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Hip Pain & Disorders

Back Clinic Hip Pain & Disorders Team. These types of disorders are common complaints that can be caused by a variety of problems. The precise location of your hip pain can give more information about the underlying cause. The hip joint on its own tends to result in pain on the inside of your hip or groin area. Pain on the outside, upper thigh, or outer buttock is usually caused by ailments/problems with the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. Hip pain can also be caused by diseases and conditions in other areas of your body, i.e. the lower back. The first thing is to identify where the pain is coming from.

The most important distinguishing factor is to find out if the hip is the cause of the pain. When hip pain comes from muscles, tendons, or ligament injuries, it typically comes from overuse or Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). This comes from overusing the hip muscles in the body i.e. iliopsoas tendinitis. This can come from tendon and ligament irritations, which typically are involved in snapping hip syndrome. It can come from inside the joint that is more characteristic of hip osteoarthritis. Each of these types of pain presents itself in slightly different ways, which is then the most important part in diagnosing what the cause is.

Hamstring Injuries Relieved By The MET Technique

Hamstring Injuries Relieved By The MET Technique


With the body being a complex machine with various muscle groups and sections that work to keep the body mobile, it is important to know that weak muscles in the upper and lower portions of the body can cause unwanted pain-like symptoms that can lead to dysfunction over time. When numerous environmental factors and habits affect the muscle groups, it can lead to overlapping risk factors that cause tightness in the affected muscles and lead to injuries. In the lower portions of the body, the hips, thighs, hamstrings, and glute muscles help stabilize the pelvis region. When these factors start to cause issues with these muscles, it can lead to injuries and problems for those muscle groups. Today’s article will examine how hamstring injuries occur, how it affects the lower body, and how treatments and techniques like MET (muscle energy techniques) are utilized to relieve hamstring injuries. We mention valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers who provide therapy techniques like the MET and care treatment for individuals with hamstring injuries associated with the lower body portions. We give encouragement to patients by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their diagnostic findings. We provide the support that education is a spectacular way when asking our providers the most helpful questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


How Do Hamstring Injuries Occur?


Have you noticed that your hamstrings are feeling tight? Are you constantly sitting down for an extended period? Or are you experiencing low back pain that is affecting your hamstrings? Many individuals will usually experience low back pain along the thigh with associated symptoms of muscle weakness that causes the muscle fibers to be tighter and sore. When the muscle fibers are tight consistently, it causes the back of the leg muscles uncomfortable and can make movement difficult. Studies reveal that the back of the leg muscles or hamstrings is highly susceptible to injuries, especially in athletes. The hamstring muscles comprise three major muscles in the posterior location of the thigh. When a person is overstretching the hamstrings or having muscle tightness from being sedentary can cause these injuries and discomfort to the lower extremities. Additional research studies mentioned that hamstring injuries could range from acute muscle strain to chronic proximal hamstring tendinopathy associated with muscle ruptures. 


How Does It Affect The Lower Body?

Since the hamstring muscles succumb to injuries from overstretching or becoming weak, how would it affect the lower body and cause mobility issues? Well, when the hip flexors or the hamstrings become tight and tense, it can cause an altercation to the pelvis region and cause spinal misalignment. To that point, it can lead to muscle stiffness and pain in the hamstrings while correlating to low back pain and can cause the individual to be confused as they think it is sciatica instead of a hamstring injury. Studies reveal in “Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques,” written by Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., and Judith Walker DeLany, L.M.T., states that when there is a range of other biomechanical features that could be predisposed to hamstring injuries that can cause a chain of reactions that can involve not only the hamstrings but the toes, the spine, the trunk, and the upper extremities. Losing the ability to function in the lower extremities can cause dysfunction, muscle weakness, and instability in an individual.


Natural Healing: Chiropractic Care for Injury Recovery- Video

Have you been experiencing stiffness or pain in your hamstrings? What about feeling discomfort in one side of your hips and glutes? Or are you experiencing muscle strain? Many of these issues are correlated with hamstring injuries that can cause muscle weakness and instability in the body. Fortunately, when dealing with a hamstring injury, techniques like gentle stretching and warming up the muscles allow the injury to recover and bring relief. Another way a person can get pain relief from a hamstring injury is through chiropractic care. Chiropractic care can help relieve the problem without using medications, injections, or surgery through spinal manipulation and incorporating various techniques to stretch the stiff muscles and realign the body. The video above explains how chiropractic care is utilized for injury recovery.

Treatments For Hamstring Injuries


When dealing with hamstring injuries, it is important to rest to prevent future injuries from occurring and incorporate gentle stretches of the targeted muscles to avoid cramping and pain. If gentle stretching doesn’t bring relief, then it is recommended to have a personalized treatment and program with a chiropractor. A chiropractor uses hands-on therapy to loosen and relieve tense muscles, thus reinforcing flexibility and range of motion back to the hamstrings. Chiropractic care also incorporates stretching techniques like MET to improve hamstring flexibility. Studies reveal that the MET technique uses soft tissue mobilization to increase the hamstring’s ROM (range of motion) while bringing mobility back to the hips and reducing pain. Furthermore, these stretches and treatments can help decrease instability and allow the individual to be pain-free.



