The lower jaw of the body has the mastication muscles surrounding the mandible and provides functionality to the jaw through chewing, moving the lower jaw up, down, left, and right, and speaking. The jaw also has joints known as the temporomandibular joints that slide back and forth to provide movement also. The jaw is also home to the teeth and tongue, which play a role in the mouth by consuming and grinding food into smaller bites to travel down to the gut system. Just like every joint and muscle in the body, common issues or injuries can affect the jaw and cause pain symptoms associated with the problem. Sometimes normal wear and tear can affect the joints in the jaw, or traumatic events can affect the surrounding muscles causing soreness in the jaw area. If the issue involving the jaw is not treated over time, it can lead to chronic disorders and overlap with other chronic disorders that can affect the whole body and the jaw. One of the jaw disorders is TMJ dysfunction, which can cause overlapping symptoms in the jaw and the body. Today’s article examines what TMJ dysfunction is, the signs and symptoms, and ways to manage TMJ dysfunction in the jaw. We refer patients to certified providers who specialize in musculoskeletal and oral treatments to aid individuals suffering from TMJ dysfunction affecting their jaws. We also guide our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when appropriate. We ensure to find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Jimenez DC observes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is TMJ Dysfunction?
Have you been experiencing muscle pain in your neck, shoulders, and jaw? What about tenderness in your cheek when you lightly touched it? Or do you have difficulty chewing or moving your jaw when speaking? Many of these symptoms are signs that you could be experiencing TMJ dysfunction in your jaw. TMJ dysfunction, or temporomandibular dysfunction, is part of a group of orofacial pain conditions that affects the jaw joint and muscle, thus causing overlapping issues in the lower jaw. TMJ dysfunction also affects the mastication muscles that help move the jaw by making the muscles hyperactive and causing referred pain to the rest of the body. Studies reveal that about 25% of the population does get affected by TMJ dysfunction since it is a degenerative musculoskeletal condition associated with morphological and functional jaw deformities.
The Signs & Symptoms Of TMJ Dysfunction On The Jaw
TMJ dysfunction may potentially not only cause jaw pain but can also affect the neck and shoulders connected to the cervical spine. Studies reveal that TMJ dysfunction is correlated with neck disability, jaw dysfunction, and muscle tenderness in many individuals that suffer pain with or without TMJ dysfunction. TMJ dysfunction is associated with these issues because the jaw structures are affected by trigger points along the neck and jaw. To that point, TMJ dysfunction is often accompanied by back, joint, and abdominal pain. But how would TMJ dysfunction correlate with these pain issues? Studies reveal that disturbances in the upper body extremities may cause an increase in muscle tension associated with the whole-body imbalance that is potentially causing TMJ dysfunction. Some of the related symptoms of TMJ dysfunction in the jaw include:
Pain in neck and shoulders
The jaw becomes “locked” in an open or closed position
Muscle tenderness in the jaw
Having difficulty chewing
Swelling on the side of the face
Body imbalance
Exercises For TMJ Dysfunction- Video
Have you been experiencing muscle tenderness in your jaw? What about having some difficulty chewing or speaking? Do you hear popping sounds when your open or close your mouth? Some of these symptoms are associated with a musculoskeletal jaw disorder known as TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction. The video above shows the top 3 exercises for TMJ dysfunction that can help alleviate pain from the jaw, face, or ear. TMJ dysfunction is a musculoskeletal disorder that affects the mastication muscles and causes referred pain to the neck, head, and ear. TMJ dysfunction is tricky to diagnose since trigger points associated with TMJ may also affect the teeth, causing tooth pain in the oral-facial region. This is known as somato-visceral, where the affected muscle correlates with the corresponding organ. Thankfully, there are ways to manage TMJ dysfunction and its associated symptoms.
Ways To Manage TMJ Dysfunction In The Jaw
Many people can use various ways to manage TMJ dysfunction in the jaw to alleviate the pain. Some non-surgical treatments that individuals can incorporate include:
Heat or cold pack applied to the side of the face
Gentle stretching exercises for the jaw
Eating soft foods
Wearing a night guard while sleeping
If the pain from TMJ dysfunction still affects the individual, therapies like chiropractic care can help manage the symptoms. Chiropractic care can effectively treat TMJ dysfunction, especially spinal subluxation or misalignment in the cervical region. Chiropractors will fully evaluate the patient’s temporomandibular joint and surrounding muscles, joints, and ligaments to identify the TMJ problem and the underlying causes. To that point, a chiropractor may suggest a range of treatments, which includes stretches and exercises to not only alleviate pain and stiffness in the jaw point but also to bring back balance to the body. This allows minimal rubbing and friction in the jaw joint.
