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Gut and Intestinal Health

Back Clinic Gut and Intestinal Health. The health of an individual’s gut determines what nutrients are absorbed along with what toxins, allergens, and microbes are kept out. It is directly linked to the health of the whole body. Intestinal health could be defined as optimal digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food. But this is a job that depends on many other factors. More than 100 million Americans have digestive problems. Two of the top-selling drugs in America are for digestive problems, and they run in the billions. There are more than 200 over-the-counter (OTC) remedies for digestive disorders. And these can and do create additional digestive problems.

If an individual’s digestion is not working properly, the first thing is to understand what is sending the gut out-of-balance in the first place.

  • A low-fiber, high-sugar, processed, nutrient-poor, high-calorie diet causes all the wrong bacteria and yeast to grow in the gut and damages the delicate ecosystem in your intestines.
  • Overuse of medications that damage the gut or block normal digestive function, i.e., acid blockers (Prilosec, Nexium, etc.), anti-inflammatory medication (aspirin, Advil, and Aleve), antibiotics, steroids, and hormones.
  • Undetected gluten intolerance, celiac disease, or low-grade food allergies to foods such as dairy, eggs, or corn.
  • Chronic low-grade infections or gut imbalances with overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, yeast overgrowth, parasites.
  • Toxins like mercury and mold toxins damage the gut.
  • Lack of adequate digestive enzyme function from acid-blocking medications or zinc deficiency.
  • Stress can alter the gut’s nervous system, cause a leaky gut, and change the normal bacteria.

Visits for intestinal disorders are among the most common trips to primary care doctors. Unfortunately, most, which also includes most doctors, do not recognize or know that digestive problems wreak havoc in the entire body. This leads to allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, rashes, acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia, cancer, and more. Having proper gut and intestinal health is absolutely central to your health. It is connected to everything that happens in the body.

Introducing Wheat Sensitivity and the Wheat Zoomer El Paso, Texas

Introducing Wheat Sensitivity and the Wheat Zoomer El Paso, Texas

Today local chiropractors will be giving a description of the wheat zoomer. We will be giving a brief description of each panel, its markers, and the basic interpretations of the test. We will also be discussing the considerations for the patients and providers before we take The Wheat Zoomer test.

What is a Wheat Zoomer test?

The Vibrant wheat zoomer has 6 test in one to identify if the patient has wheat and gluten sensitivity. The Vibrant wheat zoomer does give our patients a thorough evaluation and we ask our patients if they started to be gluten-free or was gluten-free, either from birth or not and how much gluten-contained food did they eat. One of the best ways to ensure that our patients may have a gluten sensitivity is that if they have a food diary for us to look over and that way we can determine how severe of the wheat zoomer.

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IgA vs IgG

In order for us to know about the wheat zoomer in our patient�s body, we must know about the immunoglobulins. The first one is IgA. IgA immunoglobulins are mucosal and are found primarily in the epithelial lining of the body: intestinal tract, lungs esophagus, blood-brain barrier and around internal organs. They are:

  • The first line of defense.
  • More accurate to our gut.

IgG immunoglobulins found in the blood system and are numerous in the body They are considered �systemic� and are non-specific to any one location. Not all IgG antibodies are sensitive though, some of them can indicate that an antigen has �leaked� into the blood and the immune system tagged that antigen as a �non-self�. And they are not diagnostic as IgG+IgA, but if IgA is absent, the antibodies are more relevant.

  • If the patient is recently gluten-free, the antibodies will tell us that the antigen hasn�t cleared out in the patient�s system from past weeks of eating gluten.


Celiac is a growing autoimmune disease, about 1% of the population is affective and 1 in 7 Americans have a reaction to wheat or wheat gluten disorder. The Vibrant test can determine a 99% sensitivity and 100% specify on the celiac antibodies.

  • Total IgA and Total IgG measure both the IgA and IgG to determine the patient�s reactivity to gluten
  • Cut off for IgA is 160 as well as a bottom 1/3rd
  • Not all traditional markers for celiac disease doesn�t need to be elevated if tTg2 is elevated.

Intestinal Permeability

Actin cell structure

Zonulin is the gatekeeper for the intestines and controls nutrient flows and molecules across the membrane. It is a protein complex inside the intestinal tight junctions and can be increased by either gluten and high-fat meals.


Anti-Actin, especially f-Actin is in the smooth muscle of the intestines. Actin is part of the actomyosin complex. Vibrant can isolate f-Actin to get a more accurate picture of the patient�s immune response to the intestines. While antibodies in actin can identify intestinal destruction and indicate autoimmune diseases like connective tissue disease and autoimmune hepatitis.


Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is produced by gram-negative enterobacteria. It is very potent and can cause inflammation. Plus it�s one of the indications of a leaky gut. Practitioners can draw additional lab test for cardiovascular, inflammatory markers, and diabetes/insulin resistance.

