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Taking Control of Upper Back Pain El Paso, Texas

Taking Control of Upper Back Pain El Paso, Texas

The upper back, known as the thoracic spine, is the area between the neck and lower back.

Stiffness, muscle spasms, and pain are common symptoms.

Individuals also complain of pain presenting when breathing deep, various types of body movements, or when the area is touched.

  • Poor posture
  • Deconditioning
  • Bending
  • Twisting
  • Sitting for a long time
  • Hard coughing
  • Hard sneezing
  • Carrying an overstuffed backpack

All can lead to upper back pain.

Scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the thoracic spine, sometimes causes upper back pain.


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Taking Control of Upper Back Pain El Paso, Texas


Rhomboid Muscle Strain/Spasm

Muscle strain is one cause of upper back pain.

These muscles help form the upper back and attach to three spinous processes.

The spinous processes are small bones on the back.

The rhomboid helps move the shoulder blades.

Rhomboid muscle strain and spasm are known to cause pain, especially between the shoulder blades.

Individuals compare the muscle spasms and discomfort to knots.


Upper Back Pain Treatment

If possible getting early treatment can speed healing and recovery.

Ice therapy is recommended for the first few days followed by heat therapy.

  • Ice packs
  • Ice cubes in a bag
  • A bag of frozen peas

Wrapped in a towel can be applied 20 minutes every 4-6 hours.

Heat treatment can start after two to three days of ice treatment.

The heat source should be wrapped in a towel, and removed before sleep.


Upper Back Stretching

Under a doctor’s guidance, these stretches and exercises can help relieve stiffness and pain.

Beginning with short three sets of five and gradually increase as the symptoms allow.

Take it slow and easy.

Arm Slide

Stand against a wall:

  • Position arms against a wall
  • Palms face the wall
  • Keep arms against the wall
  • Slowly slide them up above the head,� or as high as comfortably possible
  • Reverse and move arms down
  • Relax and repeat


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Taking Control of Upper Back Pain El Paso, Texas


Shoulder Squeeze

  • Sit or stand with arms at the sides
  • Squeeze and hold the shoulder blades together for 5 seconds
  • Release
  • Relax
  • Repeat


11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Taking Control of Upper Back Pain El Paso, Texas


Upper Back Stretch

  • Sit in a chair
  • Cross both arms behind the head
  • Bend forward gently�
  • Slowly arch backward
  • Release
  • Repeat



Lingering Symptoms

Upper back pain that results from injury should be looked at by a doctor/healthcare provider.

If home therapy fails to relieve symptoms call a doctor

They may recommend:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Trigger point injections can break the muscle irritability pattern and spasms
  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Physical therapy
  • Massage

All can help relax muscles, relieve pain and increase mobility.


Proven Reduced Back Pain with *FOOT ORTHOTICS* | El Paso, Tx



Kent S. Greenawalt, President, and CEO of Foot Levelers discuss how custom foot orthotics can help reduce back pain, low back pain, and sciatica.

In a recent research study published by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), researchers demonstrated that Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics help considerably reduce back pain and several of its associated health issues.

The research study also demonstrated that Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics and chiropractic care help tremendously reduce low back pain and sciatica.

Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics and chiropractic care helped improve the patient’s overall health and wellness.

Dr. Alex Jimenez is a chiropractor in El Paso, TX. can help provide these benefits through the utilization of chiropractic care and Foot Levelers custom foot orthotics, among other treatments.


NCBI Resources

Pain in the upper and/or mid-back is not as common as lower back or neck pain. The upper back is called the thoracic spinal column, and it is the most secure part of the spine. The reach of movement in the upper back is limited because of the backbone�s attachments to the ribs (rib cage).

Upper back pain is generally caused by soft tissue injuries, like sprains or strains, muscle tension caused by bad posture, or looking downward for long time spans (eg, texting, mobile phone use).


Functional Endocrinology: Pancreatic Digestive Disorder

Functional Endocrinology: Pancreatic Digestive Disorder

Do you feel:

  • Difficulty digesting roughage and fiber
  • Indigestion and fullness the last 2-4 hours
  • Pain, tenderness, soreness on the left side, under the rib cage
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Stool undigested, foul-smelling, mucus-like, greasy or poorly formed

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then you might be experiencing pancreatic digestive disorders.

The Pancreas

The pancreas is a gland organ located in the abdomen. It is part of the digestive system, producing insulin and other vital enzymes and hormones that help break down food. It has an endocrine function, due to releasing juices directly into the bloodstream and has an exocrine function that releases juices into the ducts in the body.


One of its many jobs the pancreas does is that it secretes out enzymes into the small intestine and continues to break down that left in the stomach. Another job is that it produces insulin and secretes it into the bloodstream, where it can regulate the body’s glucose or sugar level. When there is a problem with insulin control in the body, it can lead a person to have diabetes. Other health problems include pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.



Pancreatitis is an inflammation in the pancreas. It occurs when the digestive enzymes become activated while irritating the cells in the pancreas. With repeated damages to the pancreas, it can cause either two forms of pancreatitis, which is acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Both are very painful and can form scar tissue in the pancreas, causing it to lose its function. A poorly functioning pancreas can cause digestion problems and diabetes. Here are the conditions that can lead to pancreatitis:

  • Abdominal surgery
  • Alcoholism
  • Certain medications
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Gallstones
  • Obesity

Chronic Pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term progressive inflammatory disease in the pancreas that can lead to a permanent breakdown of the structure and function of the pancreas in the body. Studies stated that the most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is long term alcohol abuse, it is thought to account for between 70 to 80 percent for all cases, and significantly it affects more men than women.