Overall, TMJ dysfunction is a musculoskeletal jaw disorder that affects the mastication muscles and causes referred pain to different areas in the upper extremities of the body. Some of the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction can make it difficult for the jaw to open or close, causing pain, headaches, and muscle tenderness in the neck and shoulders. To that point, individuals suffering from TMJ dysfunction may potentially deal with pain-related symptoms. Various non-surgical treatments are available to manage TMJ dysfunction and reduce associated pain symptoms affecting the jaw.
Kim, Doori, et al. “The Relationship between Spinal Pain and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders in Korea: A Nationwide Propensity Score-Matched Study – BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.” BioMed Central, BioMed Central, 29 Dec. 2019,
Murphy, Meghan K, et al. “Temporomandibular Disorders: A Review of Etiology, Clinical Management, and Tissue Engineering Strategies.” The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2013,
Silveira, A, et al. “Jaw Dysfunction Is Associated with Neck Disability and Muscle Tenderness in Subjects with and without Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders.” BioMed Research International, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015,
Walczyńska-Dragon, Karolina, et al. “Correlation between TMD and Cervical Spine Pain and Mobility: Is the Whole Body Balance TMJ Related?” BioMed Research International, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014,
Clean eating for beginners is a way to approach how you eat by removing unnecessary fats, sugars, and carbs, avoiding processed foods, and embracing vegetables, whole foods, unrefined grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. The more you practice, the more the craving for salts and sweets decreases and no longer satisfies. The idea is to combine a clean eating lifestyle with an active life that turns into long-term healthy habits.
Clean Eating
Junk food refers to processed/refined foods, artificial flavors, sugars, salts, high saturated fats, and other foods that don’t provide nutrition. Clean foods fill the body with an abundance of vitamins and minerals, high-quality protein, and healthy fats, which improve heart and brain health, assist with weight management, strengthen the immune system and increase energy levels. Clean eating guidelines include:
Preparing and Cooking Own Food
Preparing and cooking your food is an easy way to control what goes into your body.
You control the salt, sugar, flavors, and fats with the objective of keeping the levels as low as possible.
Restaurant and diner food tastes great, but it is usually because salt, sugar, and butter are added to everything.
Whole Foods
Whole foods have not been modified, processed or refined, or saturated with preservatives, added sugars, dyes, fats/hydrogenated fats, or salt to add extra flavor or to enhance shelf life.
They include fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, unsalted nuts/seeds, whole grains, full-fat dairy products, and dried beans/legumes.
Unrefined foods contain more nutrients and fiber, essential for healthy body function.
For example – broccoli is a carbohydrate but provides a lot of fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients, so it’s recommended when eating clean.
Fats should come from unsaturated fats as much as possible, avoiding saturated and trans fats when possible.
This should be practiced with every meal, whether a snack or dinner.
Limit Adding Salt, Sugar, and Fats
Avoid unnecessary additives, like fat, salt, and sugar, when choosing foods.
Clean eating detoxes the body, so pastries, hamburgers, fries, and fried foods begin to taste too sweet or salty because the body is no longer used to them.
The body and tastebuds become acclimated to whole foods with no longer a need for additives.
Five to Six Small Meals
Counting calories does not take into account the value of each calorie.
Making mindful decisions for all foods, like lean protein, complex carbohydrates, fats, fresh fruits, and vegetables, will make the calories count.
Eating five to six times a day in the right amounts with three small main meals and two to three healthy snacks prevents:
Skipping meals
Exhaustion or jitteriness from unstable blood sugar levels.
Avoid foods with labels that include words like modified, which indicates added processing, and words that end with the lettersose, which indicate added sugars/fructose.
Look for labels with whole grains and whole wheat.
High-calorie foods should have low saturated fat and sugar levels and calories that come from fiber and lean proteins.
Sodium levels should be as low as possible; the body only needs 250 mg daily.
Drink Plenty of Water
Water needs to be consumed throughout the day, every day.
Water will maintain body hydration and function and prevent hunger.
Fruit juices contain more nutrients than soda but can be high in calories and sugar. Read the labels.
To start, take small steps so the body can gradually transition into healthy habits that will last long-term. This is a new lifestyle, not a trending fad. Individuals are recommended to ease into it, and then it will begin to feel normal. Injury Medical Chiropractic Clinic has a Functional Medicine team, including a certified nutritionist, to help individuals develop a nutrition plan specific to their needs.
