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The Growing Practice of Functional Medicine | Functional Chiropractor

The Growing Practice of Functional Medicine | Functional Chiropractor

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, obesity, and even allergies have increased to be several of the top ten causes of death as of 2010. Heart disease and cancer accounted for 48 percent of all deaths. Modern medicine may handle illness effective, but it has failed to stem the tide of chronic illness.


How does modern medicine handle chronic illness?


In addition, studies imply that two-thirds of patients feel disrespected by their doctors, where 44 percent believe doctors do not spend sufficient time with them and a quarter believe doctors don’t answer questions and don’t adequately involve them in treatment choices, and use medical terms with no proper explanation.


Numerous health programs have gained prominence in the West as options to what’s called mainstream or biomedicine. Naturopathy, Massage Therapy, Ayurveda, Chiropractic, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and Reiki have arisen as alternative healing methods. The latest National Health Interview Survey estimates are currently spending $34 billion annually and that up to 40 percent of Americans have tried one or more of these alternatives.


Saved From Within with Functional Medicine


Change is also happening within the health care profession itself. Functional Medicine (FM) is a relatively new approach that’s grown from within mainstream medicine and challenges its reductionism and method of care. FM is not an alternate. Rather, it is a reform movement that is calling for a paradigm shift toward a holistic model of illness prevention and treatment based on the scientific area of systems biology. Systems biology holds that the sum is greater than its parts. Living organisms are complex, interactive and whole systems and not a conglomeration of parts. Systems biology gives an accurate and elegant understanding of who we are and how chronic disease needs to be treated and prevented. This position is embraced by functional medicine and its practitioners.


What is Functional Medicine?


The notion of functional medicine was made in 1990 by Dr. Jeffrey Bland, called the father of FM, to meet the growing challenge of chronic ailments with advances in modern medical science and systems biology. In 1991, he and his wife Susan created the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) to implement FM within the healthcare sector of society.


Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, not only its symptoms as mainstream medicine is more likely to do. FM is an application of systems biology that sees every person as an integration of mind, body and environment if you will. It treats the whole person and attempts to establish endurance and a dynamic balance within each individual. In this manner, it is holistic. A main goal of functional medicine is to promote each patient’s health and energy. An FM practitioner is a doctor with special training and looks at each patient’s:


  • Personal lifestyle
  • Unique biochemistry
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Environmental factors and toxicities


From the FM version, a disease may have multiple causes that include: indoor and sedentary lifestyle, chronic anxiety, genetics, poverty and lack of medical insurance, aging, significant families and community dysfunction, environmental toxicities, and nutrient deficiencies.



Regina Druz, MD, a practicing integrative cardiologist and FM practitioner in Mineola, NY, clarifies FM in quite pragmatic terms: “FM is root cause medication. It relates disease symptoms and ailments to biochemical and genetic processes that govern states of health and disease.”


Public Health Concerns


Since disease prevention is a top priority for FM, attempts are made to associate with individuals and communities to advocate for social change. As Dr. Druz explains: “Public health plays a very prominent part in the Functional Medicine domain as it concentrates on prevention and early intervention of chronic ailments.”


The systems strategy highlights the social origins of disorder and needs moving beyond a purely in-the-clinic version and advocates for changes in such things as food coverage (GMOs, industrial food production, etc.), poverty, and ecological degradation while supporting stable families. To be an effective medication for the 21st century “Prospective clinicians, if they are to be integrative healers, need to be outside where the folks are and to take part in environmental and social policy change.”


Functional Medicine Treatment Outline


Forging bonds with individual patients entails functional medicine practitioners spend much more time with patients than traditional doctors. It is typical to bring a patient history whilst in determining treatment choices involving the individual. The GOTOIT strategy is essential to accomplishing this. Jones and Quinn identify the GOTOIT procedure as a logical way of “eliciting the patent’s entire story and ensuring that treatment and assessment are in accord with this story.”


G = Gather Information

O = Organize Information

T = Tell the Complete Story Back to the Patient

O = Order and Prioritize

I = Initiate Treatment

T = Track Outcomes


The FM practitioner enters all of this information to a Functional Medication Matrix which allows for all pertinent information to be followed and changed as need be more than one time. This process necessitates interaction between patient and physician and can be extremely crucial when determining the proper treatment plan.


