise.
Physiotherapist assisting a senior woman with exercise ball at a chiropractic rehabilitation clinic
Low-impact aerobic exercise is recommended�
These are excellent examples of low-impact aerobic exercise. They increase heart rate and are easy on the body.
Riding a stationary bike is another recommended form of low-impact aerobic exercise.
It can be tiring, but if recommended by a caregiver/therapist, then realize they did so for a reason/s to get you healthy.
By biking, you are building up endurance, and that is exactly what you want, as it speeds up recovery.
Walking is a great exercise for spinal conditions. It is low-impact, and you can control the pace to fit your needs.��
Daily walks after lunch or after getting home are a great way to exercise.
If exercise does begin to increase back pain or another type of pain, tell your caregiver or physical therapist right away.
The phrase, no pain, no gain does not apply when there are spinal conditions. So do not try to push through the pain or think that the hurt is good.
Also, do not try to do take on too much right away. Even if you feel good, follow the fitness plan.
But if you want to mix it up, discuss with your chiropractor/physical therapist if adding walking and swimming to the plan will be beneficial, as well.
It can be tempting to not exercise with a spinal condition. But remember that if there is no movement at all, you could make the pain worse. Knowing what your body can handle and sticking to a workable schedule, these healthy steps will relieve you and help with your low back pain.
Chiropractic Care Sports Injury Rehabilitation El Paso, TX
Daniel Alvarado, the owner of Push-as-RX Fitness, discusses how he carries out his PUSHasRx Functional Fitness Workouts personal injury rehabilitation and athletic training program as a part of Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chiropractic rehabilitation plan.
Physical therapy (PT), also referred to as physiotherapy, is one of the allied health professions which, by utilizing mechanical force and motions (bio-mechanics or kinesiology), manual therapy, exercise therapy, and electrotherapy, remediates impairments and promotes mobility and purpose.
Physical therapy is used to enhance a patient’s quality of life through:
Physical intervention
NCBI Resources
Exercise is an essential part of good health. It can help with weight loss and plays a crucial role in preventing many chronic health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Regular exercise has also been shown to help with depression and anxiety. It is what nature intended; as humans, we are supposed to be active. The more active you are, the better you will look and feel � and the healthier you will be.
Sometimes low back pain comes out of nowhere, but that sudden twinge in the lower back does have a cause. With some cases, there�s a trigger, like picking up a heavy object/furniture from an awkward position.� But sometimes it can be a mystery and a challenge to diagnose.
It is important to know the cause of lower back pain to figure out the proper treatment plan. Otherwise, one could receive treatment for the wrong diagnosis and possibly exacerbate the existing injury.
Why do I need to know what triggers my back pain
Knowing what triggers back pain is the first step toward prevention and how to treat it.
Muscle spasms can stop you cold, and so I’m sure you don�t want another one.
Acute Back Pain
Acute low back pain typically comes on suddenly and lasts for a short time.
It often resolves on its own with self-care and a little time.
Back pain that lasts longer than three months, is considered chronic.
Chronic back pain can be more complex and require doctor/spine specialist-directed treatment, like physical therapy.
Lower Back Pain Is Common
Over 90 percent of adults will have some type of low back pain during their life.
It happens to be the number one cause of job disability globally and the leading contributor to missed work.
Lower back pain happens more often, compared to mid or upper back pain because of the location and all of the movement.
The lower back supports the upper body’s weight.
The low back known as the (lumbar spine) absorbs and distributes all of the forces and stress when we move:
Spinal and abdominal muscles that are weakened heighten injury risk.
These factors combined make the lower back vulnerable to painful spinal conditions.
Common Triggers
When the lumbar spine:
And other connective tissues get:
Is when lower back pain happens.
Small tears in the disc can also contribute to back pain.
Basically, any number of activity and non-activity can cause damage to the spinal discs depending on the movement.
