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Sports Injuries

Back Clinic Sports Injuries Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Team. Athletes from all sports can benefit from chiropractic treatment. Adjustments can help treat injuries from high-impact sports i.e. wrestling, football, and hockey. Athletes that get routine adjustments may notice improved athletic performance, improved range of motion along with flexibility, and increased blood flow. Because spinal adjustments will reduce the irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, the healing time from minor injuries can be shortened, which improves performance. Both high-impact and low-impact athletes can benefit from routine spinal adjustments.

For high-impact athletes, it increases performance and flexibility and lowers the risk for injury for low-impact athletes i.e. tennis players, bowlers, and golfers. Chiropractic is a natural way to treat and prevent different injuries and conditions that impact athletes. According to Dr. Jimenez, excessive training or improper gear, among other factors, are common causes of injury. Dr. Jimenez summarizes the various causes and effects of sports injuries on the athlete as well as explaining the types of treatments and rehabilitation methods that can help improve an athlete’s condition. For more information, please feel free to contact us at (915) 850-0900 or text to call Dr. Jimenez personally at (915) 540-8444.

BFR Gear, Placement and Wrapping Pressure | BFR Specialist

BFR Gear, Placement and Wrapping Pressure | BFR Specialist

Blood Flow Restriction training (BFR) is a style of resistance training that utilizes the custom of wrapping a kind of tourniquet around a limb and training with a relatively light load. It is a practice that has gained quite a bit of popularity in the resistance coaching realm over the last few decades and is something which can benefit training protocols.


If used properly, practical blood flow restriction training (BFR) could help you through hypertrophy plateaus, pack on additional mass and even aid in growth or maintenance of muscle mass during times in which lifting heavy weight is either laborious or impossible. Let’s understand what’s actually going on in the body when it is used by you.


As mentioned prior, BFR demands using some form of tourniquet around a limb so as to inhibit blood flow. However, not all of blood flow is restricted. The purpose of the tourniquet is to prevent what’s known as ‘venous return’ . When you contract a muscle, more blood than ordinary is shuttled to provide the muscle with a myriad of different nutrients, such as oxygen. Typically, if un-wrapped, the blood then returns to the heart through veins so as to rid the muscle of metabolic bi-products like carbon dioxide, lactate, and hydrogen ions (the acidity that makes your muscle “burn off”).


The role of using some form of tourniquet is to inhibit the ‘venous return’ of blood to the heart while still allowing arterial blood circulation to the muscle. By doing this, the blood continues to be shuttled to the muscle and pools without having the ability to escape. It’s believed that the accumulation of blood and bi-products contributes to activation of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which is typically thought to only happen after these are fatigues or due to using fairly heavy loads. By doing this, you increase the potential for the muscle t.



In fact, a recent analysis by suggested that when participants used the same load (40% of 1 RM) and either used a tourniquet or didn’t, the team using BFR observed the same gains in strength and muscle volume as the group that did not. The catch: the BFR team had finished significantly less repeats, and thus less quantity, in addition to less time under pressure. This implies the exact same advantage was observed by them, but achieved in time.


The research appears to indicate that you could complete less work in order to achieve the very same results. Utilizing blood flow restriction training is ideal for times that you are fatigued or simply too sore to execute resistance training that is significant or are just at a time crunch. Additionally, using BFR is a candidate for instances when usage of significant weight is apparently impossible or ill advised, for example post-injury or operation, or being elderly.




BFR Gear Placement and Pressure Image 2


Considering the nature of this kind of training, BFR requires using some form of tourniquet. The easiest and most convenient way to achieve this would be to use some form of strap like an ace bandage or weightlifting knee wraps. If you are able to discover a strap using a comparable elasticity diameter that is smaller, this would be more optimal. When wrapping your limbs, you want to prevent wrap ‘over’ the limb. Otherwise you can risk limiting the muscle’s capacity to contract and your range of movement.