The Future of Functional Medicine


Many in the field of FM believe it’s the future of medicine. Regina Druz states, “Functional medicine is the way of the future. My prediction is that we’ll come to complete force within the next 5-10 decades.” She adds that FM will make it possible for the “prevention of chronic illness and cancer to begin in-utero and continue throughout one’s lifetime.” Druz considers that this is possible as epigenetics, genomics, toxicology and biochemistry contemplate new interventions and expand our abilities to comprehend the way the body/mind functions.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�Green-Call-Now-Button-24H-150x150-2.png


By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Chiropractic Care’s Role in Functional Medicine | Functional Chiropractor

Chiropractic Care’s Role in Functional Medicine | Functional Chiropractor

Most of us have heard the adage connected with physicians’ medical advice: “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.” Imagine a scenario in which, instead of offering a fast cure, the doctor sat down with you and inquired about the elements of your lifestyle. That’s what physicians who exercise functional medicine do. They are also medical doctors. What they have in common is that they take a holistic approach to your well-being.


What is Patient-Centered Healthcare?


The term “patient-centered healthcare” is becoming popular in the last decade. You might ask yourself, shouldn’t healthcare always center on the individual? This concept, which is an integral value in functional medicine, means physicians focus on the entire person rather than on a disease or disease. Rather than finding the way to eradicate symptoms, the functional medicine doctor searches for the origin of the individual’s problem. These doctors recognize each patient’s identity rather than taking a one-size-fits-all strategy.


Mind, Body and Spirit in Functional Medicine


Functional medicine physicians probe deeper than just finding out what is going on physically with their own patients. They can ask you about your spiritual and emotional health, and want to learn about your relationships with loved ones and partners. They aim to make the most of your overall health and wellness.


Cost Effective Disease Prevention


Preventing a disorder is significantly more cost effective than treating one. By minimizing damage done by poor nutrition, stress and exposure to environmental toxins and preserving your well-being, functional medicine doctors can save you money altogether. In all this, where does chiropractic fit in?


Chiropractic care is one aspect of comprehensive functional medicine, since it helps patients achieve optimum health. Furthermore, concepts of medication fit into chiropractors’ clinics, since they optimize their tools to treat patients.


Some chiropractors chiefly focus on conventional spinal adjustments and manipulations. However, others have included these elements to the chiropractic practice that they offer, in accordance with the fundamentals of medicine. These may include counseling and lifestyle interventions. This integrated approach is especially popular with complex but common disorders, such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Functional medicine chiropractors work together with other practitioners to maximize patients’ health. For instance, a chiropractor may refer a patient to an acupuncturist for additional help. The acupuncturist may send the chiropractor their patients. They work with each other, focusing on the patient’s best interests.


Things to Expect From a Functional Medicine Chiropractor


Patients are often surprised by how long a practical medicine chiropractor spends with them. Expect a much longer visit than you’d get from your typical MD. The staff will probably ask you to complete questionnaires about your diet history, exposure to symptoms, past illnesses and toxins. Your functional medicine doctor might order lab tests too.


The individual has an active role in functional medicine. You may work with your physician to boost your health, frequently by altering your diet and lifestyle, rather than passively taking medications to relieve existing symptoms.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Chiropractic Adjustments and Other Treatment Services | Eastside Chiropractor

Chiropractic Adjustments and Other Treatment Services | Eastside Chiropractor

A chiropractic adjustment, also commonly referred to as spinal manipulation, manual manipulation, or chiropractic manipulation, is a curative treatment frequently utilized for chronic pain, such as lower back pain.


What is a chiropractic adjustment?


A chiropractor applying manipulation into the vertebrae that fail to function or have abnormal movement patterns is referred to as a chiropractic adjustment. The goal of this chiropractic treatment is to decrease the subluxation, or misalignment, with the focus of increasing range of movement, reducing nerve wracking and improving function.


Chiropractic Adjustment Description


A chiropractic adjustment typically involves:


  • A high velocity, short lever arm thrust applied to a vertebra
  • An accompanying, perceptible discharge of gas (joint cavitation) that is brought on by the release of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, that releases joint pressure (cavitation).
  • An alleviating sensation the majority of the time, though minor distress has been reported (that generally lasts for a brief time period) if the surrounding muscles are in spasm or the patient tenses up during the adjustment.


It ought to be known that joint cavitation or cracking doesn’t happen at times, typically as a result of significant muscle splinting or the individual not being adequately relaxed during the chiropractic manipulation. At times such as this, it is sometimes best for your chiropractor to apply ice, have the patient break, or perform electrical stimulation and massage prior to trying the adjustment, to ensure the treatment modality is effective.


