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Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Fitness is loved by April Hermosillo. She enjoys exercising and eating foods that are healthful. As an athlete since age 14, her neck and lower back pain induced her to experience foot cramps. April Hermosillo tries not to allow her symptoms to change her life. April expresses just how much pain relief Dr. Alex Jimenez has provided her and how thankful she is for trusting chiropractic care with her health problems. Dr. Jimenez is highly recommended by her as the selection for pain.

Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Eight out of 10 adults experience debilitating neck or back pain at some time in their lives. Back pain is the second most frequent cause of missed workdays because of illness, and also the most frequent cause of disability in the United States. The goal of chiropractic care is to provide safe and effective treatment which allows patients to come back to a busy lifestyle as soon as possible. Spine specialists can ascertain which treatment strategies are best for each health issue. Non-surgical treatments are the most suitable treatments for neck and back pain.

lower back pain treatment el paso tx.

We are blessed to present to you�El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice includeWellness & Nutrition, Chronic Pain,�Personal Injury,�Auto Accident Care, Work Injuries, Back Injury, Low�Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraine Treatment, Sports Injuries,�Severe Sciatica, Scoliosis, Complex Herniated Discs,�Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stress Management, and Complex Injuries.

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes. We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

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Spine Trauma Imaging Diagnostics Evaluation

Spine Trauma Imaging Diagnostics Evaluation

Imaging diagnostics are an essential element in the evaluation of spine trauma. Over the last few decades, the rapid evolution of imaging technology has tremendously changed the assessment and treatment of spinal injuries. Imaging diagnostics utilizing CT and MRI, among others, are helpful in the acute and the chronic settings. Spinal cord and soft-tissue injuries are best evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, whereas computed tomography scanning, or CT scans, best evaluate spinal trauma or spine fracture. The purpose of the article below is to demonstrate the significance of imaging diagnostics in spine trauma.


Cervical Spine Fracture Evaluation


Practice Essentials


Approximately 5-10% of unconscious patients who present to the ED as the result of a motor vehicle accident or fall have a major injury to the cervical spine. Most cervical spine fractures occur predominantly at two levels: one-third of injuries occur at the level of C2, and one-half of injuries occur at the level of C6 or C7. Most fatal cervical spine injuries occur in upper cervical levels, either at craniocervical junction C1 or C2. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]




The normal anatomy of the cervical spine consists of 7 cervical vertebrae separated by intervertebral disks and joined by a complex network of ligaments. These ligaments keep individual bony elements behaving as a single unit. [7]


View the cervical spine as three distinct columns: anterior, middle, and posterior. The anterior column is composed of the anterior longitudinal ligament and the anterior two-thirds of the vertebral bodies, the annulus fibrosus and the intervertebral disks. The middle column is composed of the posterior longitudinal ligament and the posterior one-third of the vertebral bodies, the annulus, and intervertebral discs. The posterior column contains all of the bony elements formed by the pedicles, transverse processes, articulating facets, laminae, and spinous processes.


The anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments maintain the structural integrity of the anterior and middle columns. The posterior column is held in alignment by a complex ligamentous system, including the nuchal ligament complex, capsular ligaments, and the ligamenta flava.


If one column is disrupted, other columns may provide sufficient stability to prevent spinal cord injury. If two columns are disrupted, the spine may move as two separate units, increasing the likelihood of spinal cord injury.


The atlas (C1) and the axis (C2) differ markedly from other cervical vertebrae. The atlas has no vertebral body; however, it is composed of a thick anterior arch with two prominent lateral masses and a thin posterior arch. The axis contains the odontoid process that represents fused remnants of the atlas body. The odontoid process is held in tight approximation to the posterior aspect of the anterior arch of C1 by the transverse ligament, which stabilizes the atlantoaxial joint. [9, 7]


Apical, alar and transverse ligaments provide further stabilization by allowing spinal column rotation; this prevents posterior displacement of the dens in relation to the atlas.


In pediatric patients, the spine is more flexible, and therefore, neural damage occurs much earlier than musculoskeletal injury in young patients. Because of this high flexibility, fatal consequences can occur with sometimes even minimal structural damage. Compared to adults, children have a different fulcrum because of a relatively large head, the vertebrae are not completely ossified, and the ligaments are firmly attached to articular bone surfaces that are more horizontal, making the pathophysiology of injury in children different from that in adults. [6, 10]


The neck consists of seven bones, or the cervical vertebrae, which support the head and connect it the body. A cervical fracture is commonly referred to as a broken neck. Cervical spine fractures often occur due to trauma or injury, such as from automobile accidents or slip-and-fall accidents. Imaging diagnostics have advanced to be able to help healthcare professionals diagnose cervical spine health issues.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.

Evaluation of injury


When a cervical spine injury is suspected, neck movement should be minimized during transport to the treating facility. Ideally, the patients should be transported on a backboard with a semirigid collar, with the neck stabilized on the sides of the head with sandbags or foam blocks taped from side to side (of the board), across the forehead.


If spinal malalignment is identified, place the patient in skeletal traction with tongs as soon as possible (with very few exceptions), even if no evidence of neurologic deficit exists. The specific injury involved and capabilities of the consulting staff guide further management.


Place tongs one finger width above the earlobes in alignment with the external auditory canal. The consultant applies the tongs for traction under close neurologic and radiograph surveillance. Care must be taken while managing the airway in patients with potential cervical spine injuries. Video-assisted intubation should be considered to limit cervical spine motion during the process of securing the airway. [11, 12, 13, 1]


Cervical spine injuries are best classified according to several mechanisms of injury. These include flexion, flexion-rotation, extension, extension-rotation, vertical compression, lateral flexion, and imprecisely understood mechanisms that may result in odontoid fractures and atlanto-occipital dislocation. [1, 14, 4, 5, 15, 7, 16]


Radiographic evaluation is indicated in the following:
[2, 2, 17, 18, 15, 19, 20]


  • Patients who exhibit neurologic deficits consistent with a cord lesion
  • Patients with an altered sensorium from head injury or intoxication
  • Patients who complain about neck pain or tenderness
  • Patients who do not complain about neck pain or tenderness but have significant distracting injuries


A standard trauma series is composed of 5 views: cross-table lateral, swimmer’s, oblique, odontoid, and anteroposterior. Approximately 85-90% of cervical spine injuries are evident in the lateral view, making it the most useful view from a clinical standpoint.


The advent of readily available multidetector computed tomography has supplanted the use of plain radiography at many centers. Recent literature supports CT as more sensitive with lower rates of missed primary and secondary injury. [14]


Thoracic Spinal Trauma Imaging


Computed Tomography




Thin-section axial CT performed by using a bone algorithm is the single most sensitive means by which to diagnose fractures of the thoracic spine. Routine helical CT scans of the thoracic spine are valuable because multisection CT scanners can generate high-resolution spinal images, even during a primary multisystemic trauma evaluation. [21, 22, 28, 29]


The CT images below display various thoracic spinal traumatic injuries.

Figure 1: Lateral 3-dimensional maximum intensity projection CT scan of multiple upper thoracic and lower cervical spinous process fractures. The force necessary to fracture the spinous processes of the upper thoracic spine may also involve the lower cervical spine.

Figure 2:�Three-dimensional CT scan of complex mid-face fractures including a Le Fort I injury in a patient who had fractures of the upper thoracic and lower cervical spinous processes. Sudden deceleration of the face and skull resulted in severe stress forces on the spinous processes.

Figure 3:�Axial CT scan of a T12 compression fracture demonstrates a fracture line through the anterior body of the T12 (white arrow), posterior displacement of the T12 vertebral endplate (black arrow) into the spinal canal, and a fracture of the left transverse spinous process.

Figure 4:�Axial and sagittal CT images of an acute lower thoracic spine compression fracture. Note the paraspinal hematoma (white arrows) and the slight narrowing of the spinal canal at the level of the compression fracture (double yellow arrows).

Figure 5:�Three-dimensional CT scan of the thoracic spine demonstrates a compression fracture.

Figure 6:�Sagittal CT scan of the thoracic and lumbar spine demonstrates a complete distraction fracture at the L1-2 interspace (arrow).

Figure 7:�Axial CT image of an unstable fracture of the thoracic spine. Note the association of compression of the vertebral body with laminar and pedicle fractures. Injury to the anterior, middle and posterior columns results in an unstable fracture.

Figure 8:�Coronal multiplanar reformatted CT images of an unstable thoracic spinal fracture. The association of both anterior compression and lateral subluxation (arrows) indicates instability.

Figure 9:�Volume maximum intensity projection CT image of the entire thoracic spine demonstrates spinous process fractures of the C7 through T7 vertebra. Although spinous process fractures of the T1 may occur in a manner similar to a clay shoveler’s fracture of the C6 or C7, middle and lower thoracic spinous process fractures most likely occur due to a combination of forward flexion and axial rotation. Note the lack of findings of compression vertebral body fractures.

Figure 10:�Three-dimensional surface CT image of the cervical spine. Note the spinous process fractures of the C6, C7, and T1. CT examination of both the cervical and the thoracic spine was obtained as a single study using a multisection CT scanner. All images were obtained by using a 3-mm reconstruction with 1.5-mm collimation. Scanning times were 0.5 seconds per rotation. These 3-dimensional images were reconstructed by using an independent imaging workstation. In complex cases, reconstructed images are very useful in consultation with treating physicians.

Figure 11:�Scout view image from a spiral CT scan shows a complete subluxation fracture (curved blue lines) of the lower thoracic spine. Such an injury combines lateral displacement with rotational injury (arrow).

Figure 12: Fracture dislocation of the lower thoracic spine. Axial CT image demonstrates the large distance that the lower thoracic spine has been displaced.

Figure 13:�Axial CT myelogram in a patient with a gunshot wound to the thoracic spine. While a fracture is obvious, the injury also resulted in a dural tear with a freely leaking cerebrospinal fluid space (white arrow). The midline fracture of the vertebral body is noted in the lower image (black arrow).

Figure 14:�Axial CT image demonstrates a complex fracture of the T12 with rotation subluxation. Air was introduced into the epidural space during the injury.

Figure 15:�Sagittal multi-planar CT image of a burst fracture following fixation. The image has been cut in the sagittal plane. Surgical repair of unstable thoracic spine fractures, such as this burst fracture, usually involves placement of an interposition graft (double black arrow) together with a lateral plate held in position by screws placed into the vertebral body above and below the injury. A residual fragment of the burst fracture is seen anteriorly (white arrow). The double white arrow illustrates the restored spinal canal.

Figure 16:�Shaded-surface 3-dimensional CT image of a burst fracture following fixation. The image has been cut in the sagittal plane. Surgical repair of unstable thoracic spine fractures, such as this burst fracture, usually involves placement of an interposition graft (double black arrow) together with a lateral plate held in position by screws placed into the vertebral body above and below the injury. A residual fragment of the burst fracture is seen anteriorly (white arrow).

Figure 17: Shaded-surface 3-dimensional CT image of a gunshot wound to the thoracic spine. Although the bullet passed into the interspace, causing a fracture of the vertebral body, the bullet stopped within the spinal canal. Note the outline drawn around the bullet (arrow).

Figure 18:�Shaded-surface 3-dimensional CT scan of a gunshot wound to the thoracic spine. In other cases, the bullet may enter the spinal canal superior to the final position in the canal. The passage of the bullet within the spinal canal (yellow arrow) destroys the spinal cord and also may result in a fracture of the vertebral body. Note that the bullet has been darkened (blue arrow).

Figure 19:�Axial CT image in a man with known pulmonary tuberculosis and back pain. Note the left-sided paraspinal abscess (arrow).

