Sports Spine Specialist Chiropractic Team: Athletes strive to achieve their body’s maximum performance by participating in numerous training regimens consisting of strenuous exercises and physical activity and ensuring they meet all of their body’s nutritional requirements. Through proper fitness and nutrition, many individuals can condition themselves to excel in their specific sport. Our training programs are designed for athletes that look to gain a competitive edge in their sport.
We provide sport-specific services to help increase an athlete’s performance through mobility, strength, and endurance. Occasionally, however, the excess workouts can lead many to suffer injuries or develop underlying conditions. Dr. Alex Jimenez’s chronicle of articles for athletes displays in detail the many forms of complications affecting these professionals while focusing on the possible solutions and treatments to follow to achieve overall well-being.
Anyone who struggles with back pain knows how distressing it can be. Whether it�s soreness that impedes your sleep or aches that hurt your productivity while you sit at your desk at work, back pain is hard to ignore no matter what position you�re in.
The good news? Yoga can be a surprisingly helpful remedy. In this video, yoga expert and Retox author Lauren Imparato takes you through a 20-minute yoga flow designed to soothe and prevent back pain. Yes, please!
�How you sit, how you sleep, something you ate, how you moved,� can all contribute to upper or lower back issues, Imparato explains. And while treatment options do exist�such as massage and acupuncture�studies have shown that yoga may actually be more effective than these and other alternatives. Research from the Annals of Internal Medicine found that people with chronic lower back pain saw more improvement of their symptoms after a 12-week yoga class compared to those who only received medicine or physical therapy to treat their pain.
Want to experience the same relief? In this video, Imparato will first help you release tightness and tension in your back by guiding you through classic stretches like cat and cow. Next, she�ll show you how to do a quick, equipment-free flow that works to stabilize the spine and strengthen the muscles in your core that support it. (Hi, toned abs!) Watch the clip above for a yoga routine that not only reduces back pain but crafts long, lean muscle at the same time.
Also check out our sister company: Best Yoga Routines for Sleep. �This is a great article that helps you doze off…. WAY Better…
This is a partial workout. You can find the rest of the moves at Life by Daily Burn.
When you look at a slam ball, leg and glute exercises may not be the first thing that comes to mind. But incorporating this soft weighted ball into your booty routine will work your lower half hard. Weak hamstrings, glutes and hips can lead to knee and back pain. So if you’re looking for a way to strengthen these muscles, while building power, the slam ball can kill two birds with one big, squishy ball.
Gerren Liles, PROJECT by Equinox master trainer and Reebok ONE Elite ambassador likes to use it for a quick leg workout. “The slam ball is a simple tool that allows you to move in multiple dimensions and directions, and can serve as a load to develop strength and power,” Liles says.
In addition to tightening and toning, the slam ball creates an unstable environment that forces your body to work harder to balance weight. (Stability challenge, anyone?) And because you’ll move in different planes of motion, you’ll work your core, legs and arms, too.
“The ball can be used as a prop to challenge your stability, as you’ll see in the Bulgarian squat and soccer tap drill. It can also be used as a form of resistance in the squat with front push and hamstring curls,” Liles explains. Check out just how versatile this space-efficient piece of equipment can be in the six exercises below.
6 Slam Ball Exercises That Build Lower-Body Strength
These moves will not only blast your lower half, they’ll help improve your ankle mobility, agility and reflexes. Add some intensity, and they’ll get your heart rate up, too, Liles says. Do 8 to 10 reps of each exercise for two sets.
GIFs: Tiffany Ayuda / Life by Daily Burn
1. Bulgarian Squat
This variation of the squat challenges your balance. To keep your foot from rolling off the ball, engage your core so you can move with more control, Liles says.
How to: Stand with your feet together in front of a slam ball. Step your right foot back and place your toes on top of the ball (a). Keeping your weight in your left heel, slowly lower your body into a lunge, bending your right knee towards the floor. Your left knee should form a 90-degree angle to the floor. Be sure your left knee is stacked above your ankle (b). Straighten both legs and return to standing (c).
Take your glute bridges to the next level with this variation that also strengthens your hamstrings. The lack of surface area on the ball is an added challenge to making the movement slower.
How to: Lay on your back with your hips lifted off the floor and your calves and heels on top of the ball. Plant your hands on the floor at your sides (a). Draw your heels in toward your butt with control, bending your legs. Your hips should elevate even higher as you squeeze your glutes to bring your heels in (b). Slowly extend your legs back out to the starting position (c).
3. Lying Quad Extension
Your quads, hamstrings and glutes are some of the biggest muscles groups in your body. This simple move fires up all three, helping you torch more calories per workout.
