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Weight Loss

Back Clinic Weight Loss. People who are overweight or obese and are suffering from back pain may not realize that their excess weight contributes to their back pain. It is a known fact that overweight people are at risk for back pain, joint pain, and muscle strain. Not only is back pain an issue, but other symptoms of obese or overweight people may include fatigue, difficulty breathing, and/or shortness of breath during short periods of physical activity. When this happens, people begin to avoid physical activity, which leads to pain and various other unhealthy conditions.

Dr. Jimenez brings the PUSH-as-Rx System, which is a program designed by a strength-agility coach and physiology doctor with a combined 40 years of experience. The program is the multidisciplinary study of reactive agility, body mechanics, and extreme motion dynamics at its core.

A clear quantitative picture of body dynamics emerges through continuous and detailed assessments of the clients in motion and under directly supervised stress loads. This system with continual dynamic adjustments has helped many of our patients in their weight loss. Plus, they become faster and stronger. Results demonstrate clear improved agility and speed no matter the age. Along with physical training, Dr. Jimenez and the trainers offer nutritional advice.

Analyzing the Ketogenic Diet

Analyzing the Ketogenic Diet

Irrespective of a continuous surge in interest regarding the ketogenic diet, exactly why is it that individuals have been utilizing this dietary pendulum swing from the�nutritional worries that have been spreading across the world? Many people appear to be�obsessed with the latest diet fads and trends associated with achieving and maintaining a balanced weight and supporting overall health and wellness. Research studies have demonstrated evidence outcomes regarding the benefits of dieting.


The National Weight Control Registry has stored data about these types of ongoing research studies. More than half of subjects involved in these varieties of tests and evaluations had revealed that they were following some sort of diet or intended to become involved in programs or routines for weight loss. You often see annual reports listing the very best diets, including: the Top 5 Diets to Try in 2018, According to Experts, published by Time magazine. Moreover, the report claims that healthcare professionals have ranked the DASH Diet as the number one diet, followed by the Mediterranean Diet, Weight Watchers, the MIND diet, the TLC Diet and Volumetrics, as the top diets to try this year. The article, however, additionally discusses the ketogenic diet and ranks it as being among one of the lowest-ranked diets to try this year. No further details are given about this diet and the consensus appeared to be that it is challenging to follow.


However, the ketogenic diet is actually one of the most popular diets people generally talk about, subtly out-ranking paleolithic diet in most conversations. As a matter of fact, you may have already read or heard about the ketogenic diet from a variety of sources or perhaps you may even known a friend or a family member who has been trying it out themselves. A frequent concern about popular or fad diets, though, is that there doesn’t seem to be an exact guide on how to properly follow them, what kinds of problems they may cause, and/or even for whom these might be most appropriate. With eating habits like those described in the ketogenic diet, there are frequently risks or disadvantages, often involving nutrient deficiencies or lack of efficacy, especially if they’re truly hard to follow. But, how can this common issue regarding the proper diet be solved? Foremostly, it’s essential for individuals to weigh the advantages and disadvantages when choosing to attempt the ketogenic diet.


What is the Ketogenic Diet?


Let’s start with some history of what, where and when the ketogenic diet begain. There are various diets out there today which may have a lot in common with this well-known diet. Simply take a peek at a newstand, a bodybuilding website, or maybe the blogs of practicing healthcare professionals. First developed in 1921 by Dr. Russell Wilder of the Mayo Clinic as an alternative for children with intractable epilepsy, a classical ketogenic diet is supposed to alter the human body’s natural inclination to metabolize carbohydrates for energy. This can be achieved by adjusting an individual’s nutritional daily value to a particular macronutrient intake ratio of 4:1 fat-to-carbohydrates and protein diet. In this arrangement, fat comprises approximately 90 percent of daily calories, together with 7 percent of proteins and 3 percent of carbohydrates. Some alternatives for the ketogenic diet include a Medium Chain Triglyceride Diet consisting of 70 percent of fats, 10 percent of proteins and 20 percent of carbohydrates, or a Modified Atkins Diet with much more protein including 70 percent of fats, 25 percent of proteins, and 5 percent of carbohydrates, and a Low-Glycemic Index Treatment consisting of 45 percent of fats, 28 percent of proteins and 27 percent of carbohydrates.