Figure 20:�Sagittal shaded-surface 3-dimensional reconstruction CT scan of the lower thoracic spine. The spinal image has been cut in the midsagittal plane to demonstrate posterior displacement of the thoracic spinal vertebral body (arrow) and downward displacement of the superior endplate. Note the general wedge shape of the vertebral body.

Because of its superior contrast definition and the absence of superimposed structures, good-quality CT imaging depicts more thoracic spinal injuries than do conventional radiographic studies. However, the percentage of clinically important fractures that are seen on CT scans but not on radiographs is lower with thoracic than with cervical spinal fractures. Most of the fractures missed on radiographs were spinous process fractures, transverse processes fractures, and fractures in large patients. Because axial CT is performed with patients in a neutral position, bony distraction of the fracture fragments and subluxations of the spinal articulations may not be as significant on CT images as on they are on acute trauma-series radiographs. [22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32]


The level of a burst fracture and the percentage of spinal canal stenosis have been correlated with associated neurologic deficits. A significant correlation exists between neurologic deficit and the percentage of spinal canal stenosis. The higher the level of injury, the greater the probability of neurologic deficit. This association may be related to the smaller canal diameter in the upper thoracic spine. The severity of neurologic deficit cannot be predicted.


In patients with Chance-type fractures, CT scans often show a burst-type fracture with posterior cortex buckling or retropulsion, and serial transaxial CT images often show a gradual loss of definition of the pedicles. [23]


Dr Jimenez White Coat

The thoracic spine, located between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae, consists of 12 vertebrae levels. Thoracic spinal trauma, including spinal cord injuries along the middle of the spine, can generally be severe, however, with early treatment, long-term prognosis is good. Therefore, imaging diagnostics for thoracic spinal trauma are essential. Many healthcare professionals can provide patients with these services.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.

Degree of Confidence


The confidence level for the diagnosis of a thoracic spinal fracture with 2-mm axial sections (possible with a multisection CT unit) is greater than 98% and reportedly 99%.


Because axial CT is performed with the patient in a neutral position, a bony distraction of the fracture fragments and subluxations of the spinal articulations may not be as significant on CT images as on acute trauma-series radiographs.


False Positives/Negatives


False-positive results may occur in patients with a Schmorl node, which is a chronic internal herniation of the vertebral disk into the thoracic vertebral body endplate and failure of the fusion of the anterior vertebral endplate epiphysis, resulting in a limbus vertebra. False-negative CT studies may occur in chronic stress injuries and severe generalized osteoporotic endplate fractures.


It has been reported that among trauma patients who had a chest and/or abdominal CT, fractures of the thoracic spine are frequently underreported. Sagittal reformats of the spine obtained from thin sections, and morphometric analysis using electronic calipers help to identify fractures that might otherwise not be identified. [25]


In conclusion, imaging diagnostics of�spinal trauma or spine fracture are essential towards the assessment and treatment of patients. Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is helpful in the evaluation of spinal cord and soft-tissue injuries whereas computed tomography scanning, or CT scans, is helpful in the evaluation of spinal trauma or spine fracture. The understanding of imaging technology has tremendously enhanced advances in treatment.� The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, spinal injuries, and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez


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Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain


Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.


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EXTRA EXTRA | IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part II

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part II

Hyperextension Injury

spinal trauma el paso tx.

  • Hangman’s Fx aka traumatic spondylolisthesis of C2 with a fracture of pars interarticularis or pedicles (unstable)
  • MVA is the most common cause
  • Mechanism: acute hyperextension of upper C/S similar to judicial hanging (never actually seen and most deaths are due to asphyxiation)
  • Secondary flexion may tear PLL and disc
  • Associated injuries: 30% have other c-spine fx especially Extension teardrop at C2 or C3 due to avulsion by ALL
  • Cord paralysis may only present in 25% due to bony fragments dissociation and canal widening
  • Hangman fx and extension teardrop
  • Cervical degeneration and previous fusion is a key predisposing factor due to the lack of mobility and suppleness, rendering C/S easy to fracture
  • Imaging: initial x-radiography then CT that helps to delineate another injury such as facet/pedicle Fx further. MRI may help if complicated by Vertebral A. damage
  • Management: if type 1 injury then closed reduction and rigid collar for 4-6 weeks, halo bracing if type 2 (>3-5mm displacement) Fx/instability, anterior or posterior spinal fusion at C2-3 if type 3 Fx (>5-mm displacement)


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  • Extension teardrop Fx (stable) potentially unstable if put in extension
  • Avulsion of an inferior anterior body by ALL. More seen in elderly with superimposed C/S spondylosis
  • Key radiography: a smaller anterior-inferior body corner, no disruption of ligamentous alignment. Typically at C2 or C3 due to sudden hyperextension and ALL avulsion
  • Complication: central cord syndrome (m/c incomplete cord injury) esp. in superimposed spondylosis and canal stenosis by the laxity of ligamentum flavum and osteophytes
  • Management: hard collar isolation


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Vertical (axial) Compression Injury

  • Jefferson Fx (named after British neurosurgeon who defined it) (unstable but neurologically intact Fx) 7% of all C/S injuries. Stability is dependent if the transverse ligament is intact or torn, which can be noted by overhanging of C1 lateral masses over C2 >5-mm combined (left image)
  • Mechanism: C1 compression (e.g., diving into shallow waters) causing burst Fx-classically 4-parts of the anterior and posterior arch of C1. Variations exist.
  • Complications: 50% show other C/S Fx, 40% show Odontoid C2 Fx esp. if extension and axial loading occur


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  • Imaging: x-radiography followed by CT scanning to evaluate subaxial injury and complexity of C1 injury. Note Jefferson Fx with pillar and transverse foramina fx requiring posterior occipital-cervical fusion (below right image).
  • Management: rigid collar immobilization if the transverse ligament is intact. Halo brace or fusion if the transverse ligament is ruptured


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Cervical Injuries With Variable Mechanisms of Trauma

  • Odontoid process fractures:
  • These occur�with a variety of mechanisms, flexion, extension, lateral flexion. Elderly with superimposed spondylosis are at higher risk.
  • Anderson & D’Alonzo classification (below). Type 2 is the most common and most unstable. Type 3 has the best chance of healing d/t more massive bleed into C2 body and better healing potential.
  • Imaging: x-radiography can miss some Fx. CT scanning is essential.
  • On x-radiography note tilting of the Dens on lateral and APOM views. CT will reveal the injury and classify it.
  • Complications: cord injury, non-union


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  • CT scanning: type 2 odontoid fracture (unstable)
  • Management: type 1 (alar ligament avulsion) most stable�observed and treated with rigid collar.
  • In young patients, Halo brace is used to treat type 2
  • Older patients do not tolerate Halo
  • Operative C1-2 fusion if unstable is Dx and cord signs or other complicating factors are present


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Normal Radiographic Variants & Anomalies Simulating Pathology

  • Pediatric spine appears different especially in children younger than 10-years old.
  • Normal variations; ADI 5-mm and may increase or decrease on flexed/extended views by 1-2-mm
  • C2-3 may appear as pseudo-subluxation due to normal ligamentous laxity in children (below arrow)
  • Pediatric vertebral bodies usually are narrower and anteriorly wedged due to the presence of cartilaginous tissue
  • APOM view appears different in children, and some asymmetry of C1 articular masses is normal (below top image) and should not be confused with Jefferson Fx
  • In adults, any asymmetry or “overhanging” of C1 articular masses is pathological and may indicate Jefferson fx


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  • Standard ossification centers of the Atlas synchondrosis in children should not be mistaken for fractures


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  • Persistent ossiculum terminal of Bergman is a typical variant/anomaly of tenacious un-united ossification center and should not be confused with type odontoid fx
  • Os odontoideum
  • Un-united growth center that currently considered as an un-noticed injury that disturbed normal growth in a child younger than 5-years-old
  • It may be a cause of C1-2 instability and should be evaluated with flexed and extended cervical views
  • Should not be confused with type 2 Dens fracture because it typically more demonstrates greater mineralization of bone


spinal trauma el paso tx.


  • Incomplete bilateral agenesis of the C1 posterior arch
  • Anomalous closure of C1 posterior arch
  • Should not be confused with a fracture
  • However, local or cord symptoms may develop after trauma in some cases
  • Relatively rare anomaly developing due to failed chondrogenesis and ossification of posterior ossification centers of the Atlas


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  • Patients with Down syndrome may suffer from increased ligamentous laxity and other abnormalities
  • Increased risk of subluxation at C1-2


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  • Burst Fx (unstable) 2-columns are damaged
  • Mechanism: axial loading with frequent flexion after falls and MVAs
  • The thoracolumbar region is the most vulnerable due to the increased fulcrum of motion
  • Key radiography: acute compression fracture and�collapse of body height, retropulsion of posterior body and acute kyphotic deformity on the lateral view
  • On the frontal view: interpedicular widening (below yellow arrow), regional soft tissue swelling (below green arrow)


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  • Imaging: x-radiography should be followed by CT scanning w/o contrast
  • MRI if neurologically unstable due to cord or conus injury
  • Complications: cord damage by acutely retropulsed bone fragments
  • Management: non-operative if neurologically intact and <50% body retropulsed with minimal kyphosis
  • Operative (fusion) if 50% or more body retropulsed, laminar/pedicle Fx, neuro compromised


spinal trauma el paso tx.


18-Year Old Female Following Trampoline Accident

  • AP & lateral L/S views
  • Note acute compression fracture, a vertebral body extending to posterior elements
  • Widening of the inter-spinous distance between T11-T12 (below arrow)
  • Radiolucent fracture line is seen through the T12 body on the AP projection
  • CT scanning was performed


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  • Sagittal reconstructed Thoracic and Lumbar CT slices in bone window
  • Note acute compression fracture, the T12 body extending into pedicle and lamin
  • Dx: Chance fracture of T12
  • MR imaging was performed


spinal trauma el paso tx.


  • T2 Wl sagittal MRI
  • Findings: acute compression fracture T12 body extending to posterior elements causing rapture of interspinous and flavum ligaments
  • Mild compression of the distal cord above the conus is noted with a minimal signal abnormality
  • Dx: Chance fracture


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  • Chance Fx aka (Seatbelt Fx) – is a flexion-distraction injury (unstable)
  • M/C in lower thoracic-upper lumbar
  • All 3-columns fail: column 3 torn by distraction, columns 1 and 2 fail on compression (Denis classification)
  • Causes: MVA, falls
  • Imaging: initial x-radiography should be followed by CT scanning w/o contrast to assess bone fragments retropulsion/canal compression. MRI may help to evaluate potential cord damage and ligaments tearing
  • Management: non-operative immobilization if neuro intact
  • Operative decompression and fusion


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Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach


Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part I

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach to Diagnosis Part I

Imaging Diagnosis Management:

  • Cervical spinal trauma & radiographic variants simulating disease
  • Cervical spine
  • Arthritis
  • Neoplasms
  • Infection
  • Post-Surgical cervical spine


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  • Cranio-cervical and upper cervical stability is dependent on transverse, superior and inferior bands of the C1-C2 ligament, alar ligaments, along with a few other ligaments


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spinal trauma el paso tx.


