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Health Coaching

Health Coaching involves a mentor and wellness practitioner that supports and helps individuals reach their optimal health and feel their best through a customized food and lifestyle program that meets their unique needs and goals.

Health coaching does not focus on one diet or way of living.

Integrative Nutrition Coaching focuses on:

  • Bio-individuality meaning we’re all different and are unique
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle
  • Emotional needs
  • Physical needs

It emphasizes health beyond the plate and wellness through primary food. However, at the core is the idea that there are areas that impact health just as much as food. This means that:

  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Spirituality
  • Physical activity

All contribute to overall well-being.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness.

These professionals work with clients and teach them how to:

  • Detox their bodies
  • Fuel their bodies
  • Maintain their bodies

This leads to individuals becoming the:

  • Healthiest
  • Happiest

That they can be!

Health Coaching offers services in private one-on-one sessions and group coaching.

The Top Tests Used for Integrative Medicine

The Top Tests Used for Integrative Medicine

Functional medicine is about taking the human body and treating it as a whole. The human body has many systems but they all work together to maintain homeostasis. In many cases with traditional medicine, a patient with headaches, joint pain, inflammation, and fatigue will be referred to many specialists to treat each individual symptom.� However, by looking at the entire body as a whole and digging into the root cause of the issue and not just the symptom itself, a lot can be revealed.

With functional medicine, often times a series of labs are run that look deeper than the typical basic blood panel. In traditional medicine, a glucose and AHb1c test will be done to assess diabetes. In functional medicine, a deeper test is ordered to rule out other possibilities and practitioners are able to view all components of diabetes including , Adiponectin, Insulin.� This allows a deeper understanding of what is happening inside the body and how to best treat it.�

With this being said, there are many labs that functional and integrative medicine practitioners utilize, each specializing in their own unique panels. The average integrative practice uses an average of 5-10 different lab companies for their patients to have the best care. Eight of the most utilized lab companies are:

  1. Diagnostic Solutions offer many tests but their specialty lies within their GI Map. This test measures the gastrointestinal microbiota DNA from a stool sample. This allows practitioners to see and detect the exact microbes that may be causing a disturbance in the gut or a factor contributing to illness.
  2. Vibrant Wellness has a wide variety of tests but one of the most frequently used is the food sensitivity panel. This allows practitioners to see what foods their patients are consuming that are creating havoc for their gut health.
  3. SpectraCellstarted as a nutritional testing company but has since evolved into a lab that tests cellular nutrition, cardiometabolic health, hormone balances, and genetic predisposition.
  4. Precision Analytical (the D.U.T.C.H test) the D.U.T.C.H test stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones and takes a look at adrenal and hormone imbalances.
  5. Genova Diagnostics has a wide variety of tests but one of the most common is the GI Effects Comprehensive Profile. This test takes a patient’s stool and detects an organism’s DNA as part of a comprehensive assessment.
  6. Doctors Data provides a wide array of functional testing to provide patients with the best outcomes. Some tests include Environmental Exposure and Detoxification, Toxic and Essential Elements, and Allergy and Immunity.
  7. Cyrex categories their tests as “arrays”. These arrays test for things like diabetes autoimmune reactivity,� The blood-brain barrier, Mucosal Immune Reactivity and more.
  8. Dunwoody Labs offers food sensitivity testing, adrenal, neurotransmitters and many more. Dunwoody can test for specific IgE and IgG4 molecules.

The patient’s health comes first, and getting down to the underlying issues sometimes requires one than one lab company. These companies use the top of the line technology to ensure their patients and physicians obtain the most accurate results for optimal healing.

It is important to make sure the patient gets the best possible care available. This usually means ordering different labs from different companies to obtain the best results. Each lab is great in its own way, but they often specialize in a certain area. This is key because it often allows the patient and the practitioner to get the highest quality of results. A practitioner who uses multiple labs is educated on the subject and truly cares for their patients. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

*The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request.�

Cyrex Laboratories. �Cyrex Laboratories > Home.� Cyrex Laboratories > Home,
�Doctor’s Data Specialty Testing Clinical Laboratory: Doctor’s Data.� Doctor’s Data Inc,
�Dunwoody Labs.� Dunwoody Labs,
�Dutch Complete�.� DUTCH Test,
�Food Sensitivity.� Vibrant Wellness,
Genova Diagnostics,
�GI-MAP: GI Microbial Assay Plus.� Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, 13 Dec. 2019,
�Menu.� SpectraCell Laboratories, 13 Dec. 2019,

Autoimmune and Family History

Autoimmune and Family History

Have You Been Experiencing:

  • Fatigue?
  • Headaches?
  • Joint Pain?
  • Overall discomfort?

