Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.
Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.
These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Fitness, Health, Wellness
Walk into any�HIIT�class or CrossFit box and chances are you�ll be asked to do a variation of a plyometric jump. Box jumps, frog leaps and tuck jumps help you improve your�VO2 max�(speed), flexibility and�range of motion. But that�s not all. Their explosive power works your entire body, while getting your heart rate up.
Kat Ellis, head trainer and instructor at�Uplift Studios�in New York City, says, �Plyometrics are a mix of stability and strength, and create a strong foundation for doing explosive�weightlifting�moves like the�clean and jerk�and�snatch.�
But if you�re not nailing down the form of these moves properly, you can risk injuring yourself and cause strain on your joints. That�s where tempo training comes in. Modulating movement based around a tempo allows the body to activate fast twitch muscle fibers and to learn to distinguish the difference between speed and power, Ellis explains. �The body finds a moment of explosive activation. For example if you�re doing a�push-up, concentrate on lowering the chest down for three seconds and pushing back up to a plank in one. The tempo, is 3-2-1, push.�
RELATED:�3 Fat-Blasting HIIT Workouts to Try Now
Plyometrics help develop�core strength�and joint stability, too. �Tempo training forces you to slow things down. You�re regressing the exercise to make sure your whole body is truly engaged,� Ellis explains.
According to the�National Academy of Sports Medicine, plyometrics are broken down into three phases: the eccentric phase, the amortization phase and the concentric phase. Take the box jump, for instance. The eccentric phase is when you�re in a half-squat position with your knees bent. When you drive from your heels to jump, that�s the amortization phase. The concentric phase is when you finally land on the box and release the energy and tension in your muscles. With that said, take Ellis�s lead, as she breaks down these three popular jumps.
RELATED:�3 Plyometric Moves That Turn up the Burn
Bust a Move: 3 Plyometrics Exercises, Broken Down
1. Frog Leaps

Progression 1
How to:�Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-distance apart with your toes slightly turned out to the sides. Raise your arms at your sides with your hands overhead and palms facing forward (a). Sit into a deep sumo squat with your butt back and down so your weight is evenly distributed from your arches to your heels (b). Press up from the squat and lift your right leg up to hip height, bending your right knee (c). At the same time, engage your right oblique muscles so you bring your right thigh towards your right elbow (d). Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side. Alternate for five reps on each side.
Progression 2
How to:�Sit back into a deep sump squat position with your hands overhead together and palms facing forward (a). Driving from your heels, jump up, bending your knees so your thighs touch or brush up against your thighs (b). Land softly into a sumo squat before jumping again (c). Do five to eight reps.
RELATED:�The Ultimate 20-Minute MetCon Workout
2. Tuck Jumps

Progression 1
How to:�Stand with your feet hip-distance apart with your toes facing forward (a). Sit into a squat with your arms at your sides raised to shoulder height, palms facing each other (b). As you stand up from the squat, lift your right leg to hip height with your right knee bent (c). At the same time, place one palm on top of the other to meet your right knee. Repeat on the left side (d). Alternate for five reps on each side.
Progression 2
How to:�Start in a squat position with your arms at shoulder height and palms facing each other (a). Jump up as high as you can, driving your knees towards your chest, almost touching the palms of your hands (b). Re-extend your legs to land softly on the ground (c). Do five to eight reps.
RELATED:�5 Plyo Box Exercises to Rev Your Fitness
3. Box Jumps