A study published in Arthritis Care & Research saw 999 people from 300 clinics in Australia, to examine their pain triggers.
The most common triggers include:
Manual tasks performed in an awkward posture
This includes:
Lifting boxes with the back and not bending the knees
Lifting something too heavy
Moderate physical activity
Vigorous physical activity
High intense strength training, long bike rides without proper conditioning, handling people or animals, and picking up children can be triggers and cause injury.
Other triggers include:
And Trauma
Vehicle accidents
Triggers You Might Not Know About
Although we don’t think about it being Distracted can increase the odds of low back pain.
When we’re not paying attention,� we are more likely to lift and carry something too far from our body or distribute the weight unevenly.
Feeling tired and Fatigued is associated with lower back pain.
Getting the proper amount of sleep is vital to restore our bodies to optimal performance.
When we don’t sleep the right amount of hours we make our bodies more susceptible to injury.
Thankfully most cases are not serious and typically resolve within a few days to, four weeks healing on its own.
But if not, then there are these conservative treatments that can help you feel better and speed up healing.
Continue to Move Around
Depending on how much pain your body will allow, keep doing regular activities and exercise, as best as you can.
Activity increases blood flow, that moves oxygen and minerals/nutrients through the body.
Activity and movement help reduce muscle tension and inflammation.
This will not cure a strain or sprain, but they do help in pain reduction.
Heat helps loosen tight muscles.
This can be done by making warm compresses by soaking a towel in hot water.
Fold it to the size you need and wrap it around your lower back up to 20 minutes.� Then rest, massage and re-apply.
Massage can bring temporary relief from short-term back pain.
If the pain is intense and interferes with daily activities, a chiropractor/physical therapist can offer exercises and stretches to:
Improve posture
Increase mobility
Correct muscle imbalances
Acute lower back pain can stop you cold with its intensity.
Understanding triggers can take steps to maintain a healthy spine and avoid unpleasant surprises.
Both acetaminophen (Tylenol) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can relieve pain.
These need to be taken, specifically as directed by your doctor. We’ve seen the opioid crisis going on and now this type of treatment is now a last resort. Various medical associations are now pushing towards natural and alternative therapies before turning to medication.
Prolonged use of NSAIDs (Aleve, Advil) can be associated with an upset stomach, kidney damage and gastrointestinal conditions and bleeding, among other conditions.
Back Pain Specialist | El Paso, Tx
Back pain is one of the most common health issues frequently diagnosed by healthcare professionals. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain throughout their lifetimes. Because back pain can occur due to a wide array of health issues, diagnosis is essential to follow-up with the proper treatment approach. Dr. Alex Jimenez, chiropractor or doctor of chiropractic in El Paso, TX, utilizes chiropractic care to help treat back pain. Patients describe how their back pain affected their quality of life, and how Dr. Jimenez helped them improve their overall health and wellness with chiropractic. Patients highly recommend Dr. Jimenez and his staff as the non-surgical choice for back pain, among other common health issues.
NCBI Resources
Throbbing, dull and achy, sharp and excruciating. All of these words can be used to describe lower back pain. Unfortunately, lower back pain is a common occurrence in adults. According to the�American Chiropractic Association, low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, with millions of reported cases every year. Patients who experience lower back pain never want to deal with it again, but�it can flare up periodically. According to the�National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,�roughly 20% of those who suffer from low back pain will eventually deal with it chronically. This can cause frustration, primarily when it affects mobility.
These medications help return normal function to the osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
Bisphosphonates can manage the disease and reduce symptoms, but do not cure the disease.
Living with Paget�s
Advanced cases can cause spine problems, which includes spinal fractures.
Most with Paget�s disease have preferable outcomes.
When Paget’s disease is managed with medication, regular doctor visits, chiropractic care, and proper diet, then there shouldn�t be a problem in achieving a healthy quality of life.