Cervical Trauma

  • The C/S is vulnerable to injury. Why?
  • Stability has been sacrificed for greater mobility
  • Cervical vertebrae are small and interrupted by multiple foraminae
  • The head is disproportionately heavy and acts as an abnormal lever especially when forces act against a rigid torso
  • Additionally, C/S is prone to degeneration which makes it more vulnerable to trauma
  • In young children, ligaments are more luxed vs. disproportionately large head size
  • In children, the fulcrum of movement is at C2/3 thus making injuries more common in the upper C/S and craniocervical junction. In children, S.C.I.W.O.R.A. may occur when no evidence of fracture present
  • In adults, the fulcrum of movement is at C5/6 thus making lower C/S more vulnerable to trauma especially during extremes of flexion
  • Cervical Trauma categorized according to mechanisms of injury (Harris & Mirvis classification)


Hyperflexion Injury: Stable vs. Unstable

  • Flexion teardrop Fx (most severe fracture, unstable)
  • Bilateral facet dislocation (severe injury w/o fracture, unstable)
  • Anterior subluxation (potentially unstable) can be very subtle injury
  • Clay Shoveller Fx (lower C/S SP avulsion, stable)
  • Simple wedge compression (most benign Fx, stable)
  • Hyperflexion-rotation with unilateral facet dislocation
  • Obtain a thorough history
  • Perform physical exam including a neurological exam
  • Consider NEXUS criteria (National Emergency X-radiography Utilization Study)


Imaging Techniques:

  • Begins with x-radiography especially in cases with no significant neurological compromise
  • Clear neutral lateral view first
  • If x-radiography is unrewarding but high probability of severe trauma and neurological deficit present, CT scanning w/o contrast is required
  • Consider CT scanning in patients with pre-existing changes: advance spondylosis, DISH, AS, RA, post-surgical spine, congenital abnormalities (Klippel-Feil syndrome, etc.)


Vertical compression:

  • Jefferson aka burst Atlas Fx (unstable especially if the Transverse ligament is torn, cord paralysis in 20-30% only)
  • Why? Due to fragments dissociation and canal widening
  • Burst Fx of the Thoracic or Lumbar spine (unstable, cord paralysis may occur)


spinal trauma el paso tx.


How to Assess Spinal Radiographs in Trauma Cases:

  • Construct 5-lines on the lateral view
  • Note if facets are well-aligned and symmetrical
  • Ensure symmetry of the disc height
  • Note any widening or fanning of the inter-spinous distance
  • Carefully examine prevertebral soft tissues
  • Evaluate atlanto-dental interval (ADI)


spinal trauma el paso tx.


  • In cases of trauma, evaluate and clear neutral lateral first
  • Do not perform flexed and extended views in acute cases before x-rays or CT scanning exclude significant instability
  • Pay extra attention to prevertebral soft tissues
  • If thicker than normal limits, consider severe post-traumatic bleed
  • Subtle asymmetry and widening of posterior disc height and facets with inter-spinous fanning may be a key feature of significant tearing of posterior ligaments


spinal trauma el paso tx.


Hyperflexion Injuries (M/C Mechanism)

  • More frequent in sub-axial C/S C-3-C7)
  • Unstable injuries:
  • Flexion teardrop fracture (M/C C5 & C6) v. unstable
  • Key rad features:
  • Large “teardrop” triangular anterior body fragment
  • Fanning of the SPs, posterior disc and facet widening indicating tearing of major spinal ligaments and instability
  • A posterior shift of the vertebral body fracture suggests direct anterior cord/vessels compression
  • Bulging prevertebral soft tissue >20-mm at C6-7
  • 80% of cases may be paralyzed on the spot or develop significant paralysis soon after


spinal trauma el paso tx.


Acute Neck Trauma. What are the vital radiographic features? What is the diagnosis?


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  • CT scanning w/o contrasts with sagittal reconstruction. Note C7 Flexion teardrop Fx.
  • CT may help with further delineation and preoperative planning
  • May follow with MR imaging and evaluation of the neurological injury


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  • Fluid sensitive (T2) sagittal MRI slice of Flexion teardrop fracture at C4 and possibly C5
  • Note high signal intensity lesion in the cord and surrounding ligaments indicating cord edema and ischemia
  • Management: neurosurgical with spinal fusion
  • Complications:
  • Quadriplegia/paraplegia
  • Respiratory complications
  • Disability, changes in the quality of life
  • Decreased life expectancy


spinal trauma el paso tx.


  • Bilateral facet dislocation (unstable)
  • Mechanism: Flexion-distraction injury
  • Key radiography: anteriorly displaced body 50% or more
  • Facets override and locked (can be perched left image)
  • Major tearing of ligaments
  • Chances of severe cord compression and paralysis
  • Patients with ligaments laxity and degenerative changes are at higher risk
  • Initial x-radiography is the first step


spinal trauma el paso tx.


CT scanning w/o Contrast is Crucial:


spinal trauma el paso tx.


  • Further delineation of this injury
  • Facet fractures, pedicle fracture
  • Management planning

Sagittal fluid sensitive MRI of bilateral C5 facet dislocation, sizeable ischemic cord injury, and posterior soft tissue injuries


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  • Management:
  • X-radiography, then CT scanning then immediate closed reduction (esp. if the patient is conscious)
  • Followed in some more complicated cases by MRI and then surgical care
  • If the patient is awake and neurologically stable, CT and closed reduction are adequate
  • Complicated cases and failed closed reduction may require surgical stabilization
  • Complications: spinal cord injury and paralysis
  • Delayed ligamentous laxity and instability


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    • Unilateral facet dislocation (flexion-rotation injury) less severe than bilateral dislocation
    • Most commonly missed unstable cervical injury on x-radiography
    • Key rad features: body anteriorly translated 25% facets appear misaligned and blurred, SPs rotated on frontal views
    • Clinically may be presented as one-sided radiculopathy esp. C6 or C7
    • CT scanning is required to evaluate further facet/pedicle fractures
    • Pre-reduction evaluation and care planning
    • Management: closed reduction esp. in a conscious patient
    • Complications: acute disc herniation/retropulsion, ligamentous laxity, neurological injury

Spinal Trauma Imaging Approach



Imaging Diagnostics of Abnormalities of the Spine

Imaging Diagnostics of Abnormalities of the Spine

Imaging diagnostics of the spine consist from radiographies to computed tomography scanning, or CT scans, in which CT is utilized in conjunction with myelography and most recently with magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI. These imaging diagnostics are being used to determine the presence of abnormalities of the spine, scoliosis, spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis. The following article describes various imaging modalities and their application in the evaluation of common spinal disorders described.




  • Achondroplasia is the most common cause of rhizomelic (root/proximal) short-limb dwarfism. Patients are of normal intelligence.�
  • It shows multiple distinct radiographic abnormalities affecting long bones, pelvis, skull, and hands.
  • Vertebral column changes may present with significant clinical and neurological abnormalities.�
  • Achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder with about 80% of cases from a random new mutation. Advanced paternal age is often linked. Achondroplasia results from a mutation in the fibroblast growth factor gene (FGFR3) which causes abnormal cartilage formation.
  • All bones formed by endochondral ossification are affected.
  • Bones that form by intra-membranous ossification are not normal.
  • Thus, skull vault, iliac wings develop normally vs. the base of the skull, some facial bones, vertebral column, and most tubular bones are abnormal.


  • Dx: is usually made at birth with many features becoming apparent during the first few years of life.
  • Radiography plays an important part of clinical diagnosis.
  • Typical features include: shortening and widening of tubular bones, metaphyseal flaring, Trident hand with short, broad metacarpals and proximal and middle phalanges. Longer Fibular, Tibial bowing, markedly short humeri often with dislocated Radial head and elbow flexion deformity.



  • Spine: characteristic narrowing of L1-L5 interpedicular distance on AP views. Lateral view shows shortening of pedicles and vertebral bodies, �bullet shaped vertebrae� can be a characteristic feature. Early degenerative changes and canal narrowing occur. The horizontal sacral inclination is an important feature.
  • Skull demonstrates frontal bossing, midface hypoplasia and markedly narrow foramen magnum.
  • Pelvis is broad and short with characteristic �champagne glass� pelvis appearance.
  • Femoral heads are hypoplastic, but hip arthrosis is normally not observed even in older patients likely due to reduced leverage and lightweight (50kg) of patients.


Management of Achondroplasia


  • Recombinant human growth hormone (GH)�is currently being used to augment the height of patients with achondroplasia.
  • Most complications of Achondroplasia are related to the spine: vertebral canal stenosis, thoracolumbar kyphosis, narrowed foramen magnum and others.
  • Laminectomy extending to pedicles/lateral recess with foraminotomies and discectomies can be performed.
  • Cervical manipulations are contraindicated.


Dr Jimenez White Coat

Imaging diagnostics play a fundamental role in the diagnosis the of scoliosis, an abnormality of the spine which is believed to occur due to an underlying health issue, although most cases of scoliosis are idiopathic. More over, radiographies, CT scans, and MRI, among others, can help monitor the changes of the deformity of the spine associated with this spinal manifestation. Chiropractors can provide imaging diagnostics to patients with scoliosis before proceeding with treatment.�

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.



  • Scoliosis is defined as the abnormal lateral curvature of the spine >10-degree when examined by Cobb�s method of mensuration.
  • Scoliosis can be described as postural and structural.
  • Postural scoliosis is not fixed and can be improved by lateral flexion to the side of the convexity.
  • Structural scoliosis has multiple causes ranging from:
    ? Idiopathic (>80%)
    ? Congenital (wedge or hemivertebra, blocked vertebra, Marfan syndrome, skeletal dysplasias)
    ? Neuropathic (neurofibromatosis, neurological conditions like tethered cord, spinal dysraphism, etc.)
    ? Scoliosis d/t Spinal neoplasms
    ? Post-traumatic etc.
  • Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type (>80%).
  • Idiopathic scoliosis can be of 3-types ( infantile, juvenile, adolescent).
  • Idiopathic adolescent scoliosis if patients >10y.o.
  • Infantile scoliosis if <3 y.o. M>F.
  • Juvenile scoliosis if >3 but <10-y.o.
  • Idiopathic Adolescent scoliosis is the most common with F:M 7:1 (adolescent girls are at particular risk).
  • Etiology: unknown thought to be the result of some disturbance of proprioceptive control of the spine and spinal musculature, other hypotheses exist.
  • Most seen in the thoracic region and most commonly convex to the right.
  • Dx: full spine radiography with gonadal and breast shielding (preferably PA views to protect breast tissue).


Rx: 3-Os: Observation, Orthosis, Operative intervention


� Curves that are 50-degrees or greater and rapidly progressing will require operative intervention to prevent severe deformity of the thorax & ribs leading to cardiopulmonary abnormalities.
� �? If curvature is < 20-degree, no treatment is required (observation).
� �? For curves that are >20-40-degrees bracing may be used (orthosis).



  • Milwaukee (metal) brace (left).
  • Boston brace polypropylene lined with polyethylene (right) often preferred because it can be worn under clothing.
  • Bracing wearing is required for 24-hours for the duration of the treatment.



  • Note Cobb�s method of mensuration to record spinal curvature. It has some limitations: 2D imaging, not able to estimate rotation, etc.
  • Cobb�s method is still a standard evaluation performed in Scoliosis studies.
  • Nash-Moe method: determines pedicle rotation in scoliosis.



  • Risser index is used to estimate spinal skeletal maturity.
  • Iliac growth apophysis appears at ASIS (F- 14, M-16) and progresses medially and expected to be closed in 2-3-years (Risser 5).
  • Scoliosis progression ends at Risser 4 in females & Risser 5 in males.
  • During radiographic evaluation of scoliosis, it is crucial to report if Risser growth apophysis remains open or closed.


Dr Jimenez White Coat

Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis are health issues which can result in back pain. Spondylolysis is believed to be caused by repeated microtrauma leading to stress fractures in the pars interarticularis. Patients with bilateral pars defects can develop spondylolisthesis, where the degree of slippage of the adjacent vertebrae can progress gradually over time. Patients with suspected spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis may initially be evaluated with pain radiography. Chiropractic care can also help provide imaging diagnostics for these health issues.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.