Chiropractic Adjustment Techniques


There are several different manipulative methods that can be utilized in chiropractic care, and there’s a specific ability level and “art” involved in high velocity, low amplitude modification or manipulation. It’s perhaps more important for the chiropractor to determine when to not apply the adjustment.


Chiropractic Adjustment Side Effects


The most frequent response to a chiropractic adjustment is soreness or aching in the spinal joints or muscles. If this soreness or aching happens, it does not last longer than 24 hours and is typically within the first few hours post-treatment. The symptoms are frequently reduced by application of an ice pack.


Other Chiropractic Services Beyond Adjustments


The focus on spinal adjustment is the thing that makes doctors of chiropractic unique in their approach to treating patients with spinal complaints. The adjustment, however, may not be the only procedure a chiropractor uses.. For example, chiropractic care has utilized drugless therapeutics (natural remedies) since as early as 1912.


Natural agents like heat, cold, water, massage, light, and exercise are a few of the physiological curative steps which are frequently utilized by chiropractors. When controlled, other and these components can aid a number of common lower back pain problems and exert a beneficial influence on body functions.


Common Alternatives of Chiropractic Care


Some physiological therapeutic measures Which Are often used in chiropractic care include:


Cold and Heat. Chiropractors may alternate between heat and ice therapy to help patients treat back pain. Ice packs can be used to numb the back to get a 10 to 15 minute period and then switched using hot water bottle, heat wrap or a heating pad promote faster recovery and to restore blood flow.


Exercise. Chiropractors can provide patients with directions for an exercise program focusing on strengthening and extending the back, to improve overall health and function alongside other treatments.


Massage. Chiropractors may massage the tissues to improve circulation, reduce inflammation and swelling associated with the pain, and encourage recovery.


Dietary management. Chiropractors will supply patients with tips on how an improved diet may help with their pain, and some could recommend dietary supplements after manipulation.


Ultrasound. With ultrasound, sound waves create heat treatment that is applied to the soft tissues and joints. Basically micro-massaging the delicate tissues and joints, ultrasound therapy doesn’t only help reduce back stiffness, pain, and migraines, but increase blood circulation and accelerate the healing process.


Diathermy. A form of shortwave therapy that passes the softer tissues and provides warmth to denser tissues, hastens the healing process by increasing circulation, decreases muscle spasms, and diathermy relaxes the muscles and connective tissues. In chiropractic therapy using diathermy, the treated area will feel pleasantly warm.


Hydrotherapy. Using water and changing its own temperature and pressure through saunas, whirlpools, baths or wraps, and hydrotherapy concentrates on the human body’s recovery response for back pain. In chiropractic, hydrotherapy may be used to reduce the sensitivity of pain through stimulation that soothes the pain and using hot stimuli to promote recovery and blood circulation.


Electrical muscle stimulation. During this chiropractic therapy, electrodes are placed on the skin which send mild pulses to different regions of the body with the purpose of curtailing muscle spasms, decreasing inflammation and relieving pain back.


Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulators (TENS). The most common form of electrical stimulation, TENS units contain electrodes that are placed using the power to control the intensity of stimulation. It is believed that TENS help prevent the transmission of pain signals and also discharge endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.


Traction. A chiropractic traction massage could include the patient lying face upward about the back, all of the while stretching and massaging the muscles in the back as a method of rollers maneuver. Chiropractors may use other traction devices that stretch the backbone, decompress the disks and reduce the strain on the nerve roots (a procedure called non-surgical spinal decompression).


Infrared radiation. In chiropractic, a camera may be utilized to image colors indicating the blood circulation in the back. From the body images, reddish shades would indicate IR radiation and blood circulation for instance. Radiation may be used by chiropractors to evaluate conditions which are causing pain back and to distinguish temperature fluctuations from abnormal differences.


Cold laser therapy. After penetrating the skin surface, with cold laser therapy, particles of energy are carried at a laser and absorbed by the photograph receptors of the cell membrane. Tissues and the cells then convert this light energy inducing a biological process that’s thought to decrease swelling, reduce back pain and inflammation, and enhance circulation.


Ergonomics. During the course of care, the chiropractor may recommend some modification like a work station change that is applied at home and/or on the job. The failure or success of obtaining satisfying that is patient outcome may be related to employing an alteration or a hobby-related bothersome activity.


Pelvic stabilization. When deficiency feet and/or subtalar instability are present, the nurse may place a little heel lift in the shoe on the short leg side or urge arch supports to help stabilize the pelvis.


