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Drinking Ages Cells

Drinking Ages Cells

The more alcohol people drink, the faster their cells appear to age. Researchers from Japan’s Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine found that alcoholic patients had shortened telomeres which placed them at greater risk for age-related illnesses.

Telomeres are the pieces of DNA that act as protective caps on the ends of chromosomes. Chromosomes, which protect our genes, get shorter every time a cell divides. Once a chromosome gets too short, it dies. Many studies have shown that shortened chromosomes are associated with the diseases of aging, especially cardiovascular disease, dementia, and diabetes.

“Telomeres, the protein caps on the ends of human chromosomes, are markers of aging and overall health,” said Naruhisa Yamaki, M.D. But aging isn’t the only cause of shortened telomeres.

“Our study showed that alcoholic patients have a shortened telomere length, which means that heavy drinking causes biological aging at a cellular level,” he said.

Yamaki and his co-authors recruited 255 study participants from alcoholism treatment services at Kurihama National Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan: 134 alcoholic patients and 121 age-matched controls or non-alcoholics, ranging in age from 41 to 85 years old. DNA samples, as well as drinking histories and habits, were collected from all participants.

“We also found an association between telomere shortening and thiamine deficiency (TD),” said Yamaki. Thiamine is a B vitamin.

 “TD is known to cause neuron impairments such as Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome. Although how exactly TD can cause neural impairments is unclear, it is well known that oxidation stress causes telomere shortening and, thus, it is possible that oxidation stress may also cause neuron death.”

According to a study from King’s College London, one in five seniors drinks too much, which could have devastating effects on baby boomers. “As the baby boomer generation become seniors, they represent an ever increasing population of older people drinking at levels that pose a risk to their health,” said lead author Dr. Tony Rao.

“This study shows the need for greater awareness of the potential for alcohol related harm in older people.”

Good Night’s Sleep Minimizes Stress Eating

Good Night’s Sleep Minimizes Stress Eating

Good Night’s: Feeling stressed at work can lead to us reaching for unhealthy snacks and extra portions, but a new study has found that getting enough sleep could help buffer the negative effect of stress on eating habits.

Carried out by a team of researchers from Michigan State University, the University of Illinois, the University of Florida, and Auburn University in the US, along with Sun Yat-sen University in China, the study is one of the first to look at how psychological experiences at work can affect eating behaviors.

The team looked at two studies of 235 total workers in China who experienced regular stress in their jobs.

One study included IT employees who had a high workload and felt there was never enough time in the workday, while the second included call-center workers who experienced stress from dealing with rude and demanding customers.

The researchers found that in both studies employees who had a stressful workday also had a tendency to take these negative feelings home with them, and to the dinner table, leading to them eating more than usual and make unhealthier food choices.

However, the study also showed that sleep could be a way to buffer this effect of stress on unhealthy eating, with the team finding that employees who got a good night’s sleep the night before tended to eat better the next day after a stressful day at work.

Yihao Liu, co-author and assistant professor at the University of Illinois gave two possible explanations for the findings.

“First,�eating is sometimes used as an activity to relieve and regulate one’s negative mood, because individuals instinctually avoid aversive�feelings�and approach desire feelings,” he said.

“Second, unhealthy eating can also be a consequence of diminished self-control. When feeling stressed out by work, individuals usually experience inadequacy�in exerting effective control over their cognitions and behaviors to be aligned�with personal goals and social norms.”

Chu-Hsiang “Daisy” Chang, MSU associate professor of psychology and study co-author, also commented that the findings that sleep has a protective effect against unhealthy food habits shows how the three health behaviours of sleep, stress, and eating are related.

“A good night’s sleep can make workers replenished and feel vigorous again, which may make them better able to deal with stress at work the next day and less vulnerable�to unhealthy eating,” she explained.

The team now believe that companies should take into consideration the importance of sleep and healthy behaviors and think about providing sleep-awareness training and flexible scheduling for employees, as well as rethinking�food-related job perks, which have become very common.

“Food-related�perks may only serve as temporary mood-altering remedies�for stressed employees,” Chang said, “and failure to address the sources of the�work�stress�may have potential long-term detrimental effects on�employee�health.”

The findings were published in the�Journal of Applied Psychology.