El Paso, TX Lower Back Bain Pain Chiropractic Relief
David Garcia, maintenance Centre Employee and a proud Dad in El Paso, TX works at the Region 19 Education Services Center. However, Mr. Garcia’s daily life is frequently influenced by his chronic lower back pain. After undergoing worsening symptoms for a while, David Garcia was advocated to seek chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez by his sister, a former patient of Dr. Jimenez. Mr. Garcia has since experienced enormous relief out of his lower back pain, and he’s grateful to Dr. Alex Jimenez and his staff for supplying him with schooling regarding his health problems as well as adequately caring for him. David Garcia urges Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-invasive surgical selection for lower back pain.
NCBI Resources
Several studies show that chiropractic care is a very effective treatment for back pain. The chiropractor will perform spinal manipulation to bring the spine (and body) into proper alignment. He may also offer advice on exercises, stretching, and ways to improve posture as well as recommending lifestyle changes and what to look for in supportive shoes. Chiropractic�s whole-body approach not only helps relieve back pain, but it also helps prevent it as well.
This allows the patient to gain whole body benefits from chiropractic.
Ever wonder what goes through your chiropractors head when treating your moderate back pain? Using a patient as an example, Dr. Jimenez shares his thought process through the treatment of a patient with moderate low back pain. All the way through the first appointment through to the recovery process.
Patient’s Background
Louis is a 47-year-old programmer who plays tennis regularly, especially tournaments.
However, low back pain has put Louis’ game on hold as he�s not able to manage the pain with the regular heating pad, ice, and over-the-counter pain reliever.
His primary physician referred him to Dr. Jimenez.
Louis’ is referred to chiropractic
Dr. Jimenez: Louis’ primary physician referred him to me instead of a spine surgeon because first, the pain is not yet serious enough for surgery. And so there was a window to treat with a non-invasive approach. Secondly, I specialize in sports medicine and so maximize conservative, non-operative techniques/methods.
The United States has 5 times the surgical rate of other countries, so going to a non-operative spine specialist/chiropractor is the best approach at the beginning before the pain becomes severe/acute/chronic.
Louis’ first appointment, medical history, and current back pain
Dr. Jimenez: Once I went through his medical history, I saw it was pretty straightforward. So I dug deeper into other areas of Louis’ lifestyle.
I asked about:
Physical activity
Emotional well-being
Smoking status
Also, a factor, his occupation was contributing to his pain. He�s a programmer, so spends a lot of time sitting at a desk. Sitting for prolonged periods and usually improperly/poor posture are two of the worst things you can do to your spine.
Sitting for a long time without moving around causes the hip muscles to get tight, and glutes and spine muscles to weaken.
Louis sits most of the day working and spends the weekend if not doing house chores, then playing tennis. Just imagine using weakened muscles during the week and then jumping into a sports activity on the weekend will definitely cause pain.
Louis said that his pain would worsen when serving, hitting a forehand and bending over to pick up a ball. The pain would ease down once he was resting and sleeping.
Louis’ physical exam
Dr. Jimenez: With the physical examination, I looked at
Inflexibilities (not just the spine but the hips and lower extremities)
Muscular imbalances
I saw that Louis had a flattened lumbar lordosis, meaning the gentle curve in his low back was now flat. Restricted motion in one direction� or a flexion. And weakness in the buttock muscles and hips, and tightness in the lower extremity muscles.
Pushing on certain areas along his spine, presented tenderness in the mid to lower lumbar spine and joint areas.
Initial treatment for Louis’ moderate low back pain
Physical therapy
Re-education – proper sitting/standing
Foot orthotics if necessary
The best initial treatment is to work chiropractically on the muscular imbalances of the spine and lower extremities that are affecting the body’s biomechanics.
Other exams?
Dr. Jimenez: If necessary, a functional movement screening examination.
This test is used in sports medicine to check for imbalances from the feet all the way up to the neck.
After this, Louis would be tested to see if foot orthotics could help and receive specially designed exercises from a physical therapist to address the muscular imbalances.