BFR Gear Placement and Pressure Image 4


You will want to put the wrap around the proximal portion of the muscle you’re working. This implies over the muscle and close to the torso. If you are thinking about training forearms and your biceps, you should set the wrap beneath the deltoid. Using this technique for the body requires some careful instructions. Some experts say that when practicing BFR for the body, your leg ought to be wrapped close to the groin area, over the quadriceps. If you’re training calves this would be included. When training BFR for calves, its wise to wrap over the calf and beneath the knee. This is because the common wraps are not really large enough to effectively wrap over the quadriceps.


Wrapping Pressure


BFR Gear Placement and Pressure Image 1


When wrapping your muscle, remember to keep in mind that you aren’t attempting to completely restrict blood flow. You still require blood circulation to the muscle. As such, when you wrap, you should try to shoot for wrapping the arm at about a 7 out of 10, with ten being very painful and a complete loss of blood flow. If your arm is totally asleep before you even begin training, the wrap is too tight.�If you complete a set of exercises and your arm is not pumped or fatigued, then you’ve probably not wrapped the bands tight enough.


First and foremost, a majority of experts concur that this kind of training is in fact a safe practice provided that it’s executed properly. To be able to maintain proper safety, ensure that you have not completely restricted blood circulation. Further, as soon as you’ve finished your sets, be certain that you remove the wrap in order to give the muscle blood supply and permit the used blood to be recycled. Should you have them too tight or keep the wraps on too long, you run the danger of inducing tissue and cell death. This isn’t advised. Further, if you have higher blood pressure or heart problems BFR, or blood flow restriction, training is not suggested.


There’s also some evidence to indicate that musculature which isn’t directly occluded, for example chest and shoulders, can experience some benefit from BFR. That is interesting because there was a long belief that advantage would be seen by muscle below the tourniquet. A current meta-analysis indicated that despite evidence, the indirect muscle (chest and shoulders) may see increased benefit in comparison to the same training without a tourniquet. If you are feeling tired, yet still want to get a chest and shoulder pump, then it may help you to wrap your arms.


Finally, BFR shouldn’t be used only in place of different sorts of training. Outcomes like power, power output, hypertrophy and force production rely on coaching specificity and varying immunity (i.e to be able to maximize strength, you need to train with heavier loads to get lower repetitions). The study suggests that blood flow restriction training could be as good as other types of instruction, not exceptional. Therefore, blood flow restriction, or BFR, training may be a useful tool within a resistance-training schedule that is well-rounded.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Sports Care


Athletes engage in a series of stretches and exercises on a daily basis in order to prevent damage or injury from their specific sports or physical activities as well as to promote and maintain strength, mobility and flexibility. However, when injuries or conditions occur as a result of an accident or due to repetitive degeneration, getting the proper care and treatment can change an athlete’s ability to return to play as soon as possible and restore their original health.

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Blood Flow Restriction Training for Muscle Grownth | El Paso Specialist

Blood Flow Restriction Training for Muscle Grownth | El Paso Specialist

In order to comprehend how BFR, or blood flow restriction, functions, it is important to perform a quick debriefing on how your circulatory system, also called vascular or cardiovascular system, works. Your arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from your heart to your body. Your veins are blood vessels that carry blood from the body back to the heart.


The objective of blood flow restriction training would be to restrict venous return while still allowing arterial flow by strategically wrapping the lightest portion of your own limbs. Blood can keep pooling to a muscle by restricting the veins rather than the arteries and it remains trapped there. It is like filling a water balloon to max capacity (with no popping up, of course).


By gathering all of the blood to the working muscles without letting it leave, a couple key things happen:�One, you receive a crazy pump and your muscles become supersized. The concept is that this contributes to cellular swelling that shocks the muscles into growth. Second, it’s gonna burn tremendously. Your muscles become deprived of oxygen and can not eliminate accumulating waste materials and this creates a great deal of acidosis or strain. Metabolic stress is just one of the three major mechanisms of muscle development and shouldn’t be dismissed.


