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Over Rotated Vertebrae: El Paso Back Clinic

Over Rotated Vertebrae: El Paso Back Clinic

It is a common scenario, whether sitting or standing when we need to bend down or forward, and suddenly there is a sharp sting on one side of the low back. The sensation can cause the knees to buckle. So we stand up slowly to assess the condition and realize it is almost impossible to stand completely straight and even harder to bend forward. So we sit back down to try and relieve the pressure. It helps a little, but the injury has caused the back muscles to spasm and get tighter and tighter. When we try to get up, there can be one big or several mild to severe electrical shock sensations traveling through the back. A severely over-rotated vertebrae could be the cause and require chiropractic care, massage, and/or decompression therapy. 

Over Rotated Vertebrae: EP Chiropractic Functional Team

Over Rotated Vertebrae

The spinal column is made of 26 interconnected vertebrae. When in motion, each vertebra moves, and as the torso rotates, the spine must rotate as well. The spine can move in several ways, including:

  • Bending
  • Rounding forward.
  • Extending or arching backward.
  • Twisting
  • Tilting sideways uses some of the same muscles when twisting.

Although the spine can move in various directions, there are limits to how far it can and should go. For example, when bending forward to lift an object, an individual can unknowingly over-extend and over-rotate vertebrae. This is where the risk of injury increases. A rotational injury of the spine occurs when the torso turns too far, and the spinal cord can’t handle it. This can stretch the ligaments in the spine to the point of snapping, causing the facet joints to dislocate. Ligament strains and facet dislocations are two of the most common rotational spine injuries.


An over-rotated vertebrae injury can also lead to complications that include.

Chronic Pain

  • Spinal nerve damage can lead to chronic pain conditions.

Mobility Problems

  • Mobility problems are common following an injury of the spine.
  • This comes from damage to the nerves that innervate the legs, causing weakness and coordination problems.

Pressure Ulcers

  • Numbness following a spine injury can cause individuals not to notice pressure ulcers developing.
  • These can lead to infections and could require hospitalization.

Individuals accumulate tension and/or weakness in the oblique abdominal muscles and other trunk muscles that can lead to chronic tightness and weakness, affecting movement and decreasing the range of motion.

Chiropractic Treatment Plan

Depending on the time and severity of the injury, a personalized treatment plan may consist of the following:

Facet Syndrome Treatment


Janssen, Michiel M A, et al. “Pre-existent vertebral rotation in the human spine is influenced by body position.” The European spine journal: official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society vol. 19,10 (2010): 1728-34. doi:10.1007/s00586-010-1400-3

Kruger, Erwin A et al. “Comprehensive management of pressure ulcers in spinal cord injury: current concepts and future trends.” The Journal of spinal cord medicine vol. 36,6 (2013): 572-85. doi:10.1179/2045772313Y.0000000093

Passias, Peter G et al. “Segmental lumbar rotation in patients with discogenic low back pain during functional weight-bearing activities.” The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume vol. 93,1 (2011): 29-37. doi:10.2106/JBJS.I.01348

Shan, X., Ning, X., Chen, Z. et al. Low back pain development response to sustained trunk axial twisting. Eur Spine J 22, 1972–1978 (2013).

Trail Mix Health: El Paso Back Clinic

Trail Mix Health: El Paso Back Clinic

Trail mix is a favorite snack for many individuals. A typical mix combines granola, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, and pretzels. The mix was originally developed as a portable snack/meal for hikers that was lightweight, could be stored in a backpack, and provided plenty of protein and energy. Prepackaged trail mix is available at many grocery stores and online retailers. It’s an excellent choice for traveling or going on a road trip because of its energy and nutritional content. However, not all types are considered equal in terms of nutrition. Some can consist of ingredients loaded with sugar and salt. Added consumption could cause weight gain and contribute to conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and liver problems. Here we look at choosing healthy mixes.

Trail Mix Health: EP's Chiropractic Functional Team

Trail Mix

The nutritional power comes from the high amounts of fiber and antioxidants.


Protein and Healthy Fats

Protein is essential for tissue repair, immune health, and muscle development.