Radiographic, CT, or MRI imaging
Dr. Jimenez: Many believe that imaging tests are essential to the diagnostic process.
My goal for Louis and all my patients is to get them pain-free, functional and back to health.
Are imaging tests important?
Dr. Jimenez: Imaging tests are important when there are neurologic discoveries/complaints, like muscle weakness, sensory loss, and immobility, as this can indicate the need for surgery.
Imaging tests are helpful for guiding targeted treatment like an epidural injection.
And if your doctor believes there is something serious, e.g., a spinal tumor, infection, then get an imaging test right away.
Louis’ diagnosis
Dr. Jimenez: Because Louis’ pain worsened while playing tennis and then ease during sleep, I diagnosed him with mechanical low back pain.
This type of back pain comes on through mechanical activities or applying a load to the spine.
Non-mechanical low back pain is pain that exists all the time.
Thought process while developing Louis’ treatment plan
Dr. Jimenez: The treatment plan is focused on controlling pain and inflammation.
I first recommended chiropractic treatment, physical therapy/massage, and heat/ice compress.
After completing the course of treatment I suggested Louis take naturally derived supplements:
High-dose omega 3’s
This would help reduce inflammation.
They have been proven to be effective without the serious side effects of both over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Louis and I also discussed his diet
I recommended cutting back on carbohydrate and processed sugar intake thus curbing inflammation and upped healthy fat consumption of and natural sugars that are found in nuts and berries.
I taught Louis proper basic movement techniques, including positioning himself at work and stretches to do throughout the day.
I suggested that Louis work with a fitness physical therapist to build strength and flexibility, that would take shape in 4 to 6 weeks.
After a few sessions, the goal is to be able to do the exercises without help.
Return to tennis
Dr. Jimenez: Very soon, as long as, he uses his natural anti-inflammatory supplements and follows through with regular chiropractic/physical therapy.
Slow and steady is the key to pain relief. Jumping into a tennis set before finishing treatment would set him back and possibly cause new injuries.
I recommended he start by playing non-competitive tennis and just rally after completing the treatment and then take a day or 2 to see how it feels.
Taking it slow should bring back full strength within 2 months after the initial visit.
Preventive tips:
A proper tennis swing should put minimal force on the spine.
Tennis professionals start and stop, jump, slide, dive and run, run, run. That is where a significant overload of the lower back occurs and all the energy goes right into the spine.
The key to a proper swing is to rotate the hips, take the proper arm swing, and hit through the ball.
If you don�t have proper hip rotation, your body will pay for it through the spine.
Bending at the hips and knees when picking up balls will greatly reduce stress on your low back.
Work with a tennis pro that can teach you proper swing and specific tennis training especially movement.
This will help you play well, alleviate/avoid back pain and enjoy the game.
Low Back Pain Treatment | El Paso, Tx
Low back pain which gradually influenced his quality of life was developed. David Garcia was unable to walk as his symptoms worsened and his back pain became excruciating. He first visited Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, following a recommendation from his sister. Dr. Jimenez managed to supply David Garcia with all the aid he deserved for his low back pain, restoring his well-being. David Garcia clarifies the wonderful service Dr. Alex Jimenez and his team have given him to offer him relief from his painful symptoms and he highly recommends chiropractic care as the non-surgical pick for low back pain, among other health problems.
NCBI Resources
A chiropractor is the ideal medical professional to consult with for any unexplained pain in the musculoskeletal system. They are highly qualified professionals that their specialty is treating conditions like moderate lower back pain and they are very affordable. 31 million Americans experience moderate low back pain at any given time. This condition affects many, but finding the exact cause can be a challenge. Chiropractors are spinal specialists that are trained to not only alleviate pain but also find and help correct the cause of the problem.
At least 80% of the U.S. population will experience back pain at some point in their life, which accounts for more than 3 million reported cases of lower back pain each year. Lower back pain is also one of the biggest reasons why people miss work.