For Beginners
Ambwani, Suman et al. “”It’s Healthy Because It’s Natural.” Perceptions of “Clean” Eating among U.S. Adolescents and Emerging Adults.” Nutrients vol. 12,6 1708. 7 Jun. 2020, doi:10.3390/nu12061708
Allen, Michelle, et al. “The Dirt on Clean Eating: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Dietary Intake, Restrained Eating, and Opinions about Clean Eating among Women.” Nutrients vol. 10,9 1266. 8 Sep. 2018, doi:10.3390/nu10091266
Ghaderi, Ata. “A European perspective on “clean eating”: Commentary on Negowetti et al. (2021).” The International journal of eating disorders vol. 55,1 (2022): 49-51. doi:10.1002/eat.23615
The jaw allows the host to chew, speak, and move while being stabilized by the surrounding muscles that help the jaw structure. The other surrounding muscles that support the jaw are the neck muscles when food is consumed and swallowed. The lower jaw has joints on each side that connect to the upper part of the skull, while the surrounding muscles provide the motor function to the jaw. To that point, normal wear and tear or various factors can not only affect the joints and the surrounding muscles, but they can cause overlapping pain profiles to the tendons, organs, and jaw muscles that may potentially affect a person’s quality of life. Today’s article examines the lateral pterygoid muscle, how TMJ dysfunction and trigger points affect this muscle, and ways to manage TMJ dysfunction and trigger points in the jaw. We refer patients to certified providers who specialize in musculoskeletal treatments to aid individuals suffering from trigger point pain associated with TMJ dysfunction affecting the lateral pterygoid muscle. We also guide our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when appropriate. We ensure to find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Jimenez DC observes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is The Lateral Pterygoid Muscle
Have you heard popping sounds in your jaw when you open or close your mouth? Does your jaw feel stiff, and the pain travels down the neck? Does your jaw lock up, causing difficulty for you to open or close your mouth? Some of these symptom overlap with pain associated with the lateral pterygoid muscle. As part of the mastication muscles, the lateral pterygoid muscle is also a craniomandibular muscle that has a crucial role in the inferior temporal region. The lateral pterygoid muscle works together with the medial pterygoid muscle to provide functionality to the mandible or the lower jaw. The lateral pterygoid muscle also has nerves that branch off the trigeminal nerve and sends information to the brain. This information causes the muscles to move and function when food is consumed; however, when injuries or traumatic events affect the lateral pterygoid, it can disrupt the lower jaw structure and the surrounding muscles.
How TMJ Dysfunction & Trigger Points Affect The Lateral Pterygoid
When the lateral pterygoid is affected by TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction, studies reveal that many individuals often experience pain around the jaw causing limited jaw movement and pain in the lateral pterygoid muscles. When the lateral pterygoid muscles become overused due to excessive chewing or by traumatic forces that affect the jaw, it can cause the muscle fibers of the lateral pterygoid to develop tiny knots known as trigger points to affect the jawline. Trigger points cause pain symptoms associated with other chronic issues that cause jaw pain. When trigger points affect the lateral pterygoid, it can develop discomfort and pain in TMJ dysfunction.
According to Dr. Janet G. Travell, M.D., many people with severe pain in their jaws may have myofascial pain syndrome from musculoskeletal disorders caused by active trigger points in the lateral pterygoid muscle. Since the lateral pterygoid is potentially involved with trigger points associated with TMJ dysfunction, studies reveal that the lateral pterygoid muscle may suffer from muscle atrophy while correlating with disc displacement associated with TMJ dysfunction. TMJ dysfunction is when the surrounding muscles and ligaments around the lower jaw are irritated from active trigger points. When a person suffers from TMJ dysfunction, the pterygoid muscles become stiff and cause pain-related symptoms affecting the jaw and the surrounding oral-facial region.
Jaw Pain & TMJ Dysfunction-Video
Have you been experiencing pain along your jawline? Do your jaw muscles feel stiff when your open or close your mouth? Have you heard popping sounds when you open your jaw, and it hurts? Many of these symptoms are associated with TMJ dysfunction affecting the lateral pterygoid muscle. The video above explains how TMJ disorder and jaw pain affect the body. Studies reveal that the activities of the lateral pterygoid muscle allow movement to the jaw for the host; however, when factors begin to affect the jaw and the lateral pterygoid muscle, it may lead to derangement and disc displacement in the TMJ. TMJ dysfunction associated with trigger points in the jaw may be combined with other factors that cause pain to the jaw and the rest of the body. This is known as somato-visceral pain, where the muscle affects the corresponding organ. TMJ dysfunction associated with trigger points is complex and challenging to diagnose since trigger points often mimic other chronic symptoms that may be potentially involved. Since the lateral pterygoid muscle has sensory-motor functions in the jaw, when the muscle becomes sensitive, those neuron signals become hypersensitive and cause disorganized muscular activation to the jaw; thus, determining factors in TMD (temporomandibular disorders) make an appearance. Luckily there are ways to manage TMJ dysfunction associated with trigger pain in the jaw from affecting anyone.