  • Nuts and seeds make up the largest portion.
  • A healthy source of protein, allowing individuals to snack on the go and not become hungry.
  • One of the greatest benefits of eating these is that they are full of heart-healthy fats.
  • These healthy fats help decrease unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.


  • The fiber in the seeds and granola helps keep the gut healthy and regular.
  • It also helps control appetite, aids in digestion, and keeps the body fuller longer.


  • Dried fruits and granola consist of healthy sugars.
  • Healthy sugars help stabilize blood sugar levels, providing the body with a consistent energy source.

Antioxidants, Vitamins, and Minerals

  • Dried fruit maintains a majority of its nutritional value.
  • The nuts and seeds are also packed with nutrients and antioxidants.

Choosing Healthy

Check the nutrition label and avoid varieties high in added sugar or sodium.

  • Look for products containing nutrient-dense ingredients like nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and limited amounts of candy or chocolate chips, if any.
  • Healthy ingredients include almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, sunflower seeds, dried fruit, popcorn, and dark chocolate.
  • Making trail mix at home allows control of its contents and maximizes its potential health benefits.
  • It is important to keep an eye on portion control.
  • A recommended serving is about a fourth of a cup.


Nutritional consultation can improve an individual’s quality of life, health, and well-being. A nutritionist can help individuals with precision or personalized nutrition that focuses on the individual. Nutritionists can create meal plans for their clients and provide education and knowledge on appropriate food choices.



Devitt, A A et al. “Appetitive and Dietary Effects of Consuming an Energy-Dense Food (Peanuts) with or between Meals by Snackers and Nonsnackers.” Journal of nutrition and metabolism vol. 2011 (2011): 928352. doi:10.1155/2011/928352

Grillo, Andrea et al. “Sodium Intake and Hypertension.” Nutrients vol. 11,9 1970. 21 Aug. 2019, doi:10.3390/nu11091970

Mehlhose, Clara, et al. “PACE Labels on Healthy and Unhealthy Snack Products in a Laboratory Shopping Setting: Perception, Visual Attention, and Product Choice.” Foods (Basel, Switzerland) vol. 10,4 904. 20 Apr. 2021, doi:10.3390/foods10040904

Vreman, Rick A et al. “Health and economic benefits of reducing sugar intake in the USA, including effects via non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a microsimulation model.” BMJ open vol. 7,8 e013543. 3 Aug. 2017, doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013543

Spinal Lymphatic Detox: El Paso Back Clinic

Spinal Lymphatic Detox: El Paso Back Clinic

Chiropractic care has a powerful therapeutic effect on the body’s systems. This includes the nervous, muscular, skeletal, and lymphatic. The lymphatic system is a part of the immune system. It circulates lymph, a fluid comprised of white blood cells that support the immune system, proteins, and fats. The lymphatic system collects toxins, moves waste, and protects the body from foreign invaders. Together with the immune system, the lymphatic system keeps the body balanced. However, imbalances occur due to misalignments, subluxations, compressed nerves, chronic conditions, and injuries. Chiropractic care, massage, and decompression therapy can help mobilize stuck or misaligned joints, reduce muscular tension, alleviate nerve inflammation and discomfort, and restore optimal function.

Spinal Lymphatic Detox: EP Chiropractic Wellness Team

Spinal Lymphatic Detox

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a network throughout the body. The system drains lymph fluid from the blood vessels into the tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream through the lymph nodes. The main functions of the system include the following:

  • Regulates fluid levels in the body.
  • Activates when bacteria or viruses enter.
  • Manages and removes cancer cells or cell byproducts that could result in disease or disorders.
  • Absorbs some of the fats from the intestine.

The lymph nodes and other structures like the spleen and thymus house specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes. These are ready to go and can rapidly multiply and release antibodies when bacteria, viruses, and other stimuli, enter the body.

Fluid Balance

The blood in the vessels is under constant pressure. Nutrients, fluids, and certain cells need to circulate throughout the body to supply the tissues and maintain the system’s defense. The lymphatic system:

  • Removes all fluids and contents that leak into the tissues.
  • Eliminates waste products formed in the tissues.
  • Eliminates bacteria that enter through the skin.

