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Regular Chiropractic Adjustments & 3 Benefits  El Paso, TX.

Regular Chiropractic Adjustments & 3 Benefits El Paso, TX.

Most people think that chiropractic care is something to do if they experience back or neck pain, and rightly so, as these are the most common reasons people visit a chiropractor. But chiropractic does way more than that.

Chiropractic helps with a variety of ailments from headaches to digestive issues and addresses problems like sports injuries, work injuries, arthritis, and injury prevention. Regular trips to the chiropractor are a good idea. Here are three important benefits that you can get from regular chiropractic adjustments.

What Taking an Active Role in Your Health Can Do

Chiropractic is a holistic kind of care that has a chiropractor serve as a guide as your own body uses its own innate ability to heal itself. When you see a chiropractor on a regular basis, even if there is not a pressing problem, you are taking an active role in assuring you are in the best health you can be.

Chiropractic adjustments correct misalignments in the spine that may be blocking nerve function and causing pain to muscles, joints, and ligaments. When you are adjusted by a chiropractor, these blocks are removed and you are able to move and function better than you did before.

A chiropractor can also provide you with nutritional and lifestyle advice, including exercises you can do between visits that will improve strength, flexibility, and various other functions. Without your active participation and cooperation, the success of chiropractic diminishes, so you can feel good about taking responsibility for your own health.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Regular Chiropractic Adjustments & 3 Benefits  El Paso, TX.

Improved Neurological Conditions

The spine connects to several different areas of the body, including the brain. Adjustments have been shown to increase blood flow to the brain, which in turn improves function in many areas.

The brain and spine are frequent communicators, and the nervous system is often the “wires” that are used to assure proper communication. Stress can trigger misalignments and the breakdown in these systems. Chiropractic is able to identify when stress is placed on these nerves and has even been shown to increase white blood cell count in some patients.

Eliminated Need for Pain Medications

One of the cornerstones of chiropractic is that it does not rely on pain medications or surgery in order to treat pain. Instead, it is designed to trigger your body’s own ability to heal itself without drugs and surgery.

Through methods such as manual adjustment, massage, and electrical muscle stimulation, chiropractic strengthens communication throughout the body in order to help it heal naturally. Chiropractors use important diagnostic tools such as x-rays, laboratory analysis, and reviewing your health history to pursue a treatment plan.

Conversely, when misalignments are allowed to build up over time, there is a greater risk that you will be tempted to seek out pain medications in order to mask the pain temporarily. While occasional use of these is okay, over time they can build up in the system and damage liver function, so it is important to find other methods of pain management whenever possible.

In closing, chiropractic benefits the overall health of people that utilize it consistently. So if you’re ready to experience these benefits yourself, just pick up the phone and give us a call. We’re here to help!

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99% of the population has some degree of foot pronation.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Regular Chiropractic Adjustments & 3 Benefits  El Paso, TX.

Foot pronation occurs when the foot/feet roll inwards.

People with excessive pronation may experience inward rotation of the knee and forward tilting of the pelvis, which causes pain in the:

  • Feet
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Neck


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Regular Chiropractic Adjustments & 3 Benefits  El Paso, TX.

Foot Orthotics

Foot Dysfunction�can very easily cause a domino effect that extends all the way to the back. The feet are the foundation of the body and when there is a problem with the way they function it can cause the entire body to shift out of alignment.

Pronation & Misalignment

For the foot to function correctly, there must be a significant degree of pronation. However, excessive pronation, or overpronation, can cause injury and damage to the foot and ankle. It creates the arch in the foot to flatten, and the ligaments, tendons, and muscles under the foot overstretch.

NCBI Resources

Chiropractic seeks to find the cause of the conditions it is used to treat, including pain, instead of just treating symptoms. Because of this, the chiropractor will work to find the cause of the pain.


Differential Diagnosis in Sciatica Part 1

Differential Diagnosis in Sciatica Part 1

When you visit a doctor office for a medical concern, the healthcare professional will perform a variety of diagnostic procedures to determine the source of your symptoms. The doctor will review the patient’s current symptoms and medical history as well as the patient’s results from a physical evaluation to diagnose an injury and/or underlying condition. �


Once the healthcare professional has reviewed the patient’s current symptoms, medical history, and results from the physical evaluation, the doctor will make a list of the probable injuries and/or underlying conditions which may be causing the patient’s symptoms. This is the differential diagnosis. A differential diagnosis refers to the process of differentiating between two or more health issues which share similar signs and symptoms. The doctor will perform additional tests or assessments to rule out specific injuries and/or underlying conditions in order to reach a final diagnosis and follow-up with treatment. �


The differential diagnosis generally varies depending on the health issue. A variety of health issues can cause common symptoms which may make it challenging to determine the source of the pain and discomfort. Sciatica is a collection of symptoms rather than a single condition which can be a frequent symptom for many health issues. Sciatica is characterized as pain, tingling sensations, and numbness, due to compression or impingement along the length of the sciatic nerve.