Common signs and symptoms of chronic pancreatitis include:

  • Severe upper abdominal pain that is more intense after a meal
  • Nausea and vomiting

When the disease progresses, the episodes of pain will become more frequent and more severe to individuals. Some individuals eventually suffer from constant abdominal pain, and as chronic pancreatitis progresses, the ability of the pancreas to produce digestive juices will deteriorate, and the following symptoms appear:

  • Smelly and greasy stool
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Flatulence
  • Diabetes

There are numerous complications that an individual can potentially have with chronic pancreatitis. Nutrient malabsorption is one of the most complications since the pancreas is not producing enough digestive enzymes for the body to absorb the nutrients properly, leading to malnutrition. Another possible complication is the development of diabetes, where chronic pancreatitis damages the cells that produce insulin and glucagon to the body. Some individuals will also develop pseudocyst, which is fluid-filled that can form inside or outside the pancreas and can be very dangerous to the body since they can block the essential ducts and blood vessels.

Acute Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is a sudden inflammation of the pancreas. It causes the enzymes to be excessively produced, causing the pancreas gland to be swollen and inflamed. It will make digestion slow down and become painful, making the other body functions be affected as well as making the pancreas be permanently damaged and scarred.

Acute pancreatitis is painful and can develop quickly. It can trigger potentially fatal complications as the mortality rate can range from less than 5 percent to over 30 percent, depending on the severity of the condition and if it reaches to the other organs beyond the pancreas. The most common cause of acute pancreatitis is the production of gallstones in the gallbladder, alcohol misuse, and infections.


When a person has acute pancreatitis, they feel the pain in the lower abdomen and then feel it more gradually as the pain intensified until it is a constant ache. Other symptoms include:

  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain with coughing, vigorous movements, and deep breathing
  • Tenderness when the abdomen is touched
  • Fever
  • Jaundice, yellowish tinge on the skin and the whites of the eyes

Pancreatic Cancer


Also known as �the silent disease,” pancreatic cancer happens when uncontrolled cell growth begins to form in a part of the pancreas. Tumors develop and interfere with the way the pancreas works. Pancreatic cancer often shows any symptoms until the later stages, and it can be challenging to manage. The signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer include:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen that radiates to the back
  • Unintended weight loss or loss of appetite
  • Pale or grey fatty stool
  • Jaundice
  • New-onset diabetes
  • Blood clots
  • Depression
  • Fatigue


The pancreas is located in the abdomen, and its primary function is to produce insulin and necessary enzymes and hormone to aid the digestion of food. When complications are attacking the pancreas like pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis, it can damage the pancreas to stop producing insulin and can lead to chronic illnesses to spread all over the body. Some products can help support the sugar metabolism that the pancreas creates and offer nutrients and enzymatic cofactors to the gastrointestinal system in the body.

October is Chiropractic Health Month. To learn more about it, check out Governor Abbott�s proclamation on our website to get full details on this historic moment.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Banks, Peter A, et al. �The Management of Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis.� Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Millennium Medical Publishing, Feb. 2010,

Bartel, Michael. �Acute Pancreatitis – Gastrointestinal Disorders.� MSD Manual Professional Edition, MSD Manuals, July 2019,

Brazier, Yvette. �Acute Pancreatitis: Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, and Complications.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 19 Dec. 2017,

Brazier, Yvette. �Pancreatic Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 23 Oct. 2018,

Colledge, Helen, et al. �Chronic Pancreatitis.� Healthline, 14 Sept. 2017,

Crosta, Peter. �Pancreas: Functions and Disorders.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 26 May 2017,

Felman, Adam. �Chronic Pancreatitis: Treatments, Symptoms, and Causes.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 19 Dec. 2017,

Health Publishing, Harvard. �Acute Pancreatitis.� Harvard Health, July 2019,

Staff, Mayo Clinic. �Pancreatic Cancer.� Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 9 Mar. 2018,

Staff, Mayo Clinic. �Pancreatitis.� Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 7 Sept. 2019,



Functional Neurology: Brain Fog and Vision Problems

Functional Neurology: Brain Fog and Vision Problems

Have you been experiencing noticeable variations in your mental speed? Do you suffer from pain, discomfort, and inflammation? Have you been experiencing fatigue, especially after meals or exposure to chemicals, scents, or pollutants? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, you may be experiencing brain fog, unclear thoughts or concentration. �


Brain fog is a well-known symptom associated with a variety of health issues. It can affect many brain functions, including memory and concentration. It can occur as a result of poor lifestyle habits, including stress, an unhealthy diet, and lack of sleep, or due to other health issues, including multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Moreover, brain fog can be accompanied by other symptoms like vision problems. In the following article, we will discuss brain fog and vision problems. �


What is Brain Fog?