The digestive and respiratory systems are lined with lymphatic tissue because the systems are exposed. The most important sites are the tonsils, the intestinal region, and the appendix. Lymph nodes are the filters. Viruses and cancer cells get trapped and destroyed in the lymph nodes. More lymphocytes are produced when an infection is present, which is why the nodes experience swelling. When the lymphatic system does not drain fluids from the tissues properly, the tissues swell and can cause symptoms of discomfort. If the swelling is only for a short period, it is called edema. If it lasts more than three months, it is called lymphoedema.

Symptoms of Unhealthy Circulation

Unhealthy circulation can include the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Concentration problems
  • Cold hands or feet
  • Swelling
  • Muscle cramps
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Stinging
  • Throbbing
  • Development of ulcers on the feet, ankles, and legs.

Chiropractic Care

A chiropractic spinal lymphatic detox treatment releases stagnant fluid collected in the joints, muscles, and tissues. A personalized treatment plan will consist of massage therapy to increase circulation, release and relax the muscles and nerves, chiropractic to realign the body, decompression to open the spine, stretching techniques to improve flexibility, and nutritional guidance to support optimal circulation. The benefits include:

  • Discomfort and pain relief.
  • Stress and anxiety relief.
  • Balanced and realigned body.
  • Relaxed muscles.
  • Helps with allergy symptoms.
  • Detoxes bacteria along the spine.

Lymphatic Anatomy


Dmochowski, Jacek P et al. “Computational Modeling of Deep Tissue Heating by an Automatic Thermal Massage Bed: Predicting the Effects on Circulation.” Frontiers in medical technology vol. 4 925554. 14 Jun. 2022, doi:10.3389/fmedt.2022.925554

Majewski-Schrage, Tricia, and Kelli Snyder. “The Effectiveness of Manual Lymphatic Drainage in Patients With Orthopedic Injuries.” Journal of sport rehabilitation vol. 25,1 (2016): 91-7. doi:10.1123/jsr.2014-0222

Mihara, Makoto et al. “Combined conservative treatment and lymphatic venous anastomosis for severe lower limb lymphedema with recurrent cellulitis.” Annals of vascular surgery vol. 29,6 (2015): 1318.e11-5. doi:10.1016/j.avsg.2015.01.037

Mortimer, Peter S, and Stanley G Rockson. “New developments in clinical aspects of lymphatic disease.” The Journal of clinical investigation vol. 124,3 (2014): 915-21. doi:10.1172/JCI71608

Weerapong, Pornratshanee et al. “The mechanisms of massage and effects on performance, muscle recovery and injury prevention.” Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.) vol. 35,3 (2005): 235-56. doi:10.2165/00007256-200535030-00004

Dr. Alex Jimenez Presents: Therapeutic Uses Of Anti-Inflammatory Botanicals

Dr. Alex Jimenez Presents: Therapeutic Uses Of Anti-Inflammatory Botanicals


Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents how anti-inflammatory botanicals and phytochemicals can reduce inflammatory cytokines that can cause pain-like issues in the body. We dive into how different pharmaceuticals could influence NF-kappaB and how chronic conditions can affect inflammation. We refer our patients to certified providers that incorporate techniques and multiple therapies for many individuals suffering from inflammation, and its correlating symptoms can affect the musculoskeletal system. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


How Does The Body Deal With Inflammation

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: Our objectives are to look at the evidence for using selective phytochemicals and botanicals as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents. Controlled studies have grown into mass numbers over the years, and we can feel more confident in some of their findings because a lot of these studies have been done with good-quality investigators and well-designed studies. And even though we get those studies published, the problem is that we rarely hear about them. The media needs to pick them up, and they usually don’t make it into the medical community despite their studies. If you compare that to when pharmaceutical research is done, you know it often makes the headlines and news. Let’s look at some of these botanicals and phytochemicals today.


In autoimmune conditions, pain is a huge issue in the body, and we also want to use its analgesic properties. And then, we have to identify the most appropriate phytochemicals and botanicals for specific inflammatory and pain conditions. So, before we jump into that, we want to review some of the mechanisms of the pharmaceuticals that are very commonly prescribed for inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Even some of the newer biologics we’ve referred to a little bit, we want to look into them and, and look at how they work and some of their drawbacks, and then we’ll delve into these botanicals that are at our disposal. So it is important to remind anyone that all degenerative diseases have this pro-inflammatory state or inflammation as part of their underlying biochemical ideology. And that inflammation is a final common pathway for all these different dysfunctions. Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis, cancer, and even some psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia and depression all have inflammation as one of their root causes. Now in this module, we’re focusing on the ones that are in the circles and these.