The characteristic symptoms of sciatica can range from mild to severe where the sciatic nerve pain is described as a dull ache to pain or as a sharp, searing, or electric-like pain. Symptoms differ from one person to another. By way of instance, some people may experience shooting pain while some people may only experience tingling sensations and/or numbness. � The common symptoms of sciatica, also known as sciatic nerve pain, include:


  • Radiating pain along the length of the sciatic nerve
  • Discomfort, tingling sensations, and numbness
  • Muscle weakness in the lower back, hips, legs, and feet
  • A combination of pain, discomfort, tingling sensations and numbness
  • Painful sensations on one or both sides of the human body


Sciatica commonly occurs when an underlying health issue results in the compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve in the lower back. A bulging or herniated disk is one of the most common causes of sciatica. However, a variety of other underlying health issues can cause sciatica and determining what causes sciatica is necessary for proper treatment. In part 1 of this article, we will demonstrate the differences between sciatica and other health issues with similar painful symptoms. �


Degenerative Disc Disease


The intervertebral discs also referred to as spinal discs or intervertebral fibrocartilage, provide the padding required between the vertebrae of the spine. The intervertebral discs are an elastic structure made from fibrocartilage tissue. The intervertebral discs cushion the stress of the spine, bears weight, and also helps the spine bend and flex. �


degenerative disc disease diagram | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


As people age, repeated daily stresses on the backbone and occasional trauma and/or injuries, including minor, undetected health issues, may ultimately damage the intervertebral discs in the back. Changes caused by damage may include: �


  • Decreased fluid: The intervertebral disks of a healthy young adult are made up of around 90 percent fluid. With age, the fluid material decreases, causing the disc to become thinner. The distance between each vertebra, in turn, becomes smaller and it makes them even less effective to function as a cushion or shock-absorber.
  • Disc structure: Small tears or cracks can become larger in the outer layer of the disc. The soft and gelatinous material from the inner part may push through the disc, causing a bulging or ruptured disc. The disc may break into fragments.


If the vertebrae have less padding between them, the backbone also becomes less stable. To compensate, the human body builds osteophytes, or bone spurs, small bony structures which develop along the edge of bones. These structures can compress or impinge the spinal cord or nerve roots. These changes can cause painful symptoms and lead to fatigue. �


The pain and discomfort can range from mild to severe and it may often be debilitating. It may result in osteoarthritis along with pain and stiffness. When degenerative disc disease affects the low back or the lumbar spine, the pain may radiate down the buttocks, hips, and thighs, into the knees and feet. There might also be tingling sensations and numbness, the collection of symptoms known as sciatica, caused due to the compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve.




The spine consists of 33 bones, best known as vertebrae, which shield the spinal cord from experiencing injury or trauma. Each vertebra is cushioned from each other with an intervertebral disk. This shields the vertebrae from rubbing over each other. When trauma or injury does occur, these intervertebral discs can become damaged and cause the compression or impingement of a nerve. Depending on which nerve is compressed, an individual can experience a variety of painful symptoms, including sciatica or sciatic nerve pain. Individuals can also develop radiculopathy seemingly without a cause. � Radiculopathy can ultimately develop due to a variety of injuries and/or aggravated conditions, including:


  • Herniated discs, or when a disc protrudes, irritating the nerve root
  • Sciatica
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Bone spurs
  • Tumors in the spine
  • Osteoarthritis or spinal arthritis
  • Spinal stenosis, or the narrowing of the spinal canal
  • Compression fractures
  • Spondylolisthesis, or when a vertebra slides over the vertebra beneath it
  • Scoliosis brought on by an abnormal curve in the backbone
  • Diabetes, caused by altered nerve blood flow
  • Cauda equine syndrome, or a condition where nerve root compression affects the pelvic organs and lower extremities


Additional risk factors for developing radiculopathy include: �


  • Aging
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Poor posture
  • Improper lifting methods and techniques
  • Repetitive movements
  • A family history of degenerative bone health issues


radiculopathy diagram | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Individuals may experience painful symptoms in the low back, hips, and legs when nerve compression or impingement occurs in the lumbar spine or low back region of the spine. Lumbar radiculopathy is also commonly referred to as sciatica or sciatic nerve pain. Sciatica symptoms include pain, tingling sensations, and numbness along the length of the sciatic nerve. Occasionally, the nerve roots in charge of controlling the bowel and bladder may become irritated, resulting in bowel or bladder incontinence as well as loss of control. Other generalized symptoms associated with lumbar radiculopathy include:


  • Sharp pain extending from the low back to the foot
  • Sharp pain with sitting or coughing
  • Weakness or numbness in the lower extremities
  • Tingling sensations and numbness in the lower extremities
  • Hypersensitivity, or sensitivity and reflex alterations
  • Sharp pain radiating into the upper extremities
  • Intense pain and discomfort with movements of the head and/or neck


Piriformis Syndrome


People with sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, will often report experiencing pain and discomfort, tingling sensations, and numbness anywhere along the length of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in the human body, which travels from the lower back into the hip and buttocks, down into the thighs, knees, legs, and feet. People with sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain, may also experience another common health issue known as piriformis syndrome. �


piriformis syndrome diagram | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


Piriformis syndrome can cause sciatica when a piriformis muscle spasm irritates the sciatic nerve. The piriformis is a muscle which extends from the front of the sacrum, the triangle-shaped bone between the two hipbones in the pelvis, across the sciatic nerve and into the top of the femur, the large bone in the upper leg. When an injury or underlying condition causes the piriformis muscle to compress or impinge the sciatic nerve due to inflammation, the end result is piriformis syndrome. �


Sciatica is the most common symptom associated with piriformis syndrome. Other common symptoms associated with piriformis syndrome include tingling sensations and numbness, muscle tenderness, pain and discomfort while sitting or engaging in physical activities, and difficulty sitting comfortably. The pain and discomfort will generally manifest on one or both sides of the hips, buttocks, and thighs, where it will then radiate down the back of the leg, knees, and feet. �


Facet Arthropathy


The facet joints are the joints which are found behind the spine to counterbalance the intervertebral discs found between the vertebrae of the spine. Over time, the natural aging process can cause the facet joints to deteriorate or wear down, causing facet joint arthritis or facet arthropathy. Individuals with facet arthropathy will experience low back pain as a dull ache on one or both sides of the lower back or lumbar spine which can worsen with standing, twisting, or bending backward. �


facet arthropathy diagram | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


However, unlike the well-known signs and symptoms of sciatica, caused by the compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve in the lower back, facet arthropathy signs and symptoms generally don’t radiate down the buttocks, hips, and thighs, or into the legs and feet. However, the facet joint, in the same way as any other joint which has arthritis, can also become enlarged and add pressure on nerve roots, causing pain and discomfort to radiate down into the lower extremities. �


Facet arthropathy may cause bone spurs, tiny bone outgrowths. Bone spurs can decrease the distance available between nerve roots, causing a health issue known as spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis may cause pain, weakness, and numbness on the buttocks, hips, and thighs. It’s frequently associated with other health issues which could lead to facet arthropathy. The natural aging process is frequently considered to be one of the most common indirect sources of facet arthropathy. Other health issues which can ultimately affect the facet joints and cause facet arthropathy include: �


  • Osteoarthritis: Degeneration of joint cartilage and underlying bone, generally during middle age
  • Facet joint degeneration: Wear and tear on the facet joint brought on over time due to aging
  • Facet joint injury: Trauma to the facet joints caused by an impact, such as a fall or automobile accident
  • Synovial cyst: A fluid-filled sac which develops in the spine, generally as a result of aging


Ischiofemoral Impingement


Ischiofemoral impingement syndrome is a condition which occurs when the ischium and the head of the femur experience excessive amounts of pressure, generally due to trauma, overuse, or surgery. The trauma, overuse, or surgery, can also cause bone spurs to grow along the ischium. This gives the bones an abnormal shape which makes them no longer fit together. �


Because these don�t fit properly together anymore, the bones may then start to rub against each other during movement causing friction which can damage the joint and cause painful symptoms. As friction worsens, the pain may also increase and restrict movements. The symptoms for ischiofemoral impingement may vary and treatment can also depend on symptoms. �


ischiofemoral impingement diagram 1 | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

ischiofemoral impingement diagram 2 | El Paso, TX Chiropractor


The main symptom of ischiofemoral impingement syndrome is hip pain. The pain from this underlying health issue may start off as mild, however, it can often worsen as the rubbing of the bones causes more damage and inflammation. Ischiofemoral impingement syndrome can feel similar to a pulled hamstring but the pain is generally closer to the buttocks like sciatica.


Ischiofemoral impingement occurs due to excess friction between the top of the thighbone, or the femur, and the hip bone, or the ischium. These two bones generally touch in a way which allows them to move without causing pain, however, trauma, overuse, and surgery can ultimately damage the bone. Moreover, if the damage causes a bone spur to grow on the hip or femur, as described above, the extra piece of bone�can cause more damage and make the condition worse.


When you seek medical attention for a medical concern, it’s fundamental for the healthcare professional to accurately diagnose your health issue in order to follow-up with the proper treatment. A differential diagnosis is a list of possible injuries and/or underlying conditions which may be causing symptoms. Sciatica, a collection of symptoms commonly characterized by pain, discomfort, tingling sensations, and numbness, is a well-known health issue which can have many differential diagnosis. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Fibromyalgia Magazine




The purpose of the article was to discuss the differential diagnosis in sciatica with a variety of other health issues. Accurate diagnosis and proper treatment are important for sciatic nerve pain management. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �



Additional Topic Discussion: Severe Sciatica


Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. Your spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of painful symptoms, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have these results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, through the utilization of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief. �




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Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractic care focuses not only on the skeletal system and joints but also on the treatment of muscle pain. The muscles are interwoven with fascia, a type of tissue that allows muscles to glide smoothly over one another. Both muscles and fascia can develop painful adhesions, often recognized by their hard or knot like texture under the skin.

Muscle pain can be quite uncomfortable and even debilitating in certain cases. When you are suffering from muscle pain, your chiropractor can provide some much-needed relief using a variety of effective treatment options.

What is it?

The word �myofascial� is a mouthful, but there is a reason it is used by chiropractors. The first part of the word, �myo�, generally refers to your muscles. The second part of the word, �fascia�, refers to the connective tissue that is found all throughout your body. Myofascial pain syndrome is used to indicate muscle pain in its various forms. This may include issues with your fascia, muscle tissue, or both.

Myofascial pain can vary considerably, ranging from mild and frustrating to completely debilitating. Fortunately, whatever the intensity of the discomfort, chiropractic treatment can provide a solution that lessens and often eliminates the pain.

Trigger Points

The knots you have probably felt in your muscles or had others identify are also known as trigger points. These tight spots are often sensitive to the touch and can be found in any muscle in your body. As they develop, they may produce symptoms like numbness, burning, weakness, pain, and tingling.

Trigger points are caused by trauma to the body, such as an accident in a car or during athletics. They can also be caused by more mild, long-term trauma, such as working at a desk without proper ergonomics or making a repetitive motion over a long period of time.