The consequence of eating in this manner mimics what occurs when engaging in physical activities or exercise as well as what happens when fasting, a process referred to as ketosis. In ketosis, there is a depletion of glycogen reserves in the muscles and in the liver, which ultimately causes the liver to produce ketone bodies that can be used as fuel instead. Some healthcare professionals advise using either ketone strips or a sugar ketone meter to test the levels of ketosis in urine or blood. There is also a breath ketone analyzer available for purchase on Amazon. Don’t confuse ketosis with ketoacidosis, or the potentially deadly condition common to Type 1 diabetics when there are incredibly substantial levels of blood glucose and ketones.


Proof the Ketogenic Diet Works


It goes without saying, when a new dietary routine is useful for weight loss, nutrition experts understand they may also be used therapeutically for the treatment of many different diseases and ailments, among other health issues. The ketogenic diet has been used for decades to help with the treatment of epilepsy, and it has gained recent traction in its use for the treatment of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders. It has even been demonstrated to positively affect the gut microbiota.


Research studies regarding the use of a very-low carbohydrate, high fat diet for obesity, however, is in its initial stages. One research study, retrospectively in comparison to a non-carb/ketogenic-style diet, utilized a classic low-carb diet in bariatric patients, focusing on weight loss. The researchers found comparable weight-loss between both diets by 12 months post-intervention. Nonetheless, the ketogenic dieters that obtained follow-up guidance on a restricted carbohydrate routine had the best success following 24 months, indicating importance of care regarding an individual’s specific dietary habits.


One masterpiece post from 2008 clearly outlines the benefits of restricting carbohydrates to cause a unique metabolic state that favorably impacts atherogenic dyslipidemia, fatty acid partitioning and metabolic syndrome. The report clearly demonstrates that ketone bodies represent an efficient fuel for the body, about 25 percent more efficient at producing ATP than glucose or fatty acid, with curative potential towards numerous health issues. Following a carbohydrate-restrictive diet might also lead to a decrease in the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals, substances and compounds, which ultimately has positive implications for cardiovascular health.


On the reverse side, another research study found that the information on the effects of ketogenic diets on cardiovascular disease appeared to be contradictory in animal and human studies to produce an astounding recommendation. Recently presented in the 2018 American Diabetes Association seminar, a research study consisting of a 2-year randomized controlled trial, compared a high-carbohydrate diet to some very-low carbohydrate, like the ketogenic diet, with a reduced saturated fat diet in type 2 diabetic subjects. Both diets provided similar weight loss and reductions in HbA1c, whereas the very-low carbohydrate diet enabled participants to reduce their use of drugs/medications and improved their diurnal blood glucose equilibrium and blood lipids.


Missing Link in Keto Diet


One challenge that many healthcare professionals often face, however, is that sometimes, the ketogenic diet can make you feel sick. There is even a term for this: the Keto Flu. This is mostly because of a change in electrolyte conditioning together decreased insulin levels, resulting in a greater need for potassium, magnesium and sodium. If not properly managed, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies of those electrolytes, among different micronutrients, that may have consequences not completely elucidated as a result of the paucity of research on the long-term use of the ketogenic diet. Sodium is generally over-consumed in a typical diet, and a lot of high-sodium foods make their way into ketogenic diet cured meats, cheeses, and other foods that are processed. But most individuals in Western cultures today do not get enough potassium or magnesium, found mainly in fruits and vegetables, which may play a fundamental role in the pathology of chronic diseases like stroke and kidney stones.


A 2007 research study emphasized the risk factors for kidney stones after following the ketogenic diet. Approximately 6.7percent of the children who have been prescribed the ketogenic diet for intractable epilepsy were reported to have developed kidney stones. In these cases, utilizing potassium citrate significantly diminished the incidence of kidney stones and increased the expression time on the ketogenic diet. Potassium citrate solubilizes calcium, thus decreasing concentrations of free calcium readily available to crystallize. Additionally, it will also help to improve urine pH, helping to dissolve uric acid crystals. The research study concluded that “oral potassium citrate in clinical and prospective studies, using this treatment empirically was justified.”