Spondylolysis & Spondylolisthesis


  • Spondylolysis defect in pars interarticularis or osseous bridge between superior and inferior articular processes.
  • Pathology stress fracture of the pars, believed to be after repeated microtrauma on extensions Men > Women, affects 5% of the general population especially in athletic adolescents.
  • Clinically postulated that adolescent back pain cases may be related to this process.
  • Typically spondylolysis remains asymptomatic.
  • Spondylolysis can be present with or w/o spondylolisthesis.
  • Spondylolysis is found in 90% at L5 with the remaining 10% in L4.
  • Can be uni or bilateral.
  • In 65%�of�cases, spondylolysis is associated with spondylolisthesis.
  • Radiographic Features: break in the Scotty dog collar around the neck on oblique lumbar views.
  • Radiography has low sensitivity compared to SPECT. SPECT is associated with ionizing radiation, and MRI is currently a preferred method of imaging diagnosis.
  • MRI can help to show reactive marrow edema next to pars defect or w/o defect so-called pending or potential to develop spondylolysis.


Types of Spondylolisthesis


  • Type 1 – Dysplastic, rare and found in congenital dysplastic malformation of the sacrum allowing anterior displacement of L5 on S1. Often no pars defect.
  • Type 2 – Isthmic, most common, often the result of a stress fracture.
  • Type 3 – Degenerative from the remodeling of articular processes.
  • Type 4 – Traumatic in an acute posterior arch fracture.
  • Type 5 – Pathologic due to bone disease locally or generalized.



Grading of spondylolisthesis is based on the Myereding Classification.
This classification refers to the overhanging part of the superior body in relation to anterior-posterior part of the inferior body.


  • Grade 1 – 0-25% anterior slip
  • Grade 2 – 26-50%
  • Grade 3 – 51%-75%
  • Grade 4 – 76-100%
  • Grade 5 – >100% spondyloptosis



  • Note degenerative spondylolisthesis at L4 and retrolisthesis at L2, L3.
  • This abnormality develops due to degeneration of facets and disc with decreased local stability.
  • Rarely progresses beyond Grade 2.
  • Must be recognized in the imaging report.
  • Contributes to vertebral canal stenosis.
  • Canal stenosis is better delineated by cross-sectional imaging.



  • The inverted Napoleon hat sign -�seen on the frontal lumbar/pelvic radiographs at L5-S1.
  • Represents bilateral spondylolysis with marked anterolisthesis of L5 on S1 often with spondyloptosis and marked exaggeration of the normal lordosis.
  • Spondylolysis resulting in this degree of spondylolisthesis is more often congenital and/or traumatic in origin and less often degenerative.
  • The “brim” of the hat is formed by the downward rotation of the transverse processes, and the “dome” of the hat is formed by the body of L5.


In conclusion,�imaging diagnostics for the spine are recommended for patients with specific abnormalities of the spine, however, their increased use can help determine�their best treatment option. Understanding the abnormalities of the spine described above can help healthcare professionals and patients create a treatment program to improve their symptoms. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez


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Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain


Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.


blog picture of cartoon paper boy

EXTRA EXTRA | IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment

Why Chiropractic Should Be A Part of Your Everyday Life

Why Chiropractic Should Be A Part of Your Everyday Life

Most people don�t even think about visiting a chiropractor until they�ve sustained an injury or need a quick adjustment to help ease the pain. They typically see it as a treatment for injuries or conditions that they�ve already endured, not as a preventative health care option. And while chiropractic care is an exceptional way to treat existing conditions and injuries, that is only half of the picture. It is also a viable health care approach that is effective in improving overall wellness. There are some very compelling reasons to incorporate chiropractic into your everyday life. Chiropractic can:

Help lower your risk of injury

When the spine is out of alignment, it can put stress on other parts of the body including ligaments and joints. Regular chiropractic care helps keep the spine aligned thus reducing your risk of injury.

Elevate your mood

Chiropractic treatment can help to balance your hormones. It increases the feel-good hormone dopamine while decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. It makes it an excellent drug-free option for patients who suffer from anxiety, depression, or mood swings. As part of your treatment, your chiropractor may also recommend dietary and lifestyle changes that can help even more.

Makes you feel more energetic

When your spine is out of alignment, your entire body suffers. You can feel stiff, sore, and fatigues. Most patients report feeling invigorated after their treatment. They can move more naturally and have much more energy. Part of this is due to the effect the treatment has on the body as well as the hormones that are released that provide a boost in your mood.

chiropractic everyday life el paso tx.

Help you sleep better

More than 60 percent of people in the United States, both children, and adults report having problems with sleep. Studies show that chiropractic can help with insomnia allowing you to get better, more restful, and more beneficial sleep.

The combination of pain alleviation, increased flexibility, and overall wellness, as well as stress relieving properties, allow your body and mind to relax so that you can fall asleep easier and stay asleep. Incorporating chiropractic care into your everyday routine can help you get a better night�s sleep.

Strengthen your immune system

Studies show that patients who receive regular chiropractic care have a significantly stronger immune system than patients who don�t see a chiropractor. One of the most significant studies to date that explored the connection between regular chiropractic care and a healthy immune system conducted by Dr. Ronald Pero, Ph. D. of New York�s Preventive Medicine Institute where he was the chief of cancer research. He was also a professor of medicine at New York University. The study, which spanned several years, found that patients who received chiropractic care on a regular basis had a 200 percent greater immune competence than non-chiropractic patients.

Manage your pain

Chronic pain, as well as pain from injuries or certain conditions, respond very well to regular chiropractic care. Any discomfort can negatively impact your quality of life, but pain medications can have unpleasant side effects that can be debilitating. It doesn�t help that many pain medications are highly addictive.

Treatments offer a natural remedy for pain that is medication free. What�s more, regularly scheduled therapies work to fix the cause of the problem so that the issue gets permanently resolved.

Make you feel better without medication

Chiropractic treatments are non-invasive and drug-free. It uses the body�s healing properties to address issues naturally and achieve results. It is low risk and very useful, treating the cause of problems, not just the symptoms the way pain medication does.

When you look at all of the benefits of regular chiropractic care and realize that those results can be achieved naturally, it�s easy to see why more people are incorporating it into their health care routines.

Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment

Cervical Spine Radiographs in the Trauma Patient

Cervical Spine Radiographs in the Trauma Patient

While computed tomography scanning, or CT scans, of the cervical spine are frequently utilized to help diagnose neck injuries, simple radiographs are still commonly performed for patients who have experienced minor cervical spine injuries with moderate neck pain, such as those who have suffered a slip-and-fall accident. Imaging diagnostic assessments may reveal underlying injuries and/or aggravated conditions to be more severe than the nature of the trauma. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the significance of cervical spine radiographs in the trauma patient.�


Significant cervical spine injury is very unlikely in a case of trauma if the patient has normal mental status (including no drug or alcohol use) and no neck pain, no tenderness on neck palpation, no neurologic signs or symptoms referable to the neck (such as numbness or weakness in the extremities), no other distracting injury and no history of loss of consciousness. Views required to radiographically exclude a cervical spine fracture include a posteroanterior view, a lateral view and an odontoid view. The lateral view must include all seven cervical vertebrae as well as the C7-T1 interspace, allowing visualization of the alignment of C7 and T1. The most common reason for a missed cervical spine injury is a cervical spine radiographic series that is technically inadequate. The �SCIWORA� syndrome (spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality) is common in children. Once an injury to the spinal cord is diagnosed, methylprednisolone should be administered as soon as possible in an attempt to limit neurologic injury.


Radiographs continue to be used as a first-line imaging diagnostic assessment modality in the evaluation of patients with suspected cervical spine injuries. The aim of cervical spine radiographs is to confirm the presence of a health issue in the complex structures of the neck and define its extent, particularly with respect to instability. Multiple views may generally be necessary to provide optimal visualization.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.


Although cervical spine radiographs are almost routine in many emergency departments, not all trauma patients with a significant injury must have radiographs, even if they arrive at the emergency department on a backboard and wearing a cervical collar. This article reviews the proper use of cervical spine radiographs in the trauma patient.

Low-risk criteria have been defined that can be used to exclude cervical spine fractures, based on the patient’s history and physical examination.1�6 Patients who meet these criteria (Table 1) do not require radiographs to rule out cervical fractures. However, the criteria apply only to adults and to patients without mental status changes, including drug or alcohol intoxication. Although studies suggest that these criteria may also be used in the management of verbal children,7�9 caution is in order, since the study series are small, and the ability of children to complain about pain or sensory changes is variable. An 18-year-old patient can give a more reliable history than a five-year-old child.

Some concern has been expressed about case reports suggesting that �occult� cervical spine fractures will be missed if asymptomatic trauma patients do not undergo radiography of the cervical spine.10 On review, however, most of the reported cases did not meet the low-risk criteria in Table 1. Attention to these criteria can substantially reduce the use of cervical spine radiographs.

Cervical Spine Series and Computed Tomography

Once the decision is made to proceed with a radiographic evaluation, the proper views must be obtained. The single portable cross-table lateral radiograph, which is sometimes obtained in the trauma room, should be abandoned. This view is insufficient to exclude a cervical spine fracture and frequently must be repeated in the radiographic department.11,12 The patient’s neck should remain immobilized until a full cervical spine series can be obtained in the radiographic department. Initial films may be taken through the cervical collar, which is generally radiolucent. An adequate cervical spine series includes three views: a true lateral view, which must include all seven cervical vertebrae as well as the C7-T1 junction, an anteroposterior view and an open-mouth odontoid view.13

If no arm injury is present, traction on the arms may facilitate visualization of all seven cervical vertebrae on the lateral film. If all seven vertebrae and the C7-T1 junction are not visible, a swimmer’s view, taken with one arm extended over the head, may allow adequate visualization of the cervical spine. Any film series that does not include these three views and that does not visualize all seven cervical vertebrae and the junction of C7-T1 is inadequate. The patient should be maintained in cervical immobilization, and plain films should be repeated or computed tomographic (CT) scans obtained until all vertebrae are clearly visible. The importance of obtaining all of these views and visualizing all of the vertebrae cannot be overemphasized. While some missed cervical fractures, subluxations and dislocations are the result of film misinterpretation, the most frequent cause of overlooked injury is an inadequate film series.14,15

In addition to the views listed above, some authors suggest adding two lateral oblique views.16,17 Others would obtain these views only if there is a question of a fracture on the other three films or if the films are inadequate because the cervicothoracic junction is not visualized.18 The decision to take oblique views is best made by the clinician and the radiologist who will be reviewing the films.

Besides identifying fractures, plain radiographs can also be useful in identifying ligamentous injuries. These injuries frequently present as a malalignment of the cervical vertebrae on lateral views. Unfortunately, not all ligamentous injuries are obvious. If there is a question of ligamentous injury (focal neck pain and minimal malalignment of the lateral cervical x-ray [meeting the criteria in Table 2]) and the cervical films show no evidence of instability or fracture, flexion-extension views should be obtained.17,19 These radiographs should only be obtained in conscious patients who are able to cooperate. Only active motion should be allowed, with the patient limiting the motion of the neck based on the occurrence of pain. Under no circumstance should cervical spine flexion and extension be forced, since force may result in cord injury.

Although they may be considered adequate to rule out a fracture, cervical spine radiographs have limitations. Up to 20 percent11,20,21 of fractures are missed on plain radiographs. If there is any question of an abnormality on the plain radiograph or if the patient has neck pain that seems to be disproportionate to the findings on plain films, a CT scan of the area in question should be obtained. The CT is excellent for identifying fractures, but its ability to show ligamentous injuries is limited.22 Occasionally, plain film tomography may be in order if there is a concern about a type II dens fracture (Figure 1).