Trigger points are challenging to identify sometimes because they occur at different spots in different people. They also produce something called �referred pain�, a pain that is felt somewhere else besides where the actual trigger point is. Chiropractors are trained to track down trigger points, though, so even if they are somewhat hidden by referred pain, they can be found eventually.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome El Paso, TX.

Chiropractor massaging a cute woman in a room

How Chiropractic Helps with Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chiropractors are not only good at finding trigger points, but they are also good at treating them. They accomplish this using a variety of techniques. Some of the benefits of chiropractic for myofascial pain include:

Adhesion Break Up

Trauma in the muscles can cause adhesions to form. Adhesions are when muscle fibers and/or fascia bond together into a form of scar tissue. The adhesions cause the muscles to catch instead of slide smoothly, which can have a cascading effect on the body. Not only does the adhesion hurt, but it also causes joints to become misaligned and further problems to develop.

Trigger Point Pressure

Sometimes the most effective way to treat a trigger point is to apply pressure to smooth out the muscle and fascia. Chiropractors can do this with their hands or specific tools.

Alignment Improved

The cause of trigger points and muscle pain is often trauma, but sometimes the trauma is not as obvious as an accident or a trauma directly to the affected area. Misalignment in the spine or the extremities can cause the body to move incorrectly. Over time, the incorrect movement patterns can put extra strain on the muscles. Chiropractic focuses on helping your whole body become aligned, which can ease muscle pain and prevent further issues from developing.

Muscle Pain

Please contact our office to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. Let us help alleviate your muscle pain and get you back on your feet again!

The Difference of Using *CHIROPRACTIC ORTHOTICS* | El Paso, Tx



Support for the 3 Arches

The feet are the foundation of the body. They provide the stability to perform activities by supporting the weight of the entire body using the 3-arched bond called the plantar vault.

The plantar vault provides numerous benefits:

  • Balances the body
  • Propels us forward
  • Absorbs heel-strike shock
  • Walking and running stresses adaptation

The Plantar Vault

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Help for Myofascial Pain Syndrome El Paso, TX.


The foot is made up of 3 arches. These arches are what keep the body balanced:

  • Medial longitudinal arch (A�C)
  • Lateral longitudinal arch (B�C)
  • Anterior transverse (metatarsal) arch (A�B)

Together, these 3 arches form an extremely strong, supportive �plantar vault� that distributes weight evenly throughout the entire body.

Arch Collapse

Over time, one or more of the arches will weaken due to pressure and wear and tear. This process is completely natural but injuries, a short leg, improper posture, and naturally weak ligaments and tendons can cause the collapse.

Custom-made orthotics are designed to provide the best possible support for all 3 arches:

  • Individually crafted from 3D scans to bolster the arches in your feet
  • Prescribed through Chiropractors to ensure you get the best possible orthotic
  • Available in a variety of styles and builds to suit your lifestyle and needs

Custom orthotics are designed to provide both the instant �ah� factor that over-the-counter orthotics like to market, and the actual needed support for your arches that will relieve pain now and prevent pain later by compensating for any and all of your weakened arches to correct your posture.

Orthotics For All Occasions

Typically, overpronation and oversupination, are caused by muscle imbalances in the foot, ankle, and lower leg. Improper shoes, misalignment in the body, and other issues can cause these muscle imbalances. The chiropractor will work with the patient to find the cause of the foot problem so that can be corrected, then work to the damage or injury done.


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Whole Body Help with Orthotics

Overpronation and oversupination can cause a variety of injuries and conditions that affect not only the feet and ankles, but also the knees,�hips, and back as well.


NCBI Resources

The human body is an intricate machine, and everything is connected so when something goes wrong in one area, it can cause problems in other areas. The back carries a lot of the stress in the body so when there is a problem with the hips, knees, or a foot dysfunction, the spine can bear at least some of the brunt of the pain and other effects.


Chiropractic Adjustments Increase Flexibility El Paso, TX.

Chiropractic Adjustments Increase Flexibility El Paso, TX.

As people grow into adults, maintaining normal flexibility gets to be much more challenging and losing flexibility can result in a lot of pain to the musculoskeletal system.

Unfortunately, many of us do not retain flexibility throughout the day, even when attempting to be active. Many jobs are largely sedentary, and even leisure activities keep us stuck in one place. In order to remain functional, joints and muscles need to be used, which means they need to be properly stretched without being overworked. The balance is often very delicate, fortunately, chiropractic adjustments increase flexibility.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 How Chiropractic Increases Flexibility El Paso, Texas


Chiropractic’s Role in Flexibility

Most adults are not concerned with being able to twist like a pretzel, however, they do want to be able to maneuver through daily life without a lot of pain. One of the main things accomplished in most chiropractic visits is that the chiropractor will look for misalignments in the spine and seek to correct them with a combination of chiropractic adjustments and exercises.


When the spine is misaligned it can affect many different areas of the body including flexibility. Someone who is not flexible will have a limited range of motion (ROM) and treatments are designed to improve this and restore natural posture.

But being flexible is about more than moving better. When the body is stiff, even simple movement results in pain because it is blocked by the misalignment. When this is adjusted/corrected, blood flow improves and the process of improving flexibility becomes less taxing.


There is more to a chiropractor’s day than correcting misalignments in the spine. Chiropractic is holistic in nature and in order to be truly successful, it relies on the patient to be a cooperative participant in treatment. Giving nutritional advice is a big part of this.