Managing TMJ Dysfunction & Trigger Pain In The Jaw
When a person is experiencing pain symptoms in the jaw from TMJ dysfunction associated with trigger point pain, many try to find various treatments to minimize the pain. Since trigger point pain in the jaw can cause referred pain associated with toothaches and tension-type headaches, the pain that a person is feeling can be confusing when there is no physical alteration. To that point, many people would take over-the-counter medicine to dull the pain. However, those who want to manage pain without medication can go to a musculoskeletal specialist that their primary doctor refers to, who can come up with a treatment plan catered to that person. Many musculoskeletal specialists, like chiropractors, can obtain the patient’s information on where they feel pain during the examination. Afterward, chiropractors can devise a solution through clinical thinking before applying the treatment to the patient’s pain. Some of the various techniques that a chiropractor utilizes for an individual dealing with jaw pain associated with trigger points include:
Stretch and spray: Where the lateral muscle is stretched and sprayed with a coolant to alleviate the trigger points.
Cervical spinal manipulation: Spinal adjustment to the cervical spine to loosen up stiff muscles surrounding the neck and lower jaw.
Heat compression: A hot pack is placed on the jaw to relax the muscles.
When chiropractors utilize these techniques on the trigger points affecting the lateral pterygoid, it may potentially alleviate TMJ dysfunction symptoms associated with trigger points.
The lateral pterygoid is part of the mastication muscles that work with the medial pterygoid muscle to stabilize the jaw and provide motor function when the host is chewing or speaking. When the lateral pterygoid muscle becomes overused through excessive chewing or being affected by traumatic factors can cause the development of pain symptoms associated with trigger points. Trigger points are tiny knots in the muscle that can cause referred pain to different locations in the body. When this happens, many individuals suffer from other chronic conditions associated with trigger points. One of them is TMJ dysfunction, where the surrounding muscles in the lower jaw become irritated and can make the jaw lock up. Fortunately, various treatments exist for many individuals to relieve trigger point pain associated with TMJ dysfunction affecting their jaws and help prevent the associated symptoms from progressing further.
Litko, Monika, et al. “Correlation between the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Attachment Type and Temporomandibular Joint Disc Position in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” Dento Maxillo Facial Radiology, The British Institute of Radiology., Oct. 2016,
Liu, Meng-Qi, et al. “Functional Changes of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders: A Pilot Magnetic Resonance Images Texture Study.” Chinese Medical Journal, Wolters Kluwer Health, 5 Mar. 2020,
Lopes, Sérgio Lúcio Pereira de Castro, et al. “Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Volume and Migraine in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders.” Imaging Science in Dentistry, Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Mar. 2015,
Rathee, Manu, and Prachi Jain. “Anatomy, Head and Neck, Lateral Pterygoid Muscle.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 29 Oct. 2021,
Spinal disc deterioration from aging is normal, but health issues or injuries can advance the degenerative process. Disc protrusions are related to herniated discs but are the mildest form of the condition and are a common form of spinal disc deterioration that can cause neck and back issues. However, individuals may have a small protruding disc that can go undetected unless it irritates or compresses the surrounding nerves. Chiropractic care, decompression, and massage therapy can realign the disc back into position, relieving discomfort and pain.
Disc Protrusion
A disc is like a sturdy soft rubber shock absorber/cushion with added gel inside. The gel acts as a shock absorber. When the gel begins to protrude out slightly, this is a disc protrusion. Once a protruding disc begins to develop, it usually remains in that position. The disc can sometimes reabsorb on its own and realign back into position, but there is no way of knowing that will happen or how long it will take. With age and/or injuries, the body’s parts change. The spine’s discs dehydrate and lose elasticity weakening the discs and making them more vulnerable to herniation stages:
First Stage
Following natural weakening can be classified as a disc protrusion when the disc’s core begins pushing into the spinal column.
Disc protrusions can be tiny or push out an entire side of the disc.
