Back Clinic Arthropathies Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Charcot’s is degeneration of a weight-bearing joint and arthrogryposis which means, “curving of joints.” this is a general term that describes any disease of the joints. A group of disorders can afflict the joints, such as sacroiliitis, which causes inflammation in the sacroiliac joint. Doctors use arthropathy interchangeably with arthritis, which means “joint inflammation.”The forms that are distinct from arthritis are Neuropathic arthropathy, nerve damage from diabetes, or other nerve conditions resulting in slow damage to joints.
In diabetic people, arthropathy usually affects the foot and ankle. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is where the bone ends of the ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows start to grow abnormally and painfully. Fingertips start to become rounded, called “clubbing.” This form of arthropathy usually happens to people with lung cancer. And Hemarthrosis is when blood leaks into a joint like the knee. This occurs after injuries or medical procedures and is a problem in people with hemophilia.
by spinedoctors | Arthritis, Physical Rehabilitation
Even though chiropractic excels in wellness care, it is becoming more common for people to visit chiropractors to treat a variety of different kinds of pain. Because of this, chiropractic adjustments provide many benefits to people and patients who suffer from a wide variety of conditions like arthritis. In today�s article, we�ll explore how chiropractic can help patients who suffer from arthritis and give you additional suggestions on how to alleviate the pain that�s associated with it.
Arthritis: What a Chiropractor Does
A Doctor of Chiropractic, also known as a chiropractor, is a health professional that focuses primarily on wellness care instead of sickness care. Their specialty focuses on adjusting the spine to correct misalignments that may be impinging on nerves.
Regular visits to a chiropractor can not only restore health throughout the body but also help alleviate back pain and other symptoms associated with an improperly aligned spinal column. They can also work with their patients to plan exercise routines and alterations in diet to assist management of inflammation and pain. Most insurance carriers cover visits to a chiropractor on at least some level.
What Is Arthritis?
Put simply, arthritis is inflammation in the joints which result in joint pain, stiffness and limited range of movement. There are over 200 different varieties of the ailment. While it is generally associated with age, it can also affect young people. It can strike almost any area of the body, with each region having a different cause and name. In some cases, can cause damage to soft tissues and muscles, like the heart and lungs.
Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It results from repeated trauma to the joint and becomes more common in the elderly.
Other common forms of include:
- Rheumatoid arthritis, the second most common form in which the body�s immune system attacks the joint.
- Psoriatic arthritis, another autoimmune form.
- Ankylosing spondylitis, also a type where the body attacks itself.
- Septic arthritis, which is caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the joint.
Diagnosing arthritis involves a complete and thorough examination. If a chiropractor feels the need to co-manage the case, a medical work-up by a rheumatologist may be recommended. This can include radiology (x-ray) or an MRI, urine and blood analysis and physical examinations.
It is important to have your condition properly diagnosed so you can more effectively treat the symptoms of the disease.
Chiropractors and Arthritis
The most common treatment for arthritis is medication, which can take down the inflammation and swelling and reduce pain. However, chiropractors can be of great help in managing arthritis. While medications work, it has long-term health risks such as impairing healing, damage to the stomach lining and internal bleeding.
By visiting a chiropractor you may be able to reduce your reliance upon these medications while managing your pain and symptoms naturally. A chiropractor can:
- Improve your range of motion by keeping your spine in line
- Improve endurance and flexibility
- Increase your strength and muscle tone
- Help you develop a dietary and nutritional plan to reduce inflammation naturally
In addition, chiropractors can recommend an exercise regimen that�s conducive to arthritis. According to the American Chiropractic Association, this is a vital component in managing your arthritis symptoms.
Treating the Symptoms
Please understand that chiropractors cannot cure arthritis. At this time, there is no cure for this ailment. They can, however, help to alleviate the symptoms and slow the progression of the illness. They may use spinal adjustments in conjunction with other treatments to address the disease. These options can include:
- Hot and cold therapy
- Ultrasound treatments
- Massage
- Electronic muscle stimulation
- Physical rehabilitation
- Magnet therapy
The Best Results
With an inflammatory disease like arthritis, the best results are achieved from attacking it at all angles. This means working with your chiropractor and rheumatologist to combine treatments, if necessary. In addition to their care, a healthy diet and active exercise regime will help move you in the right direction toward a healthier outcome.
If you or a loved one are suffering with, don�t hesitate to give us a call today.�We�re here to help in any way we can!
This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Arthritis, Wellness
A European Medicines Agency panel said on Friday it recommended granting marketing approval to Sanofi and Regeneron’s experimental drug to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use gave a positive opinion on the drug, Kevzara, citing its ability to reduce the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
Sarilumab, the active substance of Kevzara, a treatment for adult patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, works by blocking a protein called IL-6, which is associated with inflammation.
The panel’s opinion will now be reviewed by the EMA.
In October, U.S. regulators declined to approve sarilumab because of manufacturing deficiencies at a Sanofi plant in France.
Regeneron said in February that it was planning to resubmit a marketing application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sarilumab.
The drug has already been approved by Canadian health regulators to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
More than 23 million people worldwide suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Current treatments include the widely used methotrexate as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Other IL-6 inhibitors for rheumatoid arthritis include Roche Holding AG’s approved Actemra and Johnson & Johnson’s experimental sirukumab.
Last Friday, the FDA declined to approve a new rheumatoid arthritis drug, Olumiant, made by Eli Lilly and Co and partner Incyte Corp.
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Arthritis, Chiropractic, Wellness
El Paso TX. Chiropractor Dr. Alex Jimenez looks at how chiropractic treatment can help with joint inflammation.
If you are one of the millions of Americans with arthritis, you don�t have to suffer from painful joint inflammation.
Joint swelling is common in different types of arthritis, but arthritis can be managed with chiropractic care.
Arthritis Can Appear�Anywhere�& Symptoms Range From Inflammation, Pain & Stiffness