For most individuals experiencing symptoms,� health care providers will run a few tests. For the most part, these tests come back normal or inconclusive. The patient is usually relieved, but not satisfied as they are still experiencing symptoms. The truth of the matter is, most tests practitioners run on patients are basic.


What Does That Mean?

It means that they are checking your levels and ruling out issues based on standard testing, but they are not diving deep into the cause of the symptom itself. Most individuals have a family history of one or more autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disease is when the body misidentifies its own cells as a foreign body leading them to attack. These diseases can be triggered at any point in one’s life.

So What Do I Do Now?

Due to family history,� an ANA test can be run. Most of the time for patients still experiencing symptoms after the standard tests came back negative, the ANA comes back positive. However, a positive test does not always mean answers. This test can provide useful information but does not include a definitive answer as to what kind of autoimmunity a patient may have.


Using A Functional Approach

In modern/traditional medicine, most practitioners will suggest the patient is fine and that there is nothing to treat until they have been diagnosed. However, by using a more naturopathic and holistic approach, integrative practitioners can take these symptoms and use them to the patient’s advantage to help avoid a full-blown diagnosis.� The main reason this is effective is due to the fact that individuals do not just wake up one day with a new disease, but rather there are steps progressing in the background that eventually build up to a diagnosis if not treated.

Uncovering the underlying issue and using this stage in someone’s life as an opportunity to improve their quality of living is what functional medicine revolves around. By combining symptoms, previous lab results, and the patients declining quality of life, testing that relates to triggers of autoimmunity can be conducted. These tests will provide insightful information allowing the practitioner to not only treat the symptom but more importantly, to treat the cause.


There are multiple factors, including environmental that cause an autoimmune response to start to express. There are certain markers in the body that will shift before the onset of the autoimmune disease in which the environmental triggers will be shown.

Many labs are equipt to test for these markers and use top of the line technology. Some tests that evaluate these triggers that contribute to the progression of autoimmunity are:

The Gut Zoomerfrom Vibrant Wellness:The Gut Zoomer provides information and patient potential risks for intestinal permeability, IBS & IBD, SIBO, celiac, MS, obesity, diabetes, nutrition, viruses, fungal or yeast species, worm species, bile acids, SCFAs and more

The Food Sensitivity Panel from Vibrant Wellness:This test from Vibrant Wellness recognizes the specific antibody-to-antigen responses in commonly ingested foods. This panel tests for IgG and IgA sensitivity to the food antigens. This test is beneficial so patients do not have to an elimination diet, but rather have the test remove the guesswork and let results tell them what foods cause their body inflammation.

Dietary Antigen Test Plus from Dunwoody Labs:��This specific test from Dunwoody Labs allows the health care provider to see if there is an increased antibody response to food. Often times, the antibodies this screens for attack the body’s tissue leading to more autoimmune symptoms. This test looks at 4 separate antibody types IgE, IgG4, Total IgG, IgA, and complement.

Oxidative Stress Test from Dunwoody Labs:If the body is under large amounts of stress, this will cause an increase in the activity of T-Cells, thus keeping the body out of balance.

GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP ) from Diagnostic Solutions: This is a stool test that not only analyzes but also evaluates the DNA of the actual organisms that are living in the gut. This allows the health care providers to see what is impacting health such as, mucus metabolism, methane production, T-Cells, and inflammatory LPS.�



Why Would I Want / Need This?

Preventative medicine provides the ability to keep up with, if not improve a patient’s quality of life while decreasing or avoiding the hard prescription medicine! By treating the underlying cause and not just masking the symptom, it allows individuals to truly feel better.


The number of individuals diagnosed with a disease that could have been prevented should earlier steps have been taken, is on the rise while their quality of life is declining. Feeling good should not be a delicacy, but rather a normal standard. With the use of integrative medicine, many grandparents will be able to play hide and seek and tag with their grandchildren, parents will be able to get through the day without as much fatigue and headaches, and children will be able to play, focus, and learn with fewer belly aches no matter the hour of the day. Integrative medicine not only utilizes tests to guide patients in the right direction but also gives patients tools and further educates them on exercise and nutrition components that will help prevent inflammation and stimulate good bacteria in their bodies to grow. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach


*The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

�Basic Oxidative Stress.� Dunwoody Labs, 20 July 2018,
Burdette, Cheryl. �Is There Such Thing as Being Pre-Autoimmune.� 3 Dec. 2019.
�Food Sensitivity.� Vibrant Wellness,
�GI Microbial Assay Plus.� Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory, 8 Nov. 2019,
�Gut Zoomer.� Vibrant Wellness,
�588 Dietary Antigen A, G, E, and C.� Dunwoody Labs, 17 Jan. 2019,

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 4

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 4

Health coaches are becoming more and more crucial as modern and naturopathic medicine continues to improve. More than ever, the healthcare field is progressing at high speeds and professionals do not always have the time available that some patients desire. Here is where health coaches get involved. Basically, the position of a health coach was produced to fulfill the emptiness in several doctor offices. Many physicians contribute but don’t have the time or tools to help each individual and assist in constructing healthy habits on a day to day basis. But, health coaches are available to be a supportive mentor who guides and assists patients in making healthy lifestyle changes. Many patients who seek assistance to change their lifestyle are those afflicted by some kind of chronic pain, headaches, or joint swelling.