Patient education. A chiropractor can advise a number of lifestyle modifications, including nutritional and diet programs, self-care and working strategies, to the individual experiencing back pain.


These methods may or may not be utilized by the therapist at the duration of a patient’s situation management depending upon their particular needs.


Chiropractic Manipulation and Therapies


Utilizing specific manipulations (chiropractic adjustments) together with one or a combination of the aforementioned, the physician’s aim is to get rid of structural or nervous system discomfort which could possibly be a major contributing element in a patient’s lower back pain, improving the patient’s overall well-being.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome

Ever felt pain in your hip, the center of the buttocks, or pain down the back of the leg, you’re likely suffering, at least partly, with piriformis syndrome. The piriformis is a muscle which runs from the sacrum (mid-line base of spine) into the outer hip bone (trochanter). This muscle works overtime on runners.

The muscles in and about the gluteal area help with three areas

� rotation of the hip and leg;
� balance while one foot is off the ground
� stability of the pelvic region.

Needless to say, every one of these attributes are highly needed by runners and everyone else.

Piriformis Injuries

RMI or repetitive motion injury occurs when a muscle has to perform beyond the level of its capability, not given time to recover and doing it again and again. The normal response from a muscle in this situation is to tighten, which is a defensive response of the muscle. This stimulation, however, manifests itself several ways.

First Symptom�indicating piriformis syndrome could be pain in and about the outer hip bone. The tightness of the muscle generates increased pressure between the bone and the tendon which produces pain and either discomfort or an increased tension in the joint which produces a bursitis. A bursitis is an inflammation of the fluid filled sac in a joint caused by tension and strain within that joint.

Second Symptom suggesting piriformis syndrome would be pain right at the middle of the buttocks. Although this is not as common as the other two symptoms, this pain can be brought on within the fatty part of the buttocks region with direct compression. A tight muscle becomes a sore muscle upon compression because of reduced blood flow to that muscle.

Third Symptom indicating piriformis syndrome would be a sciatic neuralgia, or pain from the buttocks down the back of the leg and at times into different parts of the lower leg.

The sciatic nerve runs directly through the belly of the piriformis muscle and in the event the piriformis muscle contracts from being overused, the sciatic nerve now becomes strangled, producing pain, numbness and tingling.


piriformis syndrome illustration of athlete runningAny muscle constantly used has to have an opportunity to recover. This recovery can be natural with time, or could be facilitated and sped up with treatment. Continuing use will make it even worse since the muscle is tightening due to overuse. This injured muscle needs to relax and have blood flow encouraged into it for a rapid recovery. The tightness� lessens the normal blood flow going to the muscle. To encourage new blood into the muscle is the way of getting the muscle to begin to unwind and operate normally. Massages daily to this area is greatly supported.

The next step in this “recovery” process is to use a tennis ball under the butt and hip area. Roll out from the side of engagement while sitting down on the ground and set a tennis ball inside the outer hip bone under the buttocks area. Note areas of pain and soreness, as you start to allow your weight onto the tennis ball. Trigger points will have a tendency to collect in a repetitively used muscle, and till these toxins are manually broken up and removed, the muscle will have an artificial well being concerning flexibility potential and recovery potential. Consequently, if it’s sore while your sitting on it, you’re doing a good job. Let the ball operate under every spot for 15-20 seconds before transferring it to a different place. After 4-5 minutes place cross legs with the ankle of the affected leg over the knee of the non-affected leg. Then place the tennis ball just inside the outer hip bone and work the tendon of the muscle. Although this pain requires some time to reduce and is excruciating, the advantages are enormous. Be patient and good things will happen.


Due to how the sciatic neuralgia and the hip bursitis or tendonitis are both inflammatory in character, ice therapy, or cryotherapy, within the involved region 15-20 minutes at a time will be beneficial. This should be performed multiple times each day.

Once the acute pain is gone then start with gentle stretching, like a cross-legged stretch while pulling up on the knee. The muscle should have improved flexibility.

Finally the use of pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories are not encouraged. One the intestines are greatly aggravated by them, but they also suggest an artificial wellbeing that can lead to larger problems. Proteolytic enzymes, such as bromelain, extremely beneficial without any side effects and are organic.

Piriformis Syndrome & China-Gel

Chiropractic Treatment Plan for Chronic Pain | Eastside Chiropractor

Chiropractic Treatment Plan for Chronic Pain | Eastside Chiropractor

Chiropractic is a healthcare profession devoted to the nonsurgical treatment of ailments of the nervous system and/or musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors keep a focus on therapy and manipulation of surrounding structures.