The Science of BFR


Dr. Brad Schoenfeld is a regular contributor on hypertrophy (the scientific term for muscle growth). In his book Science and maturation of Muscle Hypertrophy, ” he states: “The prevailing body of literature shows that BFR training stimulates anabolic signaling and muscle protein synthesis and markedly increases muscle development despite using loads frequently considered too low to encourage substantial hypertrophy.” Brad goes on further, saying that “it has been speculated that metabolic stress would be the driving force behind BFR-induced muscle hypertrophy.”


Another interesting matter that occurs with blood flow restriction training is since your oxygen-dependent slow-twitch fibers fatigue way quicker than normal, you have to quickly begin tapping into the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which have the biggest potential for growth.


Interestingly enough, your fast-twitch fibers typically don’t get hit unless you’re using heavy loads or pretty hefty loads performed explosively. But BFR lets you really go fast-twitch with loads less than 50 percent of your own one-rep max. Actually, one study from the Journal of Applied Physiology revealed increased muscle cross-sectional area with BFR training using loads as light as 20 percent of one-rep maximum.


What this means for you is that with BFR training you can utilize lighter loads to construct muscle while sparing your muscles from heavy loading and without fatiguing your central nervous system. Additionally, it is important to note that research has proven the gains are not just for legs and the arms but also for muscle groups over the wraps.


How to Wrap For BFR Training


There are some high-end pressure cuffs which may be used to wrap your limbs for BFR, however any wraps will get the job done. Some people utilize knee/elbow or ace bandages wraps. Others use hospital tourniquets that are run-of-the-mill.



For your upper body, wrap it only beneath the shoulder at the top of upper arm so that the wrapping is nestling into your armpit.


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For the lower body, wrap only below the gluteal fold from the back and just below the hip flexor in the front.


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For both the upper and lower body, you want to wrap at about a 7 out of 10 on the tightness scale (10 being as tight as you can).


You shouldn’t feel any numbness or tingling sensations. That usually means you wrapped it tight, if you do. Wrapping it too tight will limit flow and prevent blood from pooling in the gut, so it defeats the purpose. When in doubt, wrap at first, particularly around the back side of the spectrum.


How can you know whether you wrapped it right? In the event you get your life’s muscular pump. Recall, if it feels sketchy just take off the wraps and re-wrap a tiny bit looser. There is a bit of a learning curve and thus don’t place too much stress to nail it on the first try.


How BFR Training Builds Muscle


The secret to effective BFR training is using light loads (40 to 50 percent of your one-rep maxor less), high repetitions (10 to 15 repetitions or longer), and short rest periods (30 minutes or less). In addition, it is important to note that BFR does not replace your regular training–it just enhances it. Here are my three favorite ways to execute BFR training:


BFR Finishers


After performing your main work out, hit a BFR finisher. If you completed an upper-body workout, hit an upper-body BFR finisher. If you finished a lower-body workout, hit on a BFR finisher. Hit on one for the upper and lower body if you do total-body sessions.


Extra Training Volume and Frequency


BFR is a excellent way to increase training volume (how much work you do) and coaching frequency (how often you train) without impairing your recovery. As an example, to bump up your training volume, if you did 3 routine sets of an exercise with heavier loads, try adding in an additional couple sets of BFR training to the same movement pattern or muscle group using a lighter load for higher reps and shorter rest periods between sets.


Active Recovery and Deloading


Since BFR training requires having lighter loads, it is considerably easier to recover from deeper training. This makes it a process to employ but still want to train. It’s also great to use if you integrate regular deloads–or intervals of decreased loading or training volume–into your training schedule.


It is worth mentioning that BFR is being used with remarkable success in rehabilitation settings, especially with wounded athletes. Being able to operate and develop muscles after an injury or operation with loads is a joint-sparing feature unique to BFR training. As always, consult your physician or physical therapist to find out if BFR training is right for you in such circumstances.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Sports Care


Athletes engage in a series of stretches and exercises on a daily basis in order to prevent damage or injury from their specific sports or physical activities as well as to promote and maintain strength, mobility and flexibility. However, when injuries or conditions occur as a result of an accident or due to repetitive degeneration, getting the proper care and treatment can change an athlete’s ability to return to play as soon as possible and restore their original health.