The hamstrings are located along the back of the thigh and just below the knees, as they can succumb to injuries due to overstretching or other factors that cause symptoms of pain and weakness. Hamstring injuries are common and can range from acute to chronic, depending on the injury. Many people with hamstring injuries often deal with overlapping issues of sciatica and low back pain that can lead to instability in the lower body. Luckily, different treatments and stretching techniques can help lengthen the hamstring muscles, promote flexibility back to the hamstrings, and cause relief to the affected muscle.



Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2002.

Chu, Samuel K, and Monica E Rho. “Hamstring Injuries in the Athlete: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Return to Play.” Current Sports Medicine Reports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2016,

Gunn, Leanna J, et al. “Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Techniques Improve Hamstring Flexibility Better than Static Stretching Alone: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2019,

Poudel, Bikash, and Shivlal Pandey. “Hamstring Injury – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 28 Aug. 2022,


Tibial Stress Fracture Relieved By The MET Technique

Tibial Stress Fracture Relieved By The MET Technique


We are constantly on the move throughout the day, from walking, running, or standing doing errands, all because of the lower and upper portions of our bodies. The body is a complex, unique machine with upper and lower portions with specific jobs and functions. The body’s upper portion provides mobility and functionality to the neck, shoulders, head, arms, and hands. At the same time, the lower portion of the body offers stability and motor functions to the hips, legs, knees, and feet. When there are issues that affect the body, it can, over time, causes stress in the musculoskeletal system and affect the joints in the lower extremities, thus invoking pain and disability. Today’s article looks at tibial stress fractures, how they affect the lower body, and how treatments like the MET technique can help the lower body. We provide and mention valuable information about our patients to certified medical providers who offer therapy techniques like the MET combined with treatment care for individuals with tibial stress fractures in their lower body extremities. We encourage each patient by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their findings appropriately. We acknowledge that education is a spectacular way when asking our providers the most helpful questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Are Tibial Stress Fractures?


Have you been dealing with heaviness in your legs and feet? What about unwanted pain radiating from your knees to your shin? Or do your feet constantly feel tired? Many of these issues could be due to muscle overload on the lower extremities associated with tibial stress fractures. Research studies reveal that when the lower extremities are subjected to repeated mechanical stress, that can cause microscopic fractions in the tibia. This condition is most common in military recruits, athletes, and runners. In the book “Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques” by Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O., and Judith Walker DeLany, L.M.T., stated that two types of stress fractures can occur in the tibia that is the result of tibial stress fractions. They are:

  • Fatigue stress fracture: Caused by repeated abnormal muscular stress (torque) applied to the normal bone, which has appropriate elastic resistance potential and density.
  • Insufficiency stress fracture: Caused by normal muscular forces applied to mineral-deficient or abnormally inelastic bone.


How Do They Affect The Lower Body?

Numerous factors can cause stress fractures in the lower body extremities, affecting motor-sensory and mobility function. Some of the factors associated with stress fractures in the tibia include:

  • A sudden increase in training or activities
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Inappropriate footwear
  • Inappropriate running style
  • Misalignment in the lower limbs

Studies have revealed that when these risk factors cause the development of stress fractures in the legs, it can lead to symptoms like pain and swelling in the legs and feet. If it continues without treatment over time can cause the bones to weaken and can be confused with musculoskeletal disorders like osteoporosis or shin splits. 


Gain Mobility Back With Chiropractic Care-Video

Have you been dealing with pain in your legs or feet? Do you feel that you have mobility issues when walking or standing? Or have you noticed that your legs are extremely tired a few days after intense training? Many people experiencing these issues are associated with stress fractures on the lower extremities. Repetitive motions cause stress fractures in the lower extremities over time that causes small, hairline fractures in the bone. This causes the surrounding muscles around the joint to overload the bone and cause muscle and joint pain symptoms. Luckily, there are ways to reduce stress fractures on the lower extremities and restore leg mobility. Treatments like chiropractic care can help many musculoskeletal disorders correlated with stress fractures in the lower body extremities. The video above talks about how non-invasive treatments like chiropractic care incorporates different techniques and manipulations to realign the spine and reduce the pain associated with stress fractures.

How The MET Technique Helps The Lower Body


Incorporating stretching techniques and chiropractic care can help reduce stress fractures in the tibia and prevent future musculoskeletal injuries. Regarding reducing the effects of stress fractures in the lower extremities, available treatments like chiropractic care can help relieve the pain. Using stretching techniques like MET (muscle energy technique) can help stretch and lengthen muscle fibers to reduce muscle fibers pain. The MET technique allows chiropractors to utilize mechanical and neuromuscular stretches to enhance the range of motion through isometric stretching to loosen stiff muscles and will enable the body to heal itself naturally. Other treatments like ice massages, electrotherapy, and non-impact activities (swimming and cycling) combined with chiropractic care can enhance recovery and let the individual know how much stress impacts their joints.