As you know, most chronic diseases are linked to excessive, persistent inflammation. We’ve pounded that point home well enough, as chronic inflammation occurs when the injury is ongoing or when a predisposed immune system just doesn’t shut off. It fails at counter-regulation and acute inflammation, which is beneficial; however, it can turn into a chronic inflammation if left untreated. Many chronic diseases have been associated with excessive or persistent inflammation. When it comes to chronic inflammation develops when an injury or traumatic event is ongoing, causing the muscles to tense up or when the immune system begins to attack the body when there are no pathogens that are affecting the body. And that the conventional pharmacological treatment focuses on specific pathways that are often really downstream in that inflammatory process, and from a functional medicine perspective, we want to look a bit more upstream to figure out what is the cause of chronic inflammation that is causing this many issues to this person and how anti-inflammatory botanicals and phytochemicals can dampen these inflammatory effects in the body.


How Do Pharmaceuticals Affect The Body?

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: One of the factors that can enhance inflammatory markers is pharmaceutical drugs. So, for example, pharmacologic controls like NSAIDs can inhibit the COX enzyme, while leukotriene inhibitors inhibit the LOX enzyme. DMARDs can affect various immune mechanisms that can influence the development of chronic inflammation. Biologics can inhibit multiple cytokines in the body, including the TNF-alpha and steroids, which can affect NF-kappaB and phospholipase-A2. So there are numerous ways to influence the inflammatory pathway and cause muscle and joint pain issues.


Pharmaceuticals are not the only factors that can cause inflammatory triggers to affect the body; it can be the food we eat or the environment that we live in that can trigger NF-kappaB, which disassociates from I-kappaB while going into the nucleus and binding to the DNA. That point leads to the transcription of many different genes. The body’s genes not only make DNA but can make RNA. When the body makes RNA, it is then biotransformed into DNA, leading to the turning of different inflammatory pathways. So when the pharmaceutical starts entering the body, it can inhibit the other cytokines and enzymes from turning on and cause chronic inflammation, thus causing the anti-inflammatory markers to dampen and causing the immune system to focus on the NF-kappaB.



Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: So let’s start looking at the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or NSAIDs, which are ubiquitous as they are very common for many people to reach for when they are in pain. And the reason they use them is that they do work. NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase enzymes and prevent those inflammatory prostaglandins, which cause inflammation and pain in the muscles or joints. Now paracetamol is on here, or acetaminophen is not technically an NSAID, but we will look at that separately.


But these NSAIDs, you know, aren’t without issues, as 70 million prescriptions for NSAIDs are written in the U.S. annually. And that over-the-counter uses included 30 billion doses of NSAIDs. That’s an enormous amount, and it’s no wonder most of us have taken them; we’re part of that 30 billion. However, that amount can lead to a leaky gut in our body system. We know their association with peptic ulcers and G.I. bleeding while inhibiting that resolving pathway, which is important to shut off the inflammatory response. So let’s look at DMARDs or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic agents. They’re the first-line therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. And one of the reasons they’re the first line of treatment is that they’re inexpensive but are slow acting and do decrease inflammation, but they don’t work very well to relieve pain directly.


So methotrexate is hydroxychloroquine, or Plaquenil is a very well-known one right now, especially with its use today. Still, methotrexate inhibits RNA and DNA synthesis, which has been used as a chemotherapy agent in cancer. And when it inhibits, it affects the dihydrofolate reductase, which is needed to make DNA and RNA; however, it also suppresses T and B-cell activation while inhibiting IL1 beta from binding to its receptors. So, unfortunately, even though they’re the first-line therapy, they come with several fairly severe side effects. But we keep talking about this idea of side effects; it’s no side effects. They’re the direct effects of the medication.