While advice can vary from patient to patient, generally, when a person struggling with flexibility adds protein and fatty acids into their diet it can help joints and muscles to be properly nourished. People should also monitor their intake of processed and pre-packaged foods as these can contribute to inflammation.

Training Exercises

Because of many factors in our lives, as well as the effects of aging, people’s range of motion inevitably decreases as time goes by, especially if nothing is purposefully done to maintain it. Flexibility exercises are commonly strongly suggested by chiropractors as they strive to help their patients with range of motion (ROM) and flexibility issues.

In many cases, such as those where someone is suffering from tendinitis or bursitis, the truly therapeutic exercises are resistive exercises. These, however, are limited, unless a higher level of flexibility is achieved.

Flexibility programs are implemented in order to make a given joint have a wider level of extensibility, which may be achieved by either traditional static stretching or Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) techniques, which incorporates a slow reversal hold.

Working with a chiropractor on a regular basis for help in gaining flexibility can help assure that a patient moves forward at an appropriate pace that is in line with their age and fitness level. This will help them achieve a higher level of success in their chosen sport or similar activity, and/or become more productive in their daily lives while experiencing less pain.

*FIX BAD POSTURE* with Custom Orthotics | El Paso, TX (2019)



Proper Posture

Your spine does more than keep your body upright: it�s the brain that communicates to the rest of the body. Posture even affects your emotional well-being, including self-confidence!


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Chiropractic Adjustments Increase Flexibility El Paso, TX.


Poor posture takes a serious toll on health. Here are a few of the negative results:

  • Muscle soreness
  • Subluxations
  • Blood vessel constriction
  • Nerve constriction

As the years go by the problems worsen, which results

  • In pain
  • Restricted motion
  • Makes the body more susceptible to injury/disease


Chiropractic care can help you maintain a healthy posture by keeping the body balanced. Additionally, custom-made orthotics are designed to help the benefits of that care last longer and better.

Maintaining proper posture involves sitting, standing, and lying down properly. Here is an excerpt from the American Chiropractic Association website on how to:

Sit the right way

  • Keep your feet on the floor or on a footrest, if they can’t reach the floor
  • Don’t cross your legs. Your ankles should be in front of your knees
  • Keep a small gap between the back of your knees and the front of your seat.
  • Your knees should be at or below the level of your hips.
  • Read more on the ACA website.

Stand the right way

  • Bear your weight primarily on the balls of your feet.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  • Let your arms hang naturally down the sides of the body.

Lie down the right way

  • Find the mattress that is right for you. While a firm mattress is generally recommended, some people find that softer mattresses reduce their back pain. Go with your comfort
  • Sleep with a pillow. Special pillows can help with postural problems resulting from a poor sleeping position
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach

Healthy Feet Equals A Healthy Spine

The feet are complex structures which function�to provide protection and support to the body in relation to the spine and head posture. The feet are essential towards balancing the body�s entire weight, allowing it to walk, run, stand, and, jump. Consequently, foot complications may cause severe issues throughout the spine, hips, knees, and ankles if left untreated.


Gait & Chronic Postural Pain

Chiropractic care can be effective for treating injuries or conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, and ankle sprains, among others. Foot health is essential towards establishing the body�s proper support and balance, together with a proper spinal posture. In the presence of foot complications, chiropractic treatment can be used to achieve long-lasting health.


NCBI Resources

Flexibility is a critical component of keeping your body fit and healthy. Research shows that people who are more flexible are better able to reach their�optimum fitness level. It can also help to prevent injury and reduce your risk of conditions like arthritis and other�chronic diseases.�They also have a better range of motion and mobility as they age.


Sciatica and Spinal Tumors

Sciatica and Spinal Tumors

It’s natural for people to wonder whether an underlying health issue may be due to a tumor or another serious health issue, especially when you’ve got severe pain and discomfort. Tumors in the spine can cause back pain when the growth weakens the bone, which can ultimately result in spinal fractures, compression or impingement of the nerves, and spinal distress. �


Spinal Tumor Symptoms


Spinal tumor symptoms may ultimately be similar to those of other well-known health issues, including sciatica, especially if the spinal tumor irritates the sciatic nerve. The symptoms below may be commonly associated with a spinal tumor, including:


  • Neck pain or back pain followed by neurological health issues, such as tingling sensations, weakness, and numbness in the upper and lower extremities as well as abnormal bladder and bowel habits.
  • Painful symptoms, particularly in the morning
  • Severe pain with manipulation of the affected region of the spine
  • Painful symptoms which do not decrease with rest
  • Back pain and other associated symptoms, such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, fever, or chills.


Other Symptoms of Spinal Tumors


Spinal tumors themselves may present a variety of other symptoms. Characteristics associated with spinal tumors include:


  • Tumors which develop in the spine (primary tumors) are very rare
  • Spinal tumors grow slowly and are benign, frequently occurring in younger adults
  • Most spinal tumors have spread (metastasized) from another region of the human body
  • For individuals who have cancer, an evaluation is required to determine if cancer has spread to the spine


Types of Spinal Tumors


Most back pain is caused by other health issues. However, when painful symptoms are caused by spinal tumors, it’s essential for a healthcare professional to perform an accurate diagnosis to follow-up with proper treatment. There are three types of tumors which can cause back pain; vertebral column tumors, intradural-extramedullary tumors, and intramedullary tumors. �


Vertebral Column Tumors


Primary tumors: These type of tumors develop from the vertebrae or intervertebral discs in the spine. These commonly occur in younger adults. Osteogenic sarcoma, or osteosarcoma, is the most common type of malignant bone tumor. Many primary spinal tumors are generally considered to be rare and they will frequently grow slowly. � Metastatic tumors: These type of tumors frequently spread, or metastasize, from cancer in a different region of the human body. These spinal tumors will generally cause pain which doesn’t decrease with rest, can worsen at night and is commonly accompanied by other symptoms of spinal tumors, such as nausea or vomiting, weight loss, and fever or chills. In women, spinal tumors can spread from breast or lung cancer. In men, spinal tumors can spread from lung or prostate cancer. �


Intradural-Extramedullary Tumors


Intradural-Extramedullary tumors develop inside the spinal canal below the membrane which protects the spinal cord but outside of the nerves. These spinal tumors grow slowly and are benign. However, they can cause pain and fatigue. � Meningiomas: These type of tumors commonly take place in the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and are often benign, however, they can be cancerous. These tumors are more frequent in middle-aged and elderly women. � Nerve sheath tumors (schwannomas and neurofibromas): These type of tumors originate in the nerve roots which exit from the spinal cord. This type of tumor grows slowly and is benign. It can take years before any health issues occur. �


Intramedullary Tumors


Intramedullary tumors develop from within the spinal cord or within the nerves and frequently occur in the cells that promote physical support and insulating material for the nervous system or glial cells. These type of spinal tumors occur most commonly in the neck or cervical spine. Although these spinal tumors are considered to be benign, surgery to remove intramedullary tumors may be challenging. The two varieties of intramedullary tumors are ependymomas and astrocytomas. �


Pelvic tumor demonstrated in the hip of the patient.


Spinal Tumor Treatments


If any tumor is located in the spine and if there’s no other known cancer, a healthcare professional may perform a comprehensive evaluation of all common organs in which cancer can develop. A comprehensive evaluation may include:


  • Complete medical history
  • Complete physical evaluation
  • Complete neurological evaluation
  • Radiographic study of the spine, chest, and GI tract
  • MRI and CAT scan to evaluate the spine


Vertebral Column Tumor Treatment


Because many vertebral column tumors originate from cancer in another organ, the goal of spinal tumor treatment is to:


  • Regulate severe painful symptoms which occur with these spinal tumors by removing pressure on the nerve roots
  • Maintain neurological structure and function by removing pressure on the spinal cord
  • Correct structural and functional instability in the spine by correcting the unstable spine with a spinal fusion


Intradural-Extramedullary and Intramedullary Tumor Treatment


These type of spinal tumors are generally surgically removed. The goal of spinal tumor treatment is to:


  • Completely remove the spinal tumor
  • Preserve neurological structure and function


The spinal cord and nerves are extremely sensitive and preventing damage to their structure and function is an essential portion of surgical intervention. Monitoring methods and techniques can be utilized throughout the surgery to make sure the structure and function of the spinal cord are preserved since the spinal tumors are ultimately being removed. � If the spinal tumor cannot be fully removed, by way of instance, if it adheres to many nerve roots, post-surgical radiation treatment can help improve outcome. If the spinal tumor is metastatic, chemotherapy may also be helpful. After the surgery, it could take some time for the nerves to fully recover. Rehabilitation can help enhance a patient’s neurological performance. �


Differential Diagnosis of Hip Pain and Discomfort


Spinal tumors can cause back pain and sciatica. Although most cases of back pain and sciatic nerve pain are not caused by a spinal tumor, it’s essential to receive an accurate diagnosis to determine the source of the painful symptoms. As mentioned above, common symptoms of spinal tumors include pain and discomfort as well as numbness. Spinal tumors are health issues which should be evaluated immediately by a healthcare professional to follow-up with proper treatment. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Fibromyalgia Magazine




The purpose of the article was to discuss spinal tumors and sciatica. Spinal tumors may often present symptoms of sciatica. Accurate diagnosis and proper treatment are important for this health issue. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �



Additional Topic Discussion: Severe Sciatica


Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. Your spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of painful symptoms, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have these results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, through the utilization of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief. �




Formulas for Methylation Support


Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX


XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.


Proudly,�Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.


Please call our office in order for us to assign a doctor consultation for immediate access.


If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic�Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

xymogen el paso, tx


For your convenience and review of the XYMOGEN products please review the following link.*XYMOGEN-Catalog-Download


* All of the above XYMOGEN policies remain strictly in force.



Reasons Runners Need a Chiropractor

Reasons Runners Need a Chiropractor

If you are an active amateur or a competitive runner, using the services of a chiropractor can make a vast change in your overall health, reduce your pain from injuries and improve your alignment for a more effective run.

Chiropractors are excellent when it comes to rehabilitation, and they can help you keep your body in top condition as an athlete. All sports is an area that chiropractors can specialize in, focusing their training and experience on targeted treatments for runners.

Recovering from Sports Injury/s

Most athletes get injured at one point or another in their career, whether it is while participating in their sport or an accident in their daily lives. Recovery from an injury can be difficult at times, and even after hours of physical therapy, you may feel that you aren’t ready to start training again.