Managing Workplace Stress

The Importance of Police Reports in Auto Accident Cases

The Importance of Police Reports in Auto Accident Cases

There is an assortment of questions which centered around police reports and accident scenes. We’ll address reports exist, how conclusions are made, and what exactly you should take from the role of the police officer and a report as an investigator. This topic can be broken down into lots of classes; here we will concentrate on collision analysis and general reporting.

Why do police take general reports? The brutal answer is because nobody will recall the facts in just two days, much less two decades and they’ll argue it but it’s also because a third party who should be an impartial fact evaluator is needed by society. “Should” is emphasized, but we need to describe what an impartial evaluator of reality is at the context of the writing. We are currently assuming the officer / deputy has training that is sufficient to ascertain what evidence plays into the circumstance. Imagine if you went into a call for attack involving wife and a husband. Upon arrival you are told that the husband is using drugs and sexually assaulting a young child by the wife. When you question the husband he denies the claim and also has the wife’s prescription bottle in his hand — the medicine’s listed side effect is “hallucinations”. This is relevant evidence that the law enforcement officer should weigh in her or his choice.

We are also likely to assume that the officer / deputy doesn’t have any bias or stereotype towards the parties involved OR they perform however recognize it and adjust accordingly. Imagine if the officer went through a tough divorce and from above is female. Does her life have an impact on thinking the husband? What exactly does should she do about it, if it does?


Police Reports After Auto Accidents

Authorities write collision reports for the nation (in which they operate) departments of transportation. The report is designed to collect information regarding roadway design, operator error, alcohol and /or drug use, etc.. One of the concerns that are final is for the report to record for the parties, while significant.

With utilizing report templates, expertise, training, and bias may significantly impact collision reports. Why?
There are many reasons police have errors in their accounts, but by far, the main reason is lack of coaching. To be able to make a police officer, candidates attend an academy that averages some are more. Collision investigation for recruit training is less than a day’s worth of training. In this time the educator should cover everything from scene safety to general hazards to traffic patterns. In reality, unless the student after graduation and into his or her livelihood chooses to attend further training there will be refreshers no updates, upgrades, or continuations to the academy foundation.

Specialty training is imperative to understand the concepts as well as the physics behind a motor vehicle collision and these aren’t part of this basic academy curriculum. Therefore, when determining specifics of the injury it’s critical to determine the extent of training of the police officer.

To address the last point, what you ought to take away from a collision report, we will go over a true case brought to me by one of you.
A while back I was contacted by a physician, his family member had been involved in a collision where she had been rear ended by a truck in heavy traffic; double. The officer their vehicle was launched with the truck behind it in a lane of travel was told by the family member. The vehicle struck on the vehicle while in traffic. The truck driver told the investigating officer he didn’t understand where the vehicle he broke was, but he was coming onto the road through an “on ramp” and thought the vehicle tried to pass him at the shoulder and cut in front of him that is why he broke it.

The investigating officer admitted there were not any marks at the roadway to establish where the event happened but he didn’t write the report in favor of this truck driver. When I inquired about his foundation he told me and his reasoning:

“I wrote that the report in favor of the truck driver based on the damage to the vehicles although I had no formal training on harm interpretation and event correlation and couldn’t establish through signs, in which the vehicles were in the lanes of travel.” In this case the municipality who uses him would be the main problem while the gut reaction would be to blame the officer. This agency has failed to train the officer and also supply guidelines to function inside to him.

All that can be taken away from the crash itself would be the vehicle rear ended the vehicle and it likely occurred as the vehicle driver described in which the vehicle driver admitted not knowing where the vehicle was supposed to begin with.



So what do you remove a police crash report? Those facts that can be verified soundly proof, or by witness reasoned by them both. The police are fact gatherers, not “causality arbiters” and must be utilized as such. The caveat is that there are police specialists who have advanced training in accident reconstruction, crash dynamics and accident investigation. My training makes me to be adept in all those disciplines, but the average police officer is not and shouldn’t be considered as a person.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �

Additional Topics: Weakened Ligaments After Whiplash


Whiplash is a commonly reported injury after an individual has been involved in an automobile accident. During an auto accident, the sheer force of the impact often causes the head and neck of the victim to jerk abruptly, back-and-forth, causing damage to the complex structures surrounding the cervical spine. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option utilized to help decrease the symptoms of whiplash.