In the previous weeks, we have defined and explained what a health coach is and what they really do, as well as the first four steps a health coach might take with a patient. Throughout this article, the fifth and sixth steps will be broken down and analyzed.


Need a refresher? No problem!

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 1 can be found by clicking�here

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 2 can be found by clicking�here

Health coaching in El Paso: Part 3 can be found by clicking�here


Step 5: Visualizing Your Best Self



This step is extremely crucial. The reason being, without a vision of where an individual wants to be, they can easily get lost on their way to achieving a goal. A vision statement is not intended to be a specific sentence, but rather a loose description of what / who the patient is trying to become.

In order to create this statement, a health coach will work with the patient to clearly identify their skills, interests, and strengths. These are oftentimes similar to the items listed on the values sheet the patient filled out while the health coach was working with them back in�step 1. Other times, the health coach will assist the patient with their vision statement by asking things like:


What are you naturally good at?

What have you always wanted to see, do, or create?

What would help you feel more fulfilled?


In addition to these questions,� the health coach might encourage the individual by steering the conversation in a way that is related to their best self. With the help from a health coach, the patient can reflect and describe their best self as well as the emotions connected to their best self (thinking, feeling, and doing). A coach will also provide critical thinking questions related to a patient’s best self such as:


How do you know you’re there?

How do you know you’re not there?

How can you remember to be your best self and not slip back into the old ways of being?


Step 6: Creating A Plan For Resiliency



developing a plan

It is simply human nature that all people react to stressful situations differently.� However, one thing that is guaranteed is people will need a plan to get back on track. Undergoing life changes is not a simple task, but having a plan is.�An approach for building resilience must be tailored to the specific individual. A health coach will ensure the individuals that falling off track is natural, but how you get back on track is what counts. It starts with reflecting, seeking support, and making a plan to move forward.

When a patient is placed in a stressful situation, it is key they take a moment to recognize the situation and think about how they are feeling. During the moment, it may be difficult but with practice, reflection, and help from a health coach, the process becomes easier.

The best tips when it comes to addressing resiliency are to develop connections, set daily intentions, reflect on experiences, practice self-care, and be proactive.

A health coach may encourage a journal to help patients celebrate small victories and take responsibility for their own happiness. In addition to this, there are other resources available the patients may utilize such as books, self-help support groups, and asking themselves, “What do I typically find helpful in a stressful situation?”.

By utilizing a health coach and implementing these 6 steps into one’s life, the benefits are unbelievable. Identifying values, determining goals, building a plan for action, tracking progress and results, visualizing the best self, and creating a plan for resiliency will help individuals reach their health goals better than before.


By working with a health coach and remembering these exercises, individuals are extremely likely to be successful. Not only do they have someone for accountability, but they are learning ways to become more independent and thoughtful when it comes to their health. A positive community offers support that many individuals need to thrive. Naturopathic medicine and functional approaches are becoming more recognized for their ability to work on a variety of individuals. Take advantage of all the resources around that are there to help you.�– Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach�

All information and resources for this post came from an Integrative Practioner article titled, “A Six-Step Approach To Health And Wellness Coaching: A Toolkit for Practice Implementation” and can be found by clicking�here; as well as listed below in the proper bibliography.

*The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900.

American Psychological Association (2019). The Road to Resilience. Retrieved from:�
Jonas, W. (2019). Empowering patients with chronic diseases to live healthier through health coaching: Integrative primary care case study. Samueli Integrative Health Programs.Retrieved from:�
Miller, W. and Rose, G. (1991). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change Addictive Behavior. Guilford Publications.
Pecoraro, Wendy. �A Six-Step Approach to Health and Wellness Coaching: A Toolkit for Practice Implementation.��Official Media Integrative Practitioner, 17 Oct. 2019,
Trzeciak, S. and Mazzarelli, A. (2019). Compassionomics. Studer Group.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The Stages of Change.Retrieved from:�
Your Coach (2009). SMART goals.Retrieved from:��


Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 3

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 3

Health coaches are becoming more and more crucial as modern medicine continues to improve. Now more than ever, the health care field is progressing at high speeds and professionals do not always have the available time some patients desire. Here is where health coaches become involved. Basically, the position of a health coach was produced to fill the emptiness in several doctor offices. Many physicians contribute but do not have the time or resources to assist each individual and aid in constructing healthy habits on a day to day basis. However, health coaches are available to be a supportive mentor that assists and guides patients in making healthy lifestyle changes. Many patients who seek help to change their lifestyle are those suffering from some kind of chronic pain, headaches, or joint inflammation.

