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Nutritional Genomics

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Nutrigenomics, also known as nutritional genomics, is a branch of science that studies the relationship between the human genome, nutrition, and overall health and wellness. According to nutrigenomics, food can affect gene expression, the process by which instructions from a gene are utilized in the biosynthesis of a functional gene product, such as a protein.

Genomics is an interdisciplinary field of biology that focuses on the structure, function, evolution, mapping, and editing of genomes. Nutrigenomics utilizes that information to create a custom dietary program to help improve a person’s overall health and wellness with food.

Nutrigenetics is a branch of science that focuses on how the human body responds to nutrients based on their genetic variation. Due to the differences in people’s DNA, the absorption, transportation, and metabolization, among other functions, of nutrients can be different from one person to the other. People can have similar characteristics based on their genes but these genes are actually not identical. This is what is known as genetic variation.

NutriGenomics, NutriGenetics, And Personalized Nutrtition | El Paso, TX.

NutriGenomics, NutriGenetics, And Personalized Nutrtition | El Paso, TX.

Patients, friends, and family have been asking Dr. Jimenez what is nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, and personalized nutrition?

Genomics & Nutrigenomics

Nutrigenomics: Is the study of how food and nutrients affect our gene expression.

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Example: Omega-3 fatty acids switch off NF-?B to prevent inflammatory cytokine production.

Nutrigenomics Follows A Whole Body Approach

Nutrigenomics examines Relationships Between What We Eat

  • The risk/response to diseases
  • Genes and gene expression
  • Biomarkers
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Uses A Variety of Tools In Identifying Disease Risk

  • Food diaries record nutrient input
  • Biomarkers: Example metabolite or hormone levels are examined to understand the body�s response
  • Genomic essays to identify relevant gene variations
  • Clinical data:
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Sex
  • BMI for monitoring the health impact of food

Applied to a Wide Range of Conditions

  • Risk of developing metabolic syndrome based on genetic variants and controlled by diet and lifestyle
  • Links between gut microbiota, obesity, and mental health
  • Correlation between specific nutrient intake and diseases
  • Example: Coffee and cardiac irregularities

Personalized Interventions

Identify, and provide supplements to a woman who metabolizes folate poorly in order to reduce neural tube defects in pregnancy.

Recommending a low fat diet versus low carbohydrate diet as the best way to lose excess weight.

As technology advances along with medical breakthroughs, there is not a day without there being a new cure or treatment to learn about. The trend is currently focused on the field of genetics and genomics, which consists of having personalized nutrition.

In the past recommending nutritional plans was population based. The only difference was between age, sex and pregnancy.

There is mounting evidence that nutrition throughout one’s life course modifies the epigenome.

There has been an increase in studies, which have reported associations between gene polymorphisms, nutrition, and disease risk.


Epigenetic processes affect how the body uses nutrients.

The field of epigenetics explains unaccounted for variations in disease risk that is linked to the understanding of the interaction between nutrition and the genome.

A personalized nutrition dietary recommendation has the potential to decrease nutrition-related diseases.

There are still practical and economic challenges associated with this strategy.

Major epigenetic processes are DNA methylation, histone modification and noncoding RNAs.

This suggests the possibility that epigenotypes or (stable pattern of gene expression outside the actual base pair sequence of DNA) associated with disease risk can be changed.

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Effects of Nutrients

The nature of an epigenetic change that is induced by specific nutrient/s intervention depends on the animal species, sex, genotype, and target gene, as well as, the timing of exposure and direction of the nutritional change.

There is also the possibility that epigenetic marks present at birth may act as predictors for future disease risk and pave the way to improve an individual’s health.


  • Genes: Instructions written in our DNA sequence for making proteins that carry out all our biological functions.
  • Not all DNA is made up of genes; some are only used for spacing like the way the letters on a keyboard are arranged, so the buttons are easier to get to. Some are instructions for the instructions, like a content page that shows what to look for before beginning a chapter in a book.
  • Genetics: Study of gene inheritance how they vary from person to person and are passed on.
  • Genome: Is the collective term for all of our genes.
  • Genomics: A field of genetics that looks and analyzes the sequence of the genome.
  • Nutrigenetics: Is concerned with how our genetic variations affect the way we respond to nutrients.
  • Epigenetics: The modification to the expression of genes, not involving changes in the genetic code itself (mainly via histones and methylation), that occurs in response to environmental factors. This results in genes being switched �on� or �off.�

Nutrition & Cancer

Epigenetics in cancer is well established and is characterized by hypomethylation of proto-oncogenes and hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes, and is associated with aging.