Here at Injury Medical Clinic, we suggest to our patients to try a Vibrant GutZoomer to identify the source of their ailments before we add the Vibrant WheatZoomer.

Gluten-mediated Autoimmunity

Fusion Peptide is the new addition to Wheat Zoomer in 2017. It is cross-linked to tTg and can identified celiac progression from 14 months to 4 years.


Differential Transglutaminases can detect autoimmune reactions to gluten that are not celiac or are becoming celiac. However, gluten is still a trigger but react differently in the celiac autoimmune disease such as:

  • Transglutaminase 3= skin manifestations of autoimmunity like dermatitis herpetiformis, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Transglutaminases 6= neurological manifestations of autoimmunity in the cerebellum like gluten ataxia, gate abnormalities, balance and coordination issues.

Wheat Germ Agglutinin

Wheat Germ Agglutinin is the lectin component of wheat but, it is not a component to gluten. Dr. Jimenez can detect a patient’s low level of Vitamin D absorption from the patient�s results. And Wheat Germ Agglutinin is commonly used as an additive in supplements and the supplement can still be called gluten-free due to the different protein structure.

Gliadin, Glutenin, and Prodynorphin

Gliadin and glutenin are what makes up the super protein in gluten. Most people are reacting to the Gliadin portion of gluten and gliadin binds with tTg2 in celiac and binds zonulin to a leaky gut in patients. Gliadin reacts to any antigens can indicate a sensitivity to gluten in patients and gluteomorphin are peptides in wheat and react as a euphoria receptor to the brain. Prodynorphins antibodies can indicate that gluten reacts to signaling hormones and affect the patient’s mood.

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Sadly though, patients do have a hard time withdrawing gluten in their diet since their antibodies are used to the compound and it up to us, here at Injury Medical Clinic to gently push our patients to have the will power to fix what is causing them to have ailments.

Wheat Allergin

Wheat Allergen is the true allergen body. Some patients that already know that they are allergic to wheat from a young age but it doesn�t decrease when wheat is eliminated and can remain long term after the allergic response happens.


Glutenin is the other part of the gluten compound. However it is less common to some people, but some individuals do show reactivity to glutenin, thus still have a gluten sensitivity. But there is no clinical difference to the reactivity to glutenin from high to low molecular weight.

Non-Gluten Wheat Proteins

Surprisingly Vibrant has an advantage to their test as they have a panel for patients that don�t have a gluten sensitivity but a wheat sensitivity. The Vibrant advantage to the unique non-gluten wheat panel shows us that:

  • Proteins in wheat unrelated to gluten but relevant to immune reactions.
  • It is 30% of the protein molecular weight of wheat.
  • Some individuals are more reactive to wheat proteins than gluten itself.

If they are trying to be gluten-free, patients still have to read the labels to see if any hidden wheat starches are in the ingredients. But not all food products are gluten-free if they have the wheat protein in them.


If the patient is trying to be gluten-free but previously ate gluten compound food. They can still feel the reaction if they discovered that they have a sensitivity to gluten by their practitioner. And must take precautions when they are reading the labels of the products they are going to buy and consume. In the next four articles, we will discuss what the Wheat Zoomer can provide as well as, discussing about what causes leaky gut, what actually goes on in our patient�s intestines, and wrapping up on what to do after the Wheat Zoomer heals and restores the gut barrier.

Microbiome Influences El Paso, Texas

Microbiome Influences El Paso, Texas

The microbiome is a crucial part of the body and how effectively it functions.� The microbiome plays a significant role in the immune system, the digestion of food, how the body metabolizes drugs, detoxification, vitamin production, as well as protection from foreign innovators. However, just like many other parts of the human body, it is greatly influenced by stress, environmental factors, and sleep which can ultimately impact intestinal permeability.

Ideally, the best functioning microbiome is diversified. The more diversity a microbiome has, the more stable and resilient to antibiotics it becomes. In addition to this, a diversified microbiome also has stronger pathogen resistance.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Microbiome Influences El Paso, Texas


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Microbiome Influences El Paso, Texas


The microbiome is filled with many different bacteria strains that all play essential roles in keeping the gut healthy and controlling intestinal permeability.

  • Bacillus is a spore-forming bacteria whose major role is the production of B and K2 vitamins in the gut.
  • Clostridia compromise about 10-50% of the microbiome and are anaerobes that are not found in probiotics. These thrive on high fiber and polyphenols.
  • Akkermansia makes up 1-3% of the microbiome and helps to reduce inflammation and protect against inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Lipopolysaccharides are bound on gram negatives residing in the gut and protecting the bacteria from bile salts. (Lipopolysaccharides are normal in the gut, but they are not normal in the bloodstream)

The main reason it is important to have a diversified and healthy gut is to avoid problems with intestinal permeability or “leaky gut syndrome”.� A leaky gut refers to how easily substances that are not fully digested pass through the intestinal wall. This occurs when the tight junctions of the walls become loose, allowing the gut to be more permeable.� This is how bacteria and toxins pass from the gut into the bloodstream, causing inflammation and other autoimmune diseases.