There is a solution that doesn�t include trips to the doctor, insurance agency, or prescription medication.
Understand Low Back Pain
The symptoms of low back pain can be different for everyone, ranging from dull aches to sharp /stabbing pain.
Low back pain can inhibit our ability to stand up straight, move around, lift everyday items, and do our household chores e.g. laundry and garbage.
When the pain comes quick such as, after lifting something heavy or from an injury, it is considered acute.
If the pain lasts for more than three months, it is considered chronic.
Common Causes
Heavy lifting, exercise or sudden jerking movements and injury can cause acute pain.
Injury can also lead to more chronic issues like sciatica
Those of us with desk jobs are at risk for chronic low back pain.
When carrying a bag, be careful
Purses, backpacks, and briefcases carried over the shoulder put a greater risk of developing chronic back pain because it is the lower back that takes all the weight.
Instead, get a rolling bag/case or a backpack that distributes the weight evenly over the body, across both shoulders.
Other causes of lower back pain can be hormones, weight, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
The Solution to Low Back Pain
Many chiropractors encourage the use of custom orthotics to help treat a variety of problems, ranging from joint pain, foot discomfort, and posture issues.
Custom orthotics are insoles that are slipped into shoes and made especially for your body.
Wearing custom orthotics provides nearly immediate relief from lower back pain, and also helps prevent it from returning.
Custom orthotics are created by scanning and assessing your feet in less than five minutes.
By simply standing barefoot on a kiosk inside your chiropractor�s office, a one-of-a-kind solution is created.
No X-rays, MRI�s, or further testing is required.
The foot scan assesses the three arches in both of your feet, as well as how you distribute your weight on the foundation of your body.
Although many people try to treat their low back pain on their own first, one of the fastest and best ways to treat it is through custom orthotics, which actually optimize the performance of your entire body, not just your feet and lower back.
Over-the-counter orthotics do not provide proper support and can even cause more damage to the body.
Chronic lower back pain is not a normal thing that has to do with age or lifestyle.
If you are experiencing lower back pain, call a chiropractor and ask about how custom orthotics can help you.
Low Back Pain? Fix it with *FOOT ORTHOTICS* | El Paso, Tx
We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.
After a quick scan, your feet will be assessed and your custom orthotics will be designed and made especially for you.
El Paso Back Clinic Foot Orthotic Kiosk
The Kiosk helps guide patients in selecting the best custom-made orthotics for their condition and lifestyle. It’s�
Fast:�Push the Start button and the scanner begins.
Easy to use:�User-friendly easy touch screen.
Engaging:�Videos explain the importance of healthy feet and the benefits of custom-made orthotics.
Cloud-based:�Results can be securely accessed from anywhere.
Comprehensive:�Easily retrieve previous scans to compare them to new scans and see the difference.
The Foot Levelers Kiosk saves time so you can spend more time living your life.
When there are problems with the feet, it can cause problems through the legs and all the way to the spine. This can cause the ankle to pronate, meaning it rolls inward. This alters the way the�bones of the foot line up which extends through the tibia, or shin bone. Ankle pain�and injury are not issues reserved solely for athletes. In the United States, more than 25,000 people deal with�ankle sprains�or pain every day. Studies show that somewhere around 40 percent of ankle sprains are not treated correctly or are misdiagnosed, which leads to disability or chronic ankle pain.
Ankle Manipulation
The typical treatment for pain, such as with a sprain, is R.I.C.E., which is rest, ice, compression and elevation. A somewhat newer treatment approach replaces the R with an M, meaning that instead of rest, movement is required instead. However, it is important that the movement is done safely and carefully. Certain types of�ankle injuries can be exacerbated by movement so it should be approached with care. Chiropractic can help reduce pain without prescription medication and the associated side effects. This alone is often a great draw for many patients. However, there are other benefits that chiropractic can provide for ankle pain.