The lower portions of the body allow mobility and stability to enable the individual to move around and perform various actions without pain. However, many risk factors that cause the musculoskeletal system to cause overload power to the lower extremities could develop stress fractures in the bone and cause pain and discomfort. Stress fractures can, over time, cause pain and swelling to the legs and can affect a person by making them unable to walk without feeling pain in every step they take. Luckily, treatments like chiropractic care and stretching techniques like MET can help loosen up, lengthen stiff muscles, and relieve the legs. Through continuous treatment, many individuals become aware of how much overloading pressure they put on their legs and can become more mindful of their daily activities pain-free.



Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2002.

May, Todd, and Raghavendra Marappa-Ganeshan. “Stress Fractures – Statpearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 17 July 2022,

Robinson, Patrick G, et al. “Stress Fractures: Diagnosis and Management in the Primary Care Setting.” The British Journal of General Practice : the Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2019,


The MET Technique On Myofascial Trigger Points & Gait Performance

The MET Technique On Myofascial Trigger Points & Gait Performance


How a person walks or their gait performance can determine how their body’s balance and stability are functioning. Since the body has many muscles, ligaments, and tissues in the musculoskeletal system protecting the spine and the vital organs that work together to maintain proper functionality when a person is in motion; however, the body can succumb to numerous issues that can affect a person’s gait performance and cause the upper and lower extremities to develop myofascial trigger points in the muscle fibers. When these issues begin to cause dysfunction in the body, it can lead to many disorders associated with gait disturbances. Today we will focus on how to approach gait disturbances, how trigger points affect gait performances, and how treatment techniques like MET can help. We provide information about our patients to certified medical providers that offer available therapy techniques like MET (muscle energy techniques) for individuals dealing with gait disturbances associated with trigger points that correlate to how a person walks. We encourage each patient appropriately by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their diagnosis results. We accept that education is a spectacular way when asking our providers the most crucial questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., assesses this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


How To Approach Gait Disturbances?


Have you been dealing with mobility issues when walking? How about feeling stiffness in your hips or lower body extremities? Or have you experienced headaches or neck pain? Many of these issues are associated with gait disturbances that can affect your ability to walk. When it comes to gait disturbances, studies reveal that underlying systemic disorders or other environmental factors could trigger the prevalence of gait disturbances. Regarding gait disturbances, it is important to know that as the body ages, it can cause issues to the musculoskeletal system naturally, and environmental factors can further affect the central nervous system to cause gait disturbances. Additional studies have mentioned that gait disorders in the elderly could potentially lead to various issues that affect a person’s quality of life. When approaching gait disturbances, many doctors will examine to see the causes of these gait disturbances that correlate with the musculoskeletal system. It could be:

  • Orthopedic problems
  • Neurological conditions
  • Musculoskeletal disturbances
  • Metabolic disturbances

Many of these issues can cause the lower half of the body to shift the skeletal joints, leading to tight, stiff muscles and developing tiny hard nodules in the muscle fibers that can further affect gait performance.


How Do Trigger Points Affect Gait Performances


So how can these tiny hard nodules affect gait performance in the body? These small hard nodules are trigger points and often correlate with overlapping risk profiles associated with musculoskeletal disorders. “Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques,” written by Leon Chaitow, N.D., D.O, and Judith Walker DeLany, L.M.T., mentioned that various additional causes and maintaining factors may be associated with dysfunctional patterns that correlate with trigger point involvement. The book also says that different influences affecting the muscles can increase trigger point activity while inducing influences from acute or chronic soft tissue dysfunction. Research studies reveal that myofascial pain syndrome is a collection of sensory, motor, and autonomic symptoms that correlate with musculoskeletal symptoms like local/referred pain, decreased range of motion, and muscle weakness. When trigger points are causing problems in the muscle fibers, it can affect a person’s gait performance and cause them to lose function when walking.


Balance Issues Associated With Myofascial Trigger Points-Video

Have you been dealing with balancing issues when walking? Do your muscles feel tight in certain areas? Or do constant headaches or neck pain affect your day? The video above explains what can cause balancing issues that affect gait performance and cause numerous symptoms like headaches and neck pain. Many balance issues are associated with myofascial trigger points affecting your gait performance. Myofascial trigger points can overlap risk profiles that can affect the muscle fibers in the body. Many correlating factors can affect a person’s gait performance, leading to musculoskeletal disorders related to trigger points. When musculoskeletal disorders are correlated with myofascial trigger points, it can decrease a person’s health and wellness if not treated early on. Fortunately, some treatments incorporate techniques to reduce muscle and joint pain while alleviating symptoms associated with myofascial trigger points.

How The MET Technques Helps With Gait Performance & Trigger Points

When a person is dealing with imbalances affecting their gait performance and having overlapping risk profiles associated with trigger points, treatment techniques can help improve their gait while reducing pain-like symptoms. Many pain specialists will use the MET technique (muscle energy technique) to help stretch affected muscles that are stiff and help regain mobility back to the body. Therapies like chiropractic care utilize this technique combined with spinal manipulation to help realign the body while loosening up stiff muscles affecting gait performance. When a person continues treatment care to regain mobility, it allows them to be aware of how they walk and carry themselves without pain.