What can chiropractic care treat?


Many studies have concluded that massage therapies widely used by chiropractors are effective for treating lower back pain, in addition to for therapy of lumbar herniated disk for radiculopathy and neck pain, among other ailments.


In fact, when patients using non-specific chronic low back pain have been treated by physicians, the long-term result is enhanced by obtaining maintenance spinal manipulation following the initial intensive manipulative treatment.


Core Chiropractic Treatment Plan


The center of chiropractic usually involves treatment of common lower back pain conditions through manual therapy:


  • Spinal manipulation and manual manipulation. This type of manual manipulation identifies a short lever arm push that is applied to vertebra. It is also commonly called “chiropractic adjustment”.
    There is firm literature support for chiropractic treatment of lower back pain. Many of the guidelines that are published urge manipulation to be contained in the therapy strategy in the maintenance of back pain.
  • Mobilization. Mobilization describes velocity manipulation, motion and stretching of the muscles and joints, with the goal of increasing the assortment of movement.


What Does a Chiropractic Treatment Plan Consist Of?


Most chiropractors start treatment throughout the patient’s first visit, although some might wait until the next appointment of the practice. Chiropractic therapy goals and recommendations can include some or all of the following:


  • Adjustments to key joint dysfunctions
  • Modalities to enhance soft tissue healing and pain management, such as ultrasound, electric stimulation, and grip
  • Strengthening and/or stretching exercises to improve muscle balance, strength, and coordination
  • Patient instruction to improve posture and motor controller, as well as potentially reduce anxiety
  • Other treatments like massage, heat/cold application, and education on ergonomics and nourishment.


Goals of Chiropractic Care


The chiropractor will establish Certain goals for a patient’s individual plan for therapy:


  • Short-term goals typically include reducing pain and restoring normal joint function and muscle balance
  • Long-term targets include assigning functional independence and tolerance to normal activities of daily living.
    To accomplish these goals, a particular number of chiropractic visits will be recommended.


For most kinds of lower back pain, a treatment recommendation of 1 to 3 chiropractic visits per week for 2 to 4 weeks will be prescribed, followed closely by a re-examination from the chiropractor.


Chiropractic Evaluation of the Treatment


In the re-evaluation, the chiropractic physician will Assess the response to treatment and decide whether to:


  • Continue chiropractic treatment, if appropriate
  • Release the Individual from chiropractic care, if treatment goals have been met
  • Refer the patient to another health care specialist if treatment goals have not been fulfilled.
  • Chiropractic adjustment (also referred to as spinal manipulation) is a popular and recognized pain relief therapy for many types of lower back pain, sciatica, and neck pain. Knowing what to anticipate from the first visit might help an individual get the maximal benefit from treatment.


Since this profession has an unusually large selection of practice philosophies and chiropractic methods, people should feel comfortable asking all of the questions necessary to comprehend the chiropractic examination, diagnosis, and therapy plan.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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The Significance of Functional Medicine for Well-Being | Functional Chiropractor

The Significance of Functional Medicine for Well-Being | Functional Chiropractor

Functional medicine is a personalized, systems-oriented model that enables patients and practitioners to reach the highest expression of well-being by working together to address the underlying causes of disease.


However, how does functional medicine address underlying disease?


Functional medicine addresses these underlying causes of disease using a systems-oriented strategy that engages both patient and practitioner in a healing partnership.


As a matter of fact, it is a development in the practice of medicine that addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. Functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated group of symptoms by shifting medical practice’s traditional focus to some more patient-centered approach.


Functional medicine practitioners spend time adhering to their histories and taking a look at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can affect chronic disease and well-being. Functional medicine supports health and vitality’s special expression for each person.


What is the Significance of Functional Medicine?


Our society is currently undergoing a sharp increase in the amount of people who suffer from complex, chronic diseases, like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, mental disease, and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.


The system of medicine practiced by the majority of doctors is oriented toward acute care, the diagnosis and treatment for injury or illness that’s of short duration and needing urgent care, like a broken leg or a heart attack. Physicians apply specific remedies such as surgery or drugs that aim to treat the symptom or the problem. Unfortunately, the approach to medicine is ill equipped to deal with complex disease.