Clinical Support

nutritional genomics el paso tx.

Nutritional Genomics goal is to prevent the onset and development of chronic diseases. This is done by targeting dietary recommendations based on an individual�s genetic profile. Discoveries being made in the field, demonstrate that individuals are benefitting from adhering to different nutritional guidelines. However, this also depends on their genotype.

Knowing an individual’s genetic code helps better understand the intricacies and complexities of a case and aids in guiding recommendations in line with an individual’s genetic requirements.

However, treating Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP’s) is not the aim of genomics.

However, even knowing someone�s SNP does not tell if a gene is on or off. This is where functional testing and case history come into play. Therefore, genomic testing is just a portion of the bigger picture.

Epigenetics is still a new science with the availability of new tools continually emerging. The field is rapidly progressing, and the findings reflect these advances in understanding and analyzing technologies.

And while trying to wrap your head around all of this can be daunting, don’t worry, it takes a few reps before it starts to make sense. And because of this, one of Dr. Jimenez’ goals is to simplify as much as possible. The program, terminology, and diet. And one way is going to be through SMOOTHIES! Putting it all into one easy drink will make it easier for everyone.

nutritional genomics el paso tx.

The American Heart Association and American Stroke Association advocate that many of the effects of diet on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and the outcomes are mediated by changes in gene expression. This means that the utilization of global transcriptional profiling is an important tool in nutrigenomics, and therefore cannot be denied that nutrigenomics is being taken seriously by those in the field of medical research.

nutritional genomics el paso tx.
The Importance Of Methylation Support

The Importance Of Methylation Support

What is systems medicine and how is it integrated into our overall health and wellness?

Systems medicine is an interdisciplinary field of study which evaluates the systems of the human body as part of a whole, including biochemical, physiological, and environmental interactions. And, with the outlining of the human genome back in 2001, Systems Medicine became widely recognized.

Humans are estimated to have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes although this number could drop further as genome sequence quality and gene finding methods improve over time. While the code for our lives seems smaller than what we expected, tremendous consideration is now being paid to the regulatory aspects of the genome and research studies on the heritable epigenome are gaining momentum. Methylation, a cornerstone epigenetic and metabolic process, now yields more than 85,000 hits on a PubMed search.

With the readily available access to genetic testing, many patients now have a greater understanding of their genes, most often concerning their single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs, associated with methylation. It truly is a wildly exciting time to be practicing Functional Medicine, the clinical application of systems medicine. Several hypotheses have been developed on the phenotypic expression of single nucleotide variations. A heterozygous mutation in MTHFR A1298C SNP, by way of instance, can make it difficult for people to detoxify efficiently. Genetic testing and metabolic biomarkers can help demonstrate “lesions” in methylation.

What is Methylation Support?

Methylation is fundamental towards a variety of bodily functions, including detoxification, neurotransmitter production, and epigenetic regulation. Researchers have seen the impact that improving methylation can have on fortifying folic acid and reducing neural tube defects. The Methylation Diet and Lifestyle, or MDL, program was created with the purpose of embracing both the importance of healthy methylation balance as well as recognizing the limitations in our current understanding of methylation.

Methylation imbalances, such as hypermethylation and hypomethylation, in the gene promoter regions are associated with many health issues, from allergies and aging to neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. The regulation of the epigenome is a highly complex process. And, further research studies are still required to determine the effect of high-dose, long-term methylation interventions.

Furthermore, healthcare professionals need to consider whether high-dose, long-term methylation interventions are the right treatment approach for patients with these health issues. Numerous research studies have demonstrated reasonable concerns about supplementation. There are also patients who are unable to take methyl donor supplementation due to poor epinephrine clearance and other biogenic amines or detoxification activity. Understanding whether this treatment approach may be an appropriate methylation intervention, however, suggests that other, alternative treatment options may be required for overall health and wellness.

Food-based folates, by way of instance, have only been demonstrated to have protective effects on methylation. A variety of phytochemicals, not closely associated with methylation, seem to effectively modulate global epigenetic and biochemical methylation activity. And, decreasing methyl donor depletion by reducing toxic exposures, nourishing the microbiome, and increasing the stress response is safe and efficient. Nutrition can ultimately help eliminate the “lesions” in methylation for balanced bodily functions.