Second Stage
Disc deterioration often consists of a bulging disc when the core pushes out farther around the circumference beyond the disc’s outer layer, called the annulus fibrosus, creating the telltale bulge.
A bulging disc involves more than 180 degrees of the disc’s circumference.
Third Stage
The third stage is a herniated disc, meaning the disc’s outer wall has torn, allowing the inner gel to leak out, usually irritating the surrounding nerves.
Fourth Stage
The fourth stage is sequestration, a herniated disc in which a piece of the nucleus breaks free of the vertebral disc fragments and falls into the spinal canal.
A disc protrusion is one type of disc herniation that pushes out but remains connected. Different types compress and irritate the discs differently and produce various symptoms, including:
This is the most common, where the disc protrusion jams the space between the central canal and the foramen.
This is where the disc protrusion impinges into the spinal canal, with or without spinal cord compression.
The disc intrudes into the foramen, the space through which nerve roots branch off the spinal cord and exit the vertebrae.
Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Chiropractic Care
Individuals with a disc protrusion can have symptoms similar to sciatica, which includes back, buttock, and leg discomfort, numbness, and pain sensations.
Treatment for disc protrusion will be based on the individual’s symptoms.
A chiropractor will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination.
A spinal MRI test could be ordered depending on the injury or condition.
A customized treatment plan will be developed to fit the individual’s medical needs.
Most disc protrusions improve after a few weeks of rest, avoiding strenuous activities, activity modification, an anti-inflammatory diet, and gentle exercises that the chiropractic team will provide.
True Spinal Decompression
Fardon, David F et al. “Lumbar disc nomenclature: version 2.0: Recommendations of the combined task forces of the North American Spine Society, the American Society of Spine Radiology and the American Society of Neuroradiology.” The spine journal: official journal of the North American Spine Society vol. 14,11 (2014): 2525-45. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2014.04.022
Mysliwiec, Lawrence Walter, et al. “MSU classification for herniated lumbar discs on MRI: toward developing objective criteria for surgical selection.” The European spine journal: official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society vol. 19,7 (2010): 1087-93. doi:10.1007/s00586-009-1274-4
The jaw has a primary function in the head as it allows the muscles to move up and down, helps chew food, and allows the host to speak. Each of the muscles and organs inside the jaw has its functions that will enable the head to function correctly. The mouth, part of the gut system, allows air to travel into the lungs so the body can breathe and consume food to be swallowed and digested to be turned into energy for the rest of the body to move around. The mouth, the tongue, and the teeth have a casual relationship as the teeth can grind the food into small pieces to be digested, while the tongue can taste the food. When issues begin to cause an effect on the jaw, it can lead to symptoms that can, over time, be painful to the surrounding muscles, organs, and even nerve endings along the jaw’s skeletal structure. Today’s article looks at the medial pterygoid muscle, how trigger point pain affects this muscle, and ways to manage trigger point pain on the medial pterygoid muscle. We refer patients to certified providers who specialize in musculoskeletal treatments to aid individuals suffering from trigger point pain associated with the medial pterygoid muscle along the inside of the jaw. We also guide our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when appropriate. We ensure to find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Jimenez DC observes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is The Medial Pterygoid Muscle?
Do you have any problems or issues chewing your food? What about throat soreness from swallowing something hard? Or have you noticed stiffness along your jawline? Individuals experiencing these symptoms might be dealing with pain along the medial pterygoid muscle in their jaw. The medial pterygoid muscle is part of the mastication muscles, which includes the temporalis, lateral pterygoid, and masseter muscles of the jaw. The medial pterygoid is a rectangular-shaped muscle that lies inside the lateral pterygoid muscle. The medial pterygoid muscle works together with the masseter muscle as a sling to help stabilize the mandible or the lower jaw. In contrast, the medial pterygoid nerves provide sensory-motor functions to make the lower jaw move and promote chewing action, thus sending nerve signals to travel through the trigeminal nerve and send the information to the brain. Just like any of the different muscles in the body, the medial pterygoid muscle may succumb to injuries that can affect the sensory-motor function of the jaw while triggering various issues to cause more pain to the jaw and the body.
How Does Trigger Point Pain Affect The Medial Pterygoid Muscle?