How a person walks is how their balance and stability function in different environments. A person’s gait performance has to maintain the functionality that allows the various muscles, ligaments, and tissues in the musculoskeletal system to move. When environmental factors or musculoskeletal disorders affect the different muscles, it can cause overlapping issues that affect gait performance. To that point, it leads to stiffness and pain associated with trigger points. Luckily techniques like the MET combined with chiropractic care can help realign the body and loosen up stiff muscles and joints to regain mobility back to the body and help improve overall gait performance.



Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2002.

Jafri, M Saleet. “Mechanisms of Myofascial Pain.” International Scholarly Research Notices, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014,

Marshall, Frederick J. “Approach to the Elderly Patient with Gait Disturbance.” Neurology. Clinical Practice, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2012,

Pirker, Walter, and Regina Katzenschlager. “Gait Disorders in Adults and the Elderly : A Clinical Guide.” Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2017,


How The MET Technique Is Used For Gait Analysis

How The MET Technique Is Used For Gait Analysis


Many people don’t often realize that stability and balance are two of the most reliable abilities to keep the body from falling, and it is often taken for granted from the earlier stages, where infants and toddlers are learning to stand upright, to adulthood where we are walking, running or performing any physical activities. Our bodies are complex machines comprised of upper and lower portions that provide balance and stability. The lower half of our bodies helps stabilize and balance the upper half weight and allows us to move around. This is known as gait. However, when the body begins to age naturally or chronic issues begin to affect the muscles and cause an imbalance in the lower half, it can lead to many disorders associated with these imbalances. Today’s articles examine what gait is, how gait disturbances are associated with the body, and how the MET technique improves gait. We provide information about our patients to certified medical providers that offer available therapy techniques like MET (muscle energy techniques) for individuals dealing with chronic conditions associated with gait disturbances that could affect a person’s ability to walk. We encourage each patient appropriately by referring them to our associated medical providers based on their diagnosis results. We accept that education is a spectacular way when asking our providers the most crucial questions at the patient’s acknowledgment. Dr. Alex Jimenez, D.C., assesses this information as an educational service. Disclaimer


What Is Gait?


Have you been dealing with issues when walking for a short or long distance? Do your feet or ankles seem to feel tired or ache when stepping? Or have you been dealing with mobility issues in your hips? Many of these issues are associated with gait and can cause balance disturbances in the body. So what is gait? In the book by Leon Chaitow, N.D, D.O., and Judith Walker DeLany, L.M.T, titled “Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques,” gait is defined as how you walk and how each lower body section contributes to how you walk. This includes:

  • Feet
  • Ankles 
  • Knees
  • Hips 
  • Spine

The book also mentions how a person progresses from one location to another using muscular action and gravity to make them walk. Two functional units are in a casual relationship contributing to gait: the passenger and locomotor units. The passenger unit consists of the upper extremities, like the head, neck, arms, trunk, and pelvis, to be the center of gravity when moving forward. At the same time, the locomotor unit comprises the pelvis and lower extremities, like the legs, knees, feet, and ankles, to support the weight of the upper extremities and perform structural stability and mobility to make the body move forward.


Gait Disturbances Associated With The Body

So what happens when traumatic factors or natural aging begins to affect the body and causes gait disturbances. Research studies reveal that since gait depends on the interplay of the nervous, musculoskeletal, and cardiorespiratory system which can be influenced by age and other factors that can lead to issues in the lower extremities causing falls and injuries. Many factors can lead to gait disturbances that can affect how a person walks and how it can affect the joints and muscles, which can lead to pain-like symptoms. Additional studies mentioned that gait disorder affects elderly adults, increasing their fall risk and leading to mobility issues in their hips. Muscle shortening and joint health are other issues that can cause gait disturbances in the lower extremities. When the muscles in the lower extremities are tight and weak, it can cause them to be short and be accompanied by joint dysfunction. The health of the joints in the lower extremities depends on the balancing strength of the opposing flexor muscles. When the flexor muscles lose part or all of their function, it can cause the joint to be hyperextended. To that point, it causes abnormal joint stress, corresponding to lower back pain associated with gait disorders affecting a person’s ability to walk and keep their body balanced.


An Overview Of Gait Analysis-Video

Have you been dealing with mobility issues in your joints? Do you find yourself becoming unstable every time you walk? Or do your leg muscles feel tight? If you have been dealing with these issues, it could be due to a gait problem. Many people have different ways of walking; if there are issues, they can be pointed out in an examination. When there is an issue with gait, it can indicate pain and other revealing problems that can affect the entire body. The video above explains the gait cycle and gait analysis of a person’s walk. Gait analysis is often used in a normal examination to evaluate how a person walks, their body mechanics, and muscle activity to provide insight into the issue. A person’s gait can offer many important clues that doctors and pain specialists can see and identify the problem by developing a treatment plan to improve a person’s gait and reduce pain-like symptoms.