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Ligament Pathology with Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity

Ligament Pathology with Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity

A good read to understanding alteration of motion segment integrity (AOMSI) is the article �Biomechanical Analysis of clinical instability in the cervical spine� White, et al., Clin Ortho Relat Res, 1975;(109):85-96.


AOMSI is a biomechanical analysis. It�s all about numbers that have clinical meaning and significance. Threshold values have been determined that quantify without a doubt the patient has serious injury. It is a test of structural integrity of the ligaments interconnecting the motion segments. In this case, structural integrity has to do with the material properties of ligament tissue. Those properties include strength and flexibility. When a material is both strong and flexible, it�s called a semi-rigid material. Strength is related to the composition of the material. Strength might be thought of as load carrying capacity before failure.


Mechanism of Injury: Ligaments


Ligament tissue has previously been bench tested to describe its physical characteristics of stress/strain. That is, given so much load (stress) how much elongation will occur (strain). During normal physiologic loads the ligament remains intact and recoils to its original length when the load is removed. If the load becomes too large the materials (ligaments) begin to yield. They go past their elastic limit. When this happens the (strained) ligament fibers will not return to their original shape. The ligament loses its restraining capacity to hold the joint in normal stabilization and hypermobility occurs.


The ligaments, if sufficiently strained or avulsed results in AOMSI. The following paragraphs illustrates that if AOMSI is found there must be gross destruction or yielding of multiple ligaments. We need to build a BIG motion segment with Velcro ligaments. When you tear them off, they make a really nice ripping noise. That drives home the point.


In the White et al work, they found that the motion segment stayed intact i.e., less than 11 degrees� rotation (angualr mtion) and less than 3.5 mm translation, until they transected over 50% of the ligaments from an anterior or posterior approach. And when they transected from either approach the loss of stability was not linear but suddenly catastrophic. And they meant that suddenly the two vertebra totally separated in rotation or translation.


Suddenly Separated: pulled apart, head off of body, all neural components compromised, paralysis. Keeping that in mind, what are the injuries of someone just under the threshold? Severe to very severe. They stand the possibility of a serious event with much less force.


Prevalence of Ligament Injury: AOMSI


If AOMSI is detected, think about more than 50% of ligaments transected. That will start to explain the seriousness of the finding. In a patient/child that demonstrates hypermobility everywhere, then you take a statistical average of all segments, and look at the aberrant statistical finding if it exists. There are clues to injury everywhere when you understand what the numbers mean in reference to stability and function.


To diagnose ligament laxity, it is imperative that imaging be performed and a basic flexion-extension x-ray is all that is required. In today�s medical economy, advanced imaging of MRI or CT Scan, although accurate becomes an unnecessary expenditure and an x-ray renders very accurate demonstrative images to conclude a definitive diagnosis. In determining if there is an impairment, it is necessary to follow the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment as the 4th, 5th and 6th editions all render an impairment for AOMSI as sequella to ligament laxity, which is damage to the ligament from trauma.


This document is intended to serve as a simple explanation as to the severity of ligament damage and how to demonstrably diagnose the injury. It is also critical to remember that ligament do �wound repair.� In normal physiology, ligaments grow during puberty from cells within the ligaments called fibroblasts. They produce both collagen (white) and elastin (yellow) tissue, which gives the ligaments both tensile and elastic strength. Upon puberty the cells stop producing tissue and remains dormant. Upon injury, the fibroblast reactivates, but can only produce collage leaving the joint wound repaired in an aberrant juxtaposition (place) with poor movement abilities due to the lack of the requisite elastin. In turn, according to Hauser et. Al (2013) this leads to permanent loss of function of the ligament and arthritis of the joint. This is not a speculative statement; it is based upon Wolff�s that dates back to the late 1800�s and has been a guiding principle in healthcare for more than a century.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�


White, et al., Clin Ortho Relat Res, 1975;(109):85-96
Hauser, Dolan,Phillips, Newlin, Moore Woldin, B.A.(2013) Ligament injury and healing: A review of current clinical diagnostics and therapeutics.The Open Rehabilitation Journal, 6,1-20.


Additional Topics: Weakened Ligaments After Whiplash


Whiplash is a commonly reported injury after an individual has been involved in an automobile accident. During an auto accident, the sheer force of the impact often causes the head and neck of the victim to jerk abruptly, back-and-forth, causing damage to the complex structures surrounding the cervical spine. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option utilized to help decrease the symptoms of whiplash.

