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Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part II

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part II

Hyperextension Injury

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  • Hangman’s Fx aka traumatic spondylolisthesis of C2 with a fracture of pars interarticularis or pedicles (unstable)
  • MVA is the most common cause
  • Mechanism: acute hyperextension of upper C/S similar to judicial hanging (never actually seen and most deaths are due to asphyxiation)
  • Secondary flexion may tear PLL and disc
  • Associated injuries: 30% have other c-spine fx especially Extension teardrop at C2 or C3 due to avulsion by ALL
  • Cord paralysis may only present in 25% due to bony fragments dissociation and canal widening
  • Hangman fx and extension teardrop
  • Cervical degeneration and previous fusion is a key predisposing factor due to the lack of mobility and suppleness, rendering C/S easy to fracture
  • Imaging: initial x-radiography then CT that helps to delineate another injury such as facet/pedicle Fx further. MRI may help if complicated by Vertebral A. damage
  • Management: if type 1 injury then closed reduction and rigid collar for 4-6 weeks, halo bracing if type 2 (>3-5mm displacement) Fx/instability, anterior or posterior spinal fusion at C2-3 if type 3 Fx (>5-mm displacement)


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  • Extension teardrop Fx (stable) potentially unstable if put in extension
  • Avulsion of an inferior anterior body by ALL. More seen in elderly with superimposed C/S spondylosis
  • Key radiography: a smaller anterior-inferior body corner, no disruption of ligamentous alignment. Typically at C2 or C3 due to sudden hyperextension and ALL avulsion
  • Complication: central cord syndrome (m/c incomplete cord injury) esp. in superimposed spondylosis and canal stenosis by the laxity of ligamentum flavum and osteophytes
  • Management: hard collar isolation


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Vertical (axial) Compression Injury

  • Jefferson Fx (named after British neurosurgeon who defined it) (unstable but neurologically intact Fx) 7% of all C/S injuries. Stability is dependent if the transverse ligament is intact or torn, which can be noted by overhanging of C1 lateral masses over C2 >5-mm combined (left image)
  • Mechanism: C1 compression (e.g., diving into shallow waters) causing burst Fx-classically 4-parts of the anterior and posterior arch of C1. Variations exist.
  • Complications: 50% show other C/S Fx, 40% show Odontoid C2 Fx esp. if extension and axial loading occur


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  • Imaging: x-radiography followed by CT scanning to evaluate subaxial injury and complexity of C1 injury. Note Jefferson Fx with pillar and transverse foramina fx requiring posterior occipital-cervical fusion (below right image).
  • Management: rigid collar immobilization if the transverse ligament is intact. Halo brace or fusion if the transverse ligament is ruptured


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Cervical Injuries With Variable Mechanisms of Trauma

  • Odontoid process fractures:
  • These occur�with a variety of mechanisms, flexion, extension, lateral flexion. Elderly with superimposed spondylosis are at higher risk.
  • Anderson & D’Alonzo classification (below). Type 2 is the most common and most unstable. Type 3 has the best chance of healing d/t more massive bleed into C2 body and better healing potential.
  • Imaging: x-radiography can miss some Fx. CT scanning is essential.
  • On x-radiography note tilting of the Dens on lateral and APOM views. CT will reveal the injury and classify it.
  • Complications: cord injury, non-union


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  • CT scanning: type 2 odontoid fracture (unstable)
  • Management: type 1 (alar ligament avulsion) most stable�observed and treated with rigid collar.
  • In young patients, Halo brace is used to treat type 2
  • Older patients do not tolerate Halo
  • Operative C1-2 fusion if unstable is Dx and cord signs or other complicating factors are present


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Normal Radiographic Variants & Anomalies Simulating Pathology

  • Pediatric spine appears different especially in children younger than 10-years old.
  • Normal variations; ADI 5-mm and may increase or decrease on flexed/extended views by 1-2-mm
  • C2-3 may appear as pseudo-subluxation due to normal ligamentous laxity in children (below arrow)
  • Pediatric vertebral bodies usually are narrower and anteriorly wedged due to the presence of cartilaginous tissue
  • APOM view appears different in children, and some asymmetry of C1 articular masses is normal (below top image) and should not be confused with Jefferson Fx
  • In adults, any asymmetry or “overhanging” of C1 articular masses is pathological and may indicate Jefferson fx


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  • Standard ossification centers of the Atlas synchondrosis in children should not be mistaken for fractures


