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Chiropractic News

Back Clinic Chiropractic News. El Paso, TX. Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez brings various chiropractic news articles dealing with the latest in adjustment techniques, technology, and medical discoveries. It is the third-largest area of medicine today. The word chiropractic comes from Greek meaning treatment by hand, which is exactly what chiropractors do they use their hands to manipulate the body and promote healing and wellness. A doctor of chiropractic (DC), chiropractor or chiropractic physician, is a health professional who is trained to diagnose and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Chiropractors treat patients of all ages, infants, children, and adults. They believe in a traditional (non-surgical) hands-on method of treating these disorders.

The chiropractic philosophy is dependent on the following belief statements: All bodily functions are connected as well as the healing process requires the entire body. A healthy nervous system, especially the spine, is an important factor in a healthy body. The spinal cord carries advice throughout the body and is accountable for many bodily functions including voluntary movements (such as walking) and involuntary functions (like respiration). When the systems of the body are in equilibrium, it is called homeostasis. Disorders of the bones, muscles, and nerves increase the risk of disorder along with other health problems and can disrupt homeostasis. When body systems are in harmony, the human anatomy gets the extraordinary ability to keep well-being and heal itself. For answers to any questions you may have please call Dr. Alexander Jimenez at 915-850-0900

College Students Benefit With Chiropractic

College Students Benefit With Chiropractic

College can be one of the most exciting times in a person�s life. With everything that comes with college also comes massive amounts of physical stress. Sitting all day, hunched over textbooks and laptops, even watching videos on your phone or texting, put constant strain on the spine that you may not be aware of. Chiropractic�can help alleviate the stress, relax the muscles and align the spine for optimal health, making it an ideal health solution for your college lifestyle.

How Chiropractic Benefits College Lifestyle

There are a lot of ways that chiropractic can help you feel better and even perform better at college. A healthy body makes everything easier, and chiropractic is designed to aid in a healthy lifestyle.

Some of the ways chiropractic can help include:

1. Heals the damage caused by extended sitting.

Sitting for long periods every day has been shown to increase the risk of death, and has been connected with a number of different health issues. The most important thing you can do each day is get up and move around every half hour or so, if possible.

But there is another thing you can do to address the tightness in soft tissues, compression of spinal discs and other effects sitting has on your body�get chiropractic adjustments. Regular adjustments realign your spine, reduce pressure on discs and help to relax the tightness in muscles and other soft tissues.

2. Helps correct poor posture.

Studying and working on the computer for long periods of time can be exhausting, there is no denying. Unfortunately, as you get tired you tend to hunch and slouch in ways that are not good for your back and neck. While paying attention to your posture is important and can help somewhat, the reality is that no one can maintain the perfect posture for hours and hours.

By visiting your chiropractor, you can get much-needed adjustments to your back and neck that will help to correct damage caused by poor posture. Your chiropractor can also give you tips on how to maintain the best possible posture and ergonomics on a daily basis to minimize further damage.

11860 Vista Del Sol El Paso Back Clinic Benefits College Students

Meeting Talking Discussion Brainstorming Communication Concept

3. Heals neck injuries like text neck.

According to recent research, looking down at your phone for an extended period of time is the equivalent of putting a 60-pound weight on your neck. As you go about your day, notice how often you are staring down at your phone.

Whether it is texting with friends, watching a video or looking something up, you spend a considerable amount of time with that 60-pound weight on your neck. If your neck hurts, it is easy to understand why.

Chiropractic care is an excellent way to heal neck injuries including those caused by text neck. Regular adjustments can bring back the space between your vertebrae and help your neck heal.

4. Maintains spinal health.

Whether you hit the gym every day, play sports, or try to never move from the couch, you are always putting pressure on your spine. Your chiropractor is trained to help you maintain spinal health in a variety of ways, including chiropractic adjustments and lifestyle advice concerning healthy movement. By developing a relationship with your chiropractor that includes regular visits for adjustments and consultations on spinal issues you are experiencing, you can enjoy much better spinal health.

Contact Us & Schedule An Appointment

The best way to learn the benefits of chiropractic care is to meet with an experienced chiropractor. Please contact us to schedule an appointment. Let us help you enjoy a healthier spine and all the benefits that come with it.