There Are More Than 100 Different Forms Of Arthritis & All Cause Pain In Different Ways
Arthritis was once considered a common part of the aging process and a signal that it�s time to slow down. However, according to the American Chiropractic Association, recent research and clinical findings show that there is much more to life for arthritis patients than the traditional recommendation of bed rest and medications.
The physical medicine of chiropractic adjustments which help restore the injured tissue strength and elasticity while decreasing the nerve sensitivity. With movement and function restored, excess pressure is not forced onto the joints.
According to Dr. Mike DeCubellis, owner and director of Main Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Downers Grove, the most effective therapies to relieve the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis of the spine is massage therapy, electrical muscle stimulation therapy and ultrasound.
�The goal for each of the therapies is to reduce the pain and inflammation, relax the muscles tension associated with arthritis and increase the joint motion,� DeCubellis said.
Arthritis cannot be cured, but treatment from a chiropractor can prevent the damage created by the arthritis.
If a joint is out of alignment and not functioning properly, the surfaces will begin to make contact. That grinding causes inflammation, which leads to arthritis and – if left untreated – joint damage.
Your chiropractor can help you develop an exercise program that will help restore range of motion and improve flexibility and increase strength.

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by Dr Alex Jimenez | Arthritis, Fitness, Wellness
“Oh, my aching back!” I can’t tell you how many of my students have back issues. And it’s no wonder, considering most of us spend our days tied to our desk chairs and parked in the same position in front of our screens hour after hour. The problem: Sitting for prolonged periods can cause or exacerbate back issues. When we’re stuck in this position, our hip flexors shorten in front and pull on our lower back. Not to mention, constant slouching can lead, over time, to compressed disks. That’s why it’s crucial to stretch your back every day. Here, four moves you can do right in your office.
RELATED: How Chair Yoga Can Help Your Arthritis
1. Backbend Arch
Start seated at edge of chair, placing hands behind you with fingers facing away from hips. Prop yourself up on fingertips, drawing sacrum in and up to lift lower back. Follow backbend all the way up chest to shoulder blades and open up entire front body. Hold and breathe for 8 to 10 breaths, then release.

2. Cat/Cow
Sit at edge of chair with feet flat on the floor. Place hands on knees and inhale, lifting chest and sticking hips out behind you. Lift gaze, open chest, and gently squeeze shoulder blades together (A). On an exhale, round chest, scoop in belly, and curl tailbone under as you drop head toward sternum (B). Repeat for a series of 10 cycles.
RELATED: 10 Yoga Poses to Do at Your Desk

3. Lower-Back Circles
Sit with feet hip-width apart and hands resting on knees (A). Inhale, then begin circling torso clockwise, making sure to initiate movement from base of spine (B). Complete 8 to 10 rotations. Stop and then repeat the motion, this time circling in a counterclockwise direction. Continue alternating for 2 to 3 minutes.

4. Roll-Downs
Sit with feet hip-width apart and hands hanging at sides (A). From head, start rounding down through spine (B). Exhale, letting forehead release forward and the weight of your head bring you over until top of head is by thighs (C). Inhale; slowly start stacking vertebrae as you round up to sit. Draw belly button to spine to protect back, and feel the articulation as you round up. Continue rolling down and up for 5 to 8 cycles.
Pin this entire workout for later:

Adapted from Chair Yoga: Sit, Stretch, and Strengthen Your Way to a Happier, Healthier You by Kristin McGee ($19; Copyright 2017 by Kristin McGee. Reprinted by permission of William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Arthropathies, Health News El Paso
(HealthDay News) — Blood tests to diagnose and monitor rheumatoid arthritis may be thrown off by obesity in women, a new study suggests.
“Physicians might assume that high levels of inflammation mean that a patient has rheumatoid arthritis or that their rheumatoid arthritis requires more treatment, when in fact a mild increase in levels of inflammation could be due to obesity instead,” explained study author Dr. Michael George, who’s with the University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia.
Blood tests for C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) can help physicians check the severity of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients, the researchers said.
Previous studies have suggested that obese women may normally have higher CRP and ESR levels. So, the authors of this study decided to take a closer look at the issue.
The study included information from more than 2,100 people with rheumatoid arthritis. The researchers then compared that information to data from the general population.
A higher body mass index (BMI — an estimate of body fat based on weight and height) was associated with greater CRP in women with rheumatoid arthritis and women in the general population, especially in severely obese women. There was also a modest association between obesity and ESR.
Conversely, in men with rheumatoid arthritis, a lower BMI was associated with greater CRP and ESR.
The findings may help improve understanding of the link between weight and inflammation. It may also help doctors learn more about how this relationship differs between women and men, the study authors added.
The findings were published April 10 in the journal Arthritis Care & Research.
“Our results suggest that obesity may lead to increased levels of CRP and ESR in women with rheumatoid arthritis,” George said in a journal news release.
“The increase in these levels of inflammation was not because rheumatoid arthritis was worse in these women,” he said.
“In fact, we found that obesity leads to very similar increases in these lab tests even in women without rheumatoid arthritis,” he added.
Doctors should be careful when interpreting the results of these lab tests since both rheumatoid arthritis and obesity can contribute to inflammation levels, George said.
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Arthritis, Health, Wellness
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most prominent autoimmune arthritis. It is caused by a defective immune system that causes your defense system to target your joint linings. It affects the wrist and small joints of your hands, including the knuckles, other joints in your fingers and can eventually spread to your knees too.
It is considered one of the most disabling forms of arthritis as it affects both sides of the body, making it different from other forms of arthritis. It can also affect skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood and even your nerves which is why it is one of the most feared forms of arthritis.
Over the years, several ways of treating rheumatoid arthritis have been discovered. Although there is still no cure for the condition, the treatment can significantly heal those that are newly diagnosed and can slow down the process that in the patients that have been suffering from the condition for a while.
When your immune system attacks your own body, certain chemicals lead to pain and inflammation on your joints. Medical experts are still unclear about what is the exact cause of inflammation in joints. Some suggest that is due to genetic make-up of the individual while other blame environmental factors such as cigarette smoke and infections.

New treatments have been introduced by rheumatologists to suppress the pain and reduce the inflammation caused by this condition. A major reason for why the inflammation needs to be controlled is because of its effect on your heart health. Inflammation can lead to the buildup of plaque in the walls of your arteries. People with this form of arthritis are advised to consult with their doctors regarding the prevention of heart disease.
Other than medication, regular exercise, specific foods and drinks also help you treat rheumatoid arthritis.
A Virginia-based rheumatologist, Mahsa Tehrani has found that certain organic teas help with the reducing of inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
�Tea has fantastic�anti-inflammatory properties�which can theoretically help with the underlying inflammation,� she claims.
Here�s a list of teas Tehrani recommends:
Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is known for helping with healing the digestive system but an Italian study in 2016 found that patients that were given regular doses of ginger reported a better quality of life and significant improvement in pain. To make the tea, just slice up some ginger root and let it steep in boiling water for 10minutes. Note that ginger can act as a blood thinner, so if you�re already on blood-thinning medication, opt for a different tea.
Green Tea
Amongst the many benefits of green tea, is its ability to block the effects of RA without impacting cellular function. According to medical experts, green tea can be considered an alternative to medicine in the future for those suffering from RA.
Rose Hip Tea

Rose hip tea is not as common as other teas. The rose hip is the fruit of the rose plant that appears when the plant is not flowering. The fruit is a concentrated source of vitamin C and is regularly used in home remedies. A study published in Australian Family Physician in July 2012 found that the composition of nutrients found in the rose-hips have anti-inflammatory properties which benefit those with arthritis.
Black Tea
The box of regular black tea bags is loaded with quercetin, a bioflavonoid which has anti-inflammatory effects. However excessive amounts of black tea can have adverse effects, the high caffeine content can leave you feeling jittery and can reduce the impact of medication.
Willow Bark Tea

Willow bark tea is an ancient Chinese remedy. Its effects are similar to those of aspirin and several medical studies have found that it helps with joint pain and osteoarthritis. The study revealed that willow bark extracts have anti-inflammatory and pain-killing effects. That being said, willow bark extracts should not be consumed with people on many medications, pregnant women and those younger than 16.
Nettle Leaf Tea
Nettle leaf has been used in Europe to relieve muscle, joint pain, and arthritis for many years. A study published in 2015 found the antioxidant activity in the nettle leaf extracts hinders one of the main enzymes responsible for inflammation. Nettle is easily available in most grocery stores. Pregnant women and those with kidney and bladder issues should are advised not to consume nettle.
Rheumatoid Arthritis may be the most disabling forms of arthritis and it may not be curable, however, early detection and proper treatment can help mitigate its effects. Medication significantly reduces the symptoms of RA but those suffering can look for alternative solutions as well.
About the Author:
Rachael Everly is an undergraduate student who loves to write on the topics related business, finance, health, lifestyle and education. Follow @Rachael Everly for further updates.

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