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  • Persistent ossiculum terminal of Bergman is a typical variant/anomaly of tenacious un-united ossification center and should not be confused with type odontoid fx
  • Os odontoideum
  • Un-united growth center that currently considered as an un-noticed injury that disturbed normal growth in a child younger than 5-years-old
  • It may be a cause of C1-2 instability and should be evaluated with flexed and extended cervical views
  • Should not be confused with type 2 Dens fracture because it typically more demonstrates greater mineralization of bone


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  • Incomplete bilateral agenesis of the C1 posterior arch
  • Anomalous closure of C1 posterior arch
  • Should not be confused with a fracture
  • However, local or cord symptoms may develop after trauma in some cases
  • Relatively rare anomaly developing due to failed chondrogenesis and ossification of posterior ossification centers of the Atlas


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  • Patients with Down syndrome may suffer from increased ligamentous laxity and other abnormalities
  • Increased risk of subluxation at C1-2


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  • Burst Fx (unstable) 2-columns are damaged
  • Mechanism: axial loading with frequent flexion after falls and MVAs
  • The thoracolumbar region is the most vulnerable due to the increased fulcrum of motion
  • Key radiography: acute compression fracture and�collapse of body height, retropulsion of posterior body and acute kyphotic deformity on the lateral view
  • On the frontal view: interpedicular widening (below yellow arrow), regional soft tissue swelling (below green arrow)


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  • Imaging: x-radiography should be followed by CT scanning w/o contrast
  • MRI if neurologically unstable due to cord or conus injury
  • Complications: cord damage by acutely retropulsed bone fragments
  • Management: non-operative if neurologically intact and <50% body retropulsed with minimal kyphosis
  • Operative (fusion) if 50% or more body retropulsed, laminar/pedicle Fx, neuro compromised


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18-Year Old Female Following Trampoline Accident

  • AP & lateral L/S views
  • Note acute compression fracture, a vertebral body extending to posterior elements
  • Widening of the inter-spinous distance between T11-T12 (below arrow)
  • Radiolucent fracture line is seen through the T12 body on the AP projection
  • CT scanning was performed


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  • Sagittal reconstructed Thoracic and Lumbar CT slices in bone window
  • Note acute compression fracture, the T12 body extending into pedicle and lamin
  • Dx: Chance fracture of T12
  • MR imaging was performed


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  • T2 Wl sagittal MRI
  • Findings: acute compression fracture T12 body extending to posterior elements causing rapture of interspinous and flavum ligaments
  • Mild compression of the distal cord above the conus is noted with a minimal signal abnormality
  • Dx: Chance fracture


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  • Chance Fx aka (Seatbelt Fx) – is a flexion-distraction injury (unstable)
  • M/C in lower thoracic-upper lumbar
  • All 3-columns fail: column 3 torn by distraction, columns 1 and 2 fail on compression (Denis classification)
  • Causes: MVA, falls
  • Imaging: initial x-radiography should be followed by CT scanning w/o contrast to assess bone fragments retropulsion/canal compression. MRI may help to evaluate potential cord damage and ligaments tearing
  • Management: non-operative immobilization if neuro intact
  • Operative decompression and fusion


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Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach


Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part I

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part I

Imaging Diagnosis Management:

  • Cervical spinal trauma & radiographic variants simulating disease
  • Cervical spine
  • Arthritis
  • Neoplasms
  • Infection
  • Post-Surgical cervical spine


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  • Cranio-cervical and upper cervical stability is dependent on transverse, superior and inferior bands of the C1-C2 ligament, alar ligaments, along with a few other ligaments


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spinal trauma el paso tx.


Cervical Trauma

  • The C/S is vulnerable to injury. Why?
  • Stability has been sacrificed for greater mobility
  • Cervical vertebrae are small and interrupted by multiple foraminae
  • The head is disproportionately heavy and acts as an abnormal lever especially when forces act against a rigid torso
  • Additionally, C/S is prone to degeneration which makes it more vulnerable to trauma
  • In young children, ligaments are more luxed vs. disproportionately large head size
  • In children, the fulcrum of movement is at C2/3 thus making injuries more common in the upper C/S and craniocervical junction. In children, S.C.I.W.O.R.A. may occur when no evidence of fracture present
  • In adults, the fulcrum of movement is at C5/6 thus making lower C/S more vulnerable to trauma especially during extremes of flexion
  • Cervical Trauma categorized according to mechanisms of injury (Harris & Mirvis classification)