El Paso Back Clinic

What Is A Winged Scapula & How Chiropractic Can Help El Paso, TX.

What Is A Winged Scapula & How Chiropractic Can Help El Paso, TX.

A winged scapula is a debilitating condition left untreated. The condition is often spotted by the protrusion or the sticking out of the scapula from the back. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can fix the condition. This and associated therapies can help you get relief from your symptoms, and to strengthen your shoulders to avoid further discomfort.


The symptoms of a winged scapula can include:

  • Protrusion of the shoulder blade from the back
  • Pain when sitting from pressure on the scapula
  • Difficulty moving the shoulder and arm
  • Weakness in the shoulder and arm

Sometimes the symptoms of a winged scapula are relatively minor in the beginning. You may only have a little discomfort at the start. But symptoms tend to get worse over time, so it is important for you to seek treatment sooner rather than later.


There are a variety of causes of a winged scapula. Often it is the result of damage to the thoracic nerve in the shoulder, sometimes due to trauma.

The damage to the thoracic nerve can cause muscles in the shoulder to become paralyzed, leading to winged scapula symptoms. Many times the appearance of a winged scapula indicated other problems in the back and shoulder.

Poor posture can also lead to a winged scapula. Years of poor posture can weaken the muscles that hold the shoulder in place to the point where a winged scapula is more likely to occur.

11860 Vista Del Sol, A Winged Scapula Chiropractor El Paso Back Clinic

Chiropractic Care Can Help

I.D. The Cause

Because this condition can be caused by several different issues, it is important to determine the exact cause before beginning treatment. A chiropractor is well-qualified to give you a full body examination to locate the source of your injury.

Realigning The Thoracic Nerve

Chiropractors are skilled at aligning the human body, including the thoracic nerve. We can locate the point where misalignment of the nerve has occurred and often correct it.

Strengthening The Shoulders

As a winged scapula is often the result of weakened shoulder muscles, the most effective treatment is usually to strengthen the muscles. Our team can guide you in rehab exercises to return your muscle strength and support your shoulder. We can also help you learn how to activate the right muscles in the right manner to operate your shoulder properly.


When things like poor posture and/or injury lead to a winged scapula, the injury is usually only part of the overall issues with the body. Chiropractic adjustments are ideal for realigning your spine and limiting the pressure on the nerves in your back. Adjustments can help with the muscle imbalances and spinal imbalances that often accompany the appearance of a winged scapula.

Seek Qualified Care from a Chiropractor

The symptoms of a winged scapula can come on slowly, which makes many sufferers feel like they should try fixing the issue themselves before seeking medical care. Unfortunately, trying to heal a winged scapula on your own is not likely to be effective.

In fact, you will need some sort of assistance to even apply ice to the area, You will also need help to identify exactly what is wrong and to treat it. Seeking qualified care is recommended.

Helping You Heal

A winged scapula can be quite painful. You should not have to suffer from should pain and back pain. We encourage you to contact us to schedule an appointment and get the treatment you deserve. We are happy to help you with all your chiropractic needs.

11860 Vista Del Sol, A Winged Scapula Chiropractor El Paso Back Clinic

Shoulder Pain Rehabilitation | El Paso, Tx

Can Chiropractic Treatment Be Used For Pets? El Paso, TX.

Can Chiropractic Treatment Be Used For Pets? El Paso, TX.

More and more people are going to the chiropractor to relieve their pain and other conditions. But did you know that your pet can get those benefits as well? Chiropractic care for pets has been gaining in popularity, and even some pet insurance policies cover it.

In the same ways that it helps human patients, it also helps animals. It offers a less invasive, medication-free way to manage pain and correct many health issues, including arthritis and joint injuries. A number of pet owners claim chiropractic is not only great for their pets but that their pets are excited to go to appointments and see their chiropractors.

Which animals benefit from veterinary chiropractic care?

Any species of animal can benefit from chiropractic. The most common animals to receive this specialized type of care are dogs, cats, and horses. However, any vertebrate species, including birds, can reap the benefits.

Chiropractic for animals has long been a standard form of treatment with many show horses, race horses, and barrel racers. It is considered a viable, beneficial treatment to help the animals combat the stress their bodies are put under due to their jobs. It is also very good for injuries, speeding healing while managing pain.