How to: Lie flat on your back and place the ball between your calves with your knees bent. For an added core challenge, you can lift your head off the floor and bring your chin towards your chest (a). Without moving your hips, bring your legs straight up towards the ceiling (b). Then, bend your knees until the ball touches the back of your legs. Remember to press your low-back into the floor throughout the entire movement (c).
When your metabolism is running like a well-oiled machine, your body is working for you. Not only can it make maintaining (or losing) weight a little easier, but maximizing your system’s calorie-burning engine will also help you feel more energetic, active, and alive. To figure out how to get it to that happy place, incorporate these everyday eating and exercise habits into your regular routine.
Do more heavy lifting
It’s so easy to glance at the “calories burned” figure on the cardio machine and then add more time to your workout to make the number higher. But if you want your metabolic furnace to burn hotter during the day, you’re going to need to add muscle. “Muscle burns more calories than fat,” says Alissa Rumsey, RD, CSCS, author of Three Steps to a Healthier You. She advises fitting in a total-body strength workout two to three times per week, using a weight that’s heavy enough to make the 10th rep very difficult.
You already know that cranking your metabolism means filling your dinner plate with quality protein (in the form of lean meats, eggs, fish, legumes, and yogurt). Thing is, it’s easy to get that chicken breast or piece of salmon in at dinner. What’s harder is remembering to eat a high-protein meal at breakfast and lunch, says Rumsey, when you’re typically on the go and too rushed to do much more than grab a piece of fruit or carb-heavy sandwich.
Getting good protein in the a.m. and p.m. “will also help you maintain and build muscle as long as you consume it before and after regular weight training workouts,” she says. Plus, research suggests that your body works harder to break down and process calories from protein than from fat or carbs, resulting in a slight bump in metabolism. And don’t forget, protein promotes satiety. You’ll feel fuller and burn more calories breaking it down. Double win.
Dial back your work stress
No one has to tell you that chronic stress is unhealthy. But stress at work is especially detrimental. One study of women with a history of mood disorders in the journal Biological Psychiatry found that those who experienced extra stress during the workday burned 104 fewer calories in response to a higher-fat meal compared to women who were not stressed. As the researchers discovered in a later study, stress can change the way your body metabolizes fats, even reducing the benefits of eating a healthy meal.
Snack before bedtime
You heard that right—it’s time to consider disregarding all those warnings about not eating after 8 p.m. “Conventional wisdom says that food you eat right before bed will sit in your stomach all night long, which will result in packing on the pounds,” says Cassie Bjork, RD, author of Why Am I Still Fat?. Instead, the right bedtime snack “will actually boost your metabolism by keeping your blood-sugar levels stable, which allows your pancreas to secrete the fat-burning hormone glucagon,” she says.
Sleep may be the last thing on your to-do list, yet it deserves priority status, and here’s one out of a million reasons why. Not getting enough rest has a disastrous effect on your metabolism, prompting you to misread your system’s hunger cues and revving your appetite. As one study suggests, this appetite boost happens when your body calls for extra calories to fuel the additional time you’re awake—and that leads you to overeat. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults snag seven to nine hours of shuteye per night. Give it a try tonight.
Maybe you put in your 45 minutes of daily heart-pumping exercise on the regular. But if you spend the rest of the day with your butt planted firmly in a chair, you’re keeping your metabolism in stall, says Rumsey. “It’s important to move as much as possible,” she says, not just because movement burns calories but because it keeps your metabolism on high.
So make an effort to get up and stand at your desk, head outside to eat lunch and then taking a stroll, or walk or down the stairs when possible. Moving more during the day, even if you’re just heading down the halls of your office or taking the long route to the parking lot where you left your car, will keep your metabolism running, she says.
Stop counting calories
“People often think that restricting calories boosts metabolism, but this does the complete opposite,” says Bjork. Here’s why: calories are the energy that fuels your body and helps your metabolism run efficiently. Take in too few, and you’ll start to feel fatigued and hangry. Ensuring that you’re filling up your plate with lean protein (like fish or meat), healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, almond butter), and lots of fruits and veggies will deliver high-quality, nutritionally dense calories to your body. That helps your metabolism run optimally, in turn burning calories rather than conserving them.
Julian Alcarez Declines His 2017 CrossFit Games Qualification
Julian Alcarez had his rookie year at the 2015 CrossFit Games and barely missed qualifying for the 2016 CrossFit Games. He’s spent time training and putting in the work to qualify and finished in fourth overall at the 2017 California Regionals, earning his second trip to the Games.But life happens and priorities change and Julian Alcarez has a baby on the way to Miranda Oldroyd and Julian Alcarez has declined his qualifying berth in order to be there for the birth of his first child.