Brain fog can make a person feel as if the processes of thinking, understanding, and remembering are not working as they should. It can affect memory, the ability to process and understand information, visual and spatial skills, the ability to calculate and solve problems as well as executive functioning. If these essential brain functions don’t work efficiently, it can become challenging to understand, focus, and even remember simple things. It can ultimately lead to stress and fatigue. �


A variety of health issues can lead to brain fog. People with multiple sclerosis (MS) may experience changes in their ability to make decisions as well as to process and recall information. These changes are generally mild or moderate and they do not affect a person’s ability to live independently. However, they can be frustrating and these can make it difficult to complete regular tasks. Fibromyalgia can also affect a person’s concentration and memory. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is another chronic, or long-term, health issue that can result in brain fog, fatigue, and other symptoms, such as vision problems. �


Changes to a person’s hormone levels can also affect brain function, especially during pregnancy or menopause. A 2013 research study found that hormonal changes throughout a woman’s menopausal transition made it difficult for women to learn or retain new information and to focus on challenging everyday tasks. Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease can cause hormone imbalances. Memory and thinking problems similar to brain fog are also common in thyroid disorders. �


Depression is a mood disorder that affects how a person thinks and feels. Problems with memory, focus, and decision-making can contribute to brain fog. There may also be problems with sleeping and a lack of energy, which can make concentrating and completing everyday tasks much more challenging. Stress and anxiety can also make it difficult to think clearly. �


Vision Problems and Brain Fog


Many people with brain fog due to multiple sclerosis (MS) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) also experience vision problems. Healthcare professionals believe that vision problems associated with CFS and other health issues are caused due to brain dysfunction rather than eye dysfunction. Our brain constantly transmits signals into our eyes which allows us to know where we are as well as what it is that you�re seeing. The brain is also in charge of controlling the eye reflexes, including pupil dilation due to light and dark changes. However, these brain and eye functions may not work properly with brain fog. �


Most frequently, patients with brain fog experience vision problems where their environment appears to be blurry or it seems to be foggy. According to Dr. Peter Rowe, director of the Chronic Fatigue Clinic at Johns Hopkins Children�s Center in Baltimore, these vision problems most frequently occur when standing up, making the patients also feel lightheaded. �


Furthermore, other vision problems that CFS and MS patients commonly experience with brain fog, ultimately include:


  • Difficulty when focusing on objects, generally those which are close up
  • Inability to see objects in peripheral vision, as though they have tunnel vision
  • Dizziness and being unable to look at moving objects without feeling dizzy
  • Seeing an excess amount of “floaters” and/or “flashes of light” in their vision
  • Intolerant to light or feeling discomfort in bright rooms and outdoors in the sunshine
  • Feeling as though the eyes are dry or as though they’re itchy, gritty, or burning


Proper Health Care with Brain Fog and Vision Problems


People with brain fog and vision problems associated with CFS, MS, or any other health issue will commonly visit an optometrist or ophthalmologist. However, an eye exam will generally return as “normal�. In addition, prescription lenses may not help because of rapid vision changes. If you do wear glasses, tints may ultimately help reduce sensitivity to light. �


Because blurred or foggy vision is the most common problem associated with brain fog, researchers and healthcare professionals believe that improving blood flow to the brain can help improve symptoms. Treating any underlying health issues and/or practicing proper lifestyle habits, such as eating a healthy diet, engaging in exercise or physical activity, and sleeping properly can help promote proper blood flow to the brain and ultimately improve brain fog and vision problems. �


Blurry or foggy vision, among other vision problems, are frequently believed to be a temporary symptom and are more associated with lightheadedness and blood flow to the brain. You may need to see a cardiologist or a neurologist to treat lightheadedness or dizziness. If you have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple sclerosis (MS), or any other health issue where you find that you can�t tolerate bright light, you should wear sunglasses when you�re outdoors in the sunshine. �


El Paso Chiropractor Staff and Doctor

Brain fog commonly includes feelings of confusion and disorientation, where it can make a person have difficulty thinking, understanding, and even remembering basic information. Brain fog is a symptom, rather than a single disorder, associated with vision problems and other health issues like CFS and MS. Researchers and healthcare professionals believe that because brain fog can ultimately affect brain function, it can also affect essential eye reflexes responsible for these well-known vision problems, among other symptoms, including fatigue. – Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Neurotransmitter Assessment Form



The following Neurotransmitter Assessment Form can be filled out and presented to Dr. Alex Jimenez. Symptoms listed on this form are not intended to be utilized as a diagnosis of any type of disease, condition, or any other type of health issue. �



In honor of Governor Abbott’s proclamation, October is Chiropractic Health Month. Learn more about the proposal. �


Have you been experiencing noticeable variations in your mental speed? Do you suffer from pain, discomfort, and inflammation? Have you been experiencing fatigue, especially after meals or exposure to chemicals, scents, or pollutants?�Brain fog is a symptom that can affect many brain functions, including memory and concentration. It can also be accompanied by other symptoms like vision problems. In the article above, we discussed brain fog and vision problems. � The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �




  • Sissons, Claire. �Brain Fog: Multiple Sclerosis and Other Causes.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 12 June 2019,
  • Orenstein, Beth W. �When Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Harms Vision.�, Everyday Health, 4 March 2010,



Additional Topic Discussion: Chronic Pain


Sudden pain is a natural response of the nervous system which helps to demonstrate possible injury. By way of instance, pain signals travel from an injured region through the nerves and spinal cord to the brain. Pain is generally less severe as the injury heals, however, chronic pain is different than the average type of pain. With chronic pain, the human body will continue sending pain signals to the brain, regardless if the injury has healed. Chronic pain can last for several weeks to even several years. Chronic pain can tremendously affect a patient’s mobility and it can reduce flexibility, strength, and endurance.