While some studies have used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as an adjunct to plain films and CT scanning,23,24 the lack of wide availability and the relatively prolonged time required for MRI scanning limits its usefulness in the acute setting. Another constraint is that resuscitation equipment with metal parts may not be able to function properly within the magnetic field generated by the MRI.

Cervical Spine Radiography

Figure 2 summarizes the approach to reading cervical spine radiographs.

Lateral View

Alignment of the vertebrae on the lateral film is the first aspect to note (Figure 3). The anterior margin of the vertebral bodies, the posterior margin of the vertebral bodies, the spinolaminar line and the tips of the spinous processes (C2-C7) should all be aligned. Any malalignment (Figures 4 and 5) should be considered evidence of ligamentous injury or occult fracture, and cervical spine immobilization should be maintained until a definitive diagnosis is made.

Confusion can sometimes result from pseudosubluxation, a physiologic misalignment that is due to ligamentous laxity, which can occur at the C2-C3 level and, less commonly, at the C3-C4 level. While pseudosubluxation usually occurs in children, it also may occur in adults. If the degree of subluxation is within the normal limits listed in Table 2 and the neck is not tender at that level, flexion-extension views may clarify the situation. Pseudosubluxation should disappear with an extension view. However, flexion-extension views should not be obtained until the entire cervical spine is otherwise cleared radiographically.

After ensuring that the alignment is correct, the spinous processes are examined to be sure that there is no widening of the space between them. If widening is present, a ligamentous injury or fracture should be considered. In addition, if angulation is more than 11 degrees at any level of the cervical spine, a ligamentous injury or fracture should be assumed. The spinal canal (Figure 2) should be more than 13 mm wide on the lateral view. Anything less than this suggests that spinal cord compromise may be impending.

Next, the predental space�the space between the odontoid process and the anterior portion of the ring of C1 (Figure 2)�is examined. This space should be less than 3 mm in adults and less than 4 mm in children (Table 2). An increase in this space is presumptive evidence of a fracture of C1 or of the odontoid process, although it may also represent ligamentous injury at this level. If a fracture is not found on plain radiographs, a CT scan should be obtained for further investigation. The bony structures of the neck should be examined, with particular attention to the vertebral bodies and spinous processes.

The retropharyngeal space (Figure 2) is now examined. The classic advice is that an enlarged retropharyngeal space (Table 2) indicates a spinous fracture. However, the normal and abnormal ranges overlap significantly.25 Retropharyngeal soft tissue swelling (more than 6 mm at C2, more than 22 mm at C6) is highly specific for a fracture but is not very sensitive.26 Soft tissue swelling in symptomatic patients should be considered an indication for further radiographic evaluation. Finally, the craniocervical relationship is checked.

Odontoid View

The dens is next examined for fractures. Artifacts may give the appearance of a fracture (either longitudinal or horizontal) through the dens. These artifacts are often radiographic lines caused by the teeth overlying the dens. However, fractures of the dens are unlikely to be longitudinally oriented. If there is any question of a fracture, the view should be repeated to try to get the teeth out of the field. If it is not possible to exclude a fracture of the dens, thin-section CT scans or plain film tomography is indicated.

Next, the lateral aspects of C1 are examined. These aspects should be symmetric, with an equal amount of space on each side of the dens. Any asymmetry is suggestive of a fracture. Finally, the lateral aspects of C1 should line up with the lateral aspects of C2. If they do not line up, there may be a fracture of C1. Figure 6 demonstrates asymmetry in the space between the dens and C1, as well as displacement of the lateral aspects of C1 laterally.

Anteroposterior View

The height of the cervical spines should be approximately equal on the anteroposterior view. The spinous processes should be in midline and in good alignment. If one of the spinous processes is off to one side, a facet dislocation may be present.

Common Cervical Abnormalities

The most common types of cervical abnormalities and their radiographic findings are listed in Table 3. Except for the clay shoveler’s fracture, they should be assumed to be unstable and warrant continued immobilization until definitive therapy can be arranged. Any patient found to have one spinal fracture should have an entire spine series, including views of the cervical spine, the thoracic spine and the lumbosacral spine. The incidence of noncontiguous spine fractures ranges up to 17 percent.27,28 Figures 7 through 9 demonstrate aspects of common cervical spine fractures.

Initial Treatment of Cervical Spine and Cord

If a cervical fracture or dislocation is found, orthopedic or neurosurgical consultation should be obtained immediately. Any patient with a spinal cord injury should begin therapy with methylprednisolone within the first eight hours after the injury, with continued administration for up to 24 hours. Patients should receive methylprednisolone in a dosage of 30 mg per kg given intravenously over one hour. Over the next 23 hours, intravenous methylprednisolone in a dosage of 5.4 mg per kg per hour should be administered. This therapy has been shown to improve outcomes and minimize cord injury,29 although it is not without its problems. The incidence of pneumonia is increased in patients treated with high dosages of methylprednisolone.30

�Sciwora� Syndrome: Unique in Children

A special situation involving children deserves mention. In children, it is not uncommon for a spinal cord injury to show no radiographic abnormalities. This situation has been named �SCIWORA� (spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality) syndrome. SCIWORA syndrome occurs when the elastic ligaments of a child’s neck stretch during trauma. As a result, the spinal cord also undergoes stretching, leading to neuronal injury or, in some cases, complete severing of the cord.31 This situation may account for up to 70 percent of spinal cord injuries in children and is most common in children younger than eight years. Paralysis may be present on the patient’s arrival in the emergency department. However, up to 30 percent of patients have a delayed onset of neurologic abnormalities, which may not occur until up to four or five days after the injury. In patients with delayed symptoms, many have neurologic symptoms at the time of the injury, such as paresthesias or weakness, that have subsequently resolved.32

It is important to inform the parents of young patients with neck trauma about this possibility so that they will be alert for any developing symptoms or signs. Fortunately, most children with SCIWORA syndrome have a complete recovery, especially if the onset is delayed.33 It is possible to evaluate these injuries with MRI, which will show the abnormality and help determine the prognosis: a patient with complete cord transection is unlikely to recover.3

The treatment of SCIWORA syndrome has not been well studied. However, the general consensus is that steroid therapy should be used.34 In addition, any child who has sustained a significant degree of trauma but has recovered completely should be restricted from physical activities for several weeks.34

Dr Jimenez White Coat

Cervical spine radiographs include three standard views, such as the coned odontoid peg view, the anteroposterior view of the entire cervical spine, and the lateral view of the entire cervical spine. Most qualified and experienced healthcare professionals, including chiropractors, offer additional views to visualize the cervicothoracic junction as well as to evaluate the proper alignment of the spine in all patients.�

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.

About the Authors

MARK A. GRABER, M.D., is associate professor of clinical family medicine and surgery (emergency medicine) at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City. He received his medical degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, and served a residency in family medicine at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City.

MARY KATHOL, M.D., is associate professor of radiology at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. She is also head of the musculoskeletal radiology section. She received her medical degree from the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kan., and served a residency in radiology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine.

Address correspondence to Mark A. Graber, M.D., Department of Family Medicine, Steindler Bldg., University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa 52242. Reprints are not available from the authors.

In conclusion,�it is essential to evaluate all views of the cervical spine through imaging diagnostic assessments. While cervical spine radiographs can reveal injuries and conditions, not all neck injuries are detected through radiography. Computed tomography, or CT, scans of the cervical spine are highly accurate in the diagnosis of neck fractures which can help with treatment. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.

Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez

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Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain

Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.


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EXTRA EXTRA | IMPORTANT TOPIC: Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment


1.�Kreipke DL, Gillespie KR, McCarthy MC, Mail JT, Lappas JC, Broadie TA. Reliability of indications for cervical spine films in trauma patients.�J Trauma. 1989;29:1438�9.

2.�Ringenberg BJ, Fisher AK, Urdaneta LF, Midthun MA. Rational ordering of cervical spine radiographs following trauma.�Ann Emerg Med. 1988;17:792�6.

3.�Bachulis BL, Long WB, Hynes GD, Johnson MC. Clinical indications for cervical spine radiographs in the traumatized patient.�Am J Surg. 1987;153:473�8.

4.�Hoffman JR, Schriger DL, Mower W, Luo JS, Zucker M. Low-risk criteria for cervical-spine radiography in blunt trauma: a prospective study.�Ann Emerg Med. 1992;21:1454�60.

5.�Saddison D, Vanek VW, Racanelli JL. Clinical indications for cervical spine radiographs in alert trauma patients.�Am Surg. 1991;57:366�9.

6.�Kathol MH, El-Khoury GY. Diagnostic imaging of cervical spine injuries.�Seminars in Spine Surgery. 1996;8(1):2�18.

7.�Lally KP, Senac M, Hardin WD Jr, Haftel A, Kaehler M, Mahour GH. Utility of the cervical spine radiograph in pediatric trauma.�Am J Surg. 1989;158:540�1.

8.�Rachesky I, Boyce WT, Duncan B, Bjelland J, Sibley B. Clinical prediction of cervical spine injuries in children. Radiographic abnormalities.�Am J Dis Child. 1987;141:199�201.

9.�Laham JL, Cotcamp DH, Gibbons PA, Kahana MD, Crone KR. Isolated head injuries versus multiple trauma in pediatric patients: do the same indications for cervical spine evaluation apply?�Pediatr Neurosurg. 1994;21:221�6.

10.�McKee TR, Tinkoff G, Rhodes M. Asymptomatic occult cervical spine fracture: case report and review of the literature.�J Trauma. 1990;30:623�6.

11.�Woodring JH, Lee C. Limitations of cervical radiography in the evaluation of acute cervical trauma.�J Trauma. 1993;34:32�9.

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16.�Apple JS, Kirks DR, Merten DF, Martinez S. Cervical spine fractures and dislocations in children.�Pediatr Radiol. 1987;17:45�9.

17.�Turetsky DB, Vines FS, Clayman DA, Northup HM. Technique and use of supine oblique views in acute cervical spine trauma.�Ann Emerg Med. 1993;22:685�9.

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19.�Lewis LM, Docherty M, Ruoff BE, Fortney JP, Keltner RA Jr, Britton P. Flexion-extension views in the evaluation of cervical-spine injuries.�Ann Emerg Med. 1991;20:117�21.

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22.�Woodring JH, Lee C. The role and limitations of computed tomographic scanning in the evaluation of cervical trauma.�J Trauma. 1992;33:698�708.

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34.�Kriss VM, Kriss TC. SCIWORA (spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality) in infants and children.�Clin Pediatr. 1996;35:119�24.

The editors of AFP welcome the submission of manuscripts for the Radiologic Decision-Making series. Send submissions to Jay Siwek, M.D., following the guidelines provided in �Information for Authors.�

Coordinators of this series are Thomas J. Barloon, M.D., associate professor of radiology and George R. Bergus, M.D., assistant professor of family practice, both at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City.

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Imaging the Spine in Arthritis: a Pictorial Review

Imaging the Spine in Arthritis: a Pictorial Review

Many types of arthritis can affect the structure and function of the muscles, bones and/or joints, causing symptoms such as, pain, stiffness and swelling. While arthritis can commonly affect the hands, wrists, elbows, hips, knees and feet, it can also affect the facet joints found along the length of the spine. One of the most well-known types of arthritis, known as rheumatoid arthritis or RA, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints which occurs when the human body’s own immune system attacks the synovium, the thin membrane that lines the joints. According to the article below, imaging the spine in arthritis is fundamental towards its proper treatment.