31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. This condition affects many, but finding the exact cause can be a challenge. Chiropractors are spinal specialists that are trained to not only alleviate pain but also find and help correct the cause of the problem. A�chiropractor�is the ideal�medical professional to consult with for any unexplained pain in the musculoskeletal system. They are highly qualified professionals that their specialty is treating conditions like lower back pain and they are very affordable.
Sitting for long periods is associated with early death � upsetting news for the millions of Americans who spend extensive time sitting as they work and as they relax after work. A recent study conducted at Columbia� University has found that prolonged sitting destroys your health. Regular exercise, although great for you, failed to significantly reduce the risks associated with prolonged sitting.
Fortunately, there are things you can do to minimize the time you spend sitting. Experts recommend taking a movement break every 30 minutes to protect your health.
The Sitting Study
The study used hip-mounted accelerometers to measure how much time study participants � nearly 8,000 individuals � spent in sedentary positions. Over four years researchers tracked participants and recorded the number of deaths among participants. The study found that increased sedentary time leads to an increased risk of death from any cause. The risk of death went up regardless of how old the participants were or how often they exercised.
The study found that participants who sat less than 30 minutes had a 55% lower risk of death in comparison to participants who sat for longer periods of time.
Why Does Sitting Ruin Your Health?
Finding out that sitting for extended periods so greatly increases your risk of death is startling for many people. The next question is, �Why?� Unfortunately, the exact reasons are far from clear. The study was not meant to uncover the reasons why, so there is limited information to explain what occurs in the body to increase the risk of death. It will take further studies to provide an answer.
Methods to Protect Your Health
Although the exact reasons why sitting increases the risk of mortality are not yet clear, the recommendation to take a break from sitting every 30 minutes does offer an actionable step to protect your health. There are several other ways you can limit your sitting, including:
Sit & Standing Desks
There are a number of different desks designed to be used from a standing position, including stationary standing desks and sit to stand desks � both manually operated and motorized. Standing desks allow you to work exactly as you would at a sitting desk, only while standing. They take some getting used to, but most people who try them out find that they are an easy way to minimize time spent sitting.
When you purchase a standing or sit to stand desk, it may take some time to build up your stamina to use the desk for extended periods of time. Try standing for short periods, then sitting, then standing again to avoid excessive fatigue.
A number of apps are available to help you track your activity and make gradual lifestyle adjustments to increase your activity levels. Apple�s Health app includes an Activity monitor and coach that collects data from your iPhone, Apple Watch and third-party apps to let you know how much you are moving and to remind you to move more. You can set reminders on your app to tell you to move � such as every 30 minutes � as a way to ensure you avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time.
The simplest way to avoid sitting for more than 30 minutes is to set a timer on your phone or use a separate timer, to go off after 30 minutes of sitting. Once the timer goes off, engage in brisk walking or some other activity to get your heart rate up for five minutes. Then you can go back to sitting � after you set your timer again.
Helping You Stay as Healthy as Possible
Our chiropractic team is dedicated to helping you enjoy a long and healthy life. Please contact us to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive exam and targeted health advice from an experienced chiropractor.
April Hermosillo has achieved overall health and wellness by following proper nutrition and engaging in exercises/physical activities. As a regular fitness participant, April Hermosillo can experience low back pain which affects even her most basic tasks. April Hermosillo struggled with spine health issues and sciatica before receiving chiropractic care.
Dr. Alex Jimenez is a chiropractor in El Paso, TX who has helped April Hermosillo achieve pain relief so she can return to her everyday fitness routines. April Hermosillo describes how Dr. Jimenez has tremendously helped improve her overall symptoms. April Hermosillo highly recommends Dr. Alex Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for personalized spine and sciatica treatment and rehabilitation.
El Paso Back Clinic
We are blessed to present to you El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.
As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.
We want you to live a life filled with more energy, positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life.
I assure you, I will only accept the best for you�
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