Typically, the model does not take into consideration the distinctive genetic makeup of every individual and doesn’t allow time for exploring the aspects of the lifestyle that have an immediate influence on the development in chronic illness in modern Western society; crucial environmental factors such as stress, diet, and exposure to toxins. Because of this, most doctors are not adequately trained to estimate the causes of complex, chronic illness, nor to employ strategies like nutrition, diet, and exercise to cure and prevent these disorders. The old addage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” really sums up a much better approach.


Functional Medicine IS that distinct approach, with methodology and tools that are specifically designed to treat and prevent chronic ailments. It incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and understanding of lifestyle and environmental factors influence the emergence and development of disease. It empowers patients to take an active part in their health and enables doctors and other caregivers to practice proactive, predictive medication.


How Functional Medicine Can Treat Chronic Disease


Since the prevalence of chronic conditions continues to grow, the percentage of Americans with mental health conditions has now followed. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions often occur in tandem with physical ones. In fact, compared to patients with no mental health diagnosis, patients with mental illness may be more likely to visit the clinician’s office complaining about minor illnesses. Furthermore, patients with mental illness that visit the Emergency Room are not as likely to receive adequate screening or therapy for diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, and other conditions.


Nutritional and fitness changes associated with functional medicine treatment can simultaneously address both bodily concerns and psychological health difficulties. For instance, nourishment is known to affect melancholy; both its severity and duration can be modified by dietary influences. A connection between GI microbiota, that in turn are heavily influenced by diet, and mental health was demonstrated for stress, metabolic syndrome, and mood disorders, and stress management, amongst others.


Additionally, studies have linked poor nutrition to greater incidence of mental illness in adolescents and preschoolers, while a better diet was correlated with greater mental health in children and teens. In that vein, psychiatrists are also increasingly recognizing the primacy of nutrition, as well as fitness and sleep, in treating mental illness.


Giving patients effective tools to adopt new dietary habits and improve their nutrition, along with a well planned fitness program, can improve outcomes for both physical and mental disorders. Lifestyle changes can seem challenging to many patients, especially those with mental health difficulties, however functional medicine practitioners can help you implement strategies that are practical with these patients that will lead to results and compliance.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .�

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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Chiropractic Manipulation for Cervical Spine Issues | Eastside Chiropractor

Chiropractic Manipulation for Cervical Spine Issues | Eastside Chiropractor

The manipulation of the cervical spine or neck is a common technique utilized by doctors of chiropractic for individuals complaining of upper back, neck, and shoulder/arm pain, in addition to headaches.


What is the benefit of cervical spinal manipulation?


Similar to the treatment for many injuries and/or conditions which affect the thoracic and lumbar spine, or back, chiropractic treatment is thought of as a first line of therapy for a range of cervical spine conditions.


Chiropractic treatment aiming for cervical spine pain management include (but aren’t limited to) a mix of:


  • Reducing pain
  • Improving movement
  • Restoring function into the head and neck region


Patients must be advised that the treatment will start after a complete patient history, physical examination, review of past, family histories, and review of systems are completed. Tests might include X-ray, CT, MRI, EMG/NCV, urine analysis and lab blood, referral to a professional, more, depending on each individual case demonstration.


Different Types of Chiropractic Manipulation


There are two general manipulation approaches for spine ailments:


  • Cervical spinal manipulation – frequently thought of as the conventional chiropractic adjustment, or even a high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) technique
  • Cervical spinal mobilization – which can be a more gentle/less forceful modification, or even a low-velocity, low-amplitude (LVLA) technique moving the joint through a tolerable range of movement.


The combination of the many approaches varies from patient to patient depending on the healthcare professional’s preferred tactics and tastes, the patient’s comfort and tastes, and the patient’s response to the treatment, in addition to both previous experience and observations made during the course of therapy.


Chiropractors may also use therapy to treat other cervical spine complaints. Adjunctive therapies may include therapeutic heat program, massage exercises, and more. Chiropractic manipulation can handle numerous causes of neck pain. It’s not a cure for every single type of neck problem. Two causes of pain which originate in the neck and may be treated by manipulation comprise of mechanical neck pain and disc problems.


Mechanical Neck Pain


Mechanical neck pain comprises of pain associated with the tendons, joint capsules, ligaments and/or the fascia. This type of issue is a frequent cause of neck pain and stiffness.� Facet joint issues are a well-known case of mechanical neck pain. The facets are located in the back of the neck. If a facet joint is hurt or sprained, pain may be localized or may radiate along other upper extremities. The pain pattern depends upon the specific level and is unique.