As a result, his spot goes to sixth place finisher Wesley “Holden” Rethwill. Here’s the emotional video of the moment it was announced:
Good on Julian for not only having the capacity to make it to the Games but also the maturity to set his priorities and put his family first.
Compression tights are the latest in athletic performance wear, and some runners swear they improve their performance by helping them to run longer, faster and even recover more quickly with less soreness. But does science back up those beliefs?
In a study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine�s annual meeting, researchers put the latest compression-wear to the test. In a study funded by Nike, Ajit Chaudhari, from the physical therapy department at Ohio State University, and his colleagues tested two prototype compression tights provided by the company. Nearly 20 experienced male distance runners agreed to run at nearly their maximum ability wearing three different outfits: running shorts, low-compression tights and high-compression tights. The high-compression gear was the most compression allowed before being classified as a medical device (which is how some compression socks designed to treat circulation conditions are categorized.)
Because compression tights are supposed to keep muscles from vibrating too much�the oscillation is what experts believe causes muscle fatigue and damage to fibers�Chaudhari also measured how much vibration the runners� leg muscles experienced by using special reflectors that could record even the smallest movements. To see how the different outfits affected the runners� performance, the researchers also measured the strength of leg muscles and asked the runners to jump as high as they could before and after the 30-minute run.
It turns out that there were no changes in the runners� jump height or strength whether they wore the running shorts, the low-compression or the high-compression tights. �What we found, when we tested them after a 30-minute high intensity run, was that we don�t see any real effects of the compression tights,� says Chaudhari. �I would say that it�s one strike against expecting improvement in performance from compression tights. We don�t see any evidence that they result in improvement in performance, so for someone who is wearing the tights specifically to try to improve performance, I�d say there isn�t any evidence that they are worth the time or money.�
In a statement, Nike said: �Our goal is to better understand all aspects of human performance. The effect of compression products on performance is one of many areas we study and an area that is often studied by other researchers. The Ohio State University study, which focused on 17 athletes for up to 30 minutes per athlete, produced an interesting data point that delivered an additional perspective on the study of compression tights. Our role is to take athlete feedback and data from studies like this to develop world-class products for athletes at every level.�
Muscle fatigue is one of the major drivers of injury. As their muscles get tired, runners tend to lose their form, and that�s when joints and muscles get misaligned and injuries can occur. Compression tights were thought to stave off that fatigue by keeping vibrations to a minimum, but that theory hadn�t really been tested.
These latest results suggest that compression tights may not be the answer to reducing fatigue. Chaudhari did document that the compression reduced vibration of the muscles; it�s just not clear that the reduction in vibration had any effect on fatigue. It�s possible, he says, that the 30 minutes of intense running wasn�t enough to bring the muscles in these experienced runners to the tiring point. But that�s unlikely, since the runners did start to breathe more heavily and experience faster heart rates, which indicated they were working harder. (Some of the runners couldn�t run for the entire 30 minutes at the heightened intensity.)
There may also be other reasons why people prefer compression tights. For some runners, the extra support helps them run longer or feel more comfortable, and that�s important to performance. They may also keep the legs warm, which some runners prefer.
�If they make you comfortable, they could help you run further,� Chaudhari says. �But if somebody is thinking, �gosh, I need to set personal records and I�ll use the tights because I believe they will help my performance,� you have to go in knowing that it�s kind of a shot in the dark.�
The Schroth Method is a non-surgical principle utilized as a scoliosis treatment which consists of scoliosis-specific exercises depending to curve-pattern.
The scoliosis exercises used in this form of treatment do not resemble conventional exercises and also, the Schroth method focuses on a proprietary corrective breathing technique called rotational breathing, or rotational angular breathing (RAB). Each patient with scoliosis has a curve pattern that is unique. The aim of the Schroth method is to correct the torso, allowing it to restore its original physiological structure.
The term scoliosis exercise leads people to think it�s simple to handle scoliosis via exercise. However, it is important that an experienced and qualified healthcare professional whom specialized in Schroth methodology conducts the training. With proper education on the Schroth method of exercises for scoliosis, it’s possible for patients to integrate them into daily life and understand the abilities required for lifetime management. For individuals who choose to understand the Schroth method, the benefits are endless.
More About the Schroth Method
Special Schroth method exercises for scoliosis target the trunk and the core, but they truly start in the feet or pelvis. The exercises are accustomed to correct the backbone in three-dimensions and contain special instructions, based on curve pattern, prior to starting the exercise which will incorporate the rotational respiration. Creator Katharina Schroth developed the technique in Germany more than ninety years back.