It is often used on dogs and cats to help with injuries, arthritis, and aging. Sometimes an animal can hurt but they are unable to communicate that to their owners. If you notice behavioral changes or grumpiness, you may want to check your pet out. He or she may be hurt and can�t tell you � and chiropractic could be the answer.

Most often treated conditions

chiropractic care for pets el paso tx.

Veterinary chiropractic helps pets with many conditions that are biomechanical or neurological in origin � much like it helps humans. Some of these conditions include spondylosis, hip dysplasia, and other types of degenerative joint diseases, intervertebral disk disease, neck pain, back pain, and cervical instability. It can also address problems of the autonomic nervous system like musculoskeletal weakness, fecal and urinary incontinence, chronic neck and back pain, and other pain that don�t respond to conventional treatments.

Serious injuries like ligament tears or fractures may require surgical intervention, but chiropractic can help post-surgery. It can help relieve the pain as well as correct secondary problems that could occur due to the animal overcompensating in response to the injury. In performance animals, regular chiropractic care can help prevent injury by maintaining flexibility and a good range of motion.

How does it work?

Chiropractic is designed to help keep the joints and spine in their natural, healthy alignment. The nerves that surround the joints and run along the spine communicate with the central nervous system. This connects to all of the organs in the body, including the brain.

When the spine is out of alignment, even just a little, it can cause disruptions in how the messages are relayed through the central nervous system and to the organs and brain. A misaligned spine can affect the entire body, causing pain in muscles and joints, affecting organ function, and impact the animal�s overall health and wellbeing. When the spine is not aligned, the body will not function as it should.

Give the best possible chiropractic experience.

When you meet with the veterinary chiropractor, make sure that you have all of your pet�s information available, including vaccinations, health care history, any conditions they have, their diet (including supplements), medications they are taking, and their daily activities. If the doctor is treating an injury, explain how the injury occurred if you know.

When the adjustment is over, make sure that you understand any therapy or exercises to do at home, post adjustment. If there is something you don�t understand, ask. The doctor may also provide recommendations regarding lifestyle changes including saddle fit, collar fit, exercise, conditioning, or shoeing. Make sure you follow these as well. Your pet can�t make those decisions for his or her own health, that is up to you. Don�t let them down.

Sciatic Nerve Treatment El Paso, TX Chiropractor

School Teachers And Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX.

School Teachers And Chiropractic Benefits | El Paso, TX.

Research shows that back pain is a common complaint for teachers. When you factor in the mental stress as well as the physical demands, it is easy to see how they could have problems with aches and pains. Chiropractic care offers a proactive approach to health care and overall wellness to keep teachers pain free.

Teachers go through a lot in a day. They spend hours on their feet. They bend, stoop, and lift, hunching over students� desks helping them and carrying heavy books. They sit at a desk, grading papers. It�s no wonder so many of our educators complain of neck and back pain! The good news is, regular chiropractic care can help alleviate those symptoms so that teachers can keep doing what they do best � sculpting young minds.

Why Teachers should Seek Chiropractic Care

When you are juggling home, family, and career, it is easy to put your health on the back burner. You may start out ignoring that twinge of pain in your lower back, or those headaches that you get now and then. But if left untreated, these problems can worsen.

That occasional back pain could turn into a full-time ordeal, affecting your arms, legs, even your feet. The occasional headaches could steadily increase in intensity and frequency until it seems you can�t go a day without one.

When your body is bombarded with pain it affects every aspect of your life. Even low-level pain that is constant can lower your performance on the job and at home. It can cause irritability, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue. Your students suffer; your family suffers. It is really worth it?

Chiropractic care is a proactive approach to better health both mentally and physically. It will help you stay on top of your game so that you function better in the classroom as well as at home.

When you feel better you will have more energy to do the things you enjoy. Even once a week or once every two weeks in a chiropractor�s office can make a world of difference in how you feel and how you function.

What Chiropractic won�t do for Teachers

Chiropractic is a natural approach to health care. It provides patients with a non-invasive, medication-free way to manage their pain. The teacher who seeks out chiropractic care will not be prescribed mind-numbing medications that upset the stomach and inhibit your performance in the classroom.

It won�t prescribe invasive procedures that require time off work and out of the class while you recuperate. Medical doctors often just treat just the symptoms without every addressing the root of the problem. This is an almost sure-fire guarantee that your problems will return because they were never resolved.

