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Back Clinic Arthropathies Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Charcot’s is degeneration of a weight-bearing joint and arthrogryposis which means, “curving of joints.” this is a general term that describes any disease of the joints. A group of disorders can afflict the joints, such as sacroiliitis, which causes inflammation in the sacroiliac joint. Doctors use arthropathy interchangeably with arthritis, which means “joint inflammation.”The forms that are distinct from arthritis are Neuropathic arthropathy, nerve damage from diabetes, or other nerve conditions resulting in slow damage to joints.

In diabetic people, arthropathy usually affects the foot and ankle. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is where the bone ends of the ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows start to grow abnormally and painfully. Fingertips start to become rounded, called “clubbing.” This form of arthropathy usually happens to people with lung cancer. And Hemarthrosis is when blood leaks into a joint like the knee. This occurs after injuries or medical procedures and is a problem in people with hemophilia.

Spondylitis Anti-Inflammation Diet

Spondylitis Anti-Inflammation Diet

Spondylitis Anti-Inflammation Diet: Individuals who have a chronic back pain condition can be recommended to have two or more vertebrae fused to correct the problem/s and alleviate the pain. However, a form of inflammatory spinal arthritis can cause the vertebrae to fuse by themselves, known as ankylosing spondylitis. One recommended way to bring pain relief is by eating an anti-inflammatory diet. Studies have shown that a low-inflammatory diet can help improve spondylitis symptoms.

Spondylitis Anti-Inflammation Diet

Spondylitis Anti-Inflammation Diet

Ankylosing spondylitis is a progressive inflammatory disease that primarily affects the spine; however, individual symptoms vary. Symptoms include stiffness and pain in the neck, hips, low back, and fatigue. There is no definite pattern meaning:

  • Symptoms can improve.
  • Symptoms can worsen or flare up.
  • Symptoms can stop for a period of time.

Women are affected more often than men with no known cause. There is no cure for ankylosing spondylitis, but treatments and self-care can slow down the disease’s progression and help manage symptoms.

Diet and Inflammation

Diet is not the root cause of inflammatory disease, but eating inflammation-causing foods can worsen symptoms. Reducing inflammation can help alleviate pain.

  • Eliminating foods that cause or increase inflammation is recommended to help the body become stronger and manage symptoms.
  • Another way is to incorporate spondylitis anti-inflammation foods.
  • Functional medicine practitioners can help guide individuals on maximizing healthy nutrition and using it to reduce pain and symptoms.
  • If an individual has a genetic predisposition, their diet can be crucial to calm down the symptoms and help turn the autoimmune disease around.

A spondylitis anti-inflammation diet should be rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids. Evidence shows that a diet low in starches can lead to less ankylosing spondylitis activity. Low-starch can also help limit the presence of Klebsiella pneumoniae, a bacteria that feeds on starch and is a known trigger for the onset and development of ankylosing spondylitis.

Foods To Eat

Leafy greens

  • These include spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and collard greens containing magnesium and polyphenols that reduce inflammation.
  • These can be raw or cooked with garlic and olive oil added to maximize benefits.

Cruciferous vegetables

  • These contain sulforaphane, an antioxidant that includes broccoli cauliflower and can be eaten raw or cooked, roasted with olive oil, sauteed, and stir-fried.

Allium Vegetables

  • These contain sulfuric compounds and quercetin, a flavonoid that helps reduce inflammation.
  • These include red and yellow onions, leeks, garlic, and shallots.
  • They can be eaten raw or cooked in salads, stir-frys, and sandwiches.


  • These contain anthocyanin, an antioxidant flavonoid, and other antioxidants and polyphenols that help with inflammation.
  • These include strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and can be eaten raw, in smoothies, in salads, with oatmeal, or mixed in unsweetened yogurt.


  • Certain fruits contain quercetin and polyphenols to help with inflammation.
  • These include apples, cherries, oranges.

Healthy oils

  • Contain oleocanthal which acts similar to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and contains various antioxidants.
  • These include olive oil for low heat cooking and avocado oil for high heat cooking to replace butter and margarine.
  • It can be served in dressings and drizzled on foods.