Cervical Disc Issues


Tears may develop in the cervical disc and/or the inside of the disc (the nucleus) may herniate through the outer area (the annulus) and trap or pinch the nerve root as it leaves the spine.


Cervical nerve root irritation can frequently refer pain down the arm and into the hand, typically affecting particular areas like the 4th and 5th digits, the palms side thumb to 3rd fingers and/or the back of the hands on the thumb, index finger side of the hand, depending on which nerve root is irritated.


On rare occasions, if the nucleus of the disc herniates straight backward, it can compress the spinal cord and create symptoms in the legs and also impact the function of the bowels and/or bladder. On such occasions, the patient needs to be referred to a spine surgeon to get prompt care.


These are two examples of types of cervical spine conditions which may be treated with spinal manipulation. The patient needs to receive a whole exam prior to receiving any kind of manipulation.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .
By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.


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The Effectiveness of Integrative and Functional Nutrition Programs

The Effectiveness of Integrative and Functional Nutrition Programs

Research suggests that illness recovery and prevention improve when supported by proper nutrition and supplementation. Nevertheless, clinicians don’t often get extensive training in nutrition and nutrient supplements in osteopathic and medical school, a study of pediatric residency interns that were incoming showed.


What’s the importance of nutrition towards health and wellness?


Unsurprisingly, many patients are malnourished, are experiencing record levels of disease, and therefore are likely being treated without learning about other, less invasive but exceptionally effective treatment options.


The Power of Nutrition


When high-quality nutrition is used consistently and efficiently, it may prevent potential chronic disease, enhance cognition in people with dementia, and improve outcomes in patients getting GI and colorectal oncological surgeries, to mention a few. In addition, nutrition support is associated with length of stays and infectious complications.


Integrative and functional medicine practitioners, specialists of any discipline certified in integrative and functional medicine, are educated healthcare providers, qualified and experienced on how best to use functional nutrition to effectively prevent and even reverse chronic illness, such as fibromyalgia, as well as to support general health and wellness. Functional nutrition aims at addressing the imbalances in the body by restoring proper function through food, lifestyle and supplement interventions, restoring a patients’ health and improving the patients’ outcomes.


To get started learning about functional nutrition, many healthcare professionals learn the basics of the way functional nutrition helps their patients through an extended series of specialized courses and training. Some integrative and functional medicine resources may contains over 10 food programs which could be personalized depending on the individual condition and the patient, to provide a personalized treatment experience.


When Standard Diets Don’t Work


Despite recent improvements in nutrigenomics, the thought that a given food is going to have precisely the same impact for all individuals is still widespread. A recent study found that after ingesting identical foods, blood sugar levels could vary by up to 20 percent in the exact same person and up to 25 percent across individuals.


Likewise, another study demonstrated that individuals may have radically different sugar responses to the exact same meal. Using continuous glucose monitoring and meals that were standardized, the investigators found that identical meals led to physiologic outcomes. As a result, any strategy that grades dietary components either “good” or “poor” based on their typical postprandial glycemic responses (PPGRs) will be of small use to the respective patient.


In contrast, the exciting and relatively new field of metabolomics is now being applied in nutrigenomics research. Because the molecules which vary between meals are identified by metabolomics, researchers guess it could be utilized to determine biomarkers of disease risk and also to track effects of foods for more efficient treatment.


In an era in which more personalized data is accessible than ever before, healthcare professionals can attain incredible outcomes by using this emerging study to evaluate and treat patients according to their individual needs. But how do you develop a framework for customizing therapy programs that takes into consideration all data that is applicable?


The Institute for Functional Medicine’s foundational five-day course, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP), for example, joins practitioners to personalized tests and clinical instruments which can be tailored to each individual’s particular physiology, including genetics, lifestyle, and readiness to change. A variety of specialized integrative and functional medicine training programs provides healthcare professionals the tools to prescribe effective treatment programs customized to individual patients’ needs across the spectrum.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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Treat Migraines and Other Common Chronic Conditions With Functional Medicine

Treat Migraines and Other Common Chronic Conditions With Functional Medicine

Patients visit their clinicians for all kinds of reasons�from the absurd to the mundane�but the chief complaint tends to be one of only a handful of non-acute conditions. In a study of more than 140,000 Minnesotan patients, researchers found the most common clinical complaints included:

  • Skin disorders
  • Osteoarthritis and joint disorders
  • Cholesterol problems
  • Upper respiratory conditions, excluding asthma
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches and migraines1

Surprisingly, the researchers discovered the most prevalent complaints affected all sexes and age groups and were not conditions related to aging, such as diabetes and heart disease.1

Knowing how to effectively and efficiently address these common complaints can significantly improve patient compliance and patient outcomes. For instance, in the following video clip, Robert Rountree, MD, offers a clinical strategy for migraines, which are the third highest cause of disability worldwide.2-4 Dr. Rountree explains how to use lifestyle and nutrition to relieve migraine symptoms and address their underlying causes.