Chiropractic seeks to find the cause of the problem so that the pain can be managed, not just temporarily relieved.

school teachers and chiropractic care el paso tx.

How Chiropractic Benefits Teachers

When you visit a chiropractor, he or she will do much more than just adjust your neck and back. They may discuss with you the activities you enjoy, what your schedule is like, and how you spend your day.

While they will realign your spine and bring your body back into alignment, they will also help you in other areas as well. This translates to fewer sick days, less pain, and increased effectiveness in the classroom.

Chiropractic provides a whole-body approach to wellness. It sees the patient, treating  the underlying causes, not just the symptoms.

Your chiropractor may offer nutrition and dietary advice, advising you to lose weight, eliminate certain foods from your diet, or add certain foods. They may recommend lifestyle changes like quitting smoking or incorporating exercise into your daily routine.

You may be given supplements that support your immunity, joints, or overall health. By treating the whole patient, chiropractic is more effective and will greatly improve the patient�s quality of life.

Effective Chiropractic Therapy | El Paso, Tx

Best Chiropractic Care for Injuries | El Paso, Tx

Best Chiropractic Care for Injuries | El Paso, Tx

Louie Martinez depends on his wellness to be able to perform daily physical activities. And thanks to Dr. Jimenez, a chiropractor. Louie Martinez has found pain relief for a variety of health issues. Chiropractic care is a safe and alternative treatment option that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of a variety of injuries and/or conditions associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Louie Martinez describes how Dr. Alex Jimenez has restored his quality of life. Louie Martinez is grateful for the chiropractic care Dr. Alex Jimenez has provided for him, and he highly recommends him as the non-surgical choice for a variety of health issues, including back pain and sports injuries.

Best Chiropractic

best injury chiropractor el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process. Our areas of practice include Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain, Personal InjuryAuto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sports Injuries, Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center, we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

We want you to live a life filled with more energy, positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life.

I assure you, I will only accept the best for you�

If you have enjoyed this video and we have helped you in any way, please feel free to subscribe and recommend us.

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Three Celebrities That Rely On Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx.

Three Celebrities That Rely On Chiropractic Care | El Paso, Tx.

Every day millions of people use chiropractic care to help manage pain, correct certain health conditions, and to live a healthier, more mobile life � and there are some very famous faces among them. A number of celebrities use chiropractic on a regular basis. Here are three very different people with very different reasons for seeing a chiropractor.

Lance Armstrong � 7 Time Tour de France Winner

celebrities and chiropractic care el paso tx.

Cycling takes a serious toll on the human body. The repetitive motion of pedaling, combined with the hunched posture as the cyclist leans over the handlebars can lead to back pain, hip lock, and knee problems as well as wrist problems.

Pro cyclist, Lance Armstrong knows well the beating that a body takes when cycling and keeps chiropractor Dr. Jeff Spencer on his staff. The 7 time Tour de France winner has been quoted as saying that the chiropractor is the most important person on the team staff. In fact, in his book, Every Second Counts, he said, �The guy who put us all back together was our chiropractor.�

Dr. Spencer, who toured with Armstrong and the United States Cycling Team, has work with other pro athletes including NASCAR drivers and PGA golfer Tiger Woods. He helps keep Armstrong on top of his game.

Montel Williams � Talk Show Host

celebrities and chiropractic care el paso tx.

One of the most profound testimonials from a celebrity regarding chiropractic comes from talk show host Montel Williams.

In 1999, Williams was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a devastating chronic disease that affects the central nervous system. It often leads to disability in many of the people who have it. The symptoms can range from mild tingling to paralysis or blindness.

He endured severe pain that affected the way he moved, including how he walked. He tried many different treatments, including chiropractic. He credits chiropractic with reducing his pain and mobility issues.

When Williams tried chiropractic for MS, he found that his symptoms decreased significantly, especially his chronic pain. Regular chiropractic treatments help him to stay active which he finds very effective in managing his disease and pain. The whole-body approach that chiropractic offers gave Williams invaluable guidance regarding diet, exercise, and stress management in addition to spinal adjustments. It has made a significant difference in his life.

Gisele Bundchen � Victoria�s Secret Model

celebrities and chiropractic care el paso tx.