The Effects Of Pharmaceuticals

Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: You know, they may be unwanted effects like rashes, stomach upset, liver, bone marrow, toxicity, congenital disabilities, and, of course, which we’ll see repeatedly. Any time that you shut down your immune system, you open yourself up for infections. So you become much more susceptible to infections. So, look at these biological DMARDs, which work as TNF-alpha blockers. These biological DMARDs work by curbing either T-cell activation or blocking TNF, which is the most common one, but they also can stop things like IL-six, deplete T-cells, and work in other ways. These biologics are called biologics because they’re actually monoclonal antibodies. And so these monoclonal antibodies, as antibodies do, they have very strong specific binding affinities.


And so, using antibodies as medications has been a great advance. Now, as we’re going to see, they may not be the ultimate solution for treating autoimmune disease, but they hold a lot of promise, especially when we need their specificity. So there are many chronic conditions that NSAIDs DMARDs or Biologic DMARDs that can mask inflammation and cause pain to the muscles and joints. Some of the chronic conditions include:

  • Ankylosing-spondylitis
  • Arthritis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Endometriosis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lupus



Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., presents: These pharmaceuticals can reduce the pain that the person is experiencing with these conditions, but they are short-termed and only mask the issue until a person goes into treatment. When a person has an autoimmune or chronic disorder associated with inflammation, the cost of any medication is high. Even though good pharmaceuticals are important, we need to look at treatments that can examine the lesser-known or rarer conditions that can reduce the inflammatory effects that cause joint and muscle pain.  Incorporating anti-inflammatory botanicals and supplements like:

  • Fish oil
  • Curcumin
  • Ginger extract
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Resveratrol

All have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammatory cytokines from the muscle and joints and combine with physical therapy. Physical therapy can allow the body to heal itself and will enable the individual to be pain-free naturally.


Table Tennis Health Benefits: El Paso Back Clinic

Table Tennis Health Benefits: El Paso Back Clinic

Table tennis is a sport that individuals of all ages and abilities can play. The small scale and reduced movement make it more accessible. It has become more physical, with professional players making fitness an important part of their training. However, at all levels, it offers moderate-intensity activity, which is good for the heart, mind, and body. Recreational table tennis has been found to increase concentration, stimulate brain function, help develop tactical thinking skills and hand-eye coordination, and provide aerobic exercise and social interaction.

Table Tennis Health Benefits: EP Chiropractic and Functional Team

Table Tennis

The setup and rules are similar to tennis and can be played solo or in doubles. The skills needed to develop are learning to hit and control the ball consistently. Table tennis can be complex, with various shots, spins, and styles, but the foundational skills required include:

Proper Footwork

  • Although the body does not move that far, footwork is essential with the quick movements that are made in a short period.
  • Basic footwork techniques include fast dynamic movement, balance, and weight distribution.


  • Basic serving is necessary to get the point going.
  • There are many types of service in table tennis, but the major ones are the forehand and backhand serve.

Forehand and Backhand Strokes

  • Different stroke styles can be used, but forehand and backhand strokes are the most common.
  • Learning how the body activates and responds to the swing, the point of contact and the follow-through of each stroke is essential to get the most out of each stroke.

Speed and Agility

  • Table tennis is a fast-twitch muscle sport that utilizes quick bursts of energy and explosive strength.
  • Coaches and players use a combination of hybrid, high-intensity, and functional training to condition the body.
  • High-intensity interval training incorporates explosive movements, like squat jumps, to activate the muscles and the anaerobic threshold.

Hand-eye coordination

  • Playing improves hand-eye coordination skills and stimulates mental alertness and concentration.
  • This is great for sharpening overall reflexes.

Health Benefits

Table tennis offers several health benefits that include:

  • It is a social sport that provides a fun way to spend time with family and friends.
  • The overall risk for injury is low.
  • Easy on the muscles and joints.
  • Increases energy.
  • Improves balance.
  • Improves reflexes.
  • Burns calories.
  • Keeps the brain sharp.
  • Relieves stress.