RELATED:�12 No-Bake Energy Bites Recipes
Progression 1
How to:�Stand behind a box or step with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees (a). Step one foot at a time onto the box, keeping the slight bend in your knees, and then step back down one foot at a time (b). Do five reps.
Progression 2
How to:�Stand behind a box with your feet shoulder-width apart and a slight bend in your knees (a). Jump onto the box with both feet, landing with your knees slightly bent (b). Jump back down and repeat for five to eight reps. Note: If you�re doing this move in a CrossFit WOD, standard technique is to straighten your legs at the top of the box, standing tall, before hopping or stepping back down.
GIFs: Tiffany Ayuda / Life by Daily Burn
This article originally appeared on
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Chiropractic, Health, Wellness
Chiropractic care may be able to bring about relief for allergy sufferers. Allergy symptoms may be triggered by misalignments in the neck and upper back, which contain nerves important for the body’s respiratory and immune systems. These misalignments are believed to interfere with the communication between these systems and the brain and cause or worsen allergy symptoms. Advanced Chiropractic Wellness offers adjustments which are targeted to reduce the effects of allergies on the body.
Allergies Result When The Body’s Immune System Is Triggered To Action By Substances That Should Be Considered Innocuous
Typically, this results in the release of excess histamine, which causes the characteristic watery and itchy eyes, stuffy nose, and increased sinus pressure. The sinus pressure may cause extremely painful headaches on top of the general discomfort of the other two. In some cases, body parts may also swell. The eye area is most commonly affected by such puffiness.When all of these symptoms are put together, it can cause serious suffering. Many people find that they can’t go outdoors during the height of the seasons in which their allergy triggers are released. Such triggers include the pollen from juniper and elm trees. This pollen is among the first of the allergens to hit in the spring, so Illinois residents will be encountering it soon if they aren’t already.

Later, Flower Pollen, Molds & Dust Take The Place Of The Tree Pollen
“After a full winter, nobody wants to have to stay indoors breathing filtered air. It’s time to go out and have fun! Yet for many, allergy medication isn’t a good solution. Drowsiness is a common side-effect, and even the non-drowsy types have side-effects of their own. What people need is a solution that addresses the problem at its roots,” said Dr. Scott Stratton, a chiropractor at Advanced Chiropractic Wellness.This solution, according to Dr. Stratton, is chiropractic realignment of the vertebrae that contain the nerves that communicate between the brain and the body’s respiratory and immune systems. The theory is that misalignment here causes miscommunication between these systems, resulting in exaggerated bodily responses to allergens.”When the brain and body can’t get a clear signal pathway between each other, only some of the needed information makes it through. Then, both sides have to try to fill in missing information, and this results in bad guesses. Chiropractic realignment clears up the signal and allows the brain and body to make appropriate responses to its environment,” Dr. Stratton explained.About Advanced Chiropractic WellnessThe Advanced Chiropractic Wellness clinic offers chiropractic care, lifestyle counseling, laser treatments, and more. They take a holistic approach that aims to improve a patient’s overall health instead of simply treating specific symptoms.