Neural Zoomer Plus for Neurological Disease


Neural Zoomer Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate neurological diseases. The Neural ZoomerTM Plus is an array of neurological autoantibodies which offers specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus is designed to assess an individual�s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens with connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus aims to reduce neurological conditions by empowering patients and physicians with a vital resource for early risk detection and an enhanced focus on personalized primary prevention. �


Formulas for Methylation Support


Xymogen Formulas - El Paso, TX


XYMOGEN�s Exclusive Professional Formulas are available through select licensed health care professionals. The internet sale and discounting of XYMOGEN formulas are strictly prohibited.


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Arachnoiditis and Constant Pain In The Low Back El Paso, TX.

Arachnoiditis and Constant Pain In The Low Back El Paso, TX.

Arachnoiditis arach�?noid�?itis (?- rak-n?id-??t-?s) is a condition that is characterized by stinging, burning pain and neurological problems.

A common symptom is chronic and persistent�low back pain, lower limb pain.

It is inflammation of the arachnoid lining. This is one of three linings that surround the brain and spinal cord.

This inflammation causes:

  • Constant irritation
  • Scarring
  • Binding of nerve roots
  • Binding blood vessels

In the intradural space 3 meninges or protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.

  • Dura mater
  • Arachnoid
  • Pia Mater

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Arachnoiditis and Constant Pain In The Low Back El Paso, TX.


Symptoms of Arachnoiditis

Predominant symptoms are chronic pain in the:

  • Low back
  • Lower limbs
  • In severe cases the entire body

Other symptoms can include:

  • Leg tingling, numbness, and weakness
  • Weird sensations like the feeling of insects crawling on the skin or water running down the leg
  • Shooting pain like an electric shock sensation
  • Muscle cramps, spasms, and twitching
  • The bladder, bowel, and possible sexual dysfunction

Progression of the disease can make symptoms more severe and possibly permanent.

The pain is constant and incurable, which makes the disorder very debilitating. Those with arachnoiditis usually cannot work and have a disability.

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 Arachnoiditis and Constant Pain In The Low Back El Paso, TX.



Three main causes of arachnoiditis are:


Arachnoiditis has been recognized as a rare complication of spinal surgery usually after multiple or complex surgeries.

It can also be caused by trauma to the spine.

Similar causes include:

  • Multiple lumbar punctures
  • Advanced spinal stenosis
  • Chronic degenerative disc disease


Myelograms have come under scrutiny as being a possible cause of the condition.

A myelogram is a test where a radiographic contrast dye is injected into the area around the spinal cord and nerves.

The dye becomes visible on:

  • X-rays
  • CT
  • MRI scans

Used by physicians to diagnose spinal conditions.

Now there is a concern that repeated exposure to some of these dyes may cause arachnoiditis.

There is also a concern of the preservatives found in epidural steroid injections, that they may cause the condition, especially if the steroid medicine accidentally enters the cerebral spinal fluid.


The disorder can also be caused by certain infections that affect the spine like:

  • Viral and fungal meningitis
  • Tuberculosis



Currently, there is no cure for arachnoiditis.

Therefore, treatment is aimed at pain relief and is similar to how other chronic pain conditions are treated.

Examples include:

  • Spinal cord stimulation: is one of the best treatment options. Spinal cord stimulation runs on a device that transmits electrical signals to the spinal cord for relief.
  • Lidocaine intravenous infusions: Lidocaine is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
  • Ketamine infusions: Ketamine is an anesthetic, that also helps with pain relief.
  • Low-dose naltrexone is an anti-inflammatory for chronic pain management.
  • Pain medications like:
  • NSAIDs
  • Corticosteroids either taken orally or injected
  • Anti-spasm drugs
  • Anti-convulsants for burning pain
  • Physical therapy based on a doctor’s recommendation like:
  1. Hydrotherapy
  2. Chiropractic
  3. Massage
  4. Hot/cold therapy

Surgery is not recommended because it causes more scar tissue to develop and makes the irritated spine susceptible to more trauma.

Living with the Arachnoiditis

  • This condition can be extremely disabling.
  • Living with chronic pain is not an easy thing to do.
  • It affects the body and also causes mental stress.
  • People with the condition are encouraged to join support groups or find therapeutic outlets for stress.
  • Treatment plans are focused on pain relief and keeping a high quality of life.
  • Research is ongoing to find a cure.


*CHRONIC* pain Chiropractic Relief | El Paso, Tx



Patients with chronic pain discuss how their symptoms have affected their overall health and wellness. With chiropractic care, patients describe how Dr. Jimenez, a doctor of chiropractic or chiropractor in El Paso, Texas, has helped them recover their original quality of life.

Chiropractic care is an alternative treatment option that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of a variety of health issues, including chronic pain and personal injuries. Patients highly recommend Dr. Jimenez and his staff as the non-surgical choice for auto accident injuries and slip-and-fall accidents.


NCBI Resources

Those who continue to deal with the pain after a few weeks� time may choose to look for other solutions. This is also true for people who experience repeated flare-ups, or chronic lower back pain. One of the best and most popular options is chiropractic care. Chiropractic care doesn�t focus solely on the pain but helps the body heal itself. Chiropractors understand the bones, muscles, discs, and nerves in the back, and can figure out the reason for the pain.

From there, they can create a customized treatment plan from compresses to�spinal manipulation�to exercises that help heal the area and reduces the pain.