Keys to a healthy gut:

  • Eat more organic fruits, vegetables, and fermented food
  • Try to limit the amount of food that is boiled as boiled foods contain fewer polyphenols
  • �Supplements such as Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Omega 3’s
  • Detox: sauna, yoga, meditation, and regular exercise
  • Prebiotics and Probiotics

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Microbiome Influences El Paso, Texas


It is important to remember that the best thing for a healthy gut is diet. Suppliments and pills can help, but in the long run, a diet is the most important and influenctial factor to the gut. A gut healthy diet will aslo help to maximize liver detoxifaction. If you do not know where to begin, I recommend getting a gut zoomer blood test and consulting with a doctor about what probiotics and diet are best for you. – Kenna Vaughn, Health Coach�


Gut Microbe Busters El Paso, Texas

Gut Microbe Busters El Paso, Texas

Now and days, mostly everyone has a gluten sensitivity or a gluten allergen in their bodies. This could happen to anyone whenever they are eating gluten-contained food or products and suddenly feel unwell or their gut acts differently throughout the day. Or they actually get tested by their physicians and realizes that they have celiac disease. In the last article and the previous one after that, we talked about the 8 products that have hidden gluten in them; as well as the introduction of the wheat zoomer we use for our patients.


Here at Injury Medical Clinic, Dr. Alexander Jimenez consults with our patients about certain zoomers that can actually aid the patient�s body. In this article, we review the factors that affect test results such as medication and fasting after taking the Wheat Zoomer, as well as, focusing heavily on the mechanism of the intestinal permeability, the structure and function of the epithelium. We also focus about important immunomodulatory metabolites, epithelial cell types and the roles in the epithelial barrier.

Intestinal Permeability

Let�s start with the mechanisms of intestinal permeability. The main purpose of the intestinal epithelium is to keep the good things in and the bad things out. While the system is complex and ever changing, it still sends out a message to the host and maintain balance both physical and biochemical as a protective barrier.� There is an abundance of antigen sampling to regulates the flow of nutrients in the host�s body, as well as, keeping an eye on the body by the mucosal immune system. Not only that, if you have an injury or an acute inflammation, the intestinal epithelium will support tissue repair by coordinating with microbiota.


Another thing that the epithelium does is that it responds to the microbial signals that will make our bodies tolerate any continuous exposure to commensal bacteria. But we do want to keep the good bacteria in our bodies but get rid of the bad bacteria, so our bodies feel good. The intestinal epithelium also convey microbial signals to the mucosal immune cells, while promoting a coordinating immune response to battle against commensal bacteria and the enteric pathogens, since these two microsomes should not be in places they are not allowed in.


While the epithelium is battling with the bad bacteria in our system, it also regulates the B and T cell response to either, control inflammation, squash inflammation, or cause inflammation on the intestinal barrier, depending on the situation. Plus the epithelium locally regulates the immune response at the intestinal barrier by influencing innate and adaptive immune responses to the body�s intestines.


However, if there is something disrupting the intestines, like chronic inflammation or leaky gut; the epithelium barrier can be compromised. In order for us to fix a leaky gut, we must learn what is causing the inflammation in the first place. The epithelium is home to many microbes, immune cells and can determined if we need the immune response on any harsh exposure. If we can learn more about these mechanisms, then we can calm down the inflammation by resetting it back to its calm, natural state.


But the immune cells in our intestinal epithelium can also cause disruption on our gut by leaking out of the protective barriers and attacking the pathogens anywhere in our system. So epithelial permeability can not only cause inflammation but prevent it in our intestines, which is both good and bad depending on the situation.


Dr. Alexander Jimenez consults with our patients with natural alternatives of healing inflammation in their gastral intestines.� If he can find the sources of what causes the inflammations in your gut, then he can work with aiding them with functional medicines while informing you what they can do to heal your gut.


Now let�s looks at the intestines and the many microsomes that they contain. Here are some microsomes we will be discussing as well as what is their key roles in the intestines; so we can figure out how to prevent a leaky gut.

The Mucosa

This is in both the small intestines and the large intestines and are completely different. The small intestines has one mucus layer and has limited microbes inside it�s mucosa, while the large intestines has an attached inner mucosa and a loose outer mucosa. The mucosa plays an important role in the intestines because it can tell �Friend� from �Foe� in the immune system.

protective mucus layer

Important Tight Junction Proteins


The tight junction is an important function in the intestinal epithelium as it is one of the barriers that separates what comes in and what comes out in our gut.