Hyperflexion Injury: Stable vs. Unstable

  • Flexion teardrop Fx (most severe fracture, unstable)
  • Bilateral facet dislocation (severe injury w/o fracture, unstable)
  • Anterior subluxation (potentially unstable) can be very subtle injury
  • Clay Shoveller Fx (lower C/S SP avulsion, stable)
  • Simple wedge compression (most benign Fx, stable)
  • Hyperflexion-rotation with unilateral facet dislocation
  • Obtain a thorough history
  • Perform physical exam including a neurological exam
  • Consider NEXUS criteria (National Emergency X-radiography Utilization Study)


Imaging Techniques:

  • Begins with x-radiography especially in cases with no significant neurological compromise
  • Clear neutral lateral view first
  • If x-radiography is unrewarding but high probability of severe trauma and neurological deficit present, CT scanning w/o contrast is required
  • Consider CT scanning in patients with pre-existing changes: advance spondylosis, DISH, AS, RA, post-surgical spine, congenital abnormalities (Klippel-Feil syndrome, etc.)


Vertical compression:

  • Jefferson aka burst Atlas Fx (unstable especially if the Transverse ligament is torn, cord paralysis in 20-30% only)
  • Why? Due to fragments dissociation and canal widening
  • Burst Fx of the Thoracic or Lumbar spine (unstable, cord paralysis may occur)


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How to Assess Spinal Radiographs in Trauma Cases:

  • Construct 5-lines on the lateral view
  • Note if facets are well-aligned and symmetrical
  • Ensure symmetry of the disc height
  • Note any widening or fanning of the inter-spinous distance
  • Carefully examine prevertebral soft tissues
  • Evaluate atlanto-dental interval (ADI)


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  • In cases of trauma, evaluate and clear neutral lateral first
  • Do not perform flexed and extended views in acute cases before x-rays or CT scanning exclude significant instability
  • Pay extra attention to prevertebral soft tissues
  • If thicker than normal limits, consider severe post-traumatic bleed
  • Subtle asymmetry and widening of posterior disc height and facets with inter-spinous fanning may be a key feature of significant tearing of posterior ligaments


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Hyperflexion Injuries (M/C Mechanism)

  • More frequent in sub-axial C/S C-3-C7)
  • Unstable injuries:
  • Flexion teardrop fracture (M/C C5 & C6) v. unstable
  • Key rad features:
  • Large “teardrop” triangular anterior body fragment
  • Fanning of the SPs, posterior disc and facet widening indicating tearing of major spinal ligaments and instability
  • A posterior shift of the vertebral body fracture suggests direct anterior cord/vessels compression
  • Bulging prevertebral soft tissue >20-mm at C6-7
  • 80% of cases may be paralyzed on the spot or develop significant paralysis soon after


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Acute Neck Trauma. What are the vital radiographic features? What is the diagnosis?


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  • CT scanning w/o contrasts with sagittal reconstruction. Note C7 Flexion teardrop Fx.
  • CT may help with further delineation and preoperative planning
  • May follow with MR imaging and evaluation of the neurological injury


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  • Fluid sensitive (T2) sagittal MRI slice of Flexion teardrop fracture at C4 and possibly C5
  • Note high signal intensity lesion in the cord and surrounding ligaments indicating cord edema and ischemia
  • Management: neurosurgical with spinal fusion
  • Complications:
  • Quadriplegia/paraplegia
  • Respiratory complications
  • Disability, changes in the quality of life
  • Decreased life expectancy


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  • Bilateral facet dislocation (unstable)
  • Mechanism: Flexion-distraction injury
  • Key radiography: anteriorly displaced body 50% or more
  • Facets override and locked (can be perched left image)
  • Major tearing of ligaments
  • Chances of severe cord compression and paralysis
  • Patients with ligaments laxity and degenerative changes are at higher risk
  • Initial x-radiography is the first step


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CT scanning w/o Contrast is Crucial:


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  • Further delineation of this injury
  • Facet fractures, pedicle fracture
  • Management planning

Sagittal fluid sensitive MRI of bilateral C5 facet dislocation, sizeable ischemic cord injury, and posterior soft tissue injuries