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El Paso Specialist: Psychological Support for Athletes with Sports Injuries

El Paso Specialist: Psychological Support for Athletes with Sports Injuries

Athletes face extreme pressure to return to play when they are hurt however, the true challenge for physicians is to get them back in the game safely. Athletes should be tough and maintain a positive attitude whilst regularly going through pain. When they’re made to sit out due to an accident, they should be focused and motivated to return to play as quickly as possible. They rehabilitate and rest as they trust that their bodies will ready after a full treatment plan.


This is the idealistic perspective of injury associated with athletes in their specific sport or physical activity. However, the reality is that accidents are an unavoidable by product of being an athlete and the transition from “active athlete” to “injured athlete” and back to “active athlete” does not always happen without complications.


Injured athletes fight with anxiety, frustration, anger and sometimes depression during their time away from play, which might also keep them from following their rehabilitation program effectively. Additionally, the return to the sport itself yields a fresh pair of adversities as athletes should browse through personal fears and a desire to come back to their pre-injury condition with the support of their family and healthcare physician.


Importance of Support for Injured Athletes


Social support can come from various forms, ranging from emotional support to task challenge assistance. Some wounded athletes want a caring individual simply to listen to their anxieties while others might prefer a challenging drive to work harder during rehab. Studies looking at the supply of social support have found that athletes feel most satisfied with the support provided by professionals in comparison to support supplied by teammates or coaches.



It would appear obvious that athletes would need support to assist with the injury recovery process. Because teams have access to trainers in a school setting, this additional support is possible. However, injuries are not unique to the collegiate population, which makes it important to address that �and provide this service.


Researchers who immediately addressed athletes’ tastes from healthcare professionals found that the desire to learn more concerning the injury resulted in a clearer timeline for return to play along with an open environment where athletes felt comfortable asking questions. In respect to athletes not fully understanding their injuries, they noticed that they would have appreciated the use of models and more sophisticated explanations from their physicians. It’s essential for healthcare professionals to take the time to help these athletes that are injured throughout the rehabilitation and recovery process and return to play with expertise.


Even though a complete return to play could be potential in time, it won’t happen immediately and teammates, parents, the athletes and coaches need to understand this. Trainers who have missed those who have been inactive for any period of time or numerous practices will require a slow progression back to their previous degree. This is bothersome for coaches who may “need” that athlete and also for the athlete who wants to return so as not to let the team down, trainer or themselves. Additionally, while appeasing the team and coach, the athlete may want to listen to doctors to ensure a safe recovery.


Goal-Setting to Facilitate Confidence And Motivation


Throughout the rehabilitation process, athletes should set modest goals, adjust their mindset, surround themselves with supportive people and develop their patience. It is important for others such as doctors, parents and trainers to understand the process, and provide athletes with resources and support to help them construct in these areas. Like setting rehabilitation targets that are daily followed by exercise goals, simple strategies can help athletes experience modest successes and build their own confidence.


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Every injured athlete would like to return to 100 percent but it is going to take some time to reach that degree. They’re very likely to eliminate the drive and motivation to continue, if they don’t see improvements over time. The athlete has to set goals based on their current status. The athlete will see little daily improvements leading them in the path of better performances in the future.


Building and/or maintaining confidence is vital, and it cannot be connected to results. Athletes need to realize that confidence keeps them trying even if scenarios aren’t going their way, and helps them push through failures. Confidence is a way of behaving and thinking that should be evident in everything one does regardless of the outcome.


In Conclusion


Given potential effects related to harm and the emotions, it’s clear that more education is essential to guarantee positive consequences for athletes who’ve experienced sports injuries. Injuries are unavoidable but they do not need to be devastating to well-being and one’s life if handled effectively. It’s apparent that athletes encounter adversity due to the injury and due to the change for their own lives and daily routines. The recovery is sometimes more easy than the yield to perform since the bone may heal and the tear could be mended, but the brain doesn’t change as easily.