Nuts and seeds

  • These contain alpha-linolenic acid, which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid.
  • Examples include walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, chia seeds, and ground flaxseeds.
  • These can be served as snacks, salads, mixed in side dishes, topping, or added to unsweetened yogurt or oatmeal.

Fatty fish

  • Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation.
  • Examples include salmon, cod, rainbow trout, mackerel, and sardines.
  • These can be baked, sauteed, grilled, mixed into salads, and stir fry.

Avoid These Foods

When making lifestyle adjustments for a spondylitis anti-inflammation diet, focus on reducing or removing processed foods and saturated fats. These include:

  • Sugars from all sources like soda, sugary drinks, shakes, candy, and desserts.
  • Trans fats, like those in fried foods like chips and fries.
  • Starches, such as found in potatoes.
  • Refined carbohydrates, processed grains that include white bread, and pastries.
  • Red meat.
  • Gluten.
  • Dairy.
  • Eggs.

Individuals may not be symptomatic with certain foods, but that doesn’t mean the foods should be consumed. Gluten, dairy, and eggs can cause potential problems as they compromise the gut and the immune system. These can set back the individual’s healing or remission.

Body Composition

What Happens To The Body When Eating Fruit

Fruit is made up of simple sugar called fructose, providing the body with a carbohydrate energy source. The natural sugar the body gets from a piece of fruit is not the same as processed fructose added to processed products like fructose corn syrup. Processed products are typically filled with empty calories and very little nutrition. When the body has fruit, the liver processes fructose before getting absorbed through the small intestine. Research shows that exposing the gut to more fiber-rich foods like fruit helps the gut achieve an anti-obese condition by increasing the good bacteria and reducing the obese bacteria. Essential nutrients from fruit include:

  • Folate
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B1

The USDA recommends making half of each meal/plate be fruit and vegetables.


Harvard Health Publishing. (November 16, 2021) “Foods that Fight Inflammation.”

Macfarlane, Tatiana V et al. “Relationship between diet and ankylosing spondylitis: A systematic review.” European journal of rheumatology vol. 5,1 (2018): 45-52. doi:10.5152/eurjrheum.2017.16103

Nielsen, Forrest H. “Magnesium deficiency and increased inflammation: current perspectives.” Journal of inflammation research vol. 11 25-34. January 18 2018, doi:10.2147/JIR.S136742

Rashid T, Wilson C, Ebringer A. The Link between Ankylosing Spondylitis, Crohn’s Disease, Klebsiella, and Starch Consumption. Clin Dev Immunol. 2013;2013:872632. doi: 10.1155/2013/872632.

Sharma, Satya P et al. “Paradoxical Effects of Fruit on Obesity.” Nutrients vol. 8,10 633. 14 Oct. 2016, doi:10.3390/nu8100633

van Buul, Vincent J et al. “Misconceptions about fructose-containing sugars and their role in the obesity epidemic.” Nutrition research reviews vol. 27,1 (2014): 119-30. doi:10.1017/S0954422414000067

Arthritis Chiropractor

Arthritis Chiropractor

Arthritis can be a debilitating disease that interferes with everyday life. There are over 20% of adults aged 65 and older that have arthritis along with all the symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased range of motion. The most commonly affected joints include the shoulders, hands, spine, hips, and knees. Arthritis results from damage to joint cartilage from various factors such as age, wear and tear, injury, being overweight, and disease. While medication and surgery are the most common treatment options, an arthritis chiropractor can offer a conservative, natural, non-invasive option to manage symptoms.

Arthritis Chiropractor

Arthritis Chiropractor Helps By

While arthritis, either caused by wear and tear – Osteoarthritis or disease – Rheumatoid Arthritis cannot be cured. An arthritis chiropractor can help manage symptoms and prevent progression. Chiropractors are trained to use various techniques to help alleviate pain and tension, including arthritis. Chiropractic treatment aims to alleviate pain by adjusting, massaging, and realigning the musculoskeletal system to relieve stress, stretch the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and restore balance within the body. They open the body to allow proper/optimal nerve energy and blood circulation. This is beneficial for arthritic joints to reduce unnecessary strain, translating to reduced wear on the joints and keeping the body active.