Functional Endocrinology: Stomach Digestive Disorders

Functional Endocrinology: Stomach Digestive Disorders

Do you feel:

  • Excessive belching, burping or bloating
  • A sense of fullness during and after meals
  • Gas immediately after a meal
  • Offensive breath
  • Difficulty digesting proteins and meats

If you are experiencing any of these situations, then you might be experiencing some stomach digestive disorders.

The Stomach


The human stomach�s core function is to aid food to digest when an individual eats. The four critical components of the gastric digestive function are:

  • A reservoir capacity
  • Acid secretion
  • Enzyme secretion
  • Gastrointestinal motility

These four components help the stomach function properly in the digestive system and help the body absorb essential nutrients and are responsible for getting rid of waste out of the body. Any disorders like GERD, gallstones, and Crohn’s disease are a few of the many illnesses that can affect not only the stomach but the entire digestive system. It can cause a person to feel discomfort and can be long term if the individual has not treated it.


GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease when the contents from the stomach move up into the esophagus, causing acid reflux. Researchers at the NIDDK (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) stated that about 20% of individuals are affected by GERD, if it is left untreated, it can sometimes cause serious complications.


One of the main symptoms that GERD causes is heartburn. Heartburn is a discomfort feeling that is felt from behind the breastbone as a burning sensation. It tends to get worse on a person if they lay down, bend over, after eating food. Not all individuals with GERD experiences heartburn, there are other possible symptoms such as:

  • Chest pains
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Bad breath
  • The sensation of a lump in the throat
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Respiratory problems
  • Tooth decay


Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluids that can form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that’s located on the right side of the abdomen, just beneath the liver. It also holds bile fluid that releases into the small intestines. Gallstones can range in sizes from as small as sand to as large as a golf ball. According to Harvard Health Publications, about 80% of gallstones are made of cholesterol, while the other 20% is made up of calcium salts and bilirubin.

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Gallstones can lead to pain in the upper right abdomen. An individual may start to feel gallbladder pains when they eat foods that are high in fat, especially fried foods. Furthermore, if the pain continues, it may lead to an inflamed gallbladder or cholecystitis. They may also experience symptoms like:

  • Pain on the right-hand side of the body, just below the ribs
  • Back pain between the shoulder blades
  • Pain in the right shoulder
  • Nausea
  • Dark urine
  • Clay-colored stool
  • Stomach pain

Researchers stated that some people develop the chemical imbalance in their gallbladders causes gallstones while others do not. Gallstones are more common among people with obesity, and studies revealed that women can develop gallstones and may require surgery to remove them.

Crohn�s Disease

Crohn�s disease is an inflammatory disease. It causes inflammation in the body’s digestive tract and can cause several chronic illnesses. Inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease can be in different areas of the digestive tract in different people. The inflammation often spreads deep into the layers of the affected bowel tissue, causing pain, and sometimes lead to life-threating complications.


Crohn�s disease symptoms can vary depending on which part of the gut is affected in the body. Specific symptoms can often develop gradually and become worse over time, and it is rare for the symptoms of Crohn’s disease to develop suddenly and dramatically. The symptoms of Crohn’s disease include:

  • Pain
  • Ulcers in the gut
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Diarrhea
  • A fever
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rectal bleeding and anal fissures
  • Anemia

The exact causes of Crohn’s disease are still unclear, but researchers theorized that it stems from an abnormal reaction in the immune system. The theory stated that the immune system attacks food, good bacteria, and beneficial substances as if they are unwanted substances. During the attack, the body’s white cells start building up in the lining of the gut and triggers inflammation. It is still unclear whether the abnormal immune system causes Crohn’s disease, but there are environmental factors that can increase the risk of inflammation.


The stomach’s primary function is to digest the food that a person consumes. Four components help aid the stomach to function correctly. When the stomach is dealing with chronic illnesses like Crohn’s disease, gallstones, and GERD, it can lead to inflammation on the intestinal barriers. When it is left untreated, it can lead to life long complicated problems in the body. Some products can help aid the stomach digestion as they help support the gastrointestinal system as well.

October is Chiropractic Health Month. To learn more about it, check out Governor Abbott�s bill on our website to get full details on this historic moment.

The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 .


AAAS, EurekAlert. �A Bulging Midriff Roughly Doubles Women’s Chances of Gallstone Surgery.� EurekAlert!, 13 Feb. 2006,

Brazier, Yvette. �Cholecystitis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 22 Jan. 2018,

Brazier, Yvette. �Crohn’s Disease: Symptoms, Diet, Treatment, and Causes.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 11 Jan. 2019,

Editorial Team, Healthline, and Heather Cruickshank. �Everything You Need to Know About Acid Reflux and GERD.� Healthline, 7 Dec. 2018,

Holland, Kimberly. �Understanding Crohn’s Disease.� Healthline, 2 May, 2019,

MacGill, Markus. �GERD: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.� Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 18 Jan. 2018,

Macon, Brindles Lee, et al. �Understanding Gallstones: Types, Pain, and More.� Healthline, 1 June, 2017,

O’Connor, Anthony, and Colm O’Mor�in. �Digestive Function of the Stomach.� Digestive Diseases (Basel, Switzerland), U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014,

Publishing, Harvard Health. �What to Do about Gallstones.� Harvard Health, 2011,

Staff, Mayo Clinic. �Crohn’s Disease.� Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 13 Sept. 2019,

Staff, Mayo Clinic. �Gallstones.� Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 8 Aug. 2019,

Unknown, Unknown. �Definition & Facts for GER & GERD.� National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1 Nov. 2014,

LLT Laser Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy El Paso, TX.