Dr. Alex Jimenez’s Insight

The ketogenic diet, or the keto diet for short, is a low-carb, high-fat diet which has been previously described to offer many heath benefits. As a matter of fact, numerous research studies have demonstrated how this type of diet can help with weight loss as well as help improve overall health and wellness. The ketogenic diet may often be described as a “difficult to follow” diet because it involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake to replace it with fat. However, its this reduction in carbs which allows the human body to enter a metabolic state known as ketosis. Once the human body enters ketosis, it becomes tremendously efficient in burning fat and turning it into energy, additionally turning fats into ketones in the liver, supplying energy directly to the brain. This, along with reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels, can have a variety of health benefits, making the ketogenic diet suitable for individuals with specific health issues.


Advice on the Keto Diet


If you would like to try the ketogenic diet or feel like it would benefit you in any sort of way, first make sure to check with your healthcare professional. There are a number of resources online and in texts that aren’t all peer-reviewed. Use the information with care and listen to your own body. Remember: this kind of diet requires additional understanding of biochemical processes, it may behard to follow due to its limitations and possible lack of palatability, and it has to be limited in length. Also, based on one’s genetics, the keto diet can yield quite different outcomes.


Nutrition is a fundamental part of overall health and wellness. Proper nutrition can ultimately affect the way an individual’s bodily system’s functions and without it, a variety of structures and functions can be affected. If you are seeking treatment for a specific health issue, nutrition becomes even more important. Chiropractic care focuses on the natural treatment of the spine, through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, as well as through the implementation of lifestyle modifications, to provide the human body with all the necessary components it needs to heal itself, without the use of drugs/medications and/or surgery. Many chiropractors often recommend the ketogenic diet, alongside chiropractic care, to improve well-being. Be sure to talk to your doctor of chiropractic, or DC, regarding any nutrition plan you want to follow and they can discuss the best options for your specific health issues and basic treatment needs.


That made clear, there are some smart recipes available on the marketplace to rival those which have observed from the fantastic Paleo popularity. One standout origin for the ketogenic diet is the Charlie Foundation website, which was put up to give dietary advice for caregivers of young children with uncontrolled epilepsy. Check out their site for ideas to feed your keto. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez




Additional Topics: Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes for disability and missed days at work worldwide. As a matter of fact, back pain has been attributed as the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience some type of back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.




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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Low Back Pain Management


MORE TOPICS: EXTRA EXTRA:�Chronic Pain & Treatments


Acidity And Alkalinity In The Body

Acidity And Alkalinity In The Body

There has been a lot in the media lately about alkalinity and acidity in the body, but finding solid, straightforward information isn�t always easy. In short, acidity can cause a number of health issues. There are many benefits of bringing your body into balance.

What Is High Acidity?

The term acidity describes a condition where the body is affected by the excess production of gastric acids. Under normal conditions, hydrochloric acid is secreted by the stomach, aiding in the digestion and breakdown of food.

However, when this normal process is triggered in such a way that it causes overproduction of the acid, it can result in health problems. Acidity can be caused by irregular eating patterns, fad diets, alcohol consumption, stress, smoking, an unhealthy diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms can include:

  • Indigestion
  • Burning in the stomach
  • Belching
  • Sour taste
  • Burning in the throat
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness

What Are The Dangers Of High Acidity In The Body?

When the body is acidic, it can affect everything from immunity to neurological function to bone health. The Japanese have linked acidity to degenerative diseases like arthritis, cancer, and osteoporosis.

An acidic body is also a very hospitable environment for bacteria and viruses to thrive meaning the person will often get sick more often. When the body is out of balance it becomes susceptible to conditions as simple as dandruff and as complex as diabetes. Interestingly, many people have reversed or gone into remission by simply bringing their body into balance.

acidity and alkalinity el paso tx.

What Is Alkalinity?

In order to understand alkalinity, you need to understand pH levels. This is the measure used to determine how alkaline or acid something is. A pH of 0 is at the acidic end of the scale and means the thing being measured is completely acidic. At the other end of the scale, a pH of 14 is totally alkaline. The neutral point is a pH of 7.

Different parts of the body have different pH levels, meaning that some parts are more acidic while others are more alkaline. For instance, blood typically has a pH that is between 7.35 and 7.45, making it slightly alkaline. The stomach, on the other hand, is highly acidic, registering a pH of 3.5 or lower. Making the body more alkaline is not about making it completely alkaline � you need some acidity, it is necessary for digestion and other processes � it is more about bringing the body into balance.