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Visit their website at for more information.Advanced Chiropractic Wellness
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Fitness, Health, Wellness
Strapless dresses. Destination getaways. Bachelorette parties. Wedding season festivities come with many opportunities to dress up and bare all. Whether you’re looking to get fit for your own special day or trying to sculpt for a BFF’s, this 10-minute HIIT workout from Nike trainer Lauren Williams will do the trick (and then some).
Ready to get your heart rate way, way up? Watch this video for a full demonstration on how you can strengthen and lengthen all over without any equipment. If you can’t watch, the fat-burning workout is described below, too. Get ready to get sweaty!
RELATED: Anna Victoria’s 9-Move HIIT Workout Will Tone Your Entire Body
Squats: Slowly squat down with the feet turned out slightly. This movement helps to open up the hip flexors and get the quads working right off the bat. Continue squatting for 45 seconds.
Plank roll-downs: From standing, roll your body down toward the ground and walk the hands out so you’re in a plank position. Hold for five seconds. Walk hands back toward body and roll back up to stand. Repeat. Continue for 45 seconds.
Side shuffle with high knees: To start getting your heart rate up, quickly shuffle from one side to the other. Take a few shuffle steps to one side and begin to raise knees high, up towards your chest, for three seconds. Shuffle to the other side and repeat the high knees motion. Continue switching off between the two exercises for 45 seconds.
Plank with squat hold: From a high plank position, jump and place the feet flat on the ground so you’re squatting in a chair pose. Hold the squat for three seconds, then jump the feet back to return to high plank. Continue one minute.
Push ups: Complete push-ups with your hands wider than the width of a yoga mat for 45 seconds.
RELATED: Try This Calorie-Torching HIIT Workout from The Fhitting Room
Forearm plank: For an active rest that continues to keep your heart rate up, hold a forearm plank for one minute.
Squat with rotation: From a squat position, jump and turn your body 180 degrees, landing in a squat facing the opposite direction as when you started. Continue rotating from side to side in a squat position for one minute. You’ll burn fat while you strengthen your quads and hamstrings.
Forearm to high plank: From a forearm plank raise yourself up to a high plank (with hands on the ground) and slowly creep your hands out in front of your body slightly. Walk the hands back under the shoulders, lower to forearm plank, and repeat. Continue for one minute. To modify, simply bring the knees to rest on the floor. This move burns out the triceps and also strengthens the core at the same time.
Split squat lunge jumps: Start in a lunge position with the right leg forward, left leg back. Make sure both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Hold the lunge for three seconds, then jump to switch the front and back legs. Continue for one minute. The hold in between each jump ensures an extra tough burn.
Mountain climbers from plank: From plank, begin to jog your legs in towards your chest for a mountain climber movement. Make sure to keep your hips in line with your back, so they don’t lift up toward the ceiling. Continue for one minute.
Shuffle with burpee: From a demi squat position, shuffle three steps to one side, then drop the body down to the ground for your burpee. Quickly pop back up before shuffling to the other side and repeating. Continue for one minute.
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Fitness, Health, Wellness
If you�re like most Americans, health is the most important aspect of your life that needs improving. Without adequate health and well-being, you can kiss most of your other goals goodbye. Declining health and vitality rob you of the energy you need to achieve your personal or professional goals.
With that in mind, I�ve created a series of simple practices�the more of these you do, the better and more in charge of your life you�ll feel.
Sit Less, Move More

As humans, we are made to move. This doesn�t mean running around on a daily basis, but rather spending a good portion of our days walking, standing and moving in general. If we don�t, our bodies rebel and our health declines. Movement is not only good for your cardiovascular health, but also for your mental health. Do some form of exercise that significantly raises your heart rate for 30 minutes at least four times a week. Remember, also, to break up your sitting and move frequently during the day.
Get More Sleep

Sleep is often the single most undervalued behavior in our lives�and yet it is the one with the most immediate power to improve our lives in every waking moment. If you�re averaging less than six hours of sleep, aim to get just one more hour a night. It will leave you feeling more physically energized, emotionally resilient and mentally clear.
Eat Less, More Often

Food is fuel, and real food�healthy proteins, vegetables (complex carbohydrates) and fruits �are high-octane fuel. You feel best when you eat in small doses throughout the day, beginning with breakfast. Try for more local and organic fruits and vegetables. Remember, the fresher the food, the more potent its nutrients.
Remove Interference

Chiropractic care can literally change your life, and enable you to live a pain-free life full of energy and vitality. That�s because chiropractic adjustments help reduce or eliminate pressure on your nerves�the same ones responsible for your everyday bodily functions. Chiropractic will help eliminate pain and inflammation, reduce fatigue, and restore normal nerve flow to all your organs, giving you the energy, drive and peace of mind to go out there and live life the way it was meant to be lived.
Renew More

Human beings are not designed to work eight or more hours straight. We�re meant instead to alter between moving (spending energy) and resting (renewing energy). Ideally, take a break every 90 minutes, even if only to spend a minute or two stretching or breathing deeply. It all matters, and it all adds up.
Be Present