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  • Management:
  • X-radiography, then CT scanning then immediate closed reduction (esp. if the patient is conscious)
  • Followed in some more complicated cases by MRI and then surgical care
  • If the patient is awake and neurologically stable, CT and closed reduction are adequate
  • Complicated cases and failed closed reduction may require surgical stabilization
  • Complications: spinal cord injury and paralysis
  • Delayed ligamentous laxity and instability


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    • Unilateral facet dislocation (flexion-rotation injury) less severe than bilateral dislocation
    • Most commonly missed unstable cervical injury on x-radiography
    • Key rad features: body anteriorly translated 25% facets appear misaligned and blurred, SPs rotated on frontal views
    • Clinically may be presented as one-sided radiculopathy esp. C6 or C7
    • CT scanning is required to evaluate further facet/pedicle fractures
    • Pre-reduction evaluation and care planning
    • Management: closed reduction esp. in a conscious patient
    • Complications: acute disc herniation/retropulsion, ligamentous laxity, neurological injury

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach



Why Chiropractic Should Be A Part of Your Everyday Life

Why Chiropractic Should Be A Part of Your Everyday Life

Most people don�t even think about visiting a chiropractor until they�ve sustained an injury or need a quick adjustment to help ease the pain. They typically see it as a treatment for injuries or conditions that they�ve already endured, not as a preventative health care option. And while chiropractic care is an exceptional way to treat existing conditions and injuries, that is only half of the picture. It is also a viable health care approach that is effective in improving overall wellness. There are some very compelling reasons to incorporate chiropractic into your everyday life. Chiropractic can:

Help lower your risk of injury

When the spine is out of alignment, it can put stress on other parts of the body including ligaments and joints. Regular chiropractic care helps keep the spine aligned thus reducing your risk of injury.

Elevate your mood

Chiropractic treatment can help to balance your hormones. It increases the feel-good hormone dopamine while decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. It makes it an excellent drug-free option for patients who suffer from anxiety, depression, or mood swings. As part of your treatment, your chiropractor may also recommend dietary and lifestyle changes that can help even more.

Makes you feel more energetic

When your spine is out of alignment, your entire body suffers. You can feel stiff, sore, and fatigues. Most patients report feeling invigorated after their treatment. They can move more naturally and have much more energy. Part of this is due to the effect the treatment has on the body as well as the hormones that are released that provide a boost in your mood.

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Help you sleep better

More than 60 percent of people in the United States, both children, and adults report having problems with sleep. Studies show that chiropractic can help with insomnia allowing you to get better, more restful, and more beneficial sleep.

The combination of pain alleviation, increased flexibility, and overall wellness, as well as stress relieving properties, allow your body and mind to relax so that you can fall asleep easier and stay asleep. Incorporating chiropractic care into your everyday routine can help you get a better night�s sleep.

Strengthen your immune system

Studies show that patients who receive regular chiropractic care have a significantly stronger immune system than patients who don�t see a chiropractor. One of the most significant studies to date that explored the connection between regular chiropractic care and a healthy immune system conducted by Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph. D. of New York�s Preventive Medicine Institute where he was the chief of cancer research. He was also a professor of medicine at New York University. The study, which spanned several years, found that patients who received chiropractic care on a regular basis had a 200 percent greater immune competence than non-chiropractic patients.

Manage your pain

Chronic pain, as well as pain from injuries or certain conditions, respond very well to regular chiropractic care. Any discomfort can negatively impact your quality of life, but pain medications can have unpleasant side effects that can be debilitating. It doesn�t help that many pain medications are highly addictive.

Treatments offer a natural remedy for pain that is medication free. What�s more, regularly scheduled therapies work to fix the cause of the problem so that the issue gets permanently resolved.

Make you feel better without medication

Chiropractic treatments are non-invasive and drug-free. It uses the body�s healing properties to address issues naturally and achieve results. It is low risk and very useful, treating the cause of problems, not just the symptoms the way pain medication does.

When you look at all of the benefits of regular chiropractic care and realize that those results can be achieved naturally, it�s easy to see why more people are incorporating it into their health care routines.

Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic Maintenance Care

Chiropractic Maintenance Care

April Hermosillo enjoys fitness. She enjoys exercising and eating healthful foods. As an athlete since age 14, neck and low back pain which caused her to get feet cramps had been undergone by April. April Hermosillo tries everyday not to let her symptoms affect her everyday life. April expresses just how much pain relief Dr. Alex Jimenez has supplied her and how thankful she is for having a doctor she can expect with her health issues. She recommends him as the non-surgical option for back pain.