There are significant benefits that regular chiropractic treatment can offer. These include:

  • Restored range of motion
  • Joint pain relief
  • Inflammation alleviation
  • Improved nerve function for optimal tissue healing
  • Improved biomechanics
  • Improved flexibility


After an in-depth assessment, the chiropractor will recommend the best treatment options. Treatments include:

Pain Management

  • Pain relief is possible without medications with options like:
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Percussive massage
  • Traction therapy
  • Heating pads

Chiropractic Adjustments and Physical Therapy

  • Regular adjustments will keep the body optimally aligned and functioning smoothly.
  • Arthritis chiropractors can recognize the most subtle changes.

Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Healthy lifestyle adjustments help manage arthritis.
  • Guidance on healthy habits that include:
  • Anti-inflammatory foods
  • Weight loss
  • Proper sleep habits
  • Exercise training
  • Stress management

The sooner chiropractic care is sought out, the better to prevent symptoms from worsening. Chiropractic can generate great results with less need for medication/s or surgery.

Body Composition

Identifying The Risk of Sarcopenia and Decreased Mobility

As the body ages, it begins to lose muscle mass, and as more sedentary behavior is adopted, the rate of loss increases along with age-related injury. Identifying these age-related changes in muscle and how they relate to frailty risk can be challenging to identify and track. By accurately measuring fat-free mass in each region of the body, Skeletal Muscle Index – SMI quickly specifies muscle mass and frailty risk. Sarcopenia and frailty specifically affect the elderly population, affecting mortality, cognitive function, and quality of life. Loss of muscle in the arms and legs is associated with:

  • Reductions in mobility
  • Increased risk of falls
  • Frailty
  • Extended hospital stays

Falls and fractures frequently result in a cycle of muscle deterioration. Analysis tools can help track body composition changes to minimize muscle wasting and the risk of impaired mobility. Assessing skeletal muscle mass in outpatient and hospital settings can decrease debilitating outcomes before they happen. The InBody analysis is quick and easy, providing a calculation for skeletal muscle index and the sum of the lean mass in the arms and legs. The ease of performing the InBody test provides physicians more time to work with and educate individuals on adopting lifestyle changes to help prevent sarcopenia.


Aletaha, Daniel. “Precision medicine and management of rheumatoid arthritis.” Journal of autoimmunity vol. 110 (2020): 102405. doi:10.1016/j.jaut.2020.102405

Beasley, Jeanine. “Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: conservative therapeutic management.” Journal of hand therapy: official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists vol. 25,2 (2012): 163-71; quiz 172. doi:10.1016/j.jht.2011.11.001

Demoruelle, M Kristen, and Kevin D Deane. “Treatment strategies in early rheumatoid arthritis and prevention of rheumatoid arthritis.” Current rheumatology reports vol. 14,5 (2012): 472-80. doi:10.1007/s11926-012-0275-1

Kavuncu, Vural, and Deniz Evcik. “Physiotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis.” MedGenMed: Medscape general medicine vol. 6,2 3. 17 May. 2004

Moon, Jeong Jae et al. “New Skeletal Muscle Mass Index in Diagnosis of Sarcopenia.” Journal of bone metabolism vol. 25,1 (2018): 15-21. doi:10.11005/jbm.2018.25.1.15

Psoriatic Arthritis Knee Pain

Psoriatic Arthritis Knee Pain

Psoriatic arthritis can develop in individuals who have psoriasis, affecting various joints, especially the knees. Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes skin cells to build up and form patches of itchy, dry skin known as plaques. Psoriatic arthritis is a long-term inflammatory disease that can cause inflammation, stiffness, and pain. Symptoms can progressively worsen over time without treatment. Early diagnosis is vital to minimize damage to the joints and slow the condition’s progress with treatment.

Psoriatic Arthritis Knee Pain

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis symptoms like stiffness and swelling can present differently from person to person. For example, some individuals with psoriatic knee arthritis will experience stiffness or pain in one knee, while others experience symptoms in both knees. Psoriatic arthritis in the knee can also cause swelling in the surrounding:

  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Synovial membranes
  • Symptoms can also present in the:
  • Elbows
  • Feet
  • Hands


Symptoms usually begin between the ages of 30 and 50. Common symptoms include:

  • Stiffness after resting or sleeping.
  • Swelling.
  • Inflammation in the knee and surrounding area.
  • Warm or hot skin on the knee from the inflammation.
  • Pain in and around the joints, tendons, or ligaments.
  • Joint sticking, difficulty moving, or reduced range of motion.