Actin: Are the structure and functions of tight junctions. But they constantly disassemble and reassemble actin filaments if they are anti-Actins. It is controlling the tight junctions cells as it acts like a contractable belt by pulling or contracting the junctions in the intestinal cells.

Actin cell structure

Zonulin: They are the �gatekeeper� proteins that are responsible for opening or closing the tight junctions. Zonulin acts the mortar of the intestines and is associated when gluten sensitivity is present, if there are low counts of zonulin thus causing inflammation.


LPS(Lipopolysaccharide): These sent out a signal to the tight junction permeability as they find signs of bacterial endotoxin by translocating across the epithelial barrier and entering circulation. LPS is made up of gram negative bacteria in the GI tract. LPS outside the epithelial cell wall and reacts to fatty acids, which can lead to obesity for individuals.

Cell Receptors Involved in the Barrier Integrity

These cells are protectors of the epithelial barrier walls as they strengthen the immune intolerance and digestive tract, as well as causing or preventing inflammation when necessary.


G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs): GPCRs are the main players of the immune system in the epithelial system. A wide variety of substances can bind with GPCRs depending what the substances are. Short chain fatty acids, omega-3�s and any food that we eat is fermented by our gut and stimulate repair on the epithelial barrier. However if there is a consumption of low or zero-fiber in our diet, the food will not be fermented and causes inflammation.

Aryl hydrocarbon receptors

Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptors (AhRs): AhRs interact with a range of aromatic hydrocarbons like food and microbes both in and out of the gut. These receptors respond strongly to compounds found in cruciferous vegetables, thus preventing a heighten immune reaction and reducing epithelial damage as well as promoting functioning intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs).

But if we are not eating enough cruciferous vegetables, the IELs are being produced less, the epithelial barrier is compromised and will cause inflammation.


Bile Acid Receptors (BARs): BARs recognize primary and secondary bile acid. The primary bile acids comes from the liver and then transformed into secondary bile acids by microbes. BARs play an important role in in metabolic regulation, however if there is suppression of bile in the GI tract; then the intestinal barrier is more susceptible to destruction. However, if you are producing a low bile count or obstructed bile flow, it can be the result of the microbes translocating to the small intestines and causing mucosal inflammation, SIBO and leaky gut.

Epithelial Cells Involved in the Barrier Integrity


These cells are very important to the intestinal epithelial barrier as they can either protect the barrier walls or can lead them to their demised.


Dendritic cells: Dendritic cells are presenting antigen cells that are found the epithelial layer. These cells sample and present antigens it to Tcells, thus activating immune response. Dendritic cells help the Tcells tell the difference between self and non-self because if we eat commonly consumed foods or foreign antigens are present, we don�t want our immune system to rise up�most of the times.

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Goblet cells: Goblet cells are very important of the epithelial barrier because they provide the mucus barrier that coats and protects the intestinal walls. Without this mucus barrier, we will sick and any harmful bacteria will come in and out of the intestinal barriers.

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Enteroendocrine cells: Enteroendocrine cells host receptors and produce a wide range of hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters that affect or control our appetite, digestive functions, motility and interacts with microbial communities. However, these cells can either be beneficial or not if the host diet is in played.


M cells: Microfold cells or M cells are located over the Peyer�s patches and they constantly sample outside the intestinal epithelial barriers for any microbes that pose a threat. They also present antigens from the outside to the dendritic cells to activate the Tcell response, as well as consuming the antigen by neutralizing it. Without the M cells, we risk of losing tolerance to microbes, thus causing inflammation on our intestinal barriers.


In total, we now have a deeper knowledge of our gut system as well as taking an in depth look on what our intestinal gut goes through to stop inflammation. In order to stop leaky gut, we must change our eating habits gradually when we want a healthier life. Dr. Alexander Jimenez does discuss to our patients the importance of protecting our gut with functional medicine as well as, encouraging our patients to take that first step into a healthy lifestyle.


5 Ways to Have a Healthy Liver El Paso, Texas

5 Ways to Have a Healthy Liver El Paso, Texas

Ah� the bathroom, nature�s thinking room. The one place where we create many thoughts that turn into ideas, a place to read, and the place where we want peace and quiet. Known as many different names,� the bathroom is the one place where we flush out our systems after consuming quantities of food. However, did you know that the bile inside your body plays a huge important role in our system?

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 5 Ways to Have a Healthy Liver El Paso, Texas

Bile is a vital body fluid that absorbs nutrients in our small intestines and flushes the toxins out of the liver. Bile continuously is being produced in the liver and then stored in the gallbladder. It also works as a signal molecule for both inside and outside the liver as well. When the liver and bile is disruptive, it can cause many problems for the body.


TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) stated that the liver is known as the �master organ� and it is the causative factor in many of the body�s ailments. When there are major imbalances on our bodies, it causes liver dysfunction. In TCM, the liver actually helps with detoxification; enzyme, hormone, and bile production, immune cell activation and stores vitamins and iron.