When various issues begin to affect the muscles of the body, it can be something simple like repetitive motions that causes the muscles to be overused or injuries that can cause the muscles to become inflamed and, if not treated, can become sensitive to the touch. To that point, tiny knots known as trigger points are formed along the taut muscle fibers that can make the muscle become sensitive and overlap various issues that can cause pain in different body locations. Since the medial pterygoid and the masseter muscle work together, studies reveal that muscle hypertrophy may associate with the masseter, medial pterygoid, or both and can potentially be involved with the risk of dental problems or other issues that are affecting the oral-facial region. Trigger points along the medial pterygoid muscle may be challenging to diagnose due to the referred pain that affects different body areas while mimicking various pain symptoms that become the causes. An example would be a person experiencing ear pain associated with jaw pain. Now how would these two correlate when the person is dealing with ear pain? Since trigger points can mimic other symptoms, the jaw muscles (which include the medial pterygoid) become aggravated and overused, causing referred pain to the teeth overlapping with ear pain.
The Anatomy Of The Medial Pterygoid Muscle-Video
Have you been experiencing unexplainable ear pain? What about your jaws feeling stiff when chewing on something? Or have you been dealing with tooth pain in the back of your jaw? Many of these issues are correlated to referred pain symptoms associated with the medial pterygoid. The video above gives an overview look of the anatomy of the medial pterygoid muscle, its functions, and how it helps the body. When the medial pterygoid is affected by trigger point pain, it may potentially cause various conditions to affect the oral facial region or the surrounding areas of the head. Studies reveal that myofascial pain is often characterized by a trigger point in the taut skeletal muscle band or the fascia. When trigger point pain affects the mastication muscles, it may lead to other comorbidities like muscle tension, poor posture, headaches, and jaw disorders like TMJ(temporomandibular joint) pain. Fortunately, there are ways to manage trigger point pain on the medial pterygoid muscle.
Ways To Manage Trigger Point Pain On The Medial Pterygoid Muscle
Trigger point pain often affects the muscles in certain body areas, causing pain that affects the region of the body, thus making the muscle sensitive. Many individuals who suffer from trigger point pain associated with the medial pterygoid muscle would often complain of toothaches or headaches affecting their daily activities to their primary doctors. After an examination, many doctors would refer their patients to musculoskeletal specialists to see what issue is causing the patient pain in their bodies. Since trigger point pain is a bit complex, musculoskeletal specialists like chiropractors or physical therapists will examine trigger points associated with pain. Many musculoskeletal specialists utilize various techniques to release trigger points along the affected muscle to manage the pain and its related symptoms. At the same time, many musculoskeletal specialists incorporate other multiple treatments to help manage trigger point pain on the medial pterygoid muscle. These various treatments allow the muscles to relax and avoid a relapse in future injuries affecting the muscle.
The primary function of the jaw in the head is to allow the muscles to move up and down, enabling the host to speak and help the mouth chew food. The medial pterygoid is one of the four main mastication muscles that help support the jaw, which is rectangular shaped and helps stabilize the lower jaw. This muscle allows the sensory-motor function of the lower jaw and promotes chewing action. When traumatic or ordinary factors cause the medial pterygoid muscles to become overused can developed trigger points along the muscle fibers and initiate pain associated with toothaches and headaches. Trigger points along the medial pterygoid muscle can make the affected area sensitive and challenging to pinpoint. Fortunately, musculoskeletal specialists like chiropractors or physical specialists can help alleviate the pain while managing trigger points on the affected muscle through various techniques. When people begin to incorporate treatments to manage pain in their bodies, it can allow them to be mindful and avoid future injuries.
Jain, Prachi, and Manu Rathee. “Anatomy, Head and Neck, Medial (Internal) Pterygoid Nerve.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 11 June 2022,
Jain, Prachi, and Manu Rathee. “Anatomy, Head and Neck, Medial Pterygoid Muscle.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 11 June 2022,
Sabeh, Abrar Majed, et al. “Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Its Relation to Trigger Points, Facial Form, Muscular Hypertrophy, Deflection, Joint Loading, Body Mass Index, Age and Educational Status.” Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, Wolters Kluwer – Medknow, 24 Nov. 2020,
The game of baseball takes a toll on the body, especially when players advance from little league to high school, college, minor league, and the pros. The most common baseball injuries can range from mild to severe, from normal wear and tear on the joints and muscles to repetitive stress injuries, collisions with other players, getting hit with the ball, or bodily trauma. A chiropractor can provide ideal treatment for players of all ages and levels with decreased downtime and expedited healing and recovery.
Baseball Injuries
Although there have been a lot of advances in player safety and health, from helmets with face guards to shin and arm padding, the equipment lessens the impact and risks of injury. The game still involves running, sliding, twisting, and jumping, causing the body to maneuver awkwardly. Players often report sliding into first, feeling a pop or twisting to catch a fly ball, and feeling something snap. The most common injuries include:
Torn Labrum
Cartilage surrounding the shoulder joint socket, known as the labrum, often gets torn.