Robert Rountree, MD, explores how lifestyle and nutrition can support migraine treatment.

At IFM�s Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP), our educators will teach you strategies to find the underlying causes of migraines, as well as many other common complaints you tend to see in your practice. Using a case-based, collaborative format, you will learn about Functional Medicine strategies to treat various hormonal, gastrointestinal, and cardiometabolic conditions. AFMCP provides the tools you need to build upon your current clinical skills and improve your outcomes with all types of non-acute conditions.

Register for AFMCP


  1. St. Sauver JL, Warner DO, Yawn BP, et al. Why patients visit their doctors: assessing the most prevalent conditions in a defined American population.�Mayo Clin Proc. 2013;88(1):56-67. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2012.08.020.
  2. Lipton RB, Bigal ME. Ten lessons on the epidemiology of migraine. Headache. 2007;47(Suppl 1):S2-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2007.00671.x.
  3. Rasmussen BK, Jensen R, Schroll M, Olesen J. Epidemiology of headache in a general population�a prevalence study. J Clin Epidemiol. 1991;44(11):1147-57.
  4. Steiner TJ, Birbeck GL, Jensen RH, Katsarava Z, Stovner LJ, Martelletti P. Headache disorders are third cause of disability worldwide. J Headache Pain. 2015;16:58. doi: 10.1186/s10194-015-0544-2.
Nutrition and Exercise Improve Health and Wellness | Eastside Chiropractor

Nutrition and Exercise Improve Health and Wellness | Eastside Chiropractor

Clinicians recognize that lifestyle changes can be difficult for patients. Research is currently helping us understand what patients actually need to have in order to produce effective and sustainable changes in their diet and physical activity.


How is nutrition and exercise effective for well-being?


Two intervention studies suggest direct access to healthy food enhance emotional well-being and metabolism respectively. When patients with chronic disease learn by performing lifestyle modification behaviors, even over a brief period of time, both their well-being and wellness improve.


Nutrition & Exercise Research Study


At a randomized controlled trial over a two-week interval, researchers investigated the effects of giving a group of young people a $10 voucher for fruits and vegetables and twice per day text-reminders versus giving yet another group of young people received the real fruits and vegetables worth $10 with no reminders.


Despite both classes consuming relatively the same amount of fruits and vegetables, such as a greater amount than ordinary even, only the group who had been given fruits and veggies flourished and showed improvements in their vitality and motivation. This study suggests that direct access to healthy food might be necessary for successful dietary modification, even if the clinician is providing “high-touch” support. Quite simply, clinicians might wish to think about exploring their patients’ access to standard meals prior to giving them other tools to help them eat better.


In a different study, over a 12-week period, a randomized controlled trial of 24 breast cancer survivors split them to either a fitness program or a management group instructed to continue their regular exercise routines. The exercise group saw increased muscle strength and endurance, as well as decreased body fat percentage, waist circumference, visceral fat area, insulin levels, leptin/adiponectin ratios, and DKK1 and SFRP1 levels. The researchers indicate that DKK1 and SFRP1 may be useful biomarkers to ascertain both long-term exercise’s advantages along with the prognosis of patients. In addition they suggest exercise might have a therapeutic advantage in those with chronic illnesses.


Fortunately, many integrative and functional medicine practitioners find innovative methods to place new science into practice, and new programs make it possible for clinicians to apply the results from studies such as these right away from the clinic. Many integrative and functional medicine practitioners offer a toolkit containing more than 200 items that help enhance patient compliance to professionals. General ill-being and chronic disorder decreases, when patients learn lifestyle modification behaviors.


The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic and spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss options on the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900

By Dr. Alex Jimenez


Additional Topics: Wellness


Overall health and wellness are essential towards maintaining the proper mental and physical balance in the body. From eating a balanced nutrition as well as exercising and participating in physical activities, to sleeping a healthy amount of time on a regular basis, following the best health and wellness tips can ultimately help maintain overall well-being. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can go a long way towards helping people become healthy.

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