How Does the Liver Work?

The liver�s main job is to get rid of bile in our internal system. Not only that but the liver plays an important role by distributing nutrients by converting those nutrients into metabolizing energy. As well as storing vitamins and minerals for later use.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 5 Ways to Have a Healthy Liver El Paso, Texas


However, in today�s fast-paced society, the liver can�t perform right as we don�t give the liver it�s essential nutrients that it needs to function. Which causes blockage in the gallbladder, diseases, and digestive issues.


The Importance of Bile

As stated, bile has many functions that play an important part in the liver. Bile actually lubricates our small intestines and stool for easy disposal. But when there is less lubrication in our small intestines and stool, it can lead to constipation and too much lubrication can lead to diarrhea.


There is also a chance of blockage in bile where it can increase the accumulation of toxins in our body which creates oxidative stress and back up our waste matter. When we eat too much food and it�s still in our intestines, it will ferment and causes a leaky gut as toxic gasses penetrate the intestinal lining.


Another function is that the bile salts break down and processes fats that are essential for weight loss. Bile can also transport toxins out of our liver to feces while keeping everything free-flowing. When there isn�t enough bile being produced, cholesterol stones are forming.


Vitamins like, vitamin A, D, E and K can break down the excess fat in the body if there is an adequate amount of bile. But if patients had gallbladder surgery must be taken to account that they don�t have a bile storage system, and must manage their bile production.


Liver Functions for Hormonal Balance

Did you know that the liver and thyroid have a synergistic relationship? That�s because the T4 is converted to T3 for the liver. It turns out that the T3 is more potent in the thyroid hormone and is metabolized from iodine. When a patient has a thyroid problem, it could actually be the result of a bile or liver malfunction.


When our mood and mental state is imbalanced, it can be the results of a sick or fatty liver. Due to the fact that the liver influencing on our hormones. Because our mental state and our moods correlate to our hormones, it is important to keep the liver healthy but also finding a good place in our state of mind to make sure that we keep our liver healthy as well.


Signs of Liver Imbalance

There are many symptoms that can cause the liver to be imbalanced and can contribute to a low bile count:

  • Constipation, bloating, gas
  • Leaky gut
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Irregular stool
  • High cholesterol
  • Tendon problems

Ways to Support the Liver and Produce More Bile

Now that we understand what symptoms that causes our liver to be imbalanced, here are 5 ways to make sure that you are protecting your liver and producing a healthy amount of bile.

  1. Removing Causative Factors

The first and foremost factor in protecting your liver is to get rid of the causative factors that are harming your liver. Things like an excessive amount of lactate in coffee, sugars, alcohol, and processed foods can disrupt your liver�s health. It�s ok to enjoy those things sparsely but, if you are trying to maintain a healthy liver, it�s best to ease up on the consumption of those lactate factors as much as possible.

  1. Eating Liver Supportive Foods

There are many foods that actually help support the liver. Grapefruit, blueberries, cranberries, prickly pears, and bitter greens are just some of the foods that can actually help your liver and bile production. We here at Injury Medical Clinic, always inform our patients the importance of whole nutritious food to heal and repair what ailments in our patient�s bodies.

  1. Practicing Deep Breathing Exercise

Practicing deep breathing exercises have been known to lower stress and diaphragmatic breathing exercises is no exception. Since the liver is positioned below the diaphragm, when we do any deep breathing exercises; these motions actually massages our liver and stimulate bile production. Hence why singers do these exercises when they are getting ready to perform. They are massaging their liver without even knowing it.

  1. Intermittent Fasting

Since we now know that bile is continuously being produced in the liver and being stored into the gallbladder when we are not eating, intermittent fasting is a good way to increase the bile production in the gallbladder. Plus it has been known for weight loss and beneficial for the body to heal while getting rid of the junk in our cells.

  1. Stress Less

Stress is one of the huge factors that can either cause our body to improve our immune system or causes the body to chronic illness. Emotional stress is known to cause a huge burden to our organs because it is tied to our hormones. When we get emotionally stressed, our liver cannot get rid of the excess toxins and hormones.� So we have to find ways to de-stressed ourselves so we won�t hurt our organs, especially the liver.


So when it comes to our liver, we must make sure that the bile that we are producing is turning into energy all the way to feces. So, when we have to go to the bathroom we can let out the toxins naturally without any complications. If we can lower the factors that are causing us to have an inadequate bowel movements, then we can improve our body�s ability to detoxify.


NCBI Resources

Western diets, high in sugar and fat, cause liver inflammation, especially in males, according to a new animal study in�The American Journal of Pathology. Inflammation was most pronounced in males that lacked farnesoid x receptor (FXR), a bile acid receptor.