The soft tissue keeps the bones in place and provides stability.
Pitching and throwing motions stress the labrum.
With time, the cartilage begins to overstretch and tear, leading to swelling, shoulder pain, weakness, and overall instability.
Rotator Cuff Tears
The rotator cuff structure involves a complex set of tendons and muscles that stabilize the shoulder.
Pitchers are the most vulnerable, but all players are susceptible.
Cases are caused by not warming up and stretching correctly and repetitive/overuse movements.
Swelling and pain are the most common symptoms.
With a severe tear, a player will lose the ability to rotate the shoulder correctly.
Shoulder Instability or Dead Arm
This is when the shoulder muscles become overly fatigued, and the joint becomes unstable, losing the ability to throw precisely.
The condition is called dead arm by players and trainers.
This type of injury is caused by overuse and repeated stress.
Healing involves letting the shoulder rest for an extended period, but treatment, like chiropractic or physical therapy, could be recommended depending on the severity.
Pitchers Elbow
A pitcher’s elbow injury is caused by overuse and sustained/repeated damage to the tendons that rotate the wrist.
Pain and swelling occur along the inside of the elbow and forearm.
Wrist Tendonitis and Trauma
Wrist Tendonitis or tenosynovitis happens when the ligaments and tendons become tender, swollen, ruptured, or torn.
This causes inflammation, pain, and weakness.
Trauma injuries can result from collisions with another player, the ground, or a ball.
Knee Tears and Trauma
Knee injuries can be caused by normal wear and tear, overuse, or traumatic impact.
The fibrous bands are what stabilize and cushion the knee.
Overuse and any awkward movement can cause the tearing of the various ligaments.
The bands can develop micro-tears or complete ruptures, causing inflammation, pain, and instability.
Chiropractic Care and Rehabilitation
Chiropractic treatment and physical therapy have been found to help athletes maintain flexibility and range of motion, rehabilitate the body after an injury, and prevent new injuries or worsening of current injuries.
Chiropractic helps stretch and flex the muscles to stay limber and less prone to injury.
Chiropractic is a natural pain reliever for sore muscles and joint pain.
Physical therapy can strengthen an injured area during recovery and educate on proper form and techniques.
Taping and strapping can help support the elbows, wrists, ankles, and knees, reducing stress.
A combination of treatment approaches can help decrease recovery time so players can get back on the field.
Shoulder Adjustment Baseball Injuries
Bullock, Garrett S et al. “Shoulder Range of Motion and Baseball Arm Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of athletic training vol. 53,12 (2018): 1190-1199. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-439-17
Lyman, Stephen, and Glenn S Fleisig. “Baseball injuries.” Medicine and sport science vol. 49 (2005): 9-30. doi:10.1159/000085340
Matsel, Kyle A et al. “Current Concepts in Arm Care Exercise Programs and Injury Risk Reduction in Adolescent Baseball Players: A Clinical Review.” Sports health vol. 13,3 (2021): 245-250. doi:10.1177/1941738120976384
Shitara, Hitoshi, et al. “Shoulder Stretching Intervention Reduces the Incidence of Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in High School Baseball Players: a Time-to-Event Analysis.” Scientific reports vol. 7 45304. 27 Mar. 2017, doi:10.1038/srep45304
Wilk, Kevin E, and Christopher A Arrigo. “Rehabilitation of Elbow Injuries: Nonoperative and Operative.” Clinics in sports medicine vol. 39,3 (2020): 687-715. doi:10.1016/j.csm.2020.02.010
Headaches are one of the common issues that affect anyone worldwide. Different issues can cause headaches and affect other individuals depending on the issue. The pain can range from being dull to sharp and affect a person’s mood, sense of belonging, and body. Different headaches can have different effects on people since headaches can be acute or chronic and overlap with other issues affecting the body. To that point, the surrounding muscles and organs around the face may be involved with other conditions where headaches are a symptom rather than a cause. Today’s article examines the temporalis muscle, how trigger pain affects the temporalis muscle, and how to manage the pain associated with trigger points. We refer patients to certified providers who specialize in musculoskeletal treatments to aid individuals suffering from trigger point pain associated with the temporal muscle pain along the side of the head. We also guide our patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their examination when appropriate. We ensure to find that education is the solution to asking our providers insightful questions. Dr. Jimenez DC observes this information as an educational service only. Disclaimer
What Is The Temporalis Muscle?
