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Back Clinic Health Team. The level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological, and social changes in an environment. Dr.Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T, a clinical pain doctor who uses cutting-edge therapies and rehabilitation procedures focused on total health, strength training, and complete conditioning. We take a global functional fitness treatment approach to regain complete functional health.

Dr. Jimenez presents articles both from his own experience and from a variety of sources that pertain to a healthy lifestyle or general health issues. I have spent over 30+ years researching and testing methods with thousands of patients and understand what truly works. We strive to create fitness and better the body through researched methods and total health programs.

These programs and methods are natural and use the body’s own ability to achieve improvement goals, rather than introducing harmful chemicals, controversial hormone replacement, surgery, or addictive drugs. As a result, individuals live a fulfilled life with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight, and education on maintaining this way of life.

Health Benefits From Chiropractic Care

Health Benefits From Chiropractic Care

Health: At its core, chiropractic is about allowing the body to naturally seek its natural balance, allowing all systems to work together. When it is unencumbered it can actually begin to heal itself. However, it can only attain proper function when it is at its proper structure.

When the structure becomes impaired through disease, stress, or injury, function becomes impaired. The degree of impairment often depends on a variety of factors including the nature of the root cause, the length of time it is left unchecked, and the patient�s support system.

Chiropractic is an exceptional part of a patient�s wellness team, addressing existing conditions as well as preventing many health issues. While most people relate the physical aspect of chiropractic to the practice, it is really a whole body approach to wellness. Chiropractic address body, mind, and spirit.



Chiropractic for physical health helps manage pain and heal injuries. Patients who receive regular chiropractic care enjoy a greater range of motion and improved mobility as well as decreased or even the elimination of pain in the body. Spinal misalignments can cause misalignments I other parts of the body which can cause a variety of symptoms from pain to impeded organ function.

When a part of the body is injured, such as the ankle, the body attempts to compensate. It may cause the pelvis to tilt or the spine to curve. The patient may experience pain in the hips, knees, and lower back.

Chiropractic addresses these issues, seeking out the root of the problem and then working to bring the body back into perfect balance. It is a viable and effective treatment for back pain, joint pain, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and tendonitis. However, it can also be used to treat digestive disorders, asthma, and allergies.

health benefits chiropractic el paso tx.


Imbalances of the mind, such as depression and anxiety are not only destructive and debilitating on their own, they can also exacerbate pain and immobility in the body. These conditions often occur when there is an imbalance of some kind, usually within the brain.

When the body itself is out of alignment, it can inhibit the transmission of messages between the brain and vital nerves. Misalignment that blocks the central nervous system can cause imbalances in the brain, leading to conditions like depression.

Spinal misalignments and pain put a great deal of stress on the body which can affect the mental state. Physical stress that comes from injury or illness can bring about anxiety and panic disorders. When left unchecked, it can lead to mental health issues that can affect family, work, and social activities.

Chiropractic for mental health addresses several mental health issues by aligning the physical body and promoting whole body wellness through lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, and other therapies like massage. When the whole body is in alignment, mind, body and spirit are healthier.


You don�t hear a lot about chiropractic for spiritual healing, but many practitioners are discovering the spiritual benefits of the treatment. Doctors have long known that a person�s thoughts contribute to their physical health. A person�s spirituality, their connection to whatever that means to them, plays a very significant part in their overall wellness both mentally and physically.

Chiropractic for spiritual healing may incorporate meditation, yoga, massage, and breathing exercises into treatment. When the physical body is out of balance, the spirit can become imbalanced as well. Bring the body into alignment, and the spirit will follow.

The nervous system is what controls the entire body; when there is interference, the energy cannot flow as it should, causing discomfort and disease mentally, physically, and spiritually. When the flow of energy is without interference, the body can begin to heal itself.

Injury Medical Clinic: Elderly & Geriatric Fitness

Doctor Of Chiropractic Weight Loss

Doctor Of Chiropractic Weight Loss

Doctor 0f Chiropractic: Charlie Quiroga found the extra “push” she needed at PUSH Fitness so as to regain her fitness and get back in shape, as well as to improve her overall health and wellbeing. Charlie Quiroga is grateful to the coaches which helped keep her motivated to continue following a healthier lifestyle. Charlie Quiroga has heard the significance of “pushing” herself towards her goals and remaining positive. Charlie Quiroga urges PUSH as the fitness choice that is very best.