Simply stated, the aim of the Schroth method is to correct the spine in the frontal, sagittal and transverse planes. That is achieved through de-flexion, de- rotation and elongation of the spine and rib cage. The patient learns to reinforce the musculature surrounding the spine, focusing primarily on creating overall stability and spinal balance to provide overall health and wellness.
Working to correct the backbone in this mode is a key to successful scoliosis direction. Possible advantages for many who learn and practice the Schroth method approach for scoliosis are:
Stopped or potentially reduced progression in teenagers
Spinal de-rotation
Improved lung function
Chest expansion that is improved
Enhanced postural appearance
A more balanced posture
Decrease or removal of pain, if present
A component of empowerment over scoliosis (the value of this cannot be underestimated) and the chance for control over what’s frequently presumed to be a condition that’s uncontrollable from the patient
The Schroth method exercises should be unique to every individual. Because of this, it’s essential for healthcare professionals to work on a one-on-one basis with their patients, rather than in groups. There are lots of Schroth scoliosis exercises. A chiropractor, physical therapist, or other specialist can determine which exercises are best for every single patient and on the basis of the curve pattern effectiveness of every exercise for the individual. On a side note, not every exercise may function the same for each person.
Patients must focus physically and mentally as well as work at internalizing the concepts of re-establishing their body’s balance. Patients are additionally instructed awareness and optimal postural control during everyday activities to prevent the progression of scoliosis.
Individuals with scoliosis experience imbalances along the muscles in their back on opposing sides. Schroth method exercises lengthen the muscles on the concave side of the spine while the patient learns to shorten the muscles on the convex side of the back. Schroth method rotatory respiration teaches patients to breathe to the concave side of the torso. This inhalation period is followed by the exhalation phase, generally known as stabilization. Stabilization helps re-establish a more stable three-dimensional spinal alignment, helping the patient be able to understand how the spine is corrected.
Patience is the key to effective results from the Schroth method exercises.
The Schroth Method – Exercises for Scoliosis
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez
Additional Topics: Neck Pain and Auto Injury
After being involved in an automobile accident, the sheer force of the impact can often cause whiplash, a common type of neck injury resulting from the sudden, back-and-forth motion of the head against the body due to a car wreck, or other incident. Because of this, many of the complex structures found within the neck, including the spine, ligaments and muscles, can be stretched beyond their normal range, causing injury and painful symptoms.
Taking vitamin D supplements while pregnant may protect a mom’s baby from developing asthma, says a study published in the journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. The study found that the supplements could positively modify the immune system of the fetus and could protect it against asthma and respiratory infections.
Researchers from the U.K.’s King’s College London looked at the effect that taking a supplement of 4,400 IU vitamin D3 per day during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy versus the recommended daily intake (RDI) of 400 IU/day, had on the immune system of the newborn.
Volunteers were randomized at 10 to 18 weeks of pregnancy and given either a high or low dose of Vitamin D. At birth, blood was taken from the newborns’ umbilical cords and tested to gauge their innate immune system, which is the baby’s first line of defense to infection, and their T lymphocyte responses, which provide longer-lasting protection.
They discovered that blood samples from babies born to mothers supplemented with higher doses of vitamin D3 had stronger immune responses that protect newborns from infection. Since strong immune responses are associated with a decrease in the risk of developing asthma, researchers believe the babies will have better respiratory health during childhood.
“The majority of all asthma cases are diagnosed in early childhood implying that the origin of the disease stems in fetal and early life,” said lead researcher, Professor Catherine Hawrylowicz of King’s College London.
“Studies to date that have investigated links between vitamin D and immunity in the baby have been observational,” she said. “For the first time, we have shown that higher Vitamin D levels in pregnancy can effectively alter the immune response of the newborn baby, which could help to protect the child from developing asthma.”
Other recent studies have also found that nutritional substances can affect asthma. Scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy oils found in cold water fish and fish oil supplements, can help fight asthma. In addition, a New England Journal of Medicine study in late 2016 showed that pregnant women who ate fish or took fish oil supplements reduced the risk of asthma in their children.
Vitamin D during pregnancy has also been found to influence the risk of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) as toddlers. Danish researchers studied the umbilical cords of infants, and asked moms to complete surveys noting their children’s behavior when they were two-and-a-half years old. Moms who had taken vitamin D when pregnant, and whose umbilical cords contained high levels, reported significantly fewer symptoms of ADHD in their children.
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