Other symptoms include:

  • Back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Pain and redness in the eyes
  • Swollen fingers or toes
  • Difficulty walking from pain in the feet or Achilles tendon.
  • Nail pitting or separation.

The severity of psoriasis does not determine psoriatic arthritis symptoms. Symptoms can go through a pattern of relapses and remissions. Individuals can have a sudden attack where symptoms get worse over a short time. After the flare-up, symptoms can improve as the condition goes into remission. Symptoms may not present for a long time until another flare-up. For example, an individual may have severe psoriasis but only mild psoriatic arthritis.


Psoriatic arthritis develops when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues. The faulty immune response causes the body to quickly generate new skin cells that stack on top of each other forming plaques. When the condition affects the joints, it leads to inflammation. While there is no apparent cause for psoriatic arthritis, researchers have found connections to genetics and the environment, as well as, individuals with close relatives that have psoriatic arthritis could be more likely to develop the condition. Other factors that could influence the development include:

  • Severe psoriasis
  • Traumatic injury/s
  • Obesity
  • Nail disease
  • Smoking

The condition can happen at any age, but according to the National Psoriasis Foundation, most individuals first notice symptoms about ten years after their psoriasis begins. However, only 30% of individuals with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis.


Doctors use imaging tools to diagnose psoriatic arthritis in the knee. They will use:

  • MRI
  • X-rays
  • Ultrasound
  • To help them check for irregularities or signs of inflammation in the joint and surrounding tissues.
  • Additional tests are used to rule out other common forms of arthritis like rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
  • Blood tests check for inflammation and specific antibodies.
  • In some cases, a small amount of fluid from the joint is taken to help eliminate the possibility of other underlying conditions like an infection.


There is currently no cure for psoriatic arthritis, but treatments are being developed and show promise for long-term management. Current treatments focus on managing symptoms and improving the quality of life for the individual.


Biologic medications like tumor necrosis factor or TNF inhibitors are recommended as the first-line therapy for most individuals with a new diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. These meds help block TNF, which plays a crucial role in inflammation. They have shown to be effective at reducing the severity of symptoms and the frequency of flare-ups. Biologics can cause unwanted side effects, especially in individuals that experience frequent infections and need routine monitoring.

Small Molecule Medications

Individuals that cannot use biologic medications may be recommended a new class of medication called oral small molecules or OSMs. Examples include apremilast – Otezla and tofacitinib – Xeljanz.

Disease-modifying Antirheumatic Drugs

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs – DMARDs are a long-term option. They are used to slow the progression of psoriatic arthritis, and examples include methotrexate and cyclosporine. DMARDs work best when an individual begins taking them as early as they can take time to work. However, individuals are encouraged to continue taking them, even if symptoms do not improve right away.

Easing Inflammation

A doctor may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – NSAIDs and corticosteroid injections when knee symptoms flare-up. These are short-term treatments that provide immediate relief, as long-term use can lead to side effects. Individuals can find relief with combined self-care that includes:

  • Taking over-the-counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen/Advil or naproxen/Aleve.
  • Applying ice and heat packs.
  • Gentle exercise to promote a full range of motion.
  • Gentle stretching or yoga can help relax tight muscles.
  • Chiropractic.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Therapeutic Massage.
  • Anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Electrical stimulation.

Chiropractic treatment can help to:

  • Relieve soreness.
  • Prevent muscle spasms.
  • Realign joints.
  • Improve mobility.

However, chiropractic is not the primary treatment for arthritis but is intended to be used in combination to relieve pain, loosen and stretch the muscles and balance the body.


Strength, Balance, and Improved Body Composition

Functional fitness is the ability to move comfortably every day. The benefits of physical activity also contribute to improved body composition. Working to reach a certain level of functional fitness can help the aging process that has been shown to reduce metabolic rate. Inactivity is why individuals lose Lean Body Mass as they age, leading to increased body fat. Lean Body Mass contributes to the body’s overall Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR, also known as metabolism. This is the number of calories the body needs to support essential functions. Everyone is encouraged to engage in strength training or resistance exercises, but specifically older adults. This can help regain muscle loss which can lead to an increase in lean body mass. The increase in Lean Body Mass increases BMR, which helps prevent fat gain.