Physical therapy is a great help in recovering strength in soft tissue and muscle after an injury or surgery. However, sports-medicine trained chiropractors can improve the mobility of your joints after an injury. Sports chiropractors work with the soft tissue in conjunction with the joints in a coordinated fashion. An examination will take a look at:

  • How you move
  • How you stand
  • What the arch of your foot looks like
  • How your knees are aligned
  • How your hips are aligned

After the examination, the sports chiropractor will assess the runner to recommend treatment.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Reasons Runners Need a Chiropractor

People running fast in a city marathon on street


Sports Chiropractic

According to U.S. News and World Report, there are four primary chiropractic treatments for running injuries.

  • Active Release Technique (ART) – combines massage and stretching by applying deep tension while moving a joint through its range of motion. This treatment is used primarily for adhesions in the muscle.
  • Graston Technique – used to break down surface-level scar tissue with hand-held stainless steel tools.
  • Functional Dry Needling – releases tension in trigger points through deep muscle stimulation with needles. This treatment can help the psoas muscle, a hip flexor muscle.
  • Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) – releases tension through the stimulation of surface muscles.

General Adjustments

Chiropractors are trained to look at the whole body and align it for optimum balance. Many runners find it beneficial to have regular periodic adjustments to regain their body’s balance from daily stress and the impact of running. Aligning the body can relieve tension or pain that is caused by misalignment before it becomes more than a minor impediment.

Runners may not even realize that the tension they feel is the beginning of pain caused by being out of balance until it is adjusted. Chiropractic adjustments are often part and parcel of a runner’s training program to strengthen and improve performance. They can also help recover from pregnancy and postpartum bodily changes.

Prevents Injury and Promotes Optimal Performance

With regular care of a sports-trained chiropractor, runners can actually prevent injury and promote optimal performance by keeping their bodies fine-tuned, working at maximum capacity. A trained chiropractor can find imbalances that may lead to injury and correct them before they become a problem. With your body in perfect balance, muscles and joints work more efficiently, powering up your performance as a runner and making the most of your body’s resources.

Misalignment can be caused by many common runners� experiences including running on the same type of surface every day, running on a slanted surface such as a beach or replacing running shoes too infrequently. As a runner, you can work to vary your running surfaces and keep a better watch on your shoes, but your chiropractor will let you know if your body is in need of more balance.

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at the number provided at the top of this website. We’re here to help!

Red Flags of foot *PRONATION* | El Paso, Tx


Feet: A foundation for pain

99% of feet are normal at birth. But after the first year, 8% develop foot problems, 41% by age 5 and 80% by age 20. By age 40, almost everyone has a foot condition of some sort. Many foot conditions eventually contribute to health concerns, especially the generalized condition of �back pain� or runner�s knee. Spotting a potential problem originating in the feet can prevent other injuries from affecting your health and lifestyle.

Runners who are able to avoid injury are those who land the lightest on their feet, which sustains the lowest levels of impact. Researchers suggest that runners think about landing more softly and adjust their stride so that they land closer to the midfoot.

But that is easier said than done, as most runners tend to be heel-strikers.

Runners with excessive pronation that try to transition to a forefoot strike pattern could be more susceptible to inner foot and ankle injuries.

Runners with high arches who attempt to transition to a forefoot strike pattern are prone to suffer sprained ankles and metatarsal stress fractures.

Running can lead to a number of different injuries

  • Sudden trauma
  • Developed over time from microtrauma
  • Biomechanical errors
  • Structural asymmetries
  • Tissue weaknesses
  • Excessive external loads

Runners do their best to treat pain through stretching or exercises that target the area that hurts, but sometimes the source of the pain might actually be elsewhere. That source is foot imbalance.

Custom orthotics improve biomechanics

Custom orthotics are used to align and support the foot/ankle complex in a more near-normal physiologic position for a weight-bearing foot to prevent dysfunction and/or improve the function of movable body parts.[3] They are indicated to:

  • Creates a symmetrical foundation by blocking pronation or support supination
  • Provides heel strike shock absorption
  • Inhibits serial biomechanical stress
  • Enhances neuromuscular re-education

Custom-made orthotics that use viscoelastic materials can help to reduce the musculoskeletal impact from heel strikes when running.

This shock absorption can be of help particularly when there is instability, chronic degeneration, or inflammatory arthritis in the joints.

Orthotics are designed specifically to cushion foot impact and reduce pain triggers.

Everyone is misaligned


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Reasons Runners Need a Chiropractor

Patellofemoral pain care

Understanding the exact mechanical contributions of the knee is critical for the therapist to effectively manage injuries or conditions.


NCBI Resources

These injuries and conditions affect runners, cross fitters, group exercise enthusiasts (PUMP classes) and simple recreational walkers who spend a lot of time on hills and stairs.


Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Sciatica

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and Sciatica

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is characterized as a sharp, stabbing pain which radiates from the pelvis and hips, down into the lower back or lumbar spine and throughout the legs. Patients might experience tingling sensations or numbness. The sacroiliac joint is generally attributed to causing between 15 to 30 percent of chronic low back pain cases. Approximately 80 percent of adults will experience some type of low back pain throughout their lifetimes. Low back pain is also ultimately considered to be one of the most general causes of disability as well as the most common cause of missed workdays. �


What are the Sacroiliac Joints?