How The MET Technique Improves Gait

So many treatment plans can effectively improve balance and gait disorders in the body. Many pain specialists like chiropractors use manual spinal manipulation to re-align the spine to loosen stiff joints that may have contributed to imbalances in the lower extremities. MET (muscle energy technique) and physical therapy can help stretch the tight muscles and strengthen the muscle groups affected. MET and other approaches to improve gait allow many individuals to regain their stamina and adopt new strategies for their posture and movement. These therapy treatments will enable a person to feel more confident and more aware of how they walk while providing muscle strength to the affected muscles to prevent fatigue and decrease the chances of injuries in the future, as studies reveal.



Walking is determined by a person’s gait and how they move in different scenarios. Our bodies are comprised of upper and lower portions that correspond with gait and allow us stability and balance when we are in motion. When various issues like traumatic factors or just normal aging affect the body, the joints and muscles can cause problems with a person’s gait, leading to balance issues and fall injuries. Incorporating treatment plans to improve gait can help prevent future chances of injuries and help stretch and strengthen the affected muscles while loosening up stiff joints. This allows a person to regain their balance and improve stability in their bodies.



Baker, Jessica M. “Gait Disorders.” The American Journal of Medicine, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 27 Dec. 2017,

Chaitow, Leon, and Judith Walker DeLany. Clinical Applications of Neuromuscular Techniques. Churchill Livingstone, 2003.

Pirker, Walter, and Regina Katzenschlager. “Gait Disorders in Adults and the Elderly : A Clinical Guide.” Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2017,

Van Abbema, Renske, et al. “What Type, or Combination of Exercise Can Improve Preferred Gait Speed in Older Adults? A Meta-Analysis.” BMC Geriatrics, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 July 2015,


Increase Hip Flexion and Improve Hip Strength

Increase Hip Flexion and Improve Hip Strength

The iliopsoas muscle is a primary hip flexor that assists in the femur’s external rotation and maintains the hip joint’s strength and integrity. It also helps to stabilize the lumbar spine and pelvis. Athletes often overuse these muscles with all the sprinting, jumping, kicking, and changing directions when running, causing strains and/or tears. Repetitive hip flexion can result in chronic degenerative tendon changes. Chiropractic care and physical therapy can assist in the early phases of healing, safely transitioning to rehabilitation, and returning to physical activities.

Increase Hip Flexion and Improve Hip Strength

Iliopsoas Muscle

The hip flexors are the group of muscles, including the iliac and psoas major muscles/iliopsoas and the rectus femoris/quadriceps. One of the largest and thickest muscles in the body, the psoas, extends from the lumbar vertebrae, crosses in front of each hip, and attaches to the inside top of the thigh bone. The muscle works by flexing the hip joint and lifting the upper leg towards the body. These fibers can tear if tension is more than the muscle can bear. An iliopsoas strain occurs when one or more of these hip flexor muscles become overly stretched or begin to tear.


The injury can occur from sports or everyday physical activities. This leads to inflammation, pain, and scar tissue formation. An iliopsoas injury is commonly caused by sudden movements, including sprinting, kicking, and changing direction fast while running. Individuals participating in any sports, especially cycling, running, dance, tennis, martial arts, and soccer, are more likely to experience this injury. Other contributing factors include:

  • Muscle tightness
  • Joint stiffness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Inadequate core stability
  • Not warming up correctly
  • Improper biomechanics
  • Decreased fitness and conditioning

Individuals will feel a sudden stinging pain or pulling sensation, usually on the front of the hip, groin, or abdominal area. Other symptoms include:

  • Stiffness after resting.
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Bruising around the area.
  • Anterior hip pain and/or burning sensation.
  • Groin discomfort sensations.
  • Hip snapping or a catching sensation.
  • Discomfort when flexing the leg.
  • Walking problems and discomfort.
  • Lower stomach and/or back symptoms.

Healing and recovery depend on the severity of the injury. A minor iliopsoas muscle injury can take around three weeks to recover fully. More serious strains and tears take six to eight weeks before returning to activity, as the tissue needs time to repair before starting rehabilitation.

Chiropractic Rehabilitation and Recovery

The first steps when dealing with this injury should be P.R.I.C.E. protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It is important to rest and seek treatment immediately; if left untreated, the condition could worsen, lead to a chronic condition, and require surgery. A chiropractic treatment and rehabilitation plan will consist of the following:

  • Soft tissue massage
  • Joint mobilization
  • A chiropractor may recommend crutches to keep the weight off the hip.
  • A brace can help compress and stabilize the hip flexor to expedite healing.
  • A flexibility and strengthening program will be implemented to target the muscles around the hip.
  • Core strengthening exercises will improve the stability of the pelvis area to prevent any further overuse problems.
  • Wearing compression clothing could also be recommended, as the clothing helps maintain muscle temperature.