Chang, K. L., et al. (2015). Chronic pain management: Nonpharmacological therapies for chronic pain [Abstract].

Chiropractic care for arthritis. (n.d.).

Chiropractic: In-depth. (2019).

How to achieve remission in psoriatic arthritis. (n.d.).

Living with psoriatic arthritis. (n.d.).

Sankowski, A. J., et al. (2013). Psoriatic arthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare-Ups Management

Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare-Ups Management

Managing rheumatoid arthritis is an ongoing balancing act. Flare-ups can still present despite following the rheumatologist’s lifestyle instructions, proper medication use, and a well-maintained RA plan. Monitoring daily activities can help minimize the chances of experiencing episodes.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare-Ups Management

Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare-Ups

A rheumatoid arthritis flare-up is a short-term escalation of arthritis symptoms. A flare-up can go away within a day or can persist for several weeks or months. A flare-up usually involves joint stiffness and pain but can also present as any symptoms worsening. If the flare-up is severe, it can affect the ability to perform regular everyday activities.


Symptoms can vary, and not every person experiences the same. Most individuals describe flare-ups with a sudden increase in:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Limited joint mobility
  • Fatigue
  • Symptoms that feel like the flu.
  • Frequency and severity can also vary.

Back Pain Symptoms

Rheumatoid arthritis can affect many joints. It is the inflammation of a joint’s synovial membrane. These include the facet joints in the spine. The most commonplace in the spine affected by rheumatoid arthritis is the upper neck, around the base of the skull. The joints at the top of the neck get inflamed and can become unstable or form abnormal tissue that sticks out and compress the spinal cord.


Several potential flare-up triggers include:

  • Stress
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Medication changes
  • Injury
  • Excessive physical activity and/or exercise
  • Repetitive overuse injury
  • Smoking
  • Spinal infections

Airborne toxins can also be a trigger to a flare-up. Substances include chemicals like household cleaners. Switching to organic and environmentally safe cleaners can help. Airborne toxins are a concern in densely populated cities and areas that experience air pollution and smog. To minimize risks, staying indoors during times of poor air quality is recommended.

However, flare-ups can happen without an identifiable trigger. Certain foods can increase inflammation and could contribute to a flare-up, including:

Avoiding these foods and following a diet that has been developed to prevent symptoms will help significantly. The objective is to learn to identify an RA flare-up to moderate activities accordingly.


Managing any chronic medical condition is challenging, especially when trying to predict when a flare-up will happen. There is not a foolproof strategy for prevention, but advice that can help minimize the risks of an RA flare-up.

Understand that the disease can change over time. This means changes in medications and the need for multi-approach treatment. Learning healthy self-care techniques will go a long way in managing symptoms.

Body Composition

Antioxidants protection

Metabolic processes, like energy production, and environmental pollution, can result in free radical production. These are highly reactive molecules that can damage the body’s cells and lead to oxidative stress. This can develop into a disease, including heart disease. The body has natural protective mechanisms to neutralize free radical molecules, including glutathione, which is the body’s top antioxidant. If glutathione becomes depleted because of increased free radicals, the body switches to dietary antioxidants from food as a secondary defense.

Antioxidant therapy is a promising treatment for oxidative stress.

Fruit and Plant Sources

Fruits and veggies like:

  • Berries
  • Dark-colored grapes
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • All are great sources of antioxidants.

Arthritis Foundation. (n.d.) “Understanding rheumatoid arthritis flares.”

Pham-Huy, Lien Ai et al. “Free radicals, antioxidants in disease and health.” International Journal of biomedical science: IJBS vol. 4,2 (2008): 89-96.

The Body’s Joints and Protection From Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Body’s Joints and Protection From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is said to affect around 1.5 million individuals. Recognized as an autoimmune condition that presents with chronic pain in the body’s joints. It commonly affects regularly used joints like the shoulders, hands, and feet. The condition can begin to present in individuals in their 30s. Concerns that come with a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis are the condition’s effect on the spinal facet joints. These joints are susceptible to attack from a dysfunctional immune system, leaving them prone to weakness, inflammation, and nerve compression. Chiropractors understand the manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis. They can pinpoint at-risk facet joints and provide corrective relief before more dangerous symptoms begin to present.