Weight Loss Doctor Of Chiropractic


Weight management techniques encircle long-term lifestyle plans that promote healthy eating and daily physical activity. Effective weight management programs consider not just weight reduction but also the maintenance of a healthy body weight with time. Moreover, weight control entails understanding of meaningful procedures to track weight over time and set perfect body weights for different individuals. Weight control doesn’t include things like fad diets that promote quick weight loss. It targets the results that are achieved through weight loss.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Injury Medical Clinic: Sciatica Treatments & Recoveries

Weight Loss And Chiropractic Treatment

Weight Loss And Chiropractic Treatment

Bernadette Banda informs her compelling weight loss story while she clarifies how much her life has changed since she discovered the right fitness regimen with Dr. Alex Jimenez and Daniel “Danny” Alvarado in PUSH Fitness. PUSH became Bernadette Banda’s life philosophy, where she took it on herself never to give up and to always “push” herself towards any fitness goal she wished to attain. With tremendous gratitude, Bernadette Banda praises Danny’s and all the other coach’s efforts and support to help her become healthy.

Chiropractic Weight Loss Treatment


Intentional weight loss is the decrease in total body mass because of attempts to improve fitness and wellness. Weight loss in people who are overweight or obese can decrease health risks, increase health, and may delay the onset of diabetes. It may decrease pain and increase movement in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. Weight reduction may result in a drop in hypertension. Weight loss occurs when the body is expending more energy in metabolism than it’s swallowing from meals or additional nutrients. It is going to then use stored reserves from fat or muscle, slowly resulting in weight loss.

weight loss el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:Wellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Headaches, Sport Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

If you have enjoyed this video and/or we have helped you in any way please feel free to subscribe and share us.

Thank You & God Bless.

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, C.C.S.T

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Injury Medical Clinic: Stress Management Care & Treatments

Pain Anxiety Depression In El Paso, TX.

Pain Anxiety Depression In El Paso, TX.

Pain Anxiety Depression�Everyone has experienced pain, however, there are those with depression, anxiety, or both. Combine this with pain and it can become pretty intense and difficult to treat. People that are suffering from depression, anxiety or both tend to experience severe and long term pain more so than other people.

The way anxiety, depression, and pain overlap each other is seen in chronic and in some disabling pain syndromes, i.e. low back pain, headaches, nerve pain and fibromyalgia. Psychiatric disorders contribute to the pain intensity and also increase the risk of disability.

Depression:�A (major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how an individual feels, thinks, and how the handle daily activities, i.e. sleeping, eating and working. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.

  • Persistent sad, anxious, or �empty� mood.
  • Feelings of hopelessness, pessimistic.
  • Irritability.
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness.
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities.
  • Decreased energy or fatigue.
  • Moving or talking slowly.
  • Feeling restless & having trouble sitting still.
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.
  • Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening & oversleeping.
  • Appetite & weight changes.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide & or suicide attempts.
  • Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause and/or that do not ease with treatment.

Not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some experience only a few symptoms while others may experience several. Several persistent symptoms in addition to low mood are�required�for a diagnosis of major depression. The severity and frequency of symptoms along with the duration will vary depending on the individual and their particular illness. Symptoms can also vary depending on the stage of the illness.



  • What is the relationship?
  • What is the neurophysiology behind it?
  • What are the central consequences?

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

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pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

Brain Changes In Pain

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

Figure 1 Brain pathways, regions and networks involved in acute and chronic pain

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

Davis, K. D. et al. (2017) Brain imaging tests for chronic pain: medical, legal and ethical issues and recommendations Nat. Rev. Neurol. doi:10.1038/nrneurol.2017.122

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.

pain anxiety depression el paso tx.



  • Pain, especially chronic is associated with depression and anxiety
  • The physiological mechanisms leading to anxiety and depression can be multifactorial in nature
  • Pain causes changes in brain structure and function
  • This change in structure and function can alter the ability for the brain to modulate pain as well as control mood.

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Foods That Fight Inflammation Caused By Arthritis | El Paso, TX.

Foods That Fight Inflammation Caused By Arthritis | El Paso, TX.

Foods: Arthritis pain can be debilitating. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between the years of 2010 and 2012, an estimated 22.7 percent, or 52.5 million, adults in the United States alone were diagnosed by a doctor with arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout, or fibromyalgia � annually. Also during that time, almost 50 percent of adults 65 or older were diagnosed with arthritis. It is estimated that by the year 2040, 78 million Americans ranging in age from 18 years old to 85-year-old will be diagnosed with arthritis. What�s more, nearly 1 in every 250 (around 294,000) children in the U.S. under 18 years old suffer from a form of arthritis or rheumatic condition.