What Are The Benefits Of Alkalinity?

When the body has increased alkalinity, bringing it into better pH balance, it is healthier and has a decreased risk of chronic illness. There is also less likelihood of illness. When the body is in a better pH balance it can result in many benefits including:

  • More energy
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Slowed aging process
  • Weight loss
  • Lower cancer risk
  • Decreased risk of chronic illness
  • Increased immunity

How Can You Bring Your Body Into Balance?

The best way to bring your body into better pH balance is by modifying your diet. As a rule of thumb, animal based foods like meat, eggs, and dairy tend to be more acidic. A vegetarian diet rich in plant-based foods like vegetables and fruits tend to be more alkaline. While the body does need a diet that includes both acidic and alkaline foods, a diet of processed foods and foods high in fat and sugar can cause too much acidity. By adjusting the diet, eliminating processed foods, and maintaining a healthier, more vegetarian based diet, you can bring your body into balance and enjoy better health as a result.

Injury Medical Clinic: Elderly & Geriatric Fitness

Fitness Trackers! What You Need To Know!

Fitness Trackers! What You Need To Know!

Fitness Trackers: Exercise is usually a great compliment to chiropractic treatment. In fact, many chiropractors recommend regular exercise to their patients. It helps with pain management and speeds healing as well as give your mood a healthy, natural boost.

Fitness trackers are a popular workout tool that helps people set fitness goals, track their progress, and get healthier. How can they help chiropractic patients though? What can they offer that will patients get more out of their treatments? Find out what you need to know about chiropractic and fitness trackers.

Fitness Trackers

It Takes More Than The Tech To Get You Fit.

All the flashy, high tech bells and whistles in the world won�t roll you out of bed in the morning and place you on the treadmill. No fancy wristband will get you up and moving, getting exercise and getting fit. The tech is cool. It is fun and exciting, but it won�t get you fit. Only you can do that.

So if you are getting a fitness tracker with the belief that it is going to be some kind of fitness magic bullet, that just won�t happen. It is great as a fitness buddy, a tool, a nifty gadget that may help motivate you and help you achieve your fitness goals. In the end, though, you are the one driving that car. You are in control.

Is A Fitness Tracker For You?

There are so many fitness trackers on the market with an almost endless list of features. Finding the one that is right for you, or if you could even benefit from a fitness tracker takes a bit of research. Look for features that work for you and the activities you will be pursing.

For instance, if you enjoy water-based fitness activities you might want a waterproof model. There are also data limits, screen sizes (or no screen at all), heart rate tracking options, and whether you want a clip on tracker or one that straps on your wrist.

Before making your purchase, take some time to research all of the features that are available to you then decide what you like and what features would best help you meet your fitness goals.

fitness trackers el paso tx.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Fitness Tracker.

Once you have your fitness tracker you will want to make a plan to ensure that you get the most out of it. Try these tips to make your fitness tracker work its best for you.

Identify clear cut goals. When you begin your fitness quest, the first thing you need to do is know where you want to go with it. It is a good idea to record your stats at the beginning and then update them every month or so. This will let you see how many more steps you are taking, how much weight you�ve lost, or whatever else you wish to accomplish.

Set attainable benchmarks. Benchmarks help you along as you work toward your goal. The key is setting them so that they are attainable but still present a bit of a challenge. If weight loss is your key, you might set benchmarks for every two months. For fitness goals, you may set benchmarks for a certain number of steps in a given time or a certain number of workouts each week. When you reach a benchmark, celebrate a little.

Wear it on your non-dominant wrist. The Journal, Medical and Science in Sports and Exercise published a study that revealed participants who wore fitness trackers on their wrists throughout the day found that they were more accurate when worn on the non-dominant wrist. The theory is that the non-dominant wrist moves less, giving a more accurate reading.

Calibrate your tracker to match your stride. Not everyone has the same stride. You may be very tall or very short; you might take longer strides or time steps. Whatever the case, you�ll get the most out of your fitness tracker by calibrating your stride. Most trackers will provide instructions for doing the calibration. It is well worth taking the time to complete it.