Facet joint risks

There are two facet joints that connect each vertebra to the one above and below. Their objective is to stabilize the spine, whether in a neutral position or engaged in flexion/extension movement. When targeted by the body’s immune system, the joints begin to weaken. The body attacks the synovial fluid that lubricates the joints. This creates friction that generates inflammation. Over time the joints break down leading to everything from loss of mobility to bone spurs. When left untreated the facet joints begin to deteriorate, causing nerve compression that can lead to permanent nerve damage. When the joints are not working properly the spine has to work around them.

  • Subluxations
  • Disc herniation
  • Ruptured discs
  • Sciatica all are possible with facet joint dysfunction.


Currently, rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured but symptoms can go into remission when treatment begins early. Chiropractic is an effective treatment at disrupting the symptoms of joint deterioration that stops the progression.

  • It has the ability to increase and maintain an individual’s range of motion, from a condition that causes loss of mobility.
  • It helps to bring rapid pain relief and helps with postural improvements.
  • It maintains positive spinal health and homeostasis.
  • Prevents problems with compression and subluxations.
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises are incorporated to preserve an individual’s spinal integrity.
  • Diet and nutrition are also adjusted to mitigate the effects, helping with inflammation prevention.
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 The Body's Joints and Protection From Rheumatoid Arthritis

The spinal focus

As rheumatoid arthritis affects the body’s joints, it is vital to protect the facet joints. These joints can experience degenerative damage that can cause long-term problems. Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic provide individuals with the tools necessary to combat rheumatoid arthritis that medications by themselves might not be able to.

Body Composition

Muscle Mass Fitness for Long-Term Health

Muscle building is not just for bodybuilders and athletes. Everyone benefits from building muscle for long-term health. Monitoring the changes in Lean Body Mass can be accomplished by having body composition measured. Body composition analysis can divide an individual’s weight into various components. These include:

  • Fat Mass
  • Lean Body Mass
  • Basal Metabolic Rate will give a clearer picture of overall fitness and health.

Building Lean Body Mass is an investment for maintaining health long-term. The more Lean Body Mass that is built the more is in storage/reserve when the body really needs it. Before adding protein shakes and resistance workouts to the daily regimen, a plan needs to be developed. The first step to building a healthy level of lean body mass is to measure how much there is with a body composition analysis.


The information herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional, licensed physician, and is not medical advice. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified health care professional. Our information scope is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, sensitive health issues, functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We provide and present clinical collaboration with specialists from a wide array of disciplines. Each specialist is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for the musculoskeletal system’s injuries or disorders. Our videos, posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate to and support, directly or indirectly, our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We provide copies of supporting research studies available to regulatory boards and the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation of how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

phone: 915-850-0900
Licensed in Texas & New Mexico


Pope JE, Cheng J. Facet (Zygapophyseal) Intraarticular Joint Injections: Cervical, Lumbar, and Thoracic. Injections for Back Pain. 129-135. Accessed July 16, 2019.

Brummett CM, Cohen SP. Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Zygapophyseal (Facet) Joint Pain. 816-844. Accessed July 16, 2019.

Getting Better Sleep with Inflammatory Spinal Arthritis

Getting Better Sleep with Inflammatory Spinal Arthritis

Inflammatory spinal arthritis can cause significant joint pain and severely damage sleep quality. Any of the following conditions can cause individuals to experience sleep problems:
  • Spondylosis (osteoarthritis)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylosis
  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Dr. Jimenez from Injury Medical Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Clinic gives insight into how inflammatory spinal arthritis can disrupt healthy sleep, along with some tips to help individuals with joint pain restore healthy sleep.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Getting Better Sleep with Inflammatory Spinal Arthritis

Inflammatory Spinal Arthritis and Sleep

First, it is not just the joint pain of arthritis that is causing sleep problems. Research is discovering that more factors could be at play. A study in the journal SLEEP examined how individuals with chronic pain, including osteoarthritis slept. What was revealed was a strong connection between chronic pain and insomnia. Insomnia can lead to added joint pain because poor sleep can trigger inflammatory pathways that worsen arthritis pain. Plus a poor night of sleep can heighten an individual’s perception of pain the next day. Arthritis pain does not just impact the sleep of adults, but young individuals with juvenile idiopathic arthritis can also struggle with getting healthy sleep. Sleep, pain levels, and mood are strongly related.  