Table Tennis


Biernat, Elżbieta, et al. “Eye on the Ball: Table Tennis as a Pro-Health Form of Leisure-Time Physical Activity.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 15,4 738. 12 Apr. 2018, doi:10.3390/ijerph15040738

Picabea, Jon Mikel, et al. “Physical Fitness Profiling of National Category Table Tennis Players: Implication for Health and Performance.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 18,17 9362. 4 Sep. 2021, doi:10.3390/ijerph18179362

Pilis, Karol, et al. “Body composition and nutrition of female athletes.” Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny vol. 70,3 (2019): 243-251. doi:10.32394/rpzh.2019.0074

Zagatto, Alessandro Moura, et al. “Energetic demand and physical conditioning of table tennis players. A study review.” Journal of sports sciences vol. 36,7 (2018): 724-731. doi:10.1080/02640414.2017.1335957

Zhu, Ke, and Lina Xu. “Analysis on the Influence of Table Tennis Elective Course on College Students’ Health.” Journal of healthcare engineering vol. 2022 8392683. 17 Jan. 2022, doi:10.1155/2022/8392683

Different Stretches To Improve Hip Mobility

Different Stretches To Improve Hip Mobility


The hips in the lower portions of the body allow the legs to move the host from one location to another and provide stability to support the upper body’s weight. The hips will enable the torso to twist and turn without feeling pain. This is due to the various muscles and ligaments surrounding the pelvic bone and hip joint socket that allow the motion to be possible. However, when various injuries or factors start to affect the multiple muscles surrounding the pelvis or there is a chronic condition like osteoarthritis that causes wear and tear on the hip joints can cause underlying symptoms associated with the hips and cause many individuals to have difficulty when moving around. Luckily there are ways to improve hip mobility and the surrounding muscles in the hip and pelvic region of the body. Today’s article looks at the causes of the development of tight hips in the body and how different stretches can release tight hip flexor muscles. We refer our patients to certified providers that incorporate techniques and multiple therapies for many individuals suffering from hip pain and its correlating symptoms that can affect the musculoskeletal system in the hips, legs, and lumbar region of the spine. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer

What Causes The Body To Develop Tight Hips?


Have you been dealing with hip mobility issues? When you sit, do you feel uncomfortable, and your hip muscles become tight? Or do you have a decreased range of motion when moving your hips? It could correlate with your hips if you have been experiencing muscle pain issues in the lower extremities. The hips help stabilize the upper and lower portions of the body while providing the full leg’s range of motion. When a person begins to sit for long periods or twist their body in a weird position, it can cause the muscles that surround the hips to become shortened. Other issues, like chronic conditions, can play a role in developing tight hip flexors. Studies reveal that various pathologies affecting the hips, lumbar spine, and lower extremities could strongly correlate with restricted hip mobility that can cause harmful effects that can affect the hips. To that point, some of the symptoms associated with tight hip flexors include:

  • Instability
  • Hypermobility
  • Limited range of motion
  • Reduce muscle strength in the groin
  • Muscle cramps
  • Sharp, sudden pain in the hips, pelvis, or groin
  • Low back pain
  • Piriformis syndrome

Other research studies mentioned that hypermobility disorders could affect the hip joints. Hypermobility disorders like EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) could cause micro or macro-trauma on the hip joint and affect the ligaments surrounding the hip joint. To that point, it can cause the hip flexor muscles to become tense and potentially affect how a person moves, which then causes soft tissue injuries and chronic pain.

Hip Flexor Stretches-Video

Do you feel tight along your hips? Do you see yourself hobbling around when walking? Or do you feel aches or strains when stretching? Many of these issues correlate with tight hip flexors that could result from hip pain in the lower extremities. When a person has tight hip flexors, it could be due to them constantly sitting down, causing the hip muscles to be shortened, or chronic conditions that can affect the hip joint and muscles. However, there are various ways to prevent tight hip flexors and regain mobility back to the hips. Studies reveal that stretching combined with core stabilization can help improve the hip’s range of motion while ensuring core endurance exercises can help strengthen the surrounding muscles in the hip area. The video above shows stretches targeting the hip flexor muscles and helps improve hip mobility.

Different Stretches To Release Tight Hip Flexors

Studies have shown that the hip flexor muscles are the main contributors to lumbar spine stability when releasing tight hip flexor muscles. So when there are tight hip flexors, it can cause overlapping risk profiles to the lumbar spine, which leads to pain and impairment in performance. The best way to reduce the pain-like symptoms associated with tight hip flexors is by stretching the lower half of the body to reduce muscle strain and tightness in the hip flexors. Additional studies have found that stretching combined with exercises targeting the low back can reduce the pain caused in the low back and help improve stability and strengthen the surrounding muscles located in the hips. Now it is important to remember that stretching for at least 5-10 minutes before and after working out allows the muscles to warm up and improve flexibility. Below are some different stretches that can release tight hip flexors.