Incorporate other apps to boost your fitness efforts. Many fitness trackers will recommend other apps that can help you meet your goals and you can sync them to your tracker. However, you can also look for apps on your own that can help. There are so many different fitness apps out there from food tracking to apps that use your phone�s GPS to provide more accurate measurements on your runs, walks, or bike rides.

The more fit you are the better your chiropractic treatments will typically work. Fitness trackers can help you reach your goals and get the most out of your chiropractic care.

Injury Medical Clinic: Sport Injury Treatments

Doctor Of Chiropractic Weight Loss

Doctor Of Chiropractic Weight Loss

Doctor 0f Chiropractic: Charlie Quiroga found the extra “push” she needed at PUSH Fitness so as to regain her fitness and get back in shape, as well as to improve her overall health and wellbeing. Charlie Quiroga is grateful to the coaches which helped keep her motivated to continue following a healthier lifestyle. Charlie Quiroga has heard the significance of “pushing” herself towards her goals and remaining positive. Charlie Quiroga urges PUSH as the fitness choice that is very best.

Weight Loss Doctor Of Chiropractic


Weight management techniques encircle long-term lifestyle plans that promote healthy eating and daily physical activity. Effective weight management programs consider not just weight reduction but also the maintenance of a healthy body weight with time. Moreover, weight control entails understanding of meaningful procedures to track weight over time and set perfect body weights for different individuals. Weight control doesn’t include things like fad diets that promote quick weight loss. It targets the results that are achieved through weight loss.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Weight Loss And Chiropractic Treatment

Weight Loss And Chiropractic Treatment

Bernadette Banda informs her compelling weight loss story while she clarifies how much her life has changed since she discovered the right fitness regimen with Dr. Alex Jimenez and Daniel “Danny” Alvarado in PUSH Fitness. PUSH became Bernadette Banda’s life philosophy, where she took it on herself never to give up and to always “push” herself towards any fitness goal she wished to attain. With tremendous gratitude, Bernadette Banda praises Danny’s and all the other coach’s efforts and support to help her become healthy.

Chiropractic Weight Loss Treatment


Intentional weight loss is the decrease in total body mass because of attempts to improve fitness and wellness. Weight loss in people who are overweight or obese can decrease health risks, increase health, and may delay the onset of diabetes. It may decrease pain and increase movement in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. Weight reduction may result in a drop in hypertension. Weight loss occurs when the body is expending more energy in metabolism than it’s swallowing from meals or additional nutrients. It is going to then use stored reserves from fat or muscle, slowly resulting in weight loss.

weight loss el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Amplify The Effectiveness Of Chiropractic Care: Weight Loss Tips

Amplify The Effectiveness Of Chiropractic Care: Weight Loss Tips

Effectiveness: We all know and understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. Some individuals do quite nicely at managing their pounds with seemingly little effort, while other struggle constantly.

A recent study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 78 million American adults suffer from obesity. A person who has sustained an injury or suffers from an illness that affects their back, hips, knees or ankles are especially susceptible to weight gain, because they must deal with limited mobility and the stress of daily pain.

Striving to stay in the ideal weight range for your body type and height provides a variety of health benefits such as adding less pressure on your back and joints, and increasing your range of motion. Patients who receive chiropractic care often enjoy the effectiveness of increased healing by pursuing weight loss.

Successfully fight the battle of the bulge with these four handy weight loss tips to:

Amplify The Effectiveness Of Chiropractic Care

First, Start Small

Replace a couple of negative behaviors with positive ones, and commit to making them stick. Great examples of these are substituting water for soft drinks, eating a high-protein breakfast, or changing out your nightly bowl of ice cream with yogurt.

Simply removing 100 calories a day adds up to a 10 pound weight loss over a year’s time. Small modifications offer the dual benefits of being easier to implement while still showing results.

Next, Keep A Journal

Write down every bite you eat along with the portion size. Listing your food intake provides accountability, which may keep you from noshing on that third slice of pizza or super-sizing those fries.

It also arms you with important intel that will be helpful throughout your weight loss journey. If you hit a plateau, read back through the journal to see what you may have changed over time that caused the scales to stall.

And speaking of scales….

effectivenssDon’t Live And Cry By The Scales

Often, dieters weigh every day and are elated or depressed based on the number on the scales. That’s a roller coaster way to live, and those emotions can cause calorie laden binges!