The sacroiliac joints are situated where the sacrum and ilium come together. The sacrum is the triangle-shaped bone close to the base of the spine, just over the coccyx or the tailbone. Among the three bones that make up the hip structure, the ilium is at the top of the pelvis. The sacroiliac joints support the weight of the human body, maintaining it around the pelvis. This reduces pressure and functions as a shock absorber. The bones of the sacroiliac joints are all jagged to remain in alignment. �


Gaps between the bones of the sacroiliac joints are filled with fluid for lubrication. These gaps are also filled with free nerve endings which are in charge of transmitting pain signals. It may be debilitating when the sacroiliac joints come out of alignment. All the bones at the sacroiliac joints are connected by muscles and ligaments which promote stability and permit for limited motion. This motion is essential for women to give birth and for people to stay standing vertically. �


What Causes Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction?


Irritation, swelling, or inflammation of one or more sacroiliac joints is commonly referred to as sacroiliac joint dysfunction, sacroiliac joint disease, or sacroiliitis. Moreover, sacroiliac joint dysfunction or disease may cause sacroiliitis. This can be a health issue which encompasses a variety of other injuries and/or underlying conditions. These include:


  • Walking patterns
  • Injury
  • Gout
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Pregnancy


What are the Symptoms of SI Joint Dysfunction?


Every person experiences symptoms of SI joint dysfunction differently and the signs can vary from person to person, depending on the source of the sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Common signs and symptoms of SI joint dysfunction include:


  • low back pain
  • pain in the buttocks, hips, and pelvis
  • pain in the groin
  • painful symptoms in the SI joints
  • pain when standing from a sitting position
  • stiffness
  • burning sensations
  • weakness
  • numbness
  • pain radiating down into the thighs and legs
  • feeling like the legs may buckle and not support the weight of the body


How is Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Diagnosed?


SI joint dysfunction can be hard to diagnose. Because the joints are situated deep within the human body, it often makes it difficult for healthcare professionals to properly diagnose the health issue. Moreover, damage due to trauma or injury to the sacroiliac joints doesn’t appear on imaging tests like CT scans, MRIs, or X-rays. And the signs and symptoms are much like other health issues, such as sciatica, bulging or herniated discs and arthritis of the hip. The healthcare professional may perform a variety of tests so as to diagnose SI joint dysfunction and determine other health issues, including:


  • Provocative tests are frequently utilized by healthcare professionals to determine whether the painful symptoms are originating from the SI joint. The maneuvers are utilized to isolate the SI joint as the source of pain.
  • Injecting a numbing drug and/or medication, such as lidocaine, to the sacroiliac joint. This can ultimately help determine if the patient has an SI joint health issue if the painful symptoms are reduced after a brief period of time.
  • Imaging tests, including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans.


Diagnosing SI Joint Disorders – Provocative Testing



How is Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Treated?


Physical therapy, chiropractic care, stretches and exercises, such as yoga, and massage can help stabilize and strengthen the SI joints and alleviate painful symptoms. Another treatment suggestion involves the utilization of cold packs for pain relief. Utilize heat with a heating pad or heat wrapping, or a soak in a warm bath after the painful symptoms are more manageable. It is also possible to put on a sacroiliac belt to help support the sacroiliac joint which might help alleviate painful symptoms. �


Medicine and Non-surgical Treatment


If sacroiliac joint dysfunction signs and symptoms can’t be managed with physical therapy, chiropractic care, stretches and exercises, and/or massage, or whether it is brought on by an underlying health issue, your healthcare professional may recommend the utilization of medicine and non-surgical treatment. These treatment approaches can include:


  • anti-inflammatory medications, including nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • muscle relaxants
  • oral steroids, but only for short-term utilization
  • tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNF inhibitors)
  • corticosteroid injections
  • radiofrequency ablation, which utilizes energy to deactivate the nerves which are causing pain and discomfort


Healthcare professionals consider surgery to be the last resort for sacroiliac joint dysfunction if none of the other treatment approaches mentioned above helped reduce painful symptoms. With sacroiliac joint surgery, small plates and screws are utilized to hold the SI joint together so the bones fuse or grow together. The healthcare professional may suggest this surgery if the pain and discomfort become constant and other treatment approaches haven’t been effective. Furthermore, it’s fundamental for patients to receive a diagnosis for them to follow-up with treatment for their SI joint dysfunction. �


Differential Diagnosis of Hip Pain and Discomfort

Sacroiliac, or SI, joint dysfunction is believed to be a common cause of low back pain and hip/thigh/leg pain. Because of the painful symptoms along the lower extremities, SI joint dysfunction may feel similar to sciatica. However, sciatica is caused by the compression or impingement of the sciatic nerve. Accurately diagnosing sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be difficult. A positive diagnosis for SI joint dysfunction is generally determined through the utilization of provocative testing and/or an injection. Proper diagnosis is important for proper treatment. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Fibromyalgia Magazine




The purpose of the article was to discuss SI joint dysfunction and sciatica. SI joint dysfunction is often confused with the symptoms of sciatica, however, diagnosis and treatment differ for this health issue. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez



Additional Topic Discussion: Severe Sciatica


Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. Your spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of painful symptoms, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have these results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease sciatic nerve pain, or sciatica, through the utilization of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief. �




Formulas for Methylation Support


Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX


XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.


Proudly,�Dr. Alexander Jimenez makes XYMOGEN formulas available only to patients under our care.


Please call our office in order for us to assign a doctor consultation for immediate access.


If you are a patient of Injury Medical & Chiropractic�Clinic, you may inquire about XYMOGEN by calling 915-850-0900.

xymogen el paso, tx


For your convenience and review of the XYMOGEN products please review the following link.*XYMOGEN-Catalog-Download


* All of the above XYMOGEN policies remain strictly in force.