Sleep Tips

Achieving quality sleep and a well-rested body can be done. Things to consider to help secure a healthy sleep.  

Medication interference/side effects

Corticosteroids could be part of the sleep problem, as corticosteroid treatment has been linked to insomnia. If struggling to fall asleep, talk with a doctor about altering any prescribed medication regimen before sleep like taking aspirin or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory NSAID medication in its place.  

Adjust sleep position to joint pain

If the neck is sore/aching rest the head on a flat pillow so the cervical spine is in a neutral position. For low back joint pain, individuals might find relief by sleeping on their back or side with the knees and hips flexed at a 90-degree angle. For hip joint stiffness, sleeping on the side with a pillow between the legs is recommended.  

A firm mattress and support pillow

A firm mattress will support the body and help reduce pain. The right pillow/s are also important for healthy sleep. A lumbar and cervical pillow can help cushion tender areas.  

Readjust chores

Joint pain first thing in the morning needs time to adjust. For morning physical chores try to reschedule for later on in the day or if possible the night before. This could be fixing lunches, picking out clothes, preparing breakfast, or packing the work case, tools, etc. The extra time will reduce morning stress and allow the body to gently adjust.  
11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Getting Better Sleep with Inflammatory Spinal Arthritis

Wake up and stretch

With joint pain in the morning, some gentle stretching can help. Doing some stretches before even getting out of bed will help minimize pain and allow the body to gradually prepare for movement. Follow the stretch session up with a hot shower to loosen stiff joints.  

Increase Sleep Quality

Sleep problems can affect anyone even those that don’t have inflammatory spinal arthritis/joint pain. There could be other issues causing sleep problems unrelated to joint pain. If still not getting quality sleep, talk to a rheumatologist about available options.

Body Composition


Osteoarthritis and Exercise

Obesity is a significant risk factor in the development of osteoarthritis. This is not only from the effects of extra weight on the body’s joints but also as a result of the pro-inflammatory effects of adipose tissue. The hips and knees are the weight-bearing joints. Excessive adipose tissue on the midsection and legs have been shown to negatively impact these weight-bearing joints. Promoting Lean Body Mass and encouraging weight loss can potentially lower the risk of osteoarthritis and improve the quality of life. Gentle exercise is regarded as safe for individuals with osteoarthritis and is a key component to improve body composition, reduce body fat mass, improve lean body mass and maintain a healthy weight. Improving body composition and utilizing exercise in weight management can have a direct and positive effect on joint health.  

Dr. Alex Jimenez�s Blog Post Disclaimer

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas& New Mexico*  
Myers W. 9 Ways to Rise and Shine With Osteoarthritis. Everyday Health.� Last updated September 25, 2014. Accessed April 18, 2017. Watson S. Why Osteoarthritis Could Disrupt Your Sleep�and Your Partner�s. Arthritis Foundation. Accessed April 18, 2017.
Excess Sugar and Chronic Inflammation

Excess Sugar and Chronic Inflammation

Our diet can significantly affect inflammation in our bodies. Several foods can increase inflammation while other foods can reduce inflammation. According to healthcare professionals, a diet that is high in sugar may be associated with chronic inflammation. A systematic review in 2018 demonstrated that eating excess sugar can ultimately cause inflammation and a variety of other health issues, such as diabetes. Another 2014 research study showed that people who decreased their consumption of sugary or sweetened drinks had reduced inflammation. These research findings support the theory that eating excess sugar can cause chronic inflammation and various other diseases, including diabetes.