Labral Tear


Dydyk AM, Sapra A. Psoas Syndrome. [Updated 2022 Oct 24]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (F.L.): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Lifshitz, Liran BPt, MSc, PT; Bar Sela, Shlomo BPt MPE; Gal, Noga BPt, MSc; Martin, RobRoy PhD, PT; Fleitman Klar, Michal BPt. Iliopsoas the Hidden Muscle: Anatomy, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Current Sports Medicine Reports 19(6):p 235-243, June 2020. | DOI: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000723

Rauseo, Carla. “THE REHABILITATION OF A RUNNER WITH ILIOPSOAS TENDINOPATHY USING AN ECCENTRIC-BIASED EXERCISE-A CASE REPORT.” International journal of sports physical therapy vol. 12,7 (2017): 1150-1162. doi:10.26603/ijspt20171150

Rubio, Manolo, et al. “Spontaneous Iliopsoas Tendon Tear: A Rare Cause of Hip Pain in the Elderly.” Geriatric orthopedic surgery & rehabilitation vol. 7,1 (2016): 30-2. doi:10.1177/2151458515627309

Different Stretches To Improve Hip Mobility

Different Stretches To Improve Hip Mobility


The hips in the lower portions of the body allow the legs to move the host from one location to another and provide stability to support the upper body’s weight. The hips will enable the torso to twist and turn without feeling pain. This is due to the various muscles and ligaments surrounding the pelvic bone and hip joint socket that allow the motion to be possible. However, when various injuries or factors start to affect the multiple muscles surrounding the pelvis or there is a chronic condition like osteoarthritis that causes wear and tear on the hip joints can cause underlying symptoms associated with the hips and cause many individuals to have difficulty when moving around. Luckily there are ways to improve hip mobility and the surrounding muscles in the hip and pelvic region of the body. Today’s article looks at the causes of the development of tight hips in the body and how different stretches can release tight hip flexor muscles. We refer our patients to certified providers that incorporate techniques and multiple therapies for many individuals suffering from hip pain and its correlating symptoms that can affect the musculoskeletal system in the hips, legs, and lumbar region of the spine. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a fantastic way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer

What Causes The Body To Develop Tight Hips?


Have you been dealing with hip mobility issues? When you sit, do you feel uncomfortable, and your hip muscles become tight? Or do you have a decreased range of motion when moving your hips? It could correlate with your hips if you have been experiencing muscle pain issues in the lower extremities. The hips help stabilize the upper and lower portions of the body while providing the full leg’s range of motion. When a person begins to sit for long periods or twist their body in a weird position, it can cause the muscles that surround the hips to become shortened. Other issues, like chronic conditions, can play a role in developing tight hip flexors. Studies reveal that various pathologies affecting the hips, lumbar spine, and lower extremities could strongly correlate with restricted hip mobility that can cause harmful effects that can affect the hips. To that point, some of the symptoms associated with tight hip flexors include:

  • Instability
  • Hypermobility
  • Limited range of motion
  • Reduce muscle strength in the groin
  • Muscle cramps
  • Sharp, sudden pain in the hips, pelvis, or groin
  • Low back pain
  • Piriformis syndrome

Other research studies mentioned that hypermobility disorders could affect the hip joints. Hypermobility disorders like EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) could cause micro or macro-trauma on the hip joint and affect the ligaments surrounding the hip joint. To that point, it can cause the hip flexor muscles to become tense and potentially affect how a person moves, which then causes soft tissue injuries and chronic pain.

Hip Flexor Stretches-Video

Do you feel tight along your hips? Do you see yourself hobbling around when walking? Or do you feel aches or strains when stretching? Many of these issues correlate with tight hip flexors that could result from hip pain in the lower extremities. When a person has tight hip flexors, it could be due to them constantly sitting down, causing the hip muscles to be shortened, or chronic conditions that can affect the hip joint and muscles. However, there are various ways to prevent tight hip flexors and regain mobility back to the hips. Studies reveal that stretching combined with core stabilization can help improve the hip’s range of motion while ensuring core endurance exercises can help strengthen the surrounding muscles in the hip area. The video above shows stretches targeting the hip flexor muscles and helps improve hip mobility.

Different Stretches To Release Tight Hip Flexors

Studies have shown that the hip flexor muscles are the main contributors to lumbar spine stability when releasing tight hip flexor muscles. So when there are tight hip flexors, it can cause overlapping risk profiles to the lumbar spine, which leads to pain and impairment in performance. The best way to reduce the pain-like symptoms associated with tight hip flexors is by stretching the lower half of the body to reduce muscle strain and tightness in the hip flexors. Additional studies have found that stretching combined with exercises targeting the low back can reduce the pain caused in the low back and help improve stability and strengthen the surrounding muscles located in the hips. Now it is important to remember that stretching for at least 5-10 minutes before and after working out allows the muscles to warm up and improve flexibility. Below are some different stretches that can release tight hip flexors.


High Crescent Lunge


  • While standing on the mat, take a step forward to allow your right foot to be in a staggard stance *Think in a lunge position.
  • Bend the front knee gently while keeping the back leg straight, as this allows the heel in the back leg to be lifted off the mat; the bent front knee enables the thigh to be parallel to the floor, and the right foot is pressed flat on the mat.
  • Square up the hips, so they face toward the mat’s front.
  • Extend the arm up towards the ceiling to stretch upwards while pressing into the mat to feel the hips stretch
  • Hold for five breaths before slowly rising out of the lunge position and repeating on the other side. 