In the previous weeks, we have defined and explained what a health coach is and what they really do, as well as the first two steps a health coach might take with a patient. Throughout this article, the third and fourth steps will be broken down and analyzed.

Need a refresher? No problem!

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 1 can be found by clicking here.�

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 2 can be found by clicking here.�


Step 3: Building A Plan For Action



Once the health coach understands the values and goals of the patient, a plan for change can get mapped out. One thing that is unique about building a plan, is that the health coach encourages the patient to have a say in it and contribute to building the plan. The ways of medicine have changed, and this aspect is one of them. Before, many patients would sit silently as doctors instructed them on their new protocol. However, it has been shown that patients who build a plan of action with the practitioner, are more likely to comply and complete a program.

In addition to this, the perspective of the patient can help maintain expectations and keep the plan of action at a realistic timeline. The health coach will offer their suggestions during this process as well as their perspective. Often times, this will help the patient break down their overall goal, into smaller more specific goals or tasks.

As soon as the overall goals are broken down into specific tasks, the health coach will then map out the process to complete these tasks. It can be simple to overlook small steps when thinking of a bigger picture, so the health coach will provide tools to better help the patient understand.

An example of this would be for a patient who wants to lose weight. Mapping out these tasks will have an end result that looks similar to these:

� I will try a new fruit and vegetable every day this week and identify what I enjoy

� I will think of different, creative ways to work movement into my day, such as finding a walking trail in my neighborhood

� I will always keep a water bottle with me and refill it every two hours

� I will cook dinner two nights this week

� I will go for a walk after dinner every day this week

By providing the patients with these smaller tangible tasks, the patient now has “homework” in a sense to complete these throughout the week. The health coach will set a deadline with these tasks and check-in with the patient regularly to ensure they are on track.

Step 4: Tracking Progress And Results


Goals achieved.jpg


Before progress can be tracked, the health coach will take into consideration the patient’s goal and determine how often the patient will need to come in for follow-ups. For many patients, a combination of follow up techniques are used. Health coaches understand that in-person is not always the most convenient and does not always fit into the patient’s schedule. If this is the scenario, health coaches work around that to create follow-ups by using some in-person visits, some phone conversations, or other virtual check-in meetings that are HIPAA compliant.

Often times, during a lifestyle change patients may become confused or discouraged. It is important to remember that this is normal and progress is not always a straight line up, but rather includes bumps along the way. In order to better help the patient, the health coach will provide them with a helpful “where to turn” guide.

As humans, at different times we require different types of support. The where to turn guide will be a supporting reminder of things to do to counteract these feelings when they arise. Items included in this guide will be ideas such as:

� Pursuing a hobby, like dancing or playing an instrument

� Getting out in nature

� Starting a mindfulness practice

� Making art, like drawing or writing

� Joining a community, religious, or spiritual group

In addition to these activities, the health coach will determine with the patient what kind of support (internal or external) is appropriate depending on the situation.

Lastly,� progress does not always look like a dip in the number on the scale. Progress can come in many different forms. In order to help the patient appreciate and realize all the progress they are making, a health coach will ask questions like:

1. How can you appreciate your progress?

2. How would you describe the benefits of your experience?

3. What�s been good about this experience?

4. How have you grown?

As mentioned earlier, a health coach is important to have as they help one realize all the steps it truly takes to be successful and reach their health goals. There are many critical steps that are easily overlooked when the big picture is on their minds. The final two steps that a health coach will work on with a patient is to help them visualize their best self and to create a plan for resiliency. These two topics will be discussed in the next article.

�Using a health coach to complete a lifestyle change is similar to the work of going to therapy. One must be willing to accept the tools and resources they are givien, and actually do the work provided or it will not produce results. If a patient is truly serious about completing a lifestyle change, using a health coach is an extremly beneifical resource! As one can see, they work with the patients to hammer down tasks and ideas that a patient might not have orignally thought of. By utilizing a health coach, the patient has a higher chance of reaching their goals. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach

All information and resources for this post came from an Integrative Practioner article titled, “A Six-Step Approach To Health And Wellness Coaching: A Toolkit for Practice Implementation” and can be found by clicking here; as well as listed below in the proper bibliography.