How Sugar Can Cause Inflammation


Healthcare professionals have tried to understand how eating excess sugar can cause chronic inflammation. Sugar triggers the production of free fatty acids in the liver. When the human body digests these free fatty acids, the resulting compounds can trigger inflammation. Different types of sugar may also cause more inflammation. By way of instance, one research study found that fructose can cause more inflammation than glucose. However, a systematic review found that fructose didn’t cause more inflammation than glucose. Therefore, further research studies are still required to determine which types of sugar may cause more inflammation. Symptoms associated with chronic inflammation can include:


  • pain and fatigue
  • sleeping problems or insomnia
  • anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders
  • digestive problems like acid reflux, constipation, and/or diarrhea
  • weight gain or obesity
  • constant infections


People with chronic inflammation may also have an increased risk of developing a variety of other health issues, including diabetes and dementia. Chronic inflammation in older adults may also be associated with an increased risk of death.


Health Issues Caused by Chronic Inflammation


Observational research studies in humans have associated diets with high added sugar and refined carbohydrates to the increased risk of developing a variety of health issues, including diabetes, IBD, liver disease, dementia, and arthritis.




Research studies showed a connection between the increased consumption of added sugar and type 2 diabetes. A large analysis that included over 38,000 participants found that simply consuming one serving of sweetened drinks or beverages on a regular basis was associated with an 18 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Another research study found that increasing the consumption of high-fructose corn syrup was also associated with diabetes.


Other Diseases


Increased consumption of added sugar and refined carbohydrates has also been associated with the development of other diseases, such as arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, and dementia. Furthermore, excess fructose consumption has been associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Healthcare professionals believe this may be due to a combination of ongoing low-grade inflammation, increased gut permeability, and bacterial overgrowth in the gut.


Other Foods That Can Cause Inflammation


  • sugary foods like pastries, desserts, and chocolate
  • saturated fats from processed meats and dairy products
  • trans fats found in fast, fried, foods
  • vegetable and seed oils
  • refined carbohydrates
  • excessive alcohol
  • MSG in prepared Asian foods and deli meats


For information regarding how excess sugar can cause chronic inflammation and various other health issues like diabetes, please review this article:



Diet can affect inflammation in our bodies. Several foods can increase inflammation while other foods can reduce inflammation. A diet that is high in sugar may be associated with inflammation. Numerous research studies have demonstrated that eating excess sugar can ultimately cause chronic inflammation and various other diseases, including diabetes. Because sugar triggers the production of free fatty acids in the liver, it can also trigger inflammation. Excess sugar can cause chronic inflammation. Different types of sugar may also cause different amounts of inflammation. There are many symptoms associated with chronic inflammation, including pain, fatigue, obesity, anxiety, and depression, among others. Inflammation can lead to a variety of health issues, such as diabetes and arthritis. Although excess sugar is associated with chronic inflammation, other foods like saturated fats and refined carbohydrates can also cause health issues. In the following article, we discuss how sugar can cause inflammation and a variety of other health issues, such as diabetes, in the human body. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insights



Image of sea green smoothie.



Sea Green Smoothie

Servings: 1
Cook time: 5-10 minutes

� 1/2 cup cantaloupe, cubed
� 1/2 banana
� 1 handful of kale or spinach
� 1 handful of Swiss chard
� 1/4 avocado
� 2 teaspoons spirulina powder
� 1 cup of water
� 3 or more ice cubes

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until completely smooth and enjoy!



Image of leafy greens smoothie.


Leafy Greens Hold the Key to Gut Health


A unique type of sugar found in leafy greens can help feed our beneficial gut bacteria. Sulfoquinovose (SQ) is the only known sugar molecule to be made up of sulfur, an extremely essential mineral in the human body. The human body uses sulfur to produce enzymes, proteins, and a variety of hormones as well as antibodies for our cells. A fast and easy way to get leafy greens into your diet is to toss a couple of handfuls of them into a delicious smoothie!



The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, and sensitive health issues and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our posts, topics, subjects, and insights cover clinical matters, issues, and topics that relate and support directly or indirectly our clinical scope of practice.* Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation as to how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900. The provider(s) Licensed in Texas*& New Mexico*�


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.




  • Spritzler, Franziska. �6 Foods That Cause Inflammation.� Healthline, Healthline Media, 12 Nov. 2019,
  • Caporuscio, Jessica. �Does Sugar Cause Inflammation? What the Research Says.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 19 Sept. 2019,
  • Brown, Mary Jane. �Does Sugar Cause Inflammation in the Body?� Healthline, Healthline Media, 12 Nov. 2017,