5 Ways You�re Hurting Your Gut El Paso, Texas

5 Ways You�re Hurting Your Gut El Paso, Texas

Ever wondered why you feel sluggish from a long day? Or feel sick to the stomach when you ate something bad or overindulged on your favorite food? Could it be that your gut is showing signs of stress and discomfort due to certain habits that you may encounter and didn�t even know about it?

In our previous article, we talked about the six types of food that our gut needs to be healthy. Since our gut contains trillions of microbiomes, both good and bad, these microbiomes play an important role in our overall health. A healthy microbiome improves our gut health, heart health, brain health, controls our weight and regulates our blood sugar. With the good bacteria in our gut, the bacteria benefit us with a good digestive system and destroys the harmful bacteria. But certain lifestyles and diet choices can actually increase the bad bacteria and lower the good bacteria and overall health.



11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 5 Ways You�re Hurting Your Gut El Paso, Texas


Here are five surprisingly lifestyle choices that are hurting your gut:

Not Eating a Wide Range of Foods

Our gut plays an important role in our overall health. When we eat good whole foods, our gut is happier; we have more energy to complete any task that is thrown at us and we are getting nutrients for our gut flora. However, during the past couple of decades, we have been leaning more into processed foods due to the economic pressures of increased food productions. FOA stated that �75 percent of the world�s food is generated from only 12 plants and five animal species� and that is very bad to our gut flora.

Here at Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic, we inform our patients about the importance of eating nutritious, whole foods to promote not only a healthy gut but a healthy mind. When the body gets introduced to a wide variety of whole foods (with a high fiber content), our gut starts to repair the damage of processed food that we may have consumed internally.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 5 Ways You�re Hurting Your Gut El Paso, Texas

Inadequate Prebiotic Consumption

Prebiotics are the fibers that don�t need to be digested and can pass through our gut. That may seem like a waste however, prebiotics encourages friendly bacteria to grow in our gut. Any high-fiber fruits like apples can actually help to grow helpful microbes like Bifidobacteria.

However, when you disregard prebiotics to your diet, you are harming your digestive health. Without prebiotics, our digestive system slows down the development and diversity for our gut flora. So in order to have a healthy microbiome development, you need to incorporate foods filled with both digestible and indigestible fibers to your diet. Some foods included in this category are oats, nuts, onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, bananas, pears, chickpeas, and beans.

Sticking to a high fiber diet maybe challenging however, there is the option of taking prebiotic supplements. If you have a food allergen or food sensitivity to any high enriched fiber foods, taking prebiotic supplements can actually help grow Bifidobacterium and Faecalibacterium in your gut and be beneficial to your health without the discomfort.


Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Every adult enjoys alcohol once in a while. Yes, it�s one of those beverages that help you relax a bit after a long day, however, too much of it can lead to alcohol abuse and addiction. So, did you know that consuming that much alcohol is bad for your heart, liver, and brain; thus hurting your gut health and giving you dysbiosis?

One study stated, that the alcoholics with dysbiosis had a lower median abundance of Bacteroidetes and a high abundance of Proteobacteria. The ones that weren�t alcoholics were not affected by the study.

However; there is some good news on limiting yourself to alcoholism and that it can be beneficial to your gut bacteria. If you moderately consumed red wine responsibly, the polyphenols in the wine can help benefit your gut flora. So, enjoy a glass of wine once in a while as a small treat that should not be taken for granted.

Inadequate Sleep

In one of the previous articles, we talked about how to achieve a good night sleep through herbs. When we get little to no sleep through our hectic lives, it affects us through various health problems, including heart disease and obesity. In a 2016 study, researchers discovered the effect of short-term sleep deprivation on the gut microbiota after two days.

When our body doesn�t receive the recommended 8 hours of sleep, our gut takes a huge toll as we feel sluggish and exhausted. So, to make sure that our gut microbiome will be taken care of, we recommended to turn off your electronical devices at least 30 minutes before you get ready to settle down for the night. Turn off all the lights, and don�t drink any liquids at least two hours before bed, close your eyes and take a deep breath in a meditative state, and relax as you drift off into slumber town.



Inadequate Exercise

Through our fast-paced lifestyle and stressful jobs, it�s hard to find time to exercise. But when we actually do find time to exercise, not only do our minds feel good; but our body and gut feel good as well. However, things always come up when we are in an exercise routine and we have to skip exercising altogether. It happens to all of us and it�s hard to pick up where we left off when we tried to exercise.

When we don�t exercise at least a couple of times out of the week, our bodies take a huge toll on us as we gained weight, our stress is way too high, and we have a higher chance of getting a chronic disease. When this happens our gut flora is a huge disadvantage. Here at the clinic, we strive to inform our patients about the importance of exercising and that it not only changes their lives but also changes their mood entirely.

However, don�t just go into a hard exercise routine where you will injure yourself. Start off with a low-intensity workout then build it up as you go because your gut flora will thank you for it.