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Permanent Ligament Damage from Whiplash Injuries

Permanent Ligament Damage from Whiplash Injuries

When the aberrant sequela to victims in car crashes has been investigated, providers often overlook and concurrently underestimate the tissue pathology and resultant biomechanical failures of spinal ligamentous damages commonly known as �strain � sprain.� In addition, the courts have been �blinded� by rhetoric in allowing this pathology to be deemed transient. There is an ever growing body of scientific literature that verifies strain – sprain as permanent pathology, which is the standard being taught in today�s medical and chiropractic academia.


In addition, strain � sprain as sequela to whiplash, renders a 25% whole person impairment based upon the American Medical Association�s Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment fifth and sixth editions.


Whiplash Associated Disorder Sequela Injuries


Juamard, Welch and Winkelstein (2011) reported:

��Rear end accelerations have been used to study the response of a variety of soft tissues in the cervical spine, including the facet capsular ligament. For simulations of whiplash exposures, the strains in the capsular ligament were found to be two � five times greater than those sustained during physiological motions of the cervical spine. In a similar but separate study, the facet joints of the cervical spine�s that were previously exposed to a whiplash injury ridden exercise under low � level tension and found to undergo elongations nearly 3 times greater than on exposed ligaments for the same tensile loads. Those capsular ligaments were also found to exhibit greater laxity after the purported injury. Since increased laxity may be linked to a reduction in the joints ability to stabilize the motion segment during sagittal motion, this finding suggests that whiplash exposure may alter the structure of the individual�s tissues of the facet, such as the capsular ligament, and/or the mechanotransduction processes that could maintain and repair the ligamentous structure. Accordingly, such an injury exposure could initiate a variety of signaling cascades that prevent a full recovery of the mechanical properties of the tissues of the facet joint.� (Pg 15)



Simply put, if we focus on the last sentence above, this �prevents a full recovery of the mechanical properties of the tissues of the facet joint,� which is referencing the ligaments of the spine that make up the tissues of the facet joint. In lay terms; it means that once injured, a joint is permanently damaged and it is demonstrable on x-rays with an extension and flexion view that does not have to show a full dislocation. Therein lies the core of the issue. Most radiologists are not trained in the latest literature on biomechanical tissue failures and therefore underreport the pathology.


Last month I attended a presentation by Michael Modic MD, Neuroradiology, a nationally renowned educator in neuroradiology who focuses on spondylolisthesis (vertebral segmental abnormal movements) and I asked a simple question �why don�t radiologist report more on abnormal positioning due to biomechanical failure as a result of ligament pathology� and his answer was �because their training focuses more on disease pathology.� Although I agree that is critical, so are biomechanical failures that lead to chronic degeneration, which is epidemic in our society. Simply look at the posture of our elderly for verification and much of that started with a simple �fender bender� years ago where the strain-sprain was either undiagnosed or deemed transient and not treated.


Ligament Pathology Diagnosis and Prognosis


The above scenario is why the American Medical Association values ligament pathology at 25% whole body impairment. There is also a growing body of doctors who are trained and credentialed in Spinal Biomechanical Engineering that understand how to create a diagnosis and prognosis, along with treatment plans around ligament pathology and fully understand the long-term effects of damaged facet joint tissues. These doctors are currently educating, based upon the current scientific literature their respective radiology communities to be able to diagnose and document the full extent of the injuries sustained.


We must also recognize that there is a significant amount of evidence in the scientific literature that verifies ligamentous damage as permanent and refutes the rhetorical claim of �transient.� In the end, it must be the facts of human physiology verified by science that sets the standards of healthcare and not deceptive rhetoric at any level.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png



Cocchiarella L., Anderson G., (2001) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 5th Edition, Chicago IL, AMA Press
Juamard N., Welch W., Winkelstein B. (July 2011) Spinal Facet Joint Biomechanics and Mechanotransduction in Normal, Injury and Degenerative Conditions, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133, 1-31


Additional Topics: Weakened Ligaments After Whiplash


Whiplash is a commonly reported injury after an individual has been involved in an automobile accident. During an auto accident, the sheer force of the impact often causes the head and neck of the victim to jerk abruptly, back-and-forth, causing damage to the complex structures surrounding the cervical spine. Chiropractic care is a safe and effective, alternative treatment option utilized to help decrease the symptoms of whiplash.

blog picture of cartoon paperboy big news





10 Unusual Warning Signs of Disease

10 Unusual Warning Signs of Disease

Gray hair could be an early warning sign of heart disease. Hiccups that won’t go away may foreshadow cancer. Sometimes your body sends seemingly unrelated signals that something is wrong.