High Crescent Lunge


  • While standing on the mat, take a step forward to allow your right foot to be in a staggard stance *Think in a lunge position.
  • Bend the front knee gently while keeping the back leg straight, as this allows the heel in the back leg to be lifted off the mat; the bent front knee enables the thigh to be parallel to the floor, and the right foot is pressed flat on the mat.
  • Square up the hips, so they face toward the mat’s front.
  • Extend the arm up towards the ceiling to stretch upwards while pressing into the mat to feel the hips stretch
  • Hold for five breaths before slowly rising out of the lunge position and repeating on the other side. 

This stretch helps release tension in the hip flexors and quads while warming up the muscles and increasing blood flow to the legs.


Knee-To Chest Stretch


  • Lie on the mat with both legs extended out and feet flexed.
  • Pull on the left knee to the chest while keeping the right leg straight, and the lumbar portion of the back is pressed into the mat.
  • Hold the position while taking deep breaths for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  • Release slowly and repeat on the right leg *You can lift both knees to your chest and rock slowly from side to side to relieve low back tension as an alternative.

This stretch is extremely helpful for tight hamstrings and allows the tense muscles on the hips and lower back to relax while increasing blood flow back to the muscles.


Piriformis Stretch


  • On the mat, sit with both legs extended out.
  • Cross the right leg over the left and place the other flat on the floor while the left foot is flexed
  • Place the right hand behind the body while the left elbow is on the right knee.
  • On inhale, press the right leg to the left while allowing the torso to twist on the right.
  • Take five breaths for a deeper stretch and switch sides to repeat the action with the left hand *If you have low back pain issues, the modified version allows you to use your left hand to pull the right quad in and out to the left and vice versa.

This stretch helps loosen tight muscles in the lower back, hips, and glutes. If you have sciatic nerve pain associated with piriformis syndrome, this stretch helps release muscle tension from the piriformis muscle aggravating the sciatic nerve.

Happy Baby Pose


  • Lie on the mat with both knees bent and feet on the ground.
  • On inhale, lift the feet off the ground and grab the outer sections of the feet with your hands.
  • Then gently pull the feet towards the chest and allow the knees to lower to the ground, on either side of the body, while keeping the back flat on exhale.
  • Hold the position for at least five breaths.

This stretch helps with the inner thigh muscles or hip adductors and helps them become loose and mobile without feeling any strain or tension.


Bridge Pose


  • On the mat, lie on your back and sides, and extend your arms while your feet are flat on the floor with your knees bent.
  • Press with your heels to lift the hips and allow the feet to walk a few steps toward the body. *Keep the feet and knees hip-width apart.
  • Clasp hands together underneath the body and press them into the mat
  • Hold the position for five breaths.

This stretch helps take the pressure off the hip muscles while strengthening the glutes and abdominal muscles.



When it comes to releasing tight hip flexors after sitting for a long time or having hip issues affecting your low back or pelvis, Doing different stretches that target the hips can reduce the pain and release tight muscles associated with other conditions that can affect the body. The hips are important to take care of since they provide mobility and stability to the upper and lower portions of the body. They support the upper body’s weight while providing a huge range of motion to the legs. Incorporating these different stretches can reduce the pain that they have been under and help warm up the other muscles that surround the lower extremities.



Lee, Sang Wk, and Suhn Yeop Kim. “Effects of Hip Exercises for Chronic Low-Back Pain Patients with Lumbar Instability.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2015,

Moreside, Janice M, and Stuart M McGill. “Hip Joint Range of Motion Improvements Using Three Different Interventions.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2012,

Reiman, Michael P, and J W Matheson. “Restricted Hip Mobility: Clinical Suggestions for Self-Mobilization and Muscle Re-Education.” International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2013,

Reiman, Michael P, and J W Matheson. “Restricted Hip Mobility: Clinical Suggestions for Self-Mobilization and Muscle Re-Education.” International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2013,


Whiplash Nerve Injury: El Paso Back Clinic

Whiplash Nerve Injury: El Paso Back Clinic

Neck injuries and whiplash symptoms can be minor and go away within a few days. However, whiplash symptoms can manifest days later and become varied and chronic, ranging from severe pain to cognitive problems. These are collectively called whiplash-associated disorders because of the varied complexity of the symptoms. A common condition is a whiplash nerve injury. These injuries can be severe and require chiropractic treatment.