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Methylation is a simple biochemical process which affects a variety of bodily functions, including DNA production, detoxification, and cellular energy, among many other fundamental processes. However, approximately 60 percent of people in the United States have a genetic mutation which tremendously affects methylation. When methylation isn’t working efficiently, it can affect the production of a variety of important molecules, including glutathione, coenzyme Q10, and melatonin, among many other fundamental substances. Understanding the importance of methylation support is important towards our overall health and wellness, and there are several ways you and your doctor can promote better methylation support.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight

The Methylation Diet and Lifestyle Program

The Methylation Diet and Lifestyle program wouldn’t have been created if it wasn’t for the years of discussions on current research studies and patient treatment approaches. The following article serves as a guide to help people how to evaluate their methylation status and understand the current methylation health issues, and how to incorporate an MDL program into your protocols as well as the potential concerns from supplementation. Nutritional guidelines and lifestyle modifications can help improve methylation.

However, how can we determine when we should utilize the MDL? This treatment approach ultimately offers the methylation support patients might need, especially for those who cannot tolerate supplementation. It is also a safe and effective long-term strategy for a majority of patients who have utilized a short-term course of higher-dose methyl donors. The full MDL program also supports detoxification, microbiome and hormone balance, stress reduction, and it can be modified to incorporate other programs which are also generally recommended, such as elimination diets, grain and lectin-free plans, low FODMAP diets and traditional gut restoration programs. Highly restricted plans, such as the ketogenic diet used for epilepsy, can incorporate aspects of the MDL with additional nutraceutical support. Any dietary program can work with the Methylation Diet and lifestyle program for overall health and wellness.

Smoothies and Juices for Life

While many healthcare professionals can recommend the nutritional guidelines and lifestyle modifications described above, there are several remedies you can try for yourself at home. Smoothies and juices are a fast and easy way to include all the necessary nutrients you need for methylation support in a single serving. The smoothies and juices below are part of the Methylation Diet Food Plan.

Sea Green Smoothie
Servings: 1
Cook time: 5-10 minutes
� 1/2 cup cantaloupe, cubed
� 1/2 banana
� 1 handful of kale or spinach
� 1 handful of Swiss chard
� 1/4 avocado
� 2 teaspoons spirulina powder
� 1 cup water
� 3 or more ice cubes
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until completely smooth and enjoy!

Berry Bliss Smoothie
Servings: 1
Cook time: 5-10 minutes
� 1/2 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen, preferably wild)
� 1 medium carrot, roughly chopped
� 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed or chia seed
� 1 tablespoons almonds
� Water (to desired consistency)
� Ice cubes (optional, may omit if using frozen blueberries)
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. Best served immediately!

Sweet and Spicy Juice
Servings: 1
Cook time: 5-10 minutes
� 1 cup honeydew melons
� 3 cups spinach, rinsed
� 3 cups Swiss chard, rinsed
� 1 bunch cilantro (leaves and stems), rinsed
� 1-inch knob of ginger, rinsed, peeled and chopped
� 2-3 knobs whole turmeric root (optional), rinsed, peeled and chopped
Juice all ingredients in a high-quality juicer. Best served immediately!

Ginger Greens Juice
Servings: 1
Cook time: 5-10 minutes
� 1 cup pineapple cubes
� 1 apple, sliced
� 1-inch knob of ginger, rinsed, peeled and chopped
� 3 cups kale, rinsed and roughly chopped or ripped
� 5 cups Swiss chard, rinsed and roughly chopped or ripped
Juice all ingredients in a high-quality juicer. Best served immediately!

Zesty Beet Juice
Servings: 1
Cook time: 5-10 minutes
� 1 grapefruit, peeled and sliced
� 1 apple, washed and sliced
� 1 whole beet, and leaves if you have them, washed and sliced
� 1-inch knob of ginger, rinsed, peeled and chopped
Juice all ingredients in a high-quality juicer. Best served immediately!

Protein Power Smoothie
Serving: 1
Cook time: 5 minutes
� 1 scoop protein powder
� 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
� 1/2 banana
� 1 kiwi, peeled
� 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
� Pinch of cardamom
� Non-dairy milk or water, enough to achieve desired consistency
Blend all ingredients in a high-powered blender until completely smooth. Best served immediately!

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The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, spinal health issues, and functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topic Discussion: Acute Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. Your spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.

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