Since the key to treating most health problems is to catch them early, it can pay off big time to spot the tip-offs. And the first thing to check out is your skin.

“Skin is the only organ of the body that you wear on the outside,” says dermatologist Dr. Robert Brodell. “Since it’s connected to internal organs through blood vessels, nerves and other things, it can be like a window to see what’s going on inside.”

Here are 10 symptoms and what they may really mean:

Rash on shins: Formally called necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (NLD), a raised red-brown patch with yellow blotches could mean that you have diabetes or are poised to get it. “Sometimes we see this in patients and know they are diabetic before they know it themselves,” says Brodell, chairman of the dermatology department at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. “In some cases, their blood sugar is normal, but over the next six months to two years, they develop diabetes.”

Splinter hemorrhages: They look like thin red splinters running lengthwise under fingernails and could be caused by endocarditis, a bacterial infection of the heart valves. “You wouldn’t think that someone looking at fingernails could detect what could be a significant heart problem,” Brodell tells Newsmax Health.

Rash on eyelids: This violet-hued rash is a symptom of dermatomyositis, an inflammatory muscle disease that is associated with various forms of cancer, most commonly ovarian. Other symptoms include raised scaly bumps on knuckles and ragged cuticles that separate from the nail.

Skin discoloration: The most common is jaundice, a yellowing of the skin that is a classic symptom of hepatitis and other liver conditions. Less known is a darkening of the skin in creases and old scars that may indicate an adrenal gland problem, such as Addison’s disease.

Tender nodules on shins: A condition called erythema nodosum is marked by red swollen bumps on the front of the legs. Brodell says that while they are sometimes a reaction to medications or oral contraceptives, they could also be a warning of the inflammatory pulmonary disease sarcoidosis.

Persistent hiccups: For most of us, this spasm of the diaphragm is an annoying but harmless problem. But when hiccups last two days or more, they could be an early warning sign of deadly esophageal cancer.

Shoplifting: If your elderly mom or dad starts getting sticky fingers, it could be a sign of a certain type of dementia. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s Neurology details how people with frontotemporal dementia lose their sense of societal conventions and may take items in shops without paying for them.

Color blindness: The inability to distinguish between different hues is a sign of Parkinson’s disease. Other odd symptoms of the neurological disorder are writing smaller and swimming in circles.

Earlobe wrinkle: A diagonal crease in one or both earlobes has long been linked to heart disease. Also called “Frank’s sign” after Dr. Sanders T. Frank, the physician who first made the association, this odd symptom has been supported in several studies, though no one has yet to figure out why.

Gray hair: A touch of gray is another early warning sign of cardiovascular problems, regardless of age and other factors, according to a recent study by Egyptian researchers. Heart disease in general can generate several seemingly unrelated symptoms, including bleeding gums, swollen feet, frequent urination at night, uncontrollable head bobbing, yellow spots on eyelids…and the list goes on.

“The reason that heart disease has so many varied symptoms may be because there are many types of heart disease that will present in different ways,” explains Dr. Richard Greenberg, a cardiologist at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pa. “Another reason is that the circulatory system is connected to every cell in the body, so it follows that symptoms of heart disease could show up anywhere.”

Too Much Exercise Harms GI Function: Study

Too Much Exercise Harms GI Function: Study

When it comes to stomach discomfort during exercise, forget that old adage “no pain, no gain.” New research suggests that excessive strenuous exercise may lead to gut damage.

“The stress response of prolonged vigorous exercise shuts down gut function,” said lead author Ricardo Costa.

“The redistribution of blood flow away from the gut and towards working muscles creates gut cell injury that may lead to cell death, leaky gut, and systemic immune responses due to intestinal bacteria entering general circulation,” Costa added. He’s a senior researcher with the department of nutrition, dietetics and food at Monash University in Australia.

Researchers observed that the risk of gut injury and impaired function seems to increase along with the intensity and duration of exercise.

The problem is dubbed “exercise-induced gastrointestinal syndrome.” The researchers reviewed eight previously done studies that looked at this issue.