A Case For Healthy Eating

As medications and treatments get more expensive and drugs have significant unpleasant (and sometimes horrifying) side effects, more people are looking toward natural ways to treat their arthritis pain. In most cases they need look no further than the foods that they eat. While there is not nutritional magic bullet, studies have shown that getting the right nutrition from certain foods can help to minimize inflammation and pain that comes from arthritis. It can also help with your overall health and influence the symptoms as well as progression of conditions that may be related to arthritis.

There are certain foods that act as anti-inflammatories while other can increase inflammation. Arthritis sufferers who learn what foods to eat and which ones to avoid can enjoy better pain management, improved mobility, a more active lifestyle, and a more positive outlook on life. These foods provide great benefits for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gout, and other forms of inflammation caused by arthritis.

Foods That Fight Arthritis Inflammation

Different types of foods seem to affect different types of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation offers some very good guidelines on dietary recommendations for arthritis sufferers based on their type of arthritis.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These types of foods are the core of the Mediterranean style diet which consists of olive oil, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, seeds, and nuts. It should be stressed that choosing fresh foods in these categories is best. The key is to select foods that are as minimally processed as possible and contain no additives or preservatives. This means that most canned foods should be excluded. However, many supermarkets now have olive bars and other fresh, healthier food options that direct consumers away from processed, unhealthy food items. Fiber also plays a significant part in reducing arthritic inflammation.

foods that fight inflammation el paso tx.

Specific foods to incorporate into your diet to combat arthritis pain include:

  • Salmon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Tuna
  • Mackerel
  • Egg yolks
  • Milk
  • Green tea
  • Oatmeal
  • Wild and brown rice
  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Beans
  • Tart cherries
  • Berries � blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage

Foods That Increase Arthritis Inflammation

Just as there are foodstuff that help alleviate arthritis pain, there are also foods that increase it. The Arthritis Foundation offers advice on foods that should be avoided by arthritis sufferers as they have been shown to increase pain and inflammation.

  • Sugar � Read the labels! Anything ingredient that ends in �ose� is a form of sugar. This includes sucrose and fructose.
  • Saturated fat � Cheese, pizza, red meat, pasta dishes, full fat dairy
  • Trans fats � Processed snacks, cookies, crackers, stick margarine, fast food, donuts, anything fried, frozen breakfast products
  • Omega 6 fatty acids � Corn oil, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, many salad dressings
  • Refined carbs � Crackers, rolls, bread, white potatoes, white rice
  • MSG � A food additive found in soy sauce and many Asian prepared meals, deli meats, prepared soups, salad dressings
  • Gluten and casein � Dairy and wheat products, whey protein, rye, and wheat
  • Aspartame � Most diet sodas, artificial sweeteners, many �diet� or �sugar free� products
  • Alcohol

Paying attention to what you put into your body will not only help you better manage pain and inflammation, it will also help you feel better both physically and emotionally. A healthy, fresh diet can literally change your life.

Injury Medical Clinic: Elderly & Geriatric Fitness

5 Benefits Of Walking That Everyone Should Know | El Paso, TX.

5 Benefits Of Walking That Everyone Should Know | El Paso, TX.

5 benefits of�walking in order to achieve better health is not new. Doctors and fitness experts have been touting its benefits for decades. When you walk, you engage more than 200 muscles � this includes your pelvis and spine. This makes it an exceptional complement to chiropractic treatment. However, if you aren�t convinced, these five compelling reasons that chiropractic patients should walk are sure to win you over.

5 Benefits Of Walking

Helps With Weight Loss & Weight Management

When you are carrying around excess weight it can lead to back pain and impaired mobility. Fat around your middle, especially in the stomach area, throws your body off balance. There is extra weight in front and it pulls that portion of your body forward, causing a swayback effect.

The pain in the lower back that is caused by this pressure can be excruciating. Over the long term this can cause damage to your spine and cause misalignment. While girdles or slings may help, the permanent remedy is to lose the weight. Walking is an excellent, low impact exercise that helps you lose weight, stay active, and stay healthy.

Improves Mobility & Flexibility

As we age we become less flexible and we don�t have the mobility of youth. As you walk, your circulation increases and that helps improve flexibility and mobility.

Add a little light stretching to the mix, along with regular chiropractic treatments and you will have a much better range of motion. Your posture will improve and you will reduce your chance of injury during physical activity. All this greatly enhances your spinal health making walking a great complement to chiropractic care.

5 benefits walking el paso tx.Relieves Back Pain

Back pain is one of the top reasons that Americans miss work and worldwide it is the number one cause of disability. It is also expensive. Each year, Americans spend upwards of $50 billion trying to escape back pain.