Spinal involvement is frequent in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and seronegative spondyloarthritides (SpA), and its diagnosis is important. Thus, MRI and CT are increasingly used, although radiography is the recommended initial examination. The purpose of this review is to present the typical radiographic features of spinal changes in RA and SpA in addition to the advantages of MRI and CT, respectively. RA changes are usually located in the cervical spine and can result in serious joint instability. Subluxation is diagnosed by radiography, but supplementary MRI and/or CT is always indicated to visualize the spinal cord and canal in patients with vertical subluxation, neck pain and/or neurological symptoms. SpA may involve all parts of the spine. Ankylosing spondylitis is the most frequent form of SpA and has rather characteristic radiographic features. In early stages, it is characterized by vertebral squaring and condensation of vertebral corners, in later stages by slim ossifications between vertebral bodies, vertebral fusion, arthritis/ankylosis of apophyseal joints and ligamentous ossification causing spinal stiffness. The imaging features of the other forms of SpA can vary, but voluminous paravertebral ossifications often occur in psoriatic SpA. MRI can detect signs of active inflammation as well as chronic structural changes; CT is valuable for detecting a�fracture.


Keywords:�Spine,�Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Spondyloarthropathies




The spine can be involved in most inflammatory disorders encompassing rheumatoid arthritis (RA), seronegative spondyloarthritides (SpA), juvenile arthritides and less frequent disorders such as, arthro-osteitis and SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis) syndrome.


During the last decade, the diagnostic use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) has increased considerably, although radiography is still the recommended initial examination. It is therefore important to know the characteristic radiographic findings in arthritides in addition to the advantages of supplementary MRI and CT. This review will focus on the different imaging features and be concentrated on the most frequent inflammatory spinal changes seen in RA and SpA, respectively. These two entities display somewhat different imaging features, which are important to recognize.



Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which causes the human body’s own immune system to attack and often destroy the lining of the joints. Although it commonly affects the small joints of the hands and feet, rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, can affect any joint in the human body. The neck, or cervical spine, can be affected more often than the lower back if rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints in the spine.�

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.

Rheumatoid Arthritis


Involvement in RA is usually located in the cervical spine where erosive changes are predominantly seen in the atlanto-axial region. Inflamed and thickened synovium (pannus) can occur around the odontoid process (dens) and cause bone erosion and destruction of surrounding ligaments, most seriously if the posterior transverse ligament is involved. Laxity or rupture of the transverse ligament causes instability with a potential risk of spinal cord injury. Cervical RA involvement is a progressive, serious condition with reduced lifetime expectancy [1], and its diagnosis is therefore important [2, 3].


Fig. 1 Standard radiography of the cervical spine in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). (a) Lateral radiographs in neutral position and (b) during flexion in addition to (c) lateral and (d) anterior-posterior (AP) open-mouth view of the atlanto-axial region (45-year-old woman). The flexion view (b) shows abnormal distance (>3 mm) between the posterior aspect of the anterior arc of the atlas and the anterior aspect of the dens (black line). Note that the spino-laminar line of the atlas�(arrow) does not align with that of the other vertebrae, confirming the presence of anterior subluxation, but there is no stenosis of the atlanto- axial canal; the posterior atlanto-dental interval (white line) is >14 mm. The open-mouth view (d) shows erosion at the base of the dens (arrow). (a) and (b) show concomitant disc degenerative changes at the C4�C6 level.

Fig. 2 Lateral and rotatory atlanto-axial subluxation. AP open- mouth view in a 53-year-old man with RA. There is narrowing of the atlanto-axial joints with superficial erosions (black arrow) and lateral displacement of the axis with respect to the lateral masses of the atlas (white arrow); in addition signs indicating rotatory displacement with asymmetry of the distance between the dens and the lateral masses of the atlas.


Radiography of the cervical spine is mandatory in RA patients with neck pain [3]. It should always include a�lateral view in a flexed position compared with a neutral position in addition to special views of the dens area to detect any lesions and/or instability (Fig. 1). A supplementary lateral view during extension can be useful to assess reducibility of atlanto-axial subluxation possibly limited by pannus tissue between the anterior arc of the atlas and dens.


Anterior atlanto-axial subluxation is the most frequent form of RA instability in the occipito-atlanto-axial region, but lateral, rotatory and vertical subluxation can also occur. The definition of the different forms of instability by radiography is as follows [3].


Anterior atlanto-axial subluxation. Distance between the posterior aspect of the anterior arc of the atlas and the anterior aspect of the dens exceeding 3 mm in a neutral position and/or during flexion (Fig. 1). It may cause stenosis of the atlanto-axial canal presenting as a posterior atlanto-dental interval<14 mm (Fig. 1).


Lateral and rotatory atlanto-axial subluxation.�Displacement of the lateral masses of the atlas more than 2 mm in relation to that of the axis and asymmetry of the lateral masses relative to the dens, respectively (Fig. 2). Rotatory�and lateral subluxation is diagnosed on open-mouth anterior-posterior (AP) radiographs. Anterior subluxation often coexists because of the close anatomical relation between the atlas and the axis.


Posterior atlanto-axial subluxation. The anterior arc of the atlas moves over the odontoid process. This is rarely seen, but may coexist with fracture of the dens.


Vertical atlanto-axial subluxation is also referred to as atlanto-axial impaction, basilar invagination or cranial�setting, and is defined as migration of the odontoid tip proximal to McRae�s line corresponding to the occipital foramen. This line can be difficult to define on radiographs, and vertical subluxation has therefore also been defined by several other methods. Migration of the tip of the odontoid process >4.5 mm above McGregor�s line (between the postero-superior aspect of the hard palate and the most caudal point of the occipital curve) indicates vertical subluxation (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3 Vertical atlanto-axial subluxation, measurement methods. (a) Lateral normal radiograph in neutral position showing the location of McGregor�s line (black) between the postero-superior aspect of the hard palate and the most caudal point of the occipital curve. Migration of the tip of the dens >4.5 mm above McGregor�s line indicates vertical subluxation. The distance indicated by the white line between McGregor�s line and the midpoint of the inferior margin of the body of axis is used to evaluate vertical subluxation according to Redlund-Johnell and Pettersson�s method. A distance less than 34 mm in men and 29 mm in women indicates vertical subluxation. (b) Sagittal CT�reconstruction of a normal cervical spine showing the location of McRae�s line corresponding to the occipital foramen and the division of the axis into three equal portions used by Clark�s method for diagnosing vertical subluxation. If the anterior arc of the atlas is in level with the middle or caudal third of the axis there is slight and pronounced vertical subluxation, respectively. (c) Ranawat�s method includes determination of the distance between the centre of the second cervical pedicle and the transverse axis of the atlas. A distance less than 15 mm in males and 13 mm in females indicates vertical subluxation [4].

Fig. 4 Vertical subluxation. (a) Lateral radiograph with McGregor�s line (black line; 61-year-old man with RA). The tip of the dens is difficult to define, but measurement according to Redlund-Johnell�s method (white line) results in a distance of 27 mm, which is below the normal limit. In accordance with this, the anterior arc of the atlas is level with the middle third of the axis. (b) Ranawat�s method, the distance between the centre of the second cervical pedicle and the transverse axis of the atlas is below the normal limit (9 mm). Thus, all measurements indicate vertical subluxation. Supplementary MRI, (c) sagittal STIR and (d) T1-weighted images show erosion of the dens and protrusion of the tip into the occipital foramen causing narrowing of the spinal canal to 9 mm, but persistence of cerebrospinal fluid around the cord. There is a 9-mm-thick mass of pannus tissue between the dens and anterior arc (black line) exhibiting small areas with high signal intensity on the STIR image (arrow) compatible with slight activity, but signal void fibrous pannus tissue predominates.

The occurrence of dens erosion can, however, make this measurement difficult to obtain. The Redlund-Johnell method is therefore based on the minimum distance between McGregor�s line and the midpoint of the inferior margin of the body of the axis on a lateral radiograph in a neutral position (Fig. 3) [4]. Visualisation of the palate may not always be obtained. Methods without dens and/or the palate as landmarks have therefore been introduced [4]. The method described by Clark et al. (described in [4]) includes assessment of the location of the atlas by dividing the axis into three equal portions on a lateral radiograph. Location of the anterior arc of the atlas in level with the middle or caudal third of the axis indicates vertical subluxation (Fig. 3). Ranawat et al. have proposed using the distance between the centre of the second cervical pedicle and the�transverse axis of the atlas at the odontoid process (Fig. 3) [4]. To obtain the diagnosis of vertical subluxation a combination of the Redlund-Johnell, Clark and Ranawat methods has been recommended (described in [4]). If any of these methods suggests vertical subluxation MRI should be performed to visualize the spinal cord (Fig. 4). Using this combination of methods vertical subluxation will be missed in only 6% of patients [4]. It is mandatory to diagnose vertical subluxation; this can be fatal because of the proximity of the dens to the medulla oblongata and the proximal portion of the spinal cord. Risk of cord compression/injury occurs, especially in patients with flexion instability accompanied by erosive changes in the atlanto- axial and/or atlanto-occipital joints, causing the vertical subluxation with protrusion of the dens into the occipital foramen (Figs. 4, 5).


Subaxial RA changes also occur in the form of arthritis of the apophyseal and/or uncovertebral joints, appearing as narrowing and superficial erosions by radiography. It can cause instability in the C2-Th1 region, which is mainly seen in patients with severe chronic peripheral arthritis. Anterior subluxation is far more frequent than posterior subluxation. It is defined as at least 3 mm forward slippage of a vertebra�relative to the underlying vertebra by radiography including a flexion view (Fig. 6). Changes are particularly characteristic at the C3�4 and C4�5 level, but multiple levels may be involved, producing a typical �stepladder� appearance on lateral radiographs. The condition is serious if the subaxial sagittal spinal canal diameter is <14 mm, implying a possibility of spinal cord compression [2]. The instability may progress over time, especially if the C1�C2 region is stabilized surgically (Fig. 6) [5].


Fig. 5 Vertical subluxation with spinal cord compression. MRI of the cervical spine in a 69- year-old woman with advanced peripheral RA, neck pain and clinical signs of myelopathy. (a) Sagittal STIR, (b) sagittal T1 and (c) axial T2 fat-saturated (FS) images show erosion of the dens and protrusion of the tip into the occipital foramen causing compression of the spinal cord, which exhibits irregular signal intensity (white arrows). The osseous spinal canal has a width of approximately 7 mm (black line). There is heterogeneous signal intensity pannus surrounding the dens compatible with a mixture of fibrotic and oedematous pannus tissue (black arrows) in the widened space between the dens and the anterior arc of the atlas.


Discitis-like changes and spinous process erosion may also be detected by radiography in RA, but are relatively rare, whereas concomitant degenerative changes occur occasionally (Fig. 1).


Cross-sectional imaging in the form of CT and MRI eliminates overprojecting structures and can improve the detection of RA changes. Osseous changes (erosions, etc.) can be clearly delineated by CT [6]. Additionally, MRI visualizes soft tissue structures (pannus; spinal cord, etc.), signs of disease activity and sequelae of inflammation in the form of fibrous pannus. These advantages of CT and MRI in patients with atlanto-axial involvement are illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8, including the possibility of detecting signs of arthritis by MRI before the occurrence of erosive changes (Fig. 8) [3].


Fig. 6 Subaxial instability. (a) Flexion view in a 64-year-old woman with advanced peripheral RA showing anterior atlanto-axial instability as well as subaxial instability at multiple levels. (b) Flexion view 2 years later after surgical stabilization of the atlanto-axial region demonstrates progression of the subaxial instability, especially between C3 and C4 (white arrow). There is a characteristic �stepladder� appearance, which also occurred on the initial radio- graphs (a), but is less pronounced.