LLT Laser Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy El Paso, TX.

Dr. John Coppola and Dr. Valerie Monteiro know the symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy. Since many health professionals clarify peripheral neuropathy as an irreversible and permanent health problem which can only be handled via the usage of drugs/medications, Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro help cure cervical disease symptoms by treating the origin of the health dilemma.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment approach that could help naturally raise oxygen, blood circulation and flow within the human body. LLLT can speed up recovery to be stimulated by the mitochondria referred to as the cell’s powerhouses. Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro clarify how low-level laser treatment can help treat cervical disease symptoms and help overall well-being. Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX, helps treat peripheral neuropathy symptoms and other wellness problems.


LLT Laser Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy El Paso, TX (2019)


Neuropathy is a medical term used to describe a collection of general diseases or malfunctions which affect the nerves.

The causes of neuropathy, or nerve damage, can vary among individuals and these may be caused by different:

  • Diseases
  • Injuries
  • Infections
  • Vitamin deficiencies

Neuropathy can also be classified according to the location of the nerves being affected and according to the disease-causing it.

Neuropathy caused by diabetes is called diabetic neuropathy.

Furthermore, depending on which nerves are affected will depend on the symptoms that will manifest.

Peripheral neuropathy is simply referred to as neuropathy, which is a state that happens when the nerves become damaged or injured, oftentimes simply disturbed.

It�s estimated that neuropathy affects roughly 2.4 percent of the general populace and approximately 8 percent of people older than age 55.



Neuropathy can affect any of the three types of peripheral nerves:

  • Sensory nerves�transmit messages from sensory organs:
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Brain
  • Motor nerves track the movement of the muscles
  • Autonomic nerves regulate the involuntary body functions

Sometimes, neuropathy will only impact one nerve. This is medically referred to as mononeuropathy and instances of it include:

  • Ulnar neuropathy affects elbow
  • Radial neuropathy affects arms
  • Peroneal neuropathy affects knees
  • Femoral neuropathy affects thighs
  • Cervical neuropathy affects neck

Sometimes, two or more isolated nerves in separate regions of the body can become damaged, injured or disrupted, resulting in mono neuritis multiplex neuropathy.

Most of the time, multiple peripheral nerves malfunction at the same time, a condition called polyneuropathy.



Neuropathies are often inherited from birth or they develop later in life.

The most frequent inherited neuropathy is the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, which affects 1 in 2,500 people in the USA.

Although healthcare professionals are sometimes not able to pinpoint the exact reason for an acquired neuropathy, medically referred to as idiopathic neuropathy.

There are many known causes for them, including:

  • Systemic diseases – a systemic disease is one that affects the whole body.
  • Physical trauma
  • Infectious diseases
  • Autoimmune disorders

The most frequent systemic cause behind peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, which can lead to chronically high blood glucose levels that harm nerves.

Other systemic issues can cause neuropathy, including:
  1. Kidney disorders permit high levels of nerve-damaging toxic chemicals to flow in the blood
  2. Toxins from exposure to heavy metals include:
  • Arsenic
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Thallium
  1. Drugs/medications, including anti-cancer medications, anticonvulsants, antivirals, and antibiotics
  2. Chemical imbalances because of liver illnesses.
  3. Hormonal diseases, like hyperthyroidism, which disturbs metabolic processes, and potentially induces cells and body parts to exert pressure on the nerves.
  4. Deficiencies in vitamins, such as E, B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), B12, and niacin can be vital for healthy nerves.
  5. Alcohol abuse induces vitamin deficiencies and could harm nerves.
  6. Cancers and tumors can exert damaging pressure on nerve fibers and paths.
  7. Chronic inflammation can damage protective tissues around nerves, which makes them more vulnerable to compression, getting inflamed and swollen.
  8. Blood diseases and blood vessel damage, which may damage or injure nerve tissue by decreasing the available oxygen supply

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 LLT Laser Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy El Paso, TX. (2019)



Depending on the reason and unique to each patient, signs, and symptoms of neuropathy can include:

  • Pain
  • Tingling
  • Burning/prickling sensations
  • Increased sensitivity to touch
  • Muscle weakness
  • Temporary or permanent numbness;
  • Paralysis
  • Dysfunction in glands or organs
  • Impairment in urination and
  • Sexual function

Symptoms are dependent on autonomic, sensory, or motor nerves or a combination are affected.

Autonomic nerve damage can start a chain reaction of physiological functions like blood pressure or create gastrointestinal problems and issues.

Damage or dysfunction in the sensory nerves may impact sensations and sense of equilibrium or balance, while injury to motor nerves affects movement and reflexes.

When both sensory and motor nerves are involved, the condition is known as sensorimotor polyneuropathy.



Peripheral�neuropathy�may result in several complications, as a result of disease or its symptoms.

Numbness from the ailment can allow you to be less vulnerable to temperatures and pain, making you more likely to suffer from burns and serious wounds.

The lack of sensations in the feet, for instance, can make you more prone to developing infections from minor traumatic accidents, particularly for diabetics, who heal more slowly than other people, including foot ulcers and gangrene.

Furthermore, muscle atrophy may cause you to develop particular physical disfigurements, such as pes cavus, a condition marked by an abnormally high foot arch, and claw-like deformities in the feet and palms.