As a final say, we here at Injury Medical want to keep you informed on nutrition and ways to help you improve your ailments with these 5 surprises. But to also educate you on what may be hurting your gut. With these surprises and slight changes to your daily life, your gut will be thanking you for the long haul.



NCBI Resources

According to evidence from a 2016 research study, the gut�s immune system is fundamental towards preventing a variety of diseases and it may often contribute to metabolic disorders. However, it might also help provide a treatment goal when observing systemic inflammation in insulin resistance. Moreover, modified gut immunity has been linked with changes to the gut microbiota, intestinal barrier function, gut-residing immune cells, and resistance to antigens which enter the gastrointestinal, or GI, system. Although this has been previously believed to raise the danger of esophageal ailments including, pathogenic infections and chronic inflammation, which may ultimately lead to chronic health issues.



Food Sensitivities and Gut Health El Paso, Texas

Food Sensitivities and Gut Health El Paso, Texas

Vibrant America is at the forefront of modern medicine and is a leader in autoimmune diagnostics. Vibrant America has the ability and technology to get high-quality, accurate test results down to the peptide level.

One of the many tests we utilize from Vibrant America at Injury Medical & Chiropractic Clinic is Food Sensitivity. With this test, we are able to analyze 96 of the most common foods that are consumed. This is important because food sensitivities can occur hours or days after the food is consumed. Many individuals who suffer from digestive orders, migraines, weight gain, and inflammation might not realize it is from food sensitivities.


Why test for Food Sensitivity?

Not only do food sensitivities leave you with uncomfortable side effects days after ingestion, but they are damaging your gut. In a healthy gut, the intestinal lining will provide immunity to food antigens. The food we eat is not supposed to cross the intestinal barrier. However, in an unhealthy gut, the intestinal lining becomes damaged due to inflammation and an under abundance of healthy flora. This allows food particles to pass through into the bloodstream which then causes an IgG antibody response. This is commonly referred to as a “leaky gut”. This can result in further inflammation and can contribute to some diseases.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Food Sensitivities and Gut Health El Paso, TX.


What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome And How Do You Fix It?

When to test:

At Injury Medical, we want all of our patients to feel their best. On top of chiropractic care, we also offer functional medicine. When a patient mentions to us that they are having symptoms correlated to “leaky gut” such as abdominal pain, bloating, gas, skin itchiness, rashes like eczema, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, muscle stiffness, or feeling weak, we recommend running a food sensitivity panel.

How it works:

Once we sit down and have a detailed conversation, we send you to the labs with a “kit”. This “kit” provides the phlebotomist with everything they need in order to draw blood for the tests we order.

From here, the blood gets sent to Vibrant America. The blood is then examined all the way down to the peptide level. This allows a team of clinicians to discover the IgG and IgA antibody numbers in reaction to 96 foods (including dairy, meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, etc.).

Next, the results are sent back to us at Injury Medical Clinic. Dr. Jimenez and I ( Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach), study these results to determine a proper treatment protocol. In addition to this, we have a team of clinicians that review each case with us, in order to fully understand what each result looks like and how to best approach it with the patient’s specific lifestyle.

Below is an example of how a patients test results would look:


Screenshot (18)


Why this works

As mentioned above, food sensitivities have a delayed response. This testing works because it allows us to see what foods are responsible for the symptoms/reactions without the patient having to do an elimination diet.� With these results, the patient can start to make adjustments to their diet with our help in order to start feeling better and reducing their symptoms. The key to a healthy life is a healthy gut.

No one should have to live with uncomfortable symptoms or pain. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, come into Injury Medical Clinic where we can assess your needs and help you get on track to feeling better! – Kenna Vaughn, Senior Health Coach


Disclaimer: It is important to remember that food sensitivity testing and food allergy testing are not the same. Food allergies involve an IgE antibody and are an immediate reaction and can occur within minutes.

Gut Microbe Busters El Paso, Texas

Foods That Promote The Microbiome El Paso, TX.

You Are What You Eat

The phrase, �You are what you eat� implies that the way we are defines us as the food we all consumed. However, our gut tells us otherwise as the food we eat, may in fact be leading us to obesity. Our gut plays a role in our overall health, when we eat good food our gut is happy and when we eat bad food our gut will tell us by fighting off the bad food. A recent study showed us that the bacteria in our gut produce amyloid and lipopolysaccharides. These two microbiomes seem to show us that together, with proper dieting that these microbiomes can prevent Alzheimer�s Disease.

As the microbiomes and the bacteria that co-exist in our gut, there are the two most predominant groups that have also played a key role in our lifestyle: gram-positive Firmicutes and gram-negative Bacteroidetes- both play a huge role in obesity. Firmicutes are bad bacteria that lead us to obesity. When we eat processed food and sugars, our body starts to crave it more, thus leading us to be overweight.