Plus, daily weighing is not accurate, as fluctuations in water weight are common. Weigh once a week at the most, at roughly the same time each day. A weekly routine gives you a good idea of your success without the stressful up and down of daily weighing.

Decrease Your Sedentary Ways

Even if you are dealing with an injury or medical condition that limits the ability to exercise, you can still probably be less sedentary than you are now. Again, simplicity is the key.

Walk into the bank instead of using the drive through window, stand up to fold clothes instead of sitting down, and take periodic breaks at your desk to stand for a bit.

Ask your chiropractor about any limitations you need to follow, and request stretching exercises as your personal situation permits. Moving more on a daily basis will aid in shedding those extra pounds and keeping them off long-term.

It’s important for individuals to maintain a normal weight range in order to enjoy a healthy life. Chiropractic patients benefit even more from shedding those extra pounds.

By committing to a healthier lifestyle with fewer pounds to carry around, individuals with back and joint injuries will see greater positive impact from their chiropractic visits. Over time, the combination of a leaner body and chiropractic care will bring greater mobility, less pain, and a decreased chance for re-injury to the patient.

Shea Vaughn Talks “Targeting Obesity”

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.

How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain

How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Back Pain

Losing Weight: Back pain is one of the most common and most troublesome problems that people experience. Eight out of 10 individuals will struggle with back pain during some point in their life, the US National Library of Medicine reports. Low and chronic back pain can be aggravated by many triggers. Mechanical stress, excessive strain, muscle weakness, poor sleeping position, lack of exercise and excessive weight could all contribute to making the situation worse.

The good news is that chiropractic ranks among the most popular and effective treatment options available today for back pain. Through the chiropractic adjustment, chiropractors not only help ease the pain but also work toward correcting the problem. According to chiropractors, spinal adjustments can deliver even better results when combined with weight loss.

In today�s article, we�ll exam the following:

    1. How Obesity and Back Pain are Related
    2. How Weight Loss Helps Reduce Back Pain
    3. Improving Back Health through Chiropractic

How Obesity and Back Pain are Related

Individuals that are classified as overweight or obese are much more likely to experience back pain than people that aren�t according to the American Obesity Association.

Obesity prevents individuals from engaging in everyday physical activities, as well as healthy exercises. These are essential for strengthening the core muscles. A stronger core can take some of the burden away from the back, thus making back pain less likely.

In addition, the spinal cord becomes excessively burdened in the case of obese individuals. This is because it�s trying to compensate for the additional weight, which can cause tilting and uneven stress. Both of these can contribute to serious and chronic back pain. Thus the reason obesity is one of the most prominent aggravating factors in the case of lower back pain.

Losing Weight Helps Reduce Back Pain

According to weight loss experts and chiropractors, weight loss can contribute to partial or complete reduction in the back pain symptoms. The research on the connection between weight loss and back pain is still insufficient but numerous practitioners report that they�ve seen cases of patients experiencing serious reduction in pain after losing weight.

Obviously, this occurs because the extra weight is taken off the spine. As a result, the spine doesn�t experience further stress. Especially when a chiropractor realigns the vertebral column through multiple sessions of chiropractic adjustments.

According to the American Spine Society, individuals that stay within 10 pounds of their ideal weight are the ones least likely to experience spinal problems, particularly chronic lower back pain.

Improving Back Health through Chiropractic Care and Physical Activity

The combination of exercise and chiropractic care can produce noticeable, long-term improvements in spinal health.

Besides aiding in weight loss, exercise is also great for strengthening the core muscles and guaranteeing a proper distribution of the body�s weight throughout the spine. Stronger muscles, less weight and better posture will provide amazing long-term benefits for chiropractic patients that suffer from back pain.

If you need more pointers on how to incorporate weight loss and exercise in your daily routine, speak to your local chiropractor. He or she is more than competent to guide you along the way. If you aren�t currently seeing a chiropractor, give us a call. We�re here to help!

This article is copyrighted by Blogging Chiros LLC for its Doctor of Chiropractic members and may not be copied or duplicated in any manner including printed or electronic media, regardless of whether for a fee or gratis without the prior written permission of Blogging Chiros, LLC.