Fig. 7 Advantages of CT and MRI. (a) Supplementary CT and (b-f) MRI of the patient shown in Fig. 1. CT demonstrates erosion not only at the base of the dens, but also at the tip and at the atlanto-axial and atlanto-occipital joints, which are difficult to visualize by radiography. MRI, (b) sagittal STIR and (c) sagittal T1 of the entire cervical spine and post-contrast T1FS images of the atlanto-axial region, (d) sagittal, (e) coronal and (f) axial. Oedematous voluminous pannus surrounding the dens is seen on the STIR and T1 images (black arrows) in addition to C4/5 and C5/6 disc degeneration with posterior protrusion of the disc at C4/5. The post-contrast T1FS images confirm the presence of vascularized enhancing pannus around the dens (white arrows) and demonstrate improved anatomical delineation compared with the STIR image. There is no sign of spinal cord compression.

Fig. 8 Non-radiographic MR findings. MRI in a 41-year-old woman with peripheral erosive RA and neck pain, but normal cervical radiography. (a) Post-contrast axial and (b) coronal TIFS images show signs of active arthritis with synovial contrast enhancement at the left atlanto-axial joint in addition to enhancing pannus tissue at the left side of the dens (white arrows). There is also a subchondral enhancing area in the axis (black arrow) compatible with a pre-erosive lesion.


A diagnostic strategy according to Younes et al. [3] is recommended (Fig. 9). This includes an indication for radiography in all RA patients with disease duration >2 years as cervical involvement may occur in over 70% of patients and has been reported to be asymptomatic in 17% of RA patients. It is recommended to monitor patients with manifest peripheral erosions accompanied by RF (rheumatoid factor) and antiCCP (antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide) positivity every second year and�patients with few peripheral erosions and RF negativity at 5-year intervals. MRI is indicated in patients with neurological deficit, radiographic instability, vertical subluxation and subaxial stenosis [2, 3]. Visualisation of the spinal cord is especially important to detect cord injury or risk of injury. MRI should therefore always be performed in RA patients with neck pain and/or neurological symptoms [3, 7].

Seronegative Spondyloarthritides


According to European classification criteria [8, 9], SpA is divided into: (1) ankylosing spondylitis (AS), (2) psoriatic arthritis, (3) reactive arthritis, (4) arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disorders (enteropathic arthritis) and (5) undifferentiated SpA. Inflammatory changes at the sacroiliac joints always occur in AS and are part of most other forms of SpA. Spinal changes are also a feature of SpA, especially in the late stages of AS.

Ankylosing Spondylitis


Ankylosing spondylitis is the most frequent and usually the most disabling form of SpA. It has a genetic predisposition in the form of a frequent association with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B27 [10]. AS often starts in early adulthood and has a chronic progressive course. It is therefore important to diagnose this disorder. According to the modified New York Criteria [11], the diagnosis of definite AS requires the following: manifest sacroiliitis by radiography (grade ?2 bilateral or unilateral grade 3�4 sacroiliitis; Fig. 10) and at least one of the following clinical criteria: (1) low back pain and stiffness for more than 3 months improving with activity, (2) limited movement of the lumbar spine and (3) reduced chest expansion. These criteria are still used in the diagnosis of AS despite the increasing use of MRI to detect the disease early. It is therefore important to know both the characteristic radiographic features and the MR features of AS.


Early radiographic spinal changes encompass erosion of vertebral corners (Romanus lesions) causing vertebral squaring and eliciting reactive sclerosis appearing as condensation of vertebral corners (shiny corners; Fig. 10). These changes are caused by inflammation at the insertion of the annulus fibrosus (enthesitis) at vertebral corners provoking reactive bone formation [12]. Later on slim ossifications appear in the annulus fibrosus (syndesmo- phytes) (Fig. 11) [13]. With disease progression the spine gradually fuses because of syndesmophytes crossing the intervertebral spaces in addition to fusion of apophyseal joints, resulting in complete spinal fusion (bamboo spine;�Fig. 12). In advanced disease the supra- and interspinous ligaments may ossify and be visible on frontal radiographs as a slim ossified streak (Fig. 12). The occurrence of a single central radiodense streak has, the �dagger sign�. When the ligamentous ossification occurs together with ossification of apophyseal joint capsules, there are three vertical radiodense lines on frontal radiography (trolley-track sign).


Fig. 9 Diagnostic strategy. According to Younes et al. [3] radiography of the cervical spine is indicated in all RA patients with disease duration >2 years. It should at least include open-mouth and lateral views in neutral and flexed positions. Because of the occurrence of asymptomatic cervical involvement in 17% of RA patients, it is recommended to monitor patients with intervals of 2�5 years depending on positivity for the rheumatoid factor. MRI is indicated in patients with neurological deficit, radiographic instability, atlanto-axial impaction and subaxial stenosis. CT may add information in rotatory and lateral subluxation because of the possibility of secondary reconstruction in arbitrary planes and a clear visualisation of the atlanto-occipital joints [6].

Erosive changes within intervertebral spaces (Andersson lesions) have been detected by radiography in approximately 5% of patients with AS [14], but more frequently by MRI (Fig. 11) [15].


Persistent movement at single intervertebral spaces may occur in an otherwise ankylosed spine, sometimes caused by non-diagnosed fractures. This can result in pseudo- arthrosis-like changes with the formation of surrounding reactive osteophytes due to excessive mechanical load at single movable intervertebral spaces [14]. The diagnosis of such changes may require a CT examination to obtain adequate visualization (Fig. 13).


One of the life-threatening complications of AS is spinal fracture. Non-fatal fractures have been reported to occur in up to 6% of AS patients, especially in patients with long disease duration [16]. Fractures may occur after minor trauma because of the spinal stiffness and frequently accompanying osteoporosis. Fractures often occur at intervertebral spaces, but usually involve the ankylosed posterior structures and are thereby unstable (Fig. 14). Obvious fractures can visualize by radiography, but fractures may be obscured. It is therefore mandatory to supplement a negative radiography with CT if fracture is suspected (in the case of trauma history or a change in spinal symptoms). The occurrence of cervico-thoracic fractures may cause spinal cord injury and be lethal even following minor trauma [17].


Cross-sectional CT or MR imaging can be advantageous in the diagnosis of AS changes. CT providing a clear delineation of osseous structures is the preferred technique for visualizing pseudo-arthrosis and detecting fractures (Figs. 13, 14). CT is superior to MRI in detecting minor osseous lesions such as erosion and ankylosis of the apophyseal, costo-vertebral and costo-transversal joints (Fig. 15). MRI can visualize signs of active inflammation in the form of bone marrow and soft tissue oedema and/or contrast enhancement. It has therefore gained a central role in the evaluation of disease activity [15]. MRI can, however, also detect sequelae of inflammation consisting of fatty deposition in the bone marrow and chronic structural changes such as erosion and fusion of vertebral bodies [15].


Characteristic MR findings early in the disease are activity changes mainly consisting of oedema at vertebral corners and/or costo-vertebral joints (Fig. 16) [13]. The inflammatory changes at vertebral corners are characteristic of AS. Based on the occurrence of severe or multiple (?3) lesions in young patients, AS changes can be distinguished from degenerative changes with a high reliability [18].


Fig. 10 Relatively early changes in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). (a) AP radiograph of the sacroiliac joints in a 28-year-old man presenting with typical definite bilateral AS sacroiliitis (grade 3) in the form of bilateral joint erosion accompanied by subchondral sclerosis. (b) Initial spinal changes consisting of erosion of vertebral corners (Romanus lesion) with vertebral squaring corresponding to Th11, Th12, L4 and L5 accompanied by condensation of the vertebral corners�shiny corners (arrows).

During the disease course signs of activity can also occur at syndesmophytes, apophyseal joints and interspinous ligaments (Fig. 16). Detection of inflammation at apophyseal joints by MRI, however, demands pronounced involvement�histopathologically [19]. The inflammation at vertebral corners is the most valid feature and has been observed related to the development of syndesmophytes by radiography [12], establishing a link between signs of disease activity and chronic structural changes.


Chronic AS changes detectable by MRI mainly consist of fatty marrow deposition at vertebral corners (Fig. 17), erosion (Fig. 11) and vertebral fusion in advanced disease (Fig. 12). Fatty marrow deposition seems to be an a sign of chronicity being significantly correlated with radiographic changes, in particular, vertebral squaring [15]. Erosions are more frequently detected by MRI than by radiography (Fig. 11) [15] and can present with signs of active inflammation and/or surrounding fatty marrow deposition compatible with sequels of osseous inflammation. Syndesmophytes, however, may not always be visible by MRI because they may be difficult to distinguish from fibrous tissue unless there is concomitant active inflammation or fatty deposition (Figs. 11, 16) [15, 20].


The possibility of visualizing disease activity by MRI has increased its use to monitor AS, especially during anti-TNF (anti-tumour necrosis factor) therapy [21, 22]. Several studies have shown that MR changes are frequent in the thoracic spine (Fig. 16) [15, 23]. It is therefore important to examine the entire spine using sagittal STIR or T2 fat-saturated (FS) and T1-weighted sequences. Supplementary axial slices can be necessary for visualising involvement of apophyseal, costo-vertebral and costo-transversal joints (Fig. 16) [24, 25]. Post-contrast T1FS sequences can sometimes be advantageous as they provide better anatomical delineation [26]. Additionally, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI may be superior to static MRI in monitoring disease activity during anti-TNF therapy [27]. Whole-body MRI gives the possibility of detecting involvement in other areas without losing important information about spinal and sacroiliac joint involvement [28, 29].


Other Forms of SpA


Radiographic changes in reactive and psoriatic arthritis are often characterized by voluminous non-marginal syndesmophytes (parasyndesmophytes) or coalescing ossification of the paravertebral ligaments in addition to asymmetrical sacroiliitis (Fig. 18) [30].


Reactive arthritis is self-limiting in most patients. However, in patients with chronic reactive arthritis and HLA B27 the axial changes may progress to changes somewhat similar to those seen in AS and can then be regarded as AS elicited by infection [10].


Fig. 11 Syndesmophytes and erosions in AS. (a) Lateral radiograph in a 29-year-old man with the characteristic slim ossification (syndesmophytes) at the periphery of the annulus fibrosus (black arrows) in addition to erosion of the endplates at the intervertebral (iv) space between L3 and L4 (white arrow). Supplementary MRI, (b) sagittal STIR and (c) T1-weighted images show small oedematous areas in the�erosion at iv L3/4 on the STIR image and surrounding fatty marrow deposition on T1 as a sign of previous osseous inflammation. There are additional erosive changes (black arrows, c) not clearly delineated by radiography and slight oedema at the vertebral corners (white arrows, b). Note that the syndesmophytes demonstrated by radiogra- phy are not visible on MRI.

Fig. 12 Advanced AS. (a) AP and (b) lateral radiograph in a 55-year-old man showing vertebral fusion due to syndesmophytes crossing the intervertebral spaces in addition to fusion of the apophyseal joints (bamboo spine). The interspinous ligaments are ossified, presenting as a slim ossified streak on the frontal radiograph (dagger sign; arrows). MRI, sagittal T1- weighted images of (c) the cervico-thoracic and (d) lumbar region, respectively, shows a general narrowing of the intervertebral discs with partial osseous fusion of the vertebral bodies, especially in the lumbar region (arrows). In addition a characteristic AS deformity with reduced lumbar lordosis and thoracic kyphosis.

