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Spinal Fitness Crossfit Chiropractic Team: CrossFit is a fitness regimen developed by Greg Glassman several years ago. Composed of Increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains. He then created a program specifically designed to improve fitness and health. It is promoted as both a physical exercise philosophy and also as a competitive fitness sport, CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weight lifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoy sport, calisthenics, strongman, and other exercises.

It is practiced by members of over 13,000 affiliated gyms, roughly half of which are located in the United States, and by individuals who complete daily workouts known as “WODs” or “workouts of the day.” It is constantly being varied with functional movements performed at a high intensity. All workouts are based on functional movements. These movements reflect gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing, etc.

Moving larges loads over long distances, which makes this type of workout ideal for maximizing the amount of work done in the shortest time. Intensity is an essential component for results. This is measurable as work divided by time and or power. The more work you do in less time, or the higher the power output, the more intense the effort. Trainers constantly vary the approaches when training which leads to dramatic gains in fitness.

High-Intensity Interval Training for Fastest Improvement in Diabetes Control

High-Intensity Interval Training for Fastest Improvement in Diabetes Control

Posted on April 14, 2017, 6 a.m. in Diabetes Exercise

Research shows that HIIT quickly improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes.

Research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports shows that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in people with type 2 diabetes.

The team, from the University of Turku in Finland, was led by Kari Kalliokoski, a senior research fellow.� Jarna Hannukainen served as project manager. In the study, researchers examined the effects of different types of exercise on the body�s ability to process glucose. Twenty-six participants in their 40s and 50s were selected for the two-week trial. One group already had healthy glucose metabolism. The second group included those with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes.

In each group, half of the participants were assigned HIIT exercise routines. The other half were assigned moderate intensity exercises. Six training sessions were completed during the two-week period.

At the beginning and end of the study, blood tests were completed that tested participants� glucose and fatty acid uptake. These are measures of how well the body absorbs and processes sugar and fats in the blood stream.

Research Results

In the final data analysis, all participants showed improvement in insulin sensitivity and the ability to metabolize glucose. However, those who completed HIIT workouts displayed a greater improvement than the moderate intensity participants. Researchers point out that any exercise can effectively reduce blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, but HIIT routines produce results more quickly.

HIIT involves performing intense anaerobic activities for a short period, usually 30 seconds. These intense spurts of activity are followed by several minutes of less intense recovery exercises.

Effects on Treatment of Diabetic Conditions

Previous studies have proven a link between regular exercise and improved glucose levels and metabolism. Choosing between HIIT or more moderate activities is a matter of personal preference. It is most important that the workouts be done regularly.

The study�s results support the idea that exercise is a simple, economical, and effective way to treat and prevent diabetic conditions. It also increases patient safety for those with co-occurring conditions, like cardiovascular disease. Exercise reduces the need for medication, which translates into less chance of dangerous drug interactions. Exercise also alleviates some of the less serious physical effects of diabetes, like mental fog and pain in the joints or muscles.

Researchers caution patients to check with their primary physician before starting an exercise routine. The research shows, exercise can lower blood sugar quickly. A person who is taking prescribed medication may need to have their dosage adjusted.

Tanja J. Sj�ros, Marja A. Heiskanen, Kumail K. Motiani, Eliisa L�yttyniemi, Jari-Joonas Eskelinen, Kirsi A. Virtanen, Nina J. Savisto, Olof Solin, Jarna C. Hannukainen, Kari K. Kalliokoski. Increased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in both leg and arm muscles after sprint interval and moderate intensity training in subjects with Type 2 Diabetes or Prediabetes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2017; DOI: 10.1111/sms.12875

Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday, April 14, 2017

Skill:�Romanian Deadlifts


Superset x 4:
-10 Romanian Deadlifts (no touch) @ 50%-60% of 1RM
-100ft Sled Push (@50%BW)


12 Minute AMRAP:
10 Hang Snatches (RX: 115/75)(L3: 135/95)
12m HS Walk
14 Alternating Pistol Squats

Supplemental Work:

Flex Friday!
1) Tricep Rope Pulldowns- 4�10
2) DB Hammer Curls- 4�10 each arm
3) KB Skull Crushers- 4�15
4) Barbell Curls- 4�15

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

I�ve had a ton of fun coaching you all this week! There�s been a pretty good vibe and buzz around the gym lately and it�s awesome to be able to be a part of.

Today�s metcon should be handled as a sprint interval workout. This simply means that when it�s your turn to work, you need to try and move quickly because you will have a decent amount of rest in-between your individual working rounds. Have fun!

-Jon Jon


Superset x 5:
10 Bench Presses @ 60%
10 Difficult Ring Rows (weighted, if necessary)

*rest about 2 minutes between sets


Teams of 2 (alternating every round, relay style):

6 Rounds:
200m Run
25 Wallballs

4 Rounds:
200m Run
25 GHD Situps (if there aren�t enough machines, x2 sit-ups)

Supplemental Work:

1) Hollow Rocks- 3�15
2) Knees-up Crunches- 3�30
3) Crunched Heel Taps- 3�30

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Clear Complicated


15 Moments to Locate Biggest:
Suspend Energy Clear + Energy Clear + Clear


For Time:
Burpee pullups (L3: C2B)
(RX: 225/155)(SC:165/105)

*For RX and L3, pullup club ought to be above ranking reach

Additional Function:

1) KB Sumo Squats- 3�10
2) Cedar Store- 3�1-moment
3) Large KB Shrugs- 3�10
4) Dead Weighs- 3�1-moment

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

We started off this week with a BANG! Today is no different. There is no strength work, which means that you should expect a metcon that is a little on the longer side. Have Fun!

-Jon Jon


A) 2 Rounds:
500m Run
15 Clean and Jerks
(RX: 135/95)(Sc: 115/75)

B) 2 Rounds:
500m Row
50 Air Squats

C) 2 Rounds:
1000m BIke
25 KB Swings
(RX: 55/35)(SC: 44/25)

Supplemental Work:

1) Bent Over Rows- 3�10
2) Lat Pull-downs- 3�10
3) DB Bench Press- 3�10
4) Seated DB Shoulder Press- 3�10

Monday, April 10, 2017

As mentioned previously, we will be beginning a new programming “style” for the next few weeks. Marc and I will be focusing a lot on pulling strength and also be working towards optimizing your Murph time this year. Murph is May 29, which leaves us roughly 7 weeks to train for it. Expect at least 1 Metcon per week that is a bit on the longer side (30-40 minutes) and some good strength work and high intensity Metcons on the other days. Also, we will be throwing in some extra/optional supplemental programming that will compliment the day’s work. This supplemental work is to be done on your own and not within the hour of class. LETS DO THIS!

-Jon Jon


Back Squats
E2MOM x 4
7 Squats @ 65% of 1RM


5 Rounds:
10 HR Pushups (L3: HSPU)
10 Pwr Snatch (75/55)(L3:95/65)
10 Toes to Bar


1) Banded Lateral Walks- 3x20m each side
2) Single-Leg KB Deadlifts- 3×10 each side
3) Hip Extensions- 3×10 @ Heaviest

Friday 4/7/17

Friday 4/7/17

Ability: Rock to Neck

Power: Discover Max Rock To neck in 1min with biggest rock

3 Models
200m Work
12 Deadlifts (95/65, 135/95, 155/115)
9 Hg Washes
6 Sholder to OH

Relaxation 5min

2 Models
200m Work
6 Deadlifts (115/75, 165/115, 185/135)
4 Hg Washes
2 Neck to OH