It is necessary for everyone involved to understand that helping an athlete recovery in order to return to play as soon as possible demands attention to both the body and the brain. This can be accomplished by one with awareness, education and effort of coaches, doctors, athletes and parents alike.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Sports Care


Athletes engage in a series of stretches and exercises on a daily basis in order to prevent damage or injury from their specific sports or physical activities as well as to promote and maintain strength, mobility and flexibility. However, when injuries or conditions occur as a result of an accident or due to repetitive degeneration, getting the proper care and treatment can change an athlete’s ability to return to play as soon as possible and restore their original health.

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Sports Injuries & Athletic Psychological Effects | Therapy Specialists

Sports Injuries & Athletic Psychological Effects | Therapy Specialists

Injury is a common occurrence in sport participation. Ask any athlete and they’ll tell you that one of the drawbacks they can experience in their specific physical activity is injury.


Being hurt can mean a number of things to an athlete out of the pain they experience. Firstly, injury can bring a stop to training (i.e., coaching) and may indicate that what they’ve devoted lots of their time and energy and can too be removed quite suddenly (Crossman, 1997). Sport participation is a part of the identity of an athlete and so sports are a tremendous portion of their lives. When that is removed, albeit for a short time period, this can have a possible psychological effect on how an athlete views themselves.


Additionally, injury can take away the positive reinforcements sport provides where athletes undergo a feeling of mastery, autonomy and sense of control (Deutsch, 1985). Injury might be thought of as a setback because sport is used by athletes as a means of managing anxiety, stress and depression, among other things.


Psychological Effects on Injured Athletes


Understandably then, it may be anticipated that athletes can undergo a number of psychological reactions and stress upon becoming injured. Athletes’ psychological experiences differ as no one person experiences injury precisely in the same manner. Yet some emotions are more commonly reported than others and include stress, fear, anger, tension, fatigue, doubt, lack of motivation, and aggravation (Ahern & Lohr, 1997; American College of Sports Medicine, 2001; Klenk, 2006).


Of course it is normal for athletes to experience these emotions in reaction to trauma or injury and it is therefore necessary to be aware that not all athletes encounter an observable psychological disturbance to being hurt. They are athletes who seem to take being injured in their stride and their emotional reactions appear to resolve. On the flip side, other athletes appear to fight emotionally and their responses become problematic when symptoms do not resolve.



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Though there’s no predictable sequence of an athlete’s psychological responses to injury, athletes often exhibit three classes of reaction to their injury. To help come to terms with their injury, athletes often attempt to get and interpret as much injury-relevant information they can (i.e., “How bad is it?” , “How long?” , “What can/can’t I do”, “Just how can I fix it?”) . As previously discussed, athletes may experience reactive behavior and psychological upheaval . Often athletes may ask questions or have thoughts that are like the following: “I can’t believe this has happened today”, “I’ll never return to 100%”, and “I’m no good to the group today”. Athletes with apparent psychological effects can frequently display a range of signs suggesting poor adjustment to the injuries, including:


  • Feelings of anger & confusion
  • Obsession with �when can I return to play?�
  • Trying to do too much too soon in terms of rehabilitation program (pushing the limits)
  • Denial (e.g., �The injury is no big deal�)
  • Repeatedly returning to play too soon & experiencing re-injury
  • Exaggerated bragging about accomplishments
  • Dwelling on minor physical complaints
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Alterations in diet
  • Guilt about letting the team down
  • Withdrawal from significant others
  • Rapid mood swings
  • Statements like �no matter what is done, it will never get better�


The final category indicates that athletes come to terms with the injury and engage in successful coping. If there is anything they could do at home or may help out in training athletes voice that the injury is starting to appear good or often think so, and ask their service network if their responses resolves than becomes debatable. But if an athlete is exhibiting problematic signs of adverse effect as a consequence of their injury, it is very important for them to find help from a sport psychologist who can assist them manage and cope more effectively with their injury thus assisting their injury recovery procedure.


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Research has shown that negative emotions experienced by injured athletes may affect athletes’ attitudes toward and subsequent recovery from trauma (Ahern & Lohr, 1997; Crossman, 1997). Using psychological strategies have been found to improve injury recovery, mood through healing, coping, confidence restoration, pain control, and adherence to treatment protocols (Brewer et al., 2000).