Have you been dealing with a dull or sharp ache on the side of your head? What about the tension that is along your jawline? Or have you been dealing with tooth pain throughout the entire day? Encountering these symptoms can be difficult as they affect the facial region of the head and might overlap with the temporal muscle. The temporalis muscle is part of the mastication muscles, which includes the medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, and masseter muscles. The temporalis muscle is a flat, fan-shaped muscle that spans from the temporal fossa to the inferior temporal line of the skull. This muscle converges to form a tendon that surrounds the jaw bone and helps stabilize the jaw and its function by extending and retracting. Studies reveal that the temporalis muscle has two tendons: superficial and deep, in the back of the molars to aid chewing and are attached to the coronoid process (the skin and subcutaneous tissues that cover the superficial tendon of the temporalis muscle and the masseter muscle.) To that point, traumatic and ordinary factors can affect the temporalis muscle and cause symptoms associated with the muscle.
How Do Trigger Points Affect The Temporalis Muscle?
When traumatic or ordinary factors begin to affect the body, including the oral-facial region, it can cause unwanted symptoms to develop over time and, if not treated, make a person’s life miserable. Studies reveal that individuals dealing with chronic tension-type headaches have intense pain from the temporalis muscle. When the temporalis muscle becomes sensitive to the touch, the pain can travel to different body areas. These are known as myofascial or trigger points, and they can be a bit challenging for doctors to diagnose because they can mimic various pain symptoms. Trigger points along the temporalis muscles may potentially affect the teeth and cause headaches to form. Active trigger points in the temporalis muscle could potentially evoke local and referred pain while constituting one of the contributing sources of headache pain. Now how can the temporalis muscle induce chronic tension-type headaches? Well, trigger points are caused when the muscles are overused and can develop tiny knots along the muscle fibers.
Trigger points along the temporalis muscle could potentially induce abnormal dental pain. Studies reveal that abnormal dental pain can be referred to as neurovascular headaches associated with tension on the temporalis muscle. Since trigger points often mimic other chronic conditions that confuse many people about why they are experiencing pain from one section of their body, there are no signs of traumatic encounters. Since trigger points can cause pain to travel from one area of the body to another, many individuals try to find therapeutic ways to alleviate their pain.
An Overview Of The Temporal Muscle- Video
Have you been experiencing headaches that affect your daily activities? Does your jaw seem stiff or tender to the touch? Or have your teeth become extra sensitive when eating certain foods? Many of these symptoms may involve trigger points affecting the temporalis muscle. The video above gives an overview of the anatomy of the temporalis muscle in the body. The temporalis is a fan-shaped muscle that converges into tendons that help make the jaws move. When factors affect the body, especially the temporalis muscle, it can potentially develop trigger points along the muscle fibers. To that point, trigger points can mimic conditions affecting the body, like chronic tension-type headaches and tooth pain. Studies reveal that the pain pressure associated with trigger points along the temporalis muscle is consistently higher when there are different amounts of tooth clenching or jaw gaps. As luck would have it, there are ways to manage temporal muscle pain associated with trigger points.
Ways To Manage Temporal Muscle Pain Associated With Trigger Points
Since trigger points along the temporalis muscle could potentially cause pain in the oral facial region, the surrounding muscles like the upper trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid with their trigger points may cause jaw motor dysfunction and tooth pain. Fortunately, musculoskeletal specialists like chiropractors, physiotherapists, and massage therapists can find where the trigger points are located and use various techniques to alleviate trigger point pain along the temporalis muscle. Studies reveal that soft tissue manipulation can help release the trigger point pressure off of the temporalis muscle and cause relief. Utilizing soft manipulation on myofascial temporalis pain affecting the neck, jaw, and cranial muscles can help reduce headache pain symptoms and help many people feel relief.
The temporalis in the body is a flat, fan-shaped muscle that converges down to the jawline and works with the other mastication muscles to provide the motor function to the jaw. When ordinary or traumatic factors affect the temporalis muscle, it can develop trigger points along the muscle fibers. To that point, it causes pain-like symptoms and even causes referred pain like tension headaches and toothaches in the oral-fascial region of the head. This can make many people suffer in pain unless there are ways to manage the associated symptoms. Fortunately, many musculoskeletal specialists can incorporate techniques that target trigger-point pain related to the affected muscle. When people utilize treatment for myofascial trigger pain, they can get their lives back together.
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Yu, Sun Kyoung, et al. “Morphology of the Temporalis Muscle Focusing on the Tendinous Attachment onto the Coronoid Process.” Anatomy & Cell Biology, Korean Association of Anatomists, 30 Sept. 2021,
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