Junk Food

When we eat junk food, all that sugar and fat are feeding the Firmicutes. Firmicutes thrive on sugar since our bodies need it and it can be both good or bad While Bacteroidetes are the good bacteria that leads us to a healthy gut. Bacteroidetes are in the stomach regions as well as the Firmicutes. These two predominant bacteria groups tell us that the food we eat can actually affect our bodies when we eat bad foods or good foods.

However, Dr. Kristen Senella mentioned that we all have a different balance of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes since we are all different shapes and sizes. Depending on our health and food lifestyle, we can have either a low Firmicutes and a high Bacteroidetes or a high Firmicutes and a low Bacteroidetes. Plus, having either a high or low count of Firmicutes can lead to weight gain or weight loss; depending on which healthy lifestyle and exercise regime you are following.


Gram-positive bacteria will appear blue or violet, while gram-negative bacteria will appear red or pink under the microscope. When studying the gut and the bacteria groups that it is hosting, scientist use mice to study how their guts react to different diets they are put through so that way we, as humans, can take either pills to help our bodies maintain a healthy lifestyle or to read and do our own research. One group is fed in a healthy lifestyle and doesn�t experience diseases or ailments that we face. And the other group is fed with a bad lifestyle where they are prone to many of the diseases and fatigue as their life span is shortened very quickly. In order for us to actually maintain a healthy lifestyle and importantly feel good is to make sure our Firmicutes are not too dangerously low, but we can control it with probiotics.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Foods That Promote The Microbiome El Paso, TX.



Probiotics can vary from yogurt, fermented vegetables, kombucha, and miso. But there are certain companies that also reign supreme in the probiotic market. Activia yogurt and Yakult are two of the most well-known companies that use the live microorganisms to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as keeping our gut�s microbiome in check. When we have some sort of probiotic foods in our system, we are preventing certain ailments and diseases going out of control. Like our cholesterol, blood pressure, being lactose intolerant, or recurring abdominal pains.

When we mix probiotics into our food when we are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we can see a vast improvement in how we have more energy, we feel full that we don�t have to overeat or mindless snacking, and overall we feel good in our gut as we go through our daily routine. From 2007 to now, roughly 3.9 million Americans use probiotics to maintain a healthy gut, however, those probiotics are just a fraction of what the six types of foods that can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome to help support a healthy lifestyle.


Healthy Lifestyle

For instance, a good healthy lifestyle is eating your basic food groups; whether it be plant-based or omnivorous, as well as, exercising a couple of times out of the year. A bad healthy lifestyle is eating processed food and not exercising, which leads to obesity and cardiac arrest. Depending on the person and the efforts that they are willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they can achieve longevity by taking care of their gut first and foremost.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Foods That Promote The Microbiome El Paso, TX.

Family In Kitchen Making Morning Breakfast Together


Let�s start with protein. Protein can vary with lean meats like chicken and beef or plant-based like beans, legumes or tofu. Any of these types of protein can help our bodies by making us make our muscles grow, but also control the bacteria in our guts. Next up is fats. Fats can vary like good and bad bacteria. There are good fats like fish, nuts, olive oil, and avocado; as well as, bad fats like butter, lard, and fatty foods. Granted that we can overindulge on the trans fats as there are many fast-food chains, but we can moderate ourselves to not eat out at fast food joints all the time.

Yes, they are cheap and easy to access, however now and days, we as humans are now cooking more in our homes and meal prepping our meals to be healthier. Digestible and Non-Digestible Carbohydrates are mostly starch, sugars, and fibers. These two food groups can make our gut feel happy or upset depending on the food we consume. Sugars, starches, and fibers help our bodies by feeling full with the starches, the fibers help our bowel movements in case our gut feels bloated, and the sugars gives us microburst of energy for our fast-paced lives.


Fermented & Polyphenols

The last two food groups are fermented food and Polyphenols. Both of these food groups have amazing properties since we see them everywhere in the food market, hiding in plain sight. Fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi are a few examples of ways of keeping our guts happy and stopping many diseases. Polyphenols are antioxidant foods like dark chocolate, berries, dark greens, and certain fruits. These help our gut curb that sugar hunger and all in all taste really good.

All in all, our gut microbiomes are important to us and our overall health as we all try to maintain and achieve a healthy lifestyle. The phrase �we are what we eat� still implies to all of us, however, it is up to us to actually put in the work and constantly try out different foods to make sure that our gut is still functioning properly. No matter which diet you choose, pick one that will work with your body and your gut since we all are made differently. But our gut should be the first thing that we should listen to.


Role of gut microbiota and nutrients in amyloid formation and pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. – PubMed � NCBI:�����

Bacteroidetes Glossary Biome360:

What are Firmicutes? :

Bacteria and the body � Wikiversity:

Nanoparticle relieved symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease in mice:


Polyphenols: What They Are, and Why You Need Them: �����������