Improving Athlete’s Psychological Skills


Psychological skills like goal setting, imagery and relaxation helps athletes cope better with stress, reducing likelihood of harm and stress of harm should it occur. In addition, even athletes that deal with injury can benefit from studying these strategies as they are sometimes utilized to boost performance on a basis that is constant.


Other psychological skills utilized to cope effectively with trauma but can also be used to enhance operation after experiencing injury include self-talk to help athletes have a positive attitude to rehabilitation and build confidence as well as problem solving to help deal with setbacks and search for opportunities. In addition to abilities, it is essential for athletes to be more educated in the recovery procedure and their injury to help reduce uncertainty and provide them with clear expectations and also to keep them informed.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Sports Care


Athletes engage in a series of stretches and exercises on a daily basis in order to prevent damage or injury from their specific sports or physical activities as well as to promote and maintain strength, mobility and flexibility. However, when injuries or conditions occur as a result of an accident or due to repetitive degeneration, getting the proper care and treatment can change an athlete’s ability to return to play as soon as possible and restore their original health.

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Blood Flow Restriction Training Overview | BFR Specialist

Blood Flow Restriction Training Overview | BFR Specialist

Blood is responsible for the transportation of oxygen, nutrients, and other molecules crucial for life. Most bodybuilders may also tell you that blood is important for gaining muscle, blood flow to be more particular. A whole group of nutritional supplements has surfaced in the past ten years, concentrated on boosting anabolism and so increasing circulation.


However, what if I told you that the opposite could be true? If I told you that occluding blood flow to muscles could have an anabolic effect, what would you say? Blood flow restriction (BFR) training has years of research to support its effectiveness and in this article I will explain what it is and how to use it to augment your training.


What is Blood Flow Restriction Training?


Quite simply, BFR training includes restricting the venous return of blood circulation from the muscle. The objective isn’t to restrict blood circulation to the muscle, but rather prevent blood flow from returning to the muscle, i.e. you don’t need to restrict the blood circulation to the muscle, only the venous return from the muscle, causing the blood to pool in the muscle. This is accomplished by use of a blood pressure cuff or perhaps more practically using knee wraps tightly fastened round the limb(s).



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BFR Training Image 1 - El Paso Chiropractor


For instance, to utilize blood flow restriction therapy on arm muscles, you would tightly secure a cloth or barbell knee wraps close to the shoulder as possible. This will restrict blood flow return from the arms and cause the blood to pool.


Blood flow restriction training, when done correctly, allows one to utilize much lower weights than normal training protocols and still attain sizable anabolic training results. Actually, occlusion training can increase muscle size and strength using training heaps as mild as 20 percent of a 1 rep max. This is especially useful for trainers who are currently experiencing a deload phase in their training practice or for individuals that are hurt and can only use light weights. BFR training allows you to still make gains using light weights while giving your joints, ligaments, and tendon a rest from heavy lifting.


Blood Flow Restriction Training Effects


Blood flow restriction training induces an anabolic response through various pathways, perhaps the most crucial of which will be by preferentially targeting the big fast twitch muscle fibers. Fast twitch fibers are the muscle fibers that have the potential for growth. These fibers are recruited last during contractions and therefore are largely anaerobic (do not use oxygen) whereas the smaller slow twitch fibers are recruited first through contractions and are aerobic (use oxygen). Slow twitch fibers have a potential for growth compared to fast twitch fibers.


BFR training restricts blood flow to muscles, pre-fatiguing the slow twitch fibers and forcing the anaerobic fast twitch fibers to deal with the load even at low intensities. Metabolically, your muscle is getting an effect that is similar lifting heavy loads although they are using weights that are much lighter. Not only does occlusion training preferentially activate fast twitch muscle fibers, it has been shown to cause a fiber type shift from slow to fast, thus increasing the possibility of muscle growth dimensions.