Two hours appears to be the threshold, the researchers said. After two hours of continuous endurance exercise when 60 percent of an individual’s maximum intensity level is reached, gut damage may occur. Costa said that examples of such exercise are running and cycling.

He said heat stress appears to be an exacerbating factor. People with a predisposition to gut diseases or disorders may be more susceptible to such exercise-related health problems, he added.

Dr. Elena Ivanina is a senior gastroenterology fellow at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She wasn’t involved with this research but reviewed the study. She said that normal blood flow to the gut keeps cells oxygenated and healthy to ensure appropriate metabolism and function.

If the gut loses a significant supply of blood during exercise, it can lead to inflammation that damages the protective gut lining. With a weakened gastrointestinal (GI) immune system, toxins in the gut can leak out into the systemic circulation — the so-called “leaky gut” phenomenon, Ivanina said.

But, she underscored that exercise in moderation has been shown to have many protective benefits to the gut.

“Specifically, through exercise, patients can maintain a healthy weight and avoid the consequences of obesity,” she said. Obesity has been associated with many GI diseases, such as gallbladder disease; fatty liver disease; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); and cancer of the esophagus, stomach, liver and colon. Regular moderate physical activity also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.

To prevent exercise-related gut problems, Costa advised maintaining hydration throughout physical activity, and possibly consuming small amounts of carbohydrates and protein before and during exercise.

Ivanina said preventive measures might help keep abdominal troubles in check. These include resting and drinking enough water. She also suggested discussing any symptoms with a doctor to ensure there is no underlying gastrointestinal disorder.

Costa recommended that people exercise within their comfort zone. If you have stomach or abdominal pain, “this is a sign that something is not right,” he said.

Individuals with symptoms of gut disturbances during exercise should see their doctor.

The study authors advised against taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) — before working out.

Costa said there’s emerging evidence that a special diet — called a low FODMAP diet — leading up to heavy training and competition may reduce gut symptoms. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. FODMAPs are specific types of carbohydrates (sugars) that pull water into the intestinal tract.

The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders suggests consulting a dietitian familiar with FODMAP diets. Such diets can be difficult to initiate properly on your own, the foundation says.

Costa also said there’s no clear evidence that dietary supplements — such as antioxidants, glutamine, bovine colostrum and/or probiotics — prevent or reduce exercise-associated gut disturbances.

The study results were published online recently in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.

Wallpaper Breeds Sick Building Toxins: Study

Wallpaper Breeds Sick Building Toxins: Study

Wallpaper may contribute to sick building syndrome, a new study suggests.

Toxins from fungus growing on wallpaper can easily become airborne and pose an indoor health risk, the researchers said.

In laboratory tests, “we demonstrated that mycotoxins could be transferred from a moldy material to air, under conditions that may be encountered in buildings,” said study corresponding author Dr. Jean-Denis Bailly.

“Thus, mycotoxins can be inhaled and should be investigated as parameters of indoor air quality, especially in homes with visible fungal contamination,” added Bailly, a professor of food hygiene at the National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France.

Sick building syndrome is the term used when occupants start feeling ill related to time spent in a particular building. Usually, no specific illnessor cause can be identified, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

For the study, the researchers simulated airflow over a piece of wallpaper contaminated with three species of fungus often found indoors.

“Most of the airborne toxins are likely to be located on fungal spores, but we also demonstrated that part of the toxic load was found on very small particles — dust or tiny fragments of wallpaper, that could be easily inhaled,” said Bailly.

Mycotoxins are better known for their occurrence in food. But “the presence of mycotoxins in indoors should be taken into consideration as an important parameter of air quality,” he said.

The study was published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, a journal of the American Society for Microbiology.

Creating an increasingly energy-efficient home may aggravate the problem, Bailly and his colleagues said.

Such homes “are strongly isolated from the outside to save energy,” but various water-using appliances such as coffee makers “could lead to favorable conditions for fungal growth,” Bailly explained in a society news release.

Fish May Ease Arthritis Pain

Fish May Ease Arthritis Pain

Eating fish at least twice a week may significantly reduce the pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis, a new study says.

Prior studies have shown a beneficial effect of fish oil supplements on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, but less is known about the value of eating fish containing omega-3, the researchers said.