Fig. 13 Pseudo-arthrosis-like changes in AS. (a) AP and (b) lateral radiograph showing vertebral fusion except at iv Th10/11. There is surrounding osteophyte formation at this iv space (arrows). Supplementary CT, (c) sagittal and (d) coronal 2D reconstruction, demonstrates lack of fusion of the vertebral bodies and apophyseal joints at this level (arrows). (e) 3D reconstruction clearly demonstrates the exuberant surrounding reactive osteophytes.

Fig. 14�Spinal fracture in AS. (a) AP and (b) lateral radiograph of the thoracic spine in a 64-year-old man with advanced AS and increasing back pain over 4 weeks. The lateral view demonstrates a slight malalignment at the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies of Th9 and Th10, and the iv is irregularly narrowed on the AP view, all�suggesting fracture (arrows). CT, (c) sagittal and (d) coronal reconstruction, shows fracture through the iv space and the posterior structures (arrows). There is widening of the intervertebral space anteriorly in the supine position used for CT compared with the upright position used during radiography.

Axial psoriatic arthritis (PsA) occurs in approximately 50% of patients with peripheral PsA [31]. It differs radiographically from AS by the voluminous paravertebral ossifications and the occurrence of spinal changes without concomitant sacroiliitis in 10% of patients [32]. Axial PsA may be clinically silent [33], and involvement of the cervical spine is frequent (atlanto-axial or apophyseal joint changes). The cervical recognize may include atlanto-axial instability as seen in RA (Fig. 19), but the pathogenesis and thereby imaging findings are different. In PsA radiography and CT usually visualize new bone formation in the region of the dens. This is elicited by osseous inflammation (osteitis) and/or inflammation at ligament/ tendon attachments (enthesitis) detectable by MRI (Fig. 19). Osteitis is often a feature of spinal PsA and can occur together with paravertebral ossification/para- syndesmophytes and erosion of vertebral plates (Fig. 20). , and illustrated MR findings in PsA are based on personal observations and seem to reflect the radiographic changes encompassing a mixture of osteitis, enthesitis and erosion. Unfortunately, there is a lack of�systematic description of spinal changes in PsA by MRI. Some of the patients described under the term SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis) syndrome may have PsA. SAPHO is a collective term often used for inflammatory disorders primarily presenting with osseous hyperostosis and sclerosis, and they are frequently associated with skin disorders. The most commonly affected site in SAPHO is the anterior chest followed by the spine [34]. The PsA changes shown in Fig. 20 are characterized by hyperostosis and sclerosis, both main features of SAPHO. However, this patient did not have anterior chest involvement.


Fig. 15 CT detection of costo-vertebral changes in AS. Axial CT slices showing erosive changes (a) and ankylosis of costo-vertebral joints (b), respectively (arrows).

Fig. 16 Activity changes in AS by MRI. Sagittal STIR of (a) the cervico-thoracic and (b) the lumbar spine of the patients shown in Fig. 10 obtained 3 years before the radiography. There are multiple high signal intensity areas corresponding to vertebral corners (white arrows). Additionally, osseous oedema of the costo-vertebral joints (a, black arrows) seen on the lateral sagittal slice of the thoracic spine. (c) Axial post-contrast T1FS of an inflamed costo-vertebral joint confirmed the presence of joint inflammation in the form of osseous enhancement in both the vertebra and the rib (arrows) in addition to joint erosion. (d) Midline sagittal post-contrast T1FS shows an�enhancing syndesmophyte. (e) Inflammatory changes at the apophy- seal joint in a 27-year-old man; sagittal STIR image of the lumbar region showing subchondral osseous oedema in the lower thoracic region (white arrows), and both osseous and soft tissue oedema corresponding to the lumbar apophyseal joints (black arrows). Note that the osseous oedema in the pedicle of Th12 extends to the region of the costo-vertebral joint. (f) Coronal post-contrast T1FS of the lumbar spine shows additional enhancement corresponding to the interspinous ligament between L2 and L3 (arrows).

Fig. 17 Chronic changes in AS by MRI. Sagittal T1 (a) the cervico-thoracic and (b) the lumbar spine of the patients shown in Fig. 10. There are multiple fatty marrow depositions at vertebral corners and also posteriorly in thoracic vertebral bodies (b, arrows). This was observed to have developed since the MRI performed 3 years previously (shown in Fig. 16 a-d) and corresponds to areas of previous inflammation.

In patients with enteropathic arthritis associated with Crohn�s disease or ulcerative colitis, the spine is often osteoporotic with various accompanying SpA features by radiography, mostly AS-like changes. However, by MRI there may be more pronounced inflammation in the posterior ligaments than seen in the other forms of SpA (Fig. 21).


Fig. 18 Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), paravertebral ossifications. (a) AP and (b) lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine in a 48-year-old man with PsA showing voluminous paravertebral new bone forma- tion (arrows) in addition to fusion of the second and third vertebral bodies. There was no concomitant sacroiliitis. (c) AP radiograph of the thoraco- lumbar junction in a female patient with axial PsA demon- strating coalescing paravertebral ossifications (arrows).

Fig. 19 Cervical PsA. (a) Lateral radiographs in the neutral position and (b) during flexion in a 61-year-old woman show atlanto-axial instability with a 4-mm distance between the anterior arc and the dens (white line). Additionally, ankylosis of the apophyseal joints (black arrows) and new bone formation anterior to the C4-7 vertebral bodies (white arrows). CT, (c) axial slice and coronal reconstruction of the dens area, demonstrates new bone formation in the atlanto-axial region (arrows); (d) coronal reconstruction of the lower cervical region shows voluminous new bone formation on the right side of the vertebral bodies (arrows). MRI, (e) sagittal STIR and (f) T1-weighted images, shows homogeneous osseous inflammation corresponding to the dens (arrows) with surrounding irregular oedema compatible with a mixture of osteitis and enthesitis. Note that the anterior new bone formation visualised by radiography is difficult to detect on MRI.

Fig. 20 Lumbar PsA. (a) AP and (b) lateral radiograph in a 50-year- old man show voluminous paravertebral ossifications anteriorly and at the right side of the third lumbar vertebra and adjacent iv spaces. MRI, (c) sagittal STIR, (d) T1 and (e) post-contrast T1-weighted images, demonstrates manifest osseous inflammation (osteitis) in the form of oedema and enhancement of the vertebral body, slight enhancement in the paravertebral new bone formation and erosion of the upper vertebral plate compatible with a mixture of osteitis, enthesitis and erosive changes.

Fig. 21 Enteropathic SpA. Sagittal STIR image of the lumbar spine in a 27-year-old man with ulcerative colitis demonstrates oedema corresponding to the interspinous ligaments (arrows) and spinous processes as signs of inflammation. There are only minimal activity changes corresponding to the vertebral bodies, located to the anterior vertebral corners.
Dr Jimenez White Coat

Rheumatoid arthritis of the spine can cause neck pain, back pain, and/or radiating pain in the upper and lower extremities. In severe cases, RA can also lead to the degeneration of the spine, resulting in the compression or impingement of the spinal cord and/or the spinal nerve roots. As a chiropractor, we offer diagnostic imaging to help determine a patient’s health issue, in order to develop the best treatment program.

Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T.



Radiography is still valuable in the diagnosis of spinal inflammatory disorders. It is necessary for visualizing instability and is superior to MRI for detecting syndesmophytes. However, MRI and CT can detect signs of spinal involvement before they can be visualized by radiography. MRI adds information about potential involvement of the spinal cord and nervous roots in addition to signs of disease activity and chronic changes such as fibrous pannus in RA and fatty marrow deposition, erosion and vertebral fusion in SpA. MRI is�therefore widely used to monitor inflammatory spinal diseases, especially during anti-TNF therapy.


Computed tomography is particularly valuable in the detection of fracture and minor osseous lesions as well as in the evaluation of pseudo-arthrosis. In conclusion, rheumatoid arthritis most commonly affects the structure and function of your hands, wrists, elbows, hips, knees, ankles and feet, however, people with this chronic inflammatory disease can experience back pain. Imaging the spine�in arthritis is fundamental to determine treatment. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic as well as to spinal injuries and conditions. To discuss the subject matter, please feel free to ask Dr. Jimenez or contact us at�915-850-0900�.


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez


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Additional Topics: Acute Back Pain


Back pain�is one of the most prevalent causes of disability and missed days at work worldwide. Back pain attributes to the second most common reason for doctor office visits, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections. Approximately 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at least once throughout their life. The spine is a complex structure made up of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, among other soft tissues. Because of this, injuries and/or aggravated conditions, such as�herniated discs, can eventually lead to symptoms of back pain. Sports injuries or automobile accident injuries are often the most frequent cause of back pain, however, sometimes the simplest of movements can have painful results. Fortunately, alternative treatment options, such as chiropractic care, can help ease back pain through the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations, ultimately improving pain relief.


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EXTRA IMPORTANT TOPIC: Sciatica Pain Chiropractic Therapy


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4 Reasons Why Chiropractic Is Good for Your Spine

4 Reasons Why Chiropractic Is Good for Your Spine

Your spine goes through a lot each day. It provides structural support and houses the central nervous system which carries impulses from the brain throughout the body. When it isn�t working as it should, the entire body can be affected. Chiropractic has long been praised as a way to keep the back healthy. Well, now we�ll get down to the nitty-gritty and examine just why it is so good for your spine.

It Improves Your Posture

Posture is not only good for your spine; it is beneficial for the entire body. It keeps the body in proper alignment which, in turn, allows the muscles to work as they should.

This prevents abnormal wearing on the surfaces of the joints and allows joint and muscles to work more effectively and efficiently. Good posture helps to avoid injury and even helps with proper organ function.

However, many people have poor posture and don�t even realize it. Chiropractic can help align the body and improving position which dramatically benefits the spine. The patient then enjoys an improved range of motion and even more energy as the body does not have to work so hard to compensate for misalignments and poor posture.

It Helps To Relieve Pain

As much as 90 percent of people experience back pain at some point. Considering all that the back goes through in a typical day, it isn�t much of a stretch to think that there might be some pain involved at times. It is especially true if the back is not correctly aligned.

Chiropractic thought of as a treatment for back pain, but what many people don�t realize is that it is also used to treat pressure in the knees, ankles, feet, hands, and jaw. Pain in the body�will often try to compensate by adjusting to take the pressure off of certain areas.

It can cause misalignment which can impact the entire system, causing pain and stiffness. A Doctor of Chiropractic may treat these problems with various chiropractic techniques, specific exercise recommendations, and even dietary changes to relieve the pain.

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It Strengthens The Spine To Support The Body

The spine is the primary support for the body. When it breaks down, the body suffers. Regular chiropractic treatment ensures that the spinal column remains in proper alignment which, in turn, keeps the body in proper alignment.

It helps with joint health as well as the health of the related muscles and ligaments. Your chiropractor can also recommend stretching and strength building exercises to help keep your spine healthy and supple.

Chiropractic helps to keep the back flexible which aids in preventing injury. A healthy spine is also less likely to become misaligned or experience pain. It can significantly improve your quality of life as you are more flexible and mobile.

It Improves Overall Health

Chiropractic is right for your spine which means it is good for your overall health. While many people think that its only purpose is to treat back pain, chiropractic focuses on total body wellness.

All too often problems within the body are interrelated. For instance, back pain could be the result of an altered gait due to an ankle injury.� A misaligned neck could cause a headache due to awkward sleep positions (or even the wrong pillow).

Chiropractors do treat the symptoms, but they also delve into the problem to discover the root so that true healing can occur. It not only makes the spine healthy but the entire body as well.

Chiropractic Alignment