Metabolic by-product accumulation is primary mechanism by which occlusion training produces hypertrophy. These metabolic by-products would normally be �washed out� by normal blood flow, but occlusion allows them to accumulate near the muscle. Lactate accumulation in particular seems to have an effect, presumably by raising growth hormone (GH) concentrations (4-5). In fact, one study found that BFR training triggered a GH increase 290 times above baseline. This really is a twofold greater increase in GH than what is generated by regular heavy resistance training.


Perhaps even more impressive, blood flow restriction training was demonstrated to reduce myostatin concentrations. Myostatin is a time inhibitor of muscle growth and is thought to limit the possibility of muscle gain. Occlusion training could be able to increase the potential of muscle increase through slow to quickly fiber shifts and reductions in myostatin.


BFR Training Image 4 - El Paso Chiropractor


As always, before starting any type of training routine, you should talk with a medical professional. BFR can be performed for the thighs, calves, upper arms, and forearms with a blood pressure cuff or tightly wrapped knee bends (more practical). To occlude the thighs and upper arms, wrap at approximately 70 percent of greatest tightness around the part of their muscles. To occlude forearms wrap or the calves at approximately 70 percent of maximum tightness below the knee or elbow.


Perform 3-5 sets to muscular failure with 20-50 percent of your 1 rep maximum on a particular exercise together with the muscle occluded the whole time. Periods should be 30-60 seconds between sets. After the last set restore blood flow to the muscle and then remove the wraps. Blood flow restriction training takes training to another dimension.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png
By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Sports Care


Athletes engage in a series of stretches and exercises on a daily basis in order to prevent damage or injury from their specific sports or physical activities as well as to promote and maintain strength, mobility and flexibility. However, when injuries or conditions occur as a result of an accident or due to repetitive degeneration, getting the proper care and treatment can change an athlete’s ability to return to play as soon as possible and restore their original health.

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Blood Flow Restriction Therapy for Hamstring Injuries | BFR Specialist

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy for Hamstring Injuries | BFR Specialist

Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is a training strategy which involves the use of cuffs or pliers placed proximally around a limb, with the intent of maintaining arterial inflow while occluding lymph flow through exercise (According to Scott et al. 2015).


BFR, or blood flow restriction training, has been utilized throughout a range of exercise modes. These include cycling, walking and strength training. When doing resistance training with blood flow restriction therapy, tight cuffs or pliers are commonly utilized. Virtually, blood flow restriction training is most frequently employed when utilizing resistance training with low loads of around 20 to 30 percent of 1RM and with wraps that are wrapped at a perceived tightness of 7 out of 10.



When compression of the vasculature proximal to the muscles is achieved via other means, the expression blood flow restriction training is more commonly used. An alternative way of employing this pressure is through the usage of knee bends. This sort of blood flow restriction therapy can be termed blood flow restriction training that was sensible to distinguish it from the method in which inflated cuffs are utilized to produce a strain.


Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Findings


Blood flow restricted (BFR) training is a safe and effective method of improving power and strength in healthy, active people. A relatively unexplored possibility of this modality lies in treating patients with musculoskeletal injury and hamstring weakness despite improvement during postoperative strengthening, and conventional therapy.


Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Hamstrings - El Paso Chiropractor


Blood Restriction Therapy Hamstrings - El Paso Chiropractor


Blood Restriction Therapy Hamstrings - El Paso Chiropractor


This case series describes patients with chronic quadriceps and hamstring weakness who received an intervention of BFR at low loads, 20 percent of 1 repetition max (1RM), to restore strength. There was a case series conducted of seven patients, all situated with traumatic injuries. The seven patients were treated in the same center and using the BFR protocol. All seven patients had dynamometer testing that demonstrated thigh muscle weakness despite 35 to 75 percent torque deficit in flexion or knee extension and rehab with therapy in comparison with the lower extremity. Patients underwent two weeks of BFR training therapy using a pneumatic tourniquet set at 110 mm Hg while performing leg extensions, leg presses, and leg presses.


Blood Restriction Therapy Hamstrings - El Paso Chiropractor


All affected extremities were retested after two weeks (six therapy sessions). Dynamometer measurements were done with flexion and extension. The data recorded included peak torque normalized for moderate power, body weight, and work.