Chiropractic Maintenance Care

Eight out of 10 adults experience debilitating back or neck pain at some time in their lives. Back pain is the second cause of missed workdays because of illness, and also the most common cause of disability in the United States. Chiropractic care’s goal is to provide safe and effective treatment which permits individuals to come back to a lifestyle when possible. Spine experts can ascertain which treatment strategies are best for each health problem. Non-surgical remedies are the most suitable treatments for neck and back pain.

chiropractic maintenance el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice includeWellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sports Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and we have helped you in any way, please feel free to subscribe and recommend�us.

Recommend: Dr. Alex Jimenez � Chiropractor

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4 Reasons Why Chiropractic Is Good for Your Spine

4 Reasons Why Chiropractic Is Good for Your Spine

Your spine goes through a lot each day. It provides structural support and houses the central nervous system which carries impulses from the brain throughout the body. When it isn�t working as it should, the entire body can be affected. Chiropractic has long been praised as a way to keep the back healthy. Well, now we�ll get down to the nitty-gritty and examine just why it is so good for your spine.

It Improves Your Posture

Posture is not only good for your spine; it is beneficial for the entire body. It keeps the body in proper alignment which, in turn, allows the muscles to work as they should.

This prevents abnormal wearing on the surfaces of the joints and allows joint and muscles to work more effectively and efficiently. Good posture helps to avoid injury and even helps with proper organ function.

However, many people have poor posture and don�t even realize it. Chiropractic can help align the body and improving position which dramatically benefits the spine. The patient then enjoys an improved range of motion and even more energy as the body does not have to work so hard to compensate for misalignments and poor posture.

It Helps To Relieve Pain

As much as 90 percent of people experience back pain at some point. Considering all that the back goes through in a typical day, it isn�t much of a stretch to think that there might be some pain involved at times. It is especially true if the back is not correctly aligned.

Chiropractic thought of as a treatment for back pain, but what many people don�t realize is that it is also used to treat pressure in the knees, ankles, feet, hands, and jaw. Pain in the body�will often try to compensate by adjusting to take the pressure off of certain areas.

It can cause misalignment which can impact the entire system, causing pain and stiffness. A Doctor of Chiropractic may treat these problems with various chiropractic techniques, specific exercise recommendations, and even dietary changes to relieve the pain.

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Get Healthy Green Road Sign with Dramatic Clouds, Sun Rays and Sky.

It Strengthens The Spine To Support The Body

The spine is the primary support for the body. When it breaks down, the body suffers. Regular chiropractic treatment ensures that the spinal column remains in proper alignment which, in turn, keeps the body in proper alignment.

It helps with joint health as well as the health of the related muscles and ligaments. Your chiropractor can also recommend stretching and strength building exercises to help keep your spine healthy and supple.

Chiropractic helps to keep the back flexible which aids in preventing injury. A healthy spine is also less likely to become misaligned or experience pain. It can significantly improve your quality of life as you are more flexible and mobile.

It Improves Overall Health

Chiropractic is right for your spine which means it is good for your overall health. While many people think that its only purpose is to treat back pain, chiropractic focuses on total body wellness.

All too often problems within the body are interrelated. For instance, back pain could be the result of an altered gait due to an ankle injury.� A misaligned neck could cause a headache due to awkward sleep positions (or even the wrong pillow).

Chiropractors do treat the symptoms, but they also delve into the problem to discover the root so that true healing can occur. It not only makes the spine healthy but the entire body as well.

Chiropractic Alignment

Introduction To Medical Imaging Conventional Radiography

Introduction To Medical Imaging Conventional Radiography

  • Conventional Radiography is 2-D imaging modality
  • It is required to perform minimum 2-views orthogonal to each other:
  • 1 AP (Anterior to Posterior) or PA (Posterior to Anterior)
  • 2 Lateral
  • Supplemental views: Oblique views etc.
  • Skeletal radiographs typically use AP & lateral views
  • Chest radiographs and Scoliosis imaging in children will usually use the PA technique
  • Exceptions for PA chest views: patients unable to cooperate (severely ill or unconscious patients)
  • X-rays are a form of electromagnetic energy (EME) similar to light photons or other sources
  • X-rays are a form of man-made radiation
  • Ionizing effect of x-rays process of removal of atomic electrons from their orbits
  • Two basic types of ionizing radiation:
  • Particle (particulate) radiation produced by alpha & beta particles that are the result of radioactive decay of different materials
  • Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) produced by x-rays or gamma rays called photons
  • The energy of EMR depends on its wavelength
  • Shorter wavelength corresponds to higher energy
  • The energy of EME is inversely related to its wavelength
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.