*The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal, and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Our office has made a reasonable attempt to provide supportive citations and has identified the relevant research study or studies supporting our posts. We also make copies of supporting research studies available to the board and or the public upon request. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

American Psychological Association (2019). The Road to Resilience. Retrieved from:
Jonas, W. (2019). Empowering patients with chronic diseases to live healthier through health coaching: Integrative primary care case study. Samueli Integrative Health Programs.�Retrieved from:
Miller, W. and Rose, G. (1991). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change Addictive Behavior. Guilford Publications.
Pecoraro, Wendy. �A Six-Step Approach to Health and Wellness Coaching: A Toolkit for Practice Implementation.� Official Media Integrative Practitioner, 17 Oct. 2019,
Trzeciak, S. and Mazzarelli, A. (2019). Compassionomics. Studer Group. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The Stages of Change.Retrieved from:
Your Coach (2009). SMART goals.Retrieved from:

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 2

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 2

Health Coaching is a recent position that is being utilized by doctor offices around the country. Many doctors have realized that their patients are needing more one on one guidance but they are unable to provide this due to their hectic schedule. This is where they have created and utilized health coaches.

Health coaching is extremely beneficial for patients and can help them achieve their health goals. For more information about health coaches and a general overview of the essential role they play in the healthcare field, please see last week’s article linked here.

Health coaches use many different techniques depending on the patient they are working with, but the core values of their methods remain the same. These core values can be broken down into 6 different steps, with each individual step having smaller more detailed steps of their own. These steps can be identified as:

Identifying values and vision

Determining goals

Building a plan for action

Tracking progress

Visualizing one’s best self

Creating a plan for resiliency


Step 1: Identify Values

Identify Values Photo

With this step being the first, it is one of the most crucial. When a patient comes to a physician or a health coach, it is usually because they have been recently diagnosed or are unhappy with their current health status. However, this does not mean that the patient is fully ready to accept their condition or understands it fully.

The patient will be asked to write down inventory in the categories of physical, emotional, spiritual, social, recreational, intellectual, and environmental. The purpose of this is so the patient is able to search and reflect on where they’re currently at and where they would like to be.

From here, there are different techniques and models that a coach may use. One being the transtheoretical model, in which the patient will use stages to move through a behavior change.

At this point, the conversation is less about treatment and more about obtaining an awareness of their health risks, experience with a current illness or any symptoms they�re experiencing. The patient is welcome and encouraged to express their emotions openly. The health coach will move through these next 6 steps to help outline the patient’s treatment and see what stage they are at.

1. Precontemplation: the patient does not intend to take action in the foreseeable future

2. Contemplation: intending to start introducing healthy behaviors within the next 6 months

3. Preparation: patients are ready to take action in the next 30 days

4. Action: the patient has recently changed their behavior and intends to keep moving forward

5. Maintenance: the patient has sustained their behavior change for 6 months and intends to maintain the behavior change for more than six months

6. Termination: the patient has grown and is now self-aware of their behaviors and has no desire to return to their previously unhealthy behaviors

As we all know, values are formed starting in early childhood. These values are then later consciously re-evaluated and may change. It is important for the patient to work with the health coach so they properly understand their personal values. This allows the patient to get clarity and build self-awareness to make intelligent decisions and keep a balance in life.

Actually sitting down identifying values might be difficult, as many individuals do not think about them often. If this is the case, the health coach might help by asking questions like:

What is more important in your life: Beyond basic human needs, what must you have in your life to experience fulfillment?

Take this time and consider a meaningful moment: What was happening to you and what values were you honoring?

Consider a time when you were angry or upset: What were you feeling and, if you flip those feelings around, what value is being suppressed?

These questions aid in triggering times that the patient might not have been connecting to values. After the patient has identifies values, the health coach will work with the patient to select between 5-10 of their core values and then rank them in order of importance. From here, the patient is able to evaluate their values and proceed to determining goals.

Step 2: Determine Goals

goal setting.jpeg

Once a patient has identified their values, the health coach will shift their focus and have them brainstorm what they would like to focus on in their healing plan. This step is important because it will determine what they specifically want to change or improve. Some patients may feel unsure or are apprehensive, but allowing the patient time to journal or write out everything they want to accomplish, big or small, as well as the known steps or tasks, will help the patient get there.

When determining goals, the health coach will encourage the patient to create goals for multiple areas in their life. Some of these areas may include, health, family, relationships, and recreation. The health coach will encourage the patient’s goals by having them consider the following questions:

What do I want to achieve?

How will I achieve this goal?

Why do I want to reach this goal?

Who will I need to work with to achieve this goal?