The greatest gift you can give someone is your undivided attention. After all, it�s better to be fully present with someone for an hour than physically present, but distracted, for multiple hours. Shut off your phone at a certain time each day, and practice being present with your family and friends.
Gratitude Adjustment

We�re far quicker to notice what�s wrong in our lives than we are what�s right. Gratitude has tremendous power; if it is sincere and heartfelt it makes a big difference to our outlook. To help change this mindset, once a week aim to write a note of appreciation to someone who deserves it, telling the person precisely what you�re grateful for.
Do The Most Important Thing First

Early in the morning (after your coffee), you�re likely to have the most energy, and the fewest distractions. Start your workday by focusing without interruption on the most important or challenging task you can accomplish that day.
Feed Your Mind

Our brains work better if we challenge them, and life becomes more interesting when we do. Reading is, of course, a simple way to learn and grow, but so is building a daily practice around learning a new language, a sport, an instrument, how to fix a car, or learning to draw.
Give Back

Lending a helping hand not only aids others in need, but it�s also very rewarding. Throughout the year, aim to take some time to add value to the world at large by supporting charities, standing up for great causes, or giving back to your community.

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by Dr Alex Jimenez | Fitness, Health, Wellness
In case you missed it, yesterday was World Physical Activity Day. The goal? To encourage all of us to get off our duffs and move around more—which is always a good thing. We know that adults who don’t get the recommended amount of exercise per week (at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity movement) are at a higher risk of diabetes, depression, cancer, and more. Science has also shown that not exercising can raise your risk of heart disease as much as obesity does. But the simplest reason to stay active? It makes you feel good.
Turns out Twitter users are all for working that body too. Here are six of the impressive stats and chuckle-inducing GIFs that were tweeted out yesterday, and made us want to get our sweat on asap.
Yep, even waddling counts as exercise.
But there are endless ways to get your muscles firing.
Here’s an impressive fact, courtesy of London’s Newcomb Library: Walking briskly for just 75 minutes a week can add nearly two whole years to your life.
We love that Cancer Research UK called out dancing and gardening as alternative ways to raise your heart rate. Treadmill who?
No matter what kind of workout we’re talking about, keep in mind that This Girl Can crush it.
Just don’t let this happen to you…
Happy sweating!
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Fitness, Health, Nutrition, Wellness
Governments could boost the consumption of healthy food by making it cheaper, as well as requiring that unhealthier food be more expensive, a new review suggests.
The findings are based on an analysis of 30 studies. Eleven studies looked at what happened when unhealthier foods were taxed. Nineteen studies explored what people choose to eat when subsidies lowered the price of healthier food. The collection of studies found that food prices really do matter.
“Our results show how 10 percent to 50 percent changes in price of foods and beverages at checkout could influence consumers’ purchasing behaviors over a relatively short period of time,” said study co-first author Ashkan Afshin, a former postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University in Boston. He is now at the University of Washington.
Researchers found that consumption of produce jumped by 14 percent for each 10 percent drop in price. A similar increase in consumption occurred when other healthier foods became cheaper. People also became slightly thinner when produce prices went down, the review reported. On the flip side, a 10 percent price increase in sugar-sweetened beverages and unhealthier fast food translated to decreases in consumption by 7 percent and 3 percent, respectively.
“The global food system is causing a staggering toll on human health. And this is very costly, both in terms of real health care expenses and lost productivity,” said study senior author Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy at Tufts.
“Our findings suggest that subsidies and taxes are a highly effective tool for normalizing the price of foods toward their true societal costs. This will not only prevent disease but also reduce spiraling healthcare costs, which are causing tremendous strain on both private businesses and government budgets,” Mozaffarian said said in a Tufts news release.
The study was published March 1 in the journal PLOS One.
The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . 
Back pain and symptoms of sciatica can affect a majority of the population throughout their lifetime. Research studies have demonstrated that people who are overweight or obese experience more back complications than people with a healthy weight. A proper nutrition along with regular physical fitness can help with weight loss as well as help maintain a healthy weight to eliminate symptoms of back pain and sciatica. Chiropractic care is also another natural form of treatment which treats back pain and sciatica utilizing manual spinal adjustments and manipulations.
by Dr Alex Jimenez | Fitness, Health, Wellness
The gym is filled with tons�of complex machines, all designed to tighten and tone various areas of your body. With so many flashy options to choose from,�chances are, you’ve been overlooking one ultra-versatile piece of equipment: the�TRX suspension trainer. But his seemingly simple item is actually a super effective workout tool. It was designed to add extra challenge to many of your usual go-to exercises, like squats and mountain climbers, to�help your body build strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability.
The best part: It’s totally versatile. While you can find TRX trainers at any gym, you can also use them to get toned just about�anywhere�whether that’s in your home, the beach, or the park�by simply attaching your trainer to a sturdy object overhead (like a tree, for example). Not to mention, it’s compact enough to squeeze into your suitcase, making it perfect for�working out while traveling.
If you’re curious to try out TRX and mix up your usual routine, try giving my 6-move workout a go.
Single-leg squat