X-ray Properties

  • No charge
  • Invisibility
  • Penetrability of most matters (esp. human tissues) depends on “Z” (atomic number)
  • Making compounds fluoresce and emit light
  • Travel at the speed of light
  • Ionization and biologic effect on living cells

The Imaging System

  • X-rays are produced by an imaging system ( x-ray tube, operator’s console, and high voltage generator)
  • X-ray tube composed of (-) charged cathode and (+) charged anode enclosed in the evacuated class envelope and housed in the protective coat of metal
  • A Cathode made up of filament wire embedded within the focusing cup to give electrostatic focus to electrons’ cloud
  • Filament wire of heat resistant thorium tungsten metal of high melting point (3400 C) that “boils off” electrons during thermionic emission
  • Focusing cup polished nickel (-) charged that�accommodated� the filament to electrostatically repulse the electrons and confines them to the focal spot of the anode disc where x-rays are produced
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
  • Anode (+) charged target for electrons to interact at the focal spot
  • Conducts electricity
  • Rotates to dissipating heat
  • Made of tungsten to resist heat
  • Anode has a high atomic number to produce x-rays of very high efficiency at the focal spot
  • There are 2-focal spots large and small, each corresponding to cathode’s filament size (small vs. large) that depends on the magnitude of current in the cathode dictated by a radiographic study of larger or smaller body parts
  • It is known as the dual focus principle
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When Electrons are emitted from the cathode as the cloud, they slam into the Anode’s focal spot resulting in 3 man events

  • Production of heat (99% outcome)
  • Production of Bremsstrahlung (i.e., breaking radiation) x-rays that represent the majority of x-rays within the x-ray emission spectrum
  • Production of Characteristic x-rays very few in the emission spectrum
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
  • Newly formed x-rays at the anode are of different energies
  • Only need high energy or “hard” x-rays to perform the radiographic study
  • Before x-rays exiting the tube we need to remove weak or low energy photons, i.e., “harden the beam.”
  • Added tube filtration in the form of aluminum filters is used that removes at least 50% of the “unfiltered” beam thus minimizing the patient’s radiation dose and maximizing image quality
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High Voltage Generator

  • X-ray production requires an uninterrupted flow of electrons to the anode
  • Regular electricity supplies AC power with sinusoidal currents of “peaks and drops.”
  • In the past, single-phase high voltage generators would convert AC power into a half, or full wave rectified supply with a measure in the thousands of volts delivered with a “voltage ripple” or peaks of high voltage. Therefore, a term kilo voltage peaks (kVp) was used
  • Modern generators provide “uninterrupted” flow of electrical potential to the x-ray tube eliminating “voltage ripples” thus referred to as kilovoltage kV without “peaks.”

When x-rays interact with the patient’s tissued 3 events will occur

  1. X-rays will pass through without interaction and “expose” the image receptor
  2. Photoelectric interaction/effect (PE) comparatively lower energy x-rays will be absorbed/attenuated by the tissues
  3. Compton scatter x-rays are “bounced off” to form scatter, contributing no useful information to the film and lower image contrast while potentially giving unnecessary radiation dose to staff
  • The final image is the product of all three types of interactions known as
  • Differential absorption of x-ray photons – the result of photons’ absorption via PE, Compton scatter and x-rays passing through the patient
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
  • Compton scatter probability decreases with an increase in x-ray energy compared to PE effect
  • Compton effect probability does not depend on the atomic number (Z)
  • An increase of total mass density (thick vs. thin) will increase Compton and PE interaction
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.

What cells in the body are considered most vulnerable and most resistant to radiation?

  • Cells that are rapidly dividing and not terminally differentiated, epithelial cells, etc. are more radiosensitive
  • Bone marrow cells (stem cells) & lymphocytes are very radiosensitive
  • Muscle & and nerve cells are terminally differentiated and are less sensitive to radiation
  • Aged (senescent cells) vs. immature fetal cells are more vulnerable to radiation
  • However, following low dose radiation in most healthy individual cells will be able to repair likely without any long-lasting changes
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
  • Pregnancy & radiation initial 6-7 weeks are the most vulnerable
  • Do not use routine (non-emergent) radiographic examinations in pregnancy
  • Apply 10-day rule establish that radiographs can only be obtained during the initial ten days from the onset of the last menstrual cycle
  • Radiographic imaging of children:
  • If clinically possible use non-ionizing forms of medical imaging (e.g., ultrasound)
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.
imaging and diagnostics el paso tx.