What are the conditions and limitations to achieving this goal?

Based on the core areas and goals, the health coach will work with the patient to determine SMART goals. A SMART goal is a goal-setting technique that brings structure and trackability to goals. SMART goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. These create a verifiable trajectory towards a specific objective with clear milestones. By determining SMART goals, it clarifies how and when the goal will be achieved, rather than just stating a desire.

A health coach will help patients turn “I want to lose weight” into ” I want to lose 20 pounds to have more energy to play with my grandchildren. I will do so by exercising four times a week and eating less processed foods, and more fruits and vegetables. I will lose an average of two pounds every week for 10 weeks.”

By doing this, the health coach is working on a goal that immediately interests the patient and puts it into a way that is more attainable. The health coach can help the patient stay encouraged and motivated as they work together to achieve small successes, eventually leading to the patient being more willing to take on bigger challenges.

Using health coaching can be more beneficial than one might originally think. As one can see, they really go deep into one’s life and can help them in ways they might not have planned on originally. In the next article, the steps of building a plan for action and tracking progress and results will be discussed in great detail.


Changing your lifestyle can be difficult and does not happen overnight. Those who work with a coach to reach their goals are more successful and less likely to give up when things get difficult. Coaches are amazing for accountability, advice, health help, goal setting, and organizing expectations in a realistic timeline. Look at it this way: People use a wedding coordinator to help them oragnize food, timelines, expectations, etc. and that is for an event that lasts 1 day. So why are you not using a health coach to help you organize all of these same things for something that will last a lifetime? In addition you’re getting to help decide your future and gain a deeper undestanding of what lies ahead. Investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.

The information from this article was found in an article written by Integrative Practioner. The sources can be found listed below.
American Psychological Association (2019). The Road to Resilience. Retrieved from:
Jonas, W. (2019). Empowering patients with chronic diseases to live healthier through health coaching: Integrative primary care case study. Samueli Integrative Health Programs.Retrieved from:
Miller, W. and Rose, G. (1991). Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People to Change Addictive Behavior. Guilford Publications.
Pecoraro, Wendy. �A Six-Step Approach To Health And Wellness Coaching: A Toolkit for Practice Implementation.� Integrative Practitioner.Com, 2019.
Trzeciak, S. and Mazzarelli, A. (2019). Compassionomics. Studer Group. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The Stages of Change.�Retrieved from:
Your Coach (2009). SMART goals. Retrieved from:
What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

In today’s busy world individuals need a little help when it comes to letting go of bad/negative behaviors and adopting/embracing positive behaviors to sustain optimal health and lifestyle. This is where a health coach�comes in.

More adults in the United States have a chronic disease and around thirty percent have two or more.

Many healthcare professionals do not know how to counsel patients on healthy living and, if they do, the information is limited to very basic knowledge like exercise and eat healthily. With this type of info and not a lot of enthusiasm, patients are not going to listen or make lasting changes.

Many providers do not listen to what’s going on and just tell patients what to do, instead of discussing the best options they have for their health. People being told what to do are not likely to listen or act upon the recommendations.

A health coach creates a custom getting healthy plan with you that fits your life, gets you going, sets up a strategy for the challenges and sees you through! This is what a health coach does.

Health coaching Involves

  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Continued Support

This allows individuals to make meaningful behavior changes that will last forever.

Coaching centers on:

  1. Thorough conversation
  2. Listening
  3. Clinical Intervention
  4. Strategies

These are aimed to actively engage patients in positive behavior change.

Health coaches take on patients wherever they are in their health. An individual can be healthy and just want some advice to individuals that are extremely unhealthy with weight issues, chronic illness, disease or all of the above.

The point is to help individuals learn self-management techniques. The coach teaches, motivates and strategizes with the individual to make educated/informed decisions that will turn into regular healthy habits.

Coaching comes in the form of:

  • Setting�goals that are achievable�
  • A Patient’s Values
  • Strengths
  • Motivation
  • Encouraging the patient

This is how healthy attitudes and behaviors are developed.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.


The Health Journey Begins

The patient’s health history is taken into account. Then the coach asks:

  1. Where they want to be in their health
  2. What Values they hold close
  3. What Goals they have in mind
  4. The plan is Created
  5. Progress is Tracked
  6. Challenges are met
  7. The long-term plan is Created

Patients oftentimes do not know where they are from a health perspective and might not be sure how to explain. This is where health coaches and their training can breakdown any questions/issues a patient may have.

A health coach will look at where a patient is healthwise based on:

  • Emotional factors
  • Environmental factors
  • Financial factors
  • Psychological factors
  • Physical factors
  • Recreational factors
  • Spiritual factors
  • Social factors

This health inventory is for the patient to reflect on where they are in their health and where they want to be.