Face the anchor point and grab the cushioned handles. Take a couple steps back so there’s plenty of�tension on the suspension trainer. Balancing on your left foot, extend your right leg. Begin to lower into a squat, keeping your right leg extended and your left heel on the ground. Once you’ve hit a 90-degree angle�or as low as you can go with proper form�drive your left heel through the ground returning to a standing position. Do three�sets of eight�reps.
Tam�s Tip: Don�t sacrifice form for depth. Be sure to keep your arms straights at all stages in the squat to prevent using your upper body instead of your legs and glutes.
RELATED:�These 2 ‘Microworkouts’ Are Super Short and Majorly Effective
Reverse lunge

Bring the handles together and place your right foot into the cradle. Walk out a few steps while balancing on your left leg. Begin to lower down into a lunge, hold for one second, and then return to standing. Do four�sets of 10 reps.
Tam�s Tip: Make sure that you aren�t hinging at your hips, and really using your legs and glutes to get into the lunge. Avoid pushing off your front leg when returning to a standing position.
Adjust the handles so that they are at their highest setting. Grab the handles, making sure that your hands, shoulders and hips are aligned. Keep your feet flat on the ground and pull your body up as high as you can, and then lower down to the starting position. To make it harder, straighten your legs, with your heels on the ground and pull yourself up, keeping your shoulders down and back. If you want more of a challenge, pull your entire body off the ground in one fluid movement (as shown above), and then lower back down to the starting position. Start with three�sets of 10 reps for the beginner/intermediate variations. Advanced: three�sets of four�reps.
Tam�s Tip: Be sure that your hands, shoulders and hips are aligned after every rep.
RELATED: 4 Steps to Slim, Sculpted Arms
Single-arm row

Bring the handles together and grab them with your right hand. Lean your body backward, with your feet closer�to the anchor point in front of you. Then, while engaging your core and lat, pull your body up in one fluid movement. Straighten your right arm, lowering down to the start position. Do three�sets of 12 reps.
Tam�s Tip: To make this exercise more challenging, walk your feet closer to the anchor point, increasing the amount of body weight you are pulling. You can also try standing�with a narrow stance to make this exercise more unstable.
Mountain climber

Place your feet into the foot cradles with your toes facing down. Walk your hands out to a plank position. Drive your right knee forward, followed by the left. Repeat.
Tam�s Tip: Try to avoid sawing (each strap changing levels) by maintaining even pressure on the foot cradles.

Place your feet into the foot cradles, toes facing down. Walk your hands out into a plank position. From here begin to raise your hips up, engaging your core, creating a upside down �v�. Lower your body back down for one rep. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.
Tam�s Tip: Imagine there is a string attached to your tailbone pulling you up and down. Avoid a dip in your lower back by pulling your belly button in and engaging your core.