“We wanted to investigate whether eating fish as a whole food would have a similar kind of effect as the omega 3 fatty acid supplements,” said the study author, Dr. Sara Tedeschi, an associate physician of rheumatology, immunology and allergy at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Generally, the amount of omega 3 fatty acids in fish is lower than the doses that were given in the trials, she said.

Even so, as the 176 study participants increased the amount of fish they ate weekly, their disease activity score lowered, the observational study found.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, creating swelling and pain. It can also affect body systems, such as the cardiovascular or respiratory systems. The Arthritis Foundation estimates that about 1.5 million people in the United States have the disease, women far more often than men.

The new study, which was heavily female, draws attention to the link between diet and arthritic disease, a New York City specialist said.

“While this is not something that is new, per se, and it was a small trial, it does raise an interesting concept of what you eat is as important as the medications you take,” said Dr. Houman Danesh.

“A patient’s diet is something that should be addressed before medication is given,” added Danesh, director of integrative pain management at Mount Sinai Hospital.

When his patients with rheumatoid arthritis ask about diet, he said he often suggests they eat more fish for a few months to see if it will help.

“I encourage them to try it and decide for themselves,” he said, explaining that study results so far have been mixed.

In this case, the majority of study participants were taking medication to reduce inflammation, improve symptoms and prevent long-term joint damage.

Participants were enrolled in a study investigating risk factors for heart disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients. The researchers conducted a secondary study from that data, analyzing results of a food frequency questionnaire that assessed patients’ diet over the past year.

Consumption of fish was counted if it was cooked — broiled, steamed, or baked — or raw, including sashimi and sushi. Fried fish, shellfish and fish in mixed dishes, such as stir-fries, were not included.

Frequency of consumption was categorized as: never or less than once a month; once a month to less than once a week; once a week; and two or more times a week.

Almost 20 percent of participants ate fish less than once a month or never, while close to 18 percent consumed fish more than twice a week.

The most frequent fish eaters reported less pain and swelling compared to those who ate fish less than once a month, the study found.

Researchers can’t prove that the fish was responsible for the improvements. And they theorized that those who regularly consumed fish could have a healthier lifestyle overall, contributing to their lower disease activity score.

While they were unable to get specific data on information such as patients’ exercise, its benefits are proven, Tedeschi said.

She acknowledged that fish tends to be an expensive food to purchase. For those unable to afford fish several times a week, Danesh cited other options.

“In general, patients should eat whole, unprocessed foods,” he said. “If you can’t for whatever reason, an omega 3 pill is a second option.”

Because the study was not randomized, researchers were unable to make definite conclusions, but they were pleased with what they learned.

One finding that impressed Tedeschi “was that the absolute difference in the disease activity scores between the group that ate fish the most frequently and least frequently was the same percentage as what has been observed in trials of methotrexate, which is the standard of care medication for rheumatoid arthritis,” she said.

The findings were reported June 21 in Arthritis Care & Research.

Korir Named Bowerman Award Semifinalist

Korir Named Bowerman Award Semifinalist

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Emmanuel Korir has been named a semifinalist for college track and field’s highest individual honor, The Bowerman Award, the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) announced Thursday.

Korir wrapped up his freshman season with a sweep of both 800m national titles. The Kenyan is the first Miner to win the 800m NCAA title since Peter Lemashon outdoors in 1978, and the first to achieve the feat at both NCAA Indoors and Outdoors in the same year.

The All-American holds school records in the indoor 800m (1:46.75), the outdoor 800m (1:43.73) and the outdoor 400m (44.53). Korir is one of three athletes in the world to run a sub-45 400m and a sub-1:44 in the 800m.

Three finalists will be announced on Thursday, June 22 from the following list of semifinalists:

KeAndre Bates, junior, jumps, Florida

Edward Cheserek, senior, distance, Oregon

Christian Coleman, junior, sprints/jumps, Tennessee

Grant Holloway, freshman, hurdles/jumps, Florida

Fred Kerley, senior, springs, Texas A&M

Josh Kerr, sophomore, mid-distance, New Mexico

Emmanuel Korir, freshman, mid-distance, UTEP

Ioannis Kyriazis, junior, throws, Texas A&M

Filip Mihaljevic, junior, throws, Virginia

Lindon Victor, senior, combined events, Texas A&M

For more information on UTEP track and field, follow the Miners on Twitter (@UTEPTrack) and Instagram (uteptrack).