Patients are welcome and encouraged to ask questions about the plan, make changes, reset goals, etc.

Motivating the Patient

Motivation can come in various forms. As people learn in various ways, so too are the motivational strategies to get patients to exercise the positive behavior outlined in their treatment plan. Some ways coaches motivate are:

  • They collaborate with patients and don’t approach the plan with an all-knowing mindset.
  • Understand the motivation of the individual to change.

Motivational Principles:

  • Empathy
  • Discrepancy
  • Support patient’s ability

Six stages of behavioral change:

  • Precontemplation – Patients do not see any problems and do not consider their behavior as negative, and do not see the problems their behavior is causing.
  • Contemplation – Patients start to think about healthy behaviors.
  • Preparation/Determination�– Patients are ready to take action toward behavior change and believe the new behavior will lead to a healthy life.
  • Action�– Change begins and the intention is to keep going.
  • Maintenance – Behavior change has been for more than six months and continuing on the right track.
  • Termination�– Negative behaviors are eliminated.

There are different strategies to get through each stage and on to the next until the positive behavior is achieved.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 What A Health Coach Does El Paso, TX.

Helping the patient find the coaching plan that is right for them.

Patients are helped by figuring out what they want to change about their health based on what they see and
the most important changes for them. There is no correct answer, as it is different for everyone.

Understanding Your Values

Coaches encourage the patient to identify their values, and what is most important for each individual.

These include:

  • Family
  • Friendship
  • Health
  • Love

Values begin early in childhood and become reevaluated as life goes on, and can change.

Clarity is important to help the patient build self-awareness to make intelligent decisions and staying balanced.

A coach might ask questions like:

  • What made you choose the unhealthy product versus the healthy version?
  • How much stress do you think you have to deal with on a daily basis?
  • Do you make time for yourself?

For some, identifying negative behavior can help, as the patient grows and realizes how their health is changing, their values start to change.

This information helps to create a plan of action along with steps to help the patient’s decision making.

While working with the patient to determine goals and create steps, tools and methods are created help to ensure the patient understands their role in getting healthy.

Asking Questions

Coaches ask patients what they know and what they would like to know?�There are no incorrect questions, aks away, as the more an individual knows, as well as the more that the coach knows about the patient, the better the treatment plan will be.


If the patient doesn�t understand, the process is repeated until the patient is able to explain the treatment plan back to the coach so everything is clear.

This technique is recognized by various associations, including the:

  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • American Hospital Association

Primary Areas of Improvement

Before setting goals the patients go over the primary areas of their life that they want to improve/change.

These primary areas may be very similar to the patient�s values.

Examples include:

  • Health
  • Family
  • Career
  • Finances
  • Recreation
  • Social Relationships

Once a patient has identified what they would like to focus on, brainstorming sessions are put into action, as to what they want to change or improve for each primary area.

They are then broken down into smaller goals in the creation of the main plan of action.

As the patient moves forward they are more motivated and encouraged to take on bigger challenges.


Couple making a healthy smoothie


Patients understand what areas of their life they want to improve/change.

With the primary areas known, the patient begins the challenge of changing their current unhealthy status to healthy.

Areas to consider:

  • What exactly do I want to achieve?
  • How will I achieve this goal?
  • Timeframe to achieve this goal?
  • Why is this goal important to me?
  • Where to go to next once the goal is achieved?


When the patient is ready, the coach will assist in developing:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

SMART goals that allow for structure and trackability and create clear milestones for the individual.



Once a health coach understands where the patient wants to go, the next phase is planning.

Patients help in creating their treatment plan.

This plan is an agreement between the patient and the health coach that describes the behavior change that the patient wants to make, how they’re going to go about it, and their commitment to the final result.

Example of goals a patient will follow to lose weight:

  • Try new fruits and vegetables
  • Find creative ways to incorporate exercise at work.
  • Stay hydrated by keeping a water bottle and refilling it every two hours.
  • Cooking healthy meals at first twice a week then three times and so on.
  • Walking after meals.

These small tasks make it easier for the patient to see their progress.

The coach will check with the patient regularly to make sure they are sticking to the plan.


Health Coach


Goal Progress

Health coaches can ensure a patient has consistent motivational support by creating a follow-up plan that works in conjunction with their primary treatment plan.

Follow-up care may include schedules for physical exams or tests, referrals, and recommendations to keep positive behavior development.

Coaches and patients work together to create realistic goals for the future.

As the patient progresses, the health coach may make additional recommendations or work with the patient to adjust their plan or making sure the patient knows where to turn to if they have questions.