We may never know just what Victoria�s �secret� is, but Gisele Bundchen, one of the famous faces of the brand, has her own secret to a �painless� natural birth � good prenatal care that includes a top-notch doula/midwife and an exceptional chiropractor. The supermodel, who is married to Tom Brady, made regular visits to her chiropractor throughout her pregnancy.

She �wanted to be present� during the birth of her child so she opted for a more natural approach to her prenatal care as well as labor and delivery. When it came time for her son�s birth, she said that she �felt no pain.� The birth was reportedly quick and painless.

Chiropractic has long been used by expectant moms to counteract the many changes a woman�s body experiences throughout pregnancy. When the body is in balance and the spine is aligned, it does indeed make the birth much easier.

Bundchen is not the only supermodel who believes in chiropractic though. Cindy Crawford is also a believer. In fact, her twins have been seeing a chiropractor since they were very young. According to Crawford, she included chiropractic as part of their healthcare because she wanted her kids to be healthy.

Chiropractic can help anyone; you don�t have to be a celebrity to enjoy the health benefits. No matter what you do for work or play, it can make a difference in your life too.

Lower Back Pain Pregnancy Chiropractic Treatment

Being Thankful Benefits Your Health | El Paso, TX.

Being Thankful Benefits Your Health | El Paso, TX.

Can being grateful make you healthier? Several studies say yes. There is a great deal of evidence that shows being thankful benefits your health both physically and mentally. Researchers have found that an attitude of gratitude helps you have a stronger immune system, a healthier heart, more energy, and a happier outlook on life.

The Science of Being Thankful

When you are grateful, just like any other emotion, it affects your outlook. Gratitude is particularly powerful when used as a way of viewing the word, of interpreting and perceiving your life. Other positive emotions come attached to appreciation and these work in the body to provide powerful physical health benefits.

According to research, the simple act of thinking about the things you are grateful for, causes the parasympathetic nervous system, the part that promotes calm and peaceful feelings, to be triggered. This can cause chemical reactions such as increasing oxytocin (the hormone that helps with bonding in relationships and increases good feelings) while decreasing cortisol (the stress hormone that can cause a variety of health issues).

Studies on Gratefulness

Several studies have been done over the past few years exploring the connection between gratitude and health. One study published in the European Scientific Journal in June 2017, drew a direct line between appreciation and coping with PTSD. It found that the more gratitude increases in a person the less psychological distress decreases. A research report published in June 2017, found that gratitude could be a viable means for helping ease fibromyalgia symptoms. In

November 2016, the American Heart Association published information on a study that was conducted on heart patients who had asymptomatic heart failure. The researchers measured evaluated their levels of gratitude and found that the patients who were more grateful slept better, experienced less anxiety, and had decreased depression. These people also had healthier hearts and lower levels of inflammation. The lower levels of inflammation, as well as a more positive outlook, also help patients better manage pain.

being grateful el paso tx.

7 Tips for Being more Grateful

Even if gratitude does not come naturally to you, it is possible to learn it. It can become a habit that can be cultivated and incorporated into everyday life. Try these tips for developing gratefulness in your life.

1. Think about being grateful. The more you think about it, the more you will find that you are thankful.

2. Avoid comparing up. There will always be someone who has more than you do or is more advantaged. Seeking them out and ruminating on what you don�t have or don�t have enough of is a recipe for discontent, anger, and frustration.

3. Keep a gratitude journal and write down the things you are thankful for. This will not only serve as a reminder, but it will also help to develop the habit of being grateful.

4. If you don�t think you have anything to be thankful for, find just one thing and focus on that. Gradually add items you are grateful for, and you will find them.

5. Change your perspective. When something doesn�t go your way, look for the positives in it. This can be internal or external. How did you grow? What did you gain?

6. Change your thinking. Choose positive language and banish negative language from your vocabulary. Don�t allow negativity to color your life experiences. Choose to be happy and maintain a positive outlook.

7. Say it out loud. Use your voice and tell people that you are grateful. Tell them you appreciate them, that you are thankful for things. Let yourself hear your positive words of gratitude so that it can take hold in you and become a part of who you are.

Being thankful makes you a healthier, happier person, so take some time to find several things that you�re grateful for (or a lot!). You�ll love the benefits.

El Paso, TX Chiropractor Recommended