Non-axial imaging studies that use x-ray photons:

  • Conventional radiography
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Mammography
  • Radiographic angiography (currently less often used)
  • Dental imaging
  • Cross-sectional imaging using x-ray photons: Computed Tomography

Indication and Contraindication for conventional radiographic imaging

  • Advantages of Radiography: widely available, inexpensive, low radiation burden, the first step in imaging investigation of most MSK complaints
  • Disadvantages: 2D imaging, relatively lower diagnostic yield during an examination of soft tissues, numerous artifacts, and dependence on correct radiographic factors selection, etc.


  • Chest: initial assessment of lung/intrathoracic pathology. Potentially determines or obviates the need for chest CT scanning. Pre-surgical evaluation. Imaging of pediatric patients due to extremely low radiation dose.
  • Skeletal: to examine the bone structure and diagnose fractures, dislocation, infection, neoplasms, congenital bone dysplasia, and many forms of arthritis
  • Abdomen:�can assess acute abdomen, abdominal obstruction, free air or free fluid within the abdominal cavity, nephrolithiasis, evaluate placement of radiopaque tubes/lines, foreign bodies, monitor resolution of postsurgical ileus and others
  • Dental: to asses common dental pathologies
Incorporate Movement Into Your Workplace

Incorporate Movement Into Your Workplace

If you sit behind a desk all day with little or no activity, you could be compromising your physical health, mental health, and brain health which could impact your productivity at work. From a physical standpoint, it isn�t healthy to remain in one position for too long. It can lead to various health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Experts advise movement. By getting up and walking around every hour or so or do exercises at your desk.

Healthy brain function can�be impacted by inactivity if you sit at work without moving for long periods of time your brain could suffer. The lack of activity could cause it to enter into a state of slumber which can lead to a decrease in brain processing speed and short-term memory loss.

It can also impact a person�s ability to learn or retain new information. It is so important to create an organizational culture that encourages moving around as part of their workday.

There are four areas where you can incorporate movement into your workplace: policies, places, people, and permission.

Movement Policies

Create written policies that encourage and advocate movement during work hours. Incorporate moving workstations, moving meetings, flexible scheduling, more breaks when meetings run long, and a movement-friendly dress code.

Provide information and training to all employees and leadership underlining the importance of the policies and explaining the importance of movement as well as what they can do to support the initiative.


movement in the work place el paso tx.

Create workspaces that are conducive to movement, adjusting workstations so that they encourage active movement and incorporating dynamic change into current processes and workflows while minimizing the time employees spend sitting.

Seek out software and applications that encourage users to stretch or get up and move while they are working. Make stairwells more accessible and appealing, improve common areas, and promote collaboration that requires moving to various workstations or common areas.


Identify employees who are good role models for movement and train them for leadership roles so that they can encourage other employees to move a part of their workday. Train them in the policies regarding movement and task them with helping to create a culture of health and mobility within the organization.

Organize groups to walk during breaks or meet in common areas for light stretching and other types of movement. Sponsor contests and competitions with prizes for employees who achieve set goals.


Educate all employees and all levels of management or leadership on the benefits of movement and how it can positively impact personal production and performance as well as organizational outcomes. Stress that moving during the work day should become a regular activity and must be welcomed and allowed. Emphasize that it is the task of all employees to make a culture of movement the norm as opposed to the exception.

The benefits of moving around in the workplace extend far beyond healthier employees and increased production. Employees perceive themselves as valuable to the organization and morale is increased. Employee engagement�improves�on the job, and they invest more in their work as opposed to just doing a job. They are happier, empowered, and more productive at work and take more of an active role in business outcomes as well as their health.

Of course, employees will also enjoy individual benefits such as increased blood flow, as well as improved problem solving, better alertness, and enhanced creativity. A workplace that incorporates movement into its culture is a healthier, happier place to work with more robust, and more satisfied employees. You can�t afford to not implement this simple, effective strategy into your own organizational culture.

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