This stretch helps release tension in the hip flexors and quads while warming up the muscles and increasing blood flow to the legs.


Knee-To Chest Stretch


  • Lie on the mat with both legs extended out and feet flexed.
  • Pull on the left knee to the chest while keeping the right leg straight, and the lumbar portion of the back is pressed into the mat.
  • Hold the position while taking deep breaths for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
  • Release slowly and repeat on the right leg *You can lift both knees to your chest and rock slowly from side to side to relieve low back tension as an alternative.

This stretch is extremely helpful for tight hamstrings and allows the tense muscles on the hips and lower back to relax while increasing blood flow back to the muscles.


Piriformis Stretch


  • On the mat, sit with both legs extended out.
  • Cross the right leg over the left and place the other flat on the floor while the left foot is flexed
  • Place the right hand behind the body while the left elbow is on the right knee.
  • On inhale, press the right leg to the left while allowing the torso to twist on the right.
  • Take five breaths for a deeper stretch and switch sides to repeat the action with the left hand *If you have low back pain issues, the modified version allows you to use your left hand to pull the right quad in and out to the left and vice versa.

This stretch helps loosen tight muscles in the lower back, hips, and glutes. If you have sciatic nerve pain associated with piriformis syndrome, this stretch helps release muscle tension from the piriformis muscle aggravating the sciatic nerve.

Happy Baby Pose


  • Lie on the mat with both knees bent and feet on the ground.
  • On inhale, lift the feet off the ground and grab the outer sections of the feet with your hands.
  • Then gently pull the feet towards the chest and allow the knees to lower to the ground, on either side of the body, while keeping the back flat on exhale.
  • Hold the position for at least five breaths.

This stretch helps with the inner thigh muscles or hip adductors and helps them become loose and mobile without feeling any strain or tension.


Bridge Pose


  • On the mat, lie on your back and sides, and extend your arms while your feet are flat on the floor with your knees bent.
  • Press with your heels to lift the hips and allow the feet to walk a few steps toward the body. *Keep the feet and knees hip-width apart.
  • Clasp hands together underneath the body and press them into the mat
  • Hold the position for five breaths.

This stretch helps take the pressure off the hip muscles while strengthening the glutes and abdominal muscles.



When it comes to releasing tight hip flexors after sitting for a long time or having hip issues affecting your low back or pelvis, Doing different stretches that target the hips can reduce the pain and release tight muscles associated with other conditions that can affect the body. The hips are important to take care of since they provide mobility and stability to the upper and lower portions of the body. They support the upper body’s weight while providing a huge range of motion to the legs. Incorporating these different stretches can reduce the pain that they have been under and help warm up the other muscles that surround the lower extremities.



Lee, Sang Wk, and Suhn Yeop Kim. “Effects of Hip Exercises for Chronic Low-Back Pain Patients with Lumbar Instability.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Feb. 2015,

Moreside, Janice M, and Stuart M McGill. “Hip Joint Range of Motion Improvements Using Three Different Interventions.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2012,

Reiman, Michael P, and J W Matheson. “Restricted Hip Mobility: Clinical Suggestions for Self-Mobilization and Muscle Re-Education.” International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2013,

Reiman, Michael P, and J W Matheson. “Restricted Hip Mobility: Clinical Suggestions for Self-Mobilization and Muscle Re-Education.” International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2013,


Plantar Fasciitis & Trigger Points On The Feet

Plantar Fasciitis & Trigger Points On The Feet


Everyone worldwide knows that feet are important. The feet allow many individuals to run, walk, or jog for long periods without feeling pain for a moderate amount of time. To that point, the various muscles and tendons surrounding the foot provide full body flexion, extension, and stability. Even though it is very easy to get in the recommended amount of steps into being healthy, around 75% of individuals will have foot pain that can impact their ability to walk. One of the most common foot pains is plantar fasciitis, which can become a painful foot condition if it is not treated as soon as possible. Today’s article looks at plantar fasciitis, its symptoms, how trigger points correlate, and treatments for it. We refer patients to certified providers incorporating techniques and therapies for individuals dealing with plantar fasciitis. By locating where the trigger points are coming from, many pain specialists can develop a treatment plan to reduce the effects that plantar fasciitis is causing on the feet. We encourage and appreciate each patient by referring them to associated medical providers based on their diagnosis when it is appropriate. We understand that education is a terrific way when asking our providers intricated questions at the patient’s request and understanding. Dr. Jimenez, D.C., only utilizes this information as an educational service. Disclaimer

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?


Have you been dealing with constant heel pain? Do you feel pain shooting up your leg when you step or walk? Or do you feel a stabbing ache in your heel? Many of these pain issue people are dealing with correlate with plantar fasciitis. Studies reveal that plantar fasciitis results from degenerative irritation on the plantar fascia and its ligaments. This causes the muscle ligaments to become inflamed, swollen, and weak, which then causes the bottom of the foot or heel to hurt when a person is walking or standing. To that point, when there is a repetitive strain on the feet, it causes microtears in the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia in the foot plays an important role as it comprises three segments that support the medial arch and shock absorption when stepping down. As one of the most common causes of heel pain, the residual pain from plantar fasciitis tends to be a sharp, stabbing sensation. Plantar fasciitis is more prominent in middle-aged people. Still, anyone at any age can develop plantar fasciitis, especially if they have labor jobs requiring them to be constantly on their feet.