Walking is recommended by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) to help ease back pain. It is a very good, low impact exercise that helps you manage your weight and stay active � excess weight can cause your back to hurt. Walking helps relieve back pain, but it can help to prevent it as well. Even walking for just 30 minutes a day 3 to 5 times a week is beneficial.

Rehydrates Spinal Discs

There are small, fluid filled disks that lie between each vertebrae, acting as a cushion. As you move about during the day, gravity and certain movements cause your spinal disks to compress, squeezing the water out of them. This can lead to back pain and mobility issues.

The increased circulation from walking helps to force water into this area and the disks absorb that water and are rehydrated. This allows them to continue doing what they are supposed to � act as shock absorbers for your spine. It also helps if you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

Improves Circulation

Good circulation is integral to spinal health as well as a properly functioning central nervous system. When you walk it increases your circulation allowing your blood to carry vital nutrients to your spine, organs, and your entire body. The soft tissues are enriched and nourished as toxins are flushed out.

Another benefit of this increased circulation is a decrease in blood pressure. It brings your body into balance so your muscles, ligaments, and joints are nourished. This, in turn, helps to make your chiropractic treatments more productive and beneficial.

5 benefits of walking is beneficial for whole body wellness. It can help you reduce your risk of many serious health conditions including diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. It is also great for giving you a mental health boost and make you less prone to osteoporosis. So commit to walking just 30 minutes a day, 3 to 5 days a week. You will be astounded at the difference it will make.

Injury Medical Clinic: Elderly & Geriatric Fitness

Health, Wellness And Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.

Health, Wellness And Chiropractic | El Paso, TX.

Health Wellness: Chiropractic has been increasing in popularity over the last few years as the medical community is recognizing its value for treating many conditions as well as improving overall health wellness. There was a time when chiropractic was used to treat back pain, but studies are showing that it can be used to effectively treat a wide variety of health issues. This is due, at least in part, to chiropractic�s whole body approach to health care. It is much, much more than just spinal adjustments.

Health Wellness

Better Neck & Back Health

This is the most obvious and prevalent benefit of chiropractic care � what most people think of when they think about chiropractic care – but its merit goes deeper than may first meet the eye. The traditional spinal alignment is very beneficial for treating pain and improving mobility.

When the spine is aligned the neck and back is healthier which leads to a decrease in tension, better posture, reduced pain, and the central nervous system functions far more efficiently. When the central nervous system is working the way it should, overall health is improved and the body as a whole functions better.

Stronger Immune System

Regular chiropractic treatments have been linked to a stronger immune system. When the spine is in proper alignment, the central nervous system is able to function much more efficiently and effectively. This means that the body is better able to receive messages from the brain.

When the spine is out of alignment, the messages that that are sent and received by the central nervous system can�t complete their path like they should, leaving the organs and other parts of the body not operating as it should. This translates to a better functioning immune system, which means that you may find that you are sick as lot less often.

health wellness el paso tx.

More Effective Pain Management

Another benefit of a properly functioning central nervous system is better pain management. Chiropractic is an effective treatment for migraines, injuries, fibromyalgia, and pain caused by other conditions.

When the spine is out of alignment it can affect various nerves and conditions like sciatica may occur. Bringing the spine into alignment can relieve the compression of nerves, alleviating pain.

Chiropractic is regularly used to treat sports related injuries for pro athletes to weekend warriors � and everyone in between. Even more, there are many studies that show chiropractic is an effective form of pain management.

Improved Activity Level

A lesser known or recognized benefit of chiropractic that improves your overall health is its ability to improve your activity level. Pain management definitely plays a part in this, but regular treatments also help improve mobility and flexibility. This, in turn, helps to reduce your risk of injury, allowing you to be more active.

When you are more mobile you are better able to stay active which means it is easier to get the exercise that you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This is particularly important for older people. As we age, we tend to lose our mobility and flexibility. By starting chiropractic care early, it helps stave off some of those effects of aging. However, even elderly patients have noticed a marked improvement in just a few treatments.

Chiropractic care is a very good way to give your health wellness a great boost. When you make it a part of your regular routine, you are much more likely to enjoy fewer sick days, less pain, the ability to be more active, and a healthier neck and spine. The whole body approach means you will be exposed to not only spinal adjustments, but also recommendations on diet, supplements, exercise, and lifestyle changes that can definitely change your life.

Chiropractic Clinic Extra: Athletic Recovery & Rehabilitation