Continued Support

Once goals are being achieved it is important to have support to continue the positive behavior. Traditional sources of support include:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Colleagues
  • Community

Patients may not always have access to external support, coaches also teach the patients how to find positive support in various activities around town that can help patients and their overall health.

At Injury Medical Chiropractic & Functional Wellness clinic we have the best-rated team of health practitioners to get you to your best optimal health.


*Detox Your Body* | Detox Doctor | El Paso, TX (2019)



Fred Foreman is a basketball coach who depends on his overall health and wellness to be able to engage in his everyday responsibilities. As a result, coach Foreman started the 6 Day Detox Program, designed to help renew and enhance the human body’s cleansing and detoxification capabilities.


NCBI Resources

Good health is built on diet and exercise. The goal is to continually improve by maintaining healthy habits that develop more healthy behaviors. You do not have to do anything drastic. You will have an easier time making changes if you start small and gradually shift towards a lifestyle that is best for you. A health coach can get you operating and performing at the highest level!


Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 1

Health Coaching in El Paso: Part 1

Let’s be honest, making a change to your lifestyle is hard. Whether that is due to lack of time, motivation, or not knowing where to begin, there is one thing that makes it easier: accountability. This is where health coaching comes into play. Going through the process with someone and having another individual to talk about it with,� makes the change seem more achievable. The bottom line is that people need support. When it comes to changing one’s lifestyle and adapting new healthy behaviors, individuals who have support are more successful.


What Is A Health Coach?�


A health coach can be defined by The Institute for Integrative Nutrition as, ” a wellness authority and supportive mentor who motivates individuals to cultivate positive health choices. Health coaches educate and support clients to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments.�

Health coaches are becoming more and more essential as modern medicine continues to improve. Now more than ever, the medical field is advancing at high rate speeds and practitioners do not always have the available time some patients need. Here is where health coaches come into play. Essentially, the position of a health coach was created to fill the void in many doctor offices.� Many doctors contribute but do not have the time or resources to help each patient build healthy habits on a day to day basis. However, health coaches are available to be a supportive mentor who help and guide patients in making healthy lifestyle changes.




What Does A Health Coach Do?�

Health coaches play a vital role in modern medicine. Health coaches can work in multiple settings including for a doctor, a spa, a gym, wellness centers, or even have their own private practice. Health coaches help individuals make lasting changes and keep patients on track to feel their best. In addition to this, health coaches motivate, push, encourage, and create plans with patients to optimize energy and decrease stress and fatigue.

Health coaches are not just for diet and exercise help, but for other aspects of life as well. Health coaches are able to help with stress, sleep, relationships, habits, and even one’s career.

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Health coaches work with individuals to go through the problem areas in their life and give them tools to improve their lifestyles. By working with a health coach, the individual begins to learn and create habits that will affect and improve their lives while also giving them the essential life skills they can use for a lifetime.� One of the main things that coaches do is aid patients in setting goals. For many, goals are set but are not attainable, healthy, nor realistic. Health coaches work to break down these goals with patients into smaller, more reachable goals. This helps patients push themselves and not get discouraged because they are hitting these smaller marks along the way.

Aside from setting goals, health coaches also prepare the patient for the emotional fallout that can occur. As mentioned earlier, lifestyle changes are not easy and do not occur overnight. This being said, it is normal to have negative emotions regarding the subject along the way. Health coaches are prepared for this and will help you to not only work through them but learn to adapt to these situations and how to overcome the barriers.


How Can You Benefit?�


In the United States, over half of the adult population is affected by at least one chronic disease, many having to do with joint inflammation (Pecoraro, 2019).� Integrative health coaching allows patients to visualize their goals and work with their health coach to properly identify their values and create action steps to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.

People can utilize health coaches at any moment in time. However, many people choose to have a health coach help them after they receive a diagnosis or are overall unhappy in their health and lifestyle choices.

Health coaches are respectful of the personal knowledge one has of their own life and body. Thus, letting the patient have a say in their plan and protocol. This is beneficial because if a patient is included in the creation of their health plan, they are more likely to comply and make it attainable. Not only does this build trust in the professional relationship, but it allows a health coach to consider all areas in the patient’s life.

Individuals can benefit by learning to lessen health issues, problem solve, and gain a new perspective on their life.

A health coach can do a lot more than just aid in diet and exercise. As one can see, health coaches are helpful in many different aspects of one’s life. The qualifications for a health coach can vary. Personally, I have a bachelors degree in Exercise Science with an emphasis in Health Education from Grand Canyon University. In addition to this, I gained my Exercise Physiologist Certification through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). With this background, I am knowledgeable in the pillars of health and how to successfully guide an individual. Almost every person can benefit from a health coach in at least one way. – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900.