Whiplash Nerve Injury: EP's Chiropractic TeamWhiplash Nerve Injury

Surrounding muscles, tissues, bones, or tendons can cause a whiplash nerve injury. The neck’s spinal nerve roots become compressed or inflamed, leading to cervical radiculopathy symptoms of tingling, weakness, and numbness that can radiate down the shoulder, arm, hand, and fingers. Typically, cervical radiculopathy is only felt on one side of the body, but in rare cases, it can be felt on both sides if more than one nerve root is affected.

Neurological Cervical Radiculopathy

  • Neurological problems can become severe and can reduce the ability to perform many routine tasks, such as gripping or lifting objects, writing, typing, or getting dressed.

Cervical radiculopathy involves one or more of the following neurological deficiencies.

  • Sensory – Feelings of numbness or reduced sensation. There can also be tingling and electrical sensations.
  • Motor – Weakness or reduced coordination in one or more muscles.
  • Reflex – Changes in the body’s automatic reflex responses. An example is a diminished ability or reduced hammer reflex exam.


Because every case is different, symptoms vary depending on the location and severity. Symptoms can flare up with certain activities, like looking down at a phone. The symptoms then go away when the neck is upright. For others, symptoms can become chronic and do not resolve when the neck is resting and supported. Common symptoms include:


  • Decreased energy levels could be related to sleep problems, depression, stress, pain, concussion, or nerve damage.

Memory and/or concentration problems

  • Cognitive symptoms could involve difficulty with memory or thinking.
  • Symptoms can start shortly after the injury or not appear until hours or days later.
  • Cognitive problems could be from a brain injury or related to various types of stress.


  • This could be neck muscles tightening or a nerve or joint becoming compressed or irritated.


  • Dizziness could be from neck instability, a concussion/mild traumatic brain injury, and nerve damage.

Vision problems

  • Blurry vision or other visual deficits could result from any number of causes, including concussion or nerve damage.
  • Vision problems could also contribute to dizziness.

Ringing in the ears

  • Also called tinnitus, this can be ringing or buzzing in one or both ears and can range from intermittent and minor to constant and severe.
  • Whiplash complications such as injury to the brain region that controls hearing, nerve or vascular damage, jaw injury, or stress can lead to tinnitus.

Chiropractic Care

The appropriate chiropractic treatment is unique to each whiplash nerve injury and is directed at the primary dysfunctions detected during the initial examination. A personalized treatment plan addresses factors in an individual’s work, home, and recreational activities. Treatment includes:

  • Massage manual and percussive for nerve and muscle relaxation
  • Decompression therapy
  • Nerve release techniques
  • Targeted stretches and exercises
  • Ergonomics
  • Health and nutritional recommendations

El Paso’s Chiropractic Team


Goldsmith R, Wright C, Bell S, Rushton A. Cold hyperalgesia as a prognostic factor in whiplash-associated disorders: A systematic review. Man Ther. 2012; 17: 402-10.

McAnany SJ, Rhee JM, Baird EO, et al. Observed patterns of cervical radiculopathy: how often do they differ from a standard “Netter diagram” distribution? Spine J. 2018. pii: S1529-9430(18)31090-8.

Murphy DR. History and physical examination. In: Murphy DR, ed. Conservative Management of Cervical Spine Syndromes. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000:387-419.

Shaw, Lynn, et al. “A systematic review of chiropractic management of adults with Whiplash-Associated Disorders: recommendations for advancing evidence-based practice and research.” Work (Reading, Mass.) vol. 35,3 (2010): 369-94. doi:10.3233/WOR-2010-0996

Travell JG, Simons DG. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual. Vol. 1, 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkens, 1999.