The first step in neuropathy treatment should be finding the root cause that’s causing the neuropathy.

Treatment of diseases such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Other underlying diseases

Prevents continued nerve damage and in cases heals the damaged nerves.

If you are unaware of any underlying disease that is causing the peripheral neuropathy, make sure to let your doctor know of abnormal symptoms.


Peripheral neuropathy can be treated with various medications.

The first type used to treat mild symptoms are:

  • Over-the-counter pain medications

In more severe cases:

  • Opiates
  • Narcotic medications
  • Anti-seizure medications

A doctor may prescribe a lidocaine patch or anti-depressants to relieve symptoms.

Patients should thoroughly discuss�neuropathy medication with a doctor before proceeding.

Chiropractic/Massage/Physical Therapy

Various manual therapies can benefit symptoms in neuropathy treatment.

A therapist or chiropractor will perform various manipulation techniques, and teach exercises and stretches to help improve symptoms combined with increased muscle strength/control.

A therapist may also recommend braces or splints to improve mobility.

Patients should attend all physical therapy sessions to gain maximum benefits.


Low-level-laser-therapy LLT

The primary and most debilitating symptom of diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a sensation of tingling, prickling, buzzing, pinching, burning, and/or sharp jabbing stabbing pain in the feet.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLT) takes information from the receptors on the membrane of the cell and mitochondrion or the engine of the cell.

This information reaches the cell’s DNA, that directly controls cell function.

When cells receive better information, they work better, along with the tissues they make up like:

  • Bones
  • Cartilage
  • Tendons
  • Ligaments

LLT promotes the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues,� and its�systemic effects on tissue function are also carried throughout the body by blood and meridians or energy channels.

The key basic physiological effects of llt low-level laser light include:

  • Increased cell membrane polarization/permeability
  • Adenosine-5-triphosphate (ATP) production and respiratory activity
  • Enzyme activity
  • Collagen and epithelial production
  • Capillary formation
  • Macrophage (immune system) activity
  • Analgesic effects due to elevated endorphin production
  • Electrolytic nerve blockage
  • Improved blood and lymph flow
  • An anti-inflammatory effect from improved circulation and accelerated tissue regeneration
  • Increased production of antioxidants

An additional benefit is that the light energy from llt low-level lasers will only be absorbed by cells and tissues that are not functioning normally and do not go after healthy cells.

Low-level laser therapy llt has the potential of providing an effective means of reducing low back pain that is:

  • Simple
  • Quick
  • Non-invasive
  • Side-effect free


Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin deficiencies can result in peripheral neuropathy in some people.

Therefore there needs to be a replenishing of vitamins:

  • B
  • B12
  • E

These can help to decrease symptoms.

Recommended dosages are 300mg daily of vitamin E.

Doses of the different B vitamins differ, but one option for patients is to take a daily B-complex supplement.


Herbal Supplements

Herbal remedies are an alternative to explore.

St. John’s Wort, is a herbal supplement that can be taken orally and can reduce the pain.

Topical creams that have capsaicin, which is an anti-inflammatory found in chili peppers, can reduce the burning sensation.

El Paso�s Premier Wellness & Injury Care Clinic.

Our services are specialized and focused on injuries and the complete recovery process.�Our areas of practice include:

As El Paso�s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinic & Integrated Medicine Center,�we passionately are focused on treating patients after frustrating injuries and chronic pain syndromes.

We focus on improving your ability through flexibility, mobility and agility programs custom-tailored for all age groups and disabilities.

We want you to live a life filled with more energy, a positive attitude, better sleep, less pain, proper body weight and educated on how to maintain this way of life.

We Are Ready To Get You Healthy & Back On Track!

11860 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 128 LLT Laser Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy El Paso, TX. (2019)

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NCBI Resources

While every type of neuropathy, such as diabetic neuropathy or autoimmune disease-associated neuropathy, develops its own unique group of symptoms, many patients will often report common complaints. Individuals with neuropathy generally describe their pain as stabbing, burning or tingling.�Low-level laser llt therapy can help relieve these symptoms.

If you experience unusual or abnormal tingling or burning sensations, weakness and/or pain in your hands and feet, it�s essential to seek immediate medical attention in order to receive a proper diagnosis of the cause of your specific signs and symptoms. Early diagnosis can help prevent further nerve injury.� And early laser treatment can help before symptoms really become severe. Visit

Functional Neurology: Brain Fog, Depression, and Fatigue

Functional Neurology: Brain Fog, Depression, and Fatigue

Are you constantly feeling exhausted? Have you been noticing any mood changes? Do you struggle to focus on regular tasks? Brain fog, which often includes depression and fatigue, is a health issue that can have consequences on all facets of your life. �


Why Depression Causes Fatigue


Depression is just one of the most frequent mental health issues in the United States. Some symptoms, which may stem from depression, are excessive feelings of guilt, hopelessness, insomnia, and fatigue as well as brain fog, among others. �


Depression, brain fog, and fatigue, or chronic tiredness, can frequently go hand in hand. It is a vicious cycle: brain fog makes you spend energy for you to make it through the day, which in turn, makes you feel even more tired when you also have depression. Then when you’re feeling unproductive, it worsens your depression even more and it can affect your sleep. �


The direction of causality has not been ascertained but researchers have found definite links between inflammation, brain fog, and depression. These links can go beyond just the cognitive and psychological aspects of depression and brain fog. �


Other health issues that can involve autoimmune and/or inflammatory processes also correlate with brain fog, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, several healthcare professionals and researchers now believe that inflammation may be a significant origin of depressive symptoms, although not the sole one. �


Understanding Brain Fog


We hear the term brain fog a lot nowadays but what exactly is brain fog? Brain fog isn’t a health issue on its own but rather a symptom of several different health issues. It’s a collection of symptoms, such as lack of motivation, irritability, inability to focus, and memory problems. It may generally feel like you’re losing control of your brain or your overall health and wellness. �


If you’ve ever experienced brain fog, you will know that its intensity may differ from day to day, even from one moment to the other. It may also ultimately feel almost as if the exterior world is moving too quickly for you to keep up with it. �


It can also become extremely frustrating if you can’t recall an ideal word during a conversation or in the event that you forget if you’ve locked the door in the morning. You must understand that it’s brain fog and know that it’s not who you really are. However, with long-standing depression, it may also begin to feel as if you’ve just become lethargic and slow. �


Health issues, such as brain fog, can be caused by several different physical and mental health issues. It can be difficult to explain to others that you’re feeling fatigued since it’s often simply mistaken for being tired after a long day of work. �


But fatigue is much more than just being tired. People experiencing fatigue feel tired even after mild exertion. Getting through an average day appears to be a marathon. And waking up feeling unrefreshed is a major indicator that your feelings of fatigue can possibly be a much more intricate health issue associated with inflammation, brain fog and depression. �


Why Depression Causes Brain Fog


Because brain fog can be an indication of many different health issues and not just depression, the relationship between both is not entirely clear. Depression disturbs the balance of the “feel good” chemicals in the brain, known as dopamine, which can also result in a chronic sense of sadness and lack of health and wellness. But that is not the whole story. �


Your upbringing can also set you up with a lack of self-compassion, which the helplessness of brain fog amplifies. Research studies show that these states can relate to elevated inflammatory chemicals that make you feel much more brain fog. �


Another cause of brain fog includes depression medicines, like antidepressants. The purpose of these drugs and/or medications is to relieve depression symptoms and re-establish the balance of chemicals in the brain. �


However, these medicines appear to contribute to brain fog as a side-effect due to the biochemical changes which they cause in the mind. If you feel that your antidepressants may be the actual culprit, it may be well worth monitoring when you experience a brain fog episode. Tracking your symptoms, in general, can help you figure out ways to counter brain fog. �


Research shows that depression negatively affects the brain’s reward system by changing the amount of dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in feelings of pleasure, reward, and motivation. A reward system that is disrupted can ultimately make it difficult to find the point in spending some energy to perform or participate in regular everyday activities. �


Insomnia, which is distinguished by difficulty falling or staying asleep, is closely related to depression. This usually means that the probability of depression raises since it deprives us of the physical repairs of sleep and power. And having depression, in turn, makes it difficult to get a good night’s sleep because of the cycle of unwanted thoughts. The end-product is, as you may have guessed, unbeatable tiredness or fatigue. After all, brain fog, depression, and fatigue all seem to be connected. �


El Paso Chiropractor Staff and Doctor

Brain fog is closely associated with both depression and fatigue. Being open and honest about your symptoms can be a fundamental step in your recovery process. Although inflammation is the human body’s immune response to injury, infection, or illness, too much inflammation can actually cause a variety of health issues. Evidence from research studies has demonstrated that inflammation can ultimately be associated with brain fog, depression, and even fatigue symptoms.�- Dr. Alex Jimenez D.C., C.C.S.T. Insight



Neurotransmitter Assessment Form


The following Neurotransmitter Assessment Form can be filled out and presented to Dr. Alex Jimenez. Symptoms listed on this form are not intended to be utilized as a diagnosis of any type of disease, condition, or any other type of health issue. �



In honor of Governor Abbott’s proclamation, October is Chiropractic Health Month. Learn more about the proposal. �


Are you constantly feeling exhausted? Have you been noticing any mood changes? Do you struggle to focus on regular tasks? Brain fog, which includes depression and fatigue, is a problem that can affect your overall health and wellness. The scope of our information is limited to chiropractic, musculoskeletal and nervous health issues as well as functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions. We use functional health protocols to treat injuries or chronic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. To further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez or contact us at 915-850-0900 . �


Curated by Dr. Alex Jimenez �



Additional Topic Discussion: Chronic Pain


Sudden pain is a natural response of the nervous system which helps to demonstrate possible injury. By way of instance, pain signals travel from an injured region through the nerves and spinal cord to the brain. Pain is generally less severe as the injury heals, however, chronic pain is different than the average type of pain. With chronic pain, the human body will continue sending pain signals to the brain, regardless if the injury has healed. Chronic pain can last for several weeks to even several years. Chronic pain can tremendously affect a patient’s mobility and it can reduce flexibility, strength, and endurance.




Neural Zoomer Plus for Neurological Disease

Neural Zoomer Plus | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Dr. Alex Jimenez utilizes a series of tests to help evaluate neurological diseases. The Neural ZoomerTM Plus is an array of neurological autoantibodies which offers specific antibody-to-antigen recognition. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus is designed to assess an individual�s reactivity to 48 neurological antigens with connections to a variety of neurologically related diseases. The Vibrant Neural ZoomerTM Plus aims to reduce neurological conditions by empowering patients and physicians with a vital resource for early risk detection and an enhanced focus on personalized primary prevention. �


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