All seven patients showed improvements in peak torque, moderate power, and overall work for both knee flexion and extension, with power being the most improved overall. Peak torque improved an average of 13 to 37 percent, based on speed and contraction direction. Average electricity improved a mean of 42 to 81 percent, and workforce improved a mean of 35 to 55 percent.




Blood flow restriction (BFR) treatment at low loads can impact development in muscular strength in patients who are unable to perform high-resistance exercise or individuals who have persistent extremity weakness despite conventional treatment. Blood circulation limitation training seems to be effective and safe. But, specific caution ought to be expressed regarding its usage under particular conditions, and for prolonged amounts of time.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Sports Care


Athletes engage in a series of stretches and exercises on a daily basis in order to prevent damage or injury from their specific sports or physical activities as well as to promote and maintain strength, mobility and flexibility. However, when injuries or conditions occur as a result of an accident or due to repetitive degeneration, getting the proper care and treatment can change an athlete’s ability to return to play as soon as possible and restore their original health.

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Myo-Fascial Release Techniques for the Tensor Fascia Latae

Myo-Fascial Release Techniques for the Tensor Fascia Latae

The tensor fascia latae (TFL) is a problematic muscle for many individuals. Oftentimes, it contributes to tightness related to the IT band and is dominant within the gluteus medius. Its function are hip flexion and abduction, and it has a tendency to be tight in many runners and athletes. Performing soft tissue mobilization will help resolve tightness in addition to promote regeneration and recruitment of the gluteus medius.


A lot of men and women argue the effectiveness of foam rolling up the IT band itself. While many healthcare professionals are not inclined to ignore this fact altogether, it is believed that polyurethane rolling likely has a much greater impact on the length/tension of the soft tissue beneath and associated with the IT band (e.g. glutes, quads, hamstrings and TFL). The TFL is frequently full of trigger points.


You will find a variety of foam roller exercises that you can do, and choosing the stretch or exercise is dependent on the muscle group that you want to massage, in this case, the tensor fascia latae.



Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)


The tensor fasciae latae (TFL) muscles are at the front sides of your buttocks. Foam rolling these muscles provides a deep and effective sports massage, improving functionality and alleviating soreness. It may be one of the stranger looking moves onto a foam roller coaster, but you’ll enjoy the relief that you are given by this stretch! To massage the TFL, start by laying face-down, with your foam roller just underneath the front of one hip. Your other leg should be cocked slightly to the side, similar to a spiderman pushup. Your leg should be cocked slightly to the side, very similar to a spiderman pushup. You need to use your forearms to help maintain your core tight, and bear some of the weight. Next, roll along the front and outside portion of your upper torso, right. That is it! Before repeating on the opposite side Roll slowly, and hold for 20-30 moment.


The Foam Roller TFL Exercise is an excellent self-massage exercise which will offer your tensor fasciae latae (TFL) muscles ( front sides of your hips) a deep and effective sports massage, consequently improving the health and quality of your muscle tissue and helping you to perform much better. It will also alleviate soreness and make your muscles feel better.


The foam roller overloads the muscle tissues through compression, causing your nerves to relax, signalling muscle spasms to close off, pumping blood and also causing your lymphatic system to start flowing, in order to assist muscle regeneration and recovery. You will work out those knots (muscular adhesions) in your muscles caused either by childbirth, by the repetitive strain of the golf swing, or by walking a challenging golf program. This will allow you to extend the muscles back out which makes them functional and more more pliable.


The Foam Roller TFL Exercise can be performed both before and after practicing on any sport of physical activity, or the scope. It’s also excellent after sitting in exactly the same position for a little while, and may be enjoyed anywhere and anytime you feel tight and needing a massage or prior to bedtime.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Sports Care


Many athletes engage in frequent warm-up stretches and exercises before participating in their specific sport of physical activity, in order to avoid experiencing sports injuries. Although these can help prevent a variety of sports injuries, athletes may still suffer an injury as a result of an accident. From chiropractic care to surgery, in severe cases, sports care is important for athletes to continue participating in their specific sport of physical activity.

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