Symptoms Of Plantar Fasciitis

Since around 2 million Americans could potentially develop plantar fasciitis, it is important to know that when a person has been on their feet constantly, there will be inflammation along the tissues in the feet. Many individuals with a busy lifestyle that requires them to be on their feet frequently would often ignore the pain or discomfort. Some of the symptoms that plantar fasciitis causes include the following:

  • Pain on the bottom of the heel
  • Pain in the arch 
  • Pain that is usually worse when waking up
  • Pain that increases over months
  • Swelling on the bottom of the heel

However, when the pain becomes overbearing, many people would often think they have sore feet or low back pain from being overly tired from work, under constant stress, or over-exerting their bodies. When this happens, many would think the pain would go away in a few days after resting for a short period.


Trigger Points Associated With Plantar Fasciitis


Now many individuals would often think that plantar fasciitis just only affects the heels, however, it can affect any part of the structure of the foot since all the surrounding muscle tissues are at risk of inflammation. When people start to ignore the pain and discomfort that plantar fasciitis is causing on the feet, it can overlap and develop trigger points in other areas of the body:

  • Ankles
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Lower back

Studies reveal that trigger points or myofascial pain syndrome are hard, discrete, small nodules that are along the taut musculoskeletal band that causes numerous issues like inflammation, hypersensitivity, and pain to the affected muscle groups in the body. According to “Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction” written by Dr. Travell, M.D., it mentions that when the deep intrinsic muscles that work with the plantar fascia are affected by trigger points, would cause symptoms of numbness and the feeling of swelling in the foot. This causes many people to have limited mobility and have intense pain when walking, which can negatively impact their lifestyle.


An Overview Of Plantar Fasciitis- Video

Have you been dealing with aching feet? Do you feel a sharp, radiating pain in your feet? Or do you have difficulty walking? Many often think they are dealing with sore feet or other issues causing them pain. Around 75% of Americans often have foot pain affecting their ability to walk, and one of them is plantar fasciitis. The video above explains plantar fasciitis and how it can affect the feet. When the plantar fascia tendons become overused, it causes micro-tears in the muscle ligaments. When added compressive force starts to push against the heel boner, it can lead to a pathological state whereby the plantar fascia degenerates and creates dysfunction and pain. When this happens, it can lead to other conditions like trigger point pain along the muscle fibers in the foot. The pain and tenderness caused by trigger points in the plantar muscles may mask as plantar fasciitis. To that point, when plantar fasciitis becomes an issue and causes the individual to be in immense pain, it can become problematic. As luck would have it, treatments are available to reduce the pain from plantar fasciitis.

Treatments For Plantar Fasciitis


When treating plantar fasciitis, many available treatments can reduce the inflammatory effects in the heel and prevent trigger points from coming back. One of the available treatments is chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment option to prevent, diagnose, and treat numerous injuries and conditions associated with the spine, primarily subluxations or spinal misalignments. Chiropractic focuses on restoring and maintaining the overall health and wellness of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems through spinal manipulation and adjustments. A chiropractor can carefully re-align the spine, improving a patient’s strength, mobility, and flexibility. Regarding plantar fasciitis, chiropractic care can work with other treatments, including physical therapy, massage, and even injections, to manage the pain and treat the condition. Even though plantar fasciitis takes several months to heal, chiropractic care can involve a precise technique that involves adjustments to the feet, ankles, and spinal alignment. This provides several benefits, which include the following:

  • Reduces Stress in the Plantar Fascia 
  • Promotes Healing 
  • Provides Effective Pain Management 
  • Reduces the Risk of Further Injury 



As many individuals worldwide are on their feet constantly, foot pain can hinder one’s ability to move. One of the most common foot pain is plantar fasciitis which can correlate with trigger points along the various muscles of the foot. Plantar fasciitis results from degenerative irritation on the plantar fascia and its ligaments, which causes sharp, stabbing pain on the heel. When this happens, it can cause the heel to be inflamed, swollen, and weak. To that point, it causes instability and pain when walking. However, plantar fasciitis can be treated when it is caught early through various treatments like chiropractic care. Chiropractic care can reduce the stress in the plantar fascia and help reduce the risk of further injuries. Combined with other therapies, many people can function normally and regain their walking ability without pain.



Buchanan, Benjamin K, and Donald Kushner. “Plantar Fasciitis – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.” In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL), StatPearls Publishing, 30 May 2022,

Petrofsky, Jerrold, et al. “Local Heating of Trigger Points Reduces Neck and Plantar Fascia Pain.” Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2020,

Shah, Jay P, et al. “Myofascial Trigger Points Then and Now: A Historical and Scientific Perspective.” PM & R : the Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation, U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2015,

Travell, J. G., et al. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